Ya, I am totally convinced that money is the slave whip and we can rebalance the world powers so that we are on an equal playing field without money.

12  2017-01-08 by LightBringerFlex

No matter what system you use, money is the issue. Communism, socialism, capitalism, and others all use money since it really benefits the elite.

The only modern system that has never really been used before is sacred economics.

It's based purely on free will with little law interference so don't worry. No IRS and no cops will come after you if you don't work. Right now, about a third of the country doesn't work because who wants to work for peanuts?

In sacred economics, we all work our passions and each transaction (whether a trip to the store or clocking in and out) is put into a public database so our work lives are transperant. The reason for this is to see if any of our people are NOT working, barely working, or hoarding goods. Basically, the feedback system is to help us identify problems. Let's say a man in NY doesn't want to work. He will be exposed to anyone that knows him and the people will attempt to educate him on the importance of work. Peer pressure does work. Still, most people will understand the meaning of work when the system is set up correctly.

The beauty of work on sacred economics is:

  1. We can all work without worrying about low wages. Work is mostly to increase the wealth of the world since we move up and down together. There are no classes in sacred economics. It's just a system that promotes taking what you need and giving away what you don't use anymore.

  2. Everything is recycled back into the system by donating what we no longer use to another so needs it. What we use is ours until we no longer need it like an unused fridge in the garage. Recycling means a wealthier nation or planet.

  3. No man can hoard enough power to enslave the rest or destroy the economy. It's simply impossible.

  4. All financial crimes will "poof!" disappear leaving us with a safer planet. This includes Mafia and gangs shutting down. Why sell drugs if there is not money to be made? The wealth of the nation will keep those less fortunate people back into fortunate mode so no need for gangs. Financial war mongering would cease as well.

  5. Our sharing system will bring us closer together making for a United people which is fantastic and extremely rewarding in the long run.

  6. Banks would have to shut down. Accountants gone. Any job relating to money is gone and banks can no longer destroy our communities. This will leave room for more important jobs and we have so many people that we can cover every position available.

  7. National debt gone. Actual unemployment will drop drastically since it is worth working again.

  8. The people will seek out two job types. One I see their passion. The second are honorable jobs like taking out the trash or janitorial positions. These jobs are looked down on now but they will be looked up upon in the future.

  9. We have so many people that there I should no need to run an 8 hour work day. I would experiment with a 5 hour work day after a few months of getting started. At first, we should work 8 hours while we figure things out.

  10. We solve problems together. Can't keep up with production at the wood shop? Put an ad out for more workers. Make phone calls to people that chop wood down and make bigger orders. The idea is to keep up with demand. The people will be taught to take what they will use and so there is no point in hoarding as it is bad for the economy. Anyone who hoards will be outed in the online feedback database.

  11. Switch jobs anytime. Feeling bored? Try something else.

There are tons of benefits to this. We would need to figure out how to jump start this though. I'm not quite sure how but there are many of us so we can figure it out.


Congrats you figure it out

I'm trying. Feel free to help.

Shut it all down folks, its solved.

And it will never happen. awesome concept but there would be so damn many layabouts.

I think that's a small issue. You'll probably find this idea will fail solely because most people still want to be rich one day.

I would actually fully support it. It would allow me to to follow my dreams instead of doing the 9-5 grind.

Yes, see. Most people are in a struggle at some job they don't like. Some people are doing great but they are surrounded by a minefield of despair that is occurring all around them. Semi successful people don't understand that bankruptcy can happen out of nowhere since there are so many minefields around.

All the suffering Americans you see hit minefields. Sometimes because they are a minority and often because the economy is hanging on a string and so shit goes sideways for them. They think as long as they are meeting the bills, they are ok but they don't realize that a mine free zone without money is wayyy better than doing well while surrounded by economic dangers of every sort including the banks and federal reserve which are the worst of them.

I would LOVE to not stress about money. it fucking sucks.

what are the main. differences between this concept and the guaranteed living wage I've heard rumors about?

If they ever make a basic wage, we would get about $2700 a year which isn't much but it helps. They would use the hoarded money to pass that around but the Yankees don't want to,because it goes against their long term plans of reducing the economy to ashes and then requesting worldwide power to "fix" the world. See? No way they get more power and they continue with more evil plans. Waste of time.

Here's all you have to do in sacred economics.

  1. Choose any job you want. It doesn't matter what you choose because the rewards are the same either way. Be a cook, an artist, a musician, a psychologist or choose an honor job and pick up the trash, remove graffiti from walls, plant trees, build the homeless a tent city, etc.. you will feel good either way because following a passion feels good and everyone loves you for picking an honor job. You will never have bills or naything to worry about. All you have to worry about is creating a functioning system at your work place. You will have help from coworkers and it's similar to how we do it now in capatlism.

No bills. You are safe at your home. That home is yours until you decide to move and give it away.

Money has become so insanely problematic that half of the world can't afford 3 square meals a day! Homeless and drugs all over the place. Rich people like Rothschild destroying our lives. It's not worth it. I would rather sleep in peace.

I would rather worry about feeding YOU at my restaurant than paying taxes to the federal reserve. Life is so much easier now. So so much easier and so so delicious. :)

almost sounds too good to be true but I would welcome it. Humanity can thrive with a system like that, maybe even letting us reach a new age of.enlightenment.

Sure huge jumps in life towards a better place can sound too good to be true but that is because we have lived in a world that aims to keep u shown rather than help us rise. Once we get into the gist of things, it will be more acceptable and people will respect human will and inspiration a lot more once we figure it out.

I know up and down that humans are far from experiencing a harmonious lifestyle. I know why and I know how people give up in life. I was born with the gift of supreme optimism and all other people are born with particular gifts as well. The combination of these gifts is where we really make our money as people have combo effects.

Consider h20. Helium is flammable. Oxygen spreads fire. Combine the 2 and you have water that can douse a fire. Every single person has a gift. Some people are patient, others are physically powerful. We combine our efforts and build an economy never before seen on this planet.

The one bit of tip I can give all people is "believe". Lack of faith leads to inaction which is the worst thing anyone can do.

H2O is Hydrogen and oxygen. but I get your meaning. I agree with everybody has gifts, you just have to learn how to cultivate them.

Yes, sorry.

Ever read Capital?


Maybe you ought to do that before you go lumping socialism/communism in with capitalism.

I'm not lumping anything. Sacred economics is simply a different system. All systems have some similarities. Communism and socialism are worst than capitalism but sacred is way better than capitalism. Way way better.

Do you want to be fairly compensated for your labor?

Depends who decides what "fair" is. Apparently in a world with 8 billion people "fair" means living in a shack with a dirt floor and nothing to eat for the majority.

Doesn't seem right, does it? Especially when taking into account the fact that the amount of wealth (profit, i.e., stolen labor) that is hoarded by those relative few on top would be enough to provide all of us a decent standard of living.

I think the point is that there is no compensation because you'd pretty much have what you need/want.

What would you do if you weren't stuck in your job? Poetry, art, building things for the hell of it? Go do that, share the joy of your work with whoever is interested. Or go do a shit job that needs to be done and have all the social clout that comes with being a martyr for society (and probably not have to do it all that much, since there are plenty of status seekers willing to do the job)

Most of that is actually alright. However, we are social creatures and this we cannot avoid the necessity of social labor. Of course, the idea is to use the wealth and technology that we, as a whole, have developed, and will continue to develop, in order to free ourselves and our time that we can invest our energy in those things that are most wholly satisfying to our human spirit.

What do you mean by social labor? If there was an assertion that people under this system would be in some way prevented from cooperation with one another to complete greater tasks, I don't see it.

Who determines what's fair? The people hoarding all the money? No thanks. SE will produce more wealth for the whole which falls back on us in ways Bette Ethan what you see now.

Of course the people hoarding the wealth aren't going to decide what's fair. They can't. It's not in the interest of capital to act according to fairness. The people, all 8 billion of us, must organize global production and consumption on a democratic scale. That's you, and me, and all of us.

Yup and if we only put 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, we will have enough for a life of dignity for all. Business is easy when there is no money. We just call and request things from each other as needed instead of needing to afford it. That means the wheels of business move quickly.

Instead of competition, we get cooperation plus it's actually very fun in the end of it all.

Yep. I think you'd take away quite a bit from reading Marx. After all, one of his central motivations was the freeing up of time in the manner we're talking about.

I haven't read Marx.

I know. I'm saying that you should.

It would probably take an incredibly massive overhaul, and decades to change if we started now, to eliminate the money system the replace it with something better (and closer to what you are talking about).

But I agree that it needs to go for people to be free. The money system is one of the most fundamental pieces of and most powerful tools of the negative power structure.

Actually if we all agreed to do it in one state, we can get it going quickly. Just need some preplanning.

I agree that something like this could be implemented with relatively quick speed, but only if a huge amount of people agreed to do it. That's the main problem. The vast majority of the populace is very far from understanding and agreeing to this kind of stuff.

This is where social media comes in handy because we have to start at step 1 which is spreading the idea.

Anybody considered a weed based currency?

Good post. Weed is illegal and a class 1 drug because that setup makes the elite even richer. Without money, that's shit would be legal to grow without a license.

Yeah. I am just really high and was giggling as I posted it.

But yes - its illegal because big pharma needs it to be illegal.

Also the failed "drug war" needs more money to support itself as in much of the country, street cops dressed and armed as US Marines wont be able to ruin a 17 year old kids life by prosecuting him for having a 1/2" roach in his car.

Not sure if this is the right sub. Nice ideas tho.

If you grow your own food a lot of the fear porn goes away. Consider the following. One grow tent with one 135 watt bulb can provide light to four 5 gallon buckets for 24 hours. Rotate 3 times in a day, every 8 hours, and you can grow 12 units (with 1 unit = one 5 gallon bucket + plant). 3 tents and you have 36 active plants. You can grow a lot of food in 36 buckets. For the cost of ~8 light bulbs. potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, sweet potatoes, cabbage. I'm curious if one could live off this.

Yam this is a great idea if we continue with the every man for himself motto which is so much less efficient than a cooperative model. Sure, we can still do this but the basics should be that we work for the masses in an individualized way which can mean anything from a cashier to an artist. That's all we have to do for 5 hours a day and take the weekends off. 300 million people doing this minus about 5% who don't work will lead to such an enourmity of wealth for us all.

This money in our pocket only holds meaning to the elite because it is used as a slave Shaun and whip. They know most people are suffering badly. Sad but true. The tricky part is getting a whole state in on it so we can simply just do it. What are they going to do? Wage war on a US state? Ahh fuck em. Who cares. As long as we build wealth and improve quality of life, we will be so dug into this new lifestyle that we will defend it like the Indians are defending the alter on standing rock.

the problem is with waiting for people to find a sufficiently sustainable self-organizing model that can scale. this isn't happening with any reasonable haste. ergo, "it has to start somewhere".

Anything that favours community over state dictates is a good thing in my opinion.

A lot of people don't realise just how independent we actually are.

We don't need huge amounts of medical care, yes obviously we need trauma surgeons, but obstetrics, oncology, geriatric care and all the rest of it is just harmful BS.

We don't need huge amounts of education either, education these days is basically indoctrination. Nowadays we have kids being taught about having sex with animals, WTF! I even remember from my own time at school when a weird old woman came to talk to us about blowjobs when we were 13 years old!

We need to reexamine agriculture too. If something doesn't grow in winter, then maybe that's because it shouldn't be eaten during winter!

Maybe instead of slaughtering millions of sentient beings per year to satiate or thirst for meat, we should eat mainly fruit/vegetables? This would be good for our happiness levels too, when you eat an animal that has been tortured, you relive that trauma. Matter is conscious and spiritual...

Anyway, I agree with everything you said, have an upvote.

Thanks. Everything from education to health care is,rigged to make the elite more rich. For example, we have cures for cancer and they keep killing doctors that offer natural therapies instead of the expensive stuff like chemotherapy. Why? It's more profitable to torture the patients. :(

Jesus was right. Money is Pandora's box. NOT wealth. Wealth is great. It's money that's the problem.

Also, there is a lot of info pointing to the secret stashes of massive amounts of resources and technology plus cash being held.back from the community.

People don't realise that for the most part the elite need our consent.

People choose to send their kids to school, people choose to go to war to kill foreigners, these are all things we choose to do.

People choose to take on mortgages also. The elite are powerful because we make them powerful, partly through ignorance, but also through laziness.

Ya pretty much and I'm glad you are bringing it up because a lot of people are too busy to even think and so this info is spreading finally as people are sick am doing tired of the gov abuse.

I agree with you. Some will say everyone would just be lazy and not do anything if they didn't have to work but I think it would be the opposite. Everyone would have the time and capacity to follow their dreams and become whatever they wanted instead of day dreaming about it working at a job they hate. I have alot of things I want to do and accomplish but money has always been a barrier from doing this.

Here's a short film I like from Charles Eisenstein talking about sacred economics https://youtu.be/EEZkQv25uEs

This could happen suddenly, and soon