Yesterday I found out that MKUltra was an actual thing.

186  2017-01-09 by [deleted]



Scary ain't it? And in actuality it's much worse than the wikipedia article would make it seem.

They must have inception level shit in 2017

There's no question they do. MKUltra isn't the worst declassified thing they've ever done here, either. Look into the St Louis gassing for another treat. There's a lot, it's a rabbit hole, and it may make you feel like you are losing your mind. I had to take a break from research to clear my head for awhile.

Look up 'Devil's Breath' drug scopolamine and there you have it, as simple as that

Yea I was going to say that it's more widespread and subtle today. They mapped the human mind and found all the frequencies that impact each emotion and even thoughts. They figured out mind control on many levels through this program and I have no doubts they bombard us everyday with rf aimed to control our emotions and thought patterns.

they bombard us everyday with rf

They don't need RF to target your mind when lots of media and news organizations are mostly bought and paid for by the CIA.

Don't think for a second that they actually stopped this practiced.

Yeah, but they have both.

Mockingbird is meant to control the masses, while MKULTRA-style technology gives them a way to create "lone gunmen" that can be activated at will.

They support one another. A mass shooting is a national terror story which is filtered through the mockingbird-subverted media in order to maintain public fear or distract from political scandals.

The technology is portable, wireless and invisible. And as effective as they are at controlling the masses, they are equally effective at manipulating individuals. It can be as dramatic as a shooting, or it can be as subtle as inducing "schitzophrenia" to discredit a dangerous economic theorist.

– 85% complain of directed energy weapons assault, including sleep deprivation, induced sleep, feeling hot spots on body, feeling shocks or electric currents on body, irregular heart rates, dream manipulation, having thoughts induced, 23% have blackouts, 25% complain of burns on their body, 52% have memory loss or declining neuro-cognitive function. This goes along with microwave sickness, as occured in US Embassy in Russia. These are cumulative effects. It can take up to 10 years for physical symptoms to manifest from chronic EMF exposure.

Female: “Zapping my body, influencing my dreams, image and zapping happened at same time. “

The owner of the website you cited, Eric Karlstom, had not cited the source. Who created the survey? Who wrote a survey analysis. Where is the rest of the survey analysis?

It looks like Eric T. Karlstrom made this up based on his two other unsubstantiated estimates:

(1) It can take up to 10 years for physical symptoms to manifest from chronic EMF exposure.

False. It does not take ten years for TIs to realize they have been attacked by directed energy weapons.

(2) Be very careful going to local law enforcement: 42% will commit you for psychiatric evaluation.

Where did he get 42%?

/u/zenmasterzen3, On the contact page, Eric Karlstrom does not disclose an email address. I attempted to send the permalink of my comment to Eric Karlstrom, but received the following error message. Would any one else like to try to ask him these questions?

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MKULTRA Sub project 68 is worth a look into, not specifically for what research they (Dr. Cameron) were doing but for how they secured indefinite funding for their work

It's funny because sometimes my colleagues and I talk about conspiracy theories when we're grabbing beers. They are always in such disbelief when I mention that MK Ultra was real, is real, and the government admitted to it. We live in such a crazy time - I don't think the establishment realized how detrimental the existence of "the internet" would be for their goals.

They F'd Up letting the interwebz out but think, they had web since 60s imagine if we had web in 60s they couldn't have pulled off JFK

If they can pull off so much shit in 2017 with the internet and all, they could have surely pulled off JFK with the internet in the 60s

Don't worry Oswald would have dropped his passport.

And TMZ would release the video.


What is this?

half the world has had the internet for atleast 15 years. it really isn't that detrimental to them.

Just wait to see their reaction when you tell them they faked the moon landing.

Did u see it in this video?

I think dat vidz made by snoop Dogg, he secret conspiracy lurker

What exactly is the point of this.

2 get ppl Woke

I thought it was just spam. Didnt realize it was a 30 second woke video. The CNN/CIA thing is spooky

Yeah it is anti luminati & NWO propagrandpa designed to wake up millennial stoners

You really think he lurks here?

I can proove it because I got names of ALL his sock accounts

What kind of shot he post in here? Any good theories? Lol

Dude he got best stuff that's why his karma so high, bu t I know for a fact they blocked/banned 3 of his accounts over pg8

Damn that's badass if he's posting in here helping spread the word.

I believe in how serious your are. But you ain't gonna get a real actionable following from an anon network of like mindeds. You gotta go to those you trust who still are capable of critical thought, in person. It's person to person, to all those here who feel a revolution will spontaneously happen because of info on the net? Well they're half right, but real momentum comes from groundswell. The net is the Data, the people are still the blunt tool that is applied. The mentality of "we'll post the proof, someone else will take action" leads to those with the resources to take action first (The ones we seek to bring to justice) They (so far) are the only ones in the field getting thier hands dirty, and in a bad way. What will call our brothers to arms? Have you seen enough yet? are you moved to action yet? Because the MIC is, The 7th Floor group is, it's status quo for them, action is new for many of us but if you expect change, stop looking to your left and right, YOU must lead the charge brothers, I must lead the charge. Get ready, time to leave your comfort and enter the history books. This is where words meet action. This is where you put your freedom where your mouth is. Good luck fellow patriots, this may be the time to stand for what you believe in. Stand and fight, don't sit and blog.

Well said

Here's some more education.

Don't worry I'm covered. Thanks for the link though.

It gets better. There's technology out there that 25-50 years ahead of us. Security devices that can cause you to become paralyzed and starve to death if no one turns it off.

It is, mmmkay

That's a scary wiki to surf at 3am in the morning...

Thanks for the info

HQ was not too far from where I grew up. Although i have not been there, couple of close friends who like that sort of thing have been in the buildings and say lots of crazy writings on the walls. Nothing exciting, but a real place you can still visit and why don't you drive by the Tesla property on the way back.

/u/Donkmaymays I highly suggest you post this again with the title of "How to instantly red-pill those who can be recovered" and urge people to take screenshots/a short video of the wikipedia page(so they don't delete it if it picks up steam) and share it anywhere possible. This right here is how you red-pill 75% of a country, or at least 20%(which is enough to restart the country).

Do it OP.

I've started #Operation_1776 Let's try to get it trending.

You can also literally google "operation paperclip" and "Operation mockingbird"

Operation Northwoods is a good one too

The tuskegee syphilis experiment is good for an afternoon laugh


What is this?

Yep. I wrote a book that gives a nice introduction to that rabbit hole in a narrative:

If anyone is curious!

If this one is true (it is) then how many more conspiracies are true? Most of the government conspiracies have some truth to them, maybe all the details aren't completely figured out but the general ideas are true

Most of them.

At this point I totally wouldn't be surprised if the philidalphia experiment actually did occur, or if roswell was an actual alien crash site, or the nazi's had free-energy tachyon drives. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

They emphasized LSD test and not the sexual molestation of children for blackmail purposes, see this woman's testimony to a Senate Hearing about how she was repeatedly raped at age 10:

The other part of MK ULTRA they buried was "biological radiowaves". That means, you can use EMR from a source like a satellite or radar station to influence the thoughts, actions, personality of a target from a distance without their knowledge.

Many recent mass shooters complain about this technology having been used on them by the Government. While the target wants to raise awareness of his torture, in reality he is furthering a gun confiscation agenda which the Government wants.

MK ULTRA appears to be research in order to create a global slave state.

You sound crazy but you are right. Imagine how much progress they had in the last 40 years. I think they use physical and emotional torture to induce PTSD and then they program you.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

If you want more info on the programming tactics read this:

Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography

The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.

Maybe the shooter got into CP because of MK ULTRA. Maybe he was just a schizo pervert. Who knows.

Imagine how much progress they had in the last 40 years

At least in the aviation and aeronautics industry i've read a number of times that they are anywhere between 100 and 1000 years in advance of what is considered "known science".

Many recent mass shooters complain about this technology having been used on them by the Government.

"Many recent mass shooters complain about this technology having been used on them by the Government." Please provide sauce to backup this statement, I'm very interested.

No offense to the commenter you're replying to, but don't hold your breath.

I've actually read a lot about this. Especially James Holmes and the Sandy Hook shooter. Seems really weird.

I gave sources.

May was a member of the group, “Targeted Individuals International,” on Facebook. On November 14, six days before the shooting he posted on the group’s page, asking if anyone else there had “been encouraged to by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?”

The Washington Times article “42 days after ‘microwave mind control’ complaint, Alexis kills 12” openly discusses a self-professed U.S. military intelligence veteran who says directed energy weapons are used to create government assassins:

Julianne McKinney, former director of the Electronic Surveillance Project at the now defunct Association of National Security Alumni in Silver Springs, Maryland, and who self identifies as U.S. Army intelligence veteran, self-published “Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation” in 1992 and “Mind Control and the Secret State” in 2008.

According to McKinney’s 1992 paper, “the long term objectives of these harassment and experimentation campaigns appear to be…redirect the targeted individual’s feelings of hopelessness, anger, and frustration toward racial and ethnic groups, and toward select, prominent political figures… (and to) force the individual to commit an act of violence, whether suicide or murder, under conditions which can be plausibly denied by the government.” [emphasis added]

Suspected Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev heard voices inside his head and had an alter-ego, a report published in The Boston Globe claimed yesterday.

As part of a five-month investigation, the Globe spoke to a number of sources close to Tsarnaev. Donald Larking, 67, who attended the same Boston mosque as the suspected bomber, said Tsarnaev believed the voices were part of a “majestic mind control”, which was “a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist."

Most often kept to the febrile fringes of the conspiracy web, gang-stalking appeared in mainstream news this week in reference to the Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Long, a former marine who killed three police officers and injured three others before being shot dead.

Media outlets pieced together Long’s online presence as “Freedom Strategist” and “Mental Game Coach” Cosmo Setepenra, the pseudonym he used to create a series of e-books, YouTube videos, and a Twitter feed. Reports also connected Long to posts on a page titled “Stop Organised Gang Stalking,” where a user named cosmo717 was presumed to be Long.

In a not-very-publicized article from the Denver Westword, Unruh indeed claims that Holmes told him that he was programmed to kill by an “evil therapist” – a very simple term describing what might have been his trauma-based mind control handler. He also reportedly added that “he felt like he was in a video game” during the shooting (which is somewhat how one feels when an alter persona is triggered) , that “he wasn’t on his meds” and “nobody would help him.”

Does it not seem more likely that serial killing is highly correlated with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, for which one of the chief distinguishing symptoms is the hearing of voices?

My skeptical side is more inclined to believe a mentally ill person heard voices and decided to kill people vs a person was brain-washed by the government in order to kill people.

James Holmes, while not diagnosed, has generated much discussion: Defense: 20 Doctors Agree James Holmes Has Schizophrenia

I guess my main issue is that you've provided 5 cases in which the individual in question claims to have been brain-washed. PBS reports there were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015. You have listed 5 cases here spanning 4 years. If we say there was an average of 300 mass shootings in the US per year on average, then the sample here is about 0.42% of such attacks. In my mind, that is not a compelling degree of evidence for such an extraordinary claim.

My main qualms are * You give 5 accounts where the killer claims they are being controlled by the government. The number of assumptions required to believe in this hypothesis far outweighs the number of assumptions to believe one random person has an undocumented mental illness. Occam's Razor makes me inclined to believe in the latter case. * If I understand you correctly, your suspected motivation for the government orchestrating these attacks is

in reality he is furthering a gun confiscation agenda which the Government wants. I am not sure that's a really valid claim. In 2016, (the National Rifle Association)[] is the 8th largest outside lobbyist in congress, providing critical financial support to Republican candidates. Given that Republicans are running the federal government roughly half the time, I'm not sure why they would be so motivated to push a gun confiscation agenda given they rely so heavily on pro-gun money to survive. * However, if we assume that you are correct in ascertaining the government's motivation here, I do have one question for you, /u/zenmasterzen3, if you were in the position of shady government official, and have the power of brain-washing at your disposal, is orchestrating mass murders the most effective way for you to further this agenda? Even Sandy Hook and the Orlando Shootings, two of the grisliest and mass murders in recent memory had virtually no lasting policy effect. Mass murders simply do not affect policy in any lasting way. Would you not prefer to use your brain-washing in a more effective manner? (Like brain-washing members of Congress to directly further your policy agenda, brain-washing supreme court justices, etc). * If we agree on the last bullet point, that brain-washing Congress would be a highly effective strategy in making lasting changes at your will, then we can consider the following. 435 in the House and 100 in the Senate. Given that we are seeing first-hand testimonies of mass shooters being brain-washed at the above-established rate of 0.42%, we should expect approximately 2 first-hand testimonies of Congressmen lashing out against their brain-washing predators and going to the press.

I ask you, /u/zenmasterzen3, do you have sources for at least one Congressman reporting that they have been brain-washed by the government? If so, then maybe you are on to something!

Have a good evening, I hope you can help me see a bit more clearly where you are coming from. I am quite likely overlooking/oversimplifying the case you are making here, so please correct me and counter my points as appropriate. I really do not mean to act condescendingly or to belittle your case here.

If I understand you correctly, your suspected motivation for the government orchestrating these attacks is "in reality he is furthering a gun confiscation agenda which the Government wants." I am not sure that's a really valid claim.

And yet credible people claim this is the pattern, staged mass shooting (or mind controlled shooter) and gun legislation enacted. Example, Brigadier Serong, whose job it was to train soldiers to carry out mass shootings (such as at post offices) during the Vietnam war

‘‘There was an almost satanic accuracy to that shooting performance,’’ Serong pronounced, using words that still echo around crank internet sites. ‘‘Whoever did it is better than I am, and there are not too many people around better than I am.’’

“Whoever did it,” he continued, “has skills way beyond anything that could reasonably have been expected from this chap Bryant ... If it was someone of only average skills, there would have been many less killed and many more wounded.”

Former CIA Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack”

The most recent intelligence whistleblower is David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence.

Steele, a former CIA clandestine services case officer, had this to say:

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”


Mass murders simply do not affect policy in any lasting way

They do in Australia and Europe. It took only one false flag attack in Australia to confiscate all the automatic rifles. I wonder if we (I'm Australian) are pussies or stupid?

we should expect approximately 2 first-hand testimonies of Congressmen lashing out against their brain-washing predators

Different brainwashing methods. The target is not aware of them in all cases. For example, this technology was bought by DHS for their airport mind scanners:

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Smirnov moved from military research into treating patients with mental problems and drug addiction, setting up shop at the college. Most of the lab's research is focused on what it calls "psychocorrection" — the use of subliminal messages to bend a subject's will, and even modify a person's personality without their knowledge.

We do know that some congressmen know about the technology and have threatened to use it:

A day earlier, the press secretary, Marlin Fitzwater, had spoken of Republicans expressing disagreement with the President's policies, threatening "If they can sleep with their conscience, let them try." He cautioned that, while they were free to "say whatever they want," penalties might ensue, "but we never discuss it in public." He suggested that they would "suffer in their private purgatories." Pressed for an explanation, he responded "I can't tell you. If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

Think the insomnia that Aaron Alexis complained of.

The Washington Times article “42 days after ‘microwave mind control’ complaint, Alexis kills 12"

Search engine does not bring up the article. Where is it?


Investigators said Saturday that Santiago drew frequent police attention for domestic violence in his Alaska home town and twice was arrested within the last year. Two months before the shooting, they said, he was admitted to a mental-health facility after showing up at an FBI field office and telling agents his mind was being controlled, complaining that the government was forcing him to watch Islamic State videos

hi , long time victim of MK-ULTRA here , welcome to the world of legal slavery..

Serious? How do you mean?

i mean im a victim of MK-ULTRA , the mind control. i know how it works , how they programe and what to do with it that people just dont have a clue about and how they got the information in the 50s to break a person.

Tell your story.


Thank you for that. As this is r/conspiracy, I have some questions: how old are you? Male or female? Are you from Orkney?

no im from the north of ireland and i dont want to give out personal information , its in the side bar :) but i am happy to answer non personal questions.

Understood. Where were you taken? Other kids there?

the area i live in has 6 towns in a 20 mile radius , these small towns connect to the city of Belfast , the way these people work is like this , they are a society within a society , hidden , they have halls , be it scout halls , church halls or some times houses so big they have a ball room in the basement (you know the type of house ) they meet here , do their social thing , trade information on what new pruduct to avoid eating or drinking , what can be used for this or that , if something is for sale chances are it is harmful to the human body etc , they avoid everything like the plague ...

i was taken to quite a few places , to Davids house . rural masonic lodges down the coast . churches they own . and various homes owned by "elite or cult members" having a sex cult at the heart of it all brings in people from all over the world , hollywood elite are no exception , or are artists i will not name as i do not have funding for a lawyer . if i did this world would change ..

If what you are saying is true, and I obviously have no idea if it is, but IF it is the first thing I would say to you is I am VERY sorry and Sad that you went through that. And still going through it, I presume.

no longer in contact with ANY

the descriptions came from the book of the dead .

I know a psychiatrist with that book. Creepy.

psychiatrist with that book

i know why he/she has it .. watch them..

Lot of owl statues too.

the good..

The nobleness of the lion.

the high horizons of the eagle.

the perseverance and industry of the ant.

the dove's fidelity to one mate.

and the bad

the lack of seriousness of the ape.

the spider weaving its infernal snares to catch unaware victims.

and then .. Since it hides in darkness and avoids the light, the owl also came to symbolize Satan, the Prince of Darkness. Lucifer.

the owl is a filthy bird, because it pollutes its own nest with its dung. It loves to live around tombs and decaying structures. When the owl ventures out into the daylight, the other birds attack it. The scene of the owl mobbed by other birds is common in manuscripts and is often carved on misericords. This was generally understood as the just hostility of the righteous toward the wicked.

then find a lot of animals made from stone or wood but never say what they were created for . symbolism in the occult is everything to these people . be careful around that person.

Lots of people are telling it online:

I second this, please do tell!

just did , hit refresh

My apologies, but i'm at work and i'm trying to find where you posted and I can't seem to do so. Did you edit your original comment or something like that?

It's really weird. If you click the username it shows the response. But it's not in the thread though is says it is on the post history. Does that mean the user deleted the comment from the thread?


But I can still see his comment you replied to... I thought shadowbanning wouldnt allow us to see any of his comments. And if they are shadowbanned does that remove the post history as well? I dont know how it works.

Comment was removed by a mod then.

no ,it will be in the thread when you get home :)

This is really weird, I see the comment in your profile but not here

Wow... nobody got that?

they hide it well and the masonic war ( yes not all freemasons are a big happy family ) royal arch , york , scottish . all do what they want , they have hands nd fingers in everything but its all the same thing , power, sex and drugs. cults within cults within societies within societies .

And this is just what they're willing to let us see. Can you imagine?

Also, we almost didn't heard about it. They destroyed almost all of the records, but one box was misfiled so it got out. Imagine what was destroyed. Even of the parts not destroyed, a lot were redacted and censored.

Below is quite the rabbit hole and another likely victim. He wrote the first book about Lee Harvey Oswald, BEFORE the JFK assassination. He is the reason you think of LHO is a lone nut. He wrote Principia Discordia. He claims the CIA brainwashed him.

Also, doesn't all of this sound exactly like Abu Ghraib?

MKUltra stands for Mind Kontrol Ultra or Extreme mind control. Notice the use of the German spelling for control. This is because the scientists and doctors involved were German or influenced by Nazi thinking imported after WW2.

The rabbit hole goes much deeper when you realize how many political assassinations, and various false flag attacks in general, have been programmed this way.

One clear example, the Bobby Kennedy assassination by Sirhan Sirhan:

Lol. Wikipedia.

Only the things they want you to know make it onto there.

Oh its real and oh it's insane.

These disclosures were declassified and made public after a FOIA request.

What they acknowledged was, after a tremendous amount of study, they had technology or in better words, had figured out to breakdown and re-build, (brainwash) a human being.

Problem with it is it isn't too far a leap from that point to suggest it was used as a Manchurian Candidate situation.

Kinda makes you wonder how many shootings and other rather assassinations were conducted as a result of this.

had figured out to breakdown and re-build, (brainwash) a human being.

Naomi Klein goes into this subject a little bit in her book "The Shock Doctrine". The way she describes it, they were pretty good at breaking a person down, but the "rebuilding" part of their brainwashing was a failure, and that's the main reason why MKUltra was discontinued in '73.

Then again, we can't know whether or not Naomi Klein was aware of everything they did and didn't do.

Oh yea, I've read it. Good read, and in the story, it goes exactly as you've said. But did it, though? It would be very easy to omit the juiciest of the juicy details, and to further deliberately engage in a campaign of misdirection.

She very likely got authorization to write the book, but in no uncertain terms they sat her down and said you can't include, this, this and this. National security and whatnot.

And that's,just the stuff they DIDNT destroy. Wait till you start reading about monarch programs and dig into Behold a Pale Horse. MK Ultra still goes on, the CIA torture report was proof of that. Read Christopher Dorners manifesto , he predicted the BLM stuff years and years before

Welcome to 2017, nice to see you have awaken from your slumber

Imagine the 2016 version of MKULTRA. We know so much more about how the brain works, I have even created my own DIY neural net. It's SCARY what they have now.

This had been well knows since the 90s i thought. Hell they were even doing it before then.

Now that you know it is real, would you like to learn more about exactly how they operate?

This site has an extremely in-depth series of interviews with a woman named Svali, who claims to have been a victim who was forced to become a programmer/handler as an adult:

Whether or not you believe in the premise of the Illuminati or not her detailed, technical description of the techniques used today is good for thought at the very least, and a terrifying rabbit hole at worst.

Where have you been??? ;-) Also look up Operations Artichoke and Monarch.

Oh you should look at the doc: RFK must die.

congrats OP you're now on a Dept of Homeland Security list of traitors and domestic extremists because you're posting online calling for a revolution.

Official story said it was origin from WWII Nazi scientists (Paperclip project), I think it is a cover story, psychology stuff was Jewish, probably many come to US at early 30s.

Don't worry I'm covered. Thanks for the link though.

If they can pull off so much shit in 2017 with the internet and all, they could have surely pulled off JFK with the internet in the 60s

The tuskegee syphilis experiment is good for an afternoon laugh


What is this?

Thank you for that. As this is r/conspiracy, I have some questions: how old are you? Male or female? Are you from Orkney?

the descriptions came from the book of the dead .

I know a psychiatrist with that book. Creepy.