I'm sorry there is no way Santa can visit every house in the world in 24 hours

8635  2016-12-25 by agentf90

That Google Santa Tracker is total bullshit. How can kids not see through this nonsense?

edit: I see the paid Christmas shills are out in full force tonight

edit: more evidence: whistler blower confronts Santa on his "throne of lies" ...what more proof do you need people?

edit: confirmed: OP is a paid shill spreading disinformation

TLDR: Santa is an mkultra imprint funded by TPTB


OP, you have provided absolutely no evidence to back up your assertion.

Everybody, this is nothing more than wild speculation, please don't let it ruin your Christmas.

26/12 UPDATE: I am now locking this post, and you will not be able to comment further. Thank you to everybody who entered into the Christmas spirit and participated with good humour. And to the grinches who didn't appreciate the joke, or who took advantage of the parodic nature of the post to criticise the sub in a mean-spirited way, bah humbug to you!

You want proof?

There are approximately two billion children (persons under the age of eighteen) in this world. however, since santa does not visit children of Muslim, hindu, jewish or Buddhists religions, this reduces old Chris Cringle's work load for christmas night to about 15% of the total, roughly 378 million at average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that comes to 108 million homes, presuming that there is a least one good child in each.

Santa has about 31 hours of christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west ( which seems fairly logical). this works out to be 967.7 visits per second. This is to say that for every christian household with at least one good child santa has around 1/1000th of a second to park the sleigh, hop out, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks were left for him, get back in the chimney jump into the sleigh and get on to the next house.

Now assuming that each of these 108 million stops is evenly distributed around the earth (which we know is false, but we will accept the this for the purposes of the calculations)... we are now talking about .78 miles per household: a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting bathroom stops or breaks. this means santa and his sleigh are moving at about 650 miles per second- which is 3,000 times the speed of sound. for purposes of comparison, the fastest man made vehicle "the ulysses space probe" moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second, and a conventional reindeer can run at best 15 miles per hour.

The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium sized lego set ( we'll say about two pounds) the sleigh is carrying over 500 thousand tons, not counting the big man him self. On land, a conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. even with the benefit of the doubt, the flying reindeer could pull lets say ten times the normal amount (that seem reasonable, right?) the job cant be done with just eight or even nine of them...

Santa would need approximately 360,000 of them. this increases the payload, not counting the weight of the sleigh, another 54,000 tons, or roughly seven times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth (the ship .... not the monarch) 600,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second would create enormous air resistance. this would heat up the reindeer in the same fashion as a spacecraft reentering into the earths atmosphere.

The lead pair of reindeer would absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy per each second. in short, they would burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them and creating a deafening sonic boom effect in their wake. the entire reindeer team would be vaporized within 4.26 thousands of a second, or right about the time santa reached the fifth house on his trip. not that it matters, however, since santa as a result of accelerating from a dead stop to 650 m.p.s. in.001 seconds, he would be subjected to acceleration forces of 17,500 g's.

A jolly 300 pound santa would be pinned to the back of the sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force, instantaneously crushing his bones and vital organs and reducing him to a quivering blob of pink, Santa goo. therefore, if santa did exist; He's dead now........

Merry Christmas Everyone.

We don't take kindly to your logic in these parts

Upvote for making me spit my cider out in laughter.

We dont take kindly to those who dont take kindly round here

We don't take kindly to those who don't take kindly to those who don't take kindly round these parts

You are thinking so linearly. A local time dilation device covers most of this, and anyone with such tech would easily be able to manipulate gravity to do other neat stuff like compress the gifts down to a more manageable size.

Santa just has a better command of physics than you do, bud. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


You understand he works all year from the 5th dimension. It just seems like he does it all in 31 hours. Time has no meaning to him.

He's got a DeLorean at home.

I demand you post this as a separate post instead of as a reply to the sticky mod comment nobody ever reads! For the karma!

I'm sorry to ruin your fancy calculations but I don't seem to see the formula for magic used. It's a common mistake with you smart folk.

I had to expand Mr Mod's comment chain just to see this. Bravo sir, you made my Christmas even more merry!

My prof read this out loud on the last day of class to all the students. Your research has been disproven by one key miscalculation. In the Polar Express a Flux Capacitor can be seen on the sled. Furthermore the existence of magic can be definitely seen by the fact that there is light in the North Pole mid winter.

For someone who seems to know a lot about physics, this guy obviously has not even the slightest grasp of magic.

Solid copy pasta, I see this everywhere

I like you a lot. Merry Christmas.

You lost all credibility when you spelled his (Kris Kringle) name wrong. Obviously need to brush up on research skills.

You also did not factor in the close relationship Kris Kringle has with Father Time. 31 hours to work with? Try again. He has an infinite amount of "time" to work with.

Obviously he does not work within the 3rd dimension while making his annual deliveries.

Yeah but but bu....... HE'S MAGIC.

It is called the magic of christmas. Please

Why did I read that whole thing lol


Dude. Wormholes.

Santa is a Time Lord.

Poof there goes your theory.

Somebody gild that...this man laid out why Santa isn't real, and made me sad....

I'm 35

I fucking love this sub



LOL. You've been storing up your rage for 4 years without making a single post to /r/conspiracy, and this is what tips you over the edge?

EDIT: Oops sorry, forgot to sticky.

Nah this post was in r/all. Mods do this all the time and it's annoying. Thanks for not insta banning me like most mods do.

Edit: I'm worried you're gonna get butthurt that I'm getting upvotes and you downvoted :( don't ban me

Found the Parent

Get out of here you angry elf!



Reindeer dust bro. Come on!

The mods are in on it folks!

Please lock the thread this is ridiculous.

/u/spez keeps unlocking it. reddit is compromised!

I move to ban OP as this sub has rules.

Rule #11: Misleading, fabricated or sensationalist headlines are subject to removal.

If this isn't a misleading, sensationalist, and completely fabricated, I don't know what is.

Source: Actually met Mr. Clause, turns out he's not as fat in person as you would think.

If only people came at every conspiracy from this sub with such skepticism.

OP, you have provided absolutely no evidence to back up your assertion.

Come on, this is /r/conspiracy. Do we really need evidence?

I can't go on

Shit like this is when /r/conspiracy goes too far. Like you said, just a conclusory statement supported by nothing but incredulity. I'm done with this subreddit.

It's true Santa would have to travel at 740 miles per second to get to 400 million children. Rudolph would ignite into flames and the sleigh would impact the chimney so hard it would vaporize steel beams.

I thought this was supposed to be a joke...either I don't realize how insane you people are, or you have no sense of humor.

or you have no sense of humor.

I see you are visiting us from /r/The_Donald.

Wait since when does /r/conspiracy need actual proof of anything?

12/24 is an inside job, Santa HAS to be getting help delivering gifts, but from who?

Its the illuminati. They are the real santas. wake up sheeple!

edit: also earth is flat. where santa draws his real magic from

I heard it was members of the secret 'Order of the Klaus' based out of the South Pole, not the North. Probably why world leaders have been visiting so much. What better way to hide in plain sight than by creating a snowscreen through disinfo?

They're complicit in the so called "global gift exchange program", the Santaleaks emails outline a lot of this.

Rudolph is a crisis actor. He had his own page on geocities before it was shutdown by the CIA's Operation Reindeer program run out of Area 51 back in the early 90s.

Red Nose = False Flag.

They're mocking us, making up that story about Christmas almost not happening without his help. There was no fog that Christmas Eve, it was merely a ploy to get us invested into the War on Giftlessness.


its all a ploy by the elite to make us care about each other once a year. Total poppy cock. I wont fall for that!

Santa's happy workshop with elves making toys for children of all races all over the world without pay or charging money is a Soros Socialist globalist propaganda operation!

Red nose = red herring

Red is a terrible color to go through fog with. The ideal color would have been blue. Red would reflect back more light making it seem like a red haze. Ask any airline pilot when they fly through clouds they turn off their lights and run off the instrument panel.

Yet somehow we are to believe that some Reindeer with a nose as bright as a light bulb could navigate around the world in less than a night?

obvious shill is obvious.

And all the reindeers behind him are brown-nosed

They're in the pocket of Big Reindeer.

Knecht Ruprecht



Zwarte Pete

Don't let big Christmas pull to wool over your eyes. Santa is marketable so thats why they force the focus on him over the others. Never forget.

Snowscreen? Now I understand why it seems to snow all the time in my tv!

I thought about this the other day and considered that perhaps the main person pulling the strings could be on his/her last leg, and "leaders" are paying their respects.

Based on a pagan festival of lights? Lights-illuminate-illuminati-confirmed.

"Sheeple" that's a fucking good one. I'm using it

Get the wrapping paper with sheep on it if you want to wake people up! There's a war on for your mind people!


yes i always get woken up with such a clatter at 6am.


Bet he is woken now.

The Oxford Dictionary will name this the word of the year for 2017 and credit will be given to Hillary Clinton for its origin.

Well that explains how he gets deliveries done so fast!!

I know right? People aren't even talking about this. Just climate change and other provenly false "science".

lol. I like you.

How do they not see it? Christmas trees are triangular after all!

They have stars on top too. its so obvious.

Illuminati confirminati


Actually surprised there hasn't been a post about this yet

The church lady spelled this out before that...

after awhile she was told to stop reporting on it.

There was but it kept getting deleted.

I need that Adam Curtis soundtrack to keep my attention.

Santa + Israel = Satan Is Real

Israel is a supporter of Satan CONFIRMED.

My Dad accidentally wrote "From:Satan" on a gift when I was 8. My Dad drank a little too much sometimes.

it was code.

Confirmed! Santa is a baby eating CTR shill!!

Jesus Christ it's Kris Kringle

You never see these two together.

mind blown

Well isn't that convenient...

I have an extremely well-developed "Multiple Santas" theory, also known as "Elf-Assisted Delivery". you can learn all about it in this 4 hour documentary on YouTube

I ain't watching unless it has some really hip background music playing for the entirety of video.

Not for me then. I only watch documentaries with creepy and intense orchestral music.

Personally, I prefer discordant ominous tones in the background.

No, you got it all wrong. You obviously haven't heard MY theory that Santa is working with the aliens (specifically the Greys) and they've shared their tech with him. He is able to travel faster than the speed of light and freeze time. With this hot fresh alien tech, time means nothing. He's got eternity all in one night. Cuz aliens.

Tune into my YouTube channel for more.

I like to ago another route. Santa is a person that runs all the human programming. By programming everyone to believe and love christmas they spend all their money and deliver gifts themselves.

oh wait now it's not a joke it's real life lolz. Peace and love merry x mas.

Christmas - Brought to you in part by corporate America.

The eastern orthodox kids are served by a completely different guy (St Vasilios), on a different day (either new years or Jan 7 depending on which church) so that really spreads out the workload.

There ARE multiple Santas. And this is where they come from:


Fantastic movie. and that twist was soo great.

I have sent a link as a Christmas card to several friends for years. Glad you enjoyed the dark humor.

Link please, I'm stuck at my inlaws house and need to kill some time before I kill them.

Here... This should distract you from the inlaws for a few minutes.

Real PROOF that there are multiple Santas! This is where they come from!


Wikileaks just dropped "The Claus emails." It's all in there!

(Ignore the header that reads, "Dearest Julian, Merry Christmas, your BFF Vladimir." It's clearly been added by the NSA, but everything else in there is 100% authentic. GET ON IT PEOPLE!!!)

So I was reading through the wikileaks santa email drops and I discovered a link between Santa, his obesity and cookies. Its all connected people!


CTC... Correct The Christmas

Correct the reindeer

DNC - Does Not Christmas

There must be someone from the inside helping him. Maybe they're inside your house in this exact moment.

Oh my god....ss ss som ss someone is in my living room right now!

Is it you? Are you in your living room right now?... Are you Santa?

I fell asleep on the couch while my wife was in the back bedroom doing something....and when I woke up she was asleep in bed dreaming of sugar plumbs and there were presents under the tree!

I will report back. If you don't hear anything something happened to me. I don't have guns, so if I get shot in the back of the head it wasn't suicide!

NORAD. And Obama is spending your tax dollars, people!

I knew it was NORAD the whole time.

Christmas magic can't melt candy canes!

Why do you think that? I'm going to need a source on that one.

Magical elves have been the suspected accomplices for a long time now.

someone must have caught one of this mischief makers. we've been trying in our house for years and have yet to succeed in capturing a live specimen. There are large boxes in the garage that I have to get down once a year and put back up in January. I never knew what was inside them. I will investigate further and report back.

Probably the Rothschilds. I hear they don't even celebrate Christmas.

I heard FORD stole technology from Tesla to build his 2016 model sleigh.




They see you when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake!

Pan out + zoom in moment

sudden clarity clarence

snowden snow...den

"Christmas Eve" has 12 letters. December is the 12th months of the year. 12x2= 24. Know what has 24 letters? "Santa Claus is an illuminati".


Lets see how long it take for the jew haters to come on out....

You mean the Grinch?

You've unmasked him. Good work anon!

putin of course!

Jeff Bezos's army of poorly-paid, over-worked employees.....sorry I mean Santa's elves

Bezos is behind it all. I bet he profits from it somehow. I'm reading through the WikiLeaks santa emails and will report back soon.

I'm thinking it's a Congress of santas. They work together to make it on time.

The Jews buy toymakers from comet pizza and rent them out to santa every year


The Russians

They skipped my house because I got shit

He's been outsourcing, proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iJmkL5i_Nc


The Illuminaughty.


George Soros.

The same people that offer same day delivery for Amazon. Except they have training in breaking and entering.

The corporations. They deliver products for "free" and then snare consumers with "in app purchases" and "planned obsolescence".

I refuse to believe Rudolph is still alive until we get proof of life! I fear the foggy night has finally done him and Santa in. Why is the MSM not reporting on this????





Try Steemit.com

holy shit there are over 100 million reddit users there right now! This is major!

I can't :c

Has it been set to private?

They shadow banned me for speaking the truth.

Oh, right

So can I be the Christmas idiot?

What is that?

You know that one person who never gets any of the jokes that the funny uncle or friend is making?

That's me online

What don't you get?

He's implying we are making jokes here when this is a serious matter. Get him out of here.


and the eggnog has been spiked! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED PEOPLE!!!! DON'T DRINK THE EGGNOG

Rudolph is fine. I saw Vixen headed to see him with a bag of vegan reindeer treats. Looked like it must've been chilly that day, but reindeer like that kind of weather, right? Anything above freezing is probably just torture.


Vixen has a facebok page run by the Hollyweird elite.

I really, really love this thread. Merry Christmas, my fellow woke folk/paranoid androids! <3

Santa and his reindeer were shot down over Roswell NM in 1947. Since that time each acting President has had to work closely with corporations to fund a massive campaign trying to keep the Christmas spirit alive. They covered it up with the aliens story, but come on, Santa was the only one who had levitation and time control technology.

In the late 90's, Bill Clinton signed an executive order to stop funding Christmas. The national debt appeared to have a sudden miraculous recovery, but without the backing of the Christmas Spirit, new tech companies had no direction, causing the dot-com crash by 2000.

There are multiple theories as to what happened next. Some say 9/11 was a warning from other countries to revive the upcoming Christmas season, some think Bush went on a rampage trying to control multiple sleighs simultaneously through his other robotic bodies (thus explaining his apparent while reading to a group of children), and still others believe there is a secret organization of elves trying to rebuild Santa's legacy in secret and made an attempt to take out the final location of US competition.

Many people have noted how Obama appears to have aged so dramatically during his term. He actually tried to take it upon himself to be Santa for a couple years. What he didn't realize was that Santa's time-slip technology freezes time for everyone else but didn't stop his own aging. What appears to happen overnight for the rest of us actually takes about 7-8 years within the time bubble to deliver all those gifts. Santa was immortal, but the toll on Obama was tremendous.

The coming years will be scary. We lucked out in that Hillary wasn't elected to complete the job of destroying Christmas, however Donald is such a corporate Scrooge that he may actually require parents to pay for their children's presents, or even divert critical resources away from the massive project.

Insiders have suggested that our troops who are supposedly "overseas" are actually the manpower behind each year's Christmas miracles, but the effort and the secrets they must keep from their own families takes a huge toll on them. Please keep their efforts in mind and support our troops and the magic they bring to everyone's families each season.

Peace to all, and whatever the truth is, remember that it's up to all of us to keep the holiday magic alive in Santa's absence.

He was found dead in Barcelona a few years back after being struck by a flock a geese and a 747. Spectators say that the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane.

Lamestream media shills cookin up the obvious lies here. Pretty easy to see that Santa is a Monarch/MKUltra imprint meant to reinforce the patriarchal fascist corporatocracy being sold by TPTB. Santa was the OG NSA: he knows when you're sleeping, when you're awake, the relative moral value of your daily deeds, and he's been recording this all on a list. And he can do all that without needing you to even use a cellphone. Also, I hear he keeps his "elves" in a basement underneath a DC pizza-shop, and the "reindeer" are all actually ancient-alien monstrosities. Also, pretty sure Santa's in league with the pope, the jesuits, Turkey (both nation and fowl), and the Podestas. Also, what kind of a "saint" needs so many aliases? Checkmate, Mr. Kringle.

I bet that "list" is what is in the WikiLeaks insurance files. 128GB -- that's one big fucking list. Does anyone know how to decrypt AES without the key? I asked in /r/howtohack but nobody responded and the thread was immediately deleted. I think they've been compromised or I'm on some kind of watch list....wait a sec. oh fuck....dude I gotta get outta here.


OP is on the naughty list

It's ok OP! With all that coal we will be barbecue'n all summer!

sigh Source. The truth is out there, wake up SHEEPLE!!!

Yes! The turkeys are the key, I thought no one else knew! I won't stop until everyone on this sub agrees with me that the turkeys are the key.

Stay woke friendo. Turkey and the Turks are not colluding. Last I heard Erdogan is backing Iranian pheasants to counter the rise of Kurdish chickadees. Dont let them divide you!

The "original" (((Saint Nicholas))) was from what is today Turkey. It's all connected!


Turkey goes well with Ham....short for Hamsterdam also a well known destination of Santa's

This must be related to the coup a few months ago. Its all connected.

"Both nation and fowl"

Oh god, I fucking lost it.

I heard Obummer pardoned a turkey this year.

Fun Fact. St Nicholas was from Turkey.
''The historical Saint Nicholas, as known from strict history: He was born at Patara, Lycia in Asia Minor (now Turkey).''

Pretty easy to see that Santa is a Monarch/MKUltra imprint

Literally what else could (((he))) be? Literally!!!

Read the emailz!!!! It's all spelled out in them literally, if you know how to read between the lines and infer stuff that they aren't saying at all! Literally!!! "Egg nog"="Stuffing children's stockings"!!! It's insane how sick these people are!!!

The egg nog has given me a stomach ache. Obviously chem trails.

If that's true, do you have a guideline for how to investigate this safely? Ever since the season started I've been getting Happy Holiday cards and emails from unknown individuals/local businesses - anyone else? Is this just an intimidation technique?

I've been getting these random letters too....they appear to be generated in mass using some kind of futuristic automation technology. You upload a photo and hit send. That's it! true conspiracy in the old days people would hand write christmas letters. I fear the end is nigh.

Santa has 5 letters. Mossad has 6 letters. 5 + 6 = 11. The 11th letter of the alphabet is K. None of this means anything.

I have done some more research on your theory....I think you're onto something 11 is the month BEFORE December. Or what others call "November" -- that's when people usually buy their Christmas tree. In ancient times it was common to spell Christmas with a "K" -- How deep does this rabbit hole go?????

K is the symbol for potassium. Potassium has 9 letters. Mossad is not only responsible for 9/11, but Santa was complicit. No other explanation necessary.

Mossad controls his reindeer through telepathy.

Mossad controls me.

That's exactly what someone controlled by Mossad would say!

That's exactly what Mossad say to someone being controlled by Mossad!

I'm not gonna lie, that's badass!

clearly on the naughty list.

We all know planes didn't knock down the towers it was a sled led by radicalized kamikazi reindeer. And Santa is really a reptilian shapeshifter.

Reindeer are being self-radicalized on youtube.

(((They))) edited all the videos of 9/11 to put planes over (((Santa's))) sleigh and the reindeer!!!

Egg nog can melt steel beams!

source: I was there.

Krumpus and Kris Kringle? KKK? Holy shit this is deep

Other important thing to remember about November is that some people don't shave then, who is known to have a large beard if not the main culprit in this conspiracy? Are they all in on it or are these copycats?

Stupid math

Its more than just math though. I admit that Christmas math doesn't add up when applying it to Santa Clause though. He's obviously funded by SOros

Who isn't these days?

Bernie. i wonder why though?

Blame the Jews.

They started this whole thing.

Math is easy when done incorrectly.


K for Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad used to be called Kรถnigsberg, and was the capital of Prussia. The Kรถnige (Kings) of Prussia were of the Hohenzollern dynasty. Franz Wilhelm von PreuรŸen is the current oldest member of the House of Hohenzollern. He was born in 1943. Christopher Walken was born in 1943. He was in Batman Returns in 1992 with Michael Keaton. Therefore, Santa is Batman, QED.

Dude you just started this thread here and at the same time you linked this thread to /r/bestofreddit saying that /r/conspiracy gone nuts over santa conspiracy! at least try harder and use different account when trolling and trying to make this sub looks stupid.

^ paid shill

Correct the Christmas Record is still in business, eh? Agents of those damn Commie liberal (((elves))) who make toys for all the worlds children of every race out of the goodness of their little hearts, huh? Cucks!!!


Lol is /r/conspiracy red pilling itself?

A Merry Christmas indeed.

Nah, it's just that /r/all is here

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

What if I told you this bot is actually a 19 year old person named Shridhar living in Bangladesh working part-time as he pursues a medical degree?

Sounds like Alex Jones is in here. The title is a neat one, but doesn't promote thought. This is promoting oneself.


I'm scared, I wish I never read anything about shills

Elfin shills are a force not be reckoned with.

My first thought was, this is a character assassination attempt on /r/conspiracy.

Santa Gate

Shsssshhhh...../u/spez might find out and ban /r/santagate

I can't believe that is a legit subreddit.....

That need to be a seasonal subreddit.

If you replace "Ho" with "I am a child rapist who runs a pedo ring out of an elf's factory", "Ho Ho Ho" gets a lot more sinister. How deep does this go?

Santa did 12/24!!!!!! wake up people!

I was literally just reading santahashelp.org -- the truthers working for Santa who speak out and started a HUGE campaign talking about Building 7 in the North Pole is not really used for making toys. AND THE SITE WENT DOWN. NSA is DDOSing it as we speak!!!One111!

They don't want us to know the truth!

Candy canes can't melt steel beams!!!

Chocolate actually does melt in your hands. Its all lies.

The WTC was built with the help of Santa. Those ''steel beams" were actually made of chocolate hence the collapse & story about it melting.

I thought it was common knowledge that Santa Claus has aides. He's had aides for a long time.l

Mother of god...

Mods please sticky this. This needs more attention.

It goes deeper than that. I was at two malls yesterday. Santa was there... At both of them!

And mind you, this was while NORAD Santa tracker already was showing him in the sky over the Middle East.

Multiple Santas. It's the only answer. And MSM remains silent.

Huge if true

This actually makes me so happy to see at least someone here has a bit of a sense of humour about stuff.

You have been banned for 3 days from commenting or posting in r/conspiracy. If you feel this ban is a mistake, you will be muted from speaking with the mods and shadowbanned and deleted and permanently placed on the "Naughty" list.

I'm not going to lie I sat here for about 5 minutes going... are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? I almost quit reddit over this. Well done you brilliant bastard.

This is not funny. A man from Turkey, flies "around" the world in a night! This was obviously made up by the round earth, climate science, thought police. You can't fly around something that is flat!



Christmas is a pagan holiday. Santa Claus is a Nordic Druid or shaman. At the winter solstice, when the snow covers the whole house up to only the chimney. This is where the shaman would enter. Once inside he would leave dried amanita mushrooms and dryer meat. Maybe a homebrewed mead! And in payment ( as religious duty) you would leave food furs and other payments . The next morning you would trip balls and party with you family.

On the real, tripping with my family would be a waste of mushrooms.

Trying to act sober while tripping balls in the company of your family is an experience all on its own though.

Nordic Druids...I figured they had something to do with it. All that ice and snow.

I like this version better. I'm going to have to discuss this with my wife.

The flying reindeer suggest native Nords and Siberians on amanita as well. Do you have a source for the meat and mead gifts, however?

It was an folklore book I had I'll try and find it

Also I know that the Nordic druids have the shamans food and stuff so they could live

Yes I will accept that as true

I fucking love you guys.

^ warning: paid shill! he still is perpetuating the santa clause myth. Wake up!@

It's Correct the Christmas Record!!! Wake up sheeple!

:) we need some comedy here...

This is my favorite reddit thread ever. Cant stop laughing at the comments

Why are we wasting our time discussing this? I haven't seen any evidence that he can't. You conspiritards just think every th ing is a conspiracy. Surely if there was a cospiracy of this magnitude we'd have some elves or something come forward. Santa is a good man. Can't we go back to discussing real conspiracies like russia annexing crimea. You delusional people probably think sandy hook wasn't real or the earth is a spiral.

I've read a bit about how the earth is actually ice cream cone shaped. And that on most snowmen the nose is actually a carrot.

oh shit. RIP OP for disclosing that. (((Hillary))) dressed as Santa is on her way to make OP die in an "egg nog accident".

I will report back later. Soros has put a hit out on me. I have to disappear for awhile.

It's actually a cylinder shape and is part of a galaxy that's inside a marble on a cat's necklace.

Yeah, I saw that video too only in the one I saw it was a hairless dog w/ a bow tie....let me see if I can find the link.

Guys go look at his Instagram, it will literally make you sick.


Found a link between him and the Clinton foundation. http://wap.chinadaily.com.cn/img/attachement/jpg/site1/20141224/0023ae9885da16046d2418.jpg

look at baphomet horns in the back. #christmasspiritcooking

That Rudolph looks more like a skunk dressed to look like Rudolph. Obviously a crisis actor at a false flag event.

Good eye

Let's also remember that Santa and the elves are easily over 200 years old at this point, I think you're in the right track.

oh... my... god.... (((Santa))) killed Vince Foster and took Hillary's orders to attack to the militia in Benghazi.... It's all so obvious now....

Someone braver than me click and report back please!


Listen, I'm in on the conspiracy, and I can't say too much because my boss will kill me if I expose the conspiracy, but you're absolutely correct. It's really parents giving presents

Source: I'm a parent of 2 little kids, and my boss is their mother/my girlfriend

Stay safe brave Anon

If he doesnt' report back on whether santa visited his house we'll know the truth about his wife.

I hope you're using a VPN or something to post this. Could be dangerous.

We need to break Santa's massive Child Slavery foundation. Elves my ass. Everyone knows elves don't exist and that it is under aged children forced to work long hours building toys for the rich. Plus he has shills in the commercial industry in order to have the Christmas season take over the entire year. Think about how stores are decorating for Christmas earlier and earlier. Soon enough we will have 2 seasons. Summer and Christmas. After that Christmas will slowly take over the entirety of the year. When this happens Santa will finally be able to execute his plan. I don't know what he is planning but he's obviously using the whole gift delivery scheme to infiltrate our houses. I assume he's planting something in all of our homes I just don't know what it is. Remember to check your chimneys and stocking for anything suspicious. And I'm guessing those dirty little "Elf on a Shelf" toys are in on it as well. They must report back to Santa every night and this is how he gets his surveillance done. I'm thinking he's looking for more than just "Naughty or Nice" he's closing examining our lives. Trying to figure out everyone's schedule in order to get the most efficient impact on us.

Think about it.....how does that fat guy in a red suit fit down the chimney. Its just crazy!

I have never spent this much cognitive energy on anything before in my entire life. I have yet to decide if I am proud or disappointed.

He has alien shape shifting technology that was reversed engineered by his elves working under cover at Area 51 back in the 1950s. Lookup "Operation Chimney Sweeper" you'll mind will be blown.

This. Icke goes over it in "There Arose Such A Clatter Vol. 6"

I can't find a torrent of that one.

edit: nevermind, found it! thanks! watching tonight. Its 14 hours long bbl.

How else do you think Hillary could assassinate all those people if she didn't have the same chimney-squeezing technology? Literally everyone she killed has died within 10,000km of a chimney! It's so obvious!

A former CERN employee revealed that Santa delivers his gifts via the Large Hadron Collider. Christmas trees are really antennae that transmit GPS coordinates and wishlists directly to CERN. The Large Hardon Collider then teleports the gifts to a location directly underneath the tree. Sometimes there are mishaps while the gifts are in transit, and this is why some children end up with Berenstein Bears books while everyone else gets copies of the Berenstain Bears.

I knew that whole "God Particle" thing was bullshit.

I read on a 4chan screenshot that "God Particle" is really a code for the classified Gifts On Demand program.

Part of Operation Black Friday meant to deceive us all and when Amazon magically raises prices on items in your shopping cart w/o you noticing.

This should be the top of r/all.

All the Santa shills are keeping it down. Where is Rudolph when you need him?



Correct the Christmas Record is still in operation! It's obvious that Soros funds (((St. Nicholas))) (who is from the middle east, I'll add for those sheeple who've never studied this up!)

All misdirection. Notice no one ever talks about misses Claus?

She's a transgender and Santa is gay with the elves.

Misses Clause likes making Elf Pizza!

While worshipping the devil and hanging out with shitty performance artists that are about as evil as your average Reed College student.

Don't get me started about Reed College. Santa has many Elves working for him that graduated from Reed College and were members of the Candy Cane and Chocolates secret society there. If you research it you'll realize the truth.

Wasn't Steve Jobs a member?

Yes. its why they cancered him....he knew too much and was a MAJOR supplier of Santa's. He was dismantling the elves' power structure.

25/25. Quality sleigh post.

This needs to be flagged as fake news.

Laimstream media is behind it.


Breaking: chemtrails are actually composed of day old eggnog.

Honestly, we know Santa does not exist. It is propaganda perpetrated by the Elves.

Who do you think is funding the Elves? I bet its Soros.....its gotta be....or Bill Gates. Maybe even Buffet. Probably all three tbh.

Elves was a descriptor invented by the leprechauns to have someone to blame for mistakes made..

The pot of gold is real!

he doesn't. he likely starts in australia and realistically has almost two days if he manages his time wisely.


the bible

whoa (mind blown) -- is it related somehow?

The only way you could see a connection between the Christian Bible and Christmas/(((Santa))) is if you've been sprayed with the egg nog chemtrails.

If you think there's a connection, then your brain has been exposed!

Thank you for opening my eyes.

St Nick was a turk............ so they say..........


...and guess what holiday is before xmas? thanksgiving....I think Indians are involved somehow.

What would you say if I told you that there's actually TWO Santas? One for each of the poles.


How can you tell about the shills?

Only 75 upvotes. Shills out in full force.

But now it's got over 2,000.

I don't doubt you at all. I just want to understand how to tell that is happening.

Just look above, it's santa coming to deliver presents! Or its the joke going over your head.

I tend to assume people are being illogical as opposed to joking when it comes to the whole shill/troll thing.

I have proof that the music industry was in on it. They have been flaunting it in our face all these years.

So get this, If Santa can say "Ho" 3 times a second, "Ho-ho-ho", and if you consider the blinding rate at which he would need to travel around the earth to deliver all those presents in 24 hours, then all of Santas "Ho"s would be in different area codes. Ludacris was definitely trying to tell us something with his area codes song.

Connect the dots sheople.

Really mods, "speculation"? ... is that what this sub has come to?

so disappointed. this place has gone to shit. its all the paid shills promoting this nonsense.

I'm so pleased someone's had the courage to question this.

Personally, I started to question the validity of Santa when I moved to a house with no chimney. How did he get in?

We need more visibility/ answers. MSM and the government are complicit and will continue to cover this up.

a house with no chimney. How did he get in?

[leans in close, whispering] ask (((Hillary)))... she knows [leaning back, nodding as if to say "Yeah, you know what I'm talking about..."]

Soon Santa will be conveniently bumped off in a vehicular 'accident'

...by his eight tiny reindeer no less. Can't say I didn't see this one coming.

The real conspiracy here is that Santa convinced billions of parents to buy their kids presents themselves, essentially outsourcing a massive portion of his workload to Amazon and FedEx.

In this day and age, Santa doesn't have to do shit but hang out at malls and grope children. And he still gets his fat cheque from the holiday deity union. What a bastard.

chemtrails = egg nog

This is GOLD...good show!

Source: lephracauns want you to believe in santa.

He's probably a trans-dimensional being and time doesn't apply to him or his team of elves like it does to us.

One second in our world is days in Santa reality.

I hear he has the entire year to prepare too.

Or maybe he's just Trans.

I fucking love this shit. Biggest laughs of Christmas

Based on population figures, Santa will deliver gifts to 1.6 billion children.

This requires visiting 5,556 homes a second and eating 150 billion calories in milk and mince pies.

With an average of 2.5 children per household, Santa will need to make 640 million stops on Christmas Eve.

Each child needs 80cm of wrapping, which would stretch 1.5 million miles.

The total number of presents would set Santa back ยฃ279.27 billion.

Prior to the big night, Santa needs to store all these presents in a warehouse.

Assuming each present average out at 0.008 m3, the warehouse would need to cover the same space as 240,000 double-decker buses.

He would also have to travel at 1,800 miles per second.

That's much slower than the speed of light. So doable, assuming he doesn't encounter any solar flares while refilling his sleigh with fusion power..

Slow conspiracy day here. (love the post btw)

i like that this sub can have some fun at its own expense from time to time.

I am on the fence. On the one hand, the accomplishment is undeniably impressive and inhuman. A superhuman time-warping mindreader is, frankly, preposterous. But on the other you would need a cast of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to pull this off in a major city alone. There is no way that many could keep things secret without a few leaks.

We need more elf whistle blowers. where are they all hiding? Santa has them scared shitless. I bet some elves just sit on a shelf and then suddenly disappear if they speak out.

Don't listen to him,, don't fall for black PR. Santa is alive and well and operating on full cylinders.

It's so big even our parents are in on it..

This is true! source: am a parent

This was really my first conspiracy at age 10 or so lol

I was devastated when I discovered the truth.

oh hell yeah he can [not everyone is nice when naughty is an option!]







symbol of the masons. its everywhere this time of year! how do people not recognize this!!!?????

i know!

all those trees will be dead in a few days.

sad but true


I knew it!

This post actually makes a really good point. So many of the posts here are just making claims and inviting others to make claims.


Where is the action, where is the organization?

Hasn't anyone seen episode 4 of season 1 of The Librarians? It's all explained right there.

Yes he can because he's a Time Lord

I had not thought of this. Makes sense.

Santa obviously has the downed craft from Roswell New Mexico.

Is that where he gets his sleigh tech from?

So its not just Rudolph and his red nose?

I have so many questions!!!!! I am woke now, thank you.

He is working with the greys, and his list... The quote unquote naughty and nice list "end quote" is just a list of people that will submit to authority. The good people are rewarded with trinkets while the "quote" ("unquote") naughty people will be food for the lizard reptilian anorondak overlords. Welcome to my world end quote"")?

I am not sure what to believe so I will just go with whatever is the opposite of the mainstream media's stance on Santa.

This is probably the best advice here.

This may very well be the greatest thread ever on /r/conspiracy.

It's really nice we don't take ourselves too seriously. I love this sub. Happy Christmas y'all.

It's gotta be that evil mainstream media thats in Santas pockets.

For sure, the corporate media owns Santa -- he is working for them without a doubt. Think about it, this time of year all -- and every year they push their agenda further back into summer! This year it was day after halloween it started!

Boils my fucking blood. Wish people could see through this BS

People are waking up....anyone over 12 can be unplugged but there are some who refuse to believe it's not real at any age.


He has smart technology now. I heard from 4chan FBI anon that his sleigh is actually self driving powered by AI. Explains a lot.

Don't let me break out Snopes and make you into a fool bro!

Snopes has been compromised. They lost their credibility back in the foggy night of 12/24 when they claimed Rudolph guided a sleigh. CIA owns them now and perpetuates the Santa Clause myth. Just google "NORAD Santa" you'll find the truth the government is behind it all.

I'm sorry too. ๐Ÿ™

Written by user vortexcortex from Voat in /v/conspiracy

Parents around the world conspire to commit psychological warfare upon unsuspecting Children. The claimed goal is to induce a state of joy with gifts from "Santa Claus". Many Kindergarteners trying to expose the truth among friends are deemed, "tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists". After all, they're claiming that ALL ADULTS are participating in a world wide conspiracy just to deceive them about the source of presents.

"Why would they ALL lie to us?", says the bluepilled gradeschooler, "That's crazy! Moms or Dads, maybe, but Grannies wouldn't lie."

A curious fence-sitter pipes up, "I saw Santa and sat on his lap. Wouldn't parents want us to love them instead of a Santa stranger?"

"Shh, never tell them you don't believe in Santa or the presents will stop coming", whispers the most redpilled child.

You have been led to believe that SANTA is a person. Really it is a evil corporation bent on the subjugation of the world's children. To what end is not known.

Santacorp won't rest until there's an Elf on Every Shelf.

I love that we can all joke about ourselves a bit today :)

no joke, you're the joke.

He doesn't have to visit every house in the world, huge swathes of population don't want Santa to visit them.

That's just propaganda propagated by the Ministry of Anti-Reindeer

I heard Santa has a dungeon full of slaves who breach patent laws by replicating toys designed by reputable manufacturers. Elves he calls them. And missus Claus is a new!!

I heard that Mrs. Clause isn't his first wife...and has a checkered past.

Thank you for the levity!

Though minus milk and cookies for no sources, you tin foil hat! Do the math!

Source added to OP. But please do your own research on this conspiracy

Not saying he could still do it, but he would have more than 24 hours. Time zones man, time zones. I like to think of Santa delivering presents like a racing game and each time zone line is a checkpoint. The faster he finishes a time zone, the more time he has to finish the next.

Damn man, wake up! Just think about the basic physics! The International Date Line was fabricated by the (((lizard people))) confuse sheeple like you into believing crap like that!

Santa is actually a secret organization bent on entering all houses dropping so called "gifts". Beware.

He doesn't always wrap these "gifts" either. God speed.

That's intriguing.

Dood, relax man. He doesn't have to go to every house. Like 1/4 or Detroit is just abandoned homes.

what if i told you those houses were not abandoned and are just a front for invisible elves using transparent toy making tech?

pure racism.

How are empty homes racist?

now you move to antisemitism. nice.

i read that jesus was jewish.

<citation needed>

source: read it on the internet

There's this guy on YouTube with a channel called imaginaryaxis that presented the top theories on Santa.

  1. Relativity Cloud - Santa uses this distortion of space-time to travel comfortably

  2. There's multiple Santas throughout the world with the same tech and same mission. This is why there's so many Santa Villages

Who said there was only one Santa?

edit: Also, he doesn't have to visit EVERY house, there are lots of bad people on the Naughty List.


Um not everyone celebrates Christmas. And many that do celebrate it don't believe in Santa. Kind of makes his job easy, ya know.

so that's how he does it.

There's several documentary movies which explain how it's possible.

On it. Just downloaded the movie Elf. Will report back on this documentary.

edit: found irrefutable evidence. updated OP.

I am now chopping off Phillis' head with a chainsaw!!

Santa? Satan? the big red guy? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Santa is just the front man of a child toy delivering service , he works for "little people" called elves (aliens) who use space ships to deliver toys , the front has Santa coming down a chimney even if the house doesn't have one .. the alien ships just dock at any wall through elf magic and they deliver gifts .

It's by magic, don't you ppl have any sense? Do you know how much divine power it takes to save a human from their sins? And the magic just spills over causing love and and goodwill *all over the the damned world. Too bad corporatists have hijacked the love for their evil war on the sheeple by making it about $ in their pockets. Now that is the grand conspiracy. But ppl are waking up.

The space-time continuum is greatly distorted during this time every year and He appears in all parts of the world at once. If you could see it happen, you would notice the emptying and filling of the sleigh during the many trips to the North Pole to accomplish this.

Been lingering around the conspiracy sub for a while now and I finally have to come out and say that I agree with this 100%. It's all a load of bullshit.

To be fair across all timezones Christmas Day actually lasts a total of 48 hours so he has longer than you think

He only needs to visit about a third of the world population...

the total population numbers are fake anyway. its all a big charade to under inflate the TRUE jobless numbers at this time of year.

Santa's time is not linear.

His time follows a spiral pattern.

Sometimes op it's ok to just believe :), and that's better than getting coal and a visit from krampus

Guy. Clearly he has a quarter sized singularity that he uses to freeze time relative to our dimension.


Santa's sleigh has a flux capacitor.

If you rearrange the letters, SANTA becomes SATAN

illuminati confirmed!

It also becomes NASTA -- which is slang for something....not sure what though. Get on it people! We need to get ot the bottom of this pronto!

Time travel CONFIRMED!

Its the only way. CIA has had time travel technology for years. They discovered it when Santa's sleigh crash landed in New Mexico.

Pence is...Is Santa?

If Santa isn't real, who eats the cookies you leave out?!

This is why your ass doesn't get presents under the tree, you dirty naysayer.

Cookies are actually mind control pills made by DuPont.

Oh, shit. How have I been so blind?!

Its in the fine print on their labels.

Someone needs to do something.

Milk and Cookies?

Please, what else do we know of that is predominantly dairy and grain/wheat?

Cheese pizza anyone?

google ron paul 2012

Your link was deleted by the Illuminati.

Lol you're a terrible troll. Click it and it's still there, your name is just gone from it. Could go to unreddit but I don't care enough. Try harder next time

^ paid shill.

Considering it has over 1k upvotes and is on /r/all and half the comments are making fun of /r/conspiracy I'd say it's a pretty successful troll.

PS. If you disagree with me you are a pedophile

He's a bad troll. Everyone just fell for it hook line and sinker. His comments show his true age

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Well there's time difference?

If you take the hypotenuse of Pi and multiply it by C (the speed of light) you get 15. If you add the numbers together you get 6. Its the beginning of the mark of the beast!

Twas the night before a conspiracy And all through the subreddit, Not a creature was commenting, Not even a shill. The emails were all leaked by Assange with great care, In the hopes that we'd read them and all of us would share. Children in DC have been snatched from their beds, While visions of sugar plums dance in sheeps heads.

Someone continue this

pointing up someone this is a great start....

You need to cross-post this on r/bernieforsantaclaus.

He uses Amazon prime now. Cmon it's 2016

Op must be fun at parties!!

It's about time we unmasked the lie about Santa. Santa doesn't visit every house, he visits the houses of Christians. Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, pagans, Scientologists, Satanists, and atheists are shit out of luck.

Plus, he doesn't visit the houses of people without children. Singles and childless couples can go fuck themselves.

Plus, he doesn't visit the houses of bad children. Santa is only interested in good little boys and girls. The bad children he delegates to an elf, who puts coal in their stockings when he gets around to it.

I've just reduced Santa's workload by over 90%. He has lots of time.

This will probably be removed

You serious Clark?

that's why he does it outside 24 hours.

gift deities utilize time differently than us humans.

Santa is a (((globalist)))!!! Only papa Trump can deliver (in the US, papa Putin gives all the gifts to the master race children in Russia, Geert in the Netherlands with his servant Zwarte Piet!!!)

It's just raceChristmas realism! Sorry cucks! Salt my caramel with your tears!

(this is r/the_donaldconspiracy, after all)

Time zones, asshole.

That doesn't explain how he manipulates the epoch.

What if Santa actually has a clone army of other Santa's and they help accomplish his goal of world domination and commercialism?

Just google "Operation Reindeer" and "NORAD". Actually use duckduckgo if you don't want to wind up on the NSA (aka Santa) naughty list.

CIANTA confirmed.

That rudolph documentary from the 50s is an obvious fake filmed in hollywood. wake up people!

Well I heard Hannity's audio interview with Rudolph so at least we know he's still alive. The real question you need to ask yourself is who melted Frosty. Hint: Bill Clinton eats snow.

Soros must be behind this.

He is behind the Correct The Christmas organization.


You don't have to apologize.


He came to our house too. Crazy. I am starting to doubt my theory.

Just when I was losing some faith in this Sub you guys go and do this! Merry Christmas. And, in the Immortal Words of Tiny Tim, "God Bless Us. Every one of us."

....and to all a good night!

By the way, Downvoter: I was trying to say how much this thread has made me Laugh. Great stuff. Gold for All!!!

Elfin Magic bro!

Santa is able to control space and time. What seems like 1 night for you is a much longer time for him.

How does he get through the Van Allen Belts?

Mini Wormholes while he's eating donut holes.

If you stop believing, you stop receiving

This is why I was in tears when I discovered the truth at age 10.

Santa doesn't have to visit everyone's house. He only need to visit the houses of Christian families with kids.

And not only that, we're not sure how Santa works. It's speculated that he works on the laws of Quantum Mechanics. That is a whole set of laws that we're not used to.

Uhm ya he can he is magic!!!! /s

Everyone knows Santa is the real deal because you never went to Santa's Village and saw the real Santa Claus at the real North Pole. You're just one of those severely jealous jaded kids who got a 3rd hand experience by seeing it in a TV commercial:


I must confess the jaded kid was me :(

Is Santa really not real? My parents keep telling me he's real. Why would they lie to me and betray my trust?

break the cycle!



Hot cocoa can't melt candy cane beams.

What if Santa is the flash and operates in bullettime or even bullettime's bullettime? What if Santa is literally Agent Smith and the movie the Matrix is vicious black propaganda by the american chinese restaurant association against our grand simulation overlords?

totally agree the chinese are in on it to further their profits at local restaurants.

Fuck you. what the fuck do you mean he can't visit every house? He's been doing it since like 2000 years ago. You godless commie heathen. Good Lord will judge you.

stay woke people santa drugs you with chemicals that turn frogs gay while you sleep

This sub has gone to shit. Years ago it was a place for educated discussions, backed with evidence.

Now it seems any user can throw out some hairbrained bullshit theory and make the front page!

I'm done.

It's Christmas. Lighten the fuck up

It's a joke kiddo, like all the posts in this thread.

Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, unbelievers and adults with no children to give gifts to for various reasons and we have close to 2.5 billion people and entire parts of the world he can skip completely. That gives him a lot less people to visit.

Magic, dude. And who cares?

Tired of you fucking shills ruining our subreddit. Leave SANTA ALONE!!!!!

my dad told me santa will deliver and my dad never lies

Sled fuel can't melt candy cane beams

You are a hater.


You might have saved Christmas but you have ruined /r/conspiracy.

This thread is more magical than the entire holiday season.

What they don't want you to know is that Santa's secret layer is actually on Antarctica in the south pole, where he is secretly pulling all the strings and has been kidnapping children (elves) and building an army for years. Right under our fucking noses.

I realized that Santa was not real when he showed up in a beat up car, when to the wrong apartment first, and was also drunk... But I did get a photo op and a cool tractor so overall it was a win

Do you still have the photo? This could be the smoking gun we've been looking for!

This thread made my Christmas.

Really nice to see this sub joke around for once haha

edit: I see the paid Christmas shills are out in full force tonight

Lack of imagination has been installed inside your head! Thanks for coming!

From our local Christmas tracker updates last night: "So he's in South America now, that puts his speed at least over 8000 miles per hour. I don't know how he does that!"

This is better than half the shit posted here this year!

I suggest you watch Arthur Christmas and get back to me.

He skips lots of Asian houses and most of Africa.

"I'm sorry there is no way Santa can visit every house in the world in 24 hours"

Santa is getting obsolete, he gotta take some classes with the NSA on how to be everywhere, every moment.

There is more than one Santa, but just one is real, others are simply robots. Every robot is controlled by just one AI, like a hive mind, now the north Pole ruled by it. Now that mostly everyone have a smartphone or a electronic device the task of controlling the bad kids is easier.

Currently every nation on the world is discussing the Weapon power that Santa have.

He is an extradimensional being.

It's no coincidence that "Comet" is one of Santa's reindeer and the restaurant at the center of the Pizzagate conspiracy is called "Comet Ping Pong." Hillary is clearly Mrs. Claus.

this is the best post this sub has ever gotten.

He's a Time Lord and the sleigh is his Tardis.

Santa operates outside the matrix, he can pause the simulator and take his time. All it is is codeing he changes a few 0s to 1s and its done

How many times do you think he gets shot for breaking and entering/trespassing once he gets to Texas?

In all of the Christmas shows, Santa only visit WASPs. He doesn't need to visit any home except those of rich white children, who have been good. It's a small number.

Someone needs to take "Quantum Superposition Santa Waveforms" at the local university.

This explains why tuition is so high now....they don't want people to know the truth.

Santa can teleport.. Obviously. This post is trash. :)

I'm just questioning....if you believe everything w/o question it you're a sheeple.

Time travel is a wonderful thing. Santa is the originator and developer of the Flux Capacitor Ya know.

Quantum Physics is how he does it.

He learned it at Univerisyt of North Pole.

Maybe there is two of them.

anon said last christmas that he has replication technologies.

lol @ the mods in this thread. you guys are hilarious.. not.

Santa is flat. He is not round and full of jelly but rather a 2 dimensional version of his former self

Usually when I see a /r/conspiracy post on /r/all I have a small chuckle, but this one gave me a big one. Good job OP.

Santa uses satanic magic to get it done.

This goes all the way to the top.

Santa has a time turner. Duh.

Not a shill... And obv yes he can. Ninja moves.

He must use a time machine.

Well, I know he didn't visit my house. I had to do his dirty work and buy my kids their presents on his behalf. Lazy Santa.

Godspeed truth teller! My wife is sleeping on the couch while all this is going on right now!!!!!

I could totally see Amazon delivering packages as Santa in the near future for a premium price

I bet they would even offer something w/ two-day shipping stretching out Christmas into two days.

By the use of Time Dilation fields, warp bubbles generated by the hoof beats of Alien Reindeer (short version, they create warp fields with the frequency of their hooves when running full speed but not when walking or trotting), and Einstein / Rosen Bridges powered by Zero Point Gravity generators (designed by the alien race known as The Elves) it is not only possible but practical. Some people believe in the Mulitverse theory that Christmas is on different days of the year in other multiverses and that all of the Santas work in unison so that there is ONE Santa per household each from a different Multiverse, but that is JUST nonsense.

that commercial on cable tv where santa drives a 2017 Mercedes is total bullshit.

There is no way that car can create a sustainable warp field.

There actually is a Christmas conspiracy. Santa was modeled after Satan, to replace the Jesus holiday with toys etc. Hell the letters of Santa also can spell Satan. What color is Santa's outfit? Red like the devil!

This is well documented by the Church Lady.

Well, considering his reindeer can fly, I would assume his technology is far beyond our comprehension.

I wouldn't put it past Santa if he had the technology to slow down time or move incredibly fast to provide an illusion of slowness.

This conspiracy theory has been debunked by CNN. They have insider information about people who have information about people who know CIA officials who know people who have said there is a secret report which PROVES that Santa does exist.



The secret which pulls it all together...is that there's two Santas

Blew your mind


Santa's magic.

Wake up folks. Santa is just a crisis actor.

Also I never thought I would upvote something on this sub. Good job, OP.

I did not know that you guys had a sense of humor! Merry Christmas.

With time zones it's like 31 hours.

How can that be with only 24 in one day? Illuminati

Dude is an ex Monsanto employee and former Mossad agent. Please for your own safety don't dig further.

Jesus is the bread

Not every house! I don't think that 90 year old jewish lady living down the street from me is expecting santa to show up in the next 24 hours.

Everyone?? Hardly only those who are not naughty, the nice.

That means an old woman in Kentucky; an old man in Vermont and a fisherman.

I ran the numbers! It's all a lie! You can't silence the truth!

Santa is an eldritch entity that is constantly moving. The thing is, time stops when in the general vicinity of the Clause. It's how he is able to visit all the houses in one night, he brings that night wherever he goes. He is more of a force of nature than a mere fat man in a suit.

Op he's fucking magical

Milk and cookies cannot melt steel beams! Follow the mistletoe money and you'll find your answers.

I learned Santa didn't exist while me and all my cousins slept in my grandmas living room waiting. Uncle was given the job but he had an insane amount of eggnog.

Tipped over a candle stand, tree skirt instantly caught fire followed by the tree. He tried to put it our by punching at it catching his outfit on fire.

Everyone ran to the front lawn while somehow only the tree, gifts and a part of a really old/rare butterfly collection but.

Was a good time overall


Some of the most rationally minded people I know were once believers in this propaganda.

Time zones... think about it๐ŸŽ…

Google now says Santa isn't real. WHICH IS IT GOOGLE?

Obvious cover up.


I love each and every one of you.

Elves, OP is on to us, get him!! (on the naughty list..)

Santa Clause is EXTREMELY powerful. One night a year he uses his stored magic to visit every house at the exact same time. Of course the Santa tracker is nonsense, it's so that people don't realize that Santa has any where near that much power.

You see he's teamed up with the NSA to plant microphones and trackers wherever he goes, so they've helped put put this "tracker" so that people think they have time to hide or get out of dodge. But you can't hide from Santa, or the NSA.

Next you will be claiming the tooth fairy isn't real, or some other nonsense.

I cannot deal with this blasphemy

you have been woke

Have you fools never heard of magick?

What's that?


Come on man, it's called magic.

Santa uses replication magic to make millions of copies of himself and his sleigh/reindeer. Those copies have to stay fairly close to the original though or they lose their invisibility, so he flies around with them and acts as supervisor. The original Santa is what you see on the tracker.

These Santa copies then use individual portal sacks to teleport the correct gifts to that individual copy. This is all coordinated at the North Pole by the head elf, who also has millions of copies of him/herself. The elf copies talk to the Santa copies via satellite phone headsets (because Santa and Co. can be modern too, let's be real), to ensure the correct gifts are delivered. Elf engineers have optimised this process very efficiently to allow for faster delivery (and therefore less copies and lower magical cost).

More recently, elves have developed a code system for different houses, to inform the Santa copies of things like bad children, temporarily relocated family, aggressive pets, etc. It's a very sophisticated system.

The real issue isn't delivering the gifts, but finding the office space necessary for housing millions of elves and providing them with working satellite phone headsets. It's a nightmare for the IT department, who are thinking of unionizing in protest of poor working conditions.

Anyways, got a bit off topic. That's how it's done. Merry Christmas!

SANTA = Super-Aerial Nocturnal Transit Agent

Apparently it was developed at Area 51 to ensure the smooth and covert delivery of secretive and special cargo at extremely high altitudes during the hours of darkness.

Edward Snowdon leaked information that seems to suggest this is being specifically used to target small children during the month of December.

NORAD has a Santa tracker - I think they've GPS tagged the bitch http://www.noradsanta.org

Be careful not to disrespect a man who can come down your chimney in the night, though. . . You might wake up with a bag over your head and a reindeer cock up your arse.

Whose payroll are you on? I get up Christmas morning looking forward to a nice cup of Joe and check out what SOROS is up to and find out the top rated post is THIS CRAP? You're going on #thelist, mister and if 4 months from now you're posting some shit about the Easter Bunny I don't have to tell you what you've got to look forward to!!!

Easter Bunny Leaks are coming!!!!

you have 100% changed my opinion on santa, thank you so much for helping me see the truth, now screw off

Santa steps on the work of the proletariat!

Dude i bet Jesus wasnt even born on christmas. The whole thing is a lie

Joseph isn't even his dad either.


Say it ain't so Santa!

Omg, judging by op's history, he's being serious...

Then who ate the cookies, huh smart guy?

That is still an unsolved mystery.

You stop believing and Santa stops coming!

You stop believing and Santa stops coming!

its the ultimate con!

UFO technology, obviously

wrong sub. see /r/ufos

Umm the answer is obvious imo.

Even though there's been a huge population boom since the 1900's, there's also been a mind bogglingly sharp increase in shitty children that continues to spike upwards in the 2000's, which actually results in LESS houses for Santa to visit.

Plus, we all know that Santa doesn't visit impoverished children, which eliminates the need to visit the homes of many countries as a whole. A few more well off cultures don't even believe in Santa, so Santa thinks they can fuck off with their shit then, no presents for them.

So if we focus on the most realistic route of visiting Canada, democratic states in the USA, and Britain and surrounding areas, and THEN focus on the "good" demographic of children's houses to visit, Santa problem only has to visit like, 7 houses tops across two continents. Entirely doable within a 12 hour time frame considering the speed of Santa's reindeer, and factoring in timezones.

The real conspiracy is where are all these presents coming from in houses that Santa DOESN'T visit? I bet the NSA drops presents disguised as "From Santa" to spy on families. At least Trump will end the NSA so we don't have to worry about children getting presents anymore amirite

democratic states in the USA


Obviously you are alone today. Merry fucking Christmas.

Did you know Canadian bacon is actually just ham?

Podesta's Santa Claus Emails you decide.

That's why he skips the homes of the poor

You forget that there are other gift givers like Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle and the Three Wise Men. Also, not everyone celebrates on the same day. Many Dutch open presents on the 5th of December, the South Africans on the 24th, Russians on the 31st and the rest of Eastern Europe on the 7th of January, giving all of the gift givers more time.

St. Nick had help and he doesn't do it all in one night.

He doesnt deliver to all the kids because so many kids are naughty now that it takes him a very short time to deliver

Nimrod's birthday ya'll!

Christmas was an inside job, and I have evidence leading to Santa's arrest.

Be careful anon.

Instant best post in the sub.

Great job OP.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

I'm off to interrogate my parents on why they lied to us when we were kids.

If santa has the technology to make perfect copies of toys and electronic to deliver as gifts, why would you think that he doesn't have technology to deliver presents all over the world?

The guy doesn't exist, and if I someday have a kid I'm not going to condemn him to a commercialised lie like that.

Go read up on superposition in quantum physics.

I don't get it. Is this for fun? Seems a bit shilly willy to me.

In fact, elves aren't really elves. There aren't really any elves. They are lizards with elvish features.

To be serious for a second, it actually is pretty weird we mislead all children, millions of children, in to believing something that is impossible, that benefits consumerism.


of course the MSM sends their shills to r/conspiracy to try and convince everyone magic isn't real.

"ha ha santa's not real what a laugh"

the elite know the truth of santas existence. and theyll use silly little shitposts like this to continue to discredit the real santa clause 'conspiracy'

wake up sheeple!!

Just gotta have faith.

Here is an interview of Jesus interviewing people for the Santa Claus position. It happened in Australia. Why not the North Pole??

Its fucking magic bitches.

When your parents who you think know everything tell you something is real you tend to believe them

Bush did 12/25

100% fake news! Wake up sheeple!

Well i guess your parents never told you..... Life sucks eh. Hey, if your parents are capable of lying to you i wonder what strangers,politicians, and bankers with vested interests are willing to do...

Its called a joke and this one just went over ur head

Lol no shit. And now look at me stirring the pot even more!

Global warming can't melt north poles

Dude everyone knows that Santa has a strong assist every year from the Union of Santa Partner Services, United Partners of Santa, and the Fraternity of Elf Deputies EXpediter service. No man is an island, even Santa Claus.

Well if they are watching the Disney Channel he can. Oh, I thought you said satan. ....

Yes there is. Time is a relative.

If he had a TARDIS rather than the sleigh, he could. Not only would a TARDIS be able to get the job done on time, due to both time travel and non-spatial travel, but it would hold all the presents much more effectively as well. You could fit literally as many presents in it as you needed.


NORAD is in on it too I'm told

Something something Hillary's email something something Pizza-gate something something shills something.

But... and hear me out... say Santa is a shape-shifting lizard. Check mate.

I have spoken to a few Antarctic Aeronautics engineers personally.

Via the velocity and mass of such a sleigh contraption; there is no way each and every household can be met in the right timeframe; without the use of alien technology and magnetic machinery.

Also naughty or nice was created in the thirties by a backdoor psychologist working for the Rothschilds, but thats just common knowledge.

Tin-foil hats are out again, I see.

Ill still believe Santa over the moon landing any day.

The conspiracy is to drown out real posts with shit posts.

^^ Yes - a hundred times yes.

I like how I am being down voted, this is a shit post. Plenty of subs allow and enjoy shit posts. But the whole point of /r/conspiracy is to engage ideas that seem absurd. To accept silly shit posts fundamentally says oh we will sometimes laugh off certain ideas. This is a pretty damn good shit post. If the sub as whole wasn't clearly being run a ground by surrogates of trump I would probably find it funny, but its effect will be to normalize shit posts on /r/conspiracy.


As a result of an overwhelming lack of requests, and with research help from that renown scientific journal SPY magazine (January, 1990) - We are pleased to present the annual scientific inquiry into Santa Claus.

1) No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

2) There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.

3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second. This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.

This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.

4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload - not even counting the weight of the sleigh - to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.

5) 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

In conclusion - If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.

Unsubscribing because this is actually a horrible sub.


Maybe because she should've...

The fact that anyone still tells their kids that Santa is real is beyond me. Glad my parents never held that stupid tradition. Made me appreciate the gifts more knowing they came from my parents.

Why this fuck is this stupid as shit the first post on this sub? Fucking get your priorities right

Its more than just speculation at this point. wake up.

What priorities? It's Christmas, sneaky sneaks will still be fucking with the world tomorrow.

I'm aware but why do we need this? It has nothing to do with anything

It's Christmas that's why. You should stay super serious 24/7/365. Laugh at yourself every once in a while. Otherwise you get caught up.

It's a fun thread but look at the upvotes compared to other posts. How the hell does that happen?


This is the rest of the world mocking you

Cool, can you leave now?


Look a buzzword!

I could care less.

Chocolate actually does melt in your hands. Its all lies.

You mean the Grinch?

Lol you're a terrible troll. Click it and it's still there, your name is just gone from it. Could go to unreddit but I don't care enough. Try harder next time

Found a link between him and the Clinton foundation. http://wap.chinadaily.com.cn/img/attachement/jpg/site1/20141224/0023ae9885da16046d2418.jpg

look at baphomet horns in the back. #christmasspiritcooking

This explains why tuition is so high now....they don't want people to know the truth.

Upvote for making me spit my cider out in laughter.

Its more than just math though. I admit that Christmas math doesn't add up when applying it to Santa Clause though. He's obviously funded by SOros

...and guess what holiday is before xmas? thanksgiving....I think Indians are involved somehow.

symbol of the masons. its everywhere this time of year! how do people not recognize this!!!?????

They have stars on top too. its so obvious.

We dont take kindly to those who dont take kindly round here


There was but it kept getting deleted.

I need that Adam Curtis soundtrack to keep my attention.

Math is easy when done incorrectly.

totally agree the chinese are in on it to further their profits at local restaurants.

The WTC was built with the help of Santa. Those ''steel beams" were actually made of chocolate hence the collapse & story about it melting.