Global Consciousness Project dot is turning red! Major group think going on right now!

68  2017-01-01 by [deleted]



one would have to assume if this isn't compeltely bullshit its because of NYE

It has been spiking red all week. Personally, I have been very connected to ancient knowledge this week very intensely, and have had many revelations about how the energy grid of the Earth functions. To me it feels like im passing through a paradigm shift threshold. Anybody else feeling more aware lately? This may effect everyone differently.




I am very much with you

Experienced many things the past few weeks

Please share!

haha, good timing! We are sharing over here.

There has been some huge feeling of well being, an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. Seeing between the lines of just about as much as my brain can handle.

Honestly I've never felt so connected to the Earth than now. Harmony and peace. My dreams have been restless and keep me from getting a deep sleep, my dreams are highly active. I used to be able to sleep 4 hours and function (this has been since infancy, my poor mother lol) but now it's not the case...I find myself needing more, like I'm running a mental marathon daily and trying to digest knowledge.

I see a lot of people feeling this, like we all feel alive. Feeling free

Ha, I started both of these threads. I'm so glad people are sharing, because honestly, waking up is terrifying. Part of me wants to go back to sleep, but it's like cramming a 10x10 box into a 2x2 box. It doesn't work. I feel strongly I need to quit my dead-end corporate day job, though - or that I am going to "miss something."

Keep listening and feeling for signs and signals the world is sending us. Obviously something is going on that is bigger than all of us, there's so many of us that this is beyond coincidence, right?

It was suggesting to me not to wake anyone up from the matrix that doesn't want to be woken up. If they're in the matrix, let them be. The truth finds those who want to find the truth.

I've been thinking of finding a new job, significant enough to help out (I work for "Evil corp" right now.), so again we are on the same wavelength.

We just keep doing our thing! Along the lines, you find people who are out of the matrix, we can share and experience life together with. The rest, well it's not our job to wake anyone up. This is literally not something we should do. Throw down breadcrumbs and suggestions, help stir up the hornets nest occasionally. If they want to take that blue pill and fall back asleep, well there must be a reason for that.

Stay strong, thanks for the post, it's really cool to see what is happening amongst a collective!

Yes, inspiring indeed! Namaste!

Yes. Have never been more awake and aware than these last few weeks, I have noticed a huge change in myself, though I am not sure I have noticed an observable change in those around me. Is anybody noticing others around them awakening? I certainly am having a feeling that a shift is happening, but I am not sure I am observing it much in those around me specifically. Any personal observations of friends or family awakening recently?

Both my wife and I for the past few months have been seemingly drawn to make major life changes. We pulled out son from school and decided to homeschool him, and she quit her job to do this. I am also going to be leaving mine to pursue my "side job" as a full time job. The 11:11 "wake up calls" seem to be pulling me to pull the trigger, as it were. I seem to be looking inside myself more and more often and evaluating my "service to self" VS. "service to others" mentality, and desperately wanting to transition to the latter; there feels like there's a sense of urgency about it.

I also felt compelled to forgive my twin brother after years of avoiding him. He went what I thought was crazy in 2012, claiming he was a starseed and on a mission. And then he began a series of lawsuits against companies that had violated privacy rights and ended up with nearly $750,000 USD in the bank. It raised my eyebrows:

And of late, I've been wondering if he was right... his exploitation of the companies he sued allowed him to quit his day job and write a book called RABYLON, which is a LAW OF ATTRACTION and MAGIC MONEY SYSTEM story masked as a children's story.

What your brother is doing is terrible & there are many other starseeds like him...

Not the same thing at all, or anywhere close. In my brother's case, the companies clearly violated a plainly-stated, although totally stupid, law. The case you're referring to involves a conman ramping up charges. My brother has never accused anyone of doing him emotional harm; he has threatened to turn his suits into class-action lawsuits, and because the companies know they broke the law - again, a stupid, unnecessary law to begin with - they give him a fairly large settlement to go on his way and never bring it up again.

In my brother's mind, this was presented to him as the Universe's method of "righting wrongs" and quickly accumulating the funds he needed to begin his plan.

I do not agree with how he generated the money. But he sued companies such as GREAT LAKES EDUCATIONAL LOAN and TIME-WARNER, which are both run by globalist pigs drowning in bad karma. Also, these companies have insurance policies that protect them against these kinds of things, so they'll never actually foot the bill for the total expenses.

I'm not certain two wrongs make a right, and my own thoughts are that we need to extend olive branches to our enemies, and forgive them. It is the only way to go: take the high road.

What I don't get is how you think this character from the Ukraine is a star seed.... no where is it mentioned that this person thought he was a starseed.

What your brother is doing is the exact same. This is a common get rich quick scheme. Just exploiting legal loopholes. You may think it exploits only the "globalist pigs" etc. But you're wrong -- it hurts all of us. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind -- you are self proclaimed as being "woke" & i am just a blind nobody so what do i know though. If you're brother really cares he could donate all the proceeds from these frivilous 1 trick pony lawsuits to charity but he's only in it for the personal gain... That's not genuine or of any sort of light. What he is doing is dark & so are some of your comments. Prince of darkness is here disguising himself as light.

Napoleon Hill wrote a book called "think and grow rich" It is a masterpiece of life choices and highly recommended from those in the know. I myself keep a copy in the very aromatic circular file cabinet in my kitchen under the sink. My thoughts are, if the dogs think the trash smells good, then the dogs may very well think the book smells good. Then the dogs might learn something. #freelifehack

I'm not sure I'm surprised or not by how many in this thread are having a similar movement as myself.. It could be the masses are shifting too, but we are at least Aware we are doing it, whereas they feel different and may not know why.

I wonder if the world grid has been healed somewhere. I know in the middle east it's messing up the whole flow, maybe one of the portals there is being altered and we are feeling more of the remembrance coming through. Thinking out loud

Your sister and I woke your mother up the other morning. Those girls are KINKY! I don't know what culture this shit flies in, but I'm All Aboard. I felt like a gotdamn bonobo monkey, what with all the screeching and licking and hairpulling and penetration. Im'a sleep for a week. My dongskin is wore thin and and skinned.

You're a child.

Yes, I am a child. I would like to apologize to all for the way I behaved last night. I was drinking. I was posting and being thoughtful. I then noticed I was on conspiracy. I in my drink thought the whole thread was a troll. Conspiracy as a subreddit has never shown anything to me Like this type of discussion. I assumed I was being fucked with. I see now I was wrong. Please forgive my idiocy.

I will. Sometimes, threads like this on this sub could be trolls. A lot of times it's just desperate people wanting to talk about things that aren't so depressing.

At the same time, conspiracy is full of people like you see on this thread. Life affirming and spreaders of good will. It's a hard struggle, one we all mock here or there. But it is the only struggle.

Live a good life, be mean to no man. Try to be understanding.

Yes. My family and 97 percent of friends think in crazy cause my views have shifted so drastically.

this has happened to me. some strong dialectic force happening. like your username btw

Perverts are freaking out. Hopefully they don't outnumber the good guys.

I find I am knowing new things as if they are memories.

Sorry for that post last night bro, I feel bad about it.

You're definitely onto something. My thoughts have been directed on the esoteric world and the cabal. I'm definitely learning deeper levels of knowledge as of these past few days. Since Christmas, really.

I've been "woke" since after 9/11, just because of the enormity of the attacks. The lies were just too big, and cracks showed. My wife is redpilled, too. But this... in the last week specifically, is insane... I've been having these vibrational tremors, seeing numbers repeating everywhere, and have been reading up on LAW OF ATTRACTION. Drawn to it more than ever.

I've had the vibrational tremors too. While trying to go to sleep and while meditating. Feels like a minor earthquake or something. I've been trying to figure out what it was, if it was some medical issue or something. I'm still not sure.

I am 100% certain it is not medical. I have experienced no pain or negative symptoms. Other than being tired, which is totally explainable in lieu of my present circumstances. I do not feel threatened by the tremors; they seemed innocuous enough, in fact, that I just rolled onto my back and went back to sleep.

Indeed, I am. That's why I'm posting on this. Got majorly redpilled after 9/11 and have been in quiet opposition to TPTB from behind-the-scenes for the past 10 years. Just recently have been seeing a lot of 555's and 11:11's and 12:12's.

And I've been noticing strange vibrations in the area of my chest as I'm sleeping, which are abrupt enough to force me to change position. They don't hurt; they're just... unusual, like a train is going by near my home, except I live in a rural area.

Have been getting drawn to a lot of information lately regarding the nature of the earth and its history, and haven't been able to "prove" anything, but feel in my heart that what I'm learning is true.

I read the Ra Material in the past 72 hours ( as well as the Hidden Hand dialogue (

Then I came across Corey and the Sphere Being Alliance ( which sounds bananas, but for some odd reason rings of truth to me.

There are a lot of correlations between the material.

And then I was drawn to the music of the band Starset, which is linked to this mysterious group the Starset Society, which apparently has a message about high tech that / disclosure that is going to be released soon. Starset's 2nd album - perhaps not coincedentally - is released on Inauguration Day, 1/20/17.

Wow... I relate with your post in so many ways. First, the other day I was doing yoga and felt a huge surge of energy just beaming out from my chest (something I have never felt anywhere in my body before, nor did I ever think was something a person could feel). Also, I have been very into the Earth's "story" and our purpose/origin/reality lately. I feel as though I "know" things about who we are and why we are here that I have no concrete way of explaining or proving, but "know" within myself so deeply. And, I also have been getting into the Corey Goode sphere being alliance stuff for the past week or so. That's something I wouldn't necessarily even be interested in normally, but upon reading a bunch of it, something about it resonates deeply with me as well, as if a lot of it is stuff I already "know."

I felt several cold sensations, where it felt like fingers running up my back, followed by goosebumps all over, always triggered while espousing a certain thing I'd just discovered which I was sharing with my spouse or friends. And I've felt what can best be described as "rushes of energy" where my eyes seemed almost... I don't know how to explain this... "more open" / alive...

I work 3rd shift at a call center and never get enough sleep, and I am virtually addicted to caffeine supplements to make it through my shifts. Trust me when I say I am not usually one to have pep in my step. This feeling is like a wave of warmth washing over me, and energizing from within.

It doesn't last forever, but every time it's happened, it's last for I'd say 15-20 minutes, and is usually followed by a very productive, creative thinking session.

You and OP should look into coordinate points. I think this is probably the key to psychic ability.

I misunderstood and I apologize. You have to understand the construct brought back the nazi party again, and some of us see it. It is a circular simulation but this time it is much worse. The original destroyer took 6 million, you called him Histler? no, that was Nostradamus...Hitler I believe. Then Stalin came along and starved out 10 million, in the cold...HaHaHaHAAAA. The freeezing was the best part. Then.. Oh the loving I feel for what happened then.. The American people elected my Trump card! AAAAHAHAHAAAAAAA. I even named it TRUMP, That sniveling whimp! 20 Million People died in wars and greed by the people who had betrayed me. The Americans. They Would now know my Wrath, as I become the orange haired one!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!

You clearly need to seek healing, big-time. Your energies are blatantly hostile and regressive. You are fixated on negative frequencies and fearful. Dare I say, gloating, about you "knowing this" and others not. I am fully aware there is spiritual warfare going on, but making it out to be "worse than anything ever" is downplaying our own psychic abilities to change it all in a heartbeat if we choose to. And the veil is coming down. If you think of evil, you'll get more of it. People are good, and we have been deceived, but we are waking up.

Sure, the voice of reason, you and your Drumpf buddies. Find peace while you can.

I apologize. I was drinking and I noticed I was on conspiracy and assumed I was being trolled. I get now you guys were serious. I thought differently last night. Sorry I was being an ass.

I don't know if you're joking or not, but I have just recently discovered the simulated/holographic universe theory and was fascinated by it. The deeper you search and learn the more you find out the greatest minds are intrigued by it. The double slit experiments and the nature of matter when it's observed or unobserved and the breakdown of universal constants at the quantum level. We may be a simulation, a valid and all encompassing explanation. Mind blown.

This lead me to the whole train of thought some express that the mind simply sees reality as it wants, and we are the projectors of reality, and the mind of humanity is a sort of hive mind that is projecting it together, waves become matter and coalesce around us experiencing it. Another mind blower. Just tonight the whole reincarnation thing was my search of choice. There is something there in that realm of thought that coincides with the simulated universe and the quantum physics.

Phillip K Dick the writer in 1977 at a press conference came right out and said it. This is a construct. Bill Burr the comedian on his 2 netflix specials talks about it like we are to stupid to understand it but he, as the voice in the wilderness, (at least at the time) wanted us to know. Bill Burr knew 30 years ago, this was continuation of my recent epiphany, I watched them both last night.

Yeah, somethings telling me to wake up.

Not a hive - we're not insects. But a "group consciousness." We're individuals, but all part of and descended from some sort of Infinite Intelligence. If you haven't, read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," or listen to his other book "Outwitting the Devil":

Law of attraction - group consciousness - has been utilized for years by the world's most successful business people. Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul used it, as did MJ DeMarco, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and hundreds of others.

Some used it consciously, others just fell into it. Canfield is very telling, as he knows what's up. His story is incredible. Watch his TED Talk like speeches and you'll see what we mean.

This phenomenon has been called many things. But the effect of our influence is not becoming measurable.

The feeling is that some sort of energetic wave hit around Christmas and a lot of normies are now experiencing what many of the rest of us have been for years already. Everyone is about to shift.

Hive mind is group consciousness. You site think and grow rich as an awakening? What a joke. Inspired by Carnegie! the lackey to robber barons! Canfield? How to get RICH! Acquire wealth! Jesus weeps, I can assure you. Don't try to act like you know something because you buy into the bullshit. You have an eternal soul, it is part of the collective mind, getting a leg up at the expense of others will only lead to debasement and lesser advancement. We are at a crossroads, awaken or become insect again. The program has been written for enlightened beings to progress. I wish you luck.

Have you even read Napoleon Hill? Do you know the story of OUTWITTING THE DEVIL? The book he wrote but never released out of fear it would ruin him? His family released it well after his death - and it has been virtually ignored. I'd like you to explain to me how HILL swindled me, when he himself never made a penny from the book. Or explain what's wrong with attracting abundance as opposed to poverty. I'm guessing you've never experienced true poverty.

He is using his God given abilities to enrich himself. He is no messenger of Theos.

There is nothing wrong with abundance. How many people can you help if you can't help yourself?

If all men moved mountains then the world would be flat, if you think about it. I think that that same mechanism is why we see mortgages at half of the price of rents.

Being poor is making it difficult to be a messenger for god.

you live in a construct, you are not going to die. Be the best you can be, we are all children of the mass.

Have you ever read the "conversations with an insider" thing from way back when on GLP (I know what they are, but they are also perfect for the message, if you get me)?

Nah I'm not joking, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Read my comment chain to confirm.

Or this:

One of my epiphanies this week about the energy construct hologram you refer to. So yea, we are on the same wavelength.

You're individuality has been borrowed from a common consciousness. This has been played out over and over. Level up now. Greed is not winning. The only way up is the group does it together, or the simulation wipes us out. We can explore space for eternity, We have to stop fighting and being cunts to each other. Treat your fellow Earthlings as you would like to be treated. Including the non human earthlings. We are judged by how we treat lesser beings. This is the last boss you fuckers, pull it together and we can beat this stage of the game.

For someone supposedly preaching positivism, you are incredibly condescending. How do you expect to be perceived as a positive being when you call your compatriots "fuckers"?

Ha! you don't fuck? Everything I said was ignored, except the word fuck. Weak.

You use your place along the path as a weapon to wield against dissent; a pen is still a sword if it is used to attack. You know this is a failure, and it is not my intent to shame, but according to my own principles, I feel it right to guide you back towards our seemingly common direction.

Sweetheart, emotions and thought forms? Amplified? So horrible for you Kitten. Tell you what! how about I buy you a nice dress tomorrow? Will go into town! would that make you feel better?

Has this thought process affected your psyche? You are replying different comments to the same dude...and chill with the condescending bullshit, you are coming across as a massive wanker mate.

Fair enough, my psyche was never bruised. I know what I know, and I often feel like I'm talking to children. This is not what you think it is. Please wake up.

You are behaving like a petulant child yourself and are employing projection. Most of us don't understand exactly what is happening to us, but we are primarily positive about the changes in spite of the confusion, and certain we are on the right path, or at least suspect what it is. You appear to be suffering from "separation anxiety" and have convinced yourself that these entities you're fighting against are apart of Infinite Intelligence. We are all one, and you need to forgive your enemies. Pity them, and focus on the good in people.

BTW, we would all do well if, in fact, we preserved more of our "childlike" curiosity and playfulness.

Yet you vote. you fail as an American. You'll make a damn fine Nazi though.

Know the spirit you speak through. It is not the one you think, nor the one with which you began here today.

Im trying to wake up, believe me! Please try put yourself in the position of someone hearing this type of thing for the first time, its intense. Not that the guy you told to buy a dress was doubting you or anything, he actually expressed a viewpoint that was really quite similar to yours. But instead of agreeing with the bulk of it which was actually common ground, you mocked him. Anyways this is pointless and takes away from the discussion, get back to the good stuff! I was enjoying what you were writing for the most part.

A bit of advice: Do not fall for conviction in these things. Often the men and women who speak with the most authority have the least to say, which is why they attack dissent so vehemently.

Trust your own intuition above all else, and seek out ways to develop it. They are out there. The answers will come as your intuition grows.

I never belied in reincarnation strictly until several days ago. I am a Christian - raised Catholic - that's just not a part of "our faith." But I can't ignore anymore these feelings.

Care to enlighten us?

On the feelings? I have articulated them in other comments in this thread. But I have been having strange feelings of significance connected to placed I've never been physically, in addition to strange physical anomalies, such as vibrations in my chest/plexus when I'm lying down, seeing shadows and flashes of light, feeling odd sensations of weightlessness, etc.

If you have time, I really recommend Dolores Cannon's books. She did many past life regressions and a lot of her books can be downloaded/torrented for free. I'm pretty sure if you type Dolores cannon PDF, you can find some of her books online that way as well.

But yeah, she talks about Atlantis, Jesus, Life as other beings, Nostradamus, waves of volunteers to help the earth 'wake up' --- very interesting stuff.

Since March.

Cool, care to share what shifted?

I was an atheist at work and I stumbled upon the dr Alexander nde YouTube video by accident. He told a story about dying and seeing the afterlife. I dig into other nde stories and they were shocking but in a good way. That lead me to a book called conversations with God which has wisdom so deep, I had never seen information like it before. I followed the simple instructions inside and my life totally changed. It turns out the mind is like a radio channel. If it is adjusted to the right frequency, miraculous things happen. For example, my life,got 15 times easier. I don't stress out much. I feel pretty good and life became an adventure. I feel more empowered to help the world. I feel healthier and business even improved. That led me to more digging and now I realize this digging will go on pretty much. Part of life is to unwrap it endlessly like a gift and once you do, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Everything is connected (elite, God, education, economy, the mind, the universe, etc..).

Everyone who reads conversations with God seems to experience this. It's sold about forty million worldwide. The info inside is just so potent and easy to do that a kid can do it.

Yep, it's all about vibrations, or frequencies, as you say. What we think about we bring about. If we're honest, when things went poorly for us, we were dwelling on poor things.

No one knows; it's all conjecture. It's not something we can physically "see."

In a way it is...just thinking but isn't the objective awareness kind of how we see reality? So if that's shifting we are seeing reality different. We can see the difference.

I suppose I see what you mean. The truth vs. lies, wheat vs. chaff. Positive vs. negative. I am being to be more discerning, I've noticed. Sensing "auras" about people and so forth, and have made business decisions based on it, actually.

This week I have actually used the phrase "transcend the negative" this week.

And I told a group of people I have never met that the little blinks of light we see in our periphery of our vision all the time, that they are all the little microscopic portals of energy hitting our aura, like a star twinkles when it hits the atmosphere of the Earth.

And if we tapped Into them we could access anything in consciousness, because it is wide open and all around us. It's been interesting.

... and that's when the normies back slowly away from you, without taking their eyes off you, right? :)

Gotta love the normies. They'll catch on.

These weren't normies. I cant work miracles with normies. I have tried but I'm not Jesus and can't part their minds and walk my ideas inside, so I need an audience with some clue.

Another idea I had is that we are shifting out of religion and dogma paridigm, and back to a natural science perspective mixed with computing technology. Energy computers.

would you expand on this, especially to the degree you see the paradigm shift occurring? by 'shifting out of religion and dogma' do you mean the divine / mystical authority these connote is fading and will be replaced by nature/ science or do you mean that the ideology of belief/ faith more broadly is headed for a shakeup? basically, i guess, are you saying that the object of belief is shifting (from religion to science) while remaining structurally the same, or that the structure itself is fundamentally changing?

What I mean is that we have all these religious constructs. These are beliefs, like authority, our origins, hierarchy, the comparison of good and evil, to name a few of the Components of the belief System of religion. All of these constructs are being looked at intensely. We are going through a process of analyzing these constructs to determine if we would like to continue using them. Ultimately their intensity on our perception will fade. We won't hold to religion, and their constructs as absolutes. Doing so will open up more choices towards a different paradigm.

So you may sense the power of these religious constructs being lessened and as important as they were before.

i feel you. thanks for expanding-- i agree and it should be a very interesting time to be alive :)

No problem


Honestly, I've kinda been having thoughts like these, where everything is crystal clear and yet words do no justice. Aren't we coming into the apex of a 3600 year cycle? Like a consciousness sleep/wake cycle. We're waking up, stirring, rubbing our still closed eyes. Won't be long now before we hop out of bed

Yes exactly. I've been feeling different energies, having unusually vivid dreams, and just feeling a sense of thriving.

DUDE! Wtf I just found sacred geometry this week and it is blowing my fucking mind. I feel insane. Good to know I'm not alone. Maybe it's just universe-Jesus making us all get ready for something. Yeah that's much more rational.. lol jk I'm open minded af but sometimes I imagine what others would think of the things I think.

Same here, check out this thread today

Working on proof that our geometric energy grid has intersection points. And at these points energy is pooled and can be transformed. And the south pole is a major portal at an absolute coordinate point intersection. And that the temple there has the ability to transform our collective thought forms into manifestation. This may seem abstract, but I think what they are seeing inside is the result of the south pole, or negatively charged energy portal of the world creating the fear and amplified symbols of evil.

The pyramid is a perfect solid, and has the ability to amplify and transmute and intensify anything inside. So if the energy flowing inside is corrupted, the experience manifests as trap doors and poisons and evil. They are not pure of heart those who are entering. Like all of our myths of heaven..even in like India Jones who is pure of heart is given a choice which cup to fill. Or in the phrase, "Only the penitent man can pass" . It's a trial. A temple of transformation of energy.. I'm thinking out loud, head spinning..

Can someone eli5 please

Basically: law of attraction. What you think about you bring about. We are manifesting reality and are about to understand just how powerful we really are. Look into "law of attraction," "meme magic" and "group consciousness."

How does this website work?

Appears to be based on internet searches, to determine what people are thinking about and searching for, and looking for similarities.

Your new-age woo-woo babble put up the red flag, this answer confirmed you don't have the slightest clue.

Actually it is random number generators scattered around the world, and the dot color indicates how much off-random they deviate at that moment.

I haven't been following the gcp for very long but this is the longest I've seen it up that high. Is it uncommon or am I still just too much of a newbie to it?

It never stays this red this long; you can look at past charts. Something is happening worldwide. People are searching for something, and this reflects it. Looking for knowledge... truth, perhaps. And maybe finding it. And the former normies are going to be in shock, I would imagine, and will be surprised to find out how many of the rest of us are woke up already.

Great work team! I'm changing into a new track suit and putting my Nikes on as I type.
Maybe we can get fancy and put some kombucha in our koolaide this time.

If you haven't seen the repeating numbers or gotten the wake-up call, or felt any of these bizarre anomalies, then you just won't get it. We're not making this up; there might be disinfo out there, who the hell knows? But we know what's happening to our own bodies.

I lived on a quart crystal mine for a few years.
I've spent lots of time at different crystal mines in the last 30 years.
My cell phone would charge itself sometimes, just walking around certain areas.
I honestly am having a hard time telling what is satire and what is not on this thread. A few links seem a bit dubious to me.

All I can tell you is I'm legite feeling majorly compelled right now, to quit my job and pursue my passion project as a full-time job. My wife quit her job, and my brother - who claimed he was a frickin' star seed - told me he was going to "law of attraction" himself into a millionaire. And damn it, he did it. He now has $1+ million in the bank, less than one year after saying he would. That. doesn't. just. happen.

Now I'm being guided as well. It feels strange feeling like you can actually "see" your destiny, but still being too tied into the system to feel confident taking the plunge into freedom. It's really challenging to undo the programming.

I guess I've been lucky. I saw thru the bullshit from an early age.
Got invited to Lucis Trust's library as a youth, and whatnot.
I was chosen in elementary school to spend several weeks of my summer in this machine.
All the kids that were chosen were actually the fastest readers, not the slowest readers as suggested by online resources. I remember the people in charge trying to get us to go faster and faster . What a weird summer.

...... ok?

This type of bollocks is why conspiracy theories are always mocked and discarded.

Do you even understand how this website works, and what creates the colors of the dot?

You unironically believe in meme magic. Case closed.

It's called the Law of Attraction, friend - and a lot of folks with a lot more money than either of us preach it like the gospel:

Jack Canfield (above) is hardly a conspiracy theorist. He's a millionaire author and editor. And he's not ashamed to call it what it is. Global consciousness.

Thoughts are things.

I believe in the concept of global consciousness but saying that people with money believe in something as proof that it's real is absurd. Religious leaders do this too... it's called bullshitting, and they do it for the money itself.

If you believe in it, why are you arguing with me and debating semantics? It's obviously real. Thoughts manifest into reality - they literally create our world. I'm citing Canfield because he is a success story. You say "people with money" as if that's supposed to be a bad thing. Canfield was broke like the rest of us before he realized the Law of Attraction and applied it; look into his story.

I'm sorry I argued with you dude, I believe you are more enlightened than these dickheads who just spout fox news crap or worse. Bottom line for me? I want to be a better person. Wealth is good if you consume. I am not a consumer.

I doubt anyone who believes in the Law of Attraction watches Fox News. They seem... opposed.

Have a great rest of your night. I'll hit this bottle then go to another thread, fuck it, this one seems played out.

The thing is that people who "discover" self help, religious, and other fads are typically scam artists. They get Rich scamming gullible people. Most people know this. It's making you seem like a fool when you pose this as your "evidence," and makes people not buy into global consciousness because they think it's a scam.

Now there's this from the NEW YORK POST:

"Massive ‘anomaly’ lurks beneath ice in Antarctica"

Who's measuring this? Is there chips implanted in our brain???

You could... I don't know... read it yourself. The website explains how it works.

I have multiple times, it's generated from computer searches or something

Right, so very much in tune with the younger tech-savvy crowd. This site indicated a major spike on 9/11, so there seems to be some "truth" to it, in that it measures when people are all searching about or thinking about the same things.

The question is, what were they all thinking about today? Is New Years really enough to trigger 9/11 levels?

It's quite clear that neither of you are actually aware of what the GCP Dot project is.

A lot of things are making sense lately.

Please share. What have you experienced personally? I'd love to know if this weird shit is happening to others!

in the internet age clone wars, the few 0,001% elitists can seem to be many.

the internet psy ops is targeting the next generation, not us. they go for the long run brainwashing our children thoroughly.

some of us might be fooled but not everyone.

but our kids are more at risk since they are exposed early on and the cabals have perfected their methods even more.

I would attribute it to NYE, I think it's pretty common to think back and reflect about your year and what's to come. Plus, it's probably reinforced by the media (TV, radio, Internet) blabbering on and on about lists of thing related to the end of the year (stuff like year in review, top songs/movies/books of the year). For example, if X media outlet talks about the book of the year, and it's a book I read in March, I'll most likely remember about that time period, what I was doing, how I felt, etc, thus triggering more reflection on my part.

On the other hand, coincidentally today I randomly remembered that one of my professors back in college some years ago talked about collective consciousness and 9/11. This was a totally random memory that popped into my mind and I did a google search and started reading about the GCP.

Still, eerie. It suggests there is validity to this little "dot" thing.

General public/corporate media reflecting on the year, and thinking about the next. There's massive celebrations going on worldwide, so there's probably feel-good vibes going on everywhere.

I just played a show tonight with my band and it was a great night, everybody was extremely positive and loving. Hopefully 2017 is the year love trumps overcomes fear.


The dot has now returned to green. Happy new year, everyone!

Thanks, It's been real AND it's been fun, you m8s on the g8s have been gr8.

Is this r/conspiracy or r/feefees?

I can understand bigfoot conspiracies being posted here because they are at least conspiracies. Too many Diana Trois in here with their pedantic psycho babble.

If you haven't seen the repeating numbers or gotten the wake-up call, or felt any of these bizarre anomalies, then you just won't get it. We're not making this up; there might be disinfo out there, who the hell knows? But we know what's happening to our own bodies.

What your brother is doing is terrible & there are many other starseeds like him...

Napoleon Hill wrote a book called "think and grow rich" It is a masterpiece of life choices and highly recommended from those in the know. I myself keep a copy in the very aromatic circular file cabinet in my kitchen under the sink. My thoughts are, if the dogs think the trash smells good, then the dogs may very well think the book smells good. Then the dogs might learn something. #freelifehack

If all men moved mountains then the world would be flat, if you think about it. I think that that same mechanism is why we see mortgages at half of the price of rents.