Is the NWO plan unraveling?
105 2016-12-27 by NeedaboveGreed
Since the UN vote on Israel the ties are slowly breaking. Clintons failure to get elected. Loss of faith in the media. Fighting against censorship. Religious institutions losing their credibility. Does anyone else feel like their plans are coming to a failed end?
55 no-ez 2016-12-27
No, and yes. The nWo was never about "a master plan," rather, a group of rich people and twisted sick, ultra-rich people pooling their influence and money together to achieve certain goals. They are soon gonna be stabbing each other in the back right and left in 2017, as more and more people get woke, and more and more people look to the internet for news.
11 WooTs_67 2016-12-27
my fear is they start going heavy on censorship.
1 Skippamuffin 2016-12-27
Or nukes.
1 Tedskis 2016-12-27
"the tighter they grip, the more star systems slip through their fingers." - to paraphrase Princess Leah.
1 RogueVert 2016-12-27
didn't they just pass Censoring Foreign Propaganda bill this xmas break?
4 juicedagod 2016-12-27
I love how you did nWo... 2Sweet and 4life BROTHER!
2 no-ez 2016-12-27
Whatchoo know 'bout that wolfpac homey?
2 juicedagod 2016-12-27
I know they're back causing mass destruction. And if you turn your back on them, you might wind up in a body bag.
28 Lo0seR 2016-12-27
Always thought that was part of the beginnings of NWO..
3 LurkPro3000 2016-12-27
Some thing something old power structure has to fall
23 NedStarch 2016-12-27
Lol, they are gaining more power than you would ever even know. Just look at the state of intellectual property laws in the U.S. and how powerful and rich these multi-national corporations are getting. The Business Class hasn't had this much power since the Gilded Age.
18 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
that might be true, but it's also true that the world has never been more awake. i reckon the latter is far more capable of driving things than a set of rules a group of fat cats have conspired to design so as to prolong their advantage. generally speaking the fat cats advocate designs that, imo, will be obsolete.
7 NedStarch 2016-12-27
I think/hope you are right, but for the time being, they hold more cards than they did before, imo.
4 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
0 twofaceHill_16 2016-12-27
Trump didn't take away a few cards? Made people more aware of the governments BS around the world
11 NedStarch 2016-12-27
By stacking his cabinet full of Business elites?
-3 twofaceHill_16 2016-12-27
lol nobody cares. Except desperate liberals and haters
3 IanPhlegming 2016-12-27
Conversely, look at how easy it is to steal the IP they are pushing via torrents and other technology.
3 DrDougExeter 2016-12-27
look at the state of surveillance and tech in general. It is helping them gain more and more control over the lives of the people.
11 dzbadman604 2016-12-27
Set back 50 years I heard ;)
4 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
cranking the jesus factory up.. what's the lead time on that?
2 dzbadman604 2016-12-27
He asked me not to tell ;)
11 HS_00 2016-12-27
Somehow, I expect that Trump fits in with their plan to end the illusion of democracy.
1 Moncon7 2016-12-27
if you ask me, trump was their plan B
11 chickenshitmchammers 2016-12-27
Not a chance. This has been planned for hundreds of years. I doubt they go out without a fight.
8 astralrocker2001 2016-12-27
Everytime they pull off a "False Flag" mankind loses more freedom. Most of society is stupid and licks the feet of the people who enslave them..
6 samsongoliath16 2016-12-27
ya its the nwo .. not some geeks off the street
2 [deleted] 2016-12-27
1 samsongoliath16 2016-12-27
U know what I'm talkin bout lol
2 [deleted] 2016-12-27
1 samsongoliath16 2016-12-27
NWO is handy with the steel if you know what I mean
1 throwtheshitatthem 2016-12-27
This is what I used to think but it has been revealed that these people are completely incompetent. They did not keep up with technology and modern society. They are going down
1 chickenshitmchammers 2016-12-27
Not without a fight.
11 [deleted] 2016-12-27
1 samsongoliath16 2016-12-27
ya the race war is part of it..
6 neonpanda96 2016-12-27
...or is it going exactly according to plan. A possibility.
5 Putin_loves_cats 2016-12-27
No, their plan is coming to fruition, imo.
5 chickyrogue 2016-12-27
seriously puties i think we might have them on the run
they are doin really desparate moves
have you been following the wheres braverman <---brilliant! putes are you wrapped in snow?
1 NedStarch 2016-12-27
Agreed. They are the ones that are truly playing "5-D chess."
4 FUCK_GLOBALISTS 2016-12-27
Lol they're not God. They don't know everything. Their original plan did not involve the internet. Their original plan did not see Trump's movement coming. I think it's safe to assume that they have lost this battle and we can win this war.... Especially after a globalist like McCain said that we're seeing "the unraveling of the world order that was established after ww2"
3 NedStarch 2016-12-27
You do know that RAND invented the internet right?
3 Deaconblues18 2016-12-27
Wrong. It was Al Gore.
6 NedStarch 2016-12-27
I know you joking, but John von Neumann did a lot of good work for RAND, and we should be thankful that he created technologies that were later intrusted to the general populace.
2 Deaconblues18 2016-12-27
I hear you. Respect.
2 thesarl 2016-12-27
Agreed, although I would not say this battle has been won yet.
2 DrDougExeter 2016-12-27
They love trump. If they didn't love trump he would not have been elected by the electoral college.
1 chickyrogue 2016-12-27
ps ... have you caught this ...
thought you would think it a good readthru ;0
4 Ninjakick666 2016-12-27
Thats gotta hurt...
2 techrich 2016-12-27
3.5 billion is not much for them. Maybe it was 35 billion it might sting more.
1 Ninjakick666 2016-12-27
It's 3.5 to begin with... plenty more fines coming... and they obviously ratted out their whole empire to avoid execution... the other shoe is gonna drop hard.
4 333bbbggg 2016-12-27
Beware though. This is when they are most dangerous. They are cornered. They're going to lash out and try to take out Trump.
4 astralrocker2001 2016-12-27
The size of their plans are so huge, some things had to become exposed. Call me crazy, but I am certain these people are Satanic Cabalists. They work for beings called "Archons" who have completely enslaved humanity.
3 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
Not if they can spin up a global war - then things will be going how they want.
In general, yes, people are waking up. The NWO agenda seems on the decline. The likelihood of more global governance seems on the rise.
1 samsongoliath16 2016-12-27
ya i have a feeling thats whats gna happen
3 Loose-ends 2016-12-27
Looks to me like we're reliving the ancient "Tower of Babel" story in modern dress. There's nothing but unmitigated human arrogance, conceit, greed and plain old stupidity writ large all over this towering or is it a cowering and slowly going up in smoke NWO, now?
2 callmebaiken 2016-12-27
This is the backlash to their machinations. You'd think they would've seen this coming, but what their plan next is I haven't a clue.
2 Azuule 2016-12-27
In the periods of March-November 2017 they will try something big, risking their power. If it fails, which means inevitably backfiring, then their grip over the planet will be greatly reduced or exterminated completely. This is what is known at this time.
2 shattersquad710 2016-12-27
Lol they make it appear that it is, but it isn't.
2 imadragonrider 2016-12-27
Not really. They understand cycles. The population is waking up to a degree. But that is all a part of the cycles. If you think these guys are 'dumb' that's analogues to the notion of the devil convincing you he doesn't exist.
Side question. What do you think 'their plan' is? Why would all of those things you listed be contrary to the plan? Obviously no one can say what the plan is with complete confidence, but I see no reason why all of that isn't right in line.
n/a Exec99 2016-12-27
I think you overestimate them and underestimate the power of people and ideas. I do think this is part of a cycle, like you said, similar to the 60s. Yes, they crushed the movement in the 60s, but sooner or later it can't be contained and a better future will happen. Of course there will be new problems, but like the Enlightenment or the Reformation, some sort of progress can be made for humanity. Never before in history have people been able to communicate and share information the way they can now. There is nothing better for humanity than for us to communicate and understand each other, share our knowledge, work together. That is possible now if we don't let others pit us against each other or cause wars. And I do believe it will happen soon, but if not, it will eventually.
1 Tatersalad99 2016-12-27
The problem is it's hyper competitive now. You have the worlds most influential (good and bad) competing from the moment they're born. They're so far ahead of the common person now that to get to their level of influence would take many generations. The connections they make in grade school are the top players of the game during their term. Good luck!
1 Mrexreturns 2016-12-27
It's all to collective mentality.
1 gnovos 2016-12-27
Nope. Trump is more than willing to play ball. It's just the amatuer hour stuff that's being swept under the rug. Now it's time for hardball.
1 thatguyad 2016-12-27
Everything that is going on is because they want it to. Dont be fooled.
1 WhenYouCloseYourEyes 2016-12-27
yes cracks are forming, but the power they wield can cause much destruction to humankind
they have yet to even fight back, I fear it will be bad
1 sickofallofyou 2016-12-27
Their going off the expected script making up new plans as they go and they don't have time to beta test ideas.
1 martini-meow 2016-12-27
1 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
ledges always collapse - no ledge is where it's at
1 Chokaholic 2016-12-27
I believe there's an old world order, which currently hold power over everything, and within that is a new world order who want to break away from the OWO and consolidate power for themselves. The NWO want to enlighten us though, where as the current regime want to keep us dumb and under total control.
n/a Exec99 2016-12-27
This is interesting. I think you are somewhat right but still off the mark a little, just my opinion. There is something true about some group wanting to enlighten us, I think, but I wouldn't think it's the known people who have mentioned NWO, Bush 1 and Kissinger being examples. Do you think Bush or Kissinger ever tried to enlighten anyone? I only saw bad things from them.
n/a Chokaholic 2016-12-27
You're right about them mentioning a NWO and moving towards one, but I believe theres more factions, a tier above Kissinger and Bush 1. And yes, I personally haven't seen anything good from them either.
1 CivilianConsumer 2016-12-27
The UN is TPTB elitist henchman. Don't fall for any resolution created by them, the reason for this is really part of their plan
0 factsnotfeelings 2016-12-27
No, they have won the battle of Aleppo (WW3's equivalent of the battle of Stalingrad) and are slowly winning the war in Ukraine and Yemen.
The rebels in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen are the only armed resisters to the Illuminati.
3 jav253 2016-12-27
What? I thought the rebels were pretty much just US/Israel sponsored rebels to try to get Assad out of the way so they could build a pipeline an pump Oil through to Europe. Cutting Russia out the game. Which is why Russia was there bombing rebels. Nothing Illuminati about it. Well other than some of them probably lost a lot of money on this.
1 thesarl 2016-12-27
You said it, wish I did. Although I may add "that we know of."
0 JewsAreGreat 2016-12-27
Admit it, you we're dying to throw a cheap shot at believers and religious people? It kind of ruined your whole post and makes you seem agenda driven. See... some of the people I love the most in this world are fantastic bible believing Christians and they have produced, loved, given and lived more than most of you could ever dream of. So, fuck off. Fuck im sleepy!!!
1 LurkPro3000 2016-12-27
I've also known many religious people who are fanatically driven by end time prophecy and tv-evangelists to promote ww3 centered around the Jewish fight for Israel.
My point is, if you can't handle your religion being scrutinized or called out then maybe you're too sensitive for this sub. Get thicker skin, buddy. All are welcome, but we're not about SJW levels of 'political correctness' around here.
0 MaskUnderMask 2016-12-27
Everything is going as planned.
0 ravonaf 2016-12-27
They definitely have certain political agenda's that have to be in place before certain technologies happen. We know that robotic AI is coming. This will be very similar to the industrial revolution. When this happens the vast majority of manual labor will not be needed. We also know that life extending technology is coming. The NWO must consolidate power before these come. They absolutely can't have billions of unemployed people revolting over the ageless Elite with their robotic armies.
-1 Ninjakick666 2016-12-27
Magog has been delayed... "Don't look so smug, I know what you're thinking. But Tempest Keep was merely a setback."
6 Pdelic1 2016-12-27
Such a strange troll. Thinking you might be a bot.
4 Ninjakick666 2016-12-27
"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"
1 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
2 Ninjakick666 2016-12-27
Errants Just Don't Understand... not everyone can be cunning.
1 HOW_COULD 2016-12-27
When the walls fell...
6 Pdelic1 2016-12-27
Such a strange troll. Thinking you might be a bot.
1 InaccurateLinguist 2016-12-27
1 HOW_COULD 2016-12-27
When the walls fell...
3 LurkPro3000 2016-12-27
Some thing something old power structure has to fall
n/a Exec99 2016-12-27
I think you overestimate them and underestimate the power of people and ideas. I do think this is part of a cycle, like you said, similar to the 60s. Yes, they crushed the movement in the 60s, but sooner or later it can't be contained and a better future will happen. Of course there will be new problems, but like the Enlightenment or the Reformation, some sort of progress can be made for humanity. Never before in history have people been able to communicate and share information the way they can now. There is nothing better for humanity than for us to communicate and understand each other, share our knowledge, work together. That is possible now if we don't let others pit us against each other or cause wars. And I do believe it will happen soon, but if not, it will eventually.