Earth is entering the golden age of consciousness ever since 2011. Cosmic changes, new waves of light, we live in exciting times!

235  2017-01-06 by Loud_Volume

There really is so much information on this I'm going to try to keep it short and summed up. The cycle we are entering is a natural cycle, and earth has undergone it before.

Only this time, humanity will succeed and enter the golden age. Last time this was possible it failed and backfired in a negative way and Atlantis fell.

Biblical prophecies in EVERY religion are coming true. This is the end times FOR DARKNESS. We are entering a period where love and light will reign supreme and the negative low heavy vibrations of fear, anger, hatred, will no longer be the norm.

Cosmic changes are happening to all our immediate planets, not just earth. This is hard for me to say because I used to buy into global warming, but after additional research it appears global warming is part of a natural cycle as we enter into this new age.

Earthquakes, solar activity, volcanoes, all increasing in frequency as mother Gaia changes and adapts to a fifth density living where she naturally belongs.

We are seeing the earth purged and healing itself. Thousands of animals are dying day per day as we undergo this shift.

If you look at earthquakes after 1967 (when they were first started to be recorded) we have had a steady increase ever since then we as near this golden age. The rise in earthquakes cannot be disputed by saying it's because more earth quake sensors have been installed. Global earthquake sensors have been in place and have been able to record 2.5+ Richter scale earth quakes.

As the earth enters this new age, the ramp up of the battle between light and dark enter a whole new arena.

The negative clamps that have held a fear based control system upon mankind (archons) are losing their power upon mankind and cannot control the new era we are entering.

With this golden age comes cosmic changes. Earth has been getting repeated hits of light (for lack of a better description) to help us undergo these changes and shake loose these negative cabals

Because the negative forces are losing their grasp on mankind, they are pulling out all the stops possible to restore their negative control upon man.

This is not working. This shift WILL HAPPEN, no matter how hard the darkness tries to restore its control. They have lost. And they know it.

Khazarian illuminati have been getting broken up and arrested. It's rumored Hilary Clinton is under house arrest (explains her lack of appearances) it's also rumored David (correction, was John) Rockefeller is dead, it's rumored George Soros is dead.

Here is some backstory on the khazarians

As deep underground bases are collapsed and destroyed that once held safe locations for these evil beings, they are increasingly running out of places to hide. And will face the justice they deserve.

No longer will we live in a third dimension where the wheel of karma takes longer to affect you. Your immediate actions will immediately have an effect and will no longer take a long time to reach you. No longer will we be subjugated to control, fear, and anger.

Satan does not exist. But Moloch and Baal do. Both extremely negatively oriented beings that certain cabals have worshipped on earth and seek to gave them power. Hell does not exist, but light and dark does. This is a classic battle of light vs dark we are witnessing in front of our eyes play out.

In these times of seeming darkness, hold the vibration of love and help further break the chains of control. We have been kept so negatively aligned that it has been easy to control us, manipulate us, force us into the will of these negative influences. That time is no longer. For THOUSANDS of years this energy clamp on mankind has kept us down.

As we enter this new age always remember this. The darkness IS WEAK. They are NOT STRONG. Light is a positive frequency that transcends the negative low vibrations that these things feed on.

They are actually very weak and we can easily, easily, free ourselves from their control (as we are doing now) always remember that light and love hold a higher place than fear and negativity.

I will wrap this up by saying we have an abundance of help with us right now. We are not alone in this universe, and disclosure is only a matter of time now. We are being watched over, monitored, and helped, by countless positively aligned ET's.

Remember that WE ARE ONE. We originate from source consciousness. We are a part of God. We have a direct link to the divine (pineal gland) and we all share a divine link to the source, with all of creation.

Our souls cannot be destroyed. We are light. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We chose to incarnate on earth at this time but because of the limitations of incarnating here we have a veil of forgetfulness that has removed our knowledge of our past lives. This can be accessed.

Treat others how you would like to be treated. Be kind, spread love and positivity and joy. Refuse to participate in fear vibrations. We are in this together, and we live in amazing time. Don't forget that. This is a VERY powerful time to be alive on earth.

I love you, I love source, and I love mankind. Let's keep our heads up as we purge this earth of the fear and negativity and enter into a new Age of Enlightenment. A new age of golden consciousness.

Thanks for reading and feel free to share.


For more information on this type of subject I highly highly recommend to get a subscription with this streaming service called Gaia. It is the first streaming service I've found that focuses around spirituality, consciousness, ET, ancient history, and more.

A lot of this information in my post is from David Wilcock and his show Wisdom Teachings which are found on the Gaia network.

Peace, love, and unity my friends. I love you all <3

I cancelled my subscription to Netflix yesterday after your post and subscribed to Gaia. There's so much more content on Gaia that interests me, so thank you for giving me that nudge

So glad to hear it benefitted someone! I really wanted to share it with you guys, it's such an amazing service. I have yet to watch a show I haven't liked yet.

I highly suggest checking out wisdom teachings by David Wilcock, it's a truly enlightening show, as is everything on that service.

Thanks for the heads up man, glad to hear about it.

Hey heads up I have seen numerous connections between Gaia and Tavistock (worlds foremost psyop factory)

Don't have the links myself but a search should do it. Careful with new age.

Awesome post! 💚💙

I agree with everything except the 5th density part. Mans golden age should be a part of 3rd density. Each density is broken into 7 sub categories and each sub is broken into another 7 subs and it goes on for eternity. I think we are moving into a 3.3 or 3.4 density of sorts.

But ya, the evolution is incoming now.

I only say that because at one point earth naturally was in the fifth dimension/density. I've researched into it and it appears mother Gaia (earth) is indeed going into the fifth dimension but before doing so she is purging herself.

I agree though with what you say. I need to research more into the dimension of earth as I still need more research and information on the subject.

Thanks for the reply friend. I enjoy seeing your name around here, as others.

I hope you're right man or women.

How do we know that Earth doesn't have consciousness? What about animals?

But nah we're the only ones and there's no reason for it despite math suggesting otherwise (granted you don't use "standardized" scientific measurements)

It gets so deep that it makes sense. Most science doesn't anymore.

I love you and everyone on the side of good, keep up the positive conciousness and let us reign free from evil soon

the gayness radiating out of this post is too much to handle .

It seems you're unfamiliar with love.

It might seem weird, but have you noticed that in the past few years there is a random explosion of people turning this way? Shedding fear, reaching out to each other with positivity? People were reacting to Clinton like she was a foreign body, evil, to be pushed out. People reacted to her like a visceral evil. On the flip side, people are connecting on hard to explain levels to aid each other for no better reason than because.

It is very hippy-ish, I agree. I grew up repub and something happened around George W to change my perspectives and I feel others might be feeling some of the same things.

If you aren't there, it's ok. Do what feels right to you. But do think about what it is in you that feels right, and pursue it.

I'm Sorry you are so cynical.

It's rumored Hilary Clinton is under house arrest (explains her lack of appearances) it's also rumored John Rockefeller is dead, it's rumored George Soros is dead.

From the mouth of Benjimin Fulford.

A very interesting figure in the world of conspiracy.He had an editorial job with Forbes in Japan from what I remember I think he also has interesting family connections.His conspiracy theories are some of the most far out that you will come across.Chinesse ninjas at war with the illuminati,Japanese assassins ,the white dragon society he claims he is involved in it all.

He is obviously a nut right?

Then how did he land this interview with Rockerfella himself? He claims he could of had Rockerfella brought to him in chains if he wanted.

What do you guys make of him?

I believe he is a force for good. It's easy for people to dismiss what he says because of how "far out" his work is, but it's easy to verify and make the connections if you can get a global picture of what's happening now.

If you tie in what he's said with what's happening now to earth (new Age of Enlightenment) everything he says makes sense and rings true.

My intuition doesn't go off when I listen or read about him. I think he is genuine.

Thanks for the video link in going to watch it now

I'm with you.My spidey senses have always told me he is on the level.

I'm interested to see what others have to say.

First of all, the whole idea of the 'Khazarian Mafia' that Fulford talks about as an all-controlling entity of power is not going deep enough. There isn't one ultimate source of the negative on this planet. It's an amalgamation of thousands of years of negative/misinformed societies doing little things towards a larger collective goal (as weird and misguided as it may be...the Magnum Opus, or Great Work).

Fulford, to me, is a stooge. If you have details, share them. If you have sources more specific than "Japanese Cabinet Sources" and "sources at the Pentagon", expound upon who they are. If all of this planetary shifting of energy is happening, why can't people like me feel it? I have researched this stuff for years. I don't see a positive glimmer of hope for the collective of humanity in our near future, based on real analysis (economic, political, esoteric, metaphysical, environmental, psychological, social and philosophical). Not some Asian White Dragon family that's never been seen or heard from outside of one lucky Canadian's privileged ears. It's a long, new age psy-op we are living. Little shards of truth mixed into a heaping pile of fantastical bs by way of people like Benjamin Fulford. there probably are little bits of truth in what he says. Take the talk regarding D.U.M.B.'s.....I think him saying they are being collapsed is bullshit. But the mention of them means they exist. So that is the conveyance of a truth there, but the feel-good lie is that these white knight saviors are collapsing the literal earth to "save people". Get the heck out of here. I don't believe that that is happening. I'd need proof to believe something like that.

He seems like a great guy and has his head in the right place. Watch the video above me that this Redditor posted and tell me he isn't genuine.

He managed to interview David Rockefeller. That alone gives him my respect.

I'll watch it later after work. I will have an open mind about it, however in all my years of research (6), I have yet to come upon this guy as a legit source of truth, and his background seems fishy.

So in other words, you only have feelings, no facts.

Intuition is a powerful tool we all have and to ignore it is naive. This Benjamin fellow seems genuine and wants the best for humanity, plus his credentials, interviews, and news back up my respect for him and speaks volumes.

I suggest you look further into him instead of just brushing him off and closing your mind to new information. Best of luck my man.

This Benjamin fellow seems genuine and wants the best for humanity, plus his credentials, interviews, and news back up my respect for him and speaks volumes.

Until you realize the same society he apparently belongs to thinks he's a fraud.

Best of luck my man.

And there it is, the "you're not going to listen so I'm not even going to bother debating".


I'm not going to debate someone that wishes to use insults to bring me down to your playing Field.

"So what you're saying is you have feelings not facts"

I refuse to debate someone that can even entertain a thought or substance without attacking it.

"It's the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain something without taking it as fact"

I'm not going to debate someone like you. So as I said, best of luck in life and I wish you well.

I'm not going to debate someone that wishes to use insults to bring me down to your playing Field.

But I didn't insult you.

"So what you're saying is you have feelings not facts"

That's not an insult. You only can make wild claims, you'll never have evidence other than what you believe.

And if you actually did have evidence, you wouldn't be angry.

I refuse to debate someone that can even entertain a thought or substance without attacking it.

Why entertain something I know to not be true? That's just entertaining a delusion of grandeur.

I'm not going to debate someone like you. So as I said, best of luck in life and I wish you well.

And there it is, the "Since you're not going to buy into my psychosis, I'm going to find other saps who will".

Your other comment showed you had no understanding of science or pharmaceuticals, shall we try for mathematics/physics now?

You say you are not insulting me but say I have psychosis. You are reacting with too much ego and are way too negative. I can't help but laugh. Enjoy your struggles, sorry you can't join my "psychosis"

You say you are not insulting me but say I have psychosis.

Reading the thread opening was enough to reach this conclusion.

For that matter, you haven't actually uploaded proof of anything, yet you keep replying.

You are reacting with too much ego and are way too negative.

Says the guy who wrote the thread opening?

It's not negative to call you out.

Enjoy your struggles, sorry you can't join my "psychosis"

And there it is, again, you want a safe space.

If I wanted a safe space I never would have posted this. I knew full well I would get insulted by people such as yourself and if I wanted a safe space would I have posted this? Your ignorance is astounding, and your belief that you can diagnose me with psychosis over the Internet shows how little you know. Go ahead and keep insulting me and others, see how much you learn and grow by coming at it from the angle you are.

I knew full well I would get insulted by people such as yourself and if I wanted a safe space would I have posted this?

But. I. Never. Insulted. You.

Lmao. Saying I have psychosis isn't a insult? So are you saying you are a psychologist and have the knowledge to be able to diagnose me with psychosis?

I'm done with this "debate" of yours and wish you well.

F that loser. Really enjoyed the post!

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Intuition is our super power. It's gonna be unlocked even more.

So true! Even now, as we speak

"If all of this planetary shifting of energy is happening, why can't people like me feel it?"

Because it's a spiritual shift my friend. Which starts as a personal experience. And in my own experience, it requires faith - or an openness to possibilities, to facilitate the shift from within. Be open to guidance from the spiritual realm. They reach out through coincidences with timing, or in other words, seeds of providence. In my own life, I took these moments of providence with sincerity and paid attention to where they were pointing. For me, the simple act of letting these moments come and acting upon them, changed my life. The personal shift happened, and then I began to notice it occuring in others. Because with everything, what you pay attention to, is what you become conscious of.

the white dragon society he claims he is involved in it all.

On motherfucking tumblr?

Holy shit this was hard to watch. He's like 40 year old conspiracy theorist Napoleon Dynamite. "I'm going to use a secret technique involving indirect questioning to avoid scaring him off and to allow him to speak his mind and he will reveal more with what he doesn't say" First question "Are you the leader of the shadow government and what do you think about one world government?" Fucking lol.

And he's a stuttering mess, his reasoning is weak, and obviously aside from a little medallion he offers 0 evidence. The ONLY thing he has going for him is the fact that he interviewed a fucking Rockerfella. But maybe, it takes a doofus like this to have the balls to try it, and maybe being in Japan David R. felt like he should do a few local interviews before he met with the Emperor while he was visiting Japan. IDK, I know nothing about this guy other than this interview, and that apparently THIS GUY is the source of some of the front page material here? Pretty fucking skeptical.


Conspiracy theroist napoleon dynamite .

Your right,but if you dig into his credentials you would be surprised.

He was the editor and chief for Asian affairs at Forbes magazine from 98 to 2005 and has 15 published books written in Japanesse ,so he certainly no dummy and as you've seen he managed to land a one on one interview with Rockefeller himself and confront him over the world government.

Most intriguing to me is his family history.Apparantly he is the great grand son of George Taylor Fulford he first Canadian fatal automobile accident victim on record," also " one the largest single shareholder in General Electric and was considering buying General Motor.Allegedly.

So perhaps he has some sort of bloodline or connections that allow people like a Rockefeller to give him the time of day. His reasoning is still weak as fuck and he's so poorly spoken I just can't digest this properly.

If Rockerfella gave an interview with him because of his bloodline would that not add more weight to his claims?

Not if you can't properly connect dots, use basic reasoning, jump to conclusions, and so on. You can be well connected and still miss the point / jump the gun.

Forbes mustn't of had a problem with his basic reasoning.He was editor and chief of Asian affairs for 7 years.Quite a well regarded successful publication,not the type to employ nut jobs?

Maybe he had a fucking stroke lol.

You joke but that seems like a reasonable assumption, some kind of mental breakdown.

But of course that would mean you would have to discount his claims from prior to 2005 when he left Forbes.

How could anyone possibly question his claims that he went to live with Amazonian canabils when he was 18?

Like I said, IDK anything about him other than this comment chain.

You had me at napoleon dynamite

He's a chicken little. Just read the old posts on his blog. Every single week he claims the sky is about to fall down any moment now. At best his blog is some kind of coded secret messages for someone else, not the general public.

But what other conspiracy nuts have scored a face to face interview Rockerfella himself?

That would be a dream for any journalist never mind a tin foil hat wearing nut job,no?

Maybe the interview with Rockerfeller just shows he's secretly working for him. You can interpret it any way you want.

This is encouraging and helpful through these confusing times. Hard to know how to be ready.

Know that you are always protected and safe and never given more than you can handle at any moment. It's hard to realize it sometimes but we are never truly alone and if we call on help we have it, no matter what is happening. Know that you are safe, always. Imagine and Shroud yourself in light and it helps as well. Much love

La la love you

Turn it up, Loud.

That is nice you are so positive and see good things coming, unfortunately, I think we are going to experience a very dark, negative "dip" before things become more positive. I don't know if it's going to be war, disease, famine, natural phenomenon, etc., but I believe it takes some kind of worldwide event or tragedy to bring people together and make good things happen.

No matter what happens, you have a choice of what to experience. Regardless if the world is crumbling around us, we are protected and safe.

Walk in love and light and you will know and have the assurance that you need not fear anything negative.

Walk in violence and negativity, and the world will reflect the same to you.

I'm sad people fall into the negative trap, but we can always change ourselves around. I kinda went on a rant there, thanks for the reply man.

Well, you and I have not always gotten along about certain topics, but at least we agree on positive thinking. I come at it from a different perspective (mindfulness and yoga), but I think that's okay.

Mindfulness and yoga are important too! Both I need to do more of. And such is life man, not every single person will agree with another person on everything.

It takes a lot to create darkness, but only a candle to defeat it.

Couldn't agree more!

Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."

This bs belongs elsewhere

Not at all my man. This is the perfect post for this sub as it hits pretty much every conspiracy. It seems you're uncomfortable with the nature of the topic, and if you are, you can leave by your own free will. Thanks

iTs stooopid new age BS and im not buying any of your BULLSHIT, go to r/ new age bullshit, thanks

I have every right to post here, just as you have every right to tell me you don't like it.

I strongly believe it fits perfectly for this sub, and if you don't like the contents of this thread or its message I am not forcing it on you and you have every right to leave.

Of course it's new age. What does that even mean? These are things we are just beginning to understand. Maybe archons and deities aren't real but the interconnectedness of man and global consciousness stemming from a singular source is the truth. Research the ideas of Nassim Haramein and visit /r/Holofractal. You seem like a smart dude, I'm sure you can handle some quantum physics.

Listen I'm trying to be open minded here but what the hell does all of this mean and do you have one shred of proof? It sure sounds interesting.

To sum it all up basically:

We are entering into a new age of evolution for mankind. We are entering into the golden age, which is the spiritual age of consciousness where we remember what we are, who we are, where we came from, and how we are truly connected to each other and this earth.

It entails a new paradigm of thinking and state of being. And encompasses all things positive, world peace, technological advancement, betterment of mankind.

This won't happen suddenly but it is happening now. I hope I provided a new perspective to help you.

My sources are gathered from a lot of material I've read and researched so I can't point to just one source. In my original post I gave several sources though and if you wish to have more information on one subject of this I can narrow in on that and provide you with more information.

Because of the scope of this, it's hard to include everything and address everything so I did my best to sum it up in this post and in this reply.

Much love and thanks for asking

The Age of Aquarius

Yes :) we have just entered into the age of Aquarius. I'll see if I can find a diagram

I thik we are still on the cusp, isnt an astrological age 2150 year? Pisces began when?

Yep about every 2,156 years. Here's some more information. I'm not sure the exact date we left Pisces and entered Aquarius but it possibly seems related to the Mayan calendar but I need more research.

It relates to when Jesus was born. He was the first of the fisher kings.

AKA Luciferian gnostic bullshit...

Yes, that's actually correct in spite of your downvotes. This is Luciferian ideology.

Can you elaborate on what you see as the connection between luciferianism and gnosticism? Gnosticism, to me, is a clearer interpretation of what Jesus' preached: the kingdom of God is in man (All of Mankind). We are all a spark of the divine, and the best way to live in accordance with that is to follow the advice of the Christ

The gnostic interpretation of the bible is essentially monism.

God as it were is unknowable to them, God is the creation, we are all of the creation, therefore we are all god. Furthermore gnosticism goes on to advance the notion that the so called creator god of the old testament is actually a demiurge (lesser god or subconscious ego) that has imprisoned humanity. It's taught that Lucifer, the light bringer, has saved man from his own ignorance and will deliver him to godhood.

the best way to live in accordance with that is to follow the advice of the Christ

Not quite. The bible is not simply a guide for how to live in the best way here on earth. It is first and foremost a set of instructions for your eternal salvation.

Be certain, the deceiver wishes to confuse you about this one, simple, truth.

The son of god is the son of man. The only requisite for salvation is your sincere and devoted belief.

God is the creation, we are all of the creation, therefore we are all god.

Isn't this true, regardless of whether you are gnostic, catholic, etc.? Man is created in God's image; we are all a piece of the divine.

If that's true, then we are all co-creators to a certain extent. And if that's true, then our subconscious ego, the demiurge, has created much of the world in it's own image, however this image, as it is ego-driven, is flawed. It is not truly divine. A higher "reality" exists. A divine plane.

Realizing this and seeing the 3d world as being more or less illusory -- to understand that there is something purer beyond it -- is a form of liberation.

I guess I just don't see the problem with it? I grew up Catholic and most of it didn't resonate with me. Gnosticism does to a certain extent.

Also, what exactly do you mean by "the song of god is the son of man"? Specifically the son of man part. Break that down for me.

And what must one's "sincere and devoted belief" be in? Which iteration of the bible? Which translation? Wouldn't we have to go back to the original texts and learn Aramaic to truly understand what it is we are supposed to believe in?

we are all a piece of the divine.


If that's true, then we are all co-creators to a certain extent

That's quite a stretch. I can "create" a toaster. I don't expect that toaster to share in my own nature. To be "of god" is not to be "god"

what exactly do you mean by "the song of god is the son of man"?

I said, "the son of god is the son of man." That simply means that the son of god was a real man.

And what must one's "sincere and devoted belief" be in? Which iteration of the bible? Which translation?

Your belief is not in books and translations is not needed. Although those books have proven their worth time and time again as prophetic works.

The only sincere and devoted belief you need have is in the knowledge that the son of god lived, died and was resurrected so that you could know eternal salvation.

That's quite a stretch. I can "create" a toaster. I don't expect that toaster to share in my own nature. To be "of god" is not to be "god"

Good point. I wouldn't call myself a gnostic, but I would say that it intrigues me because of the idea that an individual can come to know God (and our true godly nature) through revelations rather than needing the intermediary of the church.

I do see extremist gnosticism as an elevation and exaggeration of the ego. I see the need for humility; it seems gnostics do not.

Out of genuine curiosity, I'm wondering a few things:

you say belief in books is not where do your beliefs come from? And on what ground do you exclude others?

Who/what is Jesus to you, and how does this differ from the gnostic perspective of Jesus as a messenger of the Light/True God?

through revelations rather than needing the intermediary of the church.

You do not need the "church" to know God. You can come to know him through prayer alone. I am very much against organized religion as it were.

The real church is the simply the fellowship of believers. No fancy buildings, no alters, no collection plates.

you say belief in books is not where do your beliefs come from? And on what ground do you exclude others?

Before there were books, there was the spoken word God. Trust me, I read the written text with humility, knowing it was transcribed and translated by a man. But if you believe those words to be the divinely inspired word of God, you believe that core of the content cannot be corrupted, despite semantic breakdown and manipulation over time.

Who/what is Jesus to you, and how does this differ from the gnostic perspective of Jesus as a messenger of the Light/True God?

To me Jesus (not his actual name btw) is what he says he is, he is both the father and the son. He is, and remains, the one and only human incarnation of God.

This differs from gnosticism because gnostics propose that Jesus was just one of many ascended masters who had come before him and more will come after him. I can assure you, the "age of aquarius" with have it's incarnation of "the christ." I wouldn't be suprised if it asks people to call it "Mitra."

As an interesting aside, watch the Matrix trilogy again, the films are an absolutely picture perfect telling of the gnostic philosophy.

The kingdom of god is a real rulership to right the wrongs and the imperfect state of the world through this Saturn/Cube time/death matrix we are in. The new heavens and earth will be for the benefit of mankind and the earth and all life on it back to our perfect (improved) bodies.

I think the proof depends on your perspective.

Example: Some here see Trump's win as proof that the Cabal always get their way. However, I see it as Trump didn't win anything, what happened was both parties lost, big time. Everybody on the planet knew Hillary was next, it was painfully blatant for all to see that she was "their" pick. A one horse race. And yet, they lost. We broke their system, and it rocked them to the core.

Regardless, if you're interested we've been tracking some of this subject over at /r/greenlight.

Heads up though, it is a strange and complicated place :)

Interesting place.

I think the proof depends on your perspective.

That's not how proof works. That's called Faith.

Proof, faith, beliefs and truth are all intertwined.

Nothing is black and white, its all shades of grey. This is why truth is in the eye of the beholder.

There is no grey in proof.

Seven of ten epistemologists would disagree.

5/7 science men wouldn't

I believe in you and what you're saying. Thank you so much for the information and link to r/Greenlight. It's like a brother of r/conspiracy, very nice

Welcome friend :)

I've really been noticing the love in this sub recently. Keep speaking truth and it will find you brother.

Why did you capitalize faith? And what's with all the religious fucktardery around here these days?

That's not how proof works. That's called Faith.

Just to say.. The vast majority of what people consider to be "proof" these days, is what other people have told them, whether they heard it or read it from others, and then they have "faith" that it is true, because so many others do the same thing.. have "faith" that it is true, and so therefore it is accepted as "fact" or "proof". While simultaneously, you can get millions of people who believe in God, based on their own personal experiences, and not what others tell them, and the same people who have "faith" in their "proof" will look at those who believe in God and ask, "Where is your proof?"

The thing is...this stuff is beyond proof. I know that is frustrating and many will not want to accept it. This is the stuff of going inward for answers. This is a truth that cannot be presented to you by others.

Can you have an open mind as well? Let's say you're a regular dude who believes in some kind of consciousness but ain't quite sure. Then I ask for proof, and you say that it's beyond proof, that it's frustrating to not understand, and that it's a truth that can not be given to me by others.

How the heck does this help me?

Its just that its hard to put it into words, and if you do put it into words it comes out like the OP. Sounds nonsensical if you havent been exposed to it. You literally have to take a journey into the inner realms of consciousness to understand what is being said. The external world is illusory, it is nothing more than a projection of our consciousness that we cocreate. If you start diving into meditations/mystical experiences/psychedelics its becomes easier to understand and interepret. There is no physical evidence, its all anecdotal but from my own personal experience Ive felt moments of transcendence beyond the physical as have many other people in this day and age. Stuff that correlates with what op said, we live in a dualistic universe, light vs darkness, good vs evil, nothingness vs something. Truly the proof can not be fed to you, you have to find it inside your self. Sorry if this is of no help, just wanted to shed some light on my perspective. I guess it could help you in a sense that you should start searching inside. If you really want a full blown mind fuck do DMT. I havent done it yet, but from what ive heard and can imagine thats a sure fire way to expose you to different realms of consciousness.

You're right, my comment wasn't very helpful and I'm sorry about that. I have only recently come around to this sort of thinking in the past year and I've only just started speaking out about it. I still have a lot to learn about communicating these ideas.

I don't know how to help you. And believe me, I've been the "regular dude who believes in some kind of consciousness but ain't quite sure" before. I was that person for the majority of my life so far. The change in me took several years. I wasn't trying to change my consciousness. I was just trying to live a joyful and fulfilling life. A few years ago my skepticism for this esoteric stuff started to soften, and I found myself more and more willing to entertain their notions. As time went on, I began to change. My awareness of everything deepend. At this point it gets very difficult to describe exactly what I experienced, because you just dont really get it until you've experienced it. But thats kind of what I mean when I say no one can give you this truth. You can only know it by doing the internal work necessary to allow for the expansion of your consciousness. How your internal work gets done is up to you. This is where things like meditation, yoga and journaling come in handy, or any activity that helps you tune into your emotions or your body.

Thanks man. Much appreciated. To be honest, you seem like a great dude. Keep it up!

Thats very kind of you to say. Best of luck to you. :)

This is the kind of stuff that I love about this sub :) kudos to both of you and Goodwill unto everyone

Everyone needs a little more righteous indignation. Which happens to be the title of Andrew Breitbart's amazing book he wrote before he died of a "heart attack". Highly, highly recommend for this kind of stuff. The Truth should be self-evident.

Their is innate understanding of conciousness that can only be reached through deep meditation and connection with yourself and the world that surrounds you.

Psychadellic Mushrooms have been known to safely kick-start these sorts of journeys. If you mind your set & setting and enter with proper intent it's an experience that some need only once.

You will experience a deep connection form with all of existence and most especially other life forms. A sense of community and caring envelops not just you but the entire group that partakes on the journey together. I was presented with a lot of things my subconscious had been sealing off from my waking self and forced to address some deep rooted personal issues that had been holding me back without my knowledge.

IMO this is where bad trips set in. If you run from your issues the trip will go south. The key is to never fight it and always seek to be humble and learn.

These experiences aren't necessary to reach the state of awareness that OP is talking about but they CAN help exponentially. Especially with neurotic tendencies such as nail biting/smoking.

I wouldn't consider it "proof", but if you look at ancient civilizations; there could be a claim made that there is some sort of "collective consciousness" that we no longer are privy to.

I'm at work so I can't really link well, but look up the Egyptian pyramids, the "Old Equator", and trip reports from people who take DMT or ayuhuasca (sp). There's some really cool theories that we have lost something that allowed ancient societies to seemingly share things that we today are incapable of.

...Or ancient aliens.

Nothing is beyond proof, it just hasn't been found yet.

Indeed! I'll keep looking.

The key is to always keep an open mind, even to proof that contradicts what you believe.

I know the sunk cost fallacy and all, but in my view, it's better to find information that causes you to rethink your beliefs than to only ever seek out proof that confirms them.

Well his story is lining up with numerous proofs that others have been getting into as a result of the changes in consciousness we've been witnessing.

Seek out this information and you'll understand the context better. I'm finding that almost everything in my life can be reevaluated with different context. There's truth everywhere and we dismiss it in mockery.

To the OP: have you looked into the sparkles? Heightened consciousness humans are able to see them and apparently they are vacuum voids full of untapped energy that we can possibly unlock with emotions and positive intent alone. The doubt and fluoride keep it all hidden right before our eyes. It ties in exactly with all of this information you have given and even if it seems hoaxy there are many accounts of people seeing them and thinking they have medical conditions with no metaphysical interpretation whatsoever. They are also more common in children.

I believe we will access our powers through this Ascension and now we know where to possibly keep an eye out. Keep your eyes open for glints of light.

I acknowledge the light sparkling in our auras are energy portals that can be tapped into. I'm not sure what is happening but I see them almost every other moment. I also have been hearing different frequencies a lot more. But I also feel like I am more aware of myself and what I'm doing with my thoughts and emotions and feel I have more direction over them.

well its a fact humans are sensitive to magnetic wave,s / radiation / light / sound.
In a way we all react differently to it ( some cant live close to powerline,s or close to places whit wireless networks although this is rare )
It still shows us we are sensitive to it.
So if everything shifts it might change us all

You have to know how the entire system of life works to see the proof in real life. You have to really dig deep to find out. One bit of proof I can offer you is that many people are having near death experiences (die and dr brings them back) and they are being told on the other side the a mini evolution is under way and that things will improve drastically once people push hard enough so its totally in our hands. This entire process of fixing the world, which might be in its early stages, is what triggers the evolution. Once the evolution hits, things are going to get a lot prettier overall. We will even think differently.

There is no link that could provide sufficient evidence for these claims, but it would be nice. I think they catch on because many people feel this shit is true, collective conciousness style. Best to just remain positive and do everything you can to see and spread truths, and hope the rest follows naturally.

He mentioned our planet becoming 5th density so I believe this person is referring to The Law of One. Which is very very interesting. It's kinda out there but there's nothing really to deny about it.

It means that this current system and age are coming to an end, the bible says this current world is reserved for fire. So everything we now know that is based on fraud and lies and slavery will end. The earth is prophesied to be abundant in food, water, houses for everyone that they will themselves build a higher connection with animals and a perfect body. Exciting times ahead!

It's the new age cult trying to comandeer spirituality with borderline retarded thought processes that are so vague and unimportant that they could go until the end of time without making any intellectual progress. Its like a paradox where someone tries to pretend they are compassionate and understanding but they are either so stretched to their limits that their help is basically useless and/or they never really were interested in helping to begin with.

How can you honestly say that all the evil shit that happens on this planet alone is just the byproduct of a demented, schizophrenic, hive minded overlord who supposedly loves us but would without a doubt watch a person be gang raped and not even try to help. This is all ok though because the same "Source Code" that allows all this evil is actually just a misunderstood good guy who only wanted to kill and rape and allow you to be hurt because he loves you. How fucking stupid can you be?

Don't try to understand it or use logic with the asinine conclusions these people make because they are in no way prepared to face the evil of this world. These people might be able to change a flat tire but they sure a shit wouldn't know what to say about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict let alone how to resolve this issue peacefully. No most of these people don't want to fix anything, they just want to look like a good person thats "deep" and connected to some spiritual side on their facebook timeline.

Sure you can argue that these people are trying to be positive but even then it falls short of having real connection or weight to it. I for one disown these supposed beings and promote the execution of this source code or any wretch trying to keep this hellhole in operation. I believe everyone is their own infinitely powerful being and there are forces at work trying to opress us all. We are literally being scammed into obscurity.

Asking for "proof" on the internet is an illusion, specially for things like do your own research, try to understand it, experience it and then decide for yourself. If you menage to avoid the deception the journey to the truth will change you forever !

You say that "Biblical prophecies are coming true" but then go on to contradict a number of things in the Bible.

I don't think you understand what the KJV Bible says, and all this new-age fluff has always smelled like a disinformation game.

Good luck to you and no offense, but this type of stuff tends to poison the well for quite a few folks.

I laid it out in a poor format, but if you wish to see what I was trying to get across, watch wisdom teachings with David Wilcock as he goes into this quite well and with ample research and evidence.

I don't mean to poison any wells I'm merely sharing my point of view after all the research I've done. I hope to uplift others, and help others on their journey. I mean no ill will and truly wish the best for all of you.

I am very skeptical of Wilcock and I have seen a number of his presentations.

You should probably read the KJV Bible before you jump to conclusions about all religions meaning the same thing, etc.

That's literally right out of the NWO religion playbook.

If you pay attention to the current events and scenarios playing out you can tell that the negative cabal that wanted the NWO is losing power by the day.

David is an extraordinary person and I highly respect his work. It all makes sense and he doesn't strike me as a person that is doing this to deceive us or anything of the like.

You have every right to place your faith in David Wilcock. I'll stick with Jesus Christ.

I can do both as well man. I respect people that venture into this territory and are willing to ask these kinds of esoteric questions. It would be a waste if we weren't asking these types of questions

Ohhhhh Jesus? You mean the plagiarized solar messiah? Right, I'll just stick with my god... All praise the stay puft marshmallow man. His word is law

and all this new-age fluff has always smelled like a disinformation game.

Technically not disinfo, because the looneys who propagate that New Age Bullshit actually, genuinely believe in it...

True, this new age fluff has been repeated for years.

True,but the old age bullshit has been repeated for centuries.

Btw, most of the so called new age bullshit has also been around for centuries. It only seems new.

Yea, i find this post super puzzling. It's Luciferian ideology fairly blatantly. I think people do get sucked into the "feel goods" that this stuff can come with all wrapped in the right buzz words, but it's a seriously sinister origin and an even more sinister destination.

It is basically everything that WE oppose as truth seeking people at odds with the Elite world powers. This IS the religion of the elite and they are doing a subtle but fantastic job of selling it to the newly awakened masses.

Seems like an interesting form of Gnostic theology, if nothing else.

Since BF said that Putin was cloned 6x, I don't find him all that believable.

I believe the same thing is happening. Have oyu ever watched the Ian Lungold video where he explains the mayan calendar? He died a few years ago but he predicted this coming opening of conciousness via the mayan calendar. Long video but worth the watch

Thanks for the link! I haven't seen it before but I'll watch now. The Mayan calendar was misinterpreted and people thought the world was ending when it was truly a new Age of Enlightenment. December, 2012.

I'm at work so i can't find the time of the portion i'm talking about but it's probably near the end. And he gets into that misinterpretation i think. The end is just the end of basically mankinds' dark ages. I think he says we're supposed to meet our universal brothers soon too as part of this awakening. Seems like everything is coming together lately doesn't it?

Yes this is the conclusion I've come to as well! I skipped around the video and he is very knowledgable in the subject and I would love to watch the whole thing.

Exciting times man! I love this world

Definitely exciting. I think i posted before about myself and my wife feeling a "shift" and asking if anyone else has felt it. probably in a dead subreddit though, i only remember getting a few responses

We can only fucking Hope.....

Thanks for the information and thoughts. Appreciate it.

Personally, I tend to believe that things like Moloch and Baal do exist, but I'm curious as to why you say Satan does not exist. For my own insight, what is this based on?

Satan is classically portrayed as the polar opposite of God.

So you think of God, and Satan, the classic light and dark. This has been wrongly taught, and was a made up invention of the church (Satan, that is.)

No such thing as hell exists, and no such being named Satan rules over such a dominion where you perish forever in the pits of hell and fire. This is a made up fear mongering story made up by multiple religious bodies that sought to keep its members in fear and control. This doesn't mean all churches are bad, or religion is bad. I'm merely saying that Satan is a made up figure.

Now Here's the distinction.

Baal and moloch do exist, but they are not Satan or reign over hell or any of that. They are merely NEGATIVELY aligned beings that prefer service to self over service to others. They have sunk to such a low density (1st and 2nd density) that they cannot operate on our third dimensional reality. But they can interfere from the outside and manipulate people's realities to suit their needs.

Think of a scientist with gloves on working outside of a box or something. He can't put his arms or body directly into that area but he can use other means to work in there.

This is a crude explanation and I feel I'm not doing the best job explaining it. But think of moloch and Baal the opposite side of love and light. I hope I helped

Oh I totally get what you mean now. Satan and Hell as a construct of modern(ish) religion.

The density explanation of why Moloch (et alia) can't directly operate in physical reality is something I hadn't heard before. I had always assumed they were just operating in a "different" plane or dimension, but lower densities make sense.

Thanks for the info!

Yes precisely. I'm glad you got that message out of that because that's what I was going for. Thanks for being kind and not just attacking me but instead coming at it with an open mind and a willing discussion that doesn't devolve into insults. Much love and peace to you

People don't like hearing that what they believe might be wrong. Goes with the territory when you say something new...or just different. Keep up the good fight. Love and peace to you as well. :)

1st and 2nd density is mineral and plant/lower animal consciousness. These beings are not of those densities. The highest density one can reach while being of service to self orientation is 5th density(source, law of one by ra).

Even the reptilians (Draconians) are Fourth Density. They can phase into our realm shortly, but need a negative energy force to feed off. They can also possess their hybrid clones, which is where the reptilian shapeshifter thing comes from.

The next stage of evolution for each and every human in this planet is to actually die. I'm calling BS.

Such a thing is plausible if you only live one life.. But if you come at it from the perspective that we are indestructible souls that cannot be destroyed and we merely reincarnate over and over to learn the lessons we need to advance spiritually, then it makes a lot more sense.

Soul? You're making me laugh now. I would like to remind you that evolution is not a group phenomenon. You and I and every one else in this planet don't evolve in the same direction. Because you find your spirituality does not mean that I'll find it automatically. Not that I will find the same you found. It is utter nonsense. Romantic BS.

No kidding friend, and I'm glad you understand that. I have my own journey, as do you. I'm learning things I need to know, as are you.

Humanity is collectively evolving at individual levels. I'm sorry you take offense to such a concept.

Humanity is evolving? Having Trump and Clinton as nominees for the most powerful seat in the planet is evolution? come on buddy. Evolve all you want. But alone. We have enough shitty religions that have tried to convince all humans with the same stupid concepts as the ones read here. Spiritual evolution is nothing more than a distraction from the real problems we're facing.

Trump or Clinton are just two people and are not representative of humanity in total or you or me and I would hope you realize that.

Just because a certain person is president doesn't make you a vegetarian or anything. I'm sorry but that's silly thinking.

We are all on our own journeys, and that's all that can really be said. Thanks for replying.

The only journey we all share in common is to die. What ever else happens on the way and whatever meaning each end everyone of us gives it is completely irrelevant to the journey of your neighbor. Each meaning each and every one of us finds is correct. Your journey has taken you to believe things like this. That does not mean that is is the truth. Or that it is correct. Or that it should be tried to be shared with humanity. Specially when it is an incredibly old gnostic theory. Good for you buddy. For me, to believe in higher levels of consciousness interfering in our daily lives just means that I should sit back and do nothing. Literally. Let those higher levels do what is needed. And that, buddy, is exactly what every religion and government in this planet needs the sheeple to believe in and think.

Im not sure you understand all these concepts yet but give it time and it will make sense. No need to call me buddy in an effort to bring me down to your level. I hope atleast some of this helped, and I feel compelled and motivated to share these view points with others.

Best of luck in 2017, thanks for replying.

I'm mexican. I've heard and experienced all this BS before. I hope one day you'll wake up at my level and find out that it is nothing more than the biggest BS ever imagined by humans. No luck to you buddy. With higher level of vibrations surrounding you, luck doesn't exist.

I mean no disrespect man but do you think we are just bags of meat?

These concepts I discussed are widely accepted and widely known. And can even be scientifically proven with quantum concepts such as string theorie and other quantum ideas.

I am truly just trying to help.

Dude. If we were just bags of meat, we would be eating each other. Scientific? Let me read the pier reviewed scientific papers. String theory is another failed interpretation of our reality. You want to help? Try promoting empathy, logic and reason. All human. All at the reach of any human. Trying to help promoting fanaticism in gnostic theories is quite a stretch. Accepted by which gurus, BTW? Why not just say: join my god and he/she/it will help us evolve. It is exactly the same concept you are trying to promote. No disrespect. As you say. But you are still asleep.

That's essentially what the message is. Trust in God, as we are all one, and we all originate from God.

Not really sure what else to say to you as you don't seem to want to accept any of these ideas.

These are all my world views and I can't say what's best for you nor can you say what's best for me we can merely share and express what resonates with us personally

Get back on your medication.

A very ignorant statement you make, but I understand how this post can be offensive. I'm not on medication as i do not believe the pharmaceutical industry has our best interests at heart, but I do take probiotics. So I guess I'll go.. Take a probiotic? Thanks 😁

Probiotics are not medication. It's literally Yoghurt.

This reveals how little you know of actual science.

I'm not on medication as i do not believe the pharmaceutical industry has our best interests at heart,

I rest my case.

It's the closest thing I have to medication as it helps heal the flora in your gut.

I think your vision of what medication is is misconstrued. My vision of medication is something that heals you and helps you get better. Probiotics do just that. I will not answer any additional replies from you as you are coming from a negative standpoint and only wish to attack and divide instead of discuss and talk.

It's the closest thing I have to medication as it helps heal the flora in your gut.

It's not medication, it's a food product.

My vision of medication is something that heals you and helps you get better. Probiotics do just that.

Your vision?

Actual medication is vaccines, antibiotics, etc. Drugs.

I will not answer any additional replies from you as you are coming from a negative standpoint and only wish to attack and divide instead of discuss and talk.

As I've said for the past three comments, it was obvious you'd reach this conclusion.

But wait, does that mean I can see the future?

No, it means I've encountered people like you, just as crazy as you, you "magically" got better thanks to going back on their meds.

You are suffering from delusions of grandeur, schizophrenia. And that's not an insult, that's a matter of fact.

The veil is strong with this one ^

How so? Explain my "veil".

I didn't know shills worked for free. Huh.

How am I a shill?


Or is everyone you disagree with a shill, so as to discount all of their arguments?

Oh, I don't personally agree with what either of you are arguing about. Just an observation.

He called me a shill, and I wanted to know how he came to that conclusion.

That industry definitely does not. I agree with you.

Just so you know, telling people this is a terrible idea around these parts. It's unhelpful, ignorant and rude but more importantly, it's been pointed out as a tactic shills have used to discredit conspiracy theorists and others with kooky ideas. So on a forum about conspiracies full of people who have suffered this tactic in the past, you might actually be lending the OP credence by saying something like this, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Anyway, just my two cents on that to explain why regulars here are kneejerk downvoting you even if they too think OP is crazy.

Hear hear! I'm just so glad to see this kind of talk gaining traction and exposure.

Slowly and surely.. It's like the three stages.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Thank you so much for posting this. I'm working every day to accept this truth, but is so easy to slip back into that cynical mindset. But seeing posts like yours definitely helps me stay positive. Much love!

The whole Ascension/shift theory is interesting. It's been around for a long time. Even Isaac Newton predicted there would be some "end of the world" change thing happening in 2060, which is pretty close to now in the grand scheme of things. Other sources that predict a shift soon: Researchers like David Wilcock, David Icke, Kerry Cassidy, ET contactees like Alex Collier, Tolec, Corey Goode, Simon Parkes. Channelers like Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Darryl Anka, Dolores Canon. The list goes on and on. Many of these sources are pretty hostile towards each other, but they all agree that there's some magical shift to a higher dimension of existence happening. This phenomena, true or not is rather interesting. Either it's happening or there is some conspiracy to make people think it's happening.

But personally, having followed this type of fringe information for many years, I've grown quite jaded and cynical. They are constantly making predictions that don't come true. This shift was supposed to happen in the 80's according to old-schoolers like Edgar Cayce.... then it was supposed to be 1999, then 2012, the date is always getting pushed off. Given that, there's little reason to keep taking them seriously.

If there are ETs watching out for us and helping us, why is there not a shred of repeatable empirical evidence? Why don't they present themselves and communicate with us like adults, like equals? All the excuses like "it would scare peepul" are empty nonsense.

I appreciate the positive, hopeful sentiment, but the world doesn't need more empty fluff-bunny love-and-light drivel about invisible things are supposedly happening, when people have enough concrete mundane problems flooding our real reality.

Very sound reasoning. I'm in full agreement.

This is basically how I see it. An interesting, complicated phenomenon with lots of hot air blowing around even if there's a kernel of truth.

Either it's happening or there is some conspiracy to make people think it's happening.

Maybe it's a little of both?

The repetitive and unfulfilled predictions are a matter of concern. However, it could be an issue of scale. People keep saying it's just around the corner, but things may be proceeding in terms of centuries rather than decades. One should also take into account that negative forces may be derailing attempts at worldwide "enlightenment".

Assuming there's something to Jesus' teachings...he was saying that the Kingdom of God was coming within his generation's lifetime, yet some centuries after, the Western world was plunged into the Dark Ages. We've only seen a rediscovery of classic philosophy and science in the last 200 years or so. Much before this, there are stories of Atlantis and an almost enlightened people. Look what happened to them.

Maybe as a species we've always been getting close only to be thwarted. Maybe at this juncture we're the closest yet. Maybe we'll see it through this time around?

All I'm going to say is that multiple channeled messages from ET's have told us we are not totally ready as a whole to accept the appearance of ET's.

Think about how badly that would scare some people and completely shatter their world view.

You may think such a thing is asinine but truly think about it. Think about your average citizen and their world view and understanding of life.

Then out of no where they see an alien and it completely crashes and shatters their world view in seconds.

That would send people into psychosis.

This is why disclosure is a gradual thing otherwise there would be a mass temporary psychosis and that's the last thing they want or need.

If there are ETs watching out for us and helping us, why is there not a shred of repeatable empirical evidence?

What in the fuck are you talking about mate?

Yeah I know, it's a fucking hell of a thing to read about when new to these things. If I read this same post I just wrote 5 years ago I would probably have the same reaction as you lol. If there's any questions I or others can answer feel free to ask

I think we're actually more fucked than ever. We can't even imagine the technology and power that the very top .0001% of the world possess. We're not at the point where we can start some revolution and destroy the elite. Good luck getting hit with a drone that's a few miles up in the air.

I would love to be wrong and I certainly am not saying to stop fighting. I just firmly believe some crazy shit will happen within the next 100 years that causes more casualties then we can ever imagine.

Since 2011 the world has turned to SJW shit. Maybe your "Golden Age of Consciousness" does refer to a permanent and universal change in thinking and experience but it is actually going to suck for us all.

Anyone interested in joining a private mandela effect sub? Holler at me.

I think youre insane, but thats just my opinion.

Thanks for sharing your opinion but I respectfully disagree.

I'm sure you're not crazy, I feel mean now. I'm sorry. Lol

It's fine Man I forgive you. I'm kind of use to it sadly because I post a lot of this kind of stuff.

Thanks man, anyone here in r/conspiracy knows what it's like. We should be supportive. Stay strong, brother.

it's also rumored John Rockefeller is dead

Yeah, it's "rumored" both of them have been dead for quite a while ... Sure you're not talking about David?

Anyway: Ben Fulford is a decent writer of fiction. I'll give him that.

Whoops I meant David my bad. Thanks for that

Biblical prophecies in EVERY religion are coming true.

Thanks for the laugh.

Glad to provide it

It is Fourth Density, not Fifth Density.

Walk with the light my friend, as will I.

were you smoking a pineal gland when you wrote this?

No but that would be quite interesting to say the least

global warming is part of a natural cycle

This is where I stopped reading

Something is happening, I can't explain it and I have seen a few people going through similar things. My life and perspective and what I feel inside has gone through extreme change in a couple years time. I literally FEEL like something is happening, like it's all coming down, I try to wake people up to the fact that this whole system is built on lies and fraud but people just can't grasp it.

You and many others! All over the world. This is a global phenomena and people have been trying to make sense of it, myself included.

One thing is clear, we aren't being told everything, and so its up to us as individuals to educate ourselves as to what is happening. I welcome this new awakening, and am excited and thankful for the journey ahead of us

most of us are selfish, inherent assholes who deserve worse, while the other fraction are dark souls who hate the humans and wake up in the morning and think how can I make someone's life worse, and manipulate others into following their ideologies. The Bible is a futuristic history book that accurately tells facts and falls of giant nations. I really hope nibiru is a brown dwarf that flies by earth to unleash Armageddon so we can actually hit the reset button, or we can wait till the honeybees die out and pollinators cease to exist.

I'm all for a global consciousness uprising but aren't TPTB just using this opportunity to stage a fake "alien invasion"?

I honestly don't think they can at this point. I just believe it was a theory they possibly floated at one point but I think such a thing is out of realm for them.

Well I hope so. It did sound pretty out there, but who knows

will this help with my migraines?

Satan does not exist. But Moloch and Baal do.

Who else do you think Moloch and Baal are?

Cabal/Antichrist. Ascended Masters/False Prophet. You're being lied to. You are not God. You are not Christ Consciousness. Moloch would not exist without Heylel and there would be no playbook without an end goal. New Jerusalem is the correct term for this new age, and when Jesus returns, this time it'll be personal. Do not be deceived. Jesus is the way, the truth, the life and NO MAN comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is the light which defeats the darkness. The "enlightened ones" are the fallen angels who forgot their first estate. The cabal are the Nephilim offspring, hence the Illuminati bloodline. You can delete God from the argument because you find it divisive and you'd rather not change your heart and mind to the true source, the true creator because Heylel promised "ye shall be as Gods!" We are in the Tribulation, and no one can deny that fact. Jesus will return at the last trump, on the Feast of Trumpets, what the new agers call the Event, and you will see what the truth actually is. Seek first the TRUTH - not the watered down, palatable, god-less truth that is pleasing to your ears. Read the book of Enoch to truly know of the judgment to come!

We are all one, we are all a part of God, we all have a direct link to God. We are God experiencing himself, and we all originate from God source consciousness. We are all equals, because we are all a part of God, so we are all one.

Nice post dude. I feel like you and I are on the same trajectory, consciously speaking, but you are a bit further ahead of me. I know it's a life long journey, but how have you come to where you're at now? Any books you've read on the subject?

Thank you, and I agree. We share similar view points :)

I've really been getting into this stuff lately, it's pretty much the only thing that motivates me. Here are some recent reads and shows that have helped me reach these conclusions

  • recently found a streaming service called Gaia, 10$ a month and has shows that cover all these topics. Amazing service

  • law of one by Ra

  • Theee Waves of volunteers by Dalores Cannon

  • Seth speaks by Jane Roberts

  • You can check out BASHAR videos on YouTube, he is channeled by Daryl.

  • journey of souls by Michael Newton, amazing perspectives and a quick read because I couldn't put it down

  • the shack

  • A good starting point I recommend everyone is conversations with God for sure.

  • Edgar cayce touches on a lot of good material

  • also a lot of information I've found is just through browsing the Internet and typing random spiritual questions that pop in my mind into google.

  • other interesting subjects are numerology and astrology

Hope This helps :)

Thank you. I'm currently reading 'origins of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind' and 'cracking the symbol code' which are both amazing. I will definitely check out your recommendations.

How do you like those? Would you recommend them? I'm always on the search for new books to add to my Arsenal lol. Thanks for replying

I would 100% recommend them. The high level insider on 4chan kept recommending origin of consciousness... He also kept eluding to symbolism in religions, and cracking the code touches on all of that, along with higher consciousness stuff.

Thanks man! Ordering now.

This was a beautiful post and I wish it to be true, but this golden age is going to happen way, way, way, after we are all dead and gone. We are just entering a pole shift, this will not happen overnight. This can last for 100's maybe even 1000's of years.

John Rockefeller died in the 30s. You talking about David?

Yes my apologies. I'll edit my post now

Yup ever since 2012 the world has been in flux and very chaotic, its like tptb (secret societies/groups... call 'em what you want) are trying to counter act "something" with all these bad things happening (there are many things we are not even aware yet they are there) from entertainment and tech misuse all the way up to wars and psychopathic stuff.

We are seeing the earth purged and healing itself. Thousands of animals are dying day per day as we undergo this shift.

The almost out right extermination of some species (bees specially) on this planet might be one the biggest crimes a human being can do upon nature and themselves !

Good post but there is one thing that all must acknowledge... "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing".

Truth and Freedom are the most important things in this world so protect it, because if you lose that you might as well be nothing but a zombie !

This is why I'm trying my hardest to raise awareness and spread truth and light. I feel motivated to do it and all my research is leading me in a positive direction, and I feel I can help share with others.

Thanks for replying and thanks for reading, any help we can get with this is much needed

First of all thanks for your post. Whether people agree with everything you say or not, the core message is love, and for that nobody can't say anything against that.

It seems to me your theories and rhetoric align to the law of one. I am currently reading it and finding it extreeeeeemely interesting (to say the least). I was wondering, do you know if since some similar knowledge came about? I think the most recent interesting read relating to it that I read was that confession of an elite family insider from AboveTopSecret, but would you care to direct me to similar interesting information? The links you provided point to more specific events but I'm wondering if there's some newer law of one style readings out there.

Thanks and much love to you and everybody in the universe!

You may find interest in a book called journey of souls by Michael Newton.

I also would recommend getting a subscription to Gaia network streaming it is a spiritual streaming service that has thousands of titles relating to all these subjects I suggested. It's like Netflix but for consciousness.

Dalores Cannon has a lot of good material, Edgar Cayce, Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, Bashar channeled by Daryl

I would recommend looking into the sumerians and their historical texts. Lots of mind boggling stuff and they etched all of it into clay tablets, straight up they knew that the sun was the center of our solar system over 5k years ago. That's just a small scratch of the stuff they knew.

proof depends on your perspective.

i think that's "it". people that are more 'sensitive' are definitely feeling something. mankind has to (realize) unite as one species. the matrix is breaking but if people aren't aware they will lose it. realization is key.

Earth is entering the golden age of consciousness ever since 2011. Cosmic changes, new waves of light, we live in exciting times!

No, it isn't. This sub doesn't even account for 1% of the population. And for the 99%+ who aren't 'woken up' they are too far gone to even be woken... You need to actually go outside and see the real world, observe real people, observe society. There isn't a mass awakening at all. You're just hyped because you think Trump's presidency and Pizzagate means that suddenly a lot of people are taking interest.

You can't make blanket statements like that when you don't even know me. I have a job that makes me go into 10-15 houses a day and talk to random strangers. You think I don't go outside? Stop making judgements over the Internet.

The age of awakening can't be stopped because it's a natural cycle and you can't stop a cycle. It will happen wether the vast majority of people are awake or not, it's happening regardless because it's a natural cycle.

I appreciate your optimism and hope, and I wish I could reciprocate it. But there is no natural cycle. How can it 'happen' whether or no the vast majority for people are awake or not? That's magic talk.

There are institutions in place in society that were created specifically to counter mass awakenings. The TV, the Internet, the media. They are entrenched in our daily lives. The elite know what they're doing and there is no way to stop will see

They are losing their negative control and they know their time is over. I'm not sure why you're rooting for the bad guys. They are the losing team. Their time is up and the light will enter the consciousness of mankind and reign supreme as its naturally done many times before.

The negative cabal can never rule forever and the Age of Enlightenment is upon mankind no matter what the failed elite try to pull as they whimper their last breaths into defeat where they belong.

Actually he's not wrong. I know a lot of it sounds crazy . And I bet 1000 years ago someone saying "one day people will be flying to other planets ,have things that drive 300mphs would sound bat shit crazy too.

I by chance just read about archons and things like negative beings two days ago . Ever since then stuff keeps clicking. Making more sense. Then here I am ,just like you reading this looking for some truth in this shit hole of a planet . People are starting to put the pieces together.

It's not going happen. The elite will have accounted for every possibility and problem well before they arise. And don't bring up Pizzagate as an example of mass awakening, since it is easy to see through that as a psy-op.

BOO! Put a Tl;Dr ! This is like three pages of reading for what payout?

Tl;dr mankind is entering a new Age of Enlightenment and we will find out about our past, who we are and what we are. We will all discover we are all one, and we are all connected to God or source. We are loved and we are never alone.

Tl;Dr : This guy took Mushrooms.

Yeah a few times :)

You guys are so god damn stupid it's unbelievable

This seems crazy at first glance but if you link things together and research far enough into conspiracies and different Theories you can come to these same conclusions yourself. If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us

Nah you crazy af sorry fam

Get this pseudo religious bullshit outta here before the lizard people find out

:p if only we had the glasses from they live

If I could repeatedly suplex them onto everyone's face, I would.

Well I hope so. It did sound pretty out there, but who knows

by countless positively aligned ET's

We are a part of God.

How can there be both? God created us but he sent aliens from other planets to look after us?

The ET's are from God too. We all originate from God, or source, because we are all one, we are all a piece of God, trying to remember itself.

I read everything you wrote and I admit it still sounds crazy. But it all clicks. Archons and the soul net. If you haven't read about the soul net you should . When I started reading about the archons it made me fear something that I've honestly thought about a lot in my life so deeply it's scary . The thought that we are in some horrible repetitive re incarnation loop that we have no control over. And that no matter what anyone tries to do we can't break free. I mean really ,if there are these highly advanced beings,what actual weapon do we have against them . We don't have telepathy,or magical powers.

Anyways . I have memories from before I came to earth . I thought I was just having false memories. Then I read other stories that were identical to my experiences. A lot of people remember things too . And I remember right before i was coming to earth my memories fading and remeber feeling like I was lied too. Betrayed . And swore to myself I'd remember. And yet I do. Apperantly to the soul net /archon and kharma stuff,it says the wheel of incarnation will repeat until your lesson has been learned . But every time we die we get our memories erased ,forcing us to re incarnate infinitely. Apperantly we are ,oddly enough like the matrix movie showed" energy" sources for some group of beings.

It definitely is overwhelming. I have no memories from outside of my current life, so I can't use that as a basis for my faith, but I believe you believe.

I've got a lot to think about. And it looks like I need to upgrade to a diamond shovel for all this new digging I gotta do.

Thanks for replying. It is very scary at first and I remember when I was first researching it how lied and betrayed I felt but I feel there's some things that are misinterpreted

I'm not sure if I buy into the stuck into reincarnation wheel of karma because I always thought that's just how reincarnation worked. I do believe archons/reptilians manipulated humans to get what they want but I've been wondering if the whole stuck in reincarnation thing is really just how souls naturally work and people misinterpret that, because we are meant to evolve over life times.

Thanks for reaching out and remember, we don't need to be afraid, because honestly in the grand scheme of things the darkness/archons are VERY WEAK, which is why they have to feed off our negative energy. They are like leeches, and should not be feared. They control so little but want us to think they control this whole world when the opposite is true.

Archons are weak forms of energy and we can easily easily defeat them or not buy into their negative matrix.

Still a lot to learning I need to do but I hope in helping. Thanks man


What do clocks have to do with this?

funny ive noticed a large chunk of the public become complete fucking idiots.

As is expected when we enter these times.

Reading that Illuminati insider thread was... intense, to say the very least.

I'm a bit nauseous and feeling altogether ill after that. Took three hours, to boot.

Whether it's true or not, living life with the philosophy that we're all one and to be as good a person as possible is still the way to go.

This kind of information when first read has a tendency to do that. I got physically ill and have thrown up from reading these types at first. I think it's because of the cognitive dissonance and it goes against what we currently knew up until we read a new price of information. I'm not sure why our bodies do it but I know what you're talking about

Rejection. That's all I can think of.

I'm mexican. I've heard and experienced all this BS before. I hope one day you'll wake up at my level and find out that it is nothing more than the biggest BS ever imagined by humans. No luck you you buddy. With higher level of vibrations surrounding you, luck doesn't exist.

This positivity really moved me. I had a lot of questions and this way of see my things makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you.

I'm glad and honored to have helped. It's what I strive to do for others. And thanks for letting me know. Best of luck

I find it difficult to trust New Age ideology (self-consciousness agenda, the we are gods individually and collectively thought pattern, aliens as our savior, etc.) It sounds like a deception to separate us from the true creator know as Yahweh/Jehova (Hebrew God). This seems like luciferian thinking to me. Luciferians believe in independence from God and in being self sufficient and in 'spiritual' self discovery that promotes the idea that you/we are gods. From this perspective, the new age clearly seems evil.

I only say that because at one point earth naturally was in the fifth dimension/density. I've researched into it and it appears mother Gaia (earth) is indeed going into the fifth dimension but before doing so she is purging herself.

I agree though with what you say. I need to research more into the dimension of earth as I still need more research and information on the subject.

Thanks for the reply friend. I enjoy seeing your name around here, as others.

Thanks for the link! I haven't seen it before but I'll watch now. The Mayan calendar was misinterpreted and people thought the world was ending when it was truly a new Age of Enlightenment. December, 2012.

A very ignorant statement you make, but I understand how this post can be offensive. I'm not on medication as i do not believe the pharmaceutical industry has our best interests at heart, but I do take probiotics. So I guess I'll go.. Take a probiotic? Thanks 😁

If I wanted a safe space I never would have posted this. I knew full well I would get insulted by people such as yourself and if I wanted a safe space would I have posted this? Your ignorance is astounding, and your belief that you can diagnose me with psychosis over the Internet shows how little you know. Go ahead and keep insulting me and others, see how much you learn and grow by coming at it from the angle you are.

Can you have an open mind as well? Let's say you're a regular dude who believes in some kind of consciousness but ain't quite sure. Then I ask for proof, and you say that it's beyond proof, that it's frustrating to not understand, and that it's a truth that can not be given to me by others.

How the heck does this help me?

Definitely exciting. I think i posted before about myself and my wife feeling a "shift" and asking if anyone else has felt it. probably in a dead subreddit though, i only remember getting a few responses

I wouldn't consider it "proof", but if you look at ancient civilizations; there could be a claim made that there is some sort of "collective consciousness" that we no longer are privy to.

I'm at work so I can't really link well, but look up the Egyptian pyramids, the "Old Equator", and trip reports from people who take DMT or ayuhuasca (sp). There's some really cool theories that we have lost something that allowed ancient societies to seemingly share things that we today are incapable of.

...Or ancient aliens.

Just so you know, telling people this is a terrible idea around these parts. It's unhelpful, ignorant and rude but more importantly, it's been pointed out as a tactic shills have used to discredit conspiracy theorists and others with kooky ideas. So on a forum about conspiracies full of people who have suffered this tactic in the past, you might actually be lending the OP credence by saying something like this, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Anyway, just my two cents on that to explain why regulars here are kneejerk downvoting you even if they too think OP is crazy.

Nothing is beyond proof, it just hasn't been found yet.

This is why I'm trying my hardest to raise awareness and spread truth and light. I feel motivated to do it and all my research is leading me in a positive direction, and I feel I can help share with others.

Thanks for replying and thanks for reading, any help we can get with this is much needed

This seems crazy at first glance but if you link things together and research far enough into conspiracies and different Theories you can come to these same conclusions yourself. If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us

True,but the old age bullshit has been repeated for centuries.

Btw, most of the so called new age bullshit has also been around for centuries. It only seems new.

I mean no disrespect man but do you think we are just bags of meat?

These concepts I discussed are widely accepted and widely known. And can even be scientifically proven with quantum concepts such as string theorie and other quantum ideas.

I am truly just trying to help.

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