If you're so concerned the earth is flat, fly a gopro style cam into space using a weather/hug altitude balloon.

8  2016-12-30 by CivilianConsumer

It would be cheap to do and effective enough to stop the BS flat earth disinformation post that occasionally pollute this sub.


There's so many videos posted here, ad naseum, you could go watch a few and see for your own eyes. It's fascinating learning what may or may not be real.

Science test that shows how a vacuum boils liquid, 4:30 into this video and a minute or so later, an astronaut tests a suit in a vacuum chamber..... seen passing out. He goes on to describe how his mouth was boiling.

Questions to consider for critical thoughts:

  • Are they in space in those flimsy suits if we can prove with simple science here and now what a vacuum does to liquid?

  • Why are airlines and airplanes not allowed to fly over the poles?

  • When nasa releases ISS footage, how do we never see any other satellites, when there are thousands up there at any given time?

  • Why does nasa have to use photoshop and Cgi images to show us what the Earth looks like? (Blue marble 2012 picture photoshopped, the creator of this famous image says he stitched together multiple images. He's proud of his work and there is an interview. It is beautiful!)

  • Why do nasa not have 360 cam views of any space missions or astronauts?

  • Where is the gif of Earth, as it is, since they create such marvels that we see like close ups of other planets? (Artist renditions are colorized of other planets. We cannot ascertain colors of other planets. Documents and interviews state)

  • Have you ever been in a plane? You can not see curvature. You can see pretty darn far though.

Tons of knowledge on this subject here in conspiracy! Fascinating read one way or the other.

I know someone who has flown over the North Pole in a multi engine prop.

You know why you shouldn't do that? NAVIGATION.

What will a compass do? What direction should you turn the map? When everything is referenced from a point, you try not to fly over that point.

The shills and fools who push this shit should try a little harder, at least then it would be entertaining. The current state of this faux conspiracy is weak.

My grandpas cousins uncles brother friend nephew brothers son flew over the North Pole too!!

You sound really upset over the idea the earth could be flat

But it isn't, so all is good.

I know someone who has flown over the North Pole in a multi engine prop.

I stopped reading right there. "I knew a guy who knows someone". Maybe he did, who knows. I'd like to believe you friend but I have a documented source

Source giving area and reasons

Isn't the space station visible to the naked eye on a clear day?

look at the evidence.

black helicopters!

Please debunk Hubble's law. I would absolutely love to see you do this.

I saw a picture of the earth once. But the picture was flat so it didn't help any


They don't, legitimately at least

Look at an azimuth projection map

They think the Earth is an azimuthal flat disk, like the UN logo. Why anyone would lie about that is beyond me.

Which is why I have to fly over the North pole to fly from NZ to Chile, right?

Don't ask me, I'm not a flat earther.

the very foundation of all their arguments pertaining to flights is flawed because they don't even have a map and can't decide on which one to use...

A carefully culivated illusion. Ever wonder why theres so few commercial aircraft companies, and all of them are so closely tied to the government? When nessissary intercontinental aircraft utilize military grade augmented reality superimposed on their windows (eastside windows display the wests view for example) and use very long turns so to be imperceptable to the passenger.

Fucking seriously??? Okay, so let's say they have invested an insane amount of time and resources to do this, wtf is the end game? Why does it matter if the earth is flat or a sphere??

He's not serious. Well he might be, but it's his "professional opinion."

It goes all the way too the top. The catholic church, whose hegemony was unchallenged in the 14th century, began to be challenged from many groups. Affiliates, such as the masons and knights templar and anti thesis such as the illuminati and the club of rome all sought to challenge it. A single common thread amoung all these groups was the utilization of a new ideology, the Scientific method. Proponents such as galileo and the lot were financed by these groups to derive a counter thesis to challenge the legitimacy of the church. While ineffective at first, the appeal to the senses science gave to the masses was like a slow moving venom, and eventually won out and crippled the power of the church and opened it to auction to these various groups.

The nessissity of the conspiracy was renewed during the soviet space race, when the soviets befan the sputnik propaganda, ever since then, with the moon landing, geosynchronous satelittes and more. The huge lie just happily got bigger. Disclamer: not serious haha

Flat earth is like the kobayashi maru of debate and conspiracy

Good try, but light diffracting off our atmosphere makes it impossible to see the far off places. Roundies like to try to trick us by justifying this by saying thats the point the earth disappears behind itself, when in fact its just the simple physics of light and diffraction.

I really don't understand this theory. I'm not dismissing it, but if it's true, what would the benefit of hiding it be? Surely space still exists with a flat earth in some form, right? I mean, I'd be annoyed but not overly worried if it turned out the planet was a disc or a square or something.

I say it ad nauseam just as a preface, but I've only been redpilled since November, so I haven't explored any conspiracies really. Are there good primers for these? Even if I don't believe in stuff I still like to learn.

You can't, the balloon will pop once it reaches x altitude... Back to the drawing board?

puties ;0


long time since i ve even seen you much less in real time

you ok?

Yeah, just spending less time on here. Been busy with IRL shit....

putes have you been following wheres braverman [we up to day 67 very compelling!!]

No, I have not.. Care to catch me in? I'm out of the loop...


ok start here day 53 they wiped all his early youtubes altho some got reposted so he recaps ok and then go on up

wow wowwow all the pieces this guys puts it all together ..then tell me whacha think

Will watch in a bit. Thanks for the link!

im telling you you can just chain them ....so compelling like we already know it but he links everything to everyone!

tylko w przypadku, nie widzę cię w czasie szczęśliwego nowego roku może to być wypełnione szczęściem i pokojem

You too <3 :)

TY putes

i would imagine the winter elements would make irl front and center

altho the lights must be way beautiful no?

Mam nadzieję, że Trump nie ma żadnych problemów w styczniu ... Hillary ma dużo Stingers i nie mam na myśli osy

[i miss speaking pretendi polish]

Nice thread derail.

This isn't Facebook.

no i know facebook is against my religion

no i know facebook is against my religion

Aye, I have a bad gut feeling about it. I posted it on here maybe a week ago? Something just doesn't seem right. Apparently many others knew what I was saying and felt the same. Us, empaths...

i know tell me whacha think after day 67 .... he brings it right to the crisis point

Get a better ballon?


An amateur astronomer is able to use a telescope to see Saturn and Jupiter, even Mars and Venus. The moon is right in front of us nightly.

Are these flat? Do they rotate?

The Earth must certainly be different from these other celestial bodies, right?

Get a fucking clue.

No need to attack me I currently believe the earth is round. But I like asking questions and hearing evidence


People have done that already and no curvature could be seen.

Try it if you can access the resources to do it. Show me the curvature and I promise to never mention it ever again. That will debunk it for me

i don't have an answer, maybe the camera can't zoom back far enough? Personally people have told me when they're driving in the flat empty midwest states that they've seen the curvature of the earth, but no camera can accurately depict the scope and length that requires.

Again I don't have the answer but hopefully soon someone creates a drone that can fly up past the balloons limit

Look at the videos of ships supposedly going over the horizon, only to be fully brought back into view with the zoom on the camera. It's odd.

I know the theory sounds utterly ridiculous, but it does have some good arguments and still to this day no one has managed to show me the curvature. I remain skeptical of the heliocentric model until it's proven by a regular person like you.

I encourage you to do some experiments. Debunk it and I'll be singing your praises.

Well I'm always a fan on staying objective

You're literally the only person I've seen post a thread like this and not start calling people mentally ill. I respect that a lot. Honestly a breath of fresh air.

People get upset because it can be used to bury more immediate and dangerous conspiracies. Also this is the first conspiracy besides chemtrails normal people immediately dismiss and ridicule. I don't believe it personally but am willing to listen to legit concerns and new ideas or evidence.

Much of the theory is pure speculation, but a lot of it is backed up by solid mathematics. The math they've given us for the curvature simply isn't correct, and I just can't brush that off. I'd like to see it proven by an independent body with no ties to government agencies.

Anyone ever get a chance to ask a government agency to prove their evidence yet? Also it's hard to find an independent group, or get grant money in some form or another.

And that's where the problem lies. None of us have the resources and the financial clout to get an independent investigation going, and therfore we have to believe what we are told by the government agencies. History has proven that trusting a government agency to give you the truth is not a good idea.

That is completely valid and historically proven reasoning, and a problem for a lot of conspiracies on this sub.

It's quite the journey learning about all the things government agencies have lied to us about. It's a long list that continues to grow.

I absolutely do not trust NASA to give me the truth.

NASA care about NASA's funding most of all

I'm in the same boat as you in regards to curvature and what to believe etc. What do you think of Eratosthenes and his experiments?

I think he was a charlatan and he knew he was giving people incorrect information. So many holes in his experiments...

Out of interest;

What's your stance on chemtrails?

They don't, legitimately at least

A carefully culivated illusion. Ever wonder why theres so few commercial aircraft companies, and all of them are so closely tied to the government? When nessissary intercontinental aircraft utilize military grade augmented reality superimposed on their windows (eastside windows display the wests view for example) and use very long turns so to be imperceptable to the passenger.

That is completely valid and historically proven reasoning, and a problem for a lot of conspiracies on this sub.

Look at an azimuth projection map

They think the Earth is an azimuthal flat disk, like the UN logo. Why anyone would lie about that is beyond me.

the very foundation of all their arguments pertaining to flights is flawed because they don't even have a map and can't decide on which one to use...