Can We Activate the Energy Portals being discovered All Over Our World?

11  2017-01-04 by Beneficial1

This is a quote from Seth, where he describes Coordination Points

Tldr: there are energy points all over a world energy grid. It's a good read though, it explains how energy portals into our reality.

The following is an excerpt from another part of the Seth Material:

  • "A few clues here that might help you, or mathematicians. There is an ever-so-minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighbourhood of all of these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all the so-called physical laws to some extent or another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighbourhoods. The subordinate points also serve in a way as supports, as structural intensification within the unseen fabric of energy that forms all realities and manifestations. While they are traces or accumulations of pure energy, there is a great difference between the amount of energy available in the various subordinate points, and between the main and the absolute points."

It occurred to me that I once watched a Tellinger video where he goes to ancient structures particularly the ones in Africa And not Antarctica.

But as Seth said the portal can be discovered by alterations in gravity. Tellinger, went to these sites and discovered this difference in Gravity in this video here. - Begin at 62 minutes to see what I mean.

So, first, how does a woman channeling a personality named Seth back in 1966 know this?

That I'm not sure how to explain, but Regardless, we now have this information, and it's scientifically proven now that this is happening that all over our world there are these portals. Look at Africa, there are thousands of these structures being discovered and all over the world. And still in our times Tellinger is getting a reading. So they must still be active.

What do we do with them? How do we use them?


We turn them in to tourist traps.

This is very good, added to my collection.

Finding them in the states would be even better. Any examples will grant you one wish from a genie.

Sedona AZ and Mt. Shasta California also. Eceti Ranch in Washington State has some interesting things going on.

And your wish?

Ooh man careful what you wish for! Truth is what I wish for. Not so much perceived truths that we all have on a subjective level. But universal truths. Mainly pertaining to our existence. I'm not concerned about current events or other happenings in this moment.

Wish Granted

Right on. Thank you! I'll patiently await my answers! This reminds of a full circle conversation I had with a friend the other day. With emojis, we are going back to days of hieroglyphs. Soon all posts will be smiley faces. Only a generation away from that right now.

Coming full circle...I like that. I can let you in on a little secret of being a genie. Anytime you can focus on a known portal you can ask a question to it and get an answer. Sometimes the answers though are in the tapestry of reality, they stand out just a little bit more so you can see them.

I feel that. Friends and family think I'm "unstable" because of just that. I see and hear connections in everything. I feel truths when I see them and ignore them if false. Well put with tapestry of reality. Resonates well. The fun stuff has really just begun for me in the past 6 months. Manipulating my reality bubble. Just about daily I break down in tears of joy of how amazing it all really is.

I concur. I call it Presence. It's like you are bringing your soul into awareness. I see layered beauty. If only i can hear what the Earth is saying, I'm so close, it feels.

I wish you fun and excitement on your journey! Maybe bump into you on a mountain in California some day!

In a way we just did, so thanks:)

i'm here anchoring the Light in Shasta for ya'll

That one is in the states.

That's what I mean, ....even better than Africa because here as well, sorry wasn't clear.

Which ones do you resonate with?

I clicked a couple times and I went right to the Tilly Mines like a happy accident. I'm going to have to look into that one to see what I can dig up.

Can't argue with his scientific debunking.

"When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the year or two that followed. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilization that predates all others -- not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years... but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history. " -- Tellinger

Fuck fraternity

Over the past 100 years, there have been a few of these channelings. I have read thousands of pages of these channelings and now I understand how this whole matrix works. It's literally unbelievably awesome.

I need to jump into Seth but I am compiling all the info into a giant map of life as I go. This info is sure to turn anyone, even kids, into a wizard. Hell, the plans for world peace are in these channelings.

Which are :)?

  1. Conversations with God.

  2. Course in miracles

  3. Book of Urantia.

  4. Law of one

  5. Seth material

  6. I have heard Power of Now is pretty powerful and I suspect a minor channeling going on but I have to read to know.

  7. Any near death experience story. You have to dig around these for secrets though.

Any near death experience story. You have to dig around these for secrets though.

You literally named all of the things I have been and am planning on reading.

We must be going down the same rabbit hole.

Also add, disappearance of the universe, Gary Reynard.

Wow. Ok. My book list keeps growing but at least its good info. I'm working on Book of Urantia now. It's fascinating.

We're all doing it, there's so much of this I've seen recently. I find it eerily that so many feel compelled in exploring these subjects at the same time. Maybe some day there'll be a tipping point. One could hope.

Abraham-Hicks, too...

but the point is, now YOU can channel your own higher self, without going to these channels from the past, although, for those newly awakened, they are great jumping off points

How do I channel myself?

clean up your diet is the first big step, avoid the media/government "programming" that cuts you off from Source...learn to work with your intuition (trust your gut)...meditation is wonderful, and don't feel like you have to sit cross-legged like a yogi to meditate, you can lay down or walk in nature, but quiet your racing mind (which is easier with a clean diet). as you raise your vibration, the messages will become clearer and clearer and you'll become like Neo in the Matrix, where you just get "downloads"

Damn, no more fast food huh.

eek, no!

Yeah, it's pretty hard to have an entirely clean diet as an American :/

do you have any money in your budget to order a $120 4lb/can of chlorella? that's what i recommend as a gentle way to detox from metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins...take at least 25 grams per day in one dose to start, 1 can lasts 72 days on that dose. i get it from Health Ranger, best price i have found anywhere

you've got to cut chemicals and GMOs from your lifestyle as much as possible, body products, cleaning supplies, let things off-gas outside when you buy new products from China...etc.

I'll look into that supplement - I can afford it

they have a can of powder, which you could add to smoothies, or the tablets which are tiny, i can swallow those by the handful.

i recommend taking as much as you can afford, i have taken 50 grams almost every day for years. i still don't eat fast food, but i don't worry as much when i can't eat organic every minute. i also look half my age, haven't gotten sick in years, haven't been vaccinated in 20 years...feels pretty great to leave the matrix

I'll need to look into it more before I start eating as much as I can afford, lol!

But thank you - if it works for you, it could work for me :)

What type of diet would you suggest?

I've been into ufology and aliens for a long time and they've said for many many years that a diet focused on fresh vegetable and meditation is the "easiest way" for contact with ETs. I haven't until recent time spent time going deeper into this theory and it's scary how many different fields suggest these tips for whatever the person want to "become" or "goal to reach".

i spoke about it with another on this thread, let me know if you have any questions...

and sorry, i should add, i am about 90% vegan, both cooked and raw veggies are great, i only eat organic if i can. i take chlorella, medicinal mushrooms (not hallucinogenic), cod liver oil, krill, moringa, neem, triphala, turmeric with black pepper and ginger added, aged garlic, OlivusMax olive leaf extract, and a raw multi-vitamin, and a good probiotic like RenewLife

This is great, thanks for all the tips and guidelines. I've definitely want to change my diet and I'll try harder once I kickstart my "new" life next week. It'll be a process for sure!

people have no idea how good they can feel, the body's natural state is health, all we have to do is get out of the way and give it the nutrients it needs

i eat organic sauerkraut, fermented organic miso, cultured organic sour cream, and organic ghee. i would eat fish and seafood, but haven't for awhile, just the oils. i have organic bone broth occasionally, but the rest is plant based. i mostly avoid wheat, but still have it occasionally. i consume a lot of raw seeds, like hemp, sunflower, chia, pumpkin, sesame...and sprouts are wonderful living foods, i sprinkle them on everything. beans are great for you, the gas stops as you rebuild your microbiome/gut flora

Ya, that's true. I feel like I'm channeling in basic wisdom but how can I channel jackpot information like the CWG guy?

the higher my vibration/frequency gets, the more in tuned i am to the world around me. i can simply look at a headline and know it's fake news, my BS meter is very acute. i often have prophetic dreams and instant understanding of things i have never studied, like Neo in the Matrix, i get "downloads"

That's pretty amazing. Are you feeling like the world is about to make a breakthrough soon? It seems like 2017 is going to be a good year because the people are rising very quickly and might take over the whole operation of government. I have this strong feeling that we are hauling ass in that direction and this is what is going to usher in the new age.

i think that, yes, we're raising in frequency as a species (even those reptiles) and the keepers of time have timegates in place to keep us from devolving. i also think that the discoveries in antarctica will bring us so much new technology in 2017 our heads will spin, and so much will be happening with the exposure of the real truth and new discoveries, the government circus will move to the back burner

Nice, I hope so. I feel it too. Should be a lot of fun.

I know it will. And another thing I always found ironic is people want answers about life after death and extra terrestials, when in fact so many channels are dead people and extra teresstials . It's both a form of proof of the afterlife and life elsewhere in the multi-verse.

Right. From my understanding, these channelings happen when certain things line up just right. It's a bit complex but I'm pretty sure we will all improve greatly in the channeling of basic wisdom in day to day life affairs soon which is a huge step since the wisdom is legit. The intuition is the portal. We can open the intuition portals now though.

An abstract example was that Malaysian airliner that just up and disappeared a few years ago. It hit one of those pockets or wormholes however you visualize it . From what I gather a type of dimensional pull happens in space time when different masses of ideas swirl with imagination. That's how I conceptualize it now, that our inents and images somehow intersect with enough momentum to create an affect.

But once entering the the portal restructures the imagination and reconfigure s the blueprint from one thing to another. So what went in came out totally different in a completely different type of reality.

Elias tried to describe what the passengers are like now. First though he said it wouldn't translate into our perception, we perceive a certain way. But he said an approximation is a one similar tolike the shape of a exclamation mark, with three appendages. They don't have all the senses we do so they don't have a face, they experience touch and a type of consciousness totally foreign to human being.

He said it was rare for a vortex to open and for so many to be choosing enter it. That was a bit different the idea that they all chose. So going through these portals is choosing to as well.

It's interesting the types that probably happen and we never know. Or people could disappear and we don't know why. They can and do open up in our atmosphere. One day we will probably be able to detect them.

Are you saying we will be attacked by the Langoliers?? Holy shit! ::run away from the sub screaming::

Bruce Lipton claim kids are even more likely to be turned into a "wizard" prior to age 6. He discovered that our "belief" is changing our biology and therefore we can change unbelievable things both inside of us and around us.

Do you have any names that reached a similar conclusion with science? I've been compiling a list of videos and text of people who reaches this conclusions so many scientists are reaching today. About the matrix we're living in.

Oh ya, our beliefs 100% change our biology. I have read much about this. All sickness comes from a dysfunctional mind, both mental and physical. Heck, the world around us changes depending on how healthy our minds are. I was able to cure my own problem I had for about 10 years. Occasionally, at first weekly, I would get a serious pain in my back/waste area and doctors had no idea what it was. I adjusted my thinking and no longer have this problem.

I don't know of any scientists really but honestly, I think they would keep info like that away from the public

Gravity is always fluctuating ever so slightly:

An abstract example was that Malaysian airliner that just up and disappeared a few years ago. It hit one of those pockets or wormholes however you visualize it . From what I gather a type of dimensional pull happens in space time when different masses of ideas swirl with imagination. That's how I conceptualize it now, that our inents and images somehow intersect with enough momentum to create an affect.

But once entering the the portal restructures the imagination and reconfigure s the blueprint from one thing to another. So what went in came out totally different in a completely different type of reality.

Elias tried to describe what the passengers are like now. First though he said it wouldn't translate into our perception, we perceive a certain way. But he said an approximation is a one similar tolike the shape of a exclamation mark, with three appendages. They don't have all the senses we do so they don't have a face, they experience touch and a type of consciousness totally foreign to human being.

He said it was rare for a vortex to open and for so many to be choosing enter it. That was a bit different the idea that they all chose. So going through these portals is choosing to as well.

It's interesting the types that probably happen and we never know. Or people could disappear and we don't know why. They can and do open up in our atmosphere. One day we will probably be able to detect them.

How do I channel myself?

they have a can of powder, which you could add to smoothies, or the tablets which are tiny, i can swallow those by the handful.

i recommend taking as much as you can afford, i have taken 50 grams almost every day for years. i still don't eat fast food, but i don't worry as much when i can't eat organic every minute. i also look half my age, haven't gotten sick in years, haven't been vaccinated in 20 years...feels pretty great to leave the matrix

Ya, that's true. I feel like I'm channeling in basic wisdom but how can I channel jackpot information like the CWG guy?

Nice, I hope so. I feel it too. Should be a lot of fun.