Christmas Pizzagate breakthrough on voat: Podesta affiliated company called "Gusifer, LLC". It runs an international adoption agency.

1324  2016-12-26 by Contrary_mma_hipster

Details are on voat and probably can't be posted here. It is a company started by a Podesta cousin with direct link to a residence of Tony Podesta. Funny name too - was Guccifer on to it?

I feel like the brave investigators of pizzagate are getting very, very close to unraveling everything.


And the onions layers keep peeling.....I hope pg becomes a global breakthrough that changes the world.

the movie Eyes Wide Shut never did

Too esoteric. It takes ten to twenty years just to decipher it.

Dont forget Kubrick died months vefore the film's release. Gave the studio plenty of time to delete some more explicit stuff. The thread is definitely there, tho. Especially the scenes with the costume shop.

It was ahead of its time, and it kind of shows how in the dark we were. It is excellent. Both a type of prophecy and a disclosure simultaneously. A time capsule that when years later , when there is enough awareness it can be opened and understood. That was his genius was his ability to bury encoded information in a plot so that the movie was two movies in one. I understand some of it. Like in The Shining how he encodes his involvement in the Apollo mission to the moon. And how Eyes wide Shut is a dual meaning of the world being blind to how people are being blinded and programmed by their handlers. How the perception is being shaped by the elite through mediums like movies. So he is also in a sense shutting his eye, or his eye that is his cameras eye. His movie then becomes within his minds eye, in his experience, autobiographical, like you would recall a memory. And Autobiographical and prophetic also in that his eyes are wide Shut, meaning he is dead. Maybe he knew he would be killed for doing the film.

And you are right, I am sure he had more in store for that film than the final edit showed.

Whoa never heard the shining apollo mission thing. Any links?

Watch his shirt as he does his best to stand straight up like the Apollo rocket is being launched, the pattern on the carpet matches the launch pad...

Follow other links in the youtube sidebar that explains room 237

This one is well done

Wew thank you

This guy (link below) does some really good analysis of Kubrick films and others as well, if you read some of his articles in detail you'll get a good sense for the priming techniques that Kubrick used and you'll be able to spot them when you watch his films and films by other directors who use those techniques, though I don't know of many others who were as meticulous as Kubrick was in interweaving plot and subplot with the imagery on screen.

I think he disregards the moon landing involvement theory, though.

Thank you!

No prob, his site looks like a mess but if you find his youtube channel the guy has really great organized insight into film analysis.

any good links explaining the connections and inferences in Eyes Wide Shut. I saw that movie a long long time ago, and I have a feeling I had no idea what I was watching at the time.


We can only hope someone close to him managed to lock up an original negative up in a vault somewhere... more likely it's lost to time, but one can dream..

Rumor is that much was cut out.

I forget the shop scene. What was the context? Guy had a special mask stored away?

From other threads that I've read about this movie the deleted scenes allude to leaving their daughter with the masked men as a trade for his safety/admittance to the club. It's been a long while since I've seen it though;

I mean, there's a decent framework laid out on the internet for anyone who would like to try now.

Don't forget Tom Cruise is bad and scientology is bad. But also, Nicole Kidman is good.

Got it? great.

Nicole Kidman is good, but her father is bad. Right?


Well, he was a psychiatrist...and we all know how that is dealt with in Scientology...

Caduceus Society... BTFO with your MKUltra bullshit... Fuck the weaving spiders when there are slithering snakes.

Caduceus Society... BTFO with your MKUltra bullshit...

Moloch worship... BTFO with your "Society"...

It's Hunting Season.

It's too crazy even for this sub... I guess you could start with's_Office_operations

and wonder what kind of religious cult has ever attempted that level of government infiltration... let alone succeeded at it... and what did they really want.

Operation Chaos Leak... sounds a fuckload like wikileaks.

and wonder what kind of religious cult has ever attempted that level of government infiltration... let alone succeeded at it... and what did they really want.

Let's get the Commies involved too! I hope no one pays any attention to what we're up to in the little corner of this topic...

It's the US Government vs Dianetics vs the Commies vs Luciferians vs the CIA vs the Illuminati... with an orgy of sick and perverted blackmail flying in every direction...

US Government vs Dianetics vs the Commies vs Luciferians vs the CIA vs the Illuminati...

Dont forget the Nazis! Yeah, Muslims overwhelmingly supported the Nazis in WW2, volunteering to kill Jews... Muslim progressiveness is the core of which forms the DNC. Many Nazis in fact were ushered into America...we only ever heard of "space rockets"...

The Nazis are rolled up into the CIA part of the list... and then back to L Ron hubbard to touch on some undercover spying on Aleister Crowley and the whore of Babylon on behalf of US Naval Intelligence... bounce from naval scientology to Sea Org... From Crowley to CIA to Charles Manson back to Scientology to CIA and Charles Manson(program, deprogram, reprogram = nutcase)... Wheeeeeee it's a fun ride... and has been going on for centuries... so I just pay attention to post WWII shenanigans....

... and has been going on for centuries...

And how!

The American Revolutionary War wasn't just the British vs the Americans, but the British vs the Americans vs the Canadians vs the Five Indian Tribes vs the French vs the Germans...vs the Russians...

Yeah... I never much cared for politics... but Wikileaks seemed like a little lightweight naughty fun to dig into... and now I believe in God.

It's not USSR vs USA, Left vs Right, Dems vs Republicans, FBI vs CIA, Muslims vs Christians... all the labels are made up to hide the fact that no matter what label you have... it boils down to Good vs Evil.

it boils down to Good vs Evil.

Even that is relative.

The truly scary thought is that at the top, there's no consistent vision. Everyone is out to try and dominate the world, and there's no plan that says what will come next.

I'd love to see it the Venn Diagram of what is going on... the variety of motivations are all over the spectrum... and different "good" or "evil" groups have differing opinions on what kind of timeline we should be working on.. and how much ends justify the means. No one will dig this deep into this topic to read this stuff... especially since we're not tunnel-visioned on Comet Ping Pong...

on it.

20 days.

RemindMe! 20 days

Slow build... mellowly intense

[So tongue in cheek it's perfect]

She knows how to achieve Maximum Triggering.

Finished thread / 10 out of 10, would read again.

There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I didn't think anyone would get this deep.

It's not that. It's that the average American took it as just another regular movie.

try Back to The Future.. 30 year secret

I remember seeing that in the theaters being a fan of Kubrick - and my reaction was "wow what crazy parties those fake rich people have"

thought it was fantasy based

artists often use their mediums to tell truths that if they simply used words to convey would result in their persecution

A.I. Was his last film. It was going to be about pedophilia. Rewatch it and look for the symbols. Spielberg whitewashed it.

How do you know what was supposed to be in it if it didn't make it?

That's the beauty of it not making it. You can make up whatever shit you want ;)

what was up with the "flesh fair" and gigolo joe.

Well, it's still in there but not to the extent it would have been. it's not eyes wide shut level.

now with eyes wide shut they had tons of adult prostitutes for their party but you know in real life it's with little kids and tons of pizza.

At this point, with what's being revealed nearly daily, Eyes Wide Shut can be almost called a documentary.

These people are Cabalist Satanists. Yet most people will laugh at that statement, or say they are just hedonists etc. They are Satanists..

What do they believe in and what sort of rituals do they do?

Kubrick died suddenly and the released edition was heavily edited. My guess is that scenes with children were removed and any explanation of the link between the society and government.

EWS wasn't about sex. It was about power.

Everything is about sex, except for sex, sex is about power.

what about all the sex? lmfao. giant orgies being splattered explicitly across the screen.

some fake-deep movie nerd: "it's not about sex."

lmfaoooo. the last line in the movie is literally "We Should Fuck."

never touched the child angle of this otherwise its adults doing adult games see?

its the children that make this so illicite

their child is kidnapped in the toy store at the end of the movie

That doesn't happen at all? I just watched the ending on YouTube then.

try paying attention, see those two guys the little girl is following.... yeah.

she doesn't come back into the movie, she is gone. she walks off screen with those two men, who you may remember from earlier in the film.

then its a quiet reference to what he was trying to get across

Nikole Kidman's father was being brought to trial for sadistic child abuse claims. One even said nikole was there during a particular gruesome sacrifice acting nonchalant.

Congratulations, you have successfully derailed the discussion, so you get a bonus or something?

derailed the discussion by referencing highly relevant material? yeah okay.

There's no stopping it now, short of a total fascist level intervention. If that happens, then the result is the same anyways.

If that happens, then the result is the same anyways.

We go 1776.

Just finished watching Snowpiercer and am like "fuck yeah lets eat the 1%"

I don't know... There are a lot more ways to suppress the truth and the reactions nowadays.

Sure. But we've got minorities in lots of high places, and the majority of the military. I don't want to fight, I have no plans to fight, and fighting is not the best way to do it.

But if we do fight, we will win.

Everyone in a position of power has something to lose that can be exploited :(

Only with worker control of the means of production and direct democracy.

I don't like those terms because of the people associated with them historically, but I think we are in general agreement about our desire for freedom, and an end to overlords.

no stopping what? Is anyone of significance actually doing something on this case? Last I heard there isn't a single investigation still being conducted

The proof is out there. All there is now is circumstancial evidence. Hundreds of pieces of circumstantial facts pointing at the same thing, sure. But circumstantial none the less. There will be a loose thread somewhere out there that will make the whole thing unravel when you pull it. And the person who discovers it will be remembered for all eternity if the truth escapes.

so again, nothing is happening yet, if ever. Right now literally no one with authority or power is touching this case.

The reason coincidences are being found is because they mean fuck-all.

Nothing is going to happen until there is testimonies or bodies

Because if you as a professional and established journalist starts to investigate and report on this without the water tight evidence to back you up, you're basically just going to land yourself a suicide open and shut case or possibly even a family accident.

No one wants to be the first one to step out in the cold. This is why citizen journalism is so important here. They can't suicide us all.

journalists arent going to start reporting on this because there is nothing to report but circumstantial evidence at best. There is no investigation to even legitimize a discussion.

Sorry but that is the reality. Sensationalist headlines like Christmas Breakthrough like this arent going to win interest in a potentially very concerning case.

They don't report on it because:

1) Many are paid to publish and censor on behalf of the gov.

2) Many are just as brainwashed as everyone else.

3) Some think there may be an element of truth but know it would be a career killer.

4) Few realize it is likely true but also realize it's "too big" and would result in suicide if seriously pursued.

5) Few know it is 100% congruent with the way TPTB really operate and their car exploded because they had a heart condition anyway.


Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are a shill. Learn to engage in dialogue and debate.

Haha, yeah right. This place doesn't understand either of those words.

They didn't even read my answer but went directly to a automatic response. I won't debate with someone who don't do it themselves or what did you hope? That I would waste my time arguing with no one?

His/her comment was in response to your original comment. The person clearly responded to what you wrote about journalists not covering pizzagate. you seriously can't handle having a debate or differing opinions?

If anything, you didn't read their reply. I think you're a shill who is trying to make conspiracy theorists look dumb. How much are you getting paid?

That real fact is that it's already changing the world. The defense bill of 2017 had a part in it which allows the goverment to close down websites and stuff they deem to be foreign propaganda etc...

LOL. It's had zero contribution on anything. Most people don't even know what it is and the ones who are familiar with it, don't buy it. It's absolutely irrelevant and it will never have any sort of impact.

You've just been in an echo chamber too long and accuse everyone who doesn't believe it of being a shill.

So what have y'all done about the Catholic priesthood?

it already is


pizzagate is just an investigation into the possibility of a DC based pedophilia ring operating in DC... in a similar manner to other rings that have been busted in recent years... the circumstantial evidence is hard to dismiss when you recognize that the problem of government pedophilia exists whether or not you think pizzagaters are crazy.

Not forgetting that "adoption" seems to very much a Podesta family business. Mary Podesta (John and Tony's mother) apparently adopted a further 25 children. What their names were, or where they are now, God only knows.

Arwen Podesta works for Odyssey House, which has locations in SLC, New Orleans and DC.

Can you tell me why pizzagaters continually link to voat when it contains subs that sexualize minors like /v/preteengirls and other jailbait related content?


I don't believe any of this pizzagate nonsense for a second. That said, I love this comment. Freedom is a double edged sword. Look at pre-breach darkweb. So very true.

They should try to get the jailbait content removed before making a stink about pizzagate. Real cp on their site seems a more important matter than imaginary child abuse.

lol r/pedofriends

Many pizzagaters moved to Voat after their subreddit was removed earlier this year. Perhaps they don't have a better site to link to.

You realise reddit has cancer like /r/pedofriends and /r/pedo101, right?

Those subs weren't banned, but /r/pizzagate was.

Just checked and they're both banned

They might be now - after the media made a stink out of it.

because voat does not censor, as your very examples demonstrate

You are the company you keep.

"Gusifer, LLC" doesn't run an international adoption agency. According to not-always-reliable online databases, it shared or shares a business address with seven companies, one of which is an adoption agency.

Shh... if they keep repeating "Gusifer LLC is an adoption agency, ergo Pizzagate is true" enough, it'll become accepted reality. Classic psyop/disinfo tactic.

You're creating a false narrative. The people dedicated to this investigation openly accept that dead ends and disinfo exists and try our best to discern between those things and productive truth. This isn't a joke. If these accusations are true, children are being bought and sold every day.

We are looking for answers, not chasing our tails.

Exactly. Although it's hard to differentiate between between dismissive people and shills nowadays.

It's a hard pill to swallow. And it's a crazy premise, not even I can doubt it. But I think more and more people are realizing that the picture we are shown of the world isn't the world that exists.

When I used to go to church there was always a line that stuck with me. It was "the greatest deception the devil can achieve, is convincing you he doesn't exist."

There are certainly Devils among us and they can live with utter impunity If no one believes they're there.

Great quote...

Usual suspects.. Kaiser Soze

I love finding out that the quote that was thrown around my church is also in Usual Suspects.

It's "meme magic".

And better for us, because they'll never see us coming.

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Pretty much how things go around here

By "they" you meen people hangin in conspiracy-forums right?

K thanks shills


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Why would several companies share business addresses?

It could be an office building, or it could be an address used by their registered agent for service of process (legal papers). The latter is incredibly common. Or it could be a virtual office used to receive mail. I don't know. That one of the 8 companies owns the other 7, or is even related to the others, is a leap or conclusion without any evidence, really.

They operate in the same building.

Companies can have a ghost or shell office in a different state or city for tax reasons.

I remember there being an address in Delaware with hundreds of thousands of firms registered to it to avoid certain taxes. 285,000 to be exact, including Trump and Clinton.

That has more to do with established business case law than taxes.

Some companies require that other companies doing business deals with them reside on paper in Delaware, so that the contracts have a predictable legal basis (because of the established case law).

This is the correct answer. Defining the state whose laws will apply is a common term and condition in business contracts.

A lot of the big names in Silicon Valley are registered in Delaware because it's a relaxed on fees and taxes compared to other states.

Links to VOAT are allowed from what I've seen. Please share it in the comments. Thank you.

FYI: Every link to a pizzagate thread is is automatically put in the mod queue. The mods have to verify that the thread does not break reddit's TOS.

That was the case, but /u/creq has now added an override script to Automod spam settings, so /v/pizzagate posts appear automatically.

This means that the mods are reliant on users reporting posts which contain personal identifying info.

Ah, good to know. Thanks.

Now that is a coincidence Guccifer 2.0 vs. Gucifer. Perhaps we should focus there.

I see another coincidental satanist connection, just Lucifer with a G.

Mason's G represents God, maybe it's a way to call Lucifer God

Grand architect.

Lucifer/Grand Architect/Archons..

Man, I'm a Freemason and we are not bad people.

I was trying to figure that out. I read that it meant Geometry. I really do not know, though.

Gotcha. I will look. I think we have had this conversation before about Freemasonry. I would have to check my post history. Did you read about Kappa Sigma recently?

Did you read about Kappa Sigma recently?

Yes, you told me about the star and the crescent.

No, please tell me.

Ok. I thought that was you. I hope you had a nice Christmas!

I will look at the link you provided, but it will take me some time.

What is Kappa Sigma?

It is a Masonic fraternity, and their super top secret ritual manual was leaked by Wikileaks.

I posted it before because they use a lot of symbolism that can be found at various places, like CPP. The Star and the Crescent, for example, is on their front sign, and it is also a symbol used by the Shriners. The Shriners wear the fez and drive around in those miniature cars. The Shriners are very well known for building and funding children's hospitals.

It is interesting that there is a person wearing the fez (about 1:27) in the Unusual as Usual video that was filmed at CPP.

"The criminals are casual..." Cut to man wearing fez. LOL.

Awesome dude. I'll delve into this when I get a chance. Thanks so much

No problem.

Freemasons aren't bad people man.

I thought it was for Gnosis / Gnostic

Wasn't there a hacker named Guccifer? Could that be anything? Didn't he claim to be involved in Clinton's email scandal?

Yes, indeed

Thats Guccifer 2.0 The orginal Guccifer's student

Good point. Let us not forget "Spirit Cooking"

Edit: Google has removed "John Podesta Spirit Cooking" from its suggestions. What a coincidence.

I have already overridden an enormous amount of reports and am sick of the childish behavior in these pizza threads.

Be mindful of reddit rules - as well as the Sub's.

This thread will likely be a headache all day tomorrow so I am asking in the nicest way possible for the users of the sub (and we all know there are more than one set of users) please act accordingly, vote accordingly, and report rule violations when you see them.

Personally I think there's more to this than meets the Eye and the mods here actually do work for you all to keep this sub as open as possible, and will only be using mod actions when absolutely necessary.

You want to take back the sub? Start tonight.

Thank your for your service.

I had decided to abandon this place (long time lurker) but you know what JCP, I will fight along side you.

I'd get you a coat, but it isn't that cold outside.

Haha, did you just get that heat wave that went through PA yesterday? Cause its cold again here.

Yep. Nor Easter is coming I am told.

It's gonna be one of those winters.

Honestly, if anyone has watched the Aussie 60 mins report about the UK and knows about the Pentagon CP scandal nothing that happens in the future should come as a surprise

This is serious. I just looked up the business registration of Gusifer, LLC.
Gusifer, LLC has more than 2 known addresses in Winchester VA. The both look residential.. They're both in proximity to almost 30 pizza restaurants. One of them is called 'Italian Touch' The registering agent of Gusifer has over 2 decades of off shoring experience.. I suspect closely related to Haiti. Not sure, I'm still digging. Gonna deep dive through Frederick County records, trying to find an association. Will report back.

Holy shit, an address is near multiple pizza restaurants? What a spooky coincidence. Do you think The Noid is involved too? HOW DEEP DOES THIS GO?

One of the pizza restaurants is "Little Caesars", I am not sure what the Roman symbology means, but I am sure "Little" refers to pedophilia.

Little Caesars is the third largest pizza chain in the US. They're literally everywhere. I don't think it means anything.

He's joking. Pull your head out, man.

Well then I'm fucking retarded. Sorry.

It just gets hard when there's literally people on this sub who think that way.

It's honestly impossible to tell if a post is meant to have /s after it anymore. I've seen some absolutely insane crap being argued on here (reddit in general I mean) in the past year or so, much more than there used to be.

Yeah I thought he was serious too.

How deep dish can this go?

Through the meat and cheese. The sauce never comes easy. That's why everyone asks for the sauce.

There are subreddits for bad jokes mate. No reason for you to hang around all the "crazies" in conspiracy right?

So creepy, multiple pizza places like any large town / city and an agent that specialises in businesd and tax affairs, you're getting so close to breaking thus wide open

Italian Touch? Weird.

To be honest "Italian Touch" is vague imo. I have seen many businesses with "touch" within their name with nothing sexual intended.

I live few hours from Winchestor(Va resident)

If yall get some more concrete evidence and seems worth while.. i can make a trip up there with me and my 9mm.

edit:(Didnt want to make it seem like I was planning to shoot up the place . Only for personal protection lol...)

Please report back on voat as well - more serious researchers for public collaboration on that forum.

'serious researchers'


"The letter "G" figures prominently in Freemasonry. In the lower degrees, the initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design this wonderful Cosmos. However, occultist, and 33rd Degree Mason, Arthur Waite, quotes Eliphas Levi [also 33rd Degree], telling us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi , Chicago, , DeLaurence, Scott, and Company, 1909, p. 217]

The greatest Masonic author of all time, Albert Pike, agrees. He states [page 631-32 in Morals and Dogma ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle". This term, "generative principle", is code for the sex act."

Compare these two images:

Pic of Masonic square and compass separated by a G

Pic of Nu And Set being separated from sex

Egyptian myth of Nu and Set, were Nu(night) and Set(day) are locked in a sexual embrace. Their separation created a division between light and dark. A myth for how there is even a day and night, personified in man and natures symbiosis.

  • This is also why you see a black and white checkerboard floor in some the images of the mason symbol. The light and dark principle.

But the similarities are there. Only the masons use a compass to represent Nu, a square for Set, and a 'G' for the "generative principle/phallus/sex.

It's the same myth hidden in plain site.

That's why it's Gusifer. Or Lucifer with a G.

More info about the Masonic symbolism:

So ask, why is an orphanage/adoption agency called Gusifer? Because it is a code for Sex with the children. Shame on you Podestas!

That's...not how Freemasonry works...

And you of all people should I directly quoted you in my article (which summons your username).

Yea, looking over your article I don't see your disagreement. We both know the occult has its basis in ancient myth. And the myth has been distorted towards the over emphasis on the evil. And I very well understand what's at stake my friend.

As far as my post ,I started to make this connection today of the deeper meaning of the compass and square. The past couple of days I've been having quite a few revelations about Masonic symbols and their connections to ancient myths both good and evil.

Oh you did? I haven't checked my messages in a while.

So I should know freemasonry doesn't work in which way? Can you be more specific?

Ok Maga. Since you want to ignore and down vote and not explain then I dismiss your assertion.

It's the same myth hidden in plain site.

You conflate all the concepts together. The very definition of New Age Occultism.

The thread I linked explains why they aren't linked.

Conflate? I'm stripping it down. You can't deny the similarities between the Nu/Set myth and the symbolism of Masonic compass square and G. I wasn't even talking about Baal, specifically. Just how masonry is distorting this mythos.

You can't deny the similarities between the Nu/Set myth and the symbolism of Masonic compass square and G.

Correlation does not imply causation. The symbolism of the Nu/Set myth is not part of the Judeo-Christian canon. Especially since the Egyptians gods were idol worship, and Judeo-Christianity is monotheism.

Albert Pike, along with Arthur Waite, were postulating what "G" meant. Being a 33rd Degree mason is irrelevant - in this position, their motivation was to sell books. It was huge at the time to link Freemasonry with the Occult, it was a means of the public "understanding" things. The Taxil Hoax is a great example of this.

So what does "G" mean? "Geometry", most likely. Why? Because in addition to the Freemasons literally being the first trade union ever, numbers had a very special status in Egyptian mythology, Judeo-Christian beliefs, and New Age Occultism. Even today, people try to find relevance in the numbers.

The top level of Freemasonry is Master Mason, 3rd Degree. If you want to be a Shriner or York/Scottish Rite, cool. But it doesn't make a difference in the official teachings.

In this , using myth, correlation does imply causation because myth is from which other belief systems spring. So just like Christianity has its similarities to the osiris myth, so does freemasonry have its root in myths that came before. In this way you can trace them back.

If anything is conflated ,it is freemasonry itself.

But look at it this way, we have millions of beliefs, but only very few belief systems. Only ten belief systems from which cause countless variations.

But look at it this way, we have millions of beliefs, but only very few belief systems.

The machinations of which, are distinct. Given that monolatry, idolatry, monotheism, etc all exist.

Maga, if there is anything I can tell you today it's that our beliefs , our ideas all originate from the same core belief systems

These are those ten:

This isn't dogma, or so much science really. Maybe both, depends on what you believe about it. I think it's a kind of science of the perception.

our ideas all originate from the same core belief systems

If they did, Jews and Christians would be worshiping idols.

There are multiple belief systems. It all depends on how they're used. That was the tl;dr of my linked thread.

Cool. So why are we disagreeing? I forgot.

And Jews and Christians do worship idols though, don't they? Let's figure this out. Christ is idol worship. Jesuits worship the sun/son. The Romans actually switched the first day of the week from Saturday to Sunday; church is on Sunday, etc. The sun being another idol to worship which has been around of course in Egypt already prior, and prior to that it was worshipped, probably forever in some form. It's really nothing new, just the idols change personas.

So does the significance. Saturn day becomes sort of a Sabbath switch. The Jews still hold their Sabbath on Saturn day. And then we know the idol they worship.

While I'm on it it's interesting to note that 9/11 happened on a Tuesday. Which is Mars day. The God of war.

But just in the beliefs about arbitrary days of the week are encoded meanings derived from ten core beliefs, particularly myth. And in magick those symbols are used in operations to reinforce the belief. It's really that simple. But in the grand scheme of things they mean nothing. Arbitrary ideas invented by man about his place in nature. They only have power and significance is one believes they do, as they hold no absolute knowledge about reality. So in a sense all of our current idols are false, but held as truth. That's how I look at.

While I'm on it it's interesting to note that 9/11 happened on a Tuesday. Which is Mars day. The God of war.

Sea! See? C, for Catwoman!

Confirmation bias.

Really? You as much said it in your article. Saturn. Satan. Baal. Whatever, Moloch. Take your pick. It's not that hard to discern they actually idolize the symbol of Saturn.

Eliphas Levi, a Jewish Kabbalist, was the one who created the famous Baphomet, which you quoted myself in your article. Make this connection and you have it. I'm not an anti Semite, but Jews run Hollywood and music and it's how they worship their idol through that medium. Why do you think satanism is even a thing? Most Satanists themselves don't even know it's a Jewish propagation.

Saturn. Satan.

There is historical evidence for Baal-Moloch. But none for yours, other than the conjecture of Occultists attempting to explain away symbols. I covered that too in my thread - as New Age Occultism.

It's not that hard to discern they actually idolize the symbol of Saturn.

You think Jews worship Satan?

Most Satanists themselves don't even know it's a Jewish propagation.

Most Christians believe this, but not Jews.

The New Testament is not the same as the Old.

The reason I quoted you in the thread is because you were right about Alefantis flirting with Baphomet symbols. But for everything else, you're conflating all the concepts into one big ball of confirmation bias.

/u/Ninjakick666 I think he told me once it always comes back to the Jews, Zionists, etc.

You might want to rethink confirmation bias as it's a trap. I'm not even disagreeing with you. Cognitive dissonance. Choose a belief man, I really don't mind.

/u/Ninjakick666 I think he told me once it always comes back to the Jews, Zionists, etc.

We discussed that yesterday, in this hilarious thread comment chain, in fact.

Yeah... I never much cared for politics... but Wikileaks seemed like a little lightweight naughty fun to dig into... and now I believe in God.

It's not USSR vs USA, Left vs Right, Dems vs Republicans, FBI vs CIA, Muslims vs Christians... all the labels are made up to hide the fact that no matter what label you have... it boils down to Good vs Evil.

Pretty much. It's an ageless battle spawned by belief systems. Duality, relationships, duplicity. I like that concept conflate you brought up, but our beliefs are all conflated. I don't think it can be avoided to mix beliefs together. But yea, since that is the pool from we draw from it boils down to which side you are on. It's very black and white, like the checkerboard floor of the masons. Or the Egyptian God holding up the dark from the light. Metaphorical light/dark dual symbolism. But it's us holding up the whole thing, not gods.

So what about if the new age Idol is the self? We don't idolize ourselves enough as it is. We idolize others and God's and important religious icons both good and evil. Fuck all that shit. The knowledge of self is where it's at, and you don't get knowledge by believing in God's. So it amuses me, Satanism. How arbitrary and redundant and distorted it is. Once you figure it out its a cosmic joke.

So what about if the new age Idol is the self? We don't idolize ourselves enough as it is. We idolize others and God's and important religious icons both good and evil. Fuck all that shit.

You know what they say, the devil wears Prada.

I wear fruit of the loom. Maybe I'm Adam because of that. And So many to choose from.... Past life attractions to Egypt, personally, and always a feeling I was a Viking. And Not only do I see idols in this life, but in others. Yet somehow they are all inside me, so there is no escape but to come home.

The devil is also in the details. But we will transcend all of this soon.

And that is why it is dangerous to conflate things.

You risk bringing implicit bias into your discussions.

Everybody has guidelines. And bring them everywhere they go. It's not cool to isolate one person when this is something we all seem to do. That's why i said confirmation bias is a trap. As soon as you target another, you are bringing out your own implicit bias and guidelines. It's typically how any conversation goes down.

A friend of mine called this ' the absolute unacceptance of differences'

And that is why some Journalists don't vote.

The ability to never let facts get in the way of a good story is a harrowing one.

That's job security in the entertainment industry.

And if you are the one who gets to edit the bible, must feel like a God. But I wonder how much of it is confirmation bias? What do we do with it now? Not like we could ever make much sense of it, flawed by its own implicit and absolute guidelines, obscured by its own conflation.

It's only a matter of time until it is totally irrelevant, like a photo that fades to invisible. I'm very curious to what comes next, I don't think another God or crucifixion myth is probable in our timeline, do you see us shifting backwards to more dogma? I don't. But I can start to see a picture being formed of a type of revolution happening.

do you see us shifting backwards to more dogma? I don't.

We live in an age of dogma, and those too blind to see it.

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Perfect example of the type of shit that triggers a revolution. It's like Dr. Evil thinks he can rule the world. It's comical to think it will work. I can't stop him from trying....

The thing about energy is you can't force it. You can't put a square peg in a round hole... unless you are a master mason, then still you have to assimilate both into an amalgam.

The world isn't ready for destabilization of the nationalism of each country. At least not for a hundred years most likely, and in a natural progression. Not a forced one like any new world order Soros Inc has in mind. When you force energy it naturally follows the laws of physics and produces an equal and opposite reaction. There is your revolution. Like I said I can't stop him, but he will fail because his intentions are personal and not collective. And as individuals will start to see, a choice will be made for what type of world we choose to create, already with the loss of Hillary the world moves in that direction of not letting oligarchs be dictators.

The world isn't ready for destabilization of the nationalism of each country. At least not for a hundred years most likely, and in a natural progression.

Really? Because Soros could do it to North Korea, and Merkel is doing it currently to Germany.

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Yes. See what happens. The elites are already starting to be revolted against. Elites and Authorities in general. See South Korea and Aleppo, Brexit,... And I already mentioned Hillary. Awareness of her corruption will be legendary. The whole pedo thing is really the proverbial nail in the coffin. The underlying current is primed. Trump will be walking egg shells.

Do you practice reading probabilities and what direction the collective is moving? Helps with the fear to know there is nothing to be afraid of, and instead a great sense of liberation is probable.

South Korea was an accident.

Aleppo isn't even halfway over.

Theresa May isn't serious about Brexit.

Awareness of her corruption will be legendary.

It is legendary, no one cares.

The whole pedo thing is really the proverbial nail in the coffin.

It really isn't. Pedophilia has been occurring for thousands of years. It's regularly dismissed as #FakeNews.

Like we said. It's a battle of good and evil. You have a choice. Dwell on the negative or create a different world.

Dwell on the negative

Dwell on the negative to understand the negative...and then create a different world.

The first part represents the past 2000 years, the second part is a shift in consciousness. These events seem to happen every so often. Where the collective shifts the human experience.

I think we have a pretty good grasp on the negative experience so the question is in which way will we transcend this.

This is also why it's important that I kept showing how the comet pizza sign was satanic. And why it gets trolled so hard and dismissed automatically by all but a few, like you, a genuine person trying to figure it out, so thanks.

I have noticed Venus is extremely bright for the past few months. I wonder what the heck is going on.

It usually is since it is the closest celestial body other than the moon. That is the main reason why it's used as the symbol of what separates day and night.

For example, the sun is day, the moon(or stars) is night, in between is Venus.

Thanks for bringing it up.

I've thought the exact same thing regarding Venus

Is Venus almost straight up in the sky after nightfall right now?

I'd recommend picking up the 'Google Sky' app. You can use that to find planets, stars etc. It's a really cool app.

That is very good information. I have been trying to decipher the Masonic symbolism for several months now. Do you know anything about Amen or Ra or Amen Ra? Amen and Ra are both sun gods, but I do not know if this is significant in Masonry.

That is very good information.

That is false information.

Do you know anything about Amen or Ra or Amen Ra? Amen and Ra are both sun gods, but I do not know if this is significant in Masonry.

Here you go:

Julian Assange: Reporters ‘Erecting A Demon’ By Protecting Hillary Clinton (or: The Secret Holy War of the Elites)

Fun fact: I initially quoted OP in the thread.

Ah, let me look at that link... Thank you for the information.

The info isn't false and him redirecting you to his convoluted research doesn't make it so.

I agree.

Or, it's a coincidence and just one of 26 letters in the alphabet.


Means the same lawyer, most likely.

I see, the link is the person AND the address. So, you are only half right and OP is more right than you.

J Daniel is connected to the cousin of Podesta, as explained in the link.

Sorry your right . It's confusing .

If you believe these records dug up and presented on voat, a cousin of the Podestas owns an adoption agency. That's it. That's the whole 'revelation'.

This would be guilt by association if there had been any proof of guilt to begin with.


This would be guilt by association if there had been any proof of guilt to begin with.

It is literally pre-crime.

Must have been terrible for the victims when people kept doubting and covering for the priests. However after all these years its basically common knowledge and there's even a movie on it.

This is what an investigaton looks like. An actual prosecution hopefully will take place if this info is true, possibly at any point after Jan. 20. 2017.

I don't think it's outrageous to follow up on the adoption agency, AS IS LOGICAL GIVEN THE AMOUNT OF "CHARITIES" INVOLVED WITH SEX RINGS.

There is one big difference with the Catholic Church's pedophilia scandal. Wait for it...

That scandal had actual victims that were, in fact, speaking out.

As opposed to making up evidence like "why do all these churches have creepy art of a mostly nude man bleeding from his ribs?"

Never too late to inform yourself. Notice the vows of silence. In several cases victims waited until they were adults before being able to confront abusers.

The allegations were investigated and covered up in some cases for over 30 years.

"In one, four Dublin archbishops were found to have in effect turned a blind eye to cases of abuse from 1975 to 2004.

A fresh scandal erupted in March 2010 when it emerged the head of the Irish Catholic Church, Cardinal Sean Brady, was present at meetings in 1975 where children signed vows of silence over complaints against a paedophile priest, Fr Brendan Smyth. This prompted Pope Benedict XVI to apologise to Irish victims."

"Reacting to the UN report in February, Barbara Blaine, the president of Snap (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), said it was clear that the Vatican had put the reputation of Church officials above protection of children.

"Despite all the rhetoric from Pope Francis and Vatican officials, they refuse to take action that will make this stop." she said."

Have I sued anyone? No.

Am I stopping fellow citizens from investigating this issue? Fuck no.

You really think its easy for victims to come forward?

What's the name of the cousin?

You'll find all the doxx details in that voat thread. Because voat doesn't censor, even when it encourages harassment. But I won't name someone who is clearly being witchhunted yet hasn't been officially charged with anything. Because I think that's wrong. And likely defamatory.

who the fuck names an adoption agency 'friday's child'??

Remember the rhyme Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go; Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for its living; But the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

I was talking about Venus in this thread, but check this out, the etymology(origin) of the word Friday:

"Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga,’ named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus,’ Frigga being equated with the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Compare with Dutch vrijdag and German Freitag"

  • But in this context it means either Child Love, Or Loving a Child. The only thing that makes it suspect is that instead of calling it one thing they hide it behind symbolism calling it 'Fridays Child'. So if their hiding the meaning they are hiding something else, imo.

My word you really are clutching at straws!

So what you're saying is that when retailers had black Friday, they had black child loving. When catholics have good Friday, they are having good child loving. Talk about a tin foil hat...

Anyone can see how illogical your conclusion is.

The name of the place is Friday's Child. Child is already in the title. You are taking other unrelated things and inserting child into the equation yourself and blaming me for your fallacy. Stay classy.

You're the one attempting to place an innocuous day of the week as being somehow related to child trafficking and abuse.

No. Freya is Venus. Venus is Lucifer.

These are the same stories with cultural twists.

In what way is Venus Lucifer?

The morning star?

It's from the poem, Monday's Child.

Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child works hard for a living,

But the child who is born on the Sabbath day

Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay.

The poem and its respective days of the week are often used to refer to children. (e.g. this text refers to an embryo as a "Thursday's child [has far to go]")

Apparently, there has been some variation in the days of the week:

Despite modern versions in which "Wednesday's child is full of woe," an early incarnation of this rhyme appeared in a multi-part fictional story in a chapter appearing in Harper's Weekly on September 17, 1887, in which "Friday's child is full of woe", perhaps reflecting traditional superstitions associated with bad luck on Friday – as many Christians associated Friday with the Crucifixion.

An example of "Friday's child is full of woe" comes in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode simply titled, Friday's Child.

"Wednesday's child [is full of woe]" has been used by various adoption related organizations. A simple search for "Wednesday's child adoption" on your favorite search engine will yield multiple results.

Given the context, the most likely explanation is that they chose "Friday's Child" for the same reason other adoption organizations have chosen "Wednesday's Child".

Why would voat go invite only?

"Voat is currently Invite-Only :(

New registrations are temporarily disabled, check back in a few hours."

I would guess they're trying to limit the shills

I seem to recall hearing that it goes into invite only mode when it is under heavy traffic. Not sure though, so don't quote me on that.

Lol @ your username

After pizzagate was shut down, word got around about voat . A lot of people from reddit went over and started using bots and multiple accounts to upvote and downvote posts to fit a liberal narrative. So that's why it's invite only right now, as far as I know.

Misleading title. The business gucifer Llc operates out of the same building as an adoption agency and six other businesses. Once again the idiots on this sub upvote anything without reading it. Leaving poor saps like me to have to read and point out the boloney.

The adoption agency was at a residence of Tony Podesta, then it moves to the same building with Gusifer (Podesta cousin).

It as at podesta's house?

My bologna has a first name.

It's O-S-C-A-R!

It's G-U-C-I-F-E-R!

Why though

Gusifer Guccifer!!!!!

Was Podesta the leak!!?? Or did the leaker know this already.

Bet he changed his password from pa55w0rd to incorrect so that his computer would display "your password is incorrect."


The coincidences keep on coming

Guccifer? Lucifer? Has anyone looked into this?

"Lucifer" means morning star, or Venus. In Canaanite mythology, the morning star ruled the underworld.

I apparently heard somewhere that the so called "underworld" is actually space.

(seems like there is a hierarchy sort of 'government' system - in space /(etc?)?)

could also mean underground bases as well.

The underworld is actually the space beneath our feat. If you are an ancient person and look up and it seems endless, it only follows that when you look down you imagine the same. Since they perceived the world as flat, as far as I know. This is partly a synonym for 'as above, so below'

Even crazier is the 'pact with the devil in exchange for power' shit. Entailed sacrificing children etc. Weird and creepy af.

I'm pretty sure right now they are just paying agitators so laws making people responsible for what people submits to their sites can be passed. Like it happened in Spain btw


Grasping at straws

What was the last straw when they stopped using straws?

The threads in this conspiracy are eerily similar to hot post threads on /r/all.

Is Venus almost straight up in the future should come as a surprise.

Gusifer == Guccifer 1.0 / 2.0 ?


I found a link to something he took part in and my eyes went over "Haiti trip bake sale fundraiser" and "Peter Pizza," but I'm probably just losing my mind.

Again.... "Coats for Kids" makes an appearance... they been pinging my radar quite a lot.

Well, if anybody's going to know about pedophilia, it's the guys over at Voat.

Brings new meaning to circle jerk. Not that circle jerk needed any more meaning.

suddenly guccifer's name has some context. yikes

I read some where that the guccifer leaks is what was used to help the determination of the russia blame.

J.D. Petruso....... J.D. Podesta.... Dun dun dun.

The "Evil Twin" Skippy is JP's best alter ego... give it a little google... Skippy is one mean motherfucker... I'm not joking.

the problem is publicly announcing all progress in the "investigation" just ensures that the evidence goes away almost as fast as you find it

chasing your tail springs to mind

Smart call yourself the name of the agency so it seeps into the public when you find makes you understand these ppl and it vindicates guccifer and when he did it

Its as if the name is tying Lucifer with the G of freemasonry. Seems legit. Like kellog's morning star brand

Cool defamatory disinfo bro.

Chasing a dead end, you guys.

Guccifer 1.0

The pedo creeps are lurking here for sure.


Guccifer is Russian infosec

Pretty much how things go around here

It's "meme magic".

And better for us, because they'll never see us coming.

It was ahead of its time, and it kind of shows how in the dark we were. It is excellent. Both a type of prophecy and a disclosure simultaneously. A time capsule that when years later , when there is enough awareness it can be opened and understood. That was his genius was his ability to bury encoded information in a plot so that the movie was two movies in one. I understand some of it. Like in The Shining how he encodes his involvement in the Apollo mission to the moon. And how Eyes wide Shut is a dual meaning of the world being blind to how people are being blinded and programmed by their handlers. How the perception is being shaped by the elite through mediums like movies. So he is also in a sense shutting his eye, or his eye that is his cameras eye. His movie then becomes within his minds eye, in his experience, autobiographical, like you would recall a memory. And Autobiographical and prophetic also in that his eyes are wide Shut, meaning he is dead. Maybe he knew he would be killed for doing the film.

And you are right, I am sure he had more in store for that film than the final edit showed.

You're creating a false narrative. The people dedicated to this investigation openly accept that dead ends and disinfo exists and try our best to discern between those things and productive truth. This isn't a joke. If these accusations are true, children are being bought and sold every day.

We are looking for answers, not chasing our tails.

Wew thank you

Rumor is that much was cut out.

We can only hope someone close to him managed to lock up an original negative up in a vault somewhere... more likely it's lost to time, but one can dream..

K thanks shills

I forget the shop scene. What was the context? Guy had a special mask stored away?

Really? You as much said it in your article. Saturn. Satan. Baal. Whatever, Moloch. Take your pick. It's not that hard to discern they actually idolize the symbol of Saturn.

Eliphas Levi, a Jewish Kabbalist, was the one who created the famous Baphomet, which you quoted myself in your article. Make this connection and you have it. I'm not an anti Semite, but Jews run Hollywood and music and it's how they worship their idol through that medium. Why do you think satanism is even a thing? Most Satanists themselves don't even know it's a Jewish propagation.

/u/Ninjakick666 I think he told me once it always comes back to the Jews, Zionists, etc.

You might want to rethink confirmation bias as it's a trap. I'm not even disagreeing with you. Cognitive dissonance. Choose a belief man, I really don't mind.

By "they" you meen people hangin in conspiracy-forums right?