Probably the biggest conspiracy on the planet that no one seems to be considering? Thoughts??? Juicy-

204  2016-12-31 by [deleted]



I may not agree with you on everything but damn I always love a classic /r/conspiracy effort post. Just the right amount of truth, speculation and conjecture to keep you interested. I do agree that Muslim subversion of US government is extensive. See Major Stephen Coughlins Red Pill Brief, it will shock you. The Muslim Brotherhood should not be underestimated. Hopefully DJT will ban them and list them as a Terrorist organization.

Huma Abedin.

Absolutely. Major enemy agent there.

Every country with power in the world, has agents all over the world. That's why it's hard to determine what exactly is going on in the shadows all the time.

how did the queen of the caliphate marry the most stereotypical pervert jew in existence?

I suppose the auto downvote means that no one wants us to share our thoughts?

It just means that we're being bombarded and trying to be dismantled... the downvotes are in full swing! I've watched stuff get submitted and it's auto downvoted. Literally sat there hitting F5 to refresh and saw the submissions at 0.

What can ya do!

Don't let the votes discourage you. They're just fake points. Those of us that actually care and want to learn, we read and digest! The messages do get to those of us that care.... we're seeing a pattern of hostile voting taking place, so those of us that want to learn, know where to find the good stuff (New r/conspiracy is just so much awesomeness.)

Keep at it man, you're doing good! Great quality post, gonna finish reading through in a minute

Fake points that anchor down posts to never be witnessed. THAT is what get's me

All the cool kids are doing it.

You could also look at it as they are literally telling you which things to read...

My Mom's says I'm cool.

I shared my thoughts with you...

Proof of auto downvote in this thread? I down voted this stream of conscious disinfo

Come up with legit sources for your claims and I'll up vote your post.

Good luck.

You sound like s reasonable person based on this comment.


Removed. Rule 4.

Good to see you long time no see, and happy new years ya :)

One of the most overlooked aspects of Saudi Arabia is the fact that it is firm allies with Israel. There are other members of this alliance as well, Qatar, Bahrain, etc. Saudi Arabia is right now bombing and instigating mass starvation in Yemen.

Investors in Saudi Arabia did fund the 9/11 attacks and obviously allies are free to despise one another, there are few nations that hate Americans more than Israel. These nations are a part of a scheme to dominate the middle east and steal land and resources, destroy competitors to the gulf oil state (Syria, Russia) and Israeli welfare pipeline (Palestine, American National Sovereignty).

It's also a vital part of the plan to convince western citizens that the war on terror is real, that's why every major "threat" which is supposedly due to the nature of islam actually comes from destablizing the middle east while funding terrorism. ISIS comes directly from this funding and Libya's destruction, as well as other states like Iraq. Before ISIS it seems like the US 'took out Al Qaeda's number 1/2" every 6 months.

This is a multi-trillion dollar industry, with a fake war that's killed somewhere between 1.5 to 4 million people. Trump allowed Eric Prince (Founder of Blackwater, who wants his own private air force) to buy his sister Betsy Davos (Who wants children to work in mines instead of going to school) the sec of education seat so we know it's not going to end. Trump is also an anti-american, who believes Israel deserves the lifeblood of the american taxpayer.

These people don't care about human life, or the people under them. It's all about justifying owning all of the capital, destroying anyone who disagrees, and creating enough fake enemies to make it seem real.

One of the most overlooked aspects of Saudi Arabia is the fact that it is firm allies with Israel.

If you can't beat them, join them. Jordan and Egypt are now allies with Israel, and they both had a hand in inflaming Israel's existential wars decades ago.

Ding fucking ding.

I was a firm "Obama wants to help and better America"...up until Benghazi I had no doubt in our government and it's "right" way of doing things. The past 4 years have deterred that and it's evident there has been plotting against the American people for a while now. It's just gotten to the point of the "Star hitteR" getting up to knock one out of the park...and well..That "star hitter" just got sidelined by the American people.

The establishment is still beating the drums of war against a foreign nation like Russia when in fucking JUNE we had 50 people gunned down in the Pulse Massacre. Just last week they found 9 "Refugees" storing ammos whom had grown and resided in the continental states their whole life. I'm not "scared" of what ISIS will do. ISIS will attack probably tonight and a few other times in the coming weeks on U.S. soil. I only fear for the liberals who will run to hug the man who came to kill them.

The wolves are baring their teeth. It'd be wise to take notice.

The biggest threat to isis, is a israel, usa, and russian alliance...

The truth is, that's why I consider that the russian / usa devide is prevelant; It's not so much that people are complicit; It's that they are paid to look away, having never connected these dots in the first place. (call me a crazy loon), I don't care; This simply does not look like an accident; Nor a coincidence. That is truly all I mean by it.

My advice; If your in new york; Look out for anything that looks suspicious-

Except that ISIS was created by Israel and USA so that will never happen.

Have any possible theories?

Have any possible theories?

Yeah, no proof.

I know alot of people here arent necessary Trump fans, but hes on with the establishments plan to remove Saudi Arabia and take their oil and drive oil prices higher and Im 100% ok with that after these past years being fucked over by them

I know alot of people here arent necessary Trump fans,** but hes on with the establishments plan to remove Saudi Arabia and take their oil**

What "establishment plan" would that be?

/Not expecting a reply... :-/

If you pay attention to what hes saying, that his plan (hes talking to the "establishment" not the people)... what has he said recently, we need to take down ISIS, therefor when we take down ISIS we take all their oil and keep it... once more who is training ISIS in the middle east, Saudi Arabia ... you can expect there to be a soft coup and a regime change where we insert our own people to run their govt and take over the oil there

Disclaimer these are just thoughts- Not general knowledge to any planned attack; Just saying WTF? And that's a serious pickle in my mind; that was simply to hard to not reiterate to others, to share and ask their own opinions- So take none of this as factual, nor an attack on any party. Cheers- Happy newyears, and stay safe world :)

Put that disclaimer in the op, as your attempt to validate your thoughts with YouTube links isn't honest and can be seen S propaganda. I'll remove this comment when you take responsibility for your claims in op. Happy new year truth seeker

The disclaimer is kinda a given. Nobody should be required to put a disclaimer in their OPs.

care to elaborate on why australia is a nation with half a brain? just curious...

Effeminate Britain shipped over their conniving convicts, where natural selection promptly selected the smartest of the criminals.

That's how England has Tom Hiddleston, and Australia has Hugh Jackman.

Its not saying Australia only has half a brain, its saying that Australia is smart and the example decision provided should be made by any country even if they only had half a brain. Simple decision to make is the point being made.


Robert Muller was a huge key player, and most people have never heard of the most powerful person, ever at the UN. He invented Common Core schooling, and lots of other things.
That university is OWNED by the Sun Myung Moon cult.

Interesting thought process. The only thing for certain is that something is fishy with all the Russian talk. It misses the mark in the sense that it's being met with skepticism and yet our government is not backing down. It does not feel organic. Why is it the more we ask for answers, the louder the media talks about Russia. It just doesn't jive with our day to day, with who we are. It is exposing that someone or something else is in control of us and they will ignore us. I do think something is in motion and the over all sentiment from those in control is "fuck it, what can they do to stop us?"

Obama was trying to bait Russia.

Didn't work.

The great Russian cyber war is supposed to be based on spreading conspiracy theories, giving a platform to opposition parties, (left, right, green, anybody) and exposing corruption.

If they are actually doing this obviously the establishment would be very worried about the reality of their corruption being exposed. If they are not doing this or it's being exaggerated it is regardless a convenient excuse to crack down on all the "Russian propaganda," freedom of speech, and the political parties Russia "controls."

I've been banned by moderators for "spam". Am I being silenced for thinking critically and asking for sources? What's happened to this subreddit

Pointing out Birther disinformation on a guy exiting the presidency in a month Check

New saudi finger pointing disinfo, check

Israel propaganda, check

Obama planning to nuke America. Check (YouTube videos as proof)

Osama is obama, check

Badly produced YouTube videos used as proof. Check

This is a propaganda post. Pure and simple.

I missed any mention of the child pornography ring in Washington. But osama is Obama. Something is seriously wrong with this post, which explains the down votes op says are from bots. I down voted you bc proof is lacking

Doesn't refute any of the claims, check.

Please link to op claim "osama is obama"

Take your time friend. Happy new year

Birther disinformation.


Testicles, specticals, wallet, and watch? CHECK!

Great background research, intense speculation for theories. It would certainly send 2016 out with a death-bang.

Don't think anything is that extreme at this point, and think that there are a ton of so-called "White Hats" working behind the scenes to throw monkey wrench after monkey wrench in the plan.

As you noted, the Chicago nuke thing did not go as planned. There are other examples. As bad as things are, they could be much much worse.

We'll see what happens tonight. Probably nothing, but always good to be vigilante.

I'm surprised ive never heard of the osama = obama theory. At this point nothing would suprise me

Obama's family was CIA:

Obama has strong ties to CIA, and then you add in the circumstantial evidence:

  1. Both left-handed
  2. Similar age
  3. Similar physical appearance (not exactly the same, but possibly altered)
  4. Similar roles (charismatic leader)
  5. Questions about birth certificate
  6. Questions about Obama's past

Osama looked older?

That's because he was older.

Instead of thinking that a man had plastic surgery and was promoted to the highest position in the world, it makes much more sense to realize that there are multiple people who hate America.

Not sure how to respond given grammatical structure...

Yes, their appearances are not exactly alike. There are ways around that. But they are quite similar. Strikingly similar, really.

Other conspiracies say he dies earlier than they stated, his videos were all pre recorded and etc.

Could be a younger clone. Although it would seem really risky to use an Osama clone for no reason. Unless it's some more esoteric crap where they think they have to tell you what they are doing so to remove the karmic debt.

What does your last sentence mean

I'll give you a "B+" for the effort in post.

But a total "F" in terms of analysis.

/downvoted. sorry mate

U/GlobalHell I have highlighted on my super reddit tool and tagged with "top tier"

That's because I never want to miss a post

Ty Exec99 That means alot to me. I've really enjoyed our conversations :)

Great research and great post.

It's going to take me a minute to read through all this, but I'm going to go ahead and congratulate you on a well sourced and thought provoking post.

You banned me for spam. Another moderator said I was banned for rule 10. I promptly changed my comment to better reflect my thoughts. A warning would be helpful to understand your rules better! I've asked to be reinstated. Is there an issue I need to address concerning the "spam" you banned me for. Thanks /u/flytape.

Can you point to the source of his claim "osama is obama"?

Thx happy new year

Saudi Arabia, has been using their money against us to pit russia and america against eachother;

Wasn't osama bin ladens plan to make america broke, then to attack?

But he was alquada? Ring a bell:

Wait so that means that isis is alquaeda, is muslimbrotherhood

The Saudi Royal Family? Where have I heard that before? Right, 9/11, in a Clinton-sponsored underground operation that's lasted 24 years!

They've instilled cities to train their warriors

This is them being overt about it. But they've also been covert as well.

The Saudis also fund the largest underground terror network on American and Canadian college campuses, also lasting 24 years!

But the only person on the planet (Julian assange) that could say otherwise just happened to go awol mid election without a peep or trace

Just makes me wish assange would have IDK, released those freaking insurance files... But Oh wait; He (the only person to maybe be able to actually confirm or deny any of this) went missing....

He's alive in the embassy, hedging his bets until after January 20th.

After all, having read the WikiLeaks first, he knows how dangerous Pizzagate is, and how biblical the Elite are (yup, it's a Holy War).

D. Special warning to girls of germany. Maybe hit the germany threads cause they need to arm themselves... (just incase), and

Think is Merkel is actively in on it, promoting refugee influx to help build up her BND (their version of the NSA) in a pissing contest against America)!

So Ya reddit... Thoughts?

Now let's connect it to Soros' Open Society Foundation, Frank Guistra's International Crisis Group, Putin's Russia, Clinton's Haiti, and the Bosian-Serbian civil war.

Great articles :)

Great post.

It's gonna take awhile to read the info but thnx for the post. I'be been wondering myself if somethings gonna happen in New York tonight too

I'm looking for information on all the aircraft carriers being in port rn. I keyword searched, sorted by new and found this. Wouldn't have otherwise I think.

Tagged in Google calendar for a July and re-read.

you seem to have several wires crossed

This is a muddled mix of relevant info and shaky (to say the least) ideas. I gave up when I saw a GLP link (I would advise against even visiting that site, let alone trusting it). If Obama seems like a "secret Muslim sympathizer" maybe that is because the west's own Deep State apparatuses use Islamic groups as patsies and scapegoats and have for decades?

Saudi Arabia is thinking ahead for what they will do when their oil starts running low. Basically their only other asset is Mecca, so they are preparing for a Hajj based economy.

In addition to being used to justify things like the Patriot Act, the "radical Muslims" are driving millions of Sunni Muslims out of Syria. If in 30-40 years the refugees in the West have any sort of financial success and can afford to spend big in foreign currencies while visiting Mecca, this would be a huge win for the Saudis.

No the whole point is a caliphate... Saudi royalty owns whole Muslim world.

Saudi royalty owns whole Muslim world.

I don't think they do. Maybe a big chunk of the Sunni Muslim world.

But Syria and Iran are definitely not owned by the Saudis. Hey, those are the two countries America really wants to invade, what a coincidence!

No that's their goal

Not a very insightful theory, as normal responses/actions. USA oil reserves are pretty good. The economic issue came from a long time ago and the euphoria/panic stages are inherent to the capitalist market, as seen in the past. USA always sells weapons to the best "target" (or local/regional interests). Obama is Osama is the dumbest shit I ever read. If you check facts and statistics about Obama he was an > average president, friendlier face for the world, still dealing with a disruptive government and other shit.

(Didn't Reagan sell weapons to Iran to give money to rebel armies in South America back in the times? Or other presidents financed dictatorships around the world? or experimenting on people? Are you sure you remember/know USA history to say Obama is the worst enemy for its people?)

In the other hand:

Those secret armies and development/experimentation of exotic weapons by the private sector are an issue, either with the DoD acceptance or not.

Trump might consolidate USA enemies accordingly to international opinion on the country. Attacks or not (doubt that NY shit), those guys don't like regulations much. Federation? there's just too much speculation because of Trump uncertainty.

I think we just wait and see.

How odd? Wonder who a second-rate power like Saudi Arabia could be working for?

The Eisenhower is "...deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve at sea, Atlantic Ocean"

One point to add onto regarding the fire bombings: these type of fire bombings are similar to the ones being used against israel as well.

Inb4 israel is the ultimate all powerful enemy overhype narrative...

Israel has the potential to be a very valuable ally to the US as long as we dont let them walk all over us, like trump said, while being fair to our allies we need to place america first. Remember the stuxnet incident where the "all knowing israel" came all over themselves at just being given some table scraps by the US.

The info about the isis cells is the most important points in OP's post and im glad someone finally brought it up. They've been pushing up through south america and into mexico for awhile now, thats why the wall is needed.

That article is about drug runs from Venezuela to Europe.. not ISIS coming through South America into USA.

Drug runners are also in the human trafficing business, the isis cells had to get key players to this continent somehow.

Any actual proof?

Just entertaining the hypothetical/speculating on that one tbh, it makes sense though in my opinion but theres also good reason to doubt it as well, just something interesting to think about

We shall see what we see, I guess.

I think you need to step back and ask yourself who really is a bigger danger to you, your government or Islam? Because your goverment wants you to think it is Islam..

Not really. Its radical islam in practice of shariah.

I am no racist, nor judge; Just an observer. When you look into the shariah hate; Its pretty obvious they want us dead. Just saying...

I assume you are trying to say Sharia law, which is an interpretation of religious texts that does not mean the same thing for all Muslims. Saudi Arabia indeed is exporting terrorism across the middle east, the USA is helping. They are allies. They both make billions from this practice.

It is all about money, the idea of an invasion on the USA is ludacris and hilariously dumb. It's the age old trick of creating a boogie man and offering a solution. The Islamic threat is severely overstated and I think you took their bait.

That or...

Maybe you think the threat is "contained", and I think the situation is "a run away train" Hence we were being played this whole time.

What you aren't considering is that Trump is the new cool kid in school. (taking their Tear 2.0 Huma) out of operation.

So desperate times, calls for desperate measures...

Otherwise ISIS is finished, and the entirety of their "war plans" was a "financial loss"; Because trump won't play the long game;

Nations don't like spending billions of dollars for ulterior gains they won't be receiving in the end now do they...

This is all based on everything your saying; Your just not thinking about the fate of their little army, once someone takes over;

They have to make a move or their game board is tossed, and everything was for nothing. Because they like to work in the shadows and coerce nations to make moves, Its likely Huma was their Plan A. It's because her position is out that a Desperate Plan B. Went into effect; Again, Why do you think there is so much RU hate right now? Don't you think that is a sign they are trying to stop both us from working together to rain bombs on them like a tag team match, of two giants against a midget...

Think of how much ISIS soldiers sacrificed... Did you think they did that to fail in the end?

I think they will make a hail mary tonight. That line of thinking is exactly what made me make the post. It isn't a long post. Its a we have 24 hours to see if this checks out. (And it needed to be said) prior to an incident; Just in case it truly does check out; Because if it falls like this, We the people can not sit back any longer. There is simply too much at stake, and this is a very real threat to the entirety of our nation...

Are you a Trump supporter?

If ISIS falls, they will be replaced. Where do you think most of them came from? So long as there is war in the middle east there will be radical groups.

As for the rest, it hardly makes any sense. Are you proposing a false flag? A Saudi attack? An actual ISIS attack?

I think this is nothing more than the final days of bin ladens official plans; Take that for what you will. Who I support does not apply to it;

Well I don't buy it. And you shouldn't either. For your mental health and clarity. Look at the money, don't be swayed by emotions. The real crime going on is the consolidation of power.

I don't ever want to write anything off 100% but I feel this is so unlikely and improbably. Do you consider false flags or is every attack ISIS in your mind?

I asked about your affiliation because it seems you think Clinton losing would change the US foreign policy in the Middle East (not to mock your leaning or any BS). But I beg to differ on that one. It's about profit and always has been. ISIS are just pawns.

I believe your both right and wrong...

I think we've been taken for a ride, and empowered a snake in the grass; This snake is cornered now; It will do as all wild things do that fear captivity; And thus you have my inference's-


Ty. New York is a sitting duck; I have terrible feelings about all of this; I have had them since near christmas... I've tried making small hints, and tips; I simply couldn't sit back any longer; I think the I pet goat ii video, is what finally pushed me to post; Something about the videos content, was very powerful, touching me on my own concepts in a level that I no longer felt alone in my conspiracy.

I think this is the collective conscious speaking out, against what we all feel could happen; Again call me a nutter; But I didn't not watch this unfold over the years, It's hard to assume the worst; Equally hard to reveal what could be the worst acts of man;

To go against the official "Narratives" or so they say...

But I love this country, and judging by the upvotes, I think I am not the only one that feels that way. "In fact". I think the whole world feels this way, and they all are afraid to say it. So I thought i'd put it out there. In hopes that I am both wrong, and encase I am right.

Happy new years either way :)

On the note it ISIS = al qaeda = MB:

This is obvious if you watch news outside of the US. ISIS is a name generated by the US gov't to keep up the notion that al qaeda is dead, and the US are the world protectors that killed them. Watch news from middle eastern countries about Syria and they all talk about al qaeda and ISIL being the terrorist groups in Syria. They never say ISIS. Regardless, the US is definitely supplying them with weapons and money. We are already fighting a proxy war against Russia, god save our souls of it becomes a real one.

The post was intended to be a warning to new yorkers. As well as a warning to those that are intelligence;

I fear none of this is a coincidence; Lets just hope the right people are listening; My greatest fear is a situation will happen in NY tonight, and ultimately they will attempt to blame our russian cousins. Should that happen, it should be made aware, that this truly isn't (nor never was the case)...

Time will tell, and unfortunately we are sheer about out of time...

This post started off interesting (Saudis pitting larger countries against each other) then went downhill quick.

I certainly hope you are wrong.

I think you need to see this as a turning point; A last minute change which is expected when a plan is immediately truncated.

Hillary was supposed to win the election; There is suggestions that she even was attempting to sway the electoral vote;

I believe the coup de tat, is FBI, and NSA VS. DOJ.

hence why that Investigation, just happens to be ongoing until post January 20th I am sure; Guccifer already admitted to hitting the HRC server; That is what lead to its discovery; So why would he lie about hitting it; Sure he didn't provide evidence; But what man would self incriminate himself in that position, (having already been caught). And if there was an actual attack on american's planned; The parties in possession of those emails, would have every reason to keep them under state secret...

Being that Assange, is missing; It's likely safe to say, that he could confirm this; (And those were the insurance files that would lead to her indictment that he claimed he possessed).

It's not to say this is all factual; Just to say this is what I see, hidden between the lines; All theories are openly welcomed; Even if you disagree;

I simply put this out there, because It is what I believe is the full extent of the crisis as it stands. Regardless of the ambiguity.

The same transnational bankers who control "Saudi. Arabia" (and your national "news") ARE THE SAME PEOPLE. This isn't complex or difficult to personally verify.

Technically I've always been keenly following these truths; How ever making something from it, and warning others seemed necessary on a night like tonight. (in light of the situation with the "russia did it" narrative they are ramming down our throats and all.

I have a terrible feeling tonight, won't be a standard day of celebrating; So one must cross the line of ambiguous lunacy at times, to point out the potential for a stage that's seemed well set from the beginning....

Are attacks on newyears common 1, 2, 3, Instanbul Nightclub shooting...

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So where's that nuke bro?

It's really not an affirmation of anything; However I am listening to the police scanner atm; They just called out to be on the look out for explosives, and secondary devices ?

Another post on the broadcastify just mentioned a suspicious device in a trashcan... (1 hr ago)...

I think nypd is doing an awesome job; For all we know they have stopped some pretty impressive shit tonight. (Probably hear more tomorrow)... (on light of suspiscious packages.

Another guy in the paramount with a backpack (foot pursuit) 1501 broadway (atm).

15 shots in chicago; 3300 people on the feed atm-

Group of people gathering in an alley-

Those are the top feeds atm-

Chicago is pretty lively atm-

Another interesting post - Could have been an incident earlier;

Looking forward to reading what went on behind the scenes as the media catches up... Note that the public broadcast vs the private ones are absolutely important to take into consideration; I am probably headed to bed here soon. Night, and happy newyears...

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To add, Saudi Arabia is funding the building of Wahhabi Mosques and Imams in the Philippines. They are spreading extremism. >:(

I am sure they are doing this in other countries too.

Note there was a reported large scale explosion (near the town of islamberg newyork reported by FOX 40

There was also witnesses to a nuke cloud? *mushroom.

I am wondering if maybe an explosion was kept off the news, or a situation happened as its very close to the town in question...

Waiting to hear more really.

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Thanks for the updates. It's a hide a tree in a forest situation. Hide bombings while there are fireworks. Commenters in the news thread are all to quick to dismiss though.

To me it was pretty suspiscious. (nuke cloud), heard for 50-100 miles?

I see tanerite mentioned a bunch. But 50 - 100 miles?

I have a feeling that there is more to this :?

People have heard it 50-100 miles away, all over the county and into PA. Several descriptions say yellow cloud or mushroom cloud was seen, but fire and police haven't found any source. Now people are talking about have heard explosions around the same time in other states, Georgia, Virginia and else where...

Quote: CAUSE NOT FOUND -Fire cleared. We have no further information on the reported "explosion" that has been felt all over the region. Reports are coming in from several counties away in New York and Pennsylvania of it shaking house and heard. News agencies in other states also reporting it (Ohio and Georgia) A mushroom cloud has been spotted over Niger Hollow in Halsey Valley but exact location unknown. Again fire units cleared nothing found on Niger Hollow Rd. This shook houses, and was heard and felt over 100 miles into PA according to emergency responders in those areas. Check local news for updates. Quote: All we know at this point is that a large explosion has been heard over a large area. Reports have been given of a mushroom cloud as well. On the Fire side, nothing has been reported and nothing has been seen after the fact (fire, people hurt, etc...) in order for Fire operations to continue. We do not report on Sheriff or State Police matters. Police may still be investigating, but without evidence as to an exact location, it's hard to get a warrant to search people's property for more info. We may learn more tomorrow once it's brighter out and more can be seen. IF we learn more before then, we will start a new thread to update.

You lost me with your ignorant blind hate for obama.

Fake points that anchor down posts to never be witnessed. THAT is what get's me

My Mom's says I'm cool.

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Thanks for the updates. It's a hide a tree in a forest situation. Hide bombings while there are fireworks. Commenters in the news thread are all to quick to dismiss though.