CIA MKultra is on the verge of being EXPOSED in theFt Lauderdale shooting case

1349  2017-01-09 by GoFyourself2x

Esteban Santiago had his first federal court appearance today and this is what MSM is saying:

Esteban says CIA controlled his mind and implanted voices in his head telling him to kill. MSM says by Esteban surrendering to the police after the shooting proves he knew what he did was wrong.

Today's technology with super computers and artificial intelligence software has revolutionized the development. Most technology is classified and only a few patents registered. The latest was in 2002 when voice to Skull was patented. Today's technology enables a 2 way communication with the brain with voices and images (holograms). Pentagon says the brain is like a huge computer without a firewall. It's all about the electric signals going to and from the brain. This technology is according to the experts the most important invention since the nuclear bomb

The governments patent on voice to Skull AKA implanting voices in the head

Esteban MK breakthrough

Voice to Skull explained by Dr. John Hall

Did Esteban break through his MK Ultra after he killed all these people and surrendered? The MK assassins are suppose to follow through their program and self terminate after the operation is finished... this DID NOT HAPPEN. I.e Kanye West broke through his MK Ultra for 17 minutes during his concert and spoke truth.

Transcript of Kayne West 17 min Rant on exposing the Illuminati

Mk Ultra Explained

It's no secret the government uses MK Ultra in Hollywood. Did the CIA use Hollywood celebs for their first group of guinea pigs before they started producing assassins to pull off mass shootings for their special "gun control" agenda?

Steven Seagal knows the dark secrets of hollywood and he stands behind the Second amendment and Constitution. He believes the CIA is engineering mass shootings with MKultra to push harsher gun laws and eventually will take our guns away.

Steven Seagal 2nd amendment, MKultra & mass shootings

A Famous saying is HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF...

In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews. Constitutional rights were suspended, and mass searches for and seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable.”

During the five years of repression that followed, society was “cleansed” by the National Socialist regime. Undesirables were placed in camps where labor made them “free,” and normal rights of citizenship were taken from Jews. The Gestapo banned independent gun clubs and arrested their leaders. Gestapo counsel Werner Best issued a directive to the police forbidding issuance of firearm permits to Jews.

Hilter and Gun Control

The NWO needs control of our guns first before they can take complete control of America.

I live in Texas and we love our guns! Last year there were a lot of military exercises in towns with tanks, and talks about FEMA camps etc We feared obama was going to declare martial law before leaving office so everyone I know bought more guns and ammo and was literally ready to put up a fight.

Obama shows his anger towards Texans and their guns

Obama obviously doesn't like how Texans are all about their guns bc we are making it hard for him to push his "gun control" agenda.

Let me ask you this... how did the government get the mass population to agree with invading Afghan and Iraq? Organizing the biggest false flag of them all... 9/11. After 9/11 majority of the masses agreed to go to war! History repeats itself... the government is turning to false flags AGAIN to help convince the mass population to agree...WE NEED GUN CONTROL!

Just go to twitter and search hashtag #FortLauderdale and you will see all the sheeple screaming for GUN CONTROL! Gtfo sheep

If you think The elites are gonna surrender and drop their NWO agenda bc Trump won... you're crazy. Trump has the right words but so did JFK and you see what they did with him. So, what will make a difference? Us... the people! We need to push the TRUTH out to the mass sheeple and wake them the f up.

The CIA experiments on the US citizens with voice to Skull. Targeted individuals testimonies below: FYI this isn't schizophrenia bc schizophrenia develops at a young age, 20 or younger, and these people are older who are hearing voices in their head.

A group of residents of Richmond Cali went to the city council and won their case. City council ruled.. electomagnet weapons are banned from this city

Group of people complain to City council

City council Ruling

Dude from Africa-Funny testimony lol

Lady Testimony

Hundreds of Gay Guys in Florida Testimonies

If the CIAs MKUltra and Voice to Skull program is exposed during the Fort Lauderdale shooting case, then the mass sheeple will wake up and their NWO agenda will CRUMBLE.

Maybe we should drill Julian ( AMA Jan 10, 2017 ) to release CIA documents on MK and voice to Skull? Anddd 9/11 docuements ha

EDIT: Many countries are involved with developing electromagnet weapons. They are like the new toy all the countries are Getty about. So, how far will they go? I've noticed "weapons in space" in the news lately and always referred them to nuclear type weapons. What if the countries agreed putting Electromagnet weapons in space so they can control the whole planet?

The Air Force is giving options to Trump on how he would like to control Isis and weapons in space is an option

Mind Controling Weapons ALREADY in Space?


Trump is part of the elite ruling class, he is not your champion just another rich guy trying to help himself and other wealthy people. Before you come back with a political response do you have a link on those Kanye 17 minutes and anything else on celebrity MKUltra projects? I haven't heard to much about that and I am very very intrigued.

Yeah lemme gather them up and I'll post. Give me a few mins.

I added some info in the post.

I'm back and forth with trump. 50/50 on if he's with the elites or anti-establishment. I'm just gonna wait and see his actions after taking office.

Some things I see make me think that I've been manipulated by the media into thinking he's awful but then I see him on video saying things that expressly benefit the power elite and I'm left scratching my head. Like you said I suppose we'll see.

I think the main thing clues would be is him auditing or abolishing the fed and purging the CIA.

I don't "trust" him.

But the main stream media has been going absolutely crazy over him... to the point that previously respected news outlets have taken enormous risks. The actions by the media (and the big business elites that fund it) seem to be actions of fearful organizations. The fact that these elements seem to be afraid is somewhat encouraging.

On the other hand, I've seen some interviews with Cheney... and he seems completely smitten by Trump. And even seems to boast about Trumps tweeting as a way to bypass traditional media. (I think he said something like "we don't need them anymore").... the "we" part of that sentiment scares me... as does the authoritarian and militaristic aspects to his politics and personnel.

Who the fuck knows though. Alls I know is that I am glad we have:

  • Crapshoot that is trump (and the corresponding newfound vigilance and suspicion from the left)


  • Worst of both worlds Hillary (Militarism + Identity politics on steroids) with an impotent right wing and liberals patting themselves on the back while we bomb civilians until infinity

Thank you. This to me sounds like the only rational response. So many people here saying "duh, you've been duped! Trump's a billionaire!" As if there was any alternative. (And as if billionaire itself is any proof of anything). At the very least trump has rattled some feathers. This will go a long way to making the masses wake up from their 'government loves you' slumber.

Alls I know is that I am glad Trump won....

There was another option who the powers that be would not allow us access to. His name is Bernie Sanders. He would have beaten Trump. He would have dramatically changed our society. They would have assassinated him. The people might have woken up at that point. Then again ...

Yeah its tough...part of me asks why the media would spend so much energy and money to slander him and his supporters, and the other part of me wonders if this just isnt a more intensified divide and conquer strategy...that self post on this sub (today or yesterday, forgot) about this election cycle totally eliminating modetates and centrism and futher radicalizing both sides into a managable hegelian dialectic thats easier to control defintely seems to have merit... What better way to clamp down on EVERYONE than to convince the Black Lives Matter people that all white people hate them and visa versa.

he's doing wonders for sheep dogging lax dems and former dems and other mild leftists back into the fold =(

i had hopes that after this election that the left/right, our team/their team divide had suffered a fatal blow, but my hopes have faded into resignation. until people check that baggage at the door, ain't nothing good going to come of anything....i saw someone around here ranting a day or so ago about the evil marxist capitalists....a self loathing capitalist? a capitalist with a conscience?


this just isnt a more intensified divide and conquer strategy

I think most of shady things they do is just to divide and conquer us as a nation. That has always ben their goal, because it is far easier to control everything when the idiot masses are busy bickering amongst themselves.

Meryl Streep did have a very good point, though. Mr Trump is a bully.

I think the issue is people tend to group the "elite" as a single group, when in reality it's probably more like Game of Thrones, different factions jockeying for power. Trump is clearly from a faction with a different agenda than the establishment faction, but it doesn't mean their intentions are any better/more noble.

There's a lot of Venn Diagram type overlap about which parent companies and banks they own/invest in. There are factions, but there is overlap in that they want to protect the status quo.

Then what exactly is the eye at the top of the pyramid? There's one family at the top and a few dozen oligarchs jockeying for power below them.

He's a billionaire. Look at his cabinet. He's with the elites...

Then we are fkedddd if so

tell me something... do you think the ex chairman of goldman sacs knows more about the economy or do you?

I don't think there's only 2 choices.

Does Rick Perry know more about energy than a guy like Steven Chu? Personally I feel like there are plenty of well trained academics who have far less of a vested interest in the decisions they are making, allowing them to approach problems with greater clarity.

The ex-chairman of Goldman-Sachs was part of the group that wrecked the economy and got bailed out by us.

I think he knows more about making him and his buddies money. Unfortunately that doesn't do much for the rest of us.


This shit was painfully fucking obvious right from the start, to anyone with two braincells to rub together... if you look at the list of this major campaign donors for the republican primary, all of them are transnational corporations. He was funded by many of the same people as Hillary.

major campaign donors for his republican primary campaign

Source? I believe he self funded his primary run

I believe you are correct in that he was not funded by the big corporations.

Not sure how accurate, but I found this with a quick google search.

He has his own 'rich guy' circles, but none of them come even close to the incumbent circle. He's had to tap people that he would have never been in business with, but know the ropes. Rex Tillerson is in the oil biz and literally ran his own version of the CIA. He'd never be in biz with trump, but for the cabinet, sure.

I mean... if he was going to do it, he wouldn't give them a warning, right?

Candy Jones was a radio host who was possibly involved, her story makes a lot of sense but it's hard to verify, especially because it was brought out with hypnosis. Personally I believe she was part of it though.

George Estabrooks, a hypnotist during ww2, claimed amnesiac couriers like her had been created before.

Have you read the comm12 mind control briefing? It talks about Candy Jones:

I didnt vote for Trump, but there is a major difference between someone who earns wealth through merit versus someone who gets wealthy through what is essentially criminal activity covered up by fellow corrupt state officials.

And there's also a major difference between somebody that earns wealth through merit and somebody that's born rich.

A head start never hurts, especially in today's america, which seems to have lost a lot of its upward monility. But the man we're referring to wasnt born with billions or a global company, those were earned through merit.


Trump received 40 million in 1974 from his dad.

Using the USInflationCalculator, $40,000,000 is $195,823,935.09 today.

He is literally born with billions in today's money.

He was born rich.

He received 40 million in 1974 - that is $195,823,935.09 today.

When you are rich, it's way easier to make money than if you were penniless. Politicians can be bought off, companies can be bought, invest in real estate, be landlord, buy shares, etc etc.

He also gave to the Clintons, and it was revealed that he tried to bribe Jeb Bush, of all people, at one point. He's just like the rest of them but the Trump supporters just can't accept that fact.

Truth. Probably not too many of us on this site could take millions to billions.

If Trump simply invested the money he'd be $10 billion better off.

You'd have to be a moron to make less money than the haircut by buying Manhattan real estate.

those were earned through merit.

you misspelled swindling.

Sure, as far as net worth and opportunity. Money doesnt govern ones morality. You can be a selfish broke person just as easily as you can be a selfless rich person

cant be much worse than the past 28 years of Bush, Clinton, Bush jr and Obama

things can always get worse. there's not a limit.

If you have monitored Trump, you would know that he is using his new found power to influence other countries when it comes to his business.

I hate to say it but were at point where the national economy needs to be ran like a business instead a giant social program with no regards to the 20 fucking trillion in debt, and a shrinking gdp anda growing (unofficial) unemployment rate.

20 trillion in debt

His business. Meaning, Trump's business. Meaning, NOT America.

Also, debt is money. Pay off the debt, and cause deflation spiral. Everyone would be shitting themselves and US would be like Japan. The only thing stopping that from happening is the US Armed Forces which the US uses to maintain the global support of the Federal Reserve Dollar and Petrodollar status.

the national economy needs to be ran like a business instead a giant social program

There we go, found the ignorance.

You have no idea what a society is. You have no idea about empathy. No idea about help. No idea what a country should do.

That's what I'm saying if you type out such nonsense.

You'd let your fellow man die in the streets if possible. I got you. That's not America and that's pathetic.

100% correct

I'm in total agreement with you. Running a country like a business is insane thinking. Pay-per-use police and fire services? Toll sidewalks? We are a society and should take care of each other, not constantly battle each other, in business or otherwise.

I'm saying you reach a certain point where pathological altruism eventually destroys the person in need of help AND the person who is capable of helping. Not gonna do much good if the economy tanks again and there's no one to help ANYONE

Holy shit looking outside in on modern American political opinion is absolutely frightening.

No social programs? Schools, roads, hospitals, electricity, infrastructure, welfare? Hey mate, that's the basis of a healthy society, where are you lunatics going with your policy? Good riddance to you.

Yeah and on the outside looking in on European politics where you're literally cutting off your nose to save face by letting a bunch of third world savages turn thousands of years of western civilization upside down so you can feel like you helped...that's the real lunacy. I would say good riddance, but that's my ancestral homeland and it pisses me off to no end seeing how spineless everyone over there has become.

I'm an Aussie you fucking mongoloid, we control our borders just fine.

I didnt say you were a euro, i was just using europe as an example of what happens when you govern with empathy over logic

Cutting social services will grind your economic stability to an absolute halt. There will be no public confidence for either spending nor growth.

Is this logical? It's not about empathy, it's fact. If you have a healthy country, business and wealth can thrive.

selfish broke person, heh!

greedy fuckers with hording all of their nothing

But why does the elites hate him? Why are they trying to stop him? The MSM lost ALL their credibility to try and stop him. It's like they are on different teams

No one will answer you, only downvote because truth.

Let's not forget he was real buddy buddy will the Clintons before this, not exactly the "champion of the common people who fights corruption" the people with REAL power don't care who the President is, the two candidates in the US were not that far apart politically if you really look at what HRC has said in her writings and various speeches before the campaign, the media focuses on their differences to keep up the facade of a two party system, but we've gone RDRD and our foreign policy of military intervention and spending hasn't really changed in that time, our policies of defending big businesses haven't really changed either when you talk about things like Citizens United and corporate personhood

At least Trump was consistant from day 1(immigration, jobs, trade deals, start winning). I don't even know what her campaign was about, she lied so many times. And the "say one thing in public and one I private" email was even more corrupt. I have no idea how anyone could even vote for her

Trump consistent? He's gone back on nearly every major campaign promise already. He did what he had to do to get elected just like the rest of them. "Build the Wall" and "Lock Her Up" became the new "Yes We Can", not a ton of substance in the campaign, big promises but no real plan laid out. "Start winning" is not a campaign promise.

Do you still feel the same? Wall is being built, TPP is dead, nafta is being renegotiated or killed, factories is coming back, immigration policys is ongoing. He is literally doing everything he promised and it's only been like 12 days. Also she will be be locked up along with the rest of corrupt establishment.

Yeah I still feel the same, he's one of the elites and he's not gonna change the system that made him that way, look closely at the deals he's made with corporations to keep a few hundred factory jobs here in the states, they've gotten yuge tax breaks, make no mistake they're staying here because it's a better deal, and while jobs are good what's better for the economy? A few hundred factory jobs or cheaper products that more people can afford? Tough argument for either side and idk enough about macro-economics to make a judgement so we shall see. As for the wall it's going to cost the taxpayer billions and will take 15 years to finish so there's literally no guarantee it gets done, the whole "Mexico will pay for it" thing won't happen, even taxes on imports coming in would only raise costs for the consumer, and even if the US government gets the money back what will assure that the taxpayer is reimbursed? Nothing. Even if they get the full amount back from Mexico it'll just belong to the government. Trump has shown I his professional life that he has only looked out for himself, actions speak louder than words so that's what I expect from him as a president. Finally, he's not putting anyone in the establishment in jail, if he does you can reply to this comment again and say I told you so all the live long day.

i think the MSM are just in the seven stages of grief for having failed at the task they'd been paid to do, and which their hubris never let them doubt they could do:

ensure trump was the rep candidate with unprecedented free coverage, and relatively mild commentsry during the primary, then knock him flat in the general. they failed as magnifcently as clinton did, and they truly seem to have never even seen it coming...a very emperor's new clothes sort of thing.

trump is an elite. but he's one of the check writing class of elites, like all of the media mogals who backed clinton, not the check receiving elites like clinton and the MSM talking heads, who backed her (as much because their bosses said so as not).

trump doesn't care about the little guy. if that was the only issue, no other elites or powerbrokers like the CIA would care. trump only cares about trump. that's why they care.

the elites care about him because they know the check writing class is caprious, unruly, and unmangeable...they're always happy to get money from people, but they pull any strings attached right off and toss them back at the giver, unlike the check receivers, who tie those stri gs arou d their wrists like kabalah strings.

But why does the elites hate him?

Um ... they're pretending?


The elites don't have him. He was THEIR hoax candidate until they couldn't provide ANYONE else that was feasible.

As with everything these scummy criminals do, this is all an act.

Because the other candidate was even more of a shill. So by trashing Trump they got insane ratings.

Probably the same reason your average Democrat hates him. Do you believe all rich people have the same beliefs and agendas?

The liberal/democratic-leaning elites hate him. The conservative/republican elites love him. This is nothing new.

his wife is also a tranny

the vigilant citizen website has a lot.

the site is addictive.

Yeah it is lol

That is what worries me and also gives me reassurance about you nutters. You are actively invested in all these conspiracies being true. You enjoy the echo chamber and are rooting for the absurd. At least you are honest enough to admit it.

And what does that matter to you? Where do you get your news from? The MSM is so freaking colluded with our corrupt govt it's hard to trust any of it. What's wrong with having a large group of ppl piecing things together? If you don't agree with it then post your thoughts. A lot of ppl in here are open minded, just like myself. I'm not saying this post is correct.. it could be completely wrong but atleast we are piecing it together instead of being spoon fed a bunch of shit from MSM

Not celebs, but famous cases: The Unabomber was experimented on while at Harvard, and Sirhan Sirhan has "mind control" written all over him. Look up the corbett report feature on him.

Enjoy that thought process mate. A non career politician who lives in the fucking moment is what we need. Your feelings can eat a dick and that is what PC culture does it cuts you dick and balls off and makes you a cookie cutter shape. This is literally divine intervention. Mother fucking deus ex machina is real it is a law of the universe. You are given exactly what you need at the exact time you need it, just wake up and feel your fucking body for once cause it is a super intelligent machine. You'll feel pain cause you're in ducking pain and sick but you spine and nervous system is literally a homeostasis regenerative machine. You body is electric and what does electrocute do it puts out light. You shoot and receive electromagnetic signals constantly vibe with the source and there are no worries. You're a ducking antenna and what you think is sent back to you creating feedback loops. Wake the fuck up all of are divine children of the source. We have lost our way and lash out on others because we aren't our true selves. So please take deep belly breaths and know thy self be chase we all have something to offer in this plane of existence. We are all Mr. Meseeks. We are keys to a door and lemme tell you existence is pain and with how big our population is there is a lot of pain. Find your purpose fulfill it and die. No holding on to the gift that is given cause that attachment is apart of this sick society we live in. Wake the fuck up we are all prophets, muses, gods, goddesses. Whatever you are listen to and know thyself cause holy fuck we are reaching critical mass here. Die a noble and honorable death and death will honor you. Thank you thank you thank you.

This is not directed at you but you touched an issue which is really hard to comprehend. What does the government, CIA, or illuminati have to gain by controlling someone like Kanye or other whacko celebrity? Kanye has been crazy for years, he was always so goddamn egotistical, but his personality has always been off. The illuminati in hip hop really makes no sense to me, but apparently it's a thing people believe.

I mean I'm not saying I believe it, like a lot of theories on here I find it really fun to think about and explore possibilities with a little imagination, now of course that's not to say there's nothing on this sub I actually do believe. As far as what they'd have to gain is influencing the culture and having someone under their thumb who is at the forefront of hip hop would be a huge way to influence a whole lot of people with propaganda that they probably couldn't reach otherwise. I'm sure way more young people listen to Kanye than watch the news.

They want to control all information sources. Music, MSM etc. Contol of the information being fed to the sheeple. Mass mind control. Destruction of the values of this country to eventually cause downfall of the nation so they can sweep in and buy it all up for pennies on the dollar.

The "Kanye 17 minutes" has absolutely nothing to do with "exposing the Illuminati" or Project MKULTRA.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes", we have no way of 100% knowing for sure and until there's evidence to the contrary it's a neat idea to entertain.

Yes, it might be exposed.

But if so, the question is why? Why would the elite let this slip through their controlled MSM?

He could be possibly in protective service? There is a secret war going between NSA and CIA. Maybe the NSA is trying to bring down the CIA by exposing their MK programs?

Idk but I honestly think its silly when I hear people say that one government agency is at war with another. Don't they all work for the same higher power?

Higher power just means they get funding from Uncle Sam to do whatever they are gonna do. They are pretty much only accountable to themselves, so war just means they are trying to undermine the other branch for more power and funding to themselves since all the federal government cares about is results for whatever agenda they themselves are pushing.


I read somewhere recently trump mentioned he was going to reform how the agencies communicated with each other.

Can you explain the war between the two? Is it like the Free Masons vs skull and bones?

I'm not sure how true this is but at the bottom a WL employee explains the NSA and CIA war 4 chan post

I think I might ask Julian tomorrow if the CIA and NSA is at war with eachother.

Jesus christ....that 4 chan post blew my mind.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary doesn't list the word "gullible." Take a look - .

If you believe one the many 4chan shitposters you'll believe anything...

All Tor exit nodes are owned by intelligence agencies? So Tor is useless for anonymous activity?

Seeing as Vice has a commercial demonstrating how it works and how to get it, i would say it's totally compromised..

Wow... What about if you use Tor in conjunction with VPN?

Nope. Even then you'll just end up on a "this guy is hiding something list"

Using a VPN with Tor adds very little as far as I can tell. Main risks when using Tor:

  • Timing/traffic correlation attacks to determine the source of the traffic. If that's a risk you are facing, it's likely from a state intelligence service, and I suspect the same traffic analysis techniques could be used to find a VPN user (especially as using a VPN gives a more or less fixed endpoint that can be tampered with if required)

  • Malicious content (malware etc.) being added to requested webpages by compromised exit nodes. Using a VPN does nothing to prevent that - the exit node can still tamper with any unencrypted traffic, and if you are vulnerable to the exploit used it doesn't really matter how it reaches you.

  • Accidentally revealing identifying information in traffic visible to the exit node - this can range from logging into a known account, or even just searching for the weather in a given town. The former is an obvious risk, and would enable any exit node operator to ID you if they wanted. The latter requires passive mass surveillance, but if you appear to be connected to a specific town and only, say, 20 people were using Tor from that town at that time, your anonymity is easily lost unless you are exceedingly careful. Again, the VPN doesn't really add anything - if those sort of tells are visible to an exit node, it doesn't really matter how they get there.

I have no clue friend, i just go with zero protection so i have a degree of plausible deniability. It's probably dumb, but I'm not doing pizzagate level research or anything. I just keep an eye on this stuff in case something pops off and it'll give me a head start out of town lol. Also conspiracy theory has become a form of entertainment more or less. Like brain puzzles for the paranoid set haha.. But yeahh, i have little knowledge of encryption stuff. Seems like if somebody big enough wants in, they get in..

Tor is not safe.

What if you use Tor and VPN?

Tor does not provide anonymity, it provides access. If you're behind a firewall, Tor can get you through it. That's primarily what it was originally intended for and what it remains useful for.

Think of it this way. The gov't spymasters know every trick in the book. As a general way of keeping your info from being intercepted by third parties, TOR + VPN = best you can do. Data collection agencies and such have less access to your info. But the spymasters are using the same tech they use to track spies and terrorists to track you, and you can bet your life that they have cracked any commercially available way of hiding communication over the internet.

If you worked for them, what would be a high priority? To infiltrate TOR. Then what do you do? Tap into VPNs. I read that using encryption and TOR and such actually makes you a priority target. That's why, in the cases of terrorism I've read about, the communication was pretty much in the open. They use WhatsApp and just create new email accounts as needed. They know better than to take steps to hide their communication because they know that's the best way to be targeted.

So Tor is useless for anonymous activity?

Useless is probably too strong a word to use, as malicious exit nodes should be part of your threat model even if intelligence agencies aren't a concern - malware or ads being injected into your traffic can be a problem even if not specifically targeted by anyone. That doesn't mean that Tor is useless, only that it becomes merely one part of keeping your anonymity online rather than a silver bullet. If you ensure all of your communications are end-to-end encrypted (e.g. by using hidden services), a bad exit node isn't enough to reveal your identity - it raises the bar to requiring active attacks on either you or the server, which is probably enough for most people (most people aren't going to be specifically targeted, and active attacks are easier to detect and take the appropriate action).

Secondly, and more importantly, if using an exit node to reach the "public" (for lack of a better word) Internet, NEVER do anything that connects back to your real identity. Sharing accounts between Tor and non-Tor usage is an obvious risk (even if the site uses SSL, there's a non-zero chance it leaks enough info. inadvertently to reveal the account name), but more subtle clues, such as looking at opening times for nearby stores, or even using distinctive writing styles or phrases, may also enable you to be identified by a determined adversary. If you take those precautions, the main risk in using Tor in from traffic correlation attacks, which have relatively limited success in identifying users.

At the very least, Tor is an improvement over just using the web in the clear, and unless you doing anything that would attract attention (e.g. frequently visiting known terrorist-involved websites, or organising some sort of smuggling operating), the level of anonymity it provides is still useful (providing you know the risks and take the precautions necessary to reach your desire level of anonymity).

N.B. - For Tor vs. VPN as anonymity tool, I treat Tor as more useful as it is a known quantity. It's deficiencies (compromised exit nodes etc.) are likely more problematic than an ideal VPN, but I know, more or less, what they are and can account for them if necessary. Setting up a VPN that doesn't leave a paper trail back to you (either by payments to a provider, or by hosting your own server somewhere) is non-trivial, and likely requires some degree of trust in the VPN provider (e.g. are they really not keeping logs?; are they a intelligence agency/criminal organisation front company?; the company may be secure and trustworthy but I think it's all but a given that their outgoing Internet links will be tapped and analysed). For avoiding the more public forms of surveillance (such as ISPs being forced to keep logs), they are a useful tool, but, as with Tor, are not a silver bullet.

Hm. That's a lot of info. Thanks! I read all of it, but I'll just reply to one part for now.

If there's a risk that some of these VPNs have compromised privacy, are there any VPNs low-key enough that you might suggest them?

A shit load of them are. It makes sense, they don't want info going through them.

just so you know the anon behind that post came forward and admitted it was bullshit. Forces and trolls are using misinformation to warp our cognitive biases. The truth is the only objective, not what we wish the truth to be.

Cool, thanks for informing. Hard to weed out the disinfo

This guy didn't provide evidence one way or another, though. So what do you choose to believe?

When was that? Any link?

So how did Assange come on Hannity in a live interview with video?

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Because the people in the media probably aren't told about programs like this if not necessary. And to "normal" people it just sounds insane. And they very much want to push the insane angle rather than the Islamic terrorist angle.

I agree.. I'm like watching the news hearing them say "CIA controlling his mind putting voices in his head"


No one has ever made a legitimate effort to come for your guns so why are you putting lies? Americans are armed to the teeth and full of fear. We will tear ourselves apart while the people in power sit back and laugh.


Fear can mold and be changed into something very powerful. It is fuel you have to know how to use it and befriend your fear because that is where your true potential is. Don't hide from it live with it and transform that energy into very powerful....courage.393

Working at soup kitchens I've met about 2 dozen homeless guys who say the CIA controls their mind. Now since almost every mass shooter is supposedly "controlled by the CIA" according to Alex Jones and beforeitsnews then that means the testing phase is done, yet somehow these absolutely useless to the grand scheme of things homeless people, whose ages range from 17-48 are all to this day controlled by the CIA.

Basically what I'm saying is, just because someone who is obviously not right in the head says they are controlled by the CIA, does not make them controlled by the CIA. Just because you connected some dots doesn't make those dots a picture.

I agree. This was just all a theory. No proof behind it... just my thoughts

Those homeless people are your bosses. You literally work for them. They literally pay your wages. Once you learn how the US economy really works, you will understand this and the dots will become more clear.

Get back in line for your serving of chowder.

I appreciate what your saying, it's easy to get caught up in a lot of this. A little dose of reality helps. Until you realize that a lot of this shit might actually be true....

I like to view things as they are until new facts emerge that change that perception. Too many of these events are passed off as "the elite doing this because reasons" simply as a coping mechanism because a lot of people don't want to believe that these horrible things happen. There's no rhyme or reason, they just happen.

The MSM isn't tightly controlled. It's controlled via access to lobbiests, access to information, etc. It's still private companies run by individuals, these people are entirely self interested and they'll jump ship the second they think they're on the "wrong" (aka losing) side of anything.

If the people you have to lobby are pedos, you'll cover up pizzagate. But they aren't about to place themselves between pitchforks and politicians and lose everything themselves.

LOL. Which corporate media station told you ANY truth during the ($)election?


Except 90% of all our media is owned by 6 corporations (soon to be, if not already, 5 with TW merger). Think about that for a minute.

why would it matter? no one did anything the first time MK Ultra was discovered, so what are we going to do this time?

Why would the elite let this slip through their controlled MSM?

Remember when a guy complaining of mind control and said George H Bush was watching him tried kidnapping a girl from walmart, and the Police found illuminatti literature in his apartment?

I don't think the people doing the mind control are a homogenous group. I think sometimes they do it to set up the other bad guys. Like NSA has their mind control killers, CIA has their mind control killers, Navy has their mind control killers, Airforce has their mind control killers, and the departments hate each other and keep trying to pin it on the other agencies.

That's correct. It is multiple groups with the same MO and the same technologies, jockeying to control the narrative. Look very closely at who the perpetrators are in these events, what kinds of legal questions the events (inevitably) conjure, what kind of political backlash results, and even (in the case of back-to-back events) the timing and locations involved.

There is a lot of information out there that can be used to create a map of the actors involved. All it takes is a willingness to consider all likely possibilities. Even though nothing can be known for certain, with the possibility of flase-flags, probabilities can be multiplied, and compared.

That's correct. It is multiple groups with the same MO and the same technologies, jockeying to control the narrative.

It's like when there was the shutdown, there was a increase in no of events of TIs killing themselves, attacking others etc. to put pressure to restore funding. Like a woman transcriber who "God" instructed to go on a rant about the Founding Fathers being Freemasons during congress. The media censored the Freemason thing. I was like "oh wow is the CIA mad with the Freemasons? don't they have enough drug money stashed?"

Because it's unlikely that the public accept the reality. There are victims of these crimes that fight for credibility, supported by psychiatrists and experts that back the testimonies. Still ignored by media and officials.

The process required for the public to accept or even doubt these new ways of domestic terrorism by state agents isn't proportial to the truth itself:

Also adding something from my last comment:

Actually the Voice-to-Skull device had a page on the US Army website (now deleted):

(Page saved by webarchive)

Also, in case you doubt microwave/electromagnetic weapons can and have been used to harass here's the example of US officers victims themselves (Wikileaks cables about the Russian use of microwave weapons against the US embassy):

BTW, i don't use the word Illuminati because we really don't know what the hell is going on with all this.

They are letting more and more slip out, something big is coming.

Let's just see how long this dude stays alive

I guess he will hang himself in jail.

And as for Assange, that guy has been compromised. His first "appearance" after his "abduction" is on Hannity for Christ's sake

I agree with you. I think he's compromised by the CIA too. where was he all of October-December? I think he was forced to make a deal with CIA to save his family.

Maybe that's why they are exposing the CIA MK program with this mass shooting? Bc they know the CIA overthrew Julian Assange. And CIA has too much power and needs to be taken down?

Google assange mkultra

Oh yeah I saw that!! So, Julian was an asset of the Australian CIA. What if he was able to break through his MK and started leaking damaging emails? I remember reading somewhere Julian always ran a couple microwaves in the Embassy to stop the electromagnet waves from outside to researching inside. I tired to find the article but I can't find it :/ Do you think he's back under MK after possibly being captured by the CIA?

What if he was able to break through his MK and started leaking damaging emails?

As if the politicians are directly emailing each other CP and such. They cleaned the real evidence from the emails and left us this bullshit bread trail pizzagate which has led nowhere.

Assange is an Israeli asset.

Well 9/11 is t he litmus test still right? Until assange talks about it then..

FOX News confirmed it's douchery by running a story about pi22agate being fake news without getting into specifics. I still think something was odd about that interview. What was up with Assange's gigantic hand? It was bigger than Hannity's head. And the weird lighting gets me excited for the XBox 2.

Yes - everyone should know this.

From RiseUp's (wikileaks email service provider) warrant canary not being renewed, to the repeated ignored requests of a PGP signature and proof of life - wikileaks and assange are compromised. The extent we don't know...


confirmation bias.

Explains why Debbie wasserman Schultz was on the scene doing a press conf moments after the attack. Wtf is she doing there and why does she have any authority whatsoever???

She's supposed to be at work in dc that day w confess in session? Why in fla?

Yeah, it's totally obvious they are pushing for gun control. I don't know how many times I've heard on tv about Chicago Gun shooting deaths or the recent shooting in Florida today. Etc etc.

Op do u know what project artichoke was

No I don't. Do you have a link?



It's called r/limitedhangouts. Mkultra might be a limited hangout because project ARTICHOKE

It was an early CIA program, a precursor to MKUltra.

Non-Mobile link:

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Thanks helperbot!

I can't believe I missed this.. I've reached MK for a long time. If this happened in the 70s and we are here 50 years later... just imagine how far in advance they are. It would be nice if we got some leaks on the current Mind control programs

IKR? Some have alleged that the real info meat is in Artichoke, not Mkultra.

I highly recommend you check out Colonel Aquino's paper "mindwar" which discusses using existing technology to control the masses through EMF and ULF frequencies. The last paragraph in the PDF is especially disturbing and fits very well into your theories.

Also he is a Satanic high Priest and accused pedophile.

Thanks I'll check it out :)

You're welcome. I also found your info valuable and interesting, and will look forward to the next offering. We are slowly winning. Gaining new ground everyday.

"We are ana global information war, and we are losing that war." - Hillary Clinton

Thank you and same to you

More information on Project ARTICHOKE

/u/GoFyourself2x, well researched and written post!

FYI this isn't schizophrenia

Schizophrenics have a different biochemistry than targeted individuals who are being attacked by directed energy weapons (DEW) which include microwave auditory effect:

,accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.

Camp King was strategically located in the village of Oberursel, eleven miles northwest of the United States European Command (EUCOM) headquarters in Frankfurt. Officially the facility had three names: the U.S. Military Intelligence Service Center at Oberursel, the 7707th European Command Intelligence Center, and Camp King. In 1945, the place housed captured Nazis but by 1948 most of its prisoners were Soviet bloc spies. For more than a decade Camp King would function as a Cold War black site long before black sites were known as such—an ideal facility to develop enhanced interrogation techniques in part because it was “off-site” but mainly because of its access to Soviet prisoners."

Wow. I knew Alex Constantine would have an interesting piece just as I knew you would. Still working my way through the links but your theories on ways to distinguish schizophrenics from people exposed to DEW is interesting.

Alex Constantine was one of the first targeted individuals in America. His torture reports are at:

[Testimonies] Alex Constantine's Story

[Implants: Magnetic nanoparticles] [Testimonies] 'Brain Magnets' by Alex Constantine (Undated)

Brain magnets are magnetic nanoparticles which can penetrate the blood brain barrier (BBB):

Thanks for your interest in biochemistry. I researched the biochemistry of schizophrenics and people who have paranoia and compared the histamine level of people with radio wave sickness. I don't have the time to summarize the papers on brain EEG, neurotransmitters, biopterin, minerals and vitamins of radio wave sickness and compare them with the levels in schizophrenia. The papers are in the wiki index of /r/electromagnetics. Any people interested in conducting research?


I didn't know that about AC. I have one of his books somewhere- I believe I loaned it to my ma- I think it's called "the covert war on rock" and details how various rock musicians were killed and harassed in Operation Chaos and Cointelpro.

So whats wrong with Gun Control? If it takes someone with mental problems a couple of days longer to access a murder weapon isn't that a good thing?

You heard about Chicago because it had a near 40% increase in murders. It's such a huge city with such a high murder rate. That's why gun control is on the table for them. I'm not saying I agree with it just felt the need to clarify that.

These types of attacks just make people like myself pull the trigger on finally getting that .308 Winchester I've so badly needed an excuse for.

Haha I just got me a AR15.

Congressman often fly back to there home district even when congress in is session. They get an travel allowance.

That's the Congressional district she works in...

exactly but every other congressman/woman on friday the 6th was still in dc. Can you show me any other florida congress person or senator who was in their home district on friday the 6th?

Wtf is she doing there

That's still her district.

Isn't that her district? Why was Ari Fleischer there?

i was going to ask about ari...crawled out of his PNAC hidey-hole

i was going to ask about ari...crawled out of his PNAC hidey-hole

they let the massed MSM into the airport and let them setup on that walkway overlooking whatever, the MSM brought along their tame crisis actors to give 'witness' accounts, sometimes twice in the case of CNN.

pre-knowledge of the spontaneous event. as CNN did when they were on their roof broadcasting to the nation less than three minutes into 9/11.

Are you still confused by the same woman being interviewed twice?

she lives 15 minutes away...

...Congress is in DC.

Congressmen have to maintain a residence in their home state, iirc. There is no suspicious reason whatsoever for a Floridian representative to not be in Florida...

You're right. I'm not saying she couldn't be. Neither is the other guy. It's also only like a two hour flight.

that's her district..

Her people were the people putting on this HOAX SHOOTING.

Although I hate DWS, I must say this was more of a stretch than the usual conspiracy bit. Truth be told, I lost interest after the first paragraph.

If you would've read it all, it doesn't insinuate that he was a super soldier. More of a ploy to instill fear and help the government push gun control.

How soon was she there and where are her offices? Pretty sure she's the rep for that county anyways, so her offices may be in Ft. Lauderdale...

maybe its all about gun control? how is Orlando and FLL related? To DWS it is just another "mass shooting" that requires more gun control. Perhaps like the laws in Chicago or DC where its impossible to own a legal firearm?

D. Wasserman Schultz ‏@RepDWStweets Jan 8

The #Tucson shooting was 6 years ago but we're seeing too many all too similar to it, including #Pulse & #FLL.

Because this attack is all about israel/ jewish americans, and DWS is nominally representative of jews in the DNC (first jewish congresswoman in florida). Ft Lauderdale is one of the most jewish places on the planet. This attack is re-enforcing the ageless concept of jewishness that the jews are constantly under attack by forces (whether islamic or christian or religion in general, or state oriented, or ideologically oriented) seeking to murder all the jews. Their victimhood and need to struggle together and persevere over their enemies is represented by every aspect of both the secularist culture and religion (this philosophy can be both positive or negative depending on how it's applied, but it unfortunately often applied to manipulate the jewish people and supporters of israel by appealing to a general sense of neurosis and personal/ ethnic victimhood). This is how they keep jewish people pliable and demanding more security/ gun control/ "defense". Everything about it is reactive. Every tragedy gets a visceral reaction- "they need to do more to keep us safe from those who seek to harm us".

So dws is representative of the clinton wing of the dnc. she was perfectly placed. she's the victim of the russians (much like jews consider themselves the victims of the russians/ soviet union) and is lending her support while re-enforcing her own need from the support of her people.

Good post, I like how it directly ties to an ongoing so many other things lately.

Thanks man

The type of people they choose for these ops all seem suggestible, and susceptible to hypnosis. Reid, Moussaoui etc..

Apparently they choose targets who are hard to turn into psycho bombs, like nice kids. Their system of torture and coercion is that good, they make it hard on themselves to get more data.

Think for example that woman who tried ramming a barricade at the whitehouse and was shot. Just a young mother. Complained Obama was torturing her 24/7.

sigh... read the kanye transcript, where exactly does he say anything related to any illuminati shit?

he is just talking about the rap/entertainment industry and saying he thinks trump will win, basic anti-establishment.

In his rant Kanye said that Dr. Dre hired people to kill him and was begging him to call them off. Dr. Dre = Illuminati (Confirmed).

where are you getting this?

i see the lines about khaled and jay-z having killers, but the only time i see something that could be about dre is in the part where he talks about "Khaled and Drake and radio and Doc and [Real] 92.3 and everybody"

also, any info on that dre - illuminati connection? i mean is he packing triangles or is this something more substantial?

Dr. Dre = Illuminati (Confirmed).

I'm not sure you know what the word confirmed means.

I'm not sure you know what the word 'sure' means.

I'm not sure you know what the word means means

What does mean mean?

It depends on what the definition of is is.

Define definition

I think it means means. Also note that means means means, so it might be a dead end. At the very least it's a cul-de-sac.

What does sac mean?

When he says radio.. he means the illuminati. Replace radio with illuminati. The illuminati controls the radio

Kanye breaks his silence, calls other artists out directly, talks openly about how the election is going to go, uses a codeword for illuminati. One of these things is not like the other.

The radio is controlled by clear channel/iheart radio

I agree with you bro. These people are out of touch with how the industry works.

sigh... this is some weak ass shit.

replace words and anyone can say anything.

Replace "add 1 cup sugar" with "government mind control is behind terrorism" and this cookie recipe totally spills the secrets about MKUltra!

"Please don't send them at my head"

Is he complaining about voice to skull technology?

The killers that Jay Z has. He doesn't want a hit put on him.

But why phrase it "don't send them at my head"? Why not "don't send them to kill me?"

Because rap

Have you ever heard a rapper say anything?

You gotta understand the lingo bruh. That's just the way he talks, he's from the Chi.

if we are going to go that far in making connections out of nothing, i think we can do better

glad you struck out dre, dre and ohshay would crush me...easy would rise from the grave and pop caps in their asses if they were, one can hope.

Jay-Z = Illuminati (Confirmed).

This shit runs deep.

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I've had a beef with the Kanye rant since it happened. Everyone seems to have just completely forgotten that the Sacramento rant was the SECOND RANT, the San Jose show the night before is when he actually was giving some coherent thoughts on the internet and MSM.

He also allegedly yelled the "look into pizzagate!" Comment at this show but I've never seen it on video

coherent thoughts

look into pizzagate!


sounds like an understandable sequence of words, ie. a coherent sentence / though

Oh so you haven't looked into it then?

Wait, Kanye is an MK Ultra agent and we are just supposed to believe you?

Do you know when exactly Kanye was inculcated by the CIA?

What? The MK Ultra program was developed by the CIA. Majority of celebs, musicians, and actors who are famous are under MK. Google it. Shit, Brad Pitt is a 33 masonry, which is the top of the pyramid.

"Google it".

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your claims. I know I'll be downvoted, but we're asking for sources here.

THere is just sooooooo much info on it. All you gotta do is type( celeb illuminati) and a shit loads come up. It's literally a HUGE rabbit hole that would need a whole thread to itself. I haven't been down that hole for a long time so I wouldn't know which video that would be good for you to watch. I normally like long videos bc it touches base on everything I have questions for. If u want to learn about it... just search around on YouTube. You will be amazed with all you learn. I'll try and find a good video tonight and send to u if u really want but I don't have time right now.

Nah I'm good man.

Rosanne Barr: MK ULTRA rules Hollywood.

Also lemme tell you quote unquote people with bipolar are some of the most intuitive, loving, creative people as long as fear and delusion is transformed into something creative. I believe bipolar is similar to how we actually are. Undeniable powerful confident, unstoppable force. They use their energy and drain it then they hit the low to recharge. Our society likes labels and they are traps that ensnare your consciousness to only see thru the peephole. But holy fuck our brain isn't processing the whole picture on default it is a information filtering machine. But like a damned radio you can change what your attune with. I prefer the sound of the universe the music of the spheres of you will 432hz is. Also everything is alive and has a consciousness your fucking turd you just dropped is alive that toliet paper to wipe your ass is alive. Consciousness cannot be destroyed on changed/transformed. Wake the fuck up and see the reality for what it. Is. A canvas that we are all painting on. We are creators and the destroyers and it is fucking beautiful. Take your power back and be the witch you have always been. Only you know the answers outside sources like me are retarded when it comes to practicality for your life. This is mostly and exercise to get my consciousness warned up for that day and if the byproduct of that is a slightly tip in the scales then it is a collective win. You are a fucking god we all are. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, YOU DONT STAND ABOVE OR BELOW ME. Thank you for your time as this was most beneficial for myself. Also signing off here with my philosophy and that is be SELFISH thru SELFLESSNESS meaning you gain more when working/helping/ giving your self to something. Use alchemy gain and lose stuff constantly, barter with the universe and never never sell you self short or to something not serving for you. For if you ascribe to angels then you see they are your servants and guardians just open a dialog with them. Peace you cheery cunts

Who gave the orders?

FBI has been caught using these type of electromagnet weapons on ppl too. So it could very well the FBI behind this. It's definitely one of those agencies. Or maybe they are working together?

FBI has been caught using these type of electromagnet weapons on ppl too.

When? First time I heard this.

I know they cover up the seriousness of these weapons. A KKK General Electric engineer created a death ray and microwaved his muslim neighbours. FBI claims non ionising radiation doesn't cause cancer (it does).

Did Dr. John hall mention is it the link I posted above? If not, I'm sure he mentions it in this link

He actually caught an ex FBI agent who ran a huge electromagnet weapon operation in Fort Worth/Dallas. He went on the news with all this info and tried took them to court. Which leads me to think, I wonder if his company was behind police shootings in dallas?

Ex FBI agent heading a private detective firm which may be contracted by the CIA is not the same thing as the FBI.

Dr John Hall actually said on Facebook the FBI might be contacted him and Dr Robert Duncan over this incident.

Ground based radar is used in mind control you're right, but the range of these is huge. This is a global phenomenon, not just restricted to states with HAARP. Satellites are also used, and some believe mobile phone towers too.

If an ex FBI agent is using it, do you think he got the technology from when he was an active FBI agent?

Wow, the FBI said they will contact Dr hall over the latest shooting? That's a good sign. At least they are looking into it.

During my research I came across a lot of different types of mind control Weapons. It seems like those are the main type of weapons most countries are into these days. Is this why they want to put weapons in space? I always thought the "weapons" in space they were referring to were nuclear etc but I'm thinking it's radioactive weapons to mind control the whole planet.

If an ex FBI agent is using it, do you think he got the technology from when he was an active FBI agent?

Or the CIA gave it to him.

The thing is, though, that if anyone right now had the ability to "project images into a person's brain" they'd be so, so far in advance of the present state of neuroscience that, well, I'd feel pretty demoralized if I were a neuroscientist.

There's a MASSIVE difference between stimulating the skull to vibrate or subjecting one's auditory nerves to an electrical signal to produce the sensation of hearing something to actually decoding the stream of consciousness or the visual cortex or whatever to inject imagery.

I feel like Science™ and its popularizers try to sell the idea that we're up to that stage already, but we're not. Not by a long, long, long shot. Uninformed people will just believe it. "Scientists can now read your thoughts with a computer!" – most would believe it, but it's total rubbish.

The best I've seen is that experiment where subjects were shown various images, their electrical brain patterns recorded, and then, using that information, they were able to predict with some accuracy which picture they were looking at (or perhaps thinking about) by statistically matching brain patterns to those already observed.

That's clever, but it says nothing about how the brain encodes, well, anything. It's just a bit more sophisticated than looking at someone flushing red and predicting that they're experiencing embarrassment.

The brain is not "like a computer without a firewall" – it's a multi-dimensional, massively parallel quantum computer designed (in a way) by a process that is perfectly cognizant of every last detail about how this reality functions.

Just look at the world around you. That's not the world, actually, it's a concept inside your head. However, what you see isn't like a painting – or two paintings – it's a fully articulated, high resolution 3D raytraced virtual reality. Mostly, it's self rendered – one only need glance briefly at a tree to see it in its totality. That's because your brain knows the fractal mathematics underlying life on earth It only needs a little information and generates the rest procedurally.

How all this works is completely unknown to current science, and I really doubt covert interests have much more of an idea.

IMO, all this is just to scare people into behaving. Like Santa Claus.

GWB heard voices, to be exact he heard god telling him to invade Iraq.

voice to brain using doppler technology with either ultrasonic or microwaves was known about, not common knowledge back then but awareness was there.

so if some CIA clic decided to influence GWB with voices during his nightly prayers, it was not beyond the bounds of possibility.

Philippine President said he heard God telling him not to swear so much.

The official story is that it was the pilot who tricked him, but maybe that is a cover story ...

that was just chaney whipering in his ear in one of his drunken stupors

I know you're joking but GWB does seem to exude a lot of the characteristics of a child abuse victim. His own father is painted as a manipulative pedophile by MK Ultra survivor Cathy Obrien's book, "Trance: Formation of America".

Mitt Romney also made a similar claim, I have long believed someone was using voice to skull tech to persuade them to run for office

Have you seen the movie "Adjustment Burea"? That's pretty much it.

I think a lot of the movies are tongue in cheek references to MK ULTRA.

The things about listening to spirits is they are deceptive and most likely false. They manipulate and do their bidding in delusion and fear. Your true inner voice is thee only thing to listen to. Find it listen and heal yourself. You have a purpose and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you don't do what your soul wants then enjoy the endless cycle. A lot of religion has taken our power away but we are all manifestations of God consciousness in the physical. We have to bear pain because pain and beauty are one and the same. I thank you because your body is in severe pain mentally/physically and once you recognize it your body will prioritize the pain and allow itself to heal. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. We are fucking gods. We are the source experiencing itself. Fuck labels and duck this sick society most of have been molded by. Hug your mom, forgive cause t frees you not the other person, fuck something, love something. You're not gonna change the world by trying to. You must change it by changing your own reality and that will manifest into the whole collective than you'll ever realize. Fear is a weak emotion but is the best fuel in the world. Fuck your sentence structure cause consciousness stream is the only way to blow off steam.

Don't listen to spirit they will trick you to get stronger.

Don't go to witches because they will trick you and cast evil on you.

Oh forsute they do their bidding as if they're your friends

Your beautiful and i love this post you put it in such great words!

Thank you so much, this comment makes me warm inside.

Yeah but Bush's supporters were all big fans of GWB's claims that God was talking to him. There really doesn't need to be any more complex an explanation than that. People were willing to gobble it up, therefore he said it.

There are countless people who believe in God and say they hear him all the time. GWB said he heard God tell him to invade. It wasn't God, or the CIA, or the FBI or NSA. It was his own voice or worse, duck Cheney.

McKenna never died, he just became an eternal cyber ghost speaking about DMT and alchemy to people around the world simultaneously.

I kind of went off McKenna when I realized he only pretended to be taking psychedelics for the later part of his life, from the late 80s.

I know it's a little funky to recommend people take large amounts of psychedelics when you aren't willing to yourself but if anything it humanizes him. If you have ever heard his brother Dennis talk about it I get the vibe that he felt that not disclosing his shroom fears was necessary to continue his public persona as a PR rep for the mushroom. I don't really think it discounts any of his ideas beyond proving that no matter how experienced you are with psychs it's always possible to spiral out.

Well, it's good advice, even if he did get discouraged at some point. I never expected that the psilocybin experience would be so 'open ended' – i.e., that the more you take, the further and further out you get.

Since I started doing 5+ grams of shrooms (up to 7g at present, but need to grow my own before going higher on account of price) I'm of the opinion that psilocybin is just The Best. Not really sure why people get so excited about ayahuasca – shrooms is a much more hmmm relevant experience IMO.

The thing is, though, that if anyone right now had the ability to "project images into a person's brain" they'd be so, so far in advance of the present state of neuroscience that, well, I'd feel pretty demoralized if I were a neuroscientist.

You suck they did it in the 80s:

Guess you don't know shit?

That video makes no sense. If they actually had technology to make one have the experience of driving a truck, everything else they mentioned would be totally obsolete. To me, this sounds like anti-Russia propaganda; i.e., to make it seem they are in possession of scarily powerful technologies.

I'm not saying that technological advances are never kept hidden, but c'mon, this was apparently made in 1985. The best thing they'd be able to project would be pacman.

Oh wow you can't tell the difference between facts presented and a fictional clip from a movie used to introduce the topic. Go back to school.

citation please

I gave a link. Seriously what is your problem? No one ever asked for sources until I started posting about CIA mind control. Seems like its being done just to waste my time so I can't talk to as many people about this issue. I'd like to be on the MSM sites saying this shooter isn't crazy not be ordered around by redditors too lazy to google.

Not just on CIA mind control. Subscribers of /r/conspiracy and I have asked you to cite sources when you threadjacked by bringing up other topics.

Why should subscribers of /r/conspiracy believe everything you say? Why make them beg for a source? You need to cite sources when you initially make claims.

You have made numerous exaggerations this week in /r/conspiracy:

I am still waiting for you to cite sources. You bully and derail. Therefore, I created a post for you to cite sources for three claims out of over a dozen claims you made this week in /r/conspiracy. Cite sources or retract your claims:

Majority of your sources are fake in that they do not substantiate your claims. For example,

As my mod, it is essential that you accurately describe targeted individual issues. I am giving you three days to cite sources that actually substantiate your claims or retract your claims. Otherwise, I will demod you.

No one ever asked for sources until I started posting about CIA mind control

I don't know, I ask for sources. When you make such a major claim though you obviously want sources. I don't have to tell you that youtube videos aren't sources. I'm trying to be charitable and checking if you have any actual evidence for what is a tremendous claim.

Youtube videos are sources retard. It's a CNN documentary from 1985.

No, it's not a source, certainly not for such an extreme claim, a source would be a meta analysis of double blind peer reviewed studies. Also, you should stop with the name calling, it doesn't really contribute to anything.

It contributes to your understanding of how retarded you are.

What is your criterion of 'retarded'? You're certainly incorrect if you mean it in any scientific/psychometric/neuropsychometric way; I think you're just frustrated that you don't have evidence for your assertion. Anyway do you have evidence for any of your claims?

I think you're just frustrated that you don't have evidence for your assertion.

Besides a TV crew demonstrating the device.

That doesn't count as evidence when you are making the single biggest scientific claim ever.

That doesn't count as evidence

To retarded people.

I realize arguments can get heated, but can you please avoid attacking other users?


no problem. :)

Thanks, very zen of you to calm so quickly :)

thanks im normally very calm just been bullbaited. I shouldn't allow myself to get played so easily by the shills. Thanks for being so lenient.

Certainly, I have a keen sense of when someone was baited into a reaction and I'm glad I was able to remedy the situation.

Feel free to reach out if I can ever be of assistance sir :)

Thanks for the offer :)

The brain is not "like a computer without a firewall"

So why did Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas write this:

The Mind Has No Firewall

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing capability are well-documented.


he took some drugs and he understands, man.

The Russians say the exact same thing. You think they're high? I've only seen more serious people at funerals.

No. I believe he sounds like a pretentious fuck talking shit cause did did a hallucinogen. I dabble myself. I accidentally (ish) took more shrooms than he had during this "epiphany" as well.

I'm a big fan of hallucinogens and partake here and there. But thinking you are all of a sudden "enlightened" because you took some is bullshit college student talk.

And that's coming from someone who is a firm believer in the theory of "collective consciousness". It's a journey not a destination. Drugs are but a tool, not a revelation in a bottle.

Btw: Five grams... Try a quarter.

Stopped reading after first sentence. Sorry pal, but you have no credibility.

Our brains are evolved to communicate primitively without language and we most certainly communicate with thoughts. We're are so distracted is all and getting bombarded with info it is insane. Like you said bout shrooms it opens your mind. But shrooms are exactly like a deep trance state where I believe you have the ability to communicate with your higher self. Who is super intelligent and intuitive. Our society has the people at war with their shadow self. All mental disorders are manifestations of the shadow self communicating to the conscious being. Please listen to your inner voice. Also death has no grip because you will die but you will live and love in a new dimension. Death has respect for those who have potential. Tap into you fucks and know thy self. 393

Sure – higher self and all that. I don't think that the material/spatial aspect of reality is fundamental, and I see our body and brain as more of a directly-experienced mathematical explanation for the phenomenon of one's being able to perceive the material/spatial aspect, but I don't like to consider a 'higher self' as a separate thing to me.

On a high dose of shrooms – to the extent that you can see in clear and vivid detail everything you wish – one can ask something like 'show me how I might make a machine that does x' – and within moments it appears, in full, detailed animated 3D and you can zoom in or out and just do anything, really, just ask.

I know what computers can and can't do and how fast they can do it. I say with fair certainty that what one sees in these states is impossible to achieve with conventional computing.

Awesome your right the two are not separate but our society doesn't appreciate our shadow self that is super intelligent. Everyone has the potential to be a genius. Those people who are take inspiration from anything and don't get to attached to things but most importantly they fail and damn we are good at failing then learning to bounce back up. So yes your body is super powerful a don honestly I think the mind isn't the issue I believe it is the gut area the the lungs because we hold a lot of trauma and stress in out hips and gut area. Any memory is stored in you body depending how emotional that memory is the more energy it has. Please take care of your spine because it is you life force. Be in alignment and you fluids and electrical circuit is running at optimal levels. You wouldn't want you cars fluid lines kinked or twisted woul you? No so this isn't for you or anyone else it is to brainwash myself into believing what is true. We are super powerful beings that when we don't tap or use that energy our it manifestors in our body as junk. Be like river let the spirit flow violently be not like damn which slows and collects the garbage and gets blocked up. Also I'll leave you with this. You're on the right track mate and I'm telling you if you're atheist or not. Please know thyself because this world is looking for its identity and you can be a beacon of that.

Can you feel it? So many of us are waking up...we are on the verge of something great.

Indeed this momentum will turn into lightning for the blitzkrieg, the shift in consciousness. Chaos brings change quickly and I'm ready to ride the waves

The government is a good 50 years (could be way more) ahead of MS science. I'm pretty sure they know more than what the most skilled neuroscientist is being taught.

To me, it really seems that in order to be able to project images into a person's mind, one would have to understand the nature not just of thought, but consciousness itself. There's no "screen" in your brain that you "watch". We're not looking at an image but an idea. Influencing that would necessitate a comprehensive understanding of all processes, at a fundamental level, that operate in the brain; i.e., a perfect understanding of not just material physics, but everything else about this reality. Anyone with that knowledge would be unassailably powerful. Why not just project images into everyone's minds so they just do whatever you want them to. What would be the point of playing politics if you can simply induce mass hallucinations at the flick of a switch?

While it's not impossible, do you really think that every neuroscientist, every computer scientist or AI researcher, every physicist, etc. etc. is working in vain? Did you know that neuroscience, at present, is arguing about how a network of less than 10 neurones interoperates, and as yet haven't achieved a great deal of insight into it? I'd consider making a bet that even in 50 years, this will remain science fiction.

Our system is setup so we are in debt and are slaves to that debt for the majority of our lives. Yes I do believe we are being held back from knowledge that is vastly more advanced than what was ever taught in our cuurent schools systems. Do you really think the people that control the financial system really want us to know truly how our mind and body works?

You are not smart enough and don't know the world. I traveled and met more people in a year than you are in a life time. You are in a well. Technology is magic.

Well okay but this argument begs the question. You've stated the conclusion in the opening sentence.

You then go on to inductively argue that it seems so unlikely.

In the 1950s this argument was used to prove that the Mafia couldn't possibly exist because everyone knows that criminals aren't intelligent enough to organise themselves. Now this belief isn't just naive because, well the Mafia do exist, it's naive by several magnitudes in that not only does organised crime exist, it is prevalent in banking, in politics, in business etc.

The mistake comes from the inappropriate use of occam's razor. When all of the factors are known, it can be a powerful tool. When we have gaps in our knowledge it appeals to inductive fallacy (common sense fallacy). This is the very reason magicians are able to fool us.

The bottom line is that you can't avoid doing some hard grunt work to attempt to answer the question. You have to consider witness testimony, which apparently is too challenging for us. We apparently have to brush all testimony as lies, even if stands up in court of law.

And more concretely, we do have tons and tons of data on classified project and black projects. We know for a fact what they were studying and it goes beyond MKULTRA. We know that projects go dark when they are being integrated into the private sector. We understand enough about the process to make the statement that the government posesses advanced technology. And yeah sorry to all the scientists' life work and stuff but inductive arguments are a waste of time.

The Kanye thing really seems like he's just pandering to the poor with false info, a lot of the people he names as good people shot down by the media are people who are rich through brainwashing the poor and who only have their best interest at mind, e.g. Virgil abloh.

The fact that the shooter just placed the gun down after shooting and then laying down with his arms out, says a lot about this situation. Hearing voices is the second sign people need to pay attention too.

Authorities were so concerned when Esteban Santiago visited the FBI Anchorage, Alaska, office in November that they confiscated his gun and ordered a mental health evaluation. A month later, Santiago retrieved the weapon from police headquarters.

How did Fort Lauderdale suspect get gun back after FBI evaluation?

If he gets a fair trial and a good lawyer (not compromised) then all this mind control shit will surface. Wonder when they will release his lawyers name?

Big if. They'll give him the same lawyer for the Oklahoma bomber, Boston bombing. Older boston bomber complained of "majestic mind control", alter personalities etc. Lawyer never mentioned it.

He's fked smh!

You DO realize that Hitler was fighting against the Illuminati and their Zionist handlers? So I guess that it is good history is repeating itself, I am ready to fight, will you be a brain-washed zombie or will you be awakened?

He thought he was, but he was controlled opposition.

Look, the devil works in funny ways.

It's not always as you seem. Think of mind control. When you are weak is when you are vulnerable. If you stay strong, you cannot be controlled even when the enemies are at your door.

I'm just saying that bankers loaned him the money to carry out his agenda, and that chaos served the bankers.

Yes, but his intentions were pure, he literally just wanted to rid the world of evil. But evil tricks you. How to trick evil? Do no harm. Protect yourself. Be like water - Bruce Lee. Ask yourself, how was he able to do seemingly super human things? Does he maybe know something that you may not know? Was that the full extent of his true power? I know the answer, if you want to know.

he literally just wanted to rid the world of evil.

He had a funny way of implementing that, then; or he didn't realize who was lending Germany the money to rebuild. Or both.

That is some critical thinking right there my friend, some people have had similar questions!

Dude you need to watch a documentary on the eastern front of something if you think WW2 was "good history".

As I love to learn, could you kindly point me to a resource that you value?

Damn right I can! I really think the eastern front missed out on the WWII craze that Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers started, but then again it would be unseemly to portray the ruskies in a heroic light.

But yeah, I found this 18 part (I think?) documentary on the eastern front that was made for Russian audiences but has been dubbed over in english by the BBC (the maps are still in Russian so it's kind of a fun geography test).

I first became aware of the whole eastern front history from Dan Carlin's 4 podcast episodes called Ghosts of the Ostfront which is super easy to listen to. It costs money but it's pretty cheap and I'm sure you can pirate it somewhere.

The thing that is striking to me is that as an american who grew up during the WWII pop culture bubble I really thought that D-Day was by far the most action that happened in the war (as a sea invasion it technically was) but when you start hearing that the civilians under siege up in Leningrad resorted to cannibalism and that the Russians were surprise invaded and managed to completely move their manufacturing industry to Siberia it gives you a taste of nationalistic pride for a country which is certainly no good these days haha.

Thank you kindly, I will try to reply or PM you after watching the videos!

Funny, I thought he was a paranoid megalomaniac eugenicist psycho, I didn't know he was a Good Guy!

"The NWO needs control of our guns first before they can take complete control of America"


Seriously? They cant be any more in control than they are now. Gun sales in recent years have skyrocketed over fears of repealing the second amendment. Why do you think theyre trying so hard to further divide us with race/class/gender wars?

No one is "taking our guns". They spooked us into buying them all so we slaughtee ourselves. Theyre attempting to incite civil war, and if there were ever a time for a powder keg event to kick off the whole thing, Trumps inaugeration sure seems like it.

They have no reason to take anyones guns. We're very capable of slaughtering ourselves thank you very much.

I know they are in control but their last puzzle piece is to take control of our guns. And yes, there's instances of them being able to take our guns. Just look at the false flag Boston marathon.. seized guns. Or, hurricane Katrina... seized guns. Maybe those were drills to practice and see how we would react when they seized our guns. They are coming after our guns. When you listen to the news, notice how much they talk about guns, shootings, deaths etc. They are pre-conditioning us want and accept gun control. Obama has already passed a law a couple years ago forcing healthcare provider to report mental illness to the govt. I find it weird a lot of these shooters are "mentally ill" You know how big of a group that could be disarmed if they pass a law anyone with MI can't own guns? Half the damn country takes anxiety and anti depression pills.

This might be a bad time to bring up the fact that Santiago's gun/murder weapon was taken when he admitted himself into a psych ward, and was then returned less than a week later. When someone experiences a clinical break from reality, are you in favor of letting that person have their firearm back in one week's time?

No not at all.. that's why I think the govt agencies are behind this. They knew his state of mind so why give him back his gun after he said he was hearing voices which are telling him to join Isis? Doesn't add up. Too many red flags that were overlooked, but WHY were they overlooked?

  1. Because he was perfect prey for a manipulation plot.
  2. Because Alaskan law requires the weapon be returned to it's registered owner if no crime has been committed, no charges filed, his psych stay was essentially "voluntary."

You seem to suggest a scenario in which he WAS mentally ill and also an MKULTRA victim, which kind of wipes the Just mentally ill option from the board while recognizing it's validity in a larger narrative.

Psychotic breaks from reality, when they occur in the early stages of paranoid schizophrenia, are just that, breaks, as in temporary. My buddy experienced this, was hospitalized for a few days, got fluids, evaluation, and came out of his psychosis rather quickly. While pretty goddamn shaken, he was back to his usual self for the most part, until the next break occurred. A few days of rehydration and sleep maybe put Santiago back to some semblance of rationality, he stopped talking about the government forcing him to view murder videos, and was released and re-armed, as per law.

They have no reason to take anyones guns. We're very capable of slaughtering ourselves thank you very much.

Game theory, make it so either way they win. Either they get our guns and fascist dictatorship, or they don't get our guns, race war, fascist dictatorship.

That's why all the mind control shooters are black or muslim (with exception of aurora shooter). To get white people to think blacks and muslims are dangerous.

The recent movies have been about civil war and revolutions. Pick a side and fight. Man, the way they can get the snowflakes and blacks fired up and shit... even the whites against Muslims. America will prob destroy itself. Then the conspiracy theorist will be destroyed at the FEMA camps ha

Have you seen Snowpiercer?

No I haven't... what is it about?

I don't want to spoil it. But if any movie is an allegory of the elite and their system, that is it.

Makes you want to eat the 1%

Oh wow! Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks

I 100% agree with you. At this point in time there is a manufactured divide in the populace of this country. They absolutely do not need to take away guns from anybody. They are definitely providing arms that will be used in the civil war that comes from the divide.

This isn't a time to worry about guns. What are they going to do, honestly. They will have drones with surface-to-air missiles. What we need is to come together and awaken the masses to what is going on behind the scenes.

people will just say they don't use it anymore. they (the powers that be) will never admit it through mainstream channels, so the dumb masses will never believe it. it's a shame but that's how they think. idiots are waiting for the evil powers that be to spoonfeed them everything.

Are you the real Martin skrtel?


Nice.. I follow u on scope. You should purchase a drug that wakes up all the dumb sheeple. Are there secret ingredients in drugs that keep the mass population asleep and controlled in a illusion?

they're not secret, people just don't understand what they are

Can you name a few of the ingredients?


Thanks man :)




The drug is love and a sense of self. No other drug has the constant euphoria and no withdrawals if you really are 100% in it. Be grateful say thank you ever say. For those who sense will hear/see/smell/taste/and fele the gifts that are given in the moment of NOW. The moment is infinite and the powers that be try to say no it is this way. Fuck that bitch I'm a random number generator and I manifest my own reality you shit bag go eat a dick. So thank you thank you thank you for reading. You have all the power at your disposal. Just ask your higher self what to do with it for it is divine. Also any fear mongering fucks can go eat a dik aswell. Change your momentum and shit on the world that is being peddled to the masses.

Big if true.

This guy is fake

Are you the real GIGANTIC_NI.... err, nevermind

Unfortunately, its not 'about to be exposed'. Those that are aware of these programs and technologies will continue to be aware, while the sheep will continue to be part of the herd. MSM is all over the place claiming that people who believe in MK ultra are "crazy conspiracy theorists", and that's exactly how the general public will view this situation we well.

I think most people who know about MKULTRA in the past believe that it is real and likely still ongoing, but that doesn't mean that every disaster labeled Possible MKULTRA is in fact an instance of this. With this case, there's basically no way to prove whether or not Santiago was sane before this shooting-- he checked into psych watch under his own volition and was never charged with a psych-related crime (aside from previous domestic abuse cases), and was never medicated. I would like to hear from those who evaluated him then and those soon to do the same.

Consider this scenario: the idea of an ISIS Delusion Disorder is proposed and promoted, focusing on the internal mechanisms that occur in someone who views and is intrigued for whatever reason by ISIS propaganda, how they either buy in fully without question or look for/invent reasons why they are so intrigued (the government is making me do it). If this school of thought was established in examining ISIS-inspired attacks and the general way in which a consciousness processes violent propaganda and directed snuff films, would you consider this some sort of MKULTRA spillover into academia and psychological research?

I'm actually a psychologist who works in forensics and academia. Delusional Disorders with religious components are not uncommon, but I don't see the DSM adopting a specific "ISIS DD". That would be a major ethic violation, and I dont think most members of APA would consider it. There are already v-codes to use with DD that specify if it has a religious component , anyway.

I definitely see the ethics-violation angle, but I don't think there's anything too religious in the draw of watching ISIS's actual propaganda videos-- they're just well-produced snuff videos with some bizarre shouting about Allah thrown in. Their digital magazine is where they really try and justify their actions and intentions by mixing in all the "apostate" rhetoric. They really are master classes in blending ideologies into their own incoherent stew.

There are other religious groups that have in the past or currently use similar tactics. I just think that as far as academic research, outcomes from viewing these films/magazines would be studied as a larger concept of religious propaganda. Yes, some studies will look at specific religious, but the cognitive processes in those viewing, despite which religious affiliation, would likely be the same.

Crazy people do hear voices but sane people with cochlear hearing implants do also. Fort Lauderdale shooter is just a nut because the shit would hit the fan if it was revealed that some spy gadget was found implanted inside his skull after a medical xray. Imagine the news cycle if that happened!

They don't need implants. See the original V2k patents:

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device.

pizzagate at it again

The sad fact is even if pizzegate was true. All those kids are now died. Most didn't get to live anyways. But pizzegate did stop the activities for the time being. So it was just a lose/win kind of thing.

The real crimes have yet to be exposed. Ones I think even trump is going down for. But wants to be remembered a martyr

But pizzegate did stop the activities for the time being.

Evidence? All it did was stop the creepy pedos being so obvious with their instagrams.

It's been said that Trump will deflate the intelligence agencies.

He is less interested in fighting with Russia or GINA than making a shit ton of money for himself, his friends and feeling international power for 4 - 8 years.

When Trump decreases the size of the CIA - the bad agents will likely move into full on crime-life, like importing/exporting through Mexico for ex. Maybe the cartel bosses will give 'em jobs.

Or they will kill him and have their puppet Mike Pence up to bat. You really think they were are all sitting in their Beligan Chateaus going "oh well" on election night? I do agree with your assessment of trump though, Putin is similar but far more cunning from what I've seen so we may see Russia pulling some sneaky shit while playing the nice fellow mob boss with trump.

Yup agreed, I've been saying they're gonna assassinate trump since before he was elected in.

Putin is a slippery bugger. He's a Judo bad ass master muther7ukr He's not without his past, but imagine Ali G interviewing him, that'd be even more bada$$.

Sorry the koosh is getting to me.

No. It isn't.

What if this is just another ploy to add to the whole "tinfoil hat" perception that the general public has regarding conspiracy theorists? What if the CIA (and/or whoever the fuck else is involved in all these hoaxes and false flags) somehow planted this guy specifically so he could say all this stuff as a way of further discrediting, in the public mind, any and all conspiracy speculation?

"Esteban says CIA controlled his mind and implanted voices in his head telling him to kill. MSM says by Esteban surrendering to the police after the shooting proves he knew what he did was wrong."

Can you provide a link? sorry if I missed it. I'd like to see the MSM connecting this to MK Ultra.

I heard it on Fox News today. If you google CIA voices fort Lauderdale shooting it should come up Here's one where he says CIA was controlling his mind and making him join Isis. On the news today.. he said in court CIA put voices in his head.

I was casually flipping through tv channel and saw fox 5 ny say that Esteban went to the FBI in Alaska and claimed the CIA was forcing him to watch ISIS videos. I thought it was odd MSM would even mention that at all.

So I had channel 5 on the 10pm news came on last night.The first story was about this case for the trail so I was interested if they would bring up the CIA part. This time they changed it to Esteban said "hackers" were making him watch the ISIS videos. I was shocked and angry that Fox would think that nobody would notice they changed CIA to hackers?! I shut it off immediately and won't be watching again.

Lol yeah I feel ya. I'm completely done with msm. These days you gotta search for info and piece it together yourself. Which is fked up bc it's not journalism.

I found this CNN report from the 80s and they were straight forward to the public about these electromagnet weapons the countries are developing and using against the citizens. What ever happen to that type of journalism? CNN 1985

That's why I like the conspiracy sub bc a lot of ppl here post news from all platforms and we have a 400k ppl to piece things together.

Also notice how every celebrity speaking against the elites suddenly has to go to treatment or rehab and are made out to be crazy. & when they come out they suddenly drop the topic.

Like how Shia Lebouf said the NSA was recording our phone calls for blackmail and said an FBI agent had demonstrated it to him by playing a dirty sex call Shia had made. This was BEFORE Snowden. It was to promote the film Eagle Eye.

After that all this shit happened to him, he acted crazy, was raped, trouble with police, lucky to have never been admitted to a Psych ward really.

And now if you mention what Shia said, people say "but Shia is crazy he just made it up".

Um no NSA whitleblower William Binney said the exact same thing.

was raped


Shia Lebouf got raped during one of his performance art things. By a strange woman with a bullwhip.

What? Why was t that bigger news?

Well it was, but it was like 2 years ago?

I never heard about that.

Because he wasnt really raped. He decided not to move as his performance art, and then let thousands of random people in a room alone with him. He could have stopped the act and told her to stop, but he did no such thing.

But did he give consent?

No, so it was definitely rape.

His consent was saying they could do anything....

Rape is not a playground game of tag. Laws are not game rules. He was fully capable of telling the bitch to stop and he didn't. Let's not compare this to women who are raped under threat of violence or children who are molested by their relatives. That does them a huge disservice.

He was fully capable of telling the bitch to stop and he didn't.

Apparently, affirmative consent is the order of the day. It's no longer no means no, it's yes means yes.

Repeating yourself using bigger words doesn't address my point.

Your ignorance doesn't address mine.

Ignorance of what? I am fully aware of consent laws. If you were, you would know that "capacity to consent" is a large part of them. Like I said, this isn't a schoolyard game. At some point it just gets into playing with words, and no longer looking at what actually happened on the ground. He had the full capacity to stop the situation and he didn't.

Ignorance of what? I am fully aware of consent laws. If you were, you would know that "capacity to consent" is a large part of them.

So let's switch the genders if is female doing a performance art and a male begins to touch her, it's ok as long as she doesn't say no?

Did I say anything about gender here? The same rules apply. Why shouldn't they?

So to clarify, n your estimation, if I walk up to a girl on the street and grab her by the vagina, I'm totally cool to continue massaging it until and unless she says stop....and as long as I stop at that instant, I should not be charged with sexual assault. Is that your final answer?

Ok, so now you are moving the goalposts. I like how you replaced "rape" with "sexual assault".

I do agree that this is sexual assault. That is what Shia Labeouf should have claimed occurred.

Ah, so you do think a crime was committed. That clears that up. To me, there isn't much of a distinction because whether it's a sexual assault or rape you are considered the lowest piece of shit in our society, are still a sex offender in the eyes of the law and basically fucked for life....unless you are a billionaire and can afford your own island.

he was doing a "performance art piece" where he stayed in one spot and didn't move or speak even while people were all around him trying to interact with him. During this time he says someone messed with him sexually. He wasn't able to stop himself from being molested because he couldn't move or speak during the performance.

Oh.. ok

Yeah and trans women are real women.

His legs were whipped and he had a bullwhip inserted in his anus. It's rape. He was obviously scared/shocked. No body cares because people hate modern art and think such artists deserve worse.

One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for ten minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me… There were hundreds of people in line when she walked out with disheveled hair and smudged lipstick. It was no good, not just for me but her man as well. On top of that my girl was in line to see me, because it was Valentine’s Day and I was living in the gallery for the duration of the event – we were separated for five days, no communication. So it really hurt her as well, as I guess the news of it travelled through the line. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn’t speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful


Sorry was he standing there naked? How could she penetrate him with anything , That doesn't make anything ok, I'm just trying to paint the scene

He says she removed his clothes.

Duh it's right there... sorry I'm on mobile and was multitasking

A guy getting rape is not big news. It's more of a joke. :(

Only when the guy says people can do anything to him, then stands still and allows them to do things.

Especially when the person often does such weird ass things for attention

And they have a new wacky fuckin haircut

Gotta put that brain chip in somehow.

And new earlobes.

Put that ear chip in somehow.

There's plenty of intelligent actors etc in the industry who have radical political beliefs.

Julian Assange is Mossad disinfo. Don't pin your hopes on him.

I can confirm the schizophrenia thing. I have it and heard voices as a kid. And my mother has it too and she heard voices as a child also. So it seems really unlikely that these people would just suddenly develop these symptoms of advanced psychosis.

Do your voices speak in whole, grammatically correct sentences? Do they ask you to do things and follow up on how accurately you performed the task? Do they try to psychologically break you down using verbal abuse?

This is what targets of experimentation experience.

Schizophrenics are just going to experience random words, sentences that makes no sense, knocking noises, that's it.

There's a clear difference between someone being programmed and their brain simply malfunctioning.

Please do some research on paranoid schizophenia and call me in the morning. You're describing a mild variant of what it can become.

lol did I ever say I experience that?

Please do some research on MK ULTRA.

Do some research on Psychiatrists who use trauma to split personalities.

These same Psychiatrists are the ones who write the definitions.

There is no blood test to determine if someone is schizophrenic. They are trained by textbooks and if something you say is similar to the criteria in the DSM manual, you are mentally ill.

For example, claimed he was stalked by the FBI. The psychiatrists said he was paranoid. He later killed himself (probably programmed too via electroshock "therapy")

Decades later, FBI revealed that they had stalked him.

He was never crazy, just victim of a corrupt system. His friends must feel like shit, knowing they helped kill him, because they couldn't think for themselves and just went along with whatever the Government said. Sheeple.

Here's a spook saying they can create symptoms using technology indistinguishable from schizophrenia:

I mean voices are the easiest ones (to create) because all you have to do is stimulate the cochlea with a set frequency. It’s very easy. Voices are very easy. And it isn’t that people are imagining voices. They physically hear them. They physically hear as I’m talking to you. My voice isn’t inside your brain. My voice goes no further than an inch into your ear. It’s the electrical signal that makes you interpret how I sound and once you’ve got this electrical signal which can be a chip or lots of things you can physically make people hear voices. It can cause insanity and it was an experiment to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity and have a psychiatrist, who was unknown to everybody, diagnose schizophrenia or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. That was a successful outcome and the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum and in misery but to the government scientists that was a success.

PS. hearing voices that use grammatically correct sentences and issue instruction and do follow up is not a "mild variant of paranoid schizophrenia" lol even if someone just hears knocking noises which aren't real they are schizphrenic according to DSM manuals. You're ignorant of your own bullshit lol

"Schizophrenics are just going to experience random words, sentences that makes no sense, knocking noises, that's it."

I am asserting that THIS is a mild varient of schizophrenia, the more eloquent and directive voices are just about standard for paranoid schizophrenia.

hahaha eloquent and directive voices do you honestly believe that it could be anything other than the CIA issuing instructions using their neuro weapons. Do you honestly believe a brain malfunction would output grammatically correct sentences and not just noise?

And let's go further into what you mean by eloquent, what you mean is a voice that uses CIA 2 stage torture to break the will of the target. It's been documented that these supposed schizos get broken down in the exact same method as Guantanamo Bay prisoners. In fact many Guantanamo Bary prisoners complain of voices in their heads and are diagnosed as "sluggish schizophrenics", whatever that is.

hahaha eloquent and directive voices do you honestly believe that it could be anything other than the CIA issuing instructions using their neuro weapons. Do you honestly believe a brain malfunction would output grammatically correct sentences and not just noise?

Yes. Because 'functional' human brains often think in grammatically correct sentences. If you can think it, an ill brain can think it for you.

We can see patterns in totally random noise.

I know we can recognize random words listening to white noise, but have people ever heard a grammatically correct monologue listening to white noise?

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Your brain can imagine a fully fleshed out, grammatically correct sentence. Why should you not hallucinate one? Your thoughts are much less under your control under the best conditions than you might assume, friend.

Why would a computer bug output a grammatically correct sentence? It's literally impossible, like monkeys typing out Shakespeare.

Lmao, exactly. My most common hallucination is a male voice telling me to "turn out the lights", which is a perfectly coherent sentence.

A common term like command hallucination is an easy counterexample to your assertion that schizophrenics don't hear full sentences, I have no clue where you got the idea schizophrenia doesn't include those types of hallucinations. Even if it's true what would be the diagnosis for a person hearing full sentences?

It's impossible for a malfunctioning computer to output sentences that are grammatically correct, let alone issue instructions and follow up on how accurately they are followed. Same with the human brain.

I don't understand how you could believe something so preposterous. Oh wait, I know why, because you saw it on "a beautiful mind"?

The "fake diagnosis" is schizophrenia, full sentences or not. The real cause, if full sentences, CIA mind control.

It gets even funnier. The CIA for some reason near this army base didn't even bother trying to hide the pattern of mind control. They torture homosexuals using their v2k weapons in the same way. All of them tortured by a voice that introduces itself as sally. What is the probability that all of these people would have the same brain malfunction???

But anyway they just get a psychiatrist (gay one too, so the tv news audience thinks "gee he must've looked at it from all sides, cos he's gay like them, i'm sure he left no stone unturned") to say they're all schizo suffering from a group delusion.

I mean, just fucking sheeple. Believe whatever the authorities say, no matter how preposterous. One day this technology will be used to enslave everyone.

I hate to respond to just your first line but drawing an analogy between someone experiencing psychosis and a malfunctioning computer is helpless.

I hate to respond to just your first line but drawing an analogy between someone experiencing psychosis and a malfunctioning computer is helpless.

lol military does it, so do top scientist.

The Mind Has No Firewall

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing capability are well-documented.

Lol, my hallucinations speak beyond full sentences. Sometimes they provide monologues and narration of everything I do.

Maybe you should look this stuff up then.

After all, you don't want to wind up a mass shooter working for the CIA.

I am sure the schizophrenia diagnosis is a common thread in this subreddit. But dont worry: all the sheeple are the ones who are clearly in the wrong. Laughable

Lol, my "conspiracy theories" are actually part of why I got diagnosed. But I do hear things though. Mostly someone rambling on about how I should do what I'm doing this way, and not the way I'm doing it. But you never follow the voices advice because chances are, their advice is pretty stupid.

Schizophrenia most often presents in late adolescence, per the DSM-V.

I guess I was an unusual case.

Yeah, it's not unheard of, but pretty uncommon. IIRC, psychiatrists generally won't even diagnose schizophrenia until a patient is 16 or so.

2A is not so we can hunt, target shoot, and protect our homes. Was this the urgent issue 200+ years ago- preserving hunting and target practice? No. It's right behind the 1A for the same reason, to protect us from a tyrannical govt.

Forces within and without our govt want to take that away. Our 2A is the last wall they need to crush. Problem for them is the more they do this crap the more people obtain more guns and ammo. They will never put the toothpaste back in the tube.

2A was meant to protect us from the tyranny of a standing army.

The US was never meant to have a standing army in peace time.

Actually the Voice-to-Skull device had a page on the US Army website (now deleted):

(Page recorded by webarchive)

Also, in case you doubt microwave/electromagnetic weapons can and have been used to harass here's the example of US officers victims themselves (Wikileaks cables about the Russian use of microwave weapons against the US embassy):

BTW, i don't use the word Illuminati because we really don't know what the hell is going on with all this.

Wow! That is super crazy. We are at war right now getting hit with weapons that are invisible and not even knowing it.

They must have some global treaty to keep all of this quiet.

Okay here's my theory. Maybe he was downloading all this propaganda and was enjoying CP and the FBI or CIA caught wind of one or the other and said hey since we know your have CP and we know you are watching the propaganda, which the CIA made, so he was already exposed to easy manipulation. So they maybe talked to him, took him some where, or maybe fed him certain types of propaganda to subconsciously imprint something in his mind. This way they could trigger him.

Now idk how.this all works so here is another theory. Maybe certain types of images make the brain relax its mental walls or some type of field, plus any medication could add to this and a myriad of other things. Maybe they use a MK Ultra psychics or they have some kind of technology that control brainwaves or maybe he has a chip in him. They the could remotely access people or at least take control of their thought process to make them do things. Put their personality aside and take control of their consciousness or some crazy shit who knows. I'm just putting crazy things out there. We live in probability universe so anything is possible.

Yeah, but what do Kanye West and Steven Seagal think about all of thi...oh, wait...well done OP! Glad you did your research and found such reputable sources of information on these topics.

This is some solid conspiracy stuff right here. Stoked to read this!

This is insane. This needs more coverage.

The universe is working on it. Let go and watch the tide roll over the world

Seriously? You're comparing gun registries to Nazi Germany.. I'm pretty sure there is a much closer comparison looming around - maybe how Trump keeps threatening to make a Muslim registry just as Jews were made to register...?

The post is about gun control and electromagnet weapons.

Dude a Muslim registry won't matter. They are like 2% of our population. You'd be a fool to think the NSA is keeping tabs on muslims already, considering they have all our info whenever they want. And no I don't think all muslims are bad. I think some bad people are muslims however.

What's stopping people from lying anyway? Are they gonna raid every Americans home looking for any hidden Qurans? I doubt it lol. Don't compare this to nazi Germany out of respect to the people who died in under hitler.

Seeing how NO ONE was shot, and this has been proven many times over, this post is pure rubbish. He's an actor.


lol I guess you didn't read my post. Bc it has nothing to do with him shooting victims. Whatever you said in CAPS IS WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT...GUN CONTROL.

Well I guess we got 100 years left ... I better start preparing!!

what the fuck did i just read?

lol no its not

You guys ever have dreams where you're constantly put in life and death scenarios, sometimes having to work with other people you don't know but yet yall have a mutual respect for each other? Like the dreams are training.

Dreams are training. They are a means for your subconscious mind to prepare you for probable threats. Interpreting dreams is an interesting (and fairly well-developed) subject.


Roger that.

FYI paranoid schizophenia is not some binary "only develops sub-age 20" condition. Santiago is 26. He was in Iraq in his early 20's, probably a great opportunity to see and or do some fucked up shit that can manifest itself as a legitimate mental condition. Hinging what seems like a crucial part of your lengthy and well-linked argument on the fact that

FYI this isn't schizophrenia bc schizophrenia develops at a young age, 20 or younger, and these people are older who are hearing voices in their head.

doesn't hold much weight, I'm afraid.

I just hopes he gets a fair trial and if the CIA is behind this mind control.. it should be exposed. Too many lives have been taken by these "false flags" just to push a political agenda. Our govt is filled with nothing but a bunch of murdering, corrupt, greedy, lying, satanic, pedos. ALL of it needs to come to the front and be exposed. .

schizophrenia can develop at later ages too


Thank you for mentioning this. I lost a friend who was in his early 40's to suicide due to untreated schizophrenia. His illness technically didn't show signs until his mid-thirties. His symptoms were ignored by friends and family and brushed off as anxiety, they acted like he was too old to be mentally ill or something.

What the fuck happens to this sub after midnight?

Thank you so much for all of this information! I will definitely be researching.

Lol. You guys are a riot.

About the part where you mention Hollywood involvement. 'Member when Brad Pitt got caught up in Hungary with prop guns for World War Z that were actual functioning military hardware? Article



Your not going to like it.

Not to be a dick, but how effective do you think your guns would protect you from a tank?

Also have you every done a shit load of lsd? It doesn't brain wash you, something like scopolamine would be more effective for that.

This guy sounds like he is schizophrenic that went of his meds. The gov't screwed the pooch on this one if the story of him turning himself in is true. But honestly the gov't is probably more inept than you give it credit for.

would need guns and also bombs of course

Tanks can be stopped with mud. Just mud. Our military has had their asses handed to them for the past 15 years by goat farmers in the desert. Not to be a dick, but how effective do you think the US Military actually is?

By what stretch of the imagination have they been getting their asses handed to them? Do you realize more of our soldiers have died from suicide than from actual combat, that for everyone of our soldiers that died more than 200 ''enemies/civilians'' died? We shouldn't be over there in the first place, but do you know how long it took to take out saddam? 3 weeks, to go to the other side of the planet and blow up a country.

I don't agree with the war, or how much we spend on the military, or a lot of things this country does. I fully support the second amendment and enjoy shooting and hunting. But to assume you and a bunch of AR-15's or whatever the cool toy is now would have more than a snowflakes chance in hell is ludicrous.

I don't own an assault rifle. I am a hunter/sport shooter, not a militiaman. I think it's hilarious that you count dead civilians as victories. Says a whole lot about you as a person. Keep licking those boots.

Its not a victory, it's atrocious and many gov't officials should be in jail for war crimes. I think the whole situation is fucked, unfortunately most of the reported stats lump them together.

What if Scientology is somehow related to MK Ultra and that's why they're so weird and so many celebs and why the government doesn't do anything about their illegal antics.

You linked to this using a "shared" link which disables comments.

This is the actual link:

From what I understand, these links come from phone and ipad users. Did you type out your entire post on a phone or ipad?

...or he was just psycho

Lol you guys are hilarious

So MK Ultra isn't just like Puberty then?

I have no doubt MK Ultra is a very real entity however, what was the point here? I mean unless there was something about someone he killed in the airport....why kill random people when the government has a hit list a mile long?

It kinda makes no sense (to me) at this junction unless or until there's some specific meaning to this otherwise senseless killing spree (although it's very odd how he was able to claim a LOADED gun with no question)

Strange all around.........

I was with you until you mentioned Steven Seagal as a credible source.

Shame I had to scroll down so far to find this. Seagal and Kanye? Come on. These are mentally ill people. Stardom or the lack there of does not give their word extra weight. Mentally ill is mentally ill.

Also isn't what OP's saying BASICALLY the plot of the movie Zoolander?

But why male models?

Steven and Kanye are both in Hollywood and have experienced the MK so they know about the mind control. Steven seagal has recently got into politics... talking with putin and trump.

So we've got Steven Seagal joining our elite delegates along with Dennis Rodman in North Korea. I feel so comfortable in their hands.

We have Trump a reality star as president and Arnold was governor of Cali. They are ppl too

I don't get it. So given that the CIA is an illegal fascist organization, what do they win by supporting saner gun control laws?

Is the CIA now controlled by the extreme left or the extreme right?

I think they were in Obamas pockets... or in the NWO pockets.

Voice to Skull having a patent doesn't mean it works. I can patent my idea for a time machine too. The flip side to telling people it's the big bad government beaming messages into their skull is they don't get the mental health help they need. This shooter was probably on the gangstalking sub here where all the mentally ill encourage each other to not take meds or get help and believe V2S is a real thing. If you hear voices you are insane.

Esteban MK breakthrough

The talk about trauma and Monarch programme, and how paedos are blackmailed into selling children reminds me of the PG thing.

Trump is thier man.

Dont believe the hype

I need to save this.

Wow! mind blown.

yay light of day

This is scary shit, heard of mkultra but damn

What does the CIA gain by doing this? Stricter gun control is not working even with all these shootings. People's attitudes towards the war on terrorism are not changing based on these shootings.

I'm still stuck on Kanye's speech. WOAH

This thread is the reason I don't discuss my conspiracy theories with most people. You people sound like absolute lunatics. There was never a moment in the last 8 years where I thought Obama was going to take peoples' guns. WTF is wrong with you paranoid rednecks?

Just bc I live in Texas doesn't mean I'm a Redneck. lol I'm FAR from it so f out with your name calling.

Did you mean "fuck off" or "fuck out"? I personally like the latter.

Lol prob F off ha

I've already used fuck out twice today, so it's a thing. Dude, did you honestly honestly honestly think Obama was somehow going to outlaw guns in 4-8 years?? Explain it all to me, because you people come off as c-r-a-z-y!

I don't think obama was going to outlaw guns but he was put in place to bring it one step closer to gun control. The NWO puppets are put in place to bring them closer to harsher gun laws. The NWO was counting on Hillary winning and would of gave her orders to carry out false flags bringing America one step closer to gun control. They are very patient ppl and plan stuff like this decades ahead of time. That's why obama is so pissed Trump won bc the elites who own him might not agree with the "gun control". So, trump will bring the NWO 10 steps back, which means Obamas efforts during those 8 years can be wiped out. U see where I'm coming from? They NWO elite know Americans don't want a NWO and can't put it in place with all of us armed. they have to strip our gun rights small pieces at a time so we don't notice what they are actually doing. I.e. Say for the next 20 years the NWO succeeded in electing their puppets. All of the puppets are for gun control. One puppet organizes false flags with mental illness shooters. Eventually the mass population will say take gun rights away from mental illness ppl bc that aren't in their right mind. So a law is put in place and healthcare providers are forced to hand over any mental illness records to govt That's a HUGE group that will be disarmed. 1 out of 4 ppl in America take some type of anxiety or depression pill.

Next puppet works on disarming the military with pstd. The puppet reforms the military benefits (like trump wants to do) and majority of the vets apply for the benefits saying they have pstd. Then false flags are organized with military men who have pstd. Over time the mass population will force gun control on that group. That's another large group disarm and this time its the group that is TRAINED to protect us.

You see where I'm going? They start with 100% ppl armed to 30% armed. 30% is a better number for them if they want to force NWO on us.

Wow. Ok. Few things:

  1. Isn't the NWO (whoever they are) powerful enough to assassinate Trump? Are they really sitting around saying, "darn, we were foiled."

  2. Couldn't the US military simply drop a bomb on all of you with your guns? You seem to think they'll be fighting in the streets with you, gun to gun. Do you honestly believe they are scared of a bunch of overhyped macho guys with guns?

They could assassinate trump but hes overly protected by tons of different agencies.

US military won't drop a bomb bc it makes it extremely obvious their intensions. U gotta look at how the elites have operated in the past. They are smooth and make everything look as an illusion.

Who/what is the NWO?

The new world order which is a group of elites who are owned by the Rothschilds who want to form a one world government, one world currency and one world religion (luciferian). The elites that are involved are obama Bushes Clinton's pope queen Merkel... basically all the country's that are ran by the central banks, which is owned by the Rothschild. The only countries that ARENT under the central banks control is Russia, china, Iran and Cuba, which are our enemeys bc US is owned by the central banks. YouTube new world order documentary and get familiar with it bc that's what our world is fighting against right now. Once the NWO is ushered in we are slaves to the elites and a lot of ppl say that's when the antichrist will rise to the thrown. There's a few things that need to happen first before the NWO can be put in place.. ww3, and economic collapse of the US dollar and the third temple needs to be built in Israel.

This is classic /r/conspiracy and now I miss the old /r/politics. Cause this is batshit insane lol. I don't doubt MK Ultra is a major CIA Program but it's not a verb, Trump is just an upper class reactionary not a savior, and the government does not have magic powers.

Transcript of Kayne West 17 min Rant on exposing the Illuminati

I just read that transcript. OP can you please explain to me why you believe that that rant was "exposing the Illuminati"? Did you even read it?

Replace radio with illuminati bc the radio is ran by the illuminati. Jay z and Beyoncé are the stop of the illuminati pyramid for the music industry. They are what you call the king and Queen of the music industry for the illuminati. He mentioned "jayz talk to me, just call me, I know you got killers and don't put them at my head" he's wanting jays to talk to him person to person and not as the illuminati music king who has access to hitmen (star whacking)
He says radio (illuminati) lies to you, fb lies to you, Google lies to you... which means they are all controlled by the higher power elites. He said he was his Trump shit... this is almost immediately after the election and trump won AGAINST THE ILLUMANTi (establishment) this gave Kanye hope which is why he went out and ranted against the establishment. Kanye said something like the new powers are here and the old power structure is dying so don't get HILLARY clinton. Basically saying ppl are waking up to the old power structure which is why Hillary clinton failed. Kid cuddi was once controlled by the illuminati but now speaks out against the illuminati.


Did Esteban break through his MK Ultra after he killed all these people and surrendered?

James Holmes was found peacefully sitting in his car by the police.

He also said he was mind controlled. Maybe both of them broke out of MK? I don't remember but did james remember anything about he Shooting or did he black out?

To date, Holmes has not uttered a single word publicly since his capture. In what video exists of his first several court appearances, Holmes was clearly drugged out of his mind.

Damn, Esteban was in court bitting his lip and moving around a lot. Prob was drugged out too.

FYI this isn't schizophrenia bc schizophrenia develops at a young age, 20 or younger, and these people are older who are hearing voices in their head.

The only part of this I'm going to comment on. Schizophrenia COMMONLY develops between the ages of 16-30, most commonly in late adolescence. It's not impossible for it to develop even later than that.

Your comment makes it seem like it can't develop after they're full grown, which is false.

Omg we are so fucked has a species


He could be possibly in protective service? There is a secret war going between NSA and CIA. Maybe the NSA is trying to bring down the CIA by exposing their MK programs?

Because the people in the media probably aren't told about programs like this if not necessary. And to "normal" people it just sounds insane. And they very much want to push the insane angle rather than the Islamic terrorist angle.

The MSM isn't tightly controlled. It's controlled via access to lobbiests, access to information, etc. It's still private companies run by individuals, these people are entirely self interested and they'll jump ship the second they think they're on the "wrong" (aka losing) side of anything.

If the people you have to lobby are pedos, you'll cover up pizzagate. But they aren't about to place themselves between pitchforks and politicians and lose everything themselves.

Thanks man

why would it matter? no one did anything the first time MK Ultra was discovered, so what are we going to do this time?

Then we are fkedddd if so

Are you the real Martin skrtel?

Yup agreed, I've been saying they're gonna assassinate trump since before he was elected in.

Putin is a slippery bugger. He's a Judo bad ass master muther7ukr He's not without his past, but imagine Ali G interviewing him, that'd be even more bada$$.

Sorry the koosh is getting to me.

Nice.. I follow u on scope. You should purchase a drug that wakes up all the dumb sheeple. Are there secret ingredients in drugs that keep the mass population asleep and controlled in a illusion?

Why would the elite let this slip through their controlled MSM?

Remember when a guy complaining of mind control and said George H Bush was watching him tried kidnapping a girl from walmart, and the Police found illuminatti literature in his apartment?

I don't think the people doing the mind control are a homogenous group. I think sometimes they do it to set up the other bad guys. Like NSA has their mind control killers, CIA has their mind control killers, Navy has their mind control killers, Airforce has their mind control killers, and the departments hate each other and keep trying to pin it on the other agencies.

He's fked smh!

Because it's unlikely that the public accept the reality. There are victims of these crimes that fight for credibility, supported by psychiatrists and experts that back the testimonies. Still ignored by media and officials.

The process required for the public to accept or even doubt these new ways of domestic terrorism by state agents isn't proportial to the truth itself:

Also adding something from my last comment:

Actually the Voice-to-Skull device had a page on the US Army website (now deleted):

(Page saved by webarchive)

Also, in case you doubt microwave/electromagnetic weapons can and have been used to harass here's the example of US officers victims themselves (Wikileaks cables about the Russian use of microwave weapons against the US embassy):

BTW, i don't use the word Illuminati because we really don't know what the hell is going on with all this.

tell me something... do you think the ex chairman of goldman sacs knows more about the economy or do you?

What does sac mean?

Big if true.


lol I guess you didn't read my post. Bc it has nothing to do with him shooting victims. Whatever you said in CAPS IS WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT...GUN CONTROL.

They are letting more and more slip out, something big is coming.

This shit was painfully fucking obvious right from the start, to anyone with two braincells to rub together... if you look at the list of this major campaign donors for the republican primary, all of them are transnational corporations. He was funded by many of the same people as Hillary.

The US was never meant to have a standing army in peace time.

Thank you. This to me sounds like the only rational response. So many people here saying "duh, you've been duped! Trump's a billionaire!" As if there was any alternative. (And as if billionaire itself is any proof of anything). At the very least trump has rattled some feathers. This will go a long way to making the masses wake up from their 'government loves you' slumber.

hahaha eloquent and directive voices do you honestly believe that it could be anything other than the CIA issuing instructions using their neuro weapons. Do you honestly believe a brain malfunction would output grammatically correct sentences and not just noise?

Yes. Because 'functional' human brains often think in grammatically correct sentences. If you can think it, an ill brain can think it for you.

As I love to learn, could you kindly point me to a resource that you value?

Alls I know is that I am glad Trump won....

There was another option who the powers that be would not allow us access to. His name is Bernie Sanders. He would have beaten Trump. He would have dramatically changed our society. They would have assassinated him. The people might have woken up at that point. Then again ...

...Congress is in DC.

Oh forsute they do their bidding as if they're your friends

I gave a link. Seriously what is your problem? No one ever asked for sources until I started posting about CIA mind control. Seems like its being done just to waste my time so I can't talk to as many people about this issue. I'd like to be on the MSM sites saying this shooter isn't crazy not be ordered around by redditors too lazy to google.

Your brain can imagine a fully fleshed out, grammatically correct sentence. Why should you not hallucinate one? Your thoughts are much less under your control under the best conditions than you might assume, friend.

I don't think obama was going to outlaw guns but he was put in place to bring it one step closer to gun control. The NWO puppets are put in place to bring them closer to harsher gun laws. The NWO was counting on Hillary winning and would of gave her orders to carry out false flags bringing America one step closer to gun control. They are very patient ppl and plan stuff like this decades ahead of time. That's why obama is so pissed Trump won bc the elites who own him might not agree with the "gun control". So, trump will bring the NWO 10 steps back, which means Obamas efforts during those 8 years can be wiped out. U see where I'm coming from? They NWO elite know Americans don't want a NWO and can't put it in place with all of us armed. they have to strip our gun rights small pieces at a time so we don't notice what they are actually doing. I.e. Say for the next 20 years the NWO succeeded in electing their puppets. All of the puppets are for gun control. One puppet organizes false flags with mental illness shooters. Eventually the mass population will say take gun rights away from mental illness ppl bc that aren't in their right mind. So a law is put in place and healthcare providers are forced to hand over any mental illness records to govt That's a HUGE group that will be disarmed. 1 out of 4 ppl in America take some type of anxiety or depression pill.

Next puppet works on disarming the military with pstd. The puppet reforms the military benefits (like trump wants to do) and majority of the vets apply for the benefits saying they have pstd. Then false flags are organized with military men who have pstd. Over time the mass population will force gun control on that group. That's another large group disarm and this time its the group that is TRAINED to protect us.

You see where I'm going? They start with 100% ppl armed to 30% armed. 30% is a better number for them if they want to force NWO on us.

That's correct. It is multiple groups with the same MO and the same technologies, jockeying to control the narrative.

It's like when there was the shutdown, there was a increase in no of events of TIs killing themselves, attacking others etc. to put pressure to restore funding. Like a woman transcriber who "God" instructed to go on a rant about the Founding Fathers being Freemasons during congress. The media censored the Freemason thing. I was like "oh wow is the CIA mad with the Freemasons? don't they have enough drug money stashed?"

Thank you kindly, I will try to reply or PM you after watching the videos!

v2k is simply "hearing" an RF signal. Sound can be directly encoded. Vision is a conglomeration of myriad schemas and no one has any idea how that might be encoded.

Thank you so much, this comment makes me warm inside.