[discussion] besides bitching on Reddit. What can we actually do to invoke change?

10  2017-01-06 by xXIronSausageXx

For the last three years, I've followed r/conspiracy off and on. Admittedly, you guys and gal are sometimes ridiculously overbearing. But in the overall scheme of things what can we, as a sub of nearly half a million people, do to invoke change?


Talk openly about ideas, change, common sense mot others. Put down the phone and start communicating with others around you.

Silently stand outside of your representatives house with a pitchfork and torch in your hands.

This is a terrible idea, but, admittedly, my favorite.

No, don't do anything violent. Certainly don't break the law. Don't even chant or shout. Stand quietly with a steeled look in your eye and stare at their house. Let their wives, and husbands, and children know that you know that they work for you.

I wonder if they can make it a felony but you're def. going to jail.

For standing on a public street, protesting peacefully?


Could be, therefore would be, construed as a terroristic threat.

Probably true. Welp, free speech zones it is.

"Muh safe space!"

Go poop at your local government buildings and don't flush.


Why would you do that? Some poor cleaner guy that gets paid minimum wage or less is going to have to clean up your shit, not the people you're actually pissed off at. This is a peeve I have with a lot of the conspiracy community (and people in general). They're pissed off, but they can't just walk up and slap Obama or Clinton or Trump, or whoever, so they take their anger and disrespect out on honest people just trying to eek out a living that have nothing to do with anything. If you're angry, then you either need to find a way to take it up with those you actually deserve your anger and disrespect, or you need to learn how to let it go. Being an ass to the peeons, that are likely getting a shorter end of the stick in life than you are, is not going to make this world a better place. Which is the goal of all of this actually is, right?

Yes this was very clearly my premeditated plan for starting a revolution that I didn't just pull out my ass or anything.

Shared this with my buddy and he said government janitors will have to clean up so the poor would still lose =[

Ya killed it for me lol

First you need a specific goal and then work towards achieving that goal. The problem is that there are different people with different agendas in places like r/conspiracy.

Stop being an average consumer as much as you can. Do not take on debt. Leave your big bank. Learn how to reuse, recycle and garden.

Debt isn't bad. It can be bad. But it also is a tool for growth.

What happens when America goes through a depression and the dollar crashes? The banks come and take your house and car bc you can't pay them off bc the dollars are worth jack shit. So there goes your shelter and transportation...

I'm just explaining basic economics. You certainly don't have to take on a manageable sum of debt to grow your wealth more quickly.

You need to spread your ideas to normies, plant a seed that makes them think.

Think small digestible sound bites, not operatic 27 minute YouTube videos.

Insist that psychopaths and sociopaths, people with severely limited ability to feel conscience or remorse, should not hold positions of power over others.

They have no personally felt reason to guide those they control away from harm. They in fact tend to create harm and position themselves to profit from it.

Popo routinely oppose any attempts to administer a psych evaluation like the MMPI to recruits to weed out the Napoleons.

If they do anything in office that fails to consider the suffering they cause and without due cause, that should be our notification that we have yet another psychopath at the helm. Public pressure should then hound them out of office.

Case in point. Here's W. Bush about to consign over a million people to death and vast suffering to millions more.

Mr. Cute Guy.


On #J20 General Strike there may be a large militant protest in the streets in a City near you. In my city, there are already 25K signed up on Facebook which means at least 12K will show up. These numbers may be enough to put the police on their best behavior. We'll see.

Then the next day on #J21 there is a Million Vagina Women march to try to preserve choice nationwide. This event also looks Yuuuuge (as Bernie would say). Problem: In LA the planned route takes the protest right in front of LAPD Parker Center where we are just a donut's throw from thousands of riot cops. Help, please.

I'm going to risk being overbearing in this response and give you a link to a comment about Protesting the DNC but which is also generally helpful for newbies. Just ignore the stuff that is specific to the "City of Brotherly Shove"SM

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Some small actions that can be yaken over time:


Also, select -one- article or focused topic & mail printed copues to friends as an invite to a "bookclub" meeting to discuss. Wine, snacks. Leave cells off in a distant room of the house, have low tech timer so any parents who need to go to that room to check on babysitters can chill out. When printing, increase margins & add an inked question or two, draw arrows, plant seeds for talking when they come to your event. Few people or many, probly hard to have one convo with more than 8-10 people, consider breaking into two rooms if too many at once, then gather later to share main ideas.

Key ideas: smalk gathering; focused; in person to build trust networks & cut out digital mediation of human contact. If any friends are inspired, invite them to copy the model & expand to new participants.

No, don't do anything violent. Certainly don't break the law. Don't even chant or shout. Stand quietly with a steeled look in your eye and stare at their house. Let their wives, and husbands, and children know that you know that they work for you.

Key ideas: smalk gathering; focused; in person to build trust networks & cut out digital mediation of human contact. If any friends are inspired, invite them to copy the model & expand to new participants.