I Love You

227  2017-01-02 by Loud_Volume

And I mean all of you. I am so grateful for what this sub Reddit and Reddit as a whole has done for me and us.

We often regard Reddit as wasting and passing time but it's often disregarded how helpful this platform is.

It allows anyone's voice to be heard instantly by anyone anywhere on this world.

I am truly thankful to be able to have such a platform, regardless of the negative incidents that have happened with Spez and the like.

We have the ability to spread love, positivity, and upliftment and awareness through this medium.

I have learned, grown, and expanded from the articles, stories, and opinions as well as debates I've read while being here.

I've learned more about myself. About other people. About how we work together and can come together and change things even anonymously though the Internet.

We have the power to independently investigate and question narratives that are normally controlled (PizzaGate)

We have the ability to connect, uplift, and help each other with the very phone we hold in our hands.

Thank you for what you do. And I mean you, the you that is reading what I am typing right now.

Thank you and I love YOU!


Love this post and the sentiments within!

Care and love will lead us out of the wilderness.

Spread true good vibes, man! Don't be complacent! That's the absolute last thing the elites want. If you haven't checked it out, research the disclosure project and Steven Greer's work.

Here is a very good recent lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w0Odg3k7xM

Here is a good documentary by James Allen on Zero Point Energy and Mark McCandlish: https://vimeo.com/133170463

This, IMO, is the most important stuff everyone should know about. It's not discussed much, but I think Zero Point Energy explains many of the anomalies we see in the world today, especially regarding UFOs, and in history.

I've seen tavistock and Greer's name used in the same sentences before. Not sure on sources.

Yeah, there are a lot of things that try to discredit Greer. All I can ask is that anyone looks into this themselves and decides his validity. It is certainly worth researching. I looked into stuff discrediting Greer and haven't found much more than seemingly false allegations that further gave me confidence in the disclosure project. It's certainly not perfect, I even contacted them asking why the fuck their website is so shitty and why they don't make a larger effort to make this hard evidence public. But I certainly recommend researching the topic, and if anyone has time, come back to me with what you find.

Love to you! We are the new resistance!

Spread love to ANYONE! And help spread the news! We all must stand together and fight back greed!

Love to you all! KEEP FIGHTING! if not for you, for me. Because I will fight for you!

xoxox. hugs & kisses back at ya'. we should be focused more on what positive actions to take.

This thread reminded me of James Corbett video: Only Love Can Defeat the New World Order

And I Love you too :)

Thank you for sharing this! Watched it just now and it is very applicable here thank you. I am going to share that with whoever I can. Thanks for posting and much and one love my fellow man! <3

The energy of love is what we should propagate! Thank you! If we all loved a little more the world will be a better place.

Couldn't be said any better

I don't fucking love you, I barely love myself.

Explains your display name lol

I love you. No snark here, I mean it. Peace, friend. :)

Great now is your chance to change. Everyday you wake up you must make this new life happen. Be nice to people and be nice to yourself. Forgive yourself for your past mistakes and choose to fix them by being a good person from this moment forward. There are people out there who love you even if you dont love yourself. People who just want to send you love even if you feel you are undeserving. You deserve love. The universe forgives you. Now be responsible for your thoughts - create the environment that will help you get and stay positive and do it now. Not tomorrow - This very moment.

You have the strength and we believe in you. You must be the change you want to see in the world. Be it. Do it.

Man what is going ON in 2017?! People being nice to each other...expressing gratitude all the time...spreading the love.

"Happy New Year" has never felt like a truer sentiment! Much love you all!


Does the feeling of love make you uncomfortable?

Love is an alien feeling to alot of people....sadly. All you can do is remind them that people do love them. I feel bad for people that weren't loved enough. I think it's why I tell my kids I love them and can't live without them every chance I get. My children will know what love is. Everyone deserves love.

YOU ARE NOW ALLOWED TO HATE - this is the whole point. Spread love and insight and growth. Do not let your frustration mold you into a beacon of hate. Use your power for good. Be strong. Find inspiration daily like you would brush your teeth.


Eat healthy take care of yourself we love you. Exercise get in shape live a long life. Stand on the side of love and join us in the spreading of truth which is love. There are so many of us out there that just want to spread love and truth and can feel the wave forming.

The cracks in a dam may take a long time to show but when they do the wave is not far behind. We are the wave. We are seeing the cracks form and water pouring through.

The dam will break and you will see the flood of truth into the light.

The darkness can only exist without the presence of light.

Be that light.

Wish I could hug you, but this thanks will have to do. Thank you. Help me be that light and I'll help you be that light too. Let's brighten this dark world up

I am going to be starting a podcast soon and it will be along these types of subjects. Bringing motivation, inspiration and light in a way that I have yet to see. Stay tuned

Keep us updated man!

I'm going to electric forest in June and I'm going to sit in a field of people and just think this as hard as I can. Whats so hard about being a good person?

I'm going to electric forest in June and I'm going to sit in a field of people and just think this as hard as I can. Whats so hard about being a good person?

I think of light as information. It is also a symbol for awareness. Without awareness of information, the information has no value.

The dark or evil is just pure self-serving behavior at the expense of others. Dark/evil is machine like in that it is very predictable based on the understanding of the perceived prospects for gain and loss and the perceived risks involved of a group or individual.

If we focus our awareness on the darkness we cause it to flee, because we no longer support it systemically, because we have become aware of how it operates. So, yes love is necessary and important, but don't let rhetoric for love turn us away from looking at the darkness. We will continue to suffer the darkness as long as we refuse to look at it. The examples of this principle are endless and there are many personal individual examples too.

We are the power in everyone We are the dance of the moon and sun We are the hope that will never hide We are the turning of the tide If we can turn the tide within ourselves To freedom, from fear Then we turn that tide outwardly in the planet.

A choice between fear, and love.

You're awesome too, dude. Sorry I always read like an angry dick.

All good my man. I do too, and sometimes I lose my temper and get mad at people attacking me but all is good in the end :)

Thanks for the reply, and happy New Years to you!

A loving perspective is an honest perspective. Unconditional love holds no bias or opinion. And what we're dealing with goes so far against anything we've ever known, I theorize that our minds have opened and forcefully awakened themselves to new ways to perceive: more openly. Why? Because, at least personally, the old 'me' wouldn't have been able to believe any of this leaked information unless I went through a change in consciousness and an opening of heart. It's reminded me what I am -- life itself -- and I no longer see or feel separation.

Reddit has provided the world with an outlet to love and truth. Thank you OP! Love to ya.

This made me smile and was a surprise , hah. Way to go. Love is the way to go.

Love to everyone and everything!

This sub has really picked up over the past year or So

The New World Order will fall.

I love you too. Keep learning, keep growing. Salute to everyone fighting the good fight!

Everything that is good comes from love :)

You can't teach love, you experience it. With time even a tiny drop of love can change a person... but the true "change" will come from within no matter of external influences.


Thanks, it's nice to see posts like this (op) on the internet.

Yeah. Not very often that you get positive posts just for the sake of being positive in this sub. It happens every now and then, but it's not often at all. Lots of crazy opposition to almost every idea in this sub. Comes w/the territory I guess.

Check out the Law of One

well said cheers

Peace and love!

Love you too. All of you. It is so encouraging to see posts like this, to see them so appreciated, to witness the subsuming of the armor of sarcasm and divisiveness by the courageous eloquence of love. Love really is the answer, and we all have an inexhaustible capacity to wield it like crazy wild wisdom wizards!

Conspirare means "breathing together". 💨💨💨

Let's conspire to boost 2017 into being an ever-better year! ❤💗💛💚💙💜

(2016 set the bar so low that the first steps are easy! 😉)

Love you too and I completely agree. I've been on reddit for at least 5 years, not sure, but the things I've read here have changed my life. Knowledge is power. Also, reading other peoples views has helped me see the world from a different perspective and I've actually changed my outlook on alot of issues. Reddit is great....sometimes.

Let's just be friends.

We love you too. May the force be with you.


This sub needs more positivity. Pizzagate shit gets depressing after a while.

I love each and every one of you folks. You are doing good work, KEEP IT UP!!

Couldn't be said any better
