Okay so wait a minute. I'm confused. Didn't that one guy say he would delete his "Alefantis Kill Room" video?

10  2017-01-08 by no1113

He said here that he was scared shitless, got death threats from Alefantis over having put up this "Kill Room" video, promised he would delete it, and just wants to be left alone now.

Uh...so why is that video not only still up...but apparently got re-uploaded?

Additionally - it actually does appear that it WAS Alefantis that he had a conversation with and not someone posing as Alefantis and trolling the user. The user posted this video, and it does appear to lend credence to the fact that he was in fact communicating with Alefantis himself via facebook. He doesn't have the phone conversation he said he had with him, of course, but it does seem he communicated w/him via fb.

Sooo....It appears he did communicate w/Alefantis himself...so if Alefantis did in fact threaten his life and said he'll kill him and his family, mom, girlfriend, etc, etc unless he takes the "Kill Room" video down like the user said he did - and proceeded to send the user pictures of him and his mother, him and his girlfriend, etc, etc...and that user said he was genuinely scared shitless over this now (which I'd understand) then why the fuck did he then repost the video itself that he said he got his and his family's life seriously threatened over? Why does he still have it up?

What am I not getting here?

Anybody know more about this situation?


After generating all that "buzz" turns out the guy is selling Pizzagate T-shirts.

Draw your own conclusions.

Selling pizzagate tshirts sounds like a great idea to me. Then again, I don't like pedos and want to redpill some normies. You're the other guy.

You and I have different opinions about what's a "great idea".

You're saying this because at the end of one of his videos, he says "And oh yeah. Buy some pizzagategear t-shirts." with a shit eating grin on his face.

Yeah - it's a bit of an opportunist kind of sheist move, but as has been already mentioned on here by others, what he said in the video and the fear he seemed to definitely show in it didn't look like any sort of ploy to "sell pizzagategear t-shirts!" That didn't seem like someone trying to spin some sale pitch ploy or gimmick to generate t-shirt sales.

This dynamic seems a bit deeper and more multifaceted to me than "dude simply making shit up so he can sell more t-shirts", so jumping to that conclusion simply because he's plugging his product - sheisty and opportunistic as I acknowledge that seems to me - is something that can also be contextualized from the "people are always trying to make a buck" rationale.

Seems stupid on one level for him to have done that, but well...this IS the shit planet that we live on and we are still debt slaves that have to still make $ in order to live here - so yeah. I don't see being scared, yet still trying to throw a quick plug in at the end to try to make some money as being entirely inconsistent within the context of this completely fucked up, totally backward world we already live in.

On top of all this, part of what I mentioned above in the OP is that the dude actually seems to show proof that he did in fact communicate with Alefantis himself at least via facebook - so that actually lends quite a bit of weight to his not making all this up. It appears that he DID talk w/Alefantis, so the "he's just lying to try to sell t-shirts" angle doesn't really hold up to that data right there.

I'm open to the possibility that the dude is in fact just being NOTHING but an opportunistic, sheisty liar and he is in fact making the entire thing up, but I'm not convinced that he is, and a quick, 10 second plug to a product he's trying to make money with at the end of a video where for 10 minutes he seems to be genuinely scared and is telling people to NOT go to Alefantis' place and STOP investigating pizzagate doesn’t seem to be enough to me to conclude he’s just making it all up at this point - again, especially when he seems to show proof that he did in fact communicate with Alefantis via facebook.

I think the t-shirt thing is the easy target they want you to go for.

The real agenda is don't mess with Alfentis, he'll threaten you personally. They want scare as many people off as they can from looking into him.

If they keep pushing the video of Alfentis threatening they guy, under the guise of the guy selling shirts, you'll have been exposed to the idea you shouldn't trifle with Alfentis. It's quite clever actually.

The real agenda is don't mess with Alfentis, he'll threaten you personally. They want scare as many people off as they can from looking into him.

That’s actually part of the very point I’m trying to make though. This kind of goes against what you were stating above because this shows that Alefantis DID threaten the dude, no? If the real agenda, as you said, is “don’t mess w/Alefantis”, then that gets shown by this video actually being true…and not by being any sort of ploy to sell t-shirts.

If they keep pushing the video of Alfentis threatening they guy, under the guise of the guy selling shirts, you'll have been exposed to the idea you shouldn't trifle with Alfentis. It's quite clever actually.

But then that would mean that the dude who made the video is either in on it (which I’m really not sure about)…or Alefantis did indeed threaten him to the extent that the dude claims - in which case the “don’t mess with Alefantis” angle certainly doesn’t keep someone like me and I feel quite a few other people from continuing to investigate pizzagate. Heck, it gives many of us even more incentive to continue investigating because, if what this dude said is true, then Alefantis IS in fact in to some possibly EXTREMELY criminal shit…and that should not by any means just be ignored. It needs to get found out, exposed, and rooted out.

Something aint right about this. 50% of me wants to say it's trolling on that dude's part, but than 50% knows fabricating such things could get you locked up. That's a heavy crime (fabrication of evidence, false reporting, etc etc).

Anything can be edit via the developer console to make it look like someone said something. All it takes is minimal HTML knowledge, and the way FB works, you could edit the HTML on the chat box and load it then reload and it would still be there. Kind of hard to explain, but I'm a web developer and this is what I do to keep me and the pups fed (professional web coding and design, not fraud - lol).

So then what are your thoughts on this response here that I gave?

I'm saying I'm leaning towards what you are thinking, but is someone desperate enough to damn near commit 3 crimes (possibly felonies) in order to sell some t-shirts? I mean, it wouldn't surprise me, desperate people do desperate things... But holy hell. Then again those punks video taped themselves torturing a man and live streamed it.... IDK anymore, truly... We live in a topsy-turvy world. The moment I heard him speak about his website and "gear" immedietly flew up red flags (I'm a web entrepreneur and know the mindset - but this? Fuckin' hell). Make sense?

is someone desperate enough to damn near commit 3 crimes (possibly felonies) in order to sell some t-shirts?

Exactly. That just doesn’t really seem to make sense.

Dude really wants to sell some t-shirts…so he commits 3 crimes. Uh. I say no to that.

And everything else you said? Spot on. My thoughts exactly actually.


Okay it's all good and well to say that...but to what end? Like...making a video exposing Alefantis' "Kill Room" is cointelpro for what? I'm willing to entertain that possibility, as this guy might somehow very well be "in on it"...but somebody's gotta ELI5 and spell it out for me how he's cointelpro because I'm simply not getting the motivation or angle on it...

And no. "To sell more t-shirts" doesn't seem to be a sufficiently logical reason to explain the cointelpro angle.

And even if selling more t-shirts IS his ultimate motivation...that wouldn't be cointelpro anyway. That would just be some dude REALLY going above and beyond the call of lying to sell some t-shirts...which wouldn't make sense since, as /u/Putin_loves_cats mentioned, he's breaking a few crimes to do it, so it simply wouldn't be worth attempting to sell his t-shirts that way. At all.

The general purpose of COINTELPRO operations is to debase and discredit a movement or idea by associating it with people who have poor character, are crazy, make weak connections, etc.

So with this pg8 guy: he is selling t-shirts, and creating videos that are (purposefully?) flimsy at best, claiming to have made contact with people but has no real proof. All of these little things discredit this guy to a real skeptic, and in turn discredit the ideas the agent is associated with. The result is that this skeptic associates the COINTELPRO agent with the idea (pg8). Once an "authority" on a certain subject or idea (i.e. pg8) is established, this person can mix in truth with the other bullshit. Now all this person's ideas as a whole are discredited.

So the goal is to get people to think, "Yeah I watched a couple of videos on pizza gate, all the people who talk about it are crazy. I watched one video where a guy claimed to make a phone call with the perpetrator, but couldn't make a recording even with another person in the room who could have helped."

However, it must be noted that I don't have any real evidence against this guy (ironic I know), but based on what I've read about COINTELPRO I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.

All of these little things discredit this guy to a real skeptic, and in turn discredit the ideas the agent is associated with.

So then that person isn’t “a real skeptic”. They’re just someone who doesn’t have very good critical thinking skills since they’re associating one instance of something with the entire group - not the most intelligent thing to do.

I see what you’re getting at though.

So maybe the video maker is simply “in on it” for real, and, like you said, he’s been put in place to attempt to discredit those who are trying to look into pg8 by posing as a legitimate investigator when he’s really just cointelpro.

Okay. Fair enough.

Thanks for the explanation of how this guy could be cointelpro.

Currently, I’m tentatively siding with the guy not being cointelpro since there is simply so much damning circumstantial evidence against Alefantis himself as it stands. I would sooner give credence to the idea that Alefantis is threatening someone for making and possibly exposing the “Kill Room” video than that the video-maker is part of some elaborate plot to somehow get the trail off of Alefantis by making an even more damning video about him.

skeptic |ˈskeptik | (Brit. sceptic) noun 1 a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.

incline verb |inˈklīn • [ with obj. ] make (someone) willing or disposed to do something

Skeptics are people who have a personal tendency to be skeptical. Not necessarily with reason.

Either way we are both splitting hairs. The goal of my comment was to give a short explanation of COINTELPRO. Not establish any accusations. Glad we can have a good conversation.

Skeptics are people who have a personal tendency to be skeptical. Not necessarily with reason.

And for this reason, I think it should rarely if ever be looked upon as any badge of honor to be called a “skeptic”. Not saying you’re doing this, but many others most definitely look upon the term in this mistaken manner.

Splitting hairs though. You’re right.

Not establish any accusations.

Fair enough. Peace.

I agree. I'm not really sure what to make of this all. It's a complete mind fuck...

I'm not really sure what to make of this all.

Seems that we live in an extreeemely fucked up planet where evil is being perpetrated by some of the most powerful figures (human and/or non-human) existing here.

And why? Well...that part gets even deeper still.

I agree with you but I'm just wondering why he didn't file a report with the DC pd? considering alefantis was in DC when he supposedly made the threat. Can his local pd even do anything to someone out of state?

I'm not sure of locations, but if you are resident of x state, do something, then get reported while in y state, no. Out of jurisdiction (inter state lines is FBI).

Fun fact: You see an officer on the highway in the wrong jurisdiction, you can speed past him, and flip him off. Now, he may call that jurisdiction ahead on said highway, but that is true, and you should not do this (justsayingalsonotlegaladvice).

It's not legal advice just a discussion. But since they have no jurisdiction then no actual charge was made only a report filed that an incident occurred (incident report) So other than being sued for defamation(which he even mentioned was very expensive in the video) what legal repercussions could he face?

I'm not a lawyer, this is lay man understanding... Nothing really, unless taken up the chain of command (local->state->Federal). Who we talking about here, the accuser or the accused?


From my understanding, nothing for the accused, but the accuser could sue for defamation. The accuser would have to provide evidence up to the chain of command. If they are in different states, the accused has an advantage. Like I said, I'm not a lawyer and could be way off base. Just going off lay men's understand. Would love for a lawyer to chime in...

I would too. That's why I value your opinion. Since you don't like me, by default you're the my biggest critic and helps me find the holes in my theories. .. keep up the great work buddy👍

Thanks for the kind words, and don't say "I don't like you", I don't even know you, your just an account online. I merely speak my mind and challenge people (and myself). Cheers!

I was just thinking that. .. lol besides an echo chamber is only useful for practicing singing. ..

And if he was really inventive, he could look up "a" James Alefantis, not the James Alefantis, pay him $50 to answer a burner phone with a dc number bought online and send a prefabricated script via text, he makes a report, doesn't press charges. No crime was even committed. ... sales go through the roof. .. lmao but I'm criminal minded. ...

You can easily edit the facebook interface in Google Chrome with inspect element to change the name or make any conversation redirect to whatever FB page you want.

Inspect Element makes anything you see on the internet kinda suspect.

So that one link of his showing that he was in communication w/Alefantis on facebook can be easily faked?

Genuinely curious as I don't belong to facebook/don't have an account w/them, and don't know much about this info.

You can create a fake Facebook account with any name you want. I've done it more than once.

Okay. So maybe he didn't create the James Alefantis facebook page. That seems possible then.

To what end though? To sell some t-shirts? Really?

Okay. Maybe. If that's what this all ends up being, then okay. Crazier things have happened. However, thus far, that conclusion doesn't seem to jive as much as some other ones that seem to be out there right now.

The t-shirts is too obvious it's a red herring.

The goal is to scare people away from investigating Alfentis.

Yeah... you could have a friend change their picture/name to match Alfie's and have the conversation with you... then alter the code in chrome to point to Alf's real FB page when you click on it... It's easy...

Okay. Fair enough. As I asked elsewhere on here, however...what would be the motivation to do this, however? To sell t-shirts?

It's like what /u/putin_loves_cats said: "is someone desperate enough to damn near commit 3 crimes (possibly felonies) in order to sell some t-shirts?"

And I just clicked on your link.

God damn, son.

Delete that, or I will kill you, your girlfriend, your mother, and your entire family!

Call me. RIGHT NOW. Get ready for an ear full. Alefantis style.

Sell t-shirts, get money from youtube, get attention, troll, etc, etc, etc.

This is all easily faked, and they know they have a captive audience that will gobble it all up even without a single scrap of fake evidence.

Sell t-shirts, get money from youtube, get attention, troll, etc, etc, etc.

I'm not the guy, but I certainly wouldn't risk getting locked up for any of these things. Is there any other video this guy has that would give anyone any indication that he is this duplicitous?

Maybe he's a charlatan troll of the highest order. I don't know. Based on videos I linked in the OP alone, however, I'm not currently leaning toward the "obvious troll hoaxer" conclusion.

Your need for confirmation of your beliefs may be providing a massive bias. He has made videos that show something anyone can fak. He has claimed to his videos down due to threats, yet pu tup videos that detail the threats? He was unable to record any conversations or show anything that you can't fake using just a web browser.

If that's not enough for you then....

I wouldn’t have made this OP in the first place if my mind were as made up as you’ve for whatever reason convinced yourself it is.

Gotta work on your critical thinking meter. Appears to not be malfunctioning.

Why ask questions if you only want to hear answers you like?

If that's what you think is happening or what I've been doing...then, again I say, it appears your reading comprehension and critical thinking meters are both malfunctioning.

Why does anyone do anything on the internet? Attention, followers, clickthroughs, profit, agenda? All of the above? I don't give a fuck why everyone suddenly cares about one dude in a sea of literally thousands of identical pizzagate youtube videos... I just know this guy is getting rammed down my throat and it is triggering my gag reflex... Something stinks...

Why you keep referencing a tiny snippet from putin loves cats? What crimes is this dude supposedly committing that the rest of the internet isn't already guilty of?

Why does anyone do anything on the internet? Attention, followers, clickthroughs, profit, agenda? All of the above?

I don’t seek attention. I have no followers. I don’t do things for “clickthroughs”. I have made exactly no money off anything I’ve done on the internet. Hell, I’ve lost money.

The only agenda I have on the internet is to A) learn as much as I can about myself and the world, and B) kill time when I’m bored.

As such, and in my case, the answer to your questions isn’t “all of the above”. The answer in my case is actually ”none of the above”.

I don't give a fuck why everyone suddenly cares about one dude in a sea of literally thousands of identical pizzagate youtube videos... I just know this guy is getting rammed down my throat and it is triggering my gag reflex... Something stinks...

Is he really getting rammed down your throat though? I mean maybe he is. I’m not saying he’s not, but I wasn’t aware of any massive traction he’s gotten where everyone on the internet now knows about him. Maybe I’m just not all the aware, however. Definitely possible.

Why you keep referencing a tiny snippet from putin loves cats?

Because it’s relevant.

What crimes is this dude supposedly committing that the rest of the internet isn't already guilty of?

Possibly libeling a person who might be one of the most highly connected criminal pedophiles in the U.S. seems to be a crime that not too many people on the internet are already guilty of.

Your agenda is personal improvement... and maybe a little attention even if you don't wanna admit it.

For a sub that lost interest in pizzagate long ago it is conspicuous when multiple topics are made daily about one specific pizzagate personality in a vast sea of other videos to talk about.

Everyone on this whole sub is libeling rich and powerful people on a daily basis... we trash talk every fucking person in the world here... We say HRC eats babies... we say Trump is a communist sleeper agent... we say Anderson Cooper is a undercover CIA trained hitman/psyop... We libel Rockefellers and Rothschilds... we say the Queen of England is possessed by reptilian overlord aliens... we say the Pope rapes little kids. So libel charges aren't really relevant.

Your agenda is personal improvement... and maybe a little attention even if you don't wanna admit it.

Not running away in fear from attention that might be given ≠ going out of your way to seek it out. My doing the former ≠ my doing the latter.

For a sub that lost interest in pizzagate long ago

Seems to be still going strong as far as I can tell. I see multiple posts about it every day still.

it is conspicuous when multiple topics are made daily about one specific pizzagate personality in a vast sea of other videos to talk about.

Not if that individual uncovered previously unknown information.

Everyone on this whole sub is libeling rich and powerful people on a daily basis... we trash talk every fucking person in the world here... We say HRC eats babies... we say Trump is a communist sleeper agent... we say Anderson Cooper is a undercover CIA trained hitman/psyop... We libel Rockefellers and Rothschilds... we say the Queen of England is possessed by reptilian overlord aliens... we say the Pope rapes little kids. So libel charges aren't really relevant.

Fair enough. That’s valid.

Perhaps /u/supercubansandwich might have somewhat of an idea on that angle.

There is no real passion here concerning pizzagate anymore... I was here when it was at a fevered pitch... then 90% of that shifted over to /r/pizzagate... then most of the ones still interested when /r/pizzagate shut down shifted over to voat...

Pizzagate is a dead horse over here lately... compared to how it used it be at least... at this point we are over 3 months in... I love new revelations in the human trafficking scene... but piling more evidence on Alefantis at this point is meaningless... It's like a parking ticket for Jeffrey Dahmer.

compared to how it used it be at least.

Okay. Perhaps.

piling more evidence on Alefantis at this point is meaningless... It's like a parking ticket for Jeffrey Dahmer.

compared to how it used it be at least.

Okay. Perhaps.

piling more evidence on Alefantis at this point is meaningless... It's like a parking ticket for Jeffrey Dahmer.

Had to lol over that...in a morbid way...

Yeah. The point you're making - purposefully or not - is that there is most definitely enough evidence to at least being an official, formal investigation.

The "official investigators", however, are empowered, payed, and employed by the very figures they would be investigating. That makes getting to the bottom of things...difficult (understatement).

The more one looks at this world, the more one discovers that it is controlled by an element that appears to be globally powerful, and globally evil.

You can see the URL to the facebook profile when he clicks it. Pretty easy to verify.

Yeah... I said it would go to Alefantis' real FB url... you can change literally anything on a website in realtime... including where a link takes you or the name on a chat window...

Do you use Google Chrome? Just right click and pick Inspect... from there you can search to find what you want to replace with something else... it's easy.

He uploaded a video of his call log on sprint.com today, then took it down. Here's an archive http://archive.is/A5UbV

Haha... fun... they are also guessing he'd fake it with Inspect Element in the comments... Glad I'm not the only one to think of that.

I'm on the fence, you can come to whatever conclusion you want.

Yeah... I just dont see how Alefantis kept his cool for 3+ months and then suddenly decided to personally go after one specific dude out of literally 1000s posting youtube videos... and that one dude is the one that also happens to sell pizzagate merch...

I don't know, it could be fake. It just seems all too elaborate, which is why I'm still on the fence. Maybe he caught Alefantis drunk, or on a coke binge or something. Something where he wasn't thinking straight. People slip up, when the microscope is on someone 24/7 they are bound to make mistakes here and there. Not saying I'm completely convinced, but it's totally possible.

Alefantis got really coked up and somehow elite hacked this guy's real name, family info and private photos... but at the same time he's too coked up to understand simple things like how youtube or a message board work. Makes total sense... Please be sure to visit /r/Ninjakick666/ and buy one of my special conspiracy theory prints before I delete the sub and the repost it again.

He didn't have to elite hack his photos. They were talking on Facebook messenger. All he had to do was click Ryan's name, and go to his profile.

Well the dude in the video was all like... "OMG! He has pictures of my family! I'm a dead man!" you'd think a real deep digging pizzagate guy would set his shit to private... or not use his real profile for provoking nefarious internet celebrities... just too much tomfoolery to believe the whole entire narrative... then you throw the tshirt business on top of it all and it kinda collapses.

You'd think people would know not to open PDF files on their computer if they didn't actually create them, but you've linked them to me before asking me to open them. It seems as if everyone's knowledge and level of online security is different.

Yeah if you are scared of a PDF housed on an American .gov address you might as well just kill yourself now because the CIA already knows what you are thinking due to the microchip in your tooth... and they will fry your brain with a satellite for being scared of a PDF.

If you're only response to a valid concern about online security is to be condescending, it shows your lack of actual level of knowledge of online security, or your carelessness of it if you do know it. It also shows your lack of ability to hold a conversation, or your attempt of psychological manipulation to try to show intellectual dominance when there isn't any.

Huh... I'm just saying that if you can't trust a PDF from FBI.gov you can't trust anything... why would the government need you to phone home via PDF when the NSA can see everything you?

Even if I did trust the government to release a document free of spyware/malware/trojans when it could contain them without my knowledge, it doesn't mean that the file couldn't be hacked/compromised by someone else. Websites get hacked all the time and "legit" files get replaced with nefarious files. If you don't think government websites get hacked, just google it. People that share files with knowledge of this possibility also share the file's hash number, on the website, as an extra layer of security, but even that's not 100% safe.


Oh... I just use a typewriter plugged into a CRT TV so that I can avoid all those nefarious files that hackers put on the FBI website... My OS is an AOL CD and a turntable. Now that is safe surfing! No Russians influencing my erections! I only masterbate to vintage Playboys now.

So far, in all of our conversations, your record is one post before you resort to hyperbole and condescension. The more you know.

Eh... maybe I'll recognize you next time we talk cause I got no clue who you are. Do you always complain about PDFs or do you have some other schtick I'd recognize?

Thanks for proving my point. Have a good night.

You must have recognized me as you are the one that mentioned, in this thread, that the pdf was on a .gov website. I never made mention of that. But honestly, it doesn't matter, your post proved my point. Have a good night friend.

No... I only post PDFs from .gov websites... cause I wouldn't expect anyone to click on a PDF from any other site... maybe I've posted a .mil PDF once or twice... but if the PDF isn't on a .gov then I just screenshot the pertinent information and post that.

Have a good night friend.

Heads or tails... freindo.

I believe the pizza shirt seller is doing all the right things. He should be making money and he should be investigating pizzagate for the good of mankind. Anyone who says he's a criminal mastermind who only cares about his measly t-shirt profits to get some groceries for his family is really stretching judgment on him by demonizing him.

Let the man make his money and his contributions to society are very helpful. He uploaded everything from the police report to the cops business card with phone number on it to show he is being up front about everything. The problem is that some people are very distrustful of anyone outside of themselves since they think they are the only good one left and everyone else has evil intentions. If everyone felt this way, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Surprise. Everyone thinks they are the good guy in the story.

He should be making money and he should be investigating pizzagate for the good of mankind.

Kind of my thoughts on it too. I don’t castigate him for trying to make a buck. That doesn’t seem to be enough reason for me to think he’s lying about everything.

Anyone who says he's a criminal mastermind who only cares about his measly t-shirt profits to get some groceries for his family is really stretching judgment on him by demonizing him.

Exactly this.

his money and his contributions to society are very helpful.

Not according to Alefantis if dude’s telling the truth about getting his life threatened - which I feel he is.

He uploaded everything from the police report to the cops business card with phone number on it to show he is being up front about everything. The problem is that some people are very distrustful of anyone outside of themselves since they think they are the only good one left and everyone else has evil intentions. If everyone felt this way, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Surprise. Everyone thinks they are the good guy in the story.

Damn. Cannot upvote this enough. Spot frickin’ on. Thanks for commenting.

He even uploaded a video showing the call log on his phone today, then took it down. It showed James' phone number on the call log. He took it down soon after, not sure why. I should have downloaded it.

Yeah I believe I might have seen that video actually. That seems to lend more weight to the idea that he's not cointelpro as some others have said on here and elsewhere.

Thanks for this

I'm leaning towards the dude being in on it.

If someone genuinely threatened my family the last thing I'd want to do is sell commemorative t-shirts.

How is the dude in on it when he's exposing things that weren't publicly available before and that other people might not have even realized?

And...in on what exactly? What's he in on? What's the angle on your thinking that he's in on it? If he's in on it, then it would seem he's trying to hide Alefantis' wrong doings, right? I mean that's what being "in" on something means, right? - i.e. trying to protect it?

So if he's "in" on trying to hide Alefantis' wrong doings...then how is his exposing Alefantis' "Kill Room" helping Alefantis exactly or hiding anything about him?

It's like what /u/putin_loves_cats said: "is someone desperate enough to damn near commit 3 crimes (possibly felonies) in order to sell some t-shirts?"

That doesn't seem to be very logical thinking to me.

The goal is to scare people away from investigating Alfentis

But, as I said elsewhere, this doesn't scare anyone away from it. This makes people investigate further and harder.

You're saying that because Alefantis said "Stop or I'll kill you and your family!" that it's going to scare all the thousands of internet sleuths from continuing to dig up all the information they can from the safety of their homes and keyboards?

No way.

I didn't say it was going to work, just that they wanted to.

But what I'm saying is that wanting to sell a few measly t-shirts doesn't seem like anywhere near enough motivation to commit three chargeable crimes. That's my point.

Not saying some people aren't desperate enough to do that, but he doesn't seem to have the character make up to be one of those types.

Unless he was crisis actor working with an Alfentis ally.

Feels to me like this is starting to veer into Occam's Razor territory.

If you wanna go with Occam's Razor then all those times they say "pizza" they are actually talking about pizza.

Not big on Occam's Razor around these parts...

Applying Occam's Razor in the manner that you mention here doesn't work when the word in question is used in as absolutely out of context a manner as it is in the pizzagate case. Occam's Razor has to be applied to the entire context under which the word in question is being used - and as has been noted by everyone who's looked into this, the use of the words pizza, handkerchief, map, etc, are completely out of any type of context under which those words would otherwise normally be used.

Applying Occam's Razor in this particular case, as a matter of fact, actually underscores just how anomalous this pizzagate case is because it illustrates just how out of place the words being used are.

Pizza = Cocaine... how does that make you feel... You can't go off the rails (pun intended) sometimes and then totally accept the next thing at face value... I know everyone has their own beliefs... but you have very strong feelings about this particular issue... like you seem really "invested" in it.

You make the mistake of confusing a simple ability to respond with being "really invested".

Even if pizza means what you just interpreted above, the criminality of the action is no less punishable - so a lot of people should absolutely still be investigated and possibly put in prison.

And let's not even talk about what would happen if "pizza" stands for what it's more often being interpreted as. And there is a lot more circumstantial evidence pointing to "pizza" meaning pedophilia than cocaine.

Regardless of what exactly it means, however, the fact of the matter is that you just finished going back on your original attempt to apply Occam's Razor to this case (that "pizza is just pizza") because you here just admitted that "pizza" is most definitely not referring to just "pizza".

Oh I wholeheartedly agree that something sketchy is going on... but anything related to Alefantis is totally irrelevant unless it is using him to link further in the ring... everyone is focused on such a tiny portion of the picture... Alefantis' boat is sunk... it sank long ago... but piling more evidence on it now isn't gonna make him go to jail any quicker... The FBI will make their move when the time is right... but it certainly won't be before Inauguration.

Oh I wholeheartedly agree that something sketchy is going on... but anything related to Alefantis is totally irrelevant unless it is using him to link further in the ring.

But it would seem that a great deal of what is going on directly involves Alefantis, so continuing with anything related to him wouldn’t be totally irrelevant in that sense.

everyone is focused on such a tiny portion of the picture... Alefantis' boat is sunk... it sank long ago... but piling more evidence on it now isn't gonna make him go to jail any quicker.

Perhaps part of the reason why focus on Alefantis continues is because A) he’s the biggest red flag that’s been uncovered thus far, B) none of the other snakes have been uncovered yet, and C) he may very well be hiding a lot of the other snakes, so continuing on him might ultimately reveal the others.

The FBI will make their move when the time is right... but it certainly won't be before Inauguration.

I’m not sure the FBI should be trusted w/anything really. That said, I do hope you’re right and something gets done…and if they are going to do something, it would make sense to wait until after inauguration.

I figured you would be a voat reader... they have already connected Alefantis to a ton of other people... but they are private citizens in a lot of cases so it is frowned upon chatting about them here cause it is awfully doxxy.

Trust me... I know the FBI... if you don't know about "Operation Cross Country" then you haven't been paying close enough attention... too busy picking the bones of James Alefantis I guess... but the FBI along with a nice chunk of the DOJ are gonna move on all the bigger fish real soon... but not too soon... gotta be patient... but that time is better spent looking past one specific pizza place... Alefantis is done for... his case is terminal... there are other weasels out there just hoping not to get implicated though.

Get to voat if you are really interested in the pizzagate stuff... they really cast a wide net there... they go after the guys we cant go after on this sub.

I figured you would be a voat reader... they have already connected Alefantis to a ton of other people... but they are private citizens in a lot of cases so it is frowned upon chatting about them here cause it is awfully doxxy.

I’m on Voat every now and then, but not super often, honestly. That they’ve connected Alefantis to others already is very interesting information actually.

Trust me... I know the FBI... if you don't know about "Operation Cross Country" then you haven't been paying close enough attention.

Well, I guess I haven’t bene paying close enough attention lately, cuz I’m not familiar with “Operation Cross Country”. What is it?

the FBI along with a nice chunk of the DOJ are gonna move on all the bigger fish real soon.

I’m just not so sure since some of the elite are in the FBI and the DOJ, so I don’t know how much they’ll go after members in their own ranks.

Get to voat if you are really interested in the pizzagate stuff... they really cast a wide net there... they go after the guys we cant go after on this sub.

Interesting. Will go over there and take a look. Thanks.

The good guys have been organizing behind everyone's backs... sure there are bad guys in every arm of the government... but they never thought the good guys would ever be able to make a move on them... but those good guys have been very careful and meticulous... cause they are the real defenders of justice... FBI, DOJ and AG's office has some real freedom fighters... a whole lot of Finns and not nearly enough Kylo Rens to stay in control....

Got to voat if you wanna focus on pizzagate and human trafficking... go to /r/FBI2/ if you want a taste of the justice that has been brewing... and https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/operation-cross-country-x if you wanna see where the two intersect.

Thanks for the info. Cheers,

Some one vould have saved video and reposted it

But it looks like the guy himself that made the video is the one that did it. It looks like it's his youtube channel that it's on.

He did take it down for a while. Then decided to put it back up after he made the threat video. Honestly, if he was truly threatened, getting as much info on his channel about the threat, including the video that caused the threat, is the best idea. Create a public record.

Makes sense.

He never communicated with Alefantis. The person is a con-man who made everything up to sell merchandise and promote his own ego.

Thanks for all the evidence you've provided to support this.

Thanks for all the evidence you've provided to support this.

It's unbelievable easy to change chat to appear as you want it to using inspect element:


Do you seriously think that somebody who is so determined to prove that pizzagate is a crime would waste/blow two opportunities to provide the first hard evidence of a crime actually being committed by Alefantis (death threats)?

The guy is a scam artist.

It's definitely a possibility. That seems certain. I just wouldn't be as quick to rush to conclusions as you seem to be since there is so much circumstantial evidence against Alefantis showing that he might indeed be involved in some extremely criminal activity.

Which is what makes it so strange that apparently this guy would somehow blow two chances to get the first actual evidence of criminal activity.

That's fair. So maybe the guy is full of it. Again, I'm not sure one way or the other, and that's why I made this OP - to try to get a better understanding of things. I'm just not assuming he actually is f.o.s. yet. I'd like to see what else turns up in terms of whatever other videos he uploads or other communications he might have.

he would delete his "Alefantis Kill Room" video?

have you tried deleting shit off the internet ?

(very difficult after ppl make copies and mirrors)

Okay. Fair. However, it seems that he re-uploaded it himself to his youtube channel. That's a bit different than finding that the video you uploaded is still up because someone else mirrored it independent of your actions.

I didn't say it was going to work, just that they wanted to.

I'm not a lawyer, this is lay man understanding... Nothing really, unless taken up the chain of command (local->state->Federal). Who we talking about here, the accuser or the accused?

And if he was really inventive, he could look up "a" James Alefantis, not the James Alefantis, pay him $50 to answer a burner phone with a dc number bought online and send a prefabricated script via text, he makes a report, doesn't press charges. No crime was even committed. ... sales go through the roof. .. lmao but I'm criminal minded. ...

skeptic |ˈskeptik | (Brit. sceptic) noun 1 a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.

incline verb |inˈklīn • [ with obj. ] make (someone) willing or disposed to do something

Skeptics are people who have a personal tendency to be skeptical. Not necessarily with reason.

Either way we are both splitting hairs. The goal of my comment was to give a short explanation of COINTELPRO. Not establish any accusations. Glad we can have a good conversation.

Haha... fun... they are also guessing he'd fake it with Inspect Element in the comments... Glad I'm not the only one to think of that.

I'm on the fence, you can come to whatever conclusion you want.

I figured you would be a voat reader... they have already connected Alefantis to a ton of other people... but they are private citizens in a lot of cases so it is frowned upon chatting about them here cause it is awfully doxxy.

I’m on Voat every now and then, but not super often, honestly. That they’ve connected Alefantis to others already is very interesting information actually.

Trust me... I know the FBI... if you don't know about "Operation Cross Country" then you haven't been paying close enough attention.

Well, I guess I haven’t bene paying close enough attention lately, cuz I’m not familiar with “Operation Cross Country”. What is it?

the FBI along with a nice chunk of the DOJ are gonna move on all the bigger fish real soon.

I’m just not so sure since some of the elite are in the FBI and the DOJ, so I don’t know how much they’ll go after members in their own ranks.

Get to voat if you are really interested in the pizzagate stuff... they really cast a wide net there... they go after the guys we cant go after on this sub.

Interesting. Will go over there and take a look. Thanks.

Oh... I just use a typewriter plugged into a CRT TV so that I can avoid all those nefarious files that hackers put on the FBI website... My OS is an AOL CD and a turntable. Now that is safe surfing! No Russians influencing my erections! I only masterbate to vintage Playboys now.

Thanks for all the evidence you've provided to support this.

It's unbelievable easy to change chat to appear as you want it to using inspect element:


Do you seriously think that somebody who is so determined to prove that pizzagate is a crime would waste/blow two opportunities to provide the first hard evidence of a crime actually being committed by Alefantis (death threats)?

The guy is a scam artist.

That's fair. So maybe the guy is full of it. Again, I'm not sure one way or the other, and that's why I made this OP - to try to get a better understanding of things. I'm just not assuming he actually is f.o.s. yet. I'd like to see what else turns up in terms of whatever other videos he uploads or other communications he might have.