Chemtrail Alert
11 2017-01-03 by They_Werent_Flares
Keep an eye out for chemtrails over the next 2 days. Report your locations - stay safe, TWF
11 2017-01-03 by They_Werent_Flares
Keep an eye out for chemtrails over the next 2 days. Report your locations - stay safe, TWF
n/a Killuminati_33 2017-01-03
What's new? There's never any sun anymore where I live. Maybe at the beginning of the day, then they come around and spray and boom, instant gray sky. Makes me really depressed and not want to do anything, I guess it's working then huh?
n/a They_Werent_Flares 2017-01-03
The overcast skies are due to subside in many parts of the US. Chemtrails will be more evident as a result.
Also, I hear you. It's something we've been feeling a lot of in Phoenix as well. Stay strong and report.
n/a Ilsaluna 2017-01-03
Have you noticed they've been spraying at night, too, for the last 2-3 days?
I'm going to the car wash tomorrow hoping that'll make it rain again. The stuff they've been spraying since last week is kicking my ass and keeping my inhaler busy.
n/a They_Werent_Flares 2017-01-03
I haven't received any reports of night time spraying, but it's something I've wondered about for decades.
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
You don't have sufficient security clearance.
n/a Ilsaluna 2017-01-03
I've been paying attention to the grid patterns for at least 20yrs. It was when I'd be sitting in my office at work and realize I was beginning to wheeze for no reason (never had asthma and my lungs still work great unless they spray a certain blend).
After it happened a few times, I finally started checking the sky. Sure as shit, they'd be out there gridding around 3:30p, just before rush hour started. They're very structured when it comes to the times they spray, I'll give them that.
I think the nighttime spraying began early last December. I've nothing to go on other than I started to have trouble breathing. Since then, when the nighttime wheezing happens out of nowhere, I've started going outside to look. Only twice have I actually seen the grids being laid; they're hard to see at night because they aren't nearly as dense as the daytime trails and begin to dissipate immediately and create a very thin haze.
Do you know anything about the really low altitude ones they drop occasionally during the day? Those ones almost seem targeted, although I've no clue why they might do that. They're ridic dense and are done in very short bursts in an "X" (which is what made me think they're being laid in a specific area). I wasn't too keen on the one that would've landed in my backyard had it floated straight down.
I'll shoot you a message the next time it happens at night.
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
This NASA website will show you where your 'chemtrails' are going to appear next. But it's a big secret, so don't tell anyone.
n/a tobecoho 2017-01-03
Wait, is that then scientific proof tese things affect our atmosphere as is currectly accepted as "speculation"? They have a damn forecast! Persisting contrails arent what theyre claiming they are so i dont believe its contrails for a second. A persisting contrail is the one you see behing a plane for a few hundred feet, maybe 3-5 lengths of a plane or sometimes even shorter or a tad longer. Dissipates rather quickly. A normal contrail is usually seen on wing tips or a moment out of a jet engine. Most often seen from quick maneuvers in fighter jets or from the moisture at high altitude on commercial wingtips. Not the ones you see covering 50+ miles and lasting for 5 hours and combining with the ones from 4 and 3 hours ago to create a new cloud formation. Those are the chemtrails theyre forecasting there...
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
You are confused. Do you understand what 'persist' means? A persistent contrail persists... i.e., sticks around. What you are calling a 'normal' contrail is actually an Aerodynamic Contrail. You often see them coming off the wingtips of airliners landing in foul weather. There is a simple scientific explanation for contrails, which is what this website puts into practice.
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
edit: Yes, persistent contrails affect the atmosphere. When too many appear together they merge to form a layer of cirrus cloud which blocks sunlight and traps infra red heat.
n/a tobecoho 2017-01-03
that typical abuse of the word "persisting" and accepting the horizon spanning "contrail" at just about any altitude or moisture level is the nonsense weve had to believe as the spraying has kicked up over the decades.
watch a video of a "passenger" or "cargo" aircraft literally filling in a gap in the clouds for miles and believing its anything less than deliberate is nonsense, though this in little way supports it being a con or chem.
and lol still goes on to ascert that chemtrails are contrails.
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
Waffling word salad. You are floundering in your own lack of understanding of what's really going on above our heads.
This is Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch. She has been 'Looking up' for 30 years. This is what she told the UN about the dangers of persistent contrails, and this is what she believes about chemtrails.
n/a tobecoho 2017-01-03
Golly i had no idea me and her have been looking for similar amounts of time. Never heard of her before.!! Like at all! And all those other peeps and poops that have talked about these "persisting contrails" at conferences are just as politically correct. The use of phrases like "with what we can prove" doesnt fall inline with my way of thinking. My mind is suddenly changed and free of waffling words. 90% free actually, i waffled. Sorry you dont like waffles. Peace
n/a serruriers 2017-01-03
That site's most recent data is from March 2016, I wouldn't consider it a great resource ...
n/a nibiru_chaser 2017-01-03
Today in Southern UK, very blatant and obvious
n/a SkankHunt_34 2017-01-03
Gonna start off by saying im not a shill, downplaying your beliefs. Chem trails is honestly just one of the conspiracies ive never followed up on and done any research behind. My knowledge on them would be absolutely none. I always believed it was just some bs theory and that is it. Could you show me some evidence or good videos showing proof of them?
I mean that in the most sincere way. I would honestly just like to see some good evidence to help me make my choice on whether to believe or not.
n/a FeverishlyYellow 2017-01-03
Go outside and just look today, several times. Take pictures with your phone every time you do. Just use your own judgement. There will never be an "official" report or credible source. Everyone is conditioned to believe they need someone else, or an "expert" to verify their own thoughts. Trust yourself. Look up in the sky at the chemtrail grid and ask yourself self what you think is going on. You don't need someone to tell you what you are experiencing
n/a SkankHunt_34 2017-01-03
What am I looking for? I literally know nothing about chemtrails, and im trying to not sound like a dumbass. Its raining here and forcasted to rain all day so I would assume that hinders seeing anything.
n/a FeverishlyYellow 2017-01-03
Yes that would make it very difficult. Ever see planes way high up in the sky that don't look like are following any flight pattern that leave a thick white trail behind them followed by randomly cloudy weather? Can't have too much uninterrupted sunshine, might make you happy or something, nope, can't have that
n/a didgeridoo-it 2017-01-03
I've lived in Vegas for the past 4 years and I can tell you that uninterrupted sunshine for long periods does not make you happy. It makes me sick to look at that cloudless sky. I've loved being home for the holidays and having a nice mix of sunshine and rain.
That being said, I've seen more rain in Vegas the past year than the other 3. Almost always after a few days of chemtails. It's so blatant that I've had friends and strangers comment on it.
n/a serruriers 2017-01-03
Easiest way to tell when contrails will form is to look atmospheric relative humidity readings available here:
n/a thedogshittacos 2017-01-03
Yeah, most of us have already cross referenced that with what we are seeing and it doesn't correlate.
n/a serruriers 2017-01-03
Can you please post your logs and photos as well as FlightRadar24 (or similar) screens?
You would be the first person to be able to prove this in any reasonable manner, it would be absolutely groundbreaking.
n/a thedogshittacos 2017-01-03
I check as a hobby for my own personal education only, but if I ever get better at record keeping and logging I would totally post it all over the place you better believe it. I'm also not an authority on weather or anything really so I have a hard time motivating myself to dive in deep because nobody is going to listen anyways.
I know I'm also not the first person to see these patterns and try to find out the truth of what is actually going on, looking for any sort of pattern that could possibly correlate with an increase in trails and aircraft exhaust etc.
n/a andredawson 2017-01-03
Numerous in Austin. Mostly around sunset. I think they are trying to block out the sunset (which looks abnormally bright).
n/a King-Hell 2017-01-03
Waffling word salad. You are floundering in your own lack of understanding of what's really going on above our heads.
This is Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch. She has been 'Looking up' for 30 years. This is what she told the UN about the dangers of persistent contrails, and this is what she believes about chemtrails.