I voted for trump and I got kicked from the Donald for bringing up why should we care about Israel for "trolling"

47  2016-12-29 by [deleted]



“Truth is treason in a empire of lies “- g.owell

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." - George Orwell

the further society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it-g.orwell

Fuck that last quote is scary

The sub that doesn't exist that is referenced in your name is scary.

The fact that it doesn't exist is scary? Yes.. I know, and most nibiru posts are ridiculed, heavily down voted..or raided by shills! Or "removelink@uncencorship" 'd... which is basically censorship?

Yeah I've noticed that it's hard to find discussion on the topic, keep up the good work though, just you mentioning it to people helps :D


You know what's sad? I don't even know if I should take your post seriously due to how much shit I normally receive. I'm going to be doing a mega thread soon on my nibiru thoughts! Pray 4 me

Naw i'm serious lol, I'm inclined to believe zetatalks. Have you seen dutchsinse? earthquakes have been picking up this past month alot :o

check my latest post nigga

Exactly. Them removing it is frightening. I want to learn more about niburu

check my latest post! It is semi-nibiru related

Check my latest post

Neither of these are George Orwell quotes.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” former CIA Director William Colby

I'm not too sure of the first two, but the third quote does not appear to be legitimate. The earliest source attributing it to Orwell seems to be a forum post from 2011. Prior to that, it was used (without attribution to Orwell) in an opinion piece by columnist Selwyn Duke, "Stopping Truth At The Border: Banning Michael Savage From Britain".



“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

the secret of freedom lies in educating people whereas the secret of tyranny is keeping them ignorant..m.robespirre

the_Donald was corrupted right under everybody's nose. Its painful to watch the place I loved quickly become a toxic wasteland. It's clear to me this is how TPTB decided to deal with breaking up the_Donald.

And of course I'm going to get downvoted instead of people talking about it.

It really sucks to see t_d bend over backwards to kiss Israeli ass lately.

Anyone paying attention shouldn't be surprised. Trump was always weirdly pro-Israel.

How are the Pizzagate content? the_donald was our staunchest ally for a while because his voters hate the establishment as well.

Just like Alex Jones hiding all the pizza gate shit. I don't think they wanna shed light on it just in case there's a chance they investigate

They managed to quiet it down. And profit from it. Now democrats think republicans follow fake news.

Posts with that as the main topic will not survive. Comments will.

The mods are definitely censoring it, but not close to what they could be.

BBC says pizza gate is a load of hogwash with no evidence. I say podesta is is a fucking kiddie fiddler.

Feel like a tool yet?

USS Liberty-PNAC-dancing isrealis+michael chertoff-odigo AND who owns operates and are the paymasters of the demonically possessed us media? I feel your disgust as I too know the truth about our "freinds"

No shocker there. The guy who started said Hillary would be better than Trump. You can see more at /r/nolibswatch

Honestly, if Israel is as bad as we think it is, Trump cannot afford any negative press. Especially since he's probably agreed to be their best friend for 8 years.

The thing is, Trump cannot make America great without dismantling the CIA. Let's hope that's his plan.

He never had much love for Israel, in fact in the early campaign he said some pretty harsh things about it. That all changed right before his foreign policy speech and he's been pro-Israel since. I think he's been made aware.

I'm along these lines from what I've seen too. He knows it'd be a pretty obvious move to be anti Israel when they run the PC game basically. He's biding his time before the tower comes crumbling down on its own. He's holding the blueprints and waiting for the weaknesses to buckle.

He's always seemed informed about what's coming before it does. Not sure if he actually is but hopefully his luck doesn't run out. Objectively he's the only person with enough balls to start to call out politicians. Once that keg is tapped it'll keep flowing on its own.

You don't think that Ivanka and Jared being Jewish has anything to do with his warm sentiments towards Israel?

All Trump has to do is get some jobs back and give people the illusion that things are getting better. but tbh fam, repealing alot of that raisin head obamas job killing executive orders will do exactly that. companies arent hiring because of his policies

I think him and Netanyahu has made a small deal rather than a complete submission. In exchange of Netanyahu blow up the lid on the child traficking, he is backing him on some other front.

That said, I suspect he is realizing that this guy could fall very quickly so he probably has made deal with the FBI to nuke down Clinton and the CIA (in favor of Session in the AG). With Obama's change of stance (he probably predicted it), and Netanyahu corruption charge present, it's a perfect "divide and conquer" ploy and he could pretty much just wait till all side destroy each other through mud slinging. U dont need much to do this tho.....

ive said it before, the place is moderated from tel aviv..as is shitredditsays.

go look @ any of the mods for any of the main stream subs or the default ones..they often mod israel or israeli related subs. zios, everywhere

Your name Jesus Christ are you trolling and damn I'm scared to look

no,im the real deal. #khazarPride

Trump may have been made aware of who really did 9/11 and is working to keep Israel happy for the time being. If Americans have jobs and housing they could give a shit what Israel and the middle east are doing.

They had to be really strict about banning trolls. If you explain you have a sincere question, don't know much about the issue, or whatever the case may be, they may be more open.

The prob was in the beginning they were on board with free speech for all but spent too much time de-trolling, and the trolls who would not let a pro-Trump post in their own subs were taking advantage of the_D's more open policy.

This makes more sense. I wonder what OP asked exactly. I expressed my sentiments as not being a fan of Israel, but finding the Obama plan totally reckless. Havent been banned...

I kinda get it. I mean look at my name, my old account got banned for being in the Donald and shit talking on r/politics. I just asked "why is trump supporting Israel, they're bad" straight up

I got a load of shit in there for asking about his ecological policies. If your not high energy pro trump praising they don't wanna know. You must be able to question those in charge and they must stand up to scrutiny.

Fuck Israel

You can't ask any questions there which might even hint at you not agreeing with the narrative they are pushing. In short, if you want to stay in the club it is best not to ask any questions.