**.1 second per floor for 110 floors** within 11 seconds**

76  2016-12-26 by [deleted]



Also, if only the floors fell down, there would have been a steel skeleton left but there wasn't. Thus, controlled demolition.

The proverbial smoking gun - Newtons 3rd law and the 3 laws of Thermodynamics.

The greatest global gaslighting ever: no you didn't see what you see with your own eyes. Gotta give 'em grudging respect for that.

There's a video on YT that I cba finding that shows the concrete blocks clearly vaporizing on explosion never anything but a controlled explosion but I came that conclusion on the day it happened and in real time, Christ how anyone can't see it boggles my mind!

Exactly. It smelled like bullshit the day it happened. Then every piece of evidence showing the lack of forensic protocol, as well as defense protocol, just made it obvious. I can't believe this lie has been silenced for 15 years when a monkey could figure it out in ten minutes.

hour after hour of MSM and TLA weasel words of truth.

9/11 was a MSM/TLA co-production, or they became one and the same beast.

first plane impacted at 8:46, CNN was live broadcasting at 8:49 from the roof of CNN corporate HQ 2m50s later

they hold the MSM record for quick response.

one 9/11 shill had the laughable gall to suggest that a CNN camera crew were driving down the street when the first plane impacted and they then rushed up to the rooftop to film and broadcast live...

one guy tried, but he kept forgetting that Newton's 3rd law states:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Actually I did respond directly to that point a couple days ago. You had no reply for me in that thread (https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5jqrlb/1_second_per_floor_for_110_floors_within_11/), but here you are creating a brand new thread with the exact same flawed argument and declaring victory. Here, I'll post the same reply I did in your previous post.

As far as your "equal and opposite" argument, explain how it applies to the tower collapses. I'll help you along.

The energy required for the falling section to collapse a single floor of the tower acts in an "equal and opposite" direction on the falling section by slowing it down slightly. Once that floor breaks free, it joins the falling section, making it even heavier. The falling section also gains even more energy and velocity than it had when it falls through the open areas between floors. Remember, the volume of the buildings were nearly 90 percent air, offering nothing at all to slow the falling sections down.

By the time the collapse has progressed through the first 10 intact floors, it has gained 25 thousand tons of extra mass and is moving faster than it was when it started. If the first intact floor couldn't stop 72 thousand tons moving at 19mph, what chance chance does the tenth intact floor have at stopping 100 thousand tons moving at 40 or 50mph? What chance does the 20th intact floor have at stopping 125 thousand tons moving at 60mph?

If the first floor can't stop the falling mass, none of the ones below can either.

You just make demolishing business a lot cheap, let us blow the top floor, rest will follow like a charm.

Yup, and every demolition job will do billions in damage to neighboring buildings. Great idea.

Just lol

So if I'm understanding correctly, you're saying that if it had crumbled under it's own weight from burning jet fuel or whatever have you, it wouldn't have been possible that it collapsed that fast?

how much burning jet fuel is on floor 22, 21, 20, 23, 24, 25, 35, 46 47, 48, 36, 37... each floor was violently torn apart by bombs ALL WITHIN .1 SECONDS!!!

No government entity was tasked with explaining the controlled demolitions that took place AFTER THE INITIAL EXPLOSION SEQUENCES that started the flawless 11 second controlled demolition.

No government entity was held accountable for their faulty reports (and NIST states clearly their work cannot be held accountable IN A COURT OF LAW!!!)

I'm with you. Thanks for clarifying.

Thanks for the question! Happy to clarify. Sending good vibes your way

Ok so...lets just run through the math for a second. Carbon steel (the stuff used to make skyscrapers) loses up to 90% of its structural integrity at only 50% of its melting point. That would mean that the steel would need to be 755 degrees F (1510/2) in order to bend and collapse. Standard US jet fuel burns at a minimum of 800 degrees F, meaning it could very well cause the steel to become malleable. Also, the building was hit by a fucking plane, which puts more stress on the few remaining in tact beams.

In regards to newtons 3rd law, yes it was met with an equal and opposite reaction force, meaning the stationary floor exerted the same amount of force on the falling floor as the falling floor did on the stationary. Though this may be true, that does not mean that the supports were able to withstand this extreme force being pushed down upon them. The weight of the falling mass easily overcame the force being exerted and then crumpled as it exceeded the amount of newtons of force it could handle. Remember, F=MA, though the mass stays the same, the force which is exerted is multiplied by 10. Couple that with weak steel due to the compromise due to heat, you get a collapsed building.

yes, and it can be easily asserted that when heating steel to like 800 degrees F it vaporizes into tiny bits too. It then also proceeds to heat itself up to 2800 degrees F and stay like this for days/weeks. Oh and gets V-cuts as well....case closed.......sigh....

I could have accepted if one tower fell and the other one stood for at least an hour.

Not two within minutes of each other AND WTC going unexplained.

it collapsed several floors at once with the crumbling happening internally of which you didn't even see until it was already working inwards. The collapsing also speeds up as it gains more weight which lowers more resistance. That speed slows back down again near the bottom due to the rubble acting as a brake/cushion.

says who, source please,

this is not how A&E911 say it happened.

Honest question: How many of you #pizzagaters have always thought 9/1 truth was stupid? Has your opinion changed since getting involved in PG?