Is it crazy to think..
73 2016-12-29 by Rage_harles
You know how natural it is for we consumers to enjoy, peacefully, simulated reality 'games' where we partake in war scenarios, often killing numerous in-game humans, while holding no attachment to our cognitive, in-game decisions? No remorse whatsoever? Is it that crazy to think that the most powerful people in the world view the common people, for whom they create the game of life, as nothing but in-game characters?
Is it crazy to think that the people making new military weapons are also the people who 'buy' the weapons who are also the people who make the profit for selling the weapons, who also might be people who enjoy watching what they're insanely twisted weaponry can do to the innocent, brain washed soldiers and civilians 'in-game'?
It's the 21st century. Yet we still think war is a natural thing? We still litter our planet, as if we aren't it.
It's as though we've stopped evolving our conscience. We still put our individual lives and individual problems before the blatant fact that we are life itself. The earth is life itself. In life, there is no literal 'right and wrong', but rather, an understood state of peaceful being and acceptance of all life around us. But we allow such deep separation to distance us from what we think we know and what's actually true.
We still think we're white, or black, or gay, or straight, or rich, or poor, or fat, or skinny? We still refuse to acknowledge that each of us is consciousness, which is the same thing everywhere and in everyone?
We don't look within because we think it's silly. We don't ask ourselves what we really are because we fear doing it. We dare not question what consciousness actually is that runs the show we call 'my life' because we'd rather watch TV or vent about work. I'm making plenty of generalities but am speaking from the heart after witnessing so much separation in public throughout the holiday season. I want my people to wake up.
I just don't think it seems that crazy that, collectively, we'll awaken. Rapidly.
Edit: when you start actually questioning what the feeling of 'me' really is, you eventually recognize -- often at first intellectually, and next consciously -- that it is a complete illusion by way of cognitive attachment and pairing of experiences with particular emotions. Science can prove this. It is a long memory of what the world outside you has convinced you is you. Once that's understood and seen, your opinions, beliefs all disappear. You become the truth. You embrace being wrong, as it is a means of growth, not loss. I believe this truth can be applied to what we see manifested in politics, as what we see/feel on the inside is what becomes on the outside. Often takes some brutal and sheer honesty before you'll come to that conclusion. But this is all coming from me--meaning, I cannot prove what I know on the inside to anyone on the outside. Nor can anyone, ever. Only silence can: only truth.
23 NoNameForSteve 2016-12-29
Absolutely plausible. Growing up with video games, we got used to controlling by using gaming control pads or joysticks.
So with that comes the conspiracy that we've been taught at young ages how to easily maneuver our way through the next phase of technology in military purposes.
Drones controlled in a separate location. "It's just like playing a video game" I've heard it likened to.
7 controlledopposition 2016-12-29
That's what the new hires are actually being told. "It's just like a video game! No personal responsibility here, just aim and shoot what we tell you to"
9 Dr9eyes 2016-12-29
Recon drone operatives have actually been using pads designed after dualshock and xbox pads for several years now
9 Preacher_1893 2016-12-29
did you saw the Wikileaks video? they literally showed no remorse after shooting down 10 civilians,I mean come on,why would you shoot a van which has came to collect bodies? and with a good Binoculars,they might have even spotted the small kid inside.
5 mikdavi84 2016-12-29
That was an apache helicopter, and that particular situation is a bit more nuanced than you're making it out to me.
6 Preacher_1893 2016-12-29
so it is somehow socially accepted to shoot with a long ass bullets via apache helicopter to a harmless body collecting VAN with a kid at front seat.
5 mikdavi84 2016-12-29
There's that lack of nuance we talked about.....
1 Horus_Krishna_5 2016-12-29
you're thinking they were terrorists that deserved dying?
2 mikdavi84 2016-12-29
I'm thinking there was a lot going on that day, and I'm thinking that due to circumstances unfortunate things sometimes happen.
6 Horus_Krishna_5 2016-12-29
sounds like fog of war aka excuses to commit atrocities
1 mikdavi84 2016-12-29
I mean do you really consider it to be anything BUT an unfortunate accident? You can complain about the ROEs or whatever you want, but shit does happen in a war zone.
1 Horus_Krishna_5 2016-12-29
done on purpose for shits and giggles
1 ruleten 2016-12-29
how vague
1 AnIce-creamCone 2016-12-29
They brought their children into a war zone in a vehicle easily mistaken for transport. It's one thing if they bombed the van in regular warfare, but un-uniformed enemies require a different approach
1 Preacher_1893 2016-12-29
You americans are very good with nomenclature,'un confirmed enemies' well you were unconfirmed enemies as well to them,then why didn't they fired back at you? and it was sure that one was a reporter in them.
2 g3374r2d2 2016-12-29
Hey person, there are a lot of Americans and grouping people is exactly the opposite of the point.
1 AnIce-creamCone 2016-12-29
I'm not an American?
1 AnIce-creamCone 2016-12-29
And I said un uniformed. As in wearing civilian clothing. As in not marking themselves as combatants and non combatants. Idiot.
1 SugarsuiT 2016-12-29
16 Entropick 2016-12-29
You have summarized why the archon idea has significant merit.
3 fuckspezintheass 2016-12-29
10 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
It basically states that there are extraterrestrial (or extradimensional) beings controlling a number of human hosts in high places, and even among the public. That we are simply NPCs until some archon player picks us up to be used as a temporary avatar.
Not sure how much of that I believe, but on some abstract level it certainly rings true.
2 fuckspezintheass 2016-12-29
You got any links to good material to read about that? Thanks
2 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
Sorry, it really was just an interesting tidbit about the inspiration of Mass Effect. I'm not sure there's a lot more than that to it. Plus, I never verified the validity of that Russian Handbook. Could be made up, could be disinfo, could be actually real information, I really don't know. If you find out though, I'd love to hear about it!
1 fuckspezintheass 2016-12-29
So the Archon idea you talked about is from Mass Effect?
3 Entropick 2016-12-29
The idea originated from the nag hammadi; dead sea scrolls. The gnostic christians were (likely) altering their mind state and they saw within the pleroma (universe) an invasive parasite attached to sophia (earth). So, rather mass effect got it from there and elsewhere. Also, look up the book 'operators and things' by Barbara o brien. From there, you'll either know or figure it out.
1 fuckspezintheass 2016-12-29
Does "Operators and Things" go into the dead scrolls part? Because it's been a while since I went through the dead sea scrolls but I don't remember about the parasite thing. Thanks for the info tho, I'll check it out
9 Totality-Infinity 2016-12-29
It's definitely plausible, and some have even argued that science fiction games like Mass Effect are meant to prepare us for the coming of aliens as well; it's a part of predictive programming.
7 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
There's a fascinating comparison of the ME races and an old Russian handbook on aliens that have been in contact with Earth.
My guess is that the developers have simply used those early leaks (be they real or forgeries) of alien intelligence as foundational inspiration, rather than predictive programing, but who knows, really.
3 illBoopYaHead 2016-12-29
I'm gonna get me an Asari girlfriend
3 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
Gonna tag you as captain Kirk if you don't mind.
1 scarletmagnolia 2016-12-29
Any link should about the Russian handbook? Sounds interesting.
1 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
It was a long time ago that I've watched a video on this and I can't seem to find the exact one, but this one purports to go over that handbook I mentioned and it talks about the game and a variety of movies as being inspired by it.
7 Putin_loves_cats 2016-12-29
There is a lot wrong here, imo, and conflations with what you are saying...
That being said. I don't think you are crazy, albeit coming from someone who has been labeled as "crazy". Take solace in this:
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Maybe I'm batshit insane, though....
6 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
Imo, war is natural to an ego. In life, war is natural. To life, war is unnatural. Absolutely, we can adjust our consciousness to accept an evil world. But that doesn't mean it isn't something to change.
Edit: of course we are all different. We all come from different biological and spiritual differences. But all of that is and is of the same thing. It's a knowing that can often knock the wind out of 'you' when first seen.
2 Putin_loves_cats 2016-12-29
So is a herd of Moose working on ego, when defending off against a pack of wolves? Are the wolves acting in ego, when hungry? Your logic is flawed, and severely naive of the world around.. Try talking a hungry lone wolf out of eating you, with peace chants... It doesn't give a shit, and has nothing to do with ego...
3 godwinguy 2016-12-29
That wolf and moose analogy doesn't fit here. Most wars are not fought because it is essential for our survival. The average soldier rarely has a reason to attack the neighboring country. The wolves on the other hand must attack other animals to survive.
People need to be lied to before they want to start a war. Name one conflict that didn't start because of people believing in propaganda.
2 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
Does a moose KNOW it is life itself? You're reading my words and following my logic with a bias. You aren't reading from life's neutral perspective.
The form of life you and I maintain is capable of being aware that it is aware. I don't believe a moose is capable as such. Once consciousness becomes conscious of itself, the magnetic pull to partake in any kind of offensive combat dies. Why would life itself hurt itself in any scenario ever, unless defending a greater cause? Why would genuine neutrality ever fight against that which it knows is, deep down, genuinely neutral but flawed with a sick mind (ego)? Never would life consciously battle itself. That creates suffering.
2 Putin_loves_cats 2016-12-29
Sure, do you know yourself (tis' really all you know)? Do you ever have gut feelings? Fight or flight for self-preservation? That negro in the alley? You avoid that alley. Later, you find out a lady was raped and murdered in that alley the very alley, the same night. You had a gut feeling, you avoided... Are you that rapist?...
You have the bias.. You think life is black and white, I don't...
The rest of what you said is just gibberish, and this is coming from an open minded fellow, who has had a few...
2 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
You're speaking as if I have a personal identity. There is NO 'ME'. A 'me' is a vastly complex system of memories and attachments, which has no basis in actual reality. A 'me' has opinions and beliefs and values it holds, which holds back the truth. A 'me' is a self created illusion we establish through our development. It is often lost after immense suffering.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I do not think life is anything because I have seen that thought is a tempting illusion. Thought creates ego. One cannot think of what one truly is because thought cannot see itself. J Krishnamurti understood. I really hope you can reread our conversation from a perspective that doesn't have to win, but rather prefers to be proven wrong because when one is wrong, one is able to learn. I come at you with absolute peace.
7 islandofdelight 2016-12-29
That's exactly how it is. Not only do they lack empathy, but they actively feed on suffering, division and suppression of freedom.
Every major conflict is proxy war started by a false flag. Every mainstream narrative about the conflicts are directed by the same one's who are controlling the conflict.
People are waking up to this fact because we are crossing a threshold in consciousness. They want to divide us and keep us polarized so that we continue to blame each other. But we should be recognizing that it's all a game. We need to recognize that we're all in this together and hold the manipulators responsible for their crimes.
We can end war and have a utopia. It is within reach.
6 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
I've spent the past year unemployed, having graduated from a top university, after experiencing a sudden awakening experience while deeply depressed. Needless to say, my parents are disappointed. Regardless, I've dedicated the past year to figuring out what the hell I really am and how on earth this world, which I was and am preparing to step out into, could be so dark and illogical before I even had a turn to make it what it was. It's consoling to know I'm not alone with these personal knowings. Sending light your way
4 islandofdelight 2016-12-29
Stay strong friend. What you are describing is common to those waking up. We’re seeing the beginning of a global change. I could take this topic into very metaphysical areas, but just know we are much more than this. There are people in power who do not want us to know our true potential. But they are now panicking and realize their end is near. Good things are ahead.
6 elcad 2016-12-29
The games are training you to kill on their behalf.
4 FanSciFi 2016-12-29
I'm going to kill you. The game trained me to.
Get real, people claimed music made them kill too, it's not some huge ass conspiracy, people make games, not governments.
If the government made a game, I'd bet it'd look a lot like Circada, not war games. They have enough people willing to kill for them without games, music, or TV. What they don't have is select intelligent individuals. They want the masses stupid, and anyone who isn't, and is incredibly intelligent, they want on their side.
Not saying Circada is a government program, but I would say that IF they made a game, it would be like Circada, if Circada isn't their creation.
4 elcad 2016-12-29
The "retro point and click graphic adventure"?
And not the type of training I'm talking about. Shit is more subtle then that. Can't be too obvious with the Two Minutes Hate.
I'm a long time violent video game fan. But I find games that look like the wars we a currently in, to be in bad taste.
6 haveyouseenmymarble 2016-12-29
I tend to agree. I find battlefield 1 to be done rather well for instance as it doesn't feel trivial (compared to other war games) when you die or kill others, it's impactful. Plus, we know fairly well how horrifying it must have been to be on any side during the first and second world War, so we don't glorify one side over the other. Empathy isn't necessarily sacrificed for the sake of competitiveness.
In most Call of Duty games though, especially ones that are set in a contemporary time, one side is always right and just, while the others are filthy terrorists we need to destroy. That, to me, is the most dangerous aspect, as it feeds into western and particularly US exceptionalism, while dehumanizing enemy forces to the point of fostering hatred and xenophobia.
I don't think games like that make the act of killing a human any easier, unless they achieve the dehumanization of real world enemies. If you've played enough CoD while also being susceptible to general news and film propaganda, the military might want to use you as a means to their goals.
4 FanSciFi 2016-12-29
Cicada 3301
3 no-ez 2016-12-29
Please educate yourself before making completely false statements based on nothing! The US military has PRODUCED and been consulted on SEVERAL video games: for the dumbasses look at the first 10 links...
1 FanSciFi 2016-12-29
Yes I knew they consulted for SOCOM, that they funded armericas army. It's really not what is being implied. They aren't subtly doing shit. Which is what was being stated.
They made Americas army, which is shit compared to all competitors, to show a more realistic conflict.
Thanks for the insults though.
5 westwhat-westworld 2016-12-29
"It's as though we stopped evolving our consciousness"
No one meditates. We're hypnotized by constant media: tv, games, music, advertisements. Everyone is looking outward when all the answers are inward.
4 OB1_kenobi 2016-12-29
Wait and see what happens when they begin deploying more remote piloted weapons systems.
Drones are what's happening right now. Soon we'll have drone tanks and drone mechs and whatever else. Now imagine what will happen when the military recruits caffeine loaded gamer types to pilot these weapons.
More wars because fewer actual soldiers physically present in foreign war zones.
Fewer MSM reporters physically present as well? Therefore expect most MSM coverage to be a total fabrication.
2 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
Very interesting. I've read that the cabal plans to have the world policed by the people, sort of like a cleverly devised civil war between the logical and the illogical/content. That leaves the elite stress free as the people develop their own war based purely off illusion.
3 Loud_Volume 2016-12-29
We are already awakening rapidly now because of the darkness we have been subjugated too.
We strayed so far into the darkness we are snapping back into the light like a rubber band. Humanities time for spiritual consciousness awakening is now.
Power structures that once held the common man at bay are now falling down.
People are remembering our link to god source and it's all because of the negative way we have been living.
We are remembering what and who we are now. And it's beautiful and will only get better from here on out. The faster we live within a fifth dimensional reality, the better.
3 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
Much love.
1 UltraLisp 2016-12-29
What does that actually mean?
2 Loud_Volume 2016-12-29
Higher dimensions are closer to God, or source. Lower dimensions are further away from God, or light, source, creation etc.
The higher the dimension a soul lives on, the more pure, light, and in tune it is with God source it is.
Mother Gaia (the soul of earth) is naturally a fifth dimension entity and is how we have normally lived as a species.
We have been dragged down to the third dimension and have lived within that frequency or reality for a long time.
Pole shifts are really another name for Ascension. Anyway this is how I understand it. Here's some links
1 UltraLisp 2016-12-29
Do you think I'm being narrow-minded to not work the idea of dimensions into my worldview? I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but I just think of the universe as the 3D we know and sense, plus time. Within that spacetime framework, there are infinite frequencies. But no more dimensions (up/down, left/right, forward/backward, and that's it). The idea of more dimensions just makes no sense to me because it doesn't fit anywhere. It doesn't actually mean anything. There is no geometry that doesn't get super convoluted and seem like woo woo to me. And it doesn't seem necessary. But I know the more esoteric physics, like string theory, get into that stuff, but I'm highly skeptical of the weird higher sciences.
"Beings from higher dimensions" to me just means beings that can essentially teleport, traveling in hyperspace, which is like a dimensionless pocket within 3D space.
I'm open to the idea of the infinite spectrum of frequencies getting divided into "dimensions" though, I guess, much like the quanta the rest of the universe divided into. That makes sense on some level.
Do you think the ancients were a 5D civilization? Hence Earth's original 5D status, as you said. That's kind of an interesting idea.
But thanks for the links, I'll check them out for sure.
2 Loud_Volume 2016-12-29
I have a hard time grasping it as well or atleast mentally picturing it which is kind of expected.
The fourth dimension is time, and apparently fifth dimension is beyond time.
This is what's different between the dimensions as well.
Everything that has happened, will happen, or can happen, has already happened. But because we live in third dimensional reality we move a lot slower because we have "time"
I do believe a lot of ancients live within the 5th dimension.
Also think of it this way. In front of us is the third dimension.
But around that space is other dimensions within it.
This gets confusing and I have a hard time making sense of it sometimes but it is a facsinating subject nonetheless
2 Lsd4 2016-12-29
Consciousness is all there is as far as I can tell. All we really have are our relationships, experiences, emotions, the present moment. I think when you consider how pervasive and unstoppable the suffering is, all you can do is act wth kindness
2 damn_this_is_hard 2016-12-29
Scope out the military episode of Season 3 of Black Mirror.
2 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
God damn. Solid suggestion
1 damn_this_is_hard 2016-12-29
You watch it? Crazy right!
1 Horus_Krishna_5 2016-12-29
us human males do have violent tendencies and I understand, but don't condone, how our military members get brainwashed in boot camp and then commit atrocities.
video games and also sports are a healthy way to get our instincts out without really hurting anyone.
3 [deleted] 2016-12-29
2 Horus_Krishna_5 2016-12-29
I just know whether elites put out programming and propaganda or not, us human males will have natural violent instincts, hunter vs gatherer instincts, fight or flight, we all feel it. Keeping it in is not happening so let's let it out in a nonviolent way. Better to play some call of duty than actually sign up and fight in these illegal wars.
1 URIDIOTLOL 2016-12-29
Consciousness can be used for extreme cruelty or stupidity. Every suicide bomber, rapist, murderer, torturer and tyrant was and is just as conscious as their victims.
It's like a computer but programmable in a different way and it doesn't really have any intrinsic positive value, after being wrongly programmed it might have no or even negative value.
3 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
But a consciousness that's fully aware of itself is what I'm referring to when I hint at a state of awareness that is anti-offensive. Why would life itself, the ultimate symbolism for neutrality and love, ever knowingly attack itself? Suicide bombers, rapists, etc. are certainly conscious beings and are certainly, at their essence, consciousness. But they're knowing of what they are is owned by the ego, driving them to commit psychopathic acts. I'm theorizing here--totally open to criticism.
2 URIDIOTLOL 2016-12-29
I think you need to take a long hard look at what life really is about. The symbolism of neutrality and love is just bolted on to support a pretty narrative, more often than not it's extreme competition for food and mates interleaved with suffering and disease. Many forms of life have a death rate exceeding 99.9% for their infants. From that point of view our current society is a sugary sweet rainbow colored utopia, even after you factor in a few thousand abusive psychopaths and serial killers.
Such a consciousness is an exceedingly rare thing. Even if you have it as some form of self stated goal it takes considerable time and dedication to achieve such a thing. Most will see no point in such a thing in the brief moment of self-reflection they have and then go back to whatever reality show is the current love of their life.
It may in fact be that many of those high and mighty people that have no remorse and use others as NPCs do so exactly because they have managed to rise their consciousness a notch above the masses, and to actually fulfill their dreams, ambitions and visions they see no other choice but to turn people into cogs in a giant machine. And that may actually be a good thing, because a cog is still a more advanced form of existence than a chunk of raw ore.
3 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
Life itself is also the observer. That which suffers the suffering. That which applies and receives the pain/horror. Life, when conscious, knows not it's other. All is one, thus all is embraced and perfection is advised. Perfection=balance=utter neutrality
1 serumvisions_go_ 2016-12-29
you should read friedrich nietzsche... i think you would enjoy much of his works
9 Dr9eyes 2016-12-29
Recon drone operatives have actually been using pads designed after dualshock and xbox pads for several years now
6 Rage_harles 2016-12-29
I've spent the past year unemployed, having graduated from a top university, after experiencing a sudden awakening experience while deeply depressed. Needless to say, my parents are disappointed. Regardless, I've dedicated the past year to figuring out what the hell I really am and how on earth this world, which I was and am preparing to step out into, could be so dark and illogical before I even had a turn to make it what it was. It's consoling to know I'm not alone with these personal knowings. Sending light your way