USA Gives $10.4 Million Per Day To Israel, A Country With Just Over 8 Million People

483  2016-12-25 by ruleten

$38 billion over 10 years = $3.8 billion per year = $10.4 million per day = $1.29 per person per day = $470.85 per person / year


They're a military state backed by religious superiority using fake history to justify their current crimes. First Germany was forced to build it and now America is forced to sustain it so that their religious delusion can be made manifest.

You're forgetting how London was hoodwinked into supporting its founding after ww1 because of their leaders' belief in christian myths about a chosen people.

I watched a documentary on Adolf and his life before the war and how he came to power. While I cannot deny the holocaust happened, it seems to me a great deal of stuff was out of context and our understanding of his rise to power is greatly misunderstood.

While I cannot deny the holocaust happened,

Why does everyone who mentions Hiltler have to say the above? Like it's programmed for everyone to say it in some form that "the holocaust happened."

Very strange indeed.

Because if you question anything about that period in time you're quickly labeled a holocaust denier.

It is illegal to deny the holocaust in many western countries. Theoretically even a small deviation from the official narrative could land you in court. So it is merely a precaution. Especially when you've given your main email address to reddit.

Exactly you can even go to jail. Way to be an historian...

In a lot of European countries it's actually illegal to deny the Holocaust.

What history do you think is fake ?

Genuinely asking is a group of rabbis who are anti-Israel in a very big way. Very religious Jews who are not down with Israel at all, with lots of specific historical reasons why. They are the experts, and it's more than can be typed into a hundred reddit comments.
They are very nice and will share info on whatever questions you have. They like spreading the word of peace. I mostly despise religion, but they are a hip crowd of academics. They are the biggest PR threat to Israel, around. They are very active in NY, almost every day picketing the UN, and organizing. The mass media does not want anyone to know about this particular group of Jews. The ''liberal'' fringe media never even heard of them, and would be in for a shitstorm if they gave them publicity.

Thanks for sharing this

No Problem! I was talking in the comments on YT about the Khazar tribe, and from nowhere came a PM from one of the nkusa Rabbis, complimenting me and inviting me to have a look. I was amazed. This was about 8 years ago.

Wow do you know of any documentaries about this? (specifically the fake history)

I don't. Sorry. Media people are scared to film them or expose them, out of fear I suppose. It could be career suicide. I found this: New York City: 10,000+ Jews Against Israel (U.S. Media Blackout)

Most history is bent if not broken. Especially if you learn it from a single source, usually the source provided to you by your government and educational institutions.

Nuremberg was a joke and they call it a show trial for a reason. Because it was fake. The testimony was ridiculous and outrageous, the documentation was forged. Most documentation out of Germany and Russia was never used because it proved otherwise or was withheld. Torture to gain confessions. etc...

The simple fact is that the Allies bombed Germany well after the war was over to maximize casualties and then took pictures of cut-off camps after the bodies piled up. These deaths are a result of the Allies actions. There is documentation by IBM and the IRC that prove that the camps in NSDAP controlled Europe were towns and POW camps and nothing more. And there has never been more than hearsay, second-hand testimony claiming ridiculous stories by jewish "survivors" of extermination. Most of the stories are impossible and insane.

I'm not saying that there weren't executions and death squads that were used to eliminated enemies within Europe during wartime. I'm saying that the extermination of a people didn't happen and it is a delusion created by a psychotic people who want attention and money. The real genocide of WW2 was in Ukraine and carried out by the heirs to the Bolshevik ("Russian") Revolution. It's called Holodomor, not holocaust.

The gas chambers never existed for one thing

The entirety of the HoloHoaxTM narrative. Scientifically and mathematically impossible

What if the religion thing is just a front because they know it keeps the money flowing?

I think a vast majority of them have a psychotic delusion much like their Semitic brothers. If you've seen any footage of the average hebrew civilian in Palestine, they are batshit crazy. They are the product of a twisted government and a twisted culture that oppresses while thinking they are the victims. They always have been this.

Russia, Germany, America, Palestine. All victims of these people and the narrative always remains the same. In Russia they were being oppressed by Russian nationalism so they had the Bolshevik revolution and committed genocide against the Slavs, got rid of Christianity and created and Atheist state that favored their business practices. In Germany they worked under the Treaty of Versailles and mocked and abused the Germans in the media and on the streets financially from the top to the middle and committed genocide against Europe because the Allies wouldn't take their refuges who came from Russia and were turned away by Germany. America has sacrificed it's nationalism to them as well and sacrificed many soldiers to fight their wars against the people they are committing genocide against now and tomorrow. Mass death to make way for their egos.

and now America is forced

Nobody is forcing America but the Americans who will outright withdraw their support from politicians who aren't willing to maintain the policy of unconditional support.

Not quite true. UK build it and paid for it. Why? Because during WWI the Jews living in Germany joined the Allies and made a deal, we join the war for Allies, then we get a state in Middle East.

The Jews in WW2 were not persecuted for their religion, rather their actions in WW2. So yes, a holocaust happened, not for why we are told.

No. The UK mandated it and had soldiers place hold it. They really didn't pay what Germany did out of the war.

And no, a holocaust didn't happen. That's soviet propaganda and not supported by the facts.

And no, the jews weren't persecuted for what they did in WW2. They have never been punished rather rewarded by reparations. They were persecuted for what they did before and after WW1 in Germany and most of Europe and Russia.

I've never understood why we support them. They've done nothing to benefit my own life.

We support them because they were suppose to be part of the US empire, but it really doesn't look like they wanna follow the rulers orders

Because Christian fundamentalists are the worst kind of lickspittle Zionists.

Do you want another 911? If not, keep paying goy.

It's money laundering. US taxpayer money is sent via foreign aid. That money is directly and indirectly put into AIPAC, which lobbies (bribes) US politicians in return for their support and promises of keeping the foreign aid and support incoming.

Fucking A

Well put.

They brutally slaughtered innocent Americans on the USS Liberty. They did a major portion of 911.

They need to get off the welfare ride, too.

It's a historical foundation of support stemming from World War 2. We won the war and allowed the Jews to have their own country to protect themselves. The US then feels perpetually responsible for them because they were the main victims of the war. Also there is the strong religious support from middle America. It's like the main character from Choke. He gets a wealthy person to think they saved him and then they send him money continually because they feel responsible for the person they saved.

Indeed this is the official reason... Not the truth though

I'm listening.

If you truly want to be redpilled, investigate the myth that is the HoloHoaxTM and how it led to the creation of the apartheid state of Israel.

Also look into the most powerful people in the US being Israeli-US dual citizens, and also the AIPAC.

Pretty sure Holocaust wasn't a hoax though. Potentially exaggerated maybe. I've read a lot about it on ask historians and they're usually pretty good and the Holocaust is far enough away that historians take a different angle (especially of negative retellings of USA foreign policy)

It's easy to see the Holocaust victims in Jews, you can hear from many survivors, many confessions from Nazis. Genocide happens often. Now, does the Israeli state use the Holocaust as an excuse to do horrible shit? Yes. Just like any western country tbh but Israel is definitely one of the worst because of the Diaspora of wealthy, powerful Jewish people

Where exactly is the evidence of this mythical talmudic number of 6 million Jews who were supposedly targeted by the Nazis and subject to vicious forms of torture and death like gas chambers?

When I was in high school, I kept coming across this phrase used to describe the Germans, "incredibly efficient killers and torturers" in various forms in both mainstream history books and lectures. The whole time, I was being repeatedly drilled with the idea that these Nazis were incredibly efficient and ruthless. It was only just two years ago that I turned all this around and wondered, how much effort and resources would have been required for the Nazis to ensure the complete eradication of six million Jews.

Let's have a little fun with mathematics shall we? (my favorite pastime!)

It is repeatedly regurgitated by Zionists that 6 million Jews were killed and cremated over a 4 year period. 6,000,000 divided by 4 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 gives us the number of people killed per second. The reciprocal gives us the number of seconds taken to cremate one person.

That's one person killed, then carried out of the chamber, then cremated almost every 21 seconds. Please keep in mind that a modern crematorium takes somewhere between 1-3 hours to completely turn a corpse to ash (older ones took much longer). Do you realize how mathematically impossible and implausible that is?

What is required to properly cremate a corpse? Do you realize how enormous this project would be? The sheer amount of coke, dehydration, fuel etc. is enough to make you question WHAT IN THE HELL WERE THE GERMANS THINKING IF THEY ARE CLAIMED TO BE THESE "INCREDIBLY EFFICIENT KILLERS"? Guess what my friend, Hitler and the Germans wanted to win the war... So why the hell would they divert these massive resources to such a nonsensical plan?

Where are the massive factories of death? Where's are the huge arrays of crematory ovens? How in the hell did energy-starved Germans fuel those ovens? You should recall, Germany had a resource-hungry two-front war they were fighting, and the Allies ever so righteously bombed German infrastructure and supply lines, both civilian and military to cut off resources of war for Germans... Wouldn't you think that ramping up factories of mass murder, in order to kill your slave laborers, would have been the most counterproductive thing they could have done? All this time, we keep hearing how Germans were these EFFICIENT KILLERS, very adept and EFFICIENT in their methods of supposed torture and genocide... Do you realize how much labor would be required to move six million corpses into those crematoriums and/or those mythical gas chambers? Do you think these "EFFICIENT" Germans would be so retarded as to divert massive labor and effort into this incredibly inefficient plan? Again, I remind you, Hitler and the Germans were in it to win the war! Not enact some mythical Talmudic mass-extermination of Jews.

EDIT: Minor grammatical errors. Also used star instead of x turning the numbers to italics LUL

EDIT 2: One little thing I should clarify. Am I denying that people, including Jews, underwent horrors of war? Not one bit. The fact of the matter is, these "concentration camps" were SLAVE LABOR camps, which were designed to feed into the German war machine. I'm contesting the claim that Jewish massacres took place as a result of "the Final Plan" in these camps, on the order of Hitler (adorably enough, no mention of a Jewish HoloHoax is ever found when one examines the memoirs of presidents and prime ministers like Churchill and FDR LOL).

That's one person killed, then carried out of the chamber, then cremated almost every 21 seconds.

A majority of those killed in the Holocaust died of disease or starvation, not gas.

More, the "21 second" thing seems unreasonable expressed that way, but it is not when you see it as ~180 people killed per hour or ~4000 people killed per day. Remember, there were 1200 concentration camps by the least estimate, and up to 40,000 "detainment centers".

Note that the Battle of Stalingrad had two million casualties in five months - that's one casualty (which includes people seriously wounded) every five seconds.

Out of those 1200 concentration camps, only a handful were "death camps" and all of those happen to have been behind the Iron Curtain.

I guess I agree with you. I think only a minority were cremated and mass genocided like that. I think most were going used for slave labor and died in that way, or died resisting, etc. Technically still a genocide but the fact that it's remembered as the genocide of all genocides sounds like a conspiracy to me when we complete don't look at genocides that effected just as many people

How do you figure? Germany was encouraging and assisting Jews to emigrate to israel before and possibly during the war

They weren't the main victims of the war. Here are statistics showing total military and civilian death counts for WWII. 10,000,000 Soviet citizens were killed during the war so they got hit hardest.

I know I was just saying where the historical support comes from in terms of the psychology of America as a whole. The Jews are portrayed as and believed to be the main victims by most of America. The majority of Soviet casualties were from the actual warfare though so even though they lost millions more they aren't seen as helpless victims that need perpetual help.

The Jews were in no way the "main victims of the war". They weren't even close.

20 million Russians alone died.

I bet you don't even know how many Chinese died, Japanese died, Germans died...

But we all know the bogus 6 million figure of Jewish deaths. The question is why? Why was there a holocaust museum in Washington DC before there was even a WWII memorial to all the G.I.s that died?

Why, if the Germans wanted to exterminate Jews would they spend hundreds of millions of dollars building camps, employing guards and supporting the vast infrastructure required to house and home millions of Jews. And then, for no explicable reason, gas them?

Why not save all that time and money, spend 5 million on 7.62mm rifle ammo and shoot them all. Job done.


Because the whole thing is bullshit.

The US interned Japanese in camps after Pearl Harbor and the Germans interned Jews after September 1939. Both groups, rightly or wrongly, were viewed as possible subversives behind enemy lines.

The only difference?

The Germans lost the war, their supply lines were bombed to dust, food production was non existent and all those dead emaciated Jews you see on the old news reals were people who died of starvation after Germany had no functioning infrastructure. German civilians died in droves too.

The holocaust and gas chambers is a complete hoax perpetuated after the war by vindictive Soviets and a West that needed a moral reason to justify the destruction of Europe.

At most, and according to Red Cross records., 250-300k Jews died in the war. Though a tragedy, where's the memorial in Washington DC for Dresden (50k dead) and Hiroshima and Nagasaki (150k dead).

All of it is Jewish media propagated lies and Schindlers List is bullshit. Jews won WWII. They got Israel out of it and 100 million non Jews died.

Where's their Schindler's List Hollywood movie lament?


Not quite right...

The US gives Israel $2+ billion dollar a year and Israel buys $2+ Billion a year of US produce guns. For the US Congress the math is something like Gun Factories = jobs = happy constituents = re election

We really support them because they are supposed to be our eyes and ears in the middle east. That and because well, we created that mess and if we didn't, they would have been either overran or involved in a nuclear war years ago.

Bonus: They are quite familiar with FF attacks and likely do all our dirty work that we elect not to do in house.

well, this is actually true.

the attack on the Liberty for example - was a false flag. Egypt was supposed to take the blame for sinking of the ship and this would have allowed LBJ to invade and take control of the Suez Canal. It failed because the Israeli fighter pilots and gunboats recognized the American flag and refused to continue the attack.

the US did take control of the Suez Canal 10 years later following a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt that also saw the US become the benefactor of Egypt - essentially controlling the country and its strategic waterway.

The 1973 October/Yom Kipur war that led to the peace agreement was also a false-flag orchestrated by the United States (namely Henry Kissinger). Essentially the then newly established Egyptian leader made a deal with HK that he will switch sides (from USSR to US) if the US helps him strike a blow against Israel - and that's exactly what happened.

...the Israeli fighter pilots and gunboats recognized the American flag and refused to continue the attack.

This isn't true. One of the better sources:

It is actually true - the IAF fighter pilot quoted was just giving the cover story because Israel could not admit that it attacked a US ship at the request of LBJ and McNamara - it's also the reason why McNamara told the 6th fleet commander to stand down the jets that were supposed to assist the Liberty - (mentioned in the link you provided).

it was a false flag and the radio comms show both fighters and sailors were very reluctant to continue the attack after identifying the star spangled banner - they had to be strictly ordered to attack again by their commanders and even then were very reluctant to do so and at some point actually refused to carry out their orders.

Fucking LeBron James he's everywhere

Because we're infiltrated.

Most of that money is going to Lockheed Martin and other US MIC companies. Congeress is also getting a nice kickback from that money through AIPACs legalized bribes.

Decades old Zionist lobbying machine and complete control over the discourse and politics. Once people start asking questions and it becomes a public debate, that's the end of the "special relationship". That's why they are quick to smear everyone as antisemitic, trying to silence any debate - because a debate would quickly result in the conclusion that Israel is not an ally but a huge liability that the US has no inherent interest in whatsoever. We will never get back our hundreds of billions that we wasted on that country and on wars for its benefit, but we will at last be free from the Zionist yoke.

Jews Rock!

We work, pay taxes, Israel gets for free.

Not really. Though it's a nice thing to hate Jews as it's really easy, the money is part of Israel-Egypt peace agreement. Egypt gets money too*.

The money we get is then re-invested in American companies and it's being used to co-develop military technology.

The full list of countries who receive money from the US


Edit: The fact that this comment got so many downvotes, even though it's based on facts proves that this sub is autistic

Jews? No. Israel. Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are two very different things.

But Israel is such an amazing, diverse, non-violent, and educated nation! /s

Only democracy in the middle east lol.

Actually, Tunisia

Don't be surprised if Netanyahu stays in power for a long time yet.

Actually I am Tunisian. However we're not part of the middle east, rather north Africa or Maghreb.

Middle East is a rather imprecise term in my experience. Often times, it is invoked to mean Arab, or anywhere with sand, or it includes Turkey, or it doesn't include Turkey. I think in the sense that the term "Arab Spring" ties North Africa in with the likes of Yemen and Oman and crawls up into the Fertile Crescent.

I'm pretty sure it's from Egypt to Jordania (containing Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Iran, Irak, Yémen, UAE, etc)

Criticizing Israel does not mean you hate Jews. Asshole.

That's the MSM rhetoric that blue pill people spit every time you criticize the Israeli government...


I speak Arabic so I am a semite

That's kind of the point

But, it will soon be illegal.

Sure, I believe all of that. :/

Shekel for the good goy

The fact that this comment got so many downvotes, even though it's based on facts proves that this sub is autistic

No. You're getting downvotes because you equate criticism of Israel with hating jewish people. That's some idiotic logic right there, and if you don't see that then you're lying.

Sorry that I've been attacked here for my Judaism. I obviously accept criticism with BASED facts and not lies.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation in the world, and it's all done in the name of supporting a rogue nation which has imprisoned within its borders a population larger than its own citizens.

Can you provide me some documentary? "..... do not be afraid of bad Mr Friedman. He is likely to do a lot of good. And definitely he can’t make things any worse. Nobody believes the Jews will give some parts of Palestine to Palestinians, anyway. So let them take all of it and make it a democracy. This will undo the Zionist enterprise faster and better than any war can do."

Read it. Slippery, eh?

And read the comments. People are far from persuaded by Shamir's article

Make more sense for the world to stop giving money to what's been described as 'that little zionist toilet '

Stop giving them arms

Stop giving them luxury trains used by a handful of Russian settlers

and arm the Palestinians

then sit back and watch israel disappear

Then party time !

Here at /r/conspiracy we like to hunt down our own information. For starters try "saudi arabia subsidies" in google search.

google noam chomsky on israel to start...

He was part of the '47 Russian invasion of Palestine by Khazar fake-Jew communist mobsters, and then he moves to the USA and becomes part of the elite intelligentsia. How does that even happen? How does any of this make any sense? And now the mobsters have their own nation-state and extract tribute and support from all other legitimate nations. It's more bizarre and unbelievable than an extraterrestrial invasion of Earth, yet it's real. Welcome to our nonsensical prison planet.

Yeah, Noam Chomsky, a traitor, commie, self-hating jew.

damn commies.


coz the evil zionists defame jews more than any other people on the planet

$10.4 million per day, you say?

I find it interesting that, following Friday's UN Security Council vote condemning Israel's settlement activity (the first Israel unfriendly UNSC vote since 1979), Netanyahu vowed to STOP FUNDING UN programs.

Jerusalem Post:

'Israel to stop funding UN institutions'

Israel will not accept the decision and it will be cancelled, he stated, though it may take time. He also stated that Israel would stop funding UN institutions.

So, how much HAS Israel been giving to the UN?

Well, according to this United Nations page, it looks like Israel "gives" the UN about $10.7 million PER YEAR (see line item #13).

So, Israel's ANNUAL contributions to the UN is about the same as the US gives Israel EVERY DAY.

Boo Hoo!

The zionist state has sinned tremendously they defame jews more than anyone

they defame jews more than anyone

I agree wholeheartedly.

I, for one, find it very disheartening that so few Jews - whether Israeli or 'foreign' - have the balls to stand up and condemn the Zionist Machine.

This may be because they fully agree with Zionist policy, or it may be because they are fearful of the backlash that they would receive from their fellow Jews...

In any case, dissent in silence is no dissent at all, and when and if shit hits the fan (G-d Forbid!), their absence of backbone may come back to bite them.


I, for one, find it very disheartening that so few Jews - whether Israeli or 'foreign' -

have the balls to stand up and condemn the Zionist Machine.

It's messed up some honestly do and it's great it warms hearts watching you almost tear up than forget they have no voice when compared to the majority

This may be because

they fully agree with Zionist policy

Honestly most do it's fact they feel they have a obligation to support what they believe are "jews" and they just want to visit the "land" they consider "holy"

I don't blame half of em

But the truth is most younger jew blindly support because they don't have any idea or maby don't care that they're in the wrong (not the jews) but the Illegal occupiers who commit the acts.

, or it may be because they are fearful of the backlash that they would receive from their fellow Jews...

This is also true from most of the older very noble jews who are outspoken they face backlash from either the zionist state itself.

if shit hits the fan

They have a samson option sothat show you how morally corrupt they are they will probly die some of them if they speak

as they have a history of poisoning people (Yasser Arafat ; Pulonium 21)

Allegedly zionists poisoned (Stalin with Warfarin) but i don't believe it was organized in some sort of contortment.

aswell as (FDR he died from the same Brain hemehragging as Yasser Arafat who died of Pulonium 210)

JFK even died four months after announcing he'd like to have nuclear weapons inspectors visit the dimona plant in the zionist state

The prime minister of the zionist state even resigned so he wouldn't have to refuse.

If you bring this sort of stuff up even the most open minded person would label you a anti you know what

Or younger non zionistic zionist supporters will attack them for what they believe is there right to occupy another people land because they supposedly lived there once

It's incredibly sad on both ends but i don't know why we don't allow the native americans to reoccupy the land they once lived on.

So why should we repatriate a group of people from a kingdom that was dismantled in the era that "wars were commmon", "kingdoms came and went" and there was almost "no diplomacy as we know it today".

It's not like they were enslaved

And it was the romans who allegedly kicked them out But it's still sad

In any case, dissent in silence is no dissent at all, and when and if shit hits the fan (G-d Forbid!), their absence of backbone may come back to bite them.


NO nazi

they can keep them

How is trump going to justify this with "America first" !?

Was that supposed to be a sentence?

Yes. Maybe it's a bit more clear now.

Meanwhile people are upset that Trump is costing NYC additional money for Police protection. Israel kills and steals land from Palestinians and thumb their nose at the UN for telling them to stop.

So basically they are a poor African country. With your unwitting and generous donation of only a little over a dollar a day, the price of a cup of coffee would mean so much, to these starving, malnourished Jews, armed with AKs

No they get all the money in a lump sum and invest in things that can benefit their illegal regime tremendously they don't distribute it in pennies a day to each individual occupying "citizen" of that terrorist state. They use it to fund their illegal nuclear "weapons of mass distruction" and there illegal "ethnic cleanse" and "genocide" of palestinians.

They also funded hamas and other black (false flag) operations such as flight 144 or 141( i cant quote of the top) that was supposedly carried out by "palestinians" who hijacked a plane

MI5 documented it was a false flag ogranized by zionists to curb support for palestine in france.

They supposedly have the 4th largest military force in the world which would be suprising as france or australia would most likely dwarf these micropecker terrorists.

They use a combination of US arms their own weapons with NATO rounds.

THE JIDF shills in early

dem jews want their shekels

You make it sound like the money is going to the people of Israel. We all know that's not happening and its for weapons. Explain to me why I should give a fuck about a country 5,000 miles away along with the rest that gets handouts that do nothing for us.. Oh.. I'm sorry we pay rent to so missiles can be there is a better term.

It would still be appalling if the citizens were getting the money, but most of that goes to their fake anti-missile defense system they use for national propaganda and fear mongering

Israel will neither deny or confirm they have nukes. That alone should be enough to say fuck em

Let me help you out with that one.

They have nukes.

Unofficially maybe... but officially the neither deny or confirm.

Jimmy Carter went on record several years ago that they had at least 200 nukes at that time.

That's cool. Vanunu did that for them.

JFK would tell tell u that

They stole nukes from French government against the orders of De Gaulle. It was a big treason that nobody seems to remember... Actually sometimes (rarely) there is a documentary on it on TV (public channels meaning financed by taxes and ads) but it's like people don't care at all of what's going on 10 miles from them but will start complaining when it backfires at their face. Latest example: Syria. We supported the bad guys from the start and now we're like what the fuck, refugees go back home... Terrorists what do you want? You hate our freedom that's why you attack us.. What fucking freedom??? We're all as propaganded as North Koreans in some kind of way.

Edit: sorry it was on Arte not on public TV which I doubted anyways.

Here is a video but sorry in French...

Iraq tried that approach.

"The **palestinian terrorists" keep trying to attack for illegally anexing 55% of their land after illegally migrating and becoming the the 35% minority why are they defending their land with sticks and stones "

"all we ever did was attack the occupying british forces bomb hotels in britain and rome and murder the british foreign minister after illegally immigrating"

How are nuclear weapons enough to curb this hideous agression :(

"B B B B B B B B B B B B B BB B B B B b but the palestinians are terrorists because we annexed their land".

The most shocking part is Israel did 911. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Mad dog indeed!

911 was a cheap magic trick. Only bad magicians use CG. The Israelis planted real explosives in the WTC but used CG to make it appear "hijacked planes" flew into them. Want proof?

A Pentagon employee crawled through the hole and saw no evidence of a plane:

Major General Stubblebine confirms that the wreckage at the pentagon is consistent with a missile and not a plane:

This WTC witness insists it was a bomb, no plane:

These firemen said they counted 3 explosions. The Police/FBI are reported to have attributed this to vans with explosives in the WTC basement:

You can also see raw footage (ie. not altered to show a CG plane) that shows the missile impacting the WTC (no plane):

You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact):

The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke:

But what wasn't CG was the explosions and the plane cutout shape they created. You can see those small explosions here (6 minute mark):

The cutting charges were planted by Israeli Mossad posing as art students who rented a whole floor and got construction permits at the site, and made a temporary balcony. They even made a book about their "art" - which showed them standing next to boxes and boxes of explosives fuses in the WTC!

Mossad agents filmed the missile impacts/explosions (to add CG planes later and pass on to media) and later went up to the roof to plant radio jamming devices. They were arrested and this is documented by the FBI. There was traces of explosives in their van and they were set up filming BEFORE the attack:

Let me stress that again, the FBI arrested dancing Israelis on 911, not muslims. They refused to take lie detector tests for months, and when they did, they failed. So much of that FBI report is redacted, proof positive of guilt.

They needed to fake plane impacts because a real plane would be shredded by the WTC like cheese through a grater. That's why when the Transasia plane collided with a taxi, the wing broke off, and the taxi wasn't sliced in half at all:

According to a WTC architect in a 80s interview, the impact of a plane (300 tonnes) is nothing compared to the 13,000 tonnes of force trying to push the WTC over simply because of its enormous surface area.

WTC project management engineer atttests the buildings could survive multiple plane impacts.

The WTC designers did a study for 600mph-1 impact which showed the towers would easily withstand the 911 attack.

Someone planted an engine (though wrong make) to further the plane deception:

Essentially the media got punked by Israel, because journalists just report what they're told. You can see another example of newscasters being fooled by a movie set into thinking it's a real plane accident. At the 7 minute mark in this video:

The larger 911 plan required the destruction of the Washington bridge and Lincoln tunnel. That would take out the fiber optic cables linked to stock market/banking, markets would have crashed and there would be martial law introduced. You can see this TV report on the other Israeli vans that were intercepted, one of them exploded:

Israeli companies moved out of the building months before the attack. Israelis in America were warned in advance through an Israeli messaging service:

Hundreds of Israelis were flown out of America, despite a flight ban, to avoid them being arrested by the FBI, including the "art students":

Israel is the almost only country that benefited from the September 11 th attacks. In the words of Netanyahu, "it's good for Israel".

ty for this

For just a little over a dollar a day you can gives these poor children of god a bunch of guns to shoot brown people with! (In the Arms of an Angel playing in background)

To learn who rules over you, find out who you can't criticize.

Forever true

We are slaves.

The Rothschilds work directly for The Archons

Yet, we could really use that money for schools, free healthcare or more affordable housing, but no, they need that money more than us, you know, the American people.

The US is Israel's bitch. Just face it. Trump is only gonna make it worse. SO funny to watch.

It's actually just a round about subsidy for the Defense industry. We give $$$ to Israel and, in turn, they use that $$$ to buy US planes and other weapons.

This is outrageous. How about people get clean water in Michigan first, before we start talking about shelling out this type of imaginary money.

Fuck that, with the kinds of money we give Israel, the US could be a great country again.

Your gift of just one dollar a day will help an Israeli step on the throat of a Palestinian.

But we can't do UBI herp derp!

Almost everyone here has a different explanation as why the US and isreal are such big friends

Why not nuke them and save the money?

We give more per citizen to the West Bank and Gaza, so what's your point?

Why the United States supports Israel:

The United States was built upon Christian fundamentals. Ingrained into the making of the laws. Israel, especially Jerusalem, is to Christians what Mecca is to Muslims. Jesus was a Jew. Most of the people in the Bible were Jews.

Strategically, it's like having a good friend nearby who has your back whenever shit goes down aka when you have to fight. Israel is our best friend who's surrounded by enemies. It gives the United States a base to land planes in any potential Middle Eastern war.

God forbid WW3 were to break out but the United States, Russia and Israel have 99% of the nuclear weapons out there. The United States and Israel would be allies in any potential WW3.

And just to put it plainly, Jewish people, for the most part, have white skin. To put it even more bluntly, hold a gun up to a white supremacist and make them choose which person out of a Jew, Black, Hispanic, Native American, etc they would fuck. They would have to choose. They'll always pick the Jew.

I could go on but you get the point....

they might pick none of the above and mow them all down too.

came here to read some ignorant comments.

was not disappointed.

I'll support Israel even beyond America

wouldn't that be over 1M per person per day?

Go back to school, please

lol. oh wait that would be 8 people. woops. Santa's magic is disrupting my ability to math today.

you sure have been trolling a lot of threads lately with your nonsense noticed. Thanks sweetie! :)


Not really. Though it's a nice thing to hate Jews as it's really easy, the money is part of Israel-Egypt peace agreement. Egypt gets money too*.

The money we get is then re-invested in American companies and it's being used to co-develop military technology.

The full list of countries who receive money from the US


Edit: The fact that this comment got so many downvotes, even though it's based on facts proves that this sub is autistic

damn commies.

While I cannot deny the holocaust happened,

Why does everyone who mentions Hiltler have to say the above? Like it's programmed for everyone to say it in some form that "the holocaust happened."

Very strange indeed.

Pretty sure Holocaust wasn't a hoax though. Potentially exaggerated maybe. I've read a lot about it on ask historians and they're usually pretty good and the Holocaust is far enough away that historians take a different angle (especially of negative retellings of USA foreign policy)

It's easy to see the Holocaust victims in Jews, you can hear from many survivors, many confessions from Nazis. Genocide happens often. Now, does the Israeli state use the Holocaust as an excuse to do horrible shit? Yes. Just like any western country tbh but Israel is definitely one of the worst because of the Diaspora of wealthy, powerful Jewish people