4 hours and counting, post your New Year's predictions here. What will happen before the ball drops? Will terrorist strike? Will Russians hack the countdown? Post em now and we'll sort them out later.

109  2017-01-01 by Flytape


This thread will lock at midnight EST.

Strike that, I won't be locking this thread at midnight. Enjoy 2017

Well happy new year fuckers. The ball dropped, nobody blew up. Success in my book. Cheers!


I believe nothing out of the ordinary will happen when the ball drops

I'm with you 100%


maybe the ball stalls for 3 seconds.

it did that one year.


Y2k will come late! Seems like that's the only thing fitting for the end of 2016..

Not sure i think it will happen but i just imagined the lights going out for the whole country..ball no drop

It would be very, very, very difficult to make the whole country go dark. The grid is large, and not interconnected at some points.

The queen dies...

Space lizards never die.

What if the human body of hers dies and the demon reptilian spirit transfers into the antichrist body. So when the antichrist rises... it's actually the queen.

Lol yeah pretty much

Lol no

And nothing happened! Like normal.

The power grid will shut down

I'm working at a plant on the grid all night tonight. If anything suspicious happens, I'll let you know.

Sweet, thank you!

If substations (that aren't really guarded anyway??) get taken down, would that be devastating? If enough of them got took down, would it overload in other places? Or is that hollywood in me talking

No, substations are very important, but not as important as high voltage distribution backbones. Those are more heavily guarded though. Power plants usually have these monitored 24/7. If we are talking about shutting down "the grid" you would need to do more than take down a few substations.

Yeah I always hear how taking out a few substations would cause just enough chaos.

At any rate, stay safe there tonight! Happy New Year, hope the night goes quick for you

I'm working at a plant on the grid all night tonight. If anything suspicious happens, I'll let you know.

Well, at least you'll try, right?

Nope, nothing happened... Still making 150MW.


^ homer simpson

mmmmmmmm... doooooughnuts......

Whatever happens... Russia did it

It's illegal to talk about that unless you're CNN.

Can you PROVE that GoFyourself2x is NOT CNN?



In gonna go with Instanbul nightclub attack

Why is it always a night club?

Because you don't want to kill off productive citizenry.

Anyone who's been to a nightclub = not productive?

large group of most likely drunk people in an enclosed dark space?

Also drunk people and people who are dancing will bleed out faster.

That already happened right?

No, at midnight.

Aaaaand we have a winner!

NWO begins their takeover at midnight. They lost the presidency, and now with pizzagate on the horizon they know they need to act now.

This isn't a /r/the_donald. Fuck donald trump. He is a NWO puppet and you are a dumbfuck.

Jeez hostile

Removed, no poor sports and personal attacks. Get a life.

There are rumours that the Queen may have passed away in the last few days and that there is a media blackout.

Shit I haven't heard that one.


Check this out, the queen won't be attending. Didn't she miss something important a few days/last week ago?

Christmas trip to the country. First time she has ever missed it.

Is it bad that I hope this is true?

Why would you hope it's true?

Is it bad that I hope this is true?

God Save the Queen!

Nah, she's probably a baby eater too. Is

What the reasoning behind keeping it secret? There has to be an established plan of succession.

Too much symbolism with the end of an era? Plus they love not telling us

Yes I've heard about this. Mainly from the fact she hasn't attended church the last few occasions.

She hasn't been seen in public for the last 11 days

She miss some Christmas event for the first time ever. She has been ill.

There are rumours that the Queen may have passed away in the last few days and that there is a media blackout.

Well, THAT could certainly raise a stink.

Russia will hack the space time continuum forcing us to repeat 2016.

at least so said CNN

This just in, Snopes has rated this true citing CNN as its source!

As well as Fakebook

I'd like to warn Prince and George Michael to duck for cover. Bowie was inevitable.

Don't put that whammy out there, damn that's harsh

Bet on sports this time around!

"Russia will hack the space time continuum forcing us to repeat 2016", say to Obama administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity...

While spirit cooking a child

Some dudes made an AI that is supposed to do something big tonight.


Search "serov" on the sub.

Some dudes made an AI that is supposed to do something big tonight.

Cam these "dudes" somehow be accused of being "linked" to Russia?

/That is the litmus test, folks

peace on earth

Through superior nuclear fire.

nothing more peaceful than a world without people eh?

Some shit's gonna go down in Instantbull.

False Flags everywhere.

Did you see all of the US aircraft carriers are docked at their designated homebase?

So what, the carriers are going to be needed? I can barely comprehend how bad something would have to be where having that many carriers on hand is truly necessary...

But hey maybe they just wanted everyone to be home for the holidays.

I've been reading and digging, just bits and pieces here and there that make this seem like an inevitable "oops, should've had something big there to protect it, but, uh, oversight.."

  • In a speech in Sydney on December 14, 2016, Admiral Harry Harris, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, fueled tensions by saying that the United States would continue its freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea to challenge China’s claims. Harris has previously worried the White House with blunt statements on China and the South China Sea. But with the White House now between administrations, Harris isn’t worried about any political concerns anymore and the incoming Trump administration might even welcome his provocations.

Trump stirred a hornets nest when he called Taiwan. Not such happy feelings going on right now.

To see what I'm getting this from, a small read here http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/south-china-sea-dramas-distract-bigger-problems-between-18906

Donald Trump ends the fed. Obama & Hillary are prosecuted and thrown in jail.

January 20th would be the earliest this could happen.

Donald Trump ends the fed.

Steve Mnuchin will do it for him. After all, Mnuchin is all about "draining the swamp" and "MAGA".

Mnhchin is against the Fed?

I think he is being sarcastic. Let's just hope his administration uses their talents and skills for good rather than their own agendas. He picked the people for a reason.

I am optimistic about 2017, but not that optimistic!

Bettie White died yesterday. The powers that be are withholding the story until 2017 so she can be the first.


Bettie White died yesterday.

Dude, what a bummer!

I love(d) Bettie White!


its a joke.

Do not feed them with bad energy and thoughts !!!

Happy new year to all !!!

No one told you about Turkey?

A rogue mod went off the handle on pizzagate subreddit over at Voat.co.

Sleeper-shill mod "numbchuck" suddenly removed multiple posts and deleted his account when called out. Here is a list of the posts he deleted.

This may have been the post that caused it all...

Pizzagate Wiki being hacked from our DynCorp page by an IP in Waltham, MA, home of Raytheon/DynCorp - Round 2

Here's a new video of Joe Biden: https://youtu.be/xYqOqu3oioI

And how Fox News should have done their interview: https://youtu.be/9RG5ME72tWo

So, what happens at midnight?

Probably a lot of this.

Some of this.

And a little of this.

Hopefully some of this.

And for some this.

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The ball will go Ka-boom!

  • A bomb will go off in the states, East coast.

  • Train derailment killing many, under terroristic act. Probably underground train, tunnel partially collapsing.

Let's just hope and pray for a peaceful year

I have been keeping up with the seismic activity since that huge anomaly. I'll link after I get off work

Can you explain the anomaly?? Pm me please, i am interested

Ahhh, Norway has some beautiful skies. Those clouds are lovely, like oil slicks.

Those clouds are creepy

There will be a very unsettling suicide tonight.

Two shotgun blasts to the back of his head? Then locking himself in a suitcase being dropped to the ocean floor?

That's how I plan to go.

Where do the dumbbells fit into this? Inside the suitcase?

There will be a very unsettling suicide tonight.

Dude, don't do it!

You have so much to live for, so much to give!

You sound like a military recruiter. or possibly Scientology. Hard to tell the difference.

Looks like we already have our first 2017 false flag terrorist attack in turkey..

Well that happened in 2016 right?

Russians will hack New Years Eve.

Terrorist attack Times Square. Martial law within the first week. Obama retains power & doesn't let Trump proceed.

Oh shit you're all in on naughty Obama.


Really? I think he wants to get the fuck out!

Kek has expressed his will, Praise Kek. http://imgur.com/dvYIngi

Oh fuck


Not 7s

The antithesis to kek has spoken

Things just got serious.

I know I'm naive, but can someone please explain this? Idk if this is supposed to be a joke

Read up on dubs, trips, quads in relation to 4chan.

What I got from looking was that it's a half-court shot

Get ready for the end

Better to say get ready YOUR end (ass-end), no?

/We're fucked

Those quad 9's are even more funny and ironic because in numerology 9 signifies completion.


Have any of you seen the pet goat 2 theory? Possible nuclear launch from submarines on NY or DC incoming!

I loved that video but it creeped me the hell out.

The dude that made it said it just came to him. Sounds like channeling (people do it all the time such as inspired art pieces, etc)

That video has so many symbology it's insane

I have not heard of this. What's it called?

Pet goat II. Let me find a link here for ya. Very symbolic video.


Thanks. I will check it out.

got a link?

Y'all are sadistic af

Australian from the future here, it goes really well and you have a good time

Did that guy who punch a roo to save his dog, get elected to mayor in the future? Because that guy was rad

Maybe he gets like a case of beer at least

The kangaroo's family found the guy and skinned him in front of his dog.

He was actually last year's winner of the annual aussie fistaroo comp.

A much deserved award! He had a pretty mean quick jab, it was natural and felt around the world. The roo just stood there "I can't believe you've done this."

I love the aussies, you guys got it right down there

If I had to guess, I'd say a scare in New York. An actual attack or false flag, I'd say Denver, Aurora, Dallas, or a city in California. Those usually make for the best spin in the news

Blackouts to push the Russia hacking new years eve narrative.

Blackouts to push the Russia hacking new years eve narrative.

I could see that - if I could find my flashlight...


It already happened.

The reptiles rip off their mask. Who they are, will shock you!

Be ready for it with one weird trick...

Lizard exterminators hate it!

I hope it cures that pen is thing!

  • project blue beam
  • dirty bombs in New York
  • something with docked US aircraft carriers
  • attack on US electrical grid

Most likely to happen but still probably won't. I suspect another peaceful New Years leading into a new year of awakening for humanity.

Shooting in Istanbul night club

21 victims identified so far, of whom 16 foreign nationals and five Turkish citizens

no wonder this place is compromised look at the Mods

The leap second will cause the ball to jam just before reaching the bottom.

Even terrorists need breaks

they will have to add one extra second!!!


Massively catastrophic weather events, all over, beyond what we've seen to date.

Queen Elizabeth dies.

My dick will get hard

Well #DickGameStrong

Some dude will regret sleeping with some woman, and some woman will regret sleeping with some dude. Fo sho.

What about the shooting in Istanbul?


While I finish this

Queen dies by Jan 3rd.

Bill Clinton is still alive. FBIanon, eat your heart out. Shoulda guessed Princess Leia.


Washing DC is going to be attacked with a nuke.

Fuck man. That's heavy.

I probably will be wrong, the theory is from an analysis of a short on youtube called "I, Pet Goat II". "My Pet Goat" was the story dubya was reading to the kids on 911.


I probably will be, the theory is from an analysis of a short on youtube called "I, Pet Goat II". "My Pet Goat" was the story dubya was reading to the kids on 911.


Trump assassination attempted it successful... John Hinkley Jr. is the shooter.

There will be a major movement in Israel, having to do with the disputed territories.

idk, but northern PA, Southern NY, and some other areas felt shaking and heard a "boom" earlier. Confirmed that it was NOT an earthquake, military testing, gas explosion, plane, or other obvious factor. Other reports (unverified) have also come from other east coast states.


Also copied this from fb

CAUSE NOT FOUND -Fire cleared. We have no further information on the reported "explosion" that has been felt all over the region. Reports are coming in from several counties away in New York and Pennsylvania of it shaking house and heard. News agencies in other states also reporting it (Ohio and Georgia) A mushroom cloud has been spotted over Niger Hollow in Halsey Valley but exact location unknown. Again fire units cleared nothing found on Niger Hollow Rd. This shook houses, and was heard and felt over 100 miles into PA according to emergency responders in those areas. Check local news for updates.

Crazy!! I live in SE PA. I felt it earlier, but saw NOTHING on the reports/news. I knew I felt it and heard something

Now I'm curious. Gonna have to see what the heck is going on.

Trump will tweet something relating to himself.?

Ha ha, probably so... Probably so.

Ever since I read that they were making Bourbon Street pedestrian-only this New Years, I have an irrational fear that something's gonna go down in the bayou

This thread will lock at midnight EST.

You east-coast elitists all think the world revolves around YOU, don't you?


I cancelled that, after thinking about it.


Internet gets taken down across entire US.

Il get more drunker lol


The Time is Right for a Falso Flaggo Terrrrist aaaatak

Bibi has been INSULTED by the UNSC

Trump has a fetish for Zionist Rectum

WE NEED an excuse to bomb the SHIT out of them Radical ISLAMIC mofos!

Now is the time, this is the place.

/God Forbid!!

Predictions for the 2017 -More falseflag terrorist attacks (particularly or the racewar psyop variety) -More social degeneracy being promoted by the mainstream media -More censorship of alternative media -A new social engineering campaign to make Israel support look like its the new edgy counterculture -More honeypot websites will emerge (Gab and others) to compartmentalize those with dissenting views -a re-emergence of neo-conservatism cleverly repackaged for the youth (they will attack SJW's but won't go any deeper then that) -White Nationalist falseflag terror attacks will become more common (Dylann Roof style) -Black lives matter will gain traction and more falseflags of white cops killing good bois who dindu nuffin will act as a catalyst for their divide and conquer plan -The limited hangout Alt-right will continue to dominate headlines -More pizzagate honeypot conspiracies will be astroturfed on dissenting political forums (I'm not saying that I don't believe in it) -The next falseflag perpetrator will be another white male gone rogue and the media will say that he was influenced and "radicalized" by the internet (specifically 4chan's /pol/ or the Daily Stormer) -Falseflag/hoax shootings will become bigger and they will have more victims

Pay extra attention to Rita Katz's SITE intelligence, they will conveniently leak more staged propaganda by (((isis)))

Reminder that this happened http://yournewswire.com/france-isis-false-flag-government-exercise/ Expect more ISIS refugee lone gunman falseflags (Charlie Hebdo/Orlando-esque) in Europe which will be used to help the Kosher Right gain traction.

Remember to not get caught in the left/right paradigm this year. Both sides are compromised and these people don't really oppose eachother. Far-left antics like Trannyism/open borders refugee stuff is being promoted to polarize and force people to the kosher-right. I also predict mass numbers of Jews fleeing to Israel this year as Europe begins to collapse under the weight of infinity muslims (this was the plan all along)

Jesus your username man. Do you ever feel like your ideology defines you? Most people want to define their ideology.

here is a direct quote from a report on Auschwitz-Birkenau, by the United States War Refugee Board in 1945:

"800 to 900 yards from the place where the ovens were, the prisoners were squeezed into little cars that ran on rails. In Auschwitz these cars had various dimensions and could hold up to 15 people. As soon as a car was loaded, it would be set in motion on an inclined plane that traveled at full speed down a corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a wall, and in the wall was the door to the oven. As soon as the car hit the wall, the door opened automatically, and the car would dip forward and pitch its cargo of living people into the oven. Right behind it came another car, and so on."

In the early hours of 2017 apparently.. who knows. Haven't looked at it properly yet but these days you have to assume it's fake until it can be proven otherwise..

Will terrorist strike?


Just the elites mocking the sheeple with a lullaby https://youtu.be/YCYHHxQrHU0 Think I see myself on the screen!

New York Post: Massive ‘anomaly’ lurks beneath ice in Antarctica (from 12.29.2016)

"[The] “Wilkes Land gravity anomaly” was first uncovered in 2006, when NASA satellites spotted gravitational changes which indicated the presence of a huge object sitting in the middle of a 300-mile-wide impact crater."

Anyone else find it interesting that John Kerry - an admitted member of the Council of 300 (http://yournewswire.com/illuminati-committee-300/) - just traveled to Antarctica to study "climate change"? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/16/science/antarctica-john-kerry-global-warming.html



The Global Consciousness Project suggests that something big is happening in people's collective minds right now: http://global-mind.org/gcpdot/

I was afraid that there would be a bomb in Times Square.

I was right: https://youtu.be/q9Q2i_9PHU0

Pipeline plans for Iran-Turkey pipeline will start

World market collape

World market collapse

Hong Kong is having a protest today. Let's see are there any blackwater snipers.

LoL the Russians haven't done anything. The only criminals are the DNC PEDOPHILE PARTY. ILLUMINATI MARIAH CAREY IS OFF HER FACE AS USUAL. SLUT

I just want to say thank you to every single one of you. from the trolls to the shills, from the trumperteers to the killaryites. Even the wacko berniebots and ron paul worshippers. You Mosad/ Hasbara/ CIA secret double twice removed operatives made a very suicidal new years bearable/ hilarious/ damn interesting. Happy New Years to you all and the mods. Keep seeing through the veil.

Pizzagate will blow up, hopefully convincing the general public of its authenticity.

Search "serov" on the sub.