How to save websites and important information in the event of internet shutdown or partial internet blackout (For you preppers)

73  2016-12-25 by capitan_canaidia

The internet is a powerful tool for spreading knowledge and ideas. As a society, we have become used to having the internet at our fingertips. I fear we may be at the begging of a new era where ideas, concepts, and knowledge may get harder to access. Although now it's seems to be just news and media is being affected by Censorship, there's no telling what may be next. The dumber a population is, the more complacent they are. Knowledge is power. So, I want to teach you how to download websites for offline use. It's super easy and all I ask in return is that you share useful links in the comments for others to download.

I use a software written by Xavier Roche called HTTrack. All you need to do is follow the wizard and enter the url of the site you wish to download. You need to be careful, as some sites are massive. I do not recommend downloading sites with tons of dynamic content (facebook, newssites, youtube videos, etc) as this tool will scan the directories recursively. I do recommend this tool for downloading reference guides for preparedness information as well as general education that will enable you to learn and be independent of the internet in the event it goes down or is compromised. Try to use sites that are lightweight to minimize disk space. For videos, use Videater or Keepvid. If you want just one page of a site, and not the whole directory, you can use chrome to print it as a PDF if you are using windows to save space. Depending on the size of the site and your connection speed it can take some time, so start early.

Resources/Sites I have downloaded:

Electrical Engineering/Physics (General Reference): (Best) (Redundant) (Redundant)

Other Education: -> Algebra/Calc -> More Math - > Literature -> Biology Reference -> 3000 years of world history -> Tons of books, thanks u/lopestatus!

Renewable Energy/Water Conservation:

Food Storage:

Various/diy: (download individual instructions for various things to build)

** Wikipedia **

The Sites you save with httrack will be fully navigable! Good luck and cheers!


Get a gun and learn how to shoot

Get lots of bullets.


Textbooks ^

Field Manuals, Chemistry, Camo, Toxicology, Chemistry and more

Wow thats a lot, thank you.

Hell yeah; feel free to visit the free documentaries list and the updated news on ; if you like it tell your friends.

Cheers and Merry Christmas


Exactly what OP is saying.

At very least there is an impending restriction of knowledge available to the masses, if not complete takeover by an outside source. Stay stocked up on books as well. Not NYT best sellers, but solid novels and informative indexes. Should you decide to stay strictly digital do so in redundancies. When you download information store on external HDDs and flash drives in addition to your local PC.

While torrenting was coming under serious fire a few years back I imagined something to this effect. Using an account I had on an invite only torrent site I began trawling for PDFs and videos that pertained to everything from ammunition production to basic medical guides. Whatever I thought to be useful but also rare as most of these files were only compiled on this site. The torrent site in question did end up going through the process of shutdowns all sites did. It's now back but with only indexes of information with no seeds or leeches. About a year ago I recognized the need to not store this on just my pc and have since acquired 2 external HDDs at home and 3 flash drives I've stored at the houses of close friends.

I'll spez later with a screen of my files to aid others in their data collections.


I also started stocking up on documents before many torrent sites went offline and I was very glad that I did. You really don't know how much you will miss it when it's gone. Gotta stay ahead of the curve. ;)

as an addition:

here you can download COMPLETE WikiPedia (54Gb) for off-line browsing

Hell yeah, didn't know this existed.

u rok man

I also started stocking up on documents before many torrent sites went offline and I was very glad that I did. You really don't know how much you will miss it when it's gone. Gotta stay ahead of the curve. ;)