President-Elect Donald Trump should pardon Edward Snowden.

498  2017-01-07 by [deleted]



I agree. Snowden is the Paul Revere of the 21st century.

I love that! May I use it in the future?

absolutely. Should be a headline coast to coast.

You can't pardon someone that hasn't been found guilty.

You can

Yes you can...

Do u know who I PIERRE OMIDYAR is? If not, then delete your comment. Then go read

wtf is that supposed to mean? Guy founded ebay. so?

Lol.. is that all? Does OMIDYAR own snowdens cache?

Lmao what does that mean?


President Elect Trump needs to stay in the cell they made for Magneto on purpose and issue orders only via can-on-string.

Trump has said before Snowden should be executed , though his word means nothing

Hannity said the same thing back in the day. People change their minds

People change their minds

About sending someone to die? You don't make that statement and just change your mind about it

You can after you became president of the united states thanks to the help of someone like Snowden.


So something benefitting him changes his views? That's literally the prerequisite of corruption.

So what you're saying is that there's a decent chance that Trump will pardon

So what you're saying is you have zero reading comprehension skills?


I had a little heated talk with a manager at my job. Ended up putting in my 2 weeks and so be it. 3 years later I apply for the same job and that manager says that he rehired me due to thinking people deserve forgiveness. Because of his forgiveness benefitting me I'm more forgiving now (changed my views). Am I corrupt?

Nah I'd say you're a complete tool for going to work under the same manager you clearly had issues with. Corruption requires power. You have the opposite of that.

I had a problem with the job. He said if I don't like the job I'm free to go elsewhere. He wasn't a tool. My issue with the work was.

You are the tool. Not him.

That's cool. I was just here to prove that your definition of corruption is stupid and wrong.

Prerequisite is not a definition. Lmao. That's not even a big word. Expand your vocabulary, tool.


You said my definition of corruption is wrong. I didn't even define it. You seem to not understand what the word prerequisite means.

I don't get it. You're proven wrong about a definition so you berate a random stranger?

What definition?

Who the hell is talking about the definition of a tool?

The fact I got under your skin well enough to get you to troll is pleasing. Bye, tool. You're blocked.

I realized a conversation with you is going to go nowhere because you have personal issues causing you to take your angst out on internet strangers.

Thats because you take it literally. Figurative language is something liberals don't seem to be capable of understanding.

Liberals who are not good conversationalists in real life miss it completely. It could be a symptom of not having many conversations growing up or spending too much time talking through devices, instead of in person.

Did he change his mind before or after there was a leak that benefited him? He is the definition of an opportunist, I cannot understand what happened to this sub or how you can believe Trump isn't going to sell you out for his and his cronies benefit. Drain the swamp? Remember that one...?

Oh come on, he is shilling for Zionists, but that doesn't mean he will pull back on everything. Give it a year and then we can see if he is actually complete Bush level.

president- elect trump can't, but president trump could

Should pardon Assange

I dont think he could pardon Assange, but he can grant him asylum

Is Assange American?



That's not gonna happen.

"unlike the prior administarion"

One thing I've learned: meet the new administration, same as the old administration.

This is because folks behind the scenes really call the shots.

The prez is merely a spokesperson for the criminal elite.


But is he? For instance, Obama's entire administration, diplomats, etc were picked over his head even before he was elected. Now Trump is getting flack for taking time AFTER actually being elected to personally assemble the same. I love that Trump is not giving pay-for-play-ambassadors any leeway. January 20th, they are out!

I was dismayed to see the Podesta email regarding Chelsea confiding in the Bush twins. That makes me believe they are all the same and we are silly to think other wise.

We are silly to think otherwise. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't continue to advocate for good things like pardoning Snowden though, we just shouldn't expect it to happen.

For instance, Obama's entire administration, diplomats, etc were picked over his head even before he was elected.

Show me something that says that.

Now Trump is getting flack for taking time AFTER actually being elected to personally assemble the same. I love that Trump is not giving pay-for-play-ambassadors any leeway.

Yeah usually candidates have this all sorted out before hand so when it comes time to transition they can focus on other shit. Either Trump is an irresponsible moron or really didn't think he'd win. He's not being exemplary, he is being unprepared. He should have had his list months ago.


Yeah so I did some investigating. Dude was on the transition team. This was literally his job. It was some shadow banke r. It was fully public that his job was to pick people for the admin, along with 11 other people. So he did his job. Also has a long history of politics, including being in the Clinton White House. So tell why a transition manager should not... pick people for the transition?

Sorry I see you've been posting since I asked my question regarding your source. If you wouldn't mind answering that would be great, thanks.

Wiki leaks proved his list was handpicked by citigroup

Lol, it did? That is so fucking sad.

Yes. I have seen this. He is apparently as unlikely to pardon as Obama is. I was asking if he is as corrupt as the Bush/Clinton/Obama/ cabal.

You think Donald fucking Trump, a notoriously shady and greedy businessman who has never done anything for anyone in his life will be less corrupt than Obama and Clinton? Jesus Christ.

Most would agreee that corruption leading to the deaths of thousands to appease defense contractor sponsers would be worse than exploiting tax loopholes. So, using existing evidence, it's hard to argue that Trump has or will come close to that level of corruption.

Shady and greedy? What makes him shadier and greedier than the average person in his financial class?

What relevance does that have? Other people's shadiness and greed have no relevance to Trump being greedy and shady. You're not supposed to measure someone's actions against someone else's to determine if it's acceptable or not.

"My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy," Trump said. "I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy. But now I want to be greedy for the United States. I want to grab all that money. I’m going to be greedy for the United States."

Just so you know I think the same about you as you do about me.

“This guy is really doing damage to this country, and he’s also making us look like dopes,” he said, Politico reported.

Politico? Could we get another source?

Oh ok thanks

No other source needed that legitimatly happened.

He just named a CEO and oil baron with no policy or diplomacy experience and a vested interest in Russian oil brokerage Secretary of State, one if not the highest diplomatic positions in our government. How is this not the biggest "pay to play" there is?

Ahhhh, he is already rich. The aren't getting rich off of their government t positions. Clinton foundation.

you just can't admit that Trump is not as perfect as you think he is, can you?

I don't care. I'm hopeful that he is not as crooked as Hillary. That's enough for me. I'd like to see a viable third party come into the picture.

How could you possibly think Trump is less crooked than Hillary? His corruption is readily available wheras most of Hillary's "corruption" was actually carelessness(Trump is careless every fucking day btw) and conspiracy theories w no proof.

Was bleachbit "careless"? What about smashing her blackberries with a hammer, was that careless?

Nothing wrong with hoping mate, I hope too, but be realistic.

Wow, the mental gymnastics. Somehow this isn't pay to play because Tillerson is already rich? Really? Did you use that same logic with Hillary Clinton? Jesus Christ you people are hypocrites. Do you realize it, or do you just not care and think your'e fooling people?

I'd rather we make amends with Russia than continue the stupid sanctions. Such a path could possibly lead to civil war in Russia, which would force the oligarchs to go on even bloodier excursions out of the country to distract the people. I can only pray the intelligence community and the administration don't turn their sights towards trying to corner China like this administration tried to corner Russia.

Did he pay Trump for the position? That's how pay for play works.

All Diplomats that came into power during Obama, have been told they're done and are out as of day one of Trump.

This logic only works when it goes to plan. If you believe the MSM is the hand of the criminal elite, this election did not follow their script.

Since when did conspiracy become a religion based on a defeatist attitude to an unbeatable elite? If there is no chance for real change ot success, what are we doing here?

This is essentially the pessimistic attitude that grows within some who have seen or heard to much for them to bare.


Yup. Hate to say it because i love this sub but it really has been full of donald trump supporters lately. I dont know if its because of alex jones backing him (who is a joke and nobody here should take him seriously) or because of the whole wikileaks thing with hillary and the_donald users saw this as a pro trump / anti hillary place. Misleading headlines with no sources and clickbait articles that are pro trump are getting thousands of upvotes here now.

I think we are in the middle with Trump. He isn't a complete shill, he faced too much opposition. Yet, he isn't a complete outsider as the vote would have either literally been rigged or he would be dead. He is going to move us in the right direction on some issues and is going to either not advance or keep moving in the wrong one for some.

Just wait if trump ends up like Obama the mass are going to wake up and I can't see it happening anymore because it will spawn a new revolution of political freedom

sure- there are a lot of things he should do that he won't do.


like "draining the swamp". and pardoning snowden.

We want the concrete. Like hope and change!

ah, that partisan arguement. no interest in the dems vs repubs nonsense.

Lol, draining the swamp. He isn't president yet, so I won't void any of his promises, but I expect that among many to become null and void.

While I agree, here's the thing about that

  1. Trump has spoken out against Snowden as a traitor, in so many words. It would be highly suspect if he was pardoned.
  2. Our 3-letter agencies are known to go rogue and do what they want. He has at least one agency against him, and that's more than enough.

Even if he was pardoned, which I think would be a "good for morale" gesture, I don't believe Snowden would be safe to return.

That makes me sad. But I think you are correct. His name was Seth Rich.

This. Honestly, I still expect a JFK like movement again in the coming years if he strays to far from the interests of others. I pray it doesn't happen, but I know the agency still has the capability if it wishes too, even if it is no longer the agency of the 60s.

Trump has referred to Snowden as a traitor but more disturbing is his Office of National Intelligence pick Dan Coat, who has publicly advocated for Snowden's execution and has vehemently defended the NSA's spying programs.

I'm still suspicious of his motivation. It looks like the leaks were designed to discredit the NSA, and protect the CIA (his former employer). Putin had to tell him to quit leaking as a condition of his asylum.


Relevant username. :)

He should.

Silly OP, tricks are for kids. Apparently, you think like one.

yeah im sure the billionaire president will be the one that works on behalf of the people. LMAO

Why not?

What makes you think he'll act honestly? The Goldman Sachs team he's appointed? that an ex-Goldman guy is his closest adviser? The resolute, undying protection of Zionism in his cabinet?

Trump & Clinton and this latest election, especially the divisiveness, was just TPTB really letting us think that we "made" any real choices in November. This shit was laid out from the top a long time ago and they're laughing at us no matter if it's R or D in power t the moment.

I like Trump, and see him as a step in the right direction, but he is not going to work on the behalf of the people in every decision, a fool would believe that. Honestly, if he prevents a cold war, I will see him as a success, but as others have said, he will suck up to the Israeli agenda and definitely still has ties to the upper class. He seems to be part of a minority of the upper class who still want to make money, but have other ideas on how to do it. Hopefully they don't fuck us over as much.

Real whistle blowers don't get coverage by the msm...and don't get on the cover of time. He's a psy op..

Before or after putins dictating foreign policy?

His CIA director has stated Snowden should face trial and executed. I'm sure he'll get right on pardoning him /s

Trump will lose in 4 years if he doesnt thoroughly investigate Hillary/Clinton Foundation & promise not to have Assange extradited to US -- Snowden/Manning also need to be absolved of any crimes they have committed b/c they had the best interest of the ppl at heart. These are the reasons he won. He will be a 1 term president if he doesnt follow through.

Even if Trump does all of that, he's still probably a 1 term president if the Democrats get their act together.

Democrats are still busy blaming Russia/Wikileaks/FBI/etc for loss -- Bernie was the strongest candidate till he started towing party line & ignoring corruption & defending his party. There is not one democrat that will win in 4 years unless Trump doesnt follow through. If he doesnt even Anthony Weiner could run & beat him 4 years from now.

if the Democrats get their act together.

They won't.

He cannot pardon on cia agent on assignment, whats the point?

Can't upvote more than once.........

Aw, Eddy's going back to the CIA.

the god-emperor will do no such thing.

What I really want to known if there's something he could do to help Assange.

Trump won't pardon him, he could let him go someplace besides Russia though. Time will tell.

that would be against donald trump best interests lmao.

I want him to pardon Snowden and make him the head of his old Intelgence agency for the Irony.

For some reason, I don't feel like the guy who called Snowden a traitor would pardon him anytime soon.

We had Chucky threatening trump on TV over trump considering going after the intelligence agencies.

Why should we do what one single entity wants? People should be able to decide for themselves (if someone is truly evil, then we (people) should decide what to do with an evil person).

I would love it if he did, but I highly doubt it.

Isn't he publicly against leakers? Like insanely against leakers?

I believe he stated they should be executed, but I may be mistaken.

unless they benefit him lol

Let's start a petition.


How do we not know that Snowden, didn't assist Russia in the hacking? Russia gave Snowden asylum so why wouldn't he help them out especially after the democrats didn't help him out and especially after trump said that he'd see to it that he's pardoned once he becomes president?

We are silly to think otherwise. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't continue to advocate for good things like pardoning Snowden though, we just shouldn't expect it to happen.

For instance, Obama's entire administration, diplomats, etc were picked over his head even before he was elected.

Show me something that says that.

Now Trump is getting flack for taking time AFTER actually being elected to personally assemble the same. I love that Trump is not giving pay-for-play-ambassadors any leeway.

Yeah usually candidates have this all sorted out before hand so when it comes time to transition they can focus on other shit. Either Trump is an irresponsible moron or really didn't think he'd win. He's not being exemplary, he is being unprepared. He should have had his list months ago.

He just named a CEO and oil baron with no policy or diplomacy experience and a vested interest in Russian oil brokerage Secretary of State, one if not the highest diplomatic positions in our government. How is this not the biggest "pay to play" there is?

Ahhhh, he is already rich. The aren't getting rich off of their government t positions. Clinton foundation.

All Diplomats that came into power during Obama, have been told they're done and are out as of day one of Trump.

I'd rather we make amends with Russia than continue the stupid sanctions. Such a path could possibly lead to civil war in Russia, which would force the oligarchs to go on even bloodier excursions out of the country to distract the people. I can only pray the intelligence community and the administration don't turn their sights towards trying to corner China like this administration tried to corner Russia.

Did he pay Trump for the position? That's how pay for play works.

I don't get it. You're proven wrong about a definition so you berate a random stranger?