[drunk shower thought] What is the difference here? More inside...

5  2017-01-09 by Putin_loves_cats

Okay, so I was watching MSM on the FL shooter and this Russian Crypto-Jew commentator on Fox was saying a finger in the air was synonymous with Islam and Allah. So, I present these:

  1. http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/151/590x/Jesus-Main-626779.jpg
  2. http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/content/ktrk/images/cms/1690252_1280x720.jpg

Both are 1 finger in the air, representing one God - Monotheism (same with Judaism). What are they playing at? Are people really that ignorant? Are the high priests behind all monotheistic religions responsible for this (Think Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Atlantis -> pre-Deluge)..

Sorry if this is all over the place, but, it's been bugging me since I heard this dude spout some Royal Grade A Bullshit....



I've seen this, been a long ass time, though. I know about a lot of what he is saying. My post has many meanings :) one in in which that person goes into about :)

Jesus has two fingers in the air.

A painting made hundreds of years after someone lived is open to artistic license.

Jesus has two fingers in the air.

When and where?

I like turtles.


You asked for thoughts.

You aren't a very nice drunk.

Sure I am, you're just a piss poor sport :)

Oh I don't know about that little chap, I posted something fun, but you're being an asshole.

You posted nothing that had to do with OP, but is a "meme" in which you think is funny... So, context? You don't care about OP? Why post in the first place, champ? Gonna have to try harder with me :)

You're going to have to find someone else for your daily catfight.

Clenched_buttocks seems butt hurt his/her shit comment was widely upboated.... Cute.... Piss off, as well :)

Have yourself a good little snit. Kisses!

Keep that butt clenched, may be sore in the morning ;)

Sorry, I don't want your company.

Awwe, ok... Nighty nighty. Be sure to tell ma' about your Reddit Bronze!! You earned it, slugger!

You're a mean drunk.

Nah, you just feel bad and are projecting... Make sure mommy puts that on the fridge! You deserve it, champ!!

I can guess what position putin cats & clenched butts finger are in...πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸΏ#pickyourcolor

I bet Putin cat & clenched butt fingers are in this position right nowπŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΏ#pickyourcolor lol

In the picture he literally has two fingers

I see one...

I see two

Two pointing upwards?

Well his middle finger certainly isn't pointing down or to the side. I may be an angled vector, but it's angled up.

Jesus' middle finger isn't either. It's point to the right... His finger next to the thumb is pointing up, same with the "jihadi". One God - Monotheism. My damn point....

I can't find my protractor at this moment, but is greater than 45 degrees, which makes it up

No it isn't. Admit you're full of shit... KTHX...

It's greater than 45 degrees, which makes it up.

It's almost as UP as the Pixar movie.

You should probably look up hand sign benediction.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benediction

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 15174

The discussion should end right here.

I see a middle finger bent, almost fully extended but not quite. Then a fully extended ring finger.

Not going upwards.... 1 finger is, and it's the same finger, just cleverly disguised... Look at the PICTURES!!

With the thumb, pointer and ringer finger opened, the three open digits came to represent the Trinity (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), while the two closed represented the dual nature of Christ as both man and God.

The Islam 1 finger means... he is Allah, the one and only

That is not the Trinity, I know the Trinity. This is one finger upwards, it's monotheism. One god. All monotheistic religions do this. One God.. Tis's the point. Look into the Egyptian Pharaoh who adopted this.. They are the SAME...

Nah I'm not bias... So are you saying they created all the religions but use the same "one God" symbolism?

I'm saying the high priests did, yes.. They use all of them, and that is why we see similarities/common themes in all...

I actually agree with that. The messiah in the Quran is identical to the Christians antichrist. The Christians think the antichrist is going to Islamic. I think there's a connection there. Maybe Muslims will be tricked in worshipping the antichrist? I dunno.. that's something I've been researching lately.


Lol thanks grumpy ;)

You're incorrect.

How so?

In that there are two fingers extended, and you're insisting that there's only one.

Religion is a lie to fill a basic human need. There is no god. People are committing atrocities in the name of religion and it needs to stop.

I believe in intelligent creation.. Organized religion imo, is a control mechanism, but there is a Creator imo... My thoughts and beliefs...

That's fine, I don't nt agree with intelligent creation either but to each their own. I believe that humans are just a manifestation of life on our ambiguous planet orbiting an ambiguous star in a vast ocean of galaxies.

This is where we disagree, and where I think they are robbing you. You really think you mean nothing? You might as well kill yourself, no? You're just a meat bag, what's the point? Think about it. I mean this with peace and love, and no malice. Listen/read my words. You are far greater than that, I love you :)

I hear you but cant agree. If there was a god why would I be born male when everything inside of me is screaming that it's wrong.

Well, this would be something higher than "religion" (which I don't believe in). See, I believe our "soul beings" chose to be here. We have no say in the life we are dealt, and can either ascend or descend. The point is to ascend. You may be suffering from a mental illness and be tormented, but, what you do with your life may help another ascend.. Make sense? I'm not a hater, truly. I have my own opinions, but is that my life being or my spirit being? Two different things, hence the challenge. Make sense? I wish you well, peace and love....

Ahh someday our spirits as well as all the good and righteous people on earth will join once again and we shall be as one and all war shall discontinue

Interesting you used the male gender pronoun when you asked "why'd he do this to me" but you reject all spiritual or religious beliefs. Out of the infinite possible interpretations of religion/spirit/myths/legends/philosophies/etc, only one tiny fraction include a single god who just happens to be male. If you reject everything as meaningless and random, with no "telos" or influence at all, then you'd also have to reject Buddhism, Hinduism, all the ancient religions, Wiccan, Pagan, Greek gods and multiple Chinese and Japanese religions, but even my own personal favorite of a sort of mathematical pantheism I first learned from Spinoza. Even a Kubrick/2001 type influence on evolution could be possible. Maybe none are correct and the true reality is even more better and just waiting for you to discover it. You may even have to the potential to create universes yourself. Something collapses the wave function anyway. I just urge you to keep an open mind and look into whatever you think could provide an answer that'd give you hope. I've been where you and I know it's a dark place. If you're transgender then you've already rejected a reality that was forced on you and you created your own. Now don't accept a reality that tells you you're meaningless.

Are the high priests behind all monotheistic religions responsible for this (Think Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Atlantis -> pre-Deluge).

yeah this seems to be going on at one level. i think religion is just a front though. i feel there's another class of people behind even this that links back to your high priests.


"This gesture, in which his first two fingers and his thumb are extended and his third and fourth finger are closed, is among the most frequently occurring of Christ's hand gestures in Christian art [...] The sign was originally derived from a symbol used in Roman art to indicate speaking, and first gained popularity as a Christian symbol shortly after Constantine's issue of the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, allowing Christians to practice their religion freely, without the threat of persecution. Indeed, Constantine himself converted to Christianity, and Christian art flourished. In early images of Christ, one can see an early manifestation of the sign of benediction in which the thumb is closed over the palm, rather than open. As Christian art evolved, symbols, including Christ's hand gestures, took on deeper significance. With the thumb opened, the three open digits came to represent the Trinity (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), while the two closed represented the dual nature of Christ as both man and God."

The single raised index finger has so far escaped analysis, likely due to the fact that those making the gesture have often had a severed head in their other hand, but refers to the first half of the shahada, the affirmation of Muslim faith that his recited before every prayer.

It is the passage that so defines the Muslim faith: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet."


Your point to my OP? Is there no God, but God through Jesus Christ. The Son of God, who died for your sins? What is he, the favorite son? Thought we were all sons/daughters of God?

Two points. One was the tradition of Jesus in art and why he makes the gesture (i.e. not one finger); second was why Muslims make one-fingered gesture (not related to Christ nor Christianity).

The Muslim religion may be mentioned in Bible prophecy, actually. The antichrist is predicted to worship a God which is unknown to his forefathers (i.e. a religion that has since been instituted after the Bible was written), and when he comes to power he seeks out those who won't worship him and .... wait for it ... beheads them!

Being drunk in the shower is kinda dangerous though. Watch yourself.

Drunk showers are actually more fun, especially if you have two drunk people (me and my SO) :)

There are two fingers extended by Jesus in the picture. One is very slightly bent. If you look at medieval drawings of popes, bishops, saints and so on, you'll see the same gesture.

One finger is only pointing up..... And it's the same finger ΰ² _ΰ² 

I got a finger for ya. :)

Thanks? Anyways that all I wish upon you .... peace, love and understanding

OP is grumpy cause he isn't getting vindicated during his hangover.

I'm grumpy 'cause I'm at work.

Two pointing upwards?

Jesus' middle finger isn't either. It's point to the right... His finger next to the thumb is pointing up, same with the "jihadi". One God - Monotheism. My damn point....

No it isn't. Admit you're full of shit... KTHX...