/r/conspiracy is being targeted with a massive number of coordinated voters (bots?) to take control of the narrative on this sub! The timing and the scale of this aggression can only mean that something big is about to happen before Trump's inauguration

2117  2017-01-11 by Bernie4Ever

There are now 4,000 users online, which is more or less 3-4 times more than the usual 900-1300 around this time of the day. There were only 2,500 users 30 minutes ago. The anti-Trump posts are skyrocketing to the top, yet it was never the case before.
Could it be that they are trying to take over this sub like they did with /r/politics ?
Update 1: 10 minutes after original post, there are more than 4,500 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 2: 20 minutes after original post, there are more than 5,200 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 3: 30 minutes after original post, there are more than 6,500 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 4: 40 minutes after original post, there are more than 7,200 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 5: 50 minutes after original post, there are more than 7,500 users on /r/conspiracy
The number of online users seems to have peaked around 7,500 users, and now it starts to go down. Users are removed from the online counter usually when their session expires because they have stopped to interact with the system, which I can believe happens after 60 minutes (can any reddit expert confirm this?). This would match the start of the online user increase that was around 10-20 minutes before this post.
Update 6: 60 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,700 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 7: 70 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,400 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 8: 80 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,400 users (no typo, still the same number) on /r/conspiracy
Update 9: 90 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,400 users (no typo, still the same number) on /r/conspiracy
Update 10: 100 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,200 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 11: 110 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,150 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 12: 120 minutes after original post, there are now around 6,100 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 13: 130 minutes after original post, there are now around 5,850 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 14: 140 minutes after original post, there are now around 5,600 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 15: 150 minutes after original post, there are now around 5,000 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 16: 160 minutes after original post, there are now around 4,500 users on /r/conspiracy
Update 17: 170 minutes after original post, there are now around 4,000 users on /r/conspiracy
Just have a look at this sub's traffic statistics. Look at the peak on the "uniques by hour" graph today.
Looking at this series, you can be pretty certain that someone is using a army of bots and fake accounts...


We can deflect it. Look at "controversial" to see what they are fighting.

Looks like they're fighting the Trump-Russia narrative at the moment...

Huh... top post right now is trump russia

Trumpsia. It's like Fantasia, but sticky.

The top post is an anti-Trump Buzzfeed article with massive brigading. Seems coordinated.

massive brigading

why do you assume that? I'm sure you don't think that story is true, but just pretend it is for a second - don't you think it'd get some serious attention?

This is a community. We know each other and talk to each other every day. Do you not think we know when thousands of outsiders have hijacked our sub?

Looks like they're fighting the Trump-Russia narrative at the moment...

Yes sir. This is a great community as well

Hell yeah it is, one of the last greats.


bullshit. it was obvious to anyone that isn't a donnie fanboy that he'd been compromised. I asked the question on this sub 12 days ago. a lot of regulars here are sick of the brigading that came from r/td after #pizzacirclejerk.

That link looks like a nice civil discussion. Those happen every now and again here.

On a non-brigaded day there is no simple answers to how an organic sub would act/look. We see the controlled subs and they always act the same. This sub is different. Of course we have our spam posters trying to get web traffic to their sites.. And we have a few hot heads looking for an argument to start (It may even be me if I'm having a bad day).. Yes large socially events effect the sub for a time. I have seen white, black, and even Jewish racists here. What other sub can claim that kind of diversity?...

I have a prophetic prophecy. In just 2 weeks the face of this sub will change again just as the tide rises and falls.

That would be nice. It sucks to see pizzagate bring in all the donald and then uh, something else bring in all the r/politics ish subs. Just let us have our conspiracies in obscure peace

Most of us have already moved on, but still check in once in a while.

LOL nice Hitlery supplied talking points. Funny how you people spout the same exact shit in the same exact language.

haha, love the irony. you are so clever. fistbump my Berniebro!

Thank you. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills in here today. Mods need to step their game up today.

you must not come here much.

Take a look at the comments. They're throwing Reddit gold around like it's candy. Not that that's too uncommon, it's still abnormal.

Yep, there is gold being thrown around in the trump-russia-buzzfeed thread in r/conspiracy right now on these propaganda comments.

I just found out that this entire 'scandal' was because of /pol/.

It's actually hilarious to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5n8yd9/when_you_never_verify_anything_because_youre_fake/?st=IXS9IA3F&sh=a4d016e4

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

This is great, thanks!

Why the fuck would you believe /pol/ they only started posting after the news broke dummy.

Because they have done this shit before. We would need to see the post to verify. I'm shocked there's no post showing the original thread.

These documents got to the FBI back in October. No talk on pol or anywhere about this before now.

I'm not saying whether the report is true or not. It's just that pol would do this shit regardless

But didn't /pol/ also seed the PG theory?

The earliest relevant archive is in November. The documents got to the FBI October. There is absolutely no proof /pol/ had a hand in this.

Also worth noting: https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRickWilson/status/819000073853997056

Rick wilson

worth noting


In this particular instance, where the conspiracy is based on /pol/ giving the shit to Rick Wilson... yeah. Worth noting. It's relevant, isn't it?

People are gonna keep blinding themselves to inconvenient truths, man, conspiracy is dominated by pro-trump users.

The post with the original thread on Nov 1 has been posted. Funny ass shit.

That October 29 post was archived on October 30, 2016 here, predates some October 31 published article being used to discredit the hoax angle in the man noisy buzz thread.

Looks more likely to me to be a good troll expedition from 4chan.

Nice find.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc.


Ah yes, the Donald citing /pol/, this is a legit source

I can't believe these guys. They can not see how badly they are being trolled.

More legit source than buzzfeed

Even if you believed /pol/ trolled them about golden showers, that doesn't even come close to being the entire scandal. It's the least important part.

Reddit gold is pretty uncommon in /r/conspiracy.

Very uncommon. I've never seen it.

I've heard it's been happening a bit recently during the end of the election. I've seen it a couple of times.

Had gold for my comment asking the mods why they flair'd that story as unverified but no others.

Never got a response, go figure. They also removed that whole post from the front page.

Eh there's a couple a month

yeah, if I get Gold for this stupid comment then we know we got brigaded!

Was going to give you gold, then remembered how broke I am.

Ive been here for two years and have seen it once or twice.

Can someone give me gold so I can see what it is. I seriously have no clue what it even does.

Its a common CTR tactic.

2:40 AM EST, still 2.7K crawling the boards.

I noticed this as well. Gold is almost nonexistent in this thread. I also noticed a lot of gold in the comments of the Assange AMA, of course all the gold comments were attacking Assange or trying to tie him/Trump to Russia. Pretty odd if you ask me.

Probably because /r/all has come in.

nobody fucking uses gold here lol

They did the same shit on the Wikileaks AMA.

This is part of what they do to make their bots seem more legit.

Yep you can see lots of shilling about that in the top post about it in this sub right now.

So much shilling.

Lol love that the day CTR news came out everyone that disagrees with you is a paid operative.


1 post karma 247 comment karma

Cool man.

I got other accounts here that are linked with personal information but I can't comment with that because I post pizza pictures and occasionally play dominoes while eating fresh pasta given to me from my grandpa on christmas. Which according to your guys means I run a pedo torture chamber.

Why do you even bother?

Because I feel bad for people sucked into this shit.

I see your username is very appropriate.

Hey! Youu posted that before.

I love this new username. Shows me people who can't have a real discussion. Such an easy way to filter out the shills.

Cause it's in /r/all you fucking dumbass

Found the douche that wandered in from all slinging insults.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.


It's OK, Jesus loves you.

No he doesn't

Rule 10, only warning. Please do not attack other users.

I am sorry.

'tis okay, thanks for your understanding.

Curious, do you find God status in helping us "all get along"? In a way, you thwart free speech while enforcing a (Decent) Rule. But you're vigilant. That doesn't sit well with some of us. You care, that's great, but what do you choke to keep a quo?

It's not god status in the least; it's an extension of a Kantian ethic that drives me to moderate, as adherence to maxims is the only way to thwart subversive manipulation on reddit.

All the healthy skepticism of ALL SOURCES has been laid waste to ad hom attacks from shills. It's disturbing.

All the healthy skepticism of ALL SOURCES

Oh ya cause this sub was totally skeptical about every source before today.

I scribbled red lines on google maps: CONFIRMED PEDOPHILE SATANISTS!

I see the Hitlerina Child-Rape Defense Force is coming out of the woodwork.

Your oldest post/comment was made less than a week ago. Oompa loompa shill confirmed!!

A mod of this sub has been taken in by disinfo and is peddling it around. [AssuredlyAThrowaway repeatedly posted this image:


in order to discredit the memos. Trouble is, it doesn't appear in the memos:


Someone has clearly printed out and highlighted the passage to make it seem like it did.

Assuredly has since deleted his comments on other subs, and his diary here, about this item.

So which is it - is a mod of this sub knowingly spreading disinfo in order to discredit a conspiracy theory? Or is he just gullible and easily taken in by obvious hoaxes without checking their source? Skepticism, indeed! The rot in this sub, as with many, starts at the top.

This...this is very good. We should keep an eye on this as a poisoning the well kinda deal

Thanks! I am a diehard conspiracy theorist about all sorts of things, including 9/11, aliens on the moon, the elite preparing for a massive human dieoff, etc etc. The groupthink on this sub is obvious and incredibly discouraging and hypocritical to someone like me.

u/AssuredlyAThrowaway, explain yourself!

I'd give this a gold if I didn't think that would be taken as proof you are a Clinton shill

Just to be transparent, I did vote for Clinton, reluctantly, in Massachusetts. I had planned to write in Bernie's name (because in Mass it don't matter), but at the last moment I didn't. I wanted to give her as many votes as possible to repudiate the noxious cancer of trumpism. I live with a (non-religious) woman with an obviously Muslim surname, and she is scared. It would just take one spectacular terrorist attack, and the whole conversation would change. We'd be debating about the conditions Muslims are held in rather than whether or not they should be.

I utterly despise Clinton's foreign policy. She was totally, 100% wrong about Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, the list goes on. I read a long interview today about how her policy was totally wrongheaded. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to foreign policy, Clinton is in the jihadi-making business. I don't know to what extent she grasps this (though I suspect more than she lets on).

I was shocked by the wikileaks revelations - at how little they revealed. I was expecting, you know, something. Clinton is remarkably un-corrupt for someone in her position, probably because she has so much scrutiny on her. I'd wager you'd find worse if you plucked out a politician at random. The truth is, the Clintons don't need to do favors to get money thrown at them for speeches etc - it happens anyway. I may hate the dynastic nature of American politics, despise her foreign policy, etc etc, but any idiot can see trump is at bottom a fraud and you can't believe anything he says. Yes, that's worse.

You may not agree with the analysis above, of course, but I'm just trying to be open and explain my thinking.

But just as a side note, this sub has become totally swamped by right-wingers. Us lefty conspiracy theorists are totally left out in the cold. It would be one thing if they'd admit it, but no, they've got to incessantly pretend they're equally skeptical of everything. No, you're right-wing, and lots of you are transparently and anachronistically antisemitic (speaking as a hardcore anti-zionist who think Israel, like the caliphate, like the vatican, shouldn't exist).

Thank you for your comment, even though what someone does is always more predictive of his future actions than what someone says. Clinton is a war criminal - that's utterly disqualifying. Infinitely more than any pussy-related remark. But you've acknolwedged that, you just don't rank it that high ("I dislike her foreign policy, she's a war criminal who's killed millions, but who isn't really these days, I'll vote for her").

An intellectually honest left exists: for example, the one that denounces the institutional discrimination of women in the Gulf (instead of receiving millions of dollars from sheiks while pretending to care about women).

Personally I don't buy into the false right/left hegelian dialectic. It is meant to divert from the truth, i.e. the philosophy of liberty. Everyone would be a classical liberal (libertarian) if it wasn't for the manipulation.

About your wife, I'd be worried if I were her too. Indeed someone is pitting the (Christian) West against the Islamic world (who doesn't know most/all "islamic" terror attacks are Gladio-like clandestine ops?). I wonder who that could be? Who is making us fight their enemy? I'd surmise they surround Trump and specialize in storytelling. And these mastersmof his will make sure he'll prosecute the envisioned "clash of civilisations".

The devil you know, I guess.

If you think that Trump's past actions and words indicate that he'd be a more peaceful pres than Clinton, you're as gullible as that mod.

Indeed someone is pitting the (Christian) West against the Islamic world

Yes, I clearly remember Trump doing that during the campaign.

(who doesn't know most/all "islamic" terror attacks are Gladio-like clandestine ops?

You don't. The idea that turning the middle east into a massive war zone doesn't breed fighters and terrorists, that we then need to further "fake" them somehow, is pretty silly. Again, I agree that there are people in government and business etc who are pushing for this clash of civilizations thing to increase their own power. You just seem to think their methods are needlessly elaborate for some reason. Given that the mods seem to have a hand in disinfo on this very sub, I'd be more skeptical of that info, if you're getting it from here

if you're getting it from here

That's the tell. Let me help you, with a short lesson called "having your own mind".

That state of being, unfortunatly unknown to some, consists of relying on your eyes and ears to observe facts, and then on your mind to uncover a coherence between them and reach an informed conclusion. No space or time for beliefs, and especially no regard for identity (let me guess - you regard yourself as a progressive liberal, that's your identity, and you'd strongly shy away from any idea that would alter that self-image; if confronted with contradictory facts you'd simply enter cognitive dissonance and cling to your belief by getting angry, using ad hominem, or saying things like "this is where you got this argument", thus refuting while relying again on identity rather than on fact.

I'm not trying to be condescending or mean. And you can rest assured you are not in the minority. The phenomenon is widespread. You were educated beyond your intelligence.

As per the subject at hand, unless you believe in the crazy conspiracy theory or aerobats who throw passports out of aircraft cabins seconds before bringing down 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum planes, you must admit, starting with 911, that "islamic" terror attacks tend to be carried out under false flags. There is precedent for this, during the cold war this "strategy of tension" was called GLADIO. Now Sibel Edmonds calls it Gladio B, but who knows what it's actually called. The goal seems clear however.

Trump IMO (this is speculation) is part of this Kabuki - he was built as a pseudo superhero - and every superhero needs a supervillain. The latter role was assumed (knowingly or not) by Clinton, the caricature of a hypocrite, a scarecrow at its best. Trump will be a "Republican Obama" (promising hope and change, getting elected by well-intended people, and then being even worse that his predecessor). I fear many in the liberty movement (see T_D) will fall into cognitive dissonance and continue supporting him regardless (sort of Republican Michael Moores). Trump will thus have free reign to oversee the demise of America.

I'm not trying to be condescending or mean. And you can rest assured you are not in the minority. The phenomenon is widespread. You were educated beyond your intelligence.

Dude, what you have is the pretense of intelligence. You don't even have the intelligence to make that non-obvious in your comments.

Fair enough. Know it wasn't my intention to offend you; and there's a way out. Just disregard many of the "truths" so many "intelligent" people have taught you. Have a nice day mate.

You'll notice when I argue I don't have to make ad hom claims like "you were educated beyond your intelligence." Why do you feel you need to resort to that kind of stuff? Putting others down like that (in your oh-so-learned tone) is a sign of deep insecurity. And it's way more obvious than you think.

And no, telling you to be skeptical of sources on this sub is not "ad hominem." You don't even know what these terms mean.

I guess you are right, it wasn't a nice thing to say. My goal wasn't to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry if I did. At the same time my goal isn't to protect anyone's susceptibility.

The reason I wrote this is because I wanted to make that point, of people being educated beyond their intelligence. Perhaps you aren't one of them, I don't really care. Nevertheless it is a plague.

People ingurgitate a bunch of words and factoids, learn how to regurgitate them, and are thus able to project a false image of erudition. Then they're given a degree that comforts their illusion. As time goes by they become increasingly mirred in their condition, as forming an original thought becomes increasingly risky (for their image could shatter). They'll repeat what they read in the NYT (or what other "intelligent" people say or write) because they believe it reinforces their signaled identity.

It the same btw as with fashionistas wearing certain clothes/styles (or guys with certain cars) because it helps them form and project a certain self image.

Everything I've described are corollaries of snobism. But intellectual snobism is the worst kind, the most dangerous IMO. Not a new phenomenon either, but seemingly greater nowadays because of the socialization of education (every last moron has a pretention now he didn't use to).

Again I don't know if this applies to you. Probably not. I guess I can't get my head around the fact someone can know how to read and write and "vote" for Clinton, an avowed serial murderer and abuser of women (an analphabete would have had a mitigating circumstance, with all due respect you don't at all).

You didn't hurt my feelings because I know it's not true. I don't have to put down others to make my points. That means that one of us is smarter than the other.

You don't. The idea that turning the middle east into a massive war zone doesn't breed fighters and terrorists, that we then need to further "fake" them somehow, is pretty silly. Again, I agree that there are people in government and business etc who are pushing for this clash of civilizations thing to increase their own power. You just seem to think their methods are needlessly elaborate for some reason

holy shit dude i can actually agree with you here

holy shit dude maybe everyone with some disagreements you isnt a paid shill

This subreddit should be critical of both Democrats AND Republicans, imo. As a more moderate voter (which is what I consider a Goldwater Republican to be these days anyway), it's sad to see this subreddit get swallowed by one candidate's hivemind.

Unfortunately, the mods of this sub have an apparently recalcitrant (and plainly moronic) political bias. If you're into conspiracies, I'd suggest going elsewhere unless you don't mind a whole lot of right-wing propaganda and disinfo with your conspiracy theorizing.

This sub should understand there is a bicephalic single party in America. This blue/red divide is utterly artificial. At the summit of power, the private sector, public sector and organized crime converge. Let's refute the hegelian dialectic, and let all humans, of all backgrounds, colours and creeds, unite against the imperial power structure that tries to dominate us all.

This guy gets it.

Actually, when it comes to things like women's access to abortion, minimum wage, and a host of issues very important to the daily lives of many Americans, there's a big difference between the parties.

You seem utterly dedicated to false equivalence.

Sure, people are divided on (relatively) trivial matters. The fields are polarized, and each party ends up promoting un-defensible ideas. The hegelian dialectic is everywhere (thesis, antithesis, synthesis).

You mentioned abortion: the choice in America is between adhering to an eugenicist ideology of "late-term pregnancy terminations" (abortions where the foetus screams) or full-spectrum criminalization ("your body does not belong to you"). How about settling on moderate policies like in European liberal countries, whereby abortions after the 12th week are severely restricted? That would be unacceptable to both "parties".

Another example, the police. You're either for the ongoing militarization/federalisation of police forces, or you think police is inherently racist and you implicitly support BLM and the police snipers.

On the other "host of issues" as you say, the consensus seems pretty strong:

Minimum wage: the State shall require physical violence to fix the price of labor. We can argue on how much violence and against whom.

Foreign policy: we are the exceptional country, we need to "project power" in all areas of the globe. We can argue on which brown people we shall bomb today.

Economic policy: we need a politburo that fixes interests rates, we need it to be controlled by a cartel of international merchant banks, these banks need the ability to print currency, and we shall require physical violence so people use that counterfeit currency. We can argue on nothing there.

Access to abortion is a relatively trivial matter? To whom?

Another example, the police. You're either for the ongoing militarization/federalisation of police forces, or you think police is inherently racist and you implicitly support BLM and the police snipers.

Wow, talk about an unsophisticated conception of politics. Here's a hint: not every issue is manichaean, with two sides you must choose between.

Your summation of the other political issues is equally adult.

Yes, you are "sophisticated". That's exactly right, and that's was my point earlier. Don't hold a grudge, and have a nice evening sir.

I hope you have an enlightening evening where you can escape the prison of pretending you're smarter than everyone.

I will. Thank you :)

transparently pretending you're smarter than everyone.

hahahah pot, meet kettle

Well, see, I don't have to pretend. : )

there's the transparent part

But yeah keep telling yourself that

You are most definitely special I'll give you that

No, see I can tell by the way people argue. People who marshal solid arguments, who don't focus on personalities but on the facts, those are the smart people.

The person I was conversing with before you came in began our debate by telling I was educated beyond my intelligence. This is not the move of someone who understands how to form a solid argument.

Neither are you. Please continue with the insults, though, they really speak well of your argumentative ability and intelligence.

The person I was conversing with before you came in began our debate by telling me I was educated beyond my intelligence. This is not the move of someone who understands how to form a solid argument.

and you said you're literally smarter than everyone

which would make you literally an idiot

that's not an insult that's just using the definition of the word

I was being facetious.

Subtlety is lost on you.

hahahahahah OK bruh whatever you say all I hear is

"I'm smarter than you, see I can use words like facetious"

Come back when you've learned some modesty maybe, or don't I'd honestly rather not listen to whatever ignorant drivel you're spouting

Ah, getting offended by vocabulary.

You're such a special snowflake.

People who marshal solid arguments, who don't focus on personalities but on the facts, those are the smart people.

You're such a special snowflake.

By your own logic, you're not a smart person. Finally something we can agree on!

Lol nice /spez

Can't even stand by your own words


Greater wisdom on Reddit I have never seen. Now id only people will not just react and start tearing apart one point because its, you know, heresy to say we could compromise on abortion.

Well said and needed!!

I was shocked by this report - at how fake it was. I was expecting, you know, something believable.

My god you sound so scripted man. You have to be less obvious.

What about the report isn't believable to you?

I must be great at improv, huh?

Pretty much how it's worded, the timing of the release, the formatting and the source. Oh yeah and the content is quite outrageous, sounds like the usual demented fan-fiction from 4chan. But i digress, the propaganda war is in full effect and the left/Donalds opponents have somewhat succeeded at playing Donnie at his own game (not wikileaks tho) by releasing unsubstantiated slander from "Mi5Anon". The report is left in a state of limbo, much like the religion, there is no proof for it and there is no proof against it, but people are still forced to take a side regardless. Divide and Conquer continues.

so, no facts, all gut feeling. mmmkay.

Basically the same as the report. If you weren't there when something happened how can you assert something to be a fact? You have to trust a source, who had another source and maybe even a third source. The "fact" becomes detached from what really happened by several degrees of separation. Thus this report, which is sourced by buzzfeed really doesn't tingle my factual senses and instead makes me skeptical. It is also further sourced by Anti-Trumpists who have motive to slander and de-legitimize Trump and once again doesn't tingle my factuals. If you want facts stick to science. Facts only exist in politics when they support an argument, if they don't they can be disregarded.

You are disputing the value of human intelligence, full stop.

That's how it works. That's how we learn things.

Facts only exist in politics when they support an argument, if they don't they can be disregarded.

This is hilariously misguided and a testament to how deluded you are. Political facts happen. Bush invaded Iraq. Obama escalated Afghanistan. Trump got help from Russia. To say you can't know these things because you weren't there is to embrace total ignorance about everything.

No i'm saying you can't know these things for sure because you weren't there. By definition you don't know for sure because someone else told you. Use some logic. And those are surface level facts, descriptions of what happened. You have to be more interested in why things happened so ill rephrase your "facts" for you and all of a sudden you need more facts bro. "Why did Bush invade Iraq?", "Why did Obama escalate in Afghanistan?" and "Why did Trump get help from Russia?".

i'm saying you can't know these things for sure because you weren't there.

Do you know things you didn't witness?

No i don't i only know the information that others have relayed to me. I don't know whether they were being 100% truthful or not. Thus i can't be 100% sure of anything i can't verify myself.

Does the earth orbit the sun?

I just said if you want facts go to science. Why don't you ask a political question.

Sorry, but I'd like you to answer the question. Do you believe the earth orbits the sun? How do you know that? You trust the opinion of experts, or you've experimentally proven it yourself?

Of course we can also go with a political question - did many 9/11 plotters come from Saudi Arabia? How do you know?

I don't, no one does. Was only those on the planes? Or was it also people from the saudi government? Or was it people who were remotely connected to the hijackers?

That's a massive load of bullshit you're spewing right there.

"She is remarkably uncorrupt for someone in her position"

Did somebody sneak in different pills into your daily medication or something?

I'm going to say gullible. After seeing these fake snippets on 4chan and looking at the documents I could see what was going on. A bunch of people got sucked in at first.

It's embarrassing that he can't/won't admit it and makes you wonder about how he runs this sub.

The thread is steadily gaining about 100 upvotes per minute holy shit. Not even stickied /r/The_Donald posts are like this...

You would think "THEY" would be a little more discrete about it. The Hillary bots are out in force tonight.

So what this is a Trump sub?

TIL not being pro-Hitlery and child-trafficking means this must be a "Trump sub".

BTFO Hiltery child-trafficking defense force.

Can't tell if this is meant to be ironic

It's shocking to me how most conspiracy people I see take right propaganda at face value but anything negative about the right or positive about the left is fully false. Most conspiracy theorists I know aren't skeptical they are just fully gullible to right leaning propaganda. Open corruption is nothing when you can harass a pizza place because a guy on the left ordered some.

you're not even trying to hide yourself dude


Youre in one.

It's an anti bullshit sub, and you have that unique aroma

So in your estimation if you are not pro Hillary you are automatically pro Trump?

Blaming news stories months after the election on "Hillary bots" just makes it pretty obvious.

Wow is this a serious reply? Did you read the comment I responded to?

It is now, yeah.

No, this sub is a pro-Wikileaks sub.

Well you had me fooled. Jesus take another look at this sub and tell me it's not another bastion of the alt-retards

I don't know if you are new but we had criticized Trump a lot in here and especially when he announced his cabinet picks full of globalists, Goldman Sachs etc, anyone who claims Trump is an outsider is instantly reprimanded in here. The fact that we don't buy that Russian hacked the elections (Wikileaks's source was Russian) is seen as pro-Trump for some people that come from /r/politics. Trump is no better than any other polititian in the elite, they are all the establishment. Though I personally want to see how he carries his presidency and what decisions he makes to judge him.

I don't subscribe to this subreddit but I read posts that make it to r/all occasionally and yes from an outsider's perspective this comes across as another alt right haven. I mean pizzagate? The proponents of this kind of crap are either batshit insane or pro-Trump propagandists. I'm all for healthy skepticism of the world fyi. I just think that a lot of the people subscribed here are very selectively skeptical.

I don't know man, /politics told me that Russia and Trump are collaborating with Hitler in an attempt to kill Baby Jesus.

"CNN and Hitlery said it was true, which is what "proof" means" - The Hitlerina fucktards shitting up this sub for months now.

Did you see the front page because every Mc cain is a great guy post, and trump is a crock has over 4000 upvotes? and gold???

Multiple gold for trump bashing going out huh?

Obviously they are stripping trumps power in a bid to put the devil Hillary in office-

Trump is a crock though.

uhm our whole government are crooks. Wake up man. Ever heard of the petro dollar.

This isn't about skimming taxes. It's about HRC and company avoiding jail time by negating the judge and jury. Your hopeless if you can't see through what is going on.

Its a super popular news story trending on Twitter and other subreddits, as well as facebook and the MSM. Someone either has complete control of all media, or it is popular news.

Could be, but I sincerely think it is just r/conspiracy briefly surfacing onto r/all. What you are seeing is a combination of the new algorithm and the typical reddit user mindset. For another shitshow, look at Julan Assange's AMA...that one I can almost believe was brigaded and manipulated.

Nah there is sketchy shit happening. Pretty obvious when the general direction of a sub suddenly does a 180.

So you admit that previously the sub was decidedly pro-Trump?

I think this sub is anti-msm. It's also generally a less contrarian sub. You can post a conspiracy theory and people don't dispute it, they either ignore it or add on.

That post has reached 14k so far. Went up 4k in the last hour so.

It's in it way to being the top post on r/conspiracy and the comments section have record amounts of gold being handed out.

Good work Reddit admins. This Is the Reddit you have allowed with your rules.

Lots of people in this sub are sick of /r/altright t_d hijacking it. It's been almost a year by now. Stay in your containment subs and take the compromised mods with you.

Fuck off leftist trash

Lol you're such a sad dolt.

I don't give a shit about Trump, just the situation with what George Webb has been reporting on. But everything that took the place today seemed incredibly coordinated. Just strange timing.

Such a ludicrous story to use as well. I suspect we'll see these sudden shill swarms a lot in coming years.

CTR used to only appear in swarms when something bad happened with Hillary to defend her

There are now 4000 users online, which is more or less 3-4 times more than usually. The anti-Trump posts are skyrocketing to the top, yet it was never the case before.

It is what we have all been waiting for

Wait so we're all robots?

I am robot.

Username/comment continuity paradox detected.. does not compute.. ERROR.. ERROR.

Heh, 4900. We'll hit 5000 in just a minute or two...

Go through and downvote as much as you can to force them to pay for more upvotes LOL

Please avoid making calls to upvote, as that is against site wide rules. Thanks.

Hey. I think you forgot to tag this post as "unverified sources."

Considering the source is unverified.

You should stop harassing people anonymously online. We all know you wouldnt treat strangers like this face to face. 42.428581,-123.104155 Just in case youd like to try and prove me wrong. We can handle your attitude adjustment promptly.


Thats what I thought. Good luck out there..

Hey man, I'm just here for the drama.

The place where the mods were compromised and starting deleting comments and posts?

Yeah they're too strict where it hurts and lax where it counts

5,050 and counting... something is up. Mods care to chime in?

I'll make some phone calls and get all my people on this immediately!

Over 5,500 now.

Yeah if you really want to know what's going on, it's a pseudo brigade. People brought up that /r/conspiracy would probably ignore an actual conspiracy, and as a result people started coming here and upvoted the anti trump post. It's not a bot network or organized, it's just people who aren't conspiracy theorists like me visiting your sub, independently.

Isn't it a bit strange that this sub has a hard on for Trump anyways? He's the type of guy that legitimately inspires conspiracy theories, with his blatant corruption. Obama didn't do a single thing this sub said he would - from FEMA to chemtrails to rounding up your guns.

<Obama didn't do a single thing this sub said he would - from FEMA to chemtrails to rounding up your guns.>

Well, for one, you haven't been paying attention if you believe that.

For two, 'upvoating an anti-Trump post' is not a conspiracy, it's a brigade.

The conspiracy is that the legacy media took as their source a 4Chan fabrication and used it as real intelligence. The top post here is now IGNORING the conspiracy lurking in its midst and focusing on slavishly bashing Trump without examining facts.

But I still own my gun.

As for chemtrails, they piss me off almost as much as vaccine conspiracies as an engineering student. The idea that there is a hidden compartment in all airplanes meant for dispersing mind control drugs is ridiculous because of the fact that tens of thousands of people design planes, and all weight and airflow has to be accounted for, for it to function properly. A secret chemical chamber would have been noticed by said tens of thousands of engineers, and at least someone would've whistle blown. Maybe if you said that they put it in the water supply it would be believable, as well as far easier and cheaper, but chemtrails are retarded. No idea about FEMA though.

And as for the brigade, it wasn't organized, the influx of people happened organically, without anyone directing people to come here. I mean it really comes down to semantics but the best word would be the Reddit hug of death.

Also, I'm fairly certain that the idea that the PEOTUS being controlled by blackmail by a foreign government is a lot more likely than chemtrails, FEMA death camps, and turning the US into a police state. Hell, we do it to other countries all the time.

To not be skeptical of Trump is to be unamerican. By that, I mean that everyone should be skeptical of all public officials, and to never blindly follow someone, especially when that person has blatantly lied on the campaign trail.

You barely are allowed to own any ammo.

As for the brigade, it has already been discovered that some 'tipped off' people to come here in a non-organic way: "boy_of_soy [score hidden] 20 minutes ago 'Well I came here because someone said there was no chance that the people who frequent this sub (which many people see as an extension of t_d) would abandon their partisanship to treat this like any other conspiracy theory. It seems from the amount of threads dedicated to slapping down the theory that their assessment was correct.'"

Among others...

I am far more skeptical of the legacy media at this point.

Yeah but that's my point, someone raised the idea that conspiracy theorists won't legitimize this actual conspiracy, and people organically came over here, albeit with the intention to upvote anti-establishment posts. It's just a bit funny because /r/conspiracy thinks that they elected the ultimate anti-establishment candidate, when all they did was elect a washington insider, who has spent his career buying politicians.

Remember that he actually admitted to buying politicians by the way.

barely allowed to own ammo?

you mean a bunch of morons were certain obama would ban everything so they all bought up ammo so the prices shot up?

What the fuck are you talking about with regards to ammo? Have you been to a gun store ever in your life? Jesus Christ. I just bought a thousand 5.56 rounds for cheaper than I ever have. And it was stacked in a pile with probably another 100k rounds. Where you could buy any type of round from .22 to .50 cal.

Showing my ID to the cashier was the most oppressive thing in my life though!

you're a 2 month old donald supporter

just because you guys took over this sub during the campaign doesn't mean you are r/conspiracy

I am a former Obama supporter who woke up. Stop labeling people like you know.

The conspiracy is that the legacy media took as their source a 4Chan fabrication and used it as real intelligence.

I disagree, on several levels. Buzzfeed is New Media. The unnamed MI6 source assembled his report long before /pol/ got wind of it.

There are definitely several intelligence agencies working very hard to frame the narrative.

Buzzfeed is fake news.

Ah look, the Hitlerinas have to resort to fucktarded ad hominems and straw man attacks because their criminal trash of a candidate is such a fucking loser they have nothing better to do.


BTFO Hitlerina child-trafficking defense force.

-accuses people of ad hominem attacks

-proceeds to call them "fucking retarded trash" and "inbred" and "fucktarded" and "moron piece of shit shill" and "inbred spamming retard"

This is some pretty intense stuff and your account only appears to be a few days old. Have you had previous accounts that were banned?

Almost at 5600 wtf

I just wanted to say that I came here after seeing the main article on World News. I've been a lurker in Conspiracy for a while so I wanted to see what everyone was saying about the latest Trump allegations. I assume that's where most of these visitors have come from as well, but if paid shills are a more interesting conspiracy to you than an international blackmail scheme, I won't stop you. I'm just here for entertainment anyway, so whatever floats your boat.

Same, came here after seeing it on all.

Glad they stayed true conspiracy and didn't go full the_D.

Yeah /r/all brought me


I'm just here for entertainment bitch

Basically as soon as I saw the politics megathread I came here to see the fun! I've been lurking too following pizzagate and the takeover by t_d.

takeover by

censorship of*

The_donald is very prevalent here and it does get annoying but I thing I can say at least up until now is there isnt any anti trump censoring going on.

I was meaning the general censorship on r/all via the algorithim changes that Spez introduced.

You can't argue with them. Its either massive censorship of t_d or a takeover. Tolerance my ass.

Yup, came here to see this sub eat crow, was not disappointed.

Same. Between the Assange AMA and the new scandal, I figured this would be a place for some entertainment. It's almost like major events garner more interest.

Same comrade's. Just bathing in the salt. But actually I was genuinely curious to see if this sub had a shred of impartiality left. It seems as if people that love conspiracies but appreciate little there there to them are the captain now.


This comment is utter crap and has 2x as many points as the other comments... The redditors are here!

I'm literally just explaining why I'm here and that makes it utter crap? I'm not even an outsider here, I've commented in Conspiracy a few times over the years. I usually just keep my thoughts to myself and this is the perfect example of why.

Yeah, you see, if you're "not even an outsider here" you are one of the average 2k users on this sub, so it DOES NOT EXPLAIN why there's now thousands more here. THAT is why your post is utter crap.

It explains why I was here at that moment. I'm sure at least some of those other people were occasional visitors like me who all showed up at once when the story broke. I bet a lot more were people who just happened to see either this post on New or any of the posts in Politics or WorldNews. There might have been some bots or shills in there too, I don't know. But I do know I saw users in here saying they were posting on Voat to try to get more people to brigade these posts and downvote anything related to the new information. Why was there so much organized effort to hide this before anyone even had a chance to research it? It was dismissed as a 4Chan prank based on a single vague post that only addressed one small part of the conspiracy. It sure feels like there is a strong attempt to hide this new information around here.

Turning the conspiracy around against us, classic, nice one

You have to admit it was a very organized attempt to downvote and hide the new information. Even if you agree with the motives that doesn't mean it isn't against the spirit of this sub. We should welcome all conspiracies, even ones that go against our political beliefs. The fact that mods slapped the "Unverified Allegations" tag on it when no other post in the history of this sub has used that tag makes it seem like the effort to hide it was coming from the top. I see no reason why this is any less believable than some of the other stuff that gets posted around here.

The source of this supposed "conspiracy" has already been revealed to be self-admitted lies, so if you don't see a reason why this is less believable I don't know what to tell you.

Or maybe I do! The sole fact that all posts similar to yours continually get upvoted tells me more than enough, it's crystal clear what's happening to this sub.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the 4Chan post only claim responsibility for the whole golden shower allegation? I didn't see anything that addressed the other claims in the document. Not to mention the fact that Trump is now denying even knowing Carter Page, despite the fact that he was one of Trump's foreign policy advisors. That seems suspiciously like he is trying to distance himself who may not have a good alibi. All I'm saying is there is a lot of substance to this conspiracy theory that deserves looking into. It was irresponsible of the mods to delete references to it so quickly and a possible sign that they are working a certain agenda.

Are you really that dumb? He gave an anecdote about why he came which could be broadly applied to many people, which could potentially explain the user spike. How is it hard to understand that an interesting potential conspiracy being posted to /r/conspiracy would compel people to come read about it?

Nice ad hom to open, can't argue without resprting to insults? Nice. This sub is not for you, but thanks for coming here to destroy it anyway!

Uh... I've been sub'd here a long time. I just don't usually say anything because it's become a right-wing echo chamber whereas I would consider myself a slightly left leaning centrist skeptic. Anything besides accusing HRC and friends of pedophilia gets downvoted and spammed with shill accusations.

Yeah, you sound like you literally just discovered this sub if you honestly believe your last statement to be true. Lurk harder

How did the thread get upvoted in the first place

People coming here when there's an actual conspiracy, really not sure why it's surprising to some people.

see how PISSED they are that people are responding to a conspiracy that isn't so nice to Trump?


I see what you did there.

Same, I came here just to see if this sub would bury it because they were all right-wingers, or if they still had integrity.

This is my favorite sub and I'm far from a right winger. Nice try lumping people together

If you have been "a lurker for a while now" you can be counted in with the average number of users this sub gets so your logic is thoroughly flawed. Had you said this was your FIRST time here along with the other surplus thousands, it would make sense, but in this case it does not. If we get 2k average, that INCLUDES lurkers like yourself, so your being here now too does not explain why there are now thousands more than average.

Also, what a surprise to see your post getting nearly triple the amount of upvotes of the post you replied to, nothing suspicious at all there. Now watch me get downvoted to hell.

Nothing to see here, move along folks!

I certainly don't spend every waking minute here, but I check in at least a couple times per week. Is that using the word lurker incorrectly?

Why is it so inconceivable that people who know of this sub but aren't regulars here would suddenly flock here when a big story like this breaks. Who better to dig into it than the place that has spent the last two months analyzing food related code words in some leaked emails. I'm just surprised how quickly this sub dismissed this new conspiracy based on a single 4Chan post that only referenced a very small part of the released documents. I'm starting to think there is a conspiracy within a conspiracy here based on how much effort this sub put into suppressing this new information without actually analyzing or researching any of it. Flat Earth posts manage to make it to the front page every week but an international bribery and corruption conspiracy is dismissed within hours of being posted and quickly hidden behind a brigade of downvotes and shitposts? That seems incredibly fishy to me.

I did the same, lurk here but nipped over when seeing the world news post to see what conversations were occurring here.

Yet this sub's mainpage posts are 70% against the left, 0 against the right, and the remaining 30% are hysterical alerts against bots.


I'm just here to stay alert I rather be aware than clueless when all fuckery rekts I ain't going out to you whiteys and robots

Care to post after your meth roll?

Only one on meth here is you Connor. Now quit trying to fuck hour cousin.

Read what you wrote and try typing it out again.

5600 paid shills. Someone with deep pockets and the means to keep 5000 people quiet must be behind all this.

Deep stuff.

Or derpy stuff. lol

5600 paid shills.

Oh STFU, we're here because there's a thread on the front page from this sub and this is a major conspiracy.


Hijacking your top comment :)

This is a great time to de-stigmatize the control phrases like "nice tin foil hat," "yada yada lizard people," etc. on all the Trump conspiracy threads.

If folks want to respond to our conspiratorial ideas with those comments, well they should receive the same response for espousing ideas of their current intelligence-agency-backed-conspiracy.

They have brigaded it to 9th place of r/all. Must be some money behind this one.

No, no money for me. I subbed because I 1: despise the fact that America has embarrassed itself with a Temp presidency, and 2: a post reached /r/all that looked like this divestiture will likely get really interesting in the near future. Remember, anti-Trump voters make up the majority of the US population, so it makes sense that stories like the one on /r/all draw a lot of anti-Trump subscribers.

When do I get my check?

Show me evidence of brigading/botting or just fuck off.

You seem angry. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you.

Now 6,002 at your 28 min mark!

inb4 r/conspiracy is a co-ordinated kremlin crusade proffesional psyop troll factory

I don't think it'll work. r/politics already had a lot of people drawing a line in the sand over politics and at the very least focused on politics. r/conspiracy has never really been politically focused so we kind of meet these brigades with eyes wide open. They try to tell us how bad Candidate X is and we say "Yeah, we know, think bigger, who do they answer to? what is being kept from us ?" It's just a better sub than the others that got manipulated in every single way.


Replace r/politics with r/conspiracy, keep idiots, "mainstream media" to "someone on YouTube."

Account created today (3 hours ago)

Only comments are anti-obama and pro-trump

Mostly just comments on this thread. Hmmm**

/r/conspiracy needs to be a bit more critical of who they upvote

SolaireFlaire go suck a dick.

Hey lard, shouldn't you be stuffing your face right now?

Wow a cuck that probably jerks his meat to every DT tweet.

I hope you go back to sucking Obama's dick

Idk, the last months of the election this place basically became a conspiracy themed version of /r/the_donald

It has been terrible. I was beginning to think I was the last critically thinking person left on here..


7557 users and growing. This is insane guys. That Trump article has been shooting up faster than anything I've ever seen here, literally hundreds of points per minute.

I'll go ahead and post an answer I just left in a similar thread...

r/politics, a sub with a pretty damn high level of traffic, exploded about 2-3 hours ago over a potential Trump conspiracy. In that thread -- a thread with literally 10s of thousands of comments and upvotes -- many references to the r/conspiracy sub were made, being that this sub is for, uhm, well, conspiracies. So why is it a surprise that several thousand individuals like myself, who have never been here before, then checked this sub after seeing it discussed in a massively active thread now on r/all?

For a sub that claims to be super thoughtful and logical... I'm not sure how they haven't pieced that together, and are instead assuming "nah bro it's Hillary Clinton's bot army" and shit.

I'll go ahead and post something I left on another thread:

This exact same article, to the exact same source, was posted 1 hour prior to this one HERE. It received a couple dozen votes, with only about 60% being upvotes.

The exact same link was somehow allowed to be linked again in the same sub with a new title (which in itself is baffling, since any time I've ever attempted to do that on Reddit, I would be re-directed to the previous thread with that link). Except the second time around, the link received over 2000 points in 2 hours time, and continued to grow by hundreds of points per minute to the point we're at now (over 7000 and counting). In addition to this being the most rapidly upvoted story ever seen on this sub, it also happened to be from a source (Buzzfeed) that is usually not given many upvotes at all, let alone so many. For many reasons, this was not only out of the ordinary, but was astounding to witness.

There are more reasons that I won't bother elaborating on.

It's not the article itself that caused the rapid burst of traffic increase here.

It's the fact that the r/politics thread and now r/all thread mentioned r/conspiracy in the comments. That's exactly how I personally ended up here, having never stopped by before. I guarantee that plenty of others found their way over here the same way. That's a much more parsimonious explanation than "nah someone is paying shill armies to invade this sub".

Can you please link that reference to r/conspiracy? That would really help tie together the timeline.

r/all, top post right now

I don't see a link to r/conspiracy. Are you trying to say that because this scandal is technically "a conspiracy," that's why everyone from r/politics decided to check out this sub and brigade the hell out of it?

Sort comment by "top".

Second highest comment chain begins to link r/conspiracy. If I found it without having to scroll down for more than a couple seconds, thousands of other found it, and you can find it as well.

Lol I literally can't find it, but I'll trust you I guess. Either way, I'm confident that over half of r/politics is controlled and coordinated by an organized group. Either way, I'd consider that a fucking brigade.

Well try sorting by top comments, and only looking all the way over the left hand side, where original comments begin. The second one, 2nd or 3rd reply, is where the linking to r/conspiracy begins.

As for half of it being a paid group of professional internet posters, I'm just a regular dude wasting time on the internet. For free. I'm not so special that I'd consider myself unique in this regard...I'd imagine that hundreds of thousands to millions of others out there are just like me. I find it hard to rationalize that half the users are carefully coordinated, paid professionals and not regular time-wasting dudes like me. It's just a stretch, and I think the simpler reality is that most are just normal users like you and I.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks, I honestly appreciate it. I don't think it explains what happened here though. At the very least, it should have been considered a brigade and should not have been allowed to happen, because any frequent r/conspiracy user knows that what just happened could not have been organic.

It's called a reddit hug of death. Or going viral.

It's how I got here.

I have no dog in the race and am British. The one and only reason I came here was because of the link in the comments.

No no, see apparently, you're just a shillbot now, and you don't even realise you've been activated. /s since people here are naive enough to believe nearly anything, except that Trump could be anything except their saviour.

I didn't even get paid :-/

What user made the comment? I see no link to r/conspiracy anywhere in that thread, but I am on mobile so I can't do a CTRL+F.


Yesterday this comment appeared almost at the top of the thread when sorted by "top", at the top of the 2nd or 3rd highest rated comment chain. Right this very second it still appears very high up, meaning it's been seen by literally 10s to 100s of thousands of individuals over the course of the thread's existence.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Yeah but that's pretty fucking deep into the comments for that level of traffic increase.

Nope. Yesterday this comment appeared almost at the top of the thread when sorted by "top", at the top of the 2nd or 3rd highest rated comment chain. Right this very second it still appears very high up, meaning it's been seen by literally 10s to 100s of thousands of individuals over the course of the thread's existence.

His name is literally Lying Bro, I'm not even going to bother, we're all just lunatics and all these people just got here from /all, nothing to see here folks, the normal people have finally arrived to take over this sub from the obvious nutters!

I think I'm finally moving over to voat, this sub is infected.

I want to try to start a campaign for a mass move to voat because yeah I felt violated last night

I think I'm finally moving over to voat, this sub is infected.

Bruh it's 2017, that line is tired as hell. Hurry up and fuck off to Voat and save us the bitchfit.

Do I look like I give a shit about your opinion or the supposed "fact" that line is tired as hell? I don't ;) it's a statement of discontentment and I'll post it whenever the fuck I want. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm finall my moving over to voat, and I'll post that another 15000 times over the coming 15 years if I feel like it, willy.

Really? You do realize that there's not one, but two fairly meta subs dedicated to making fun of this subreddit? So not only is traffic coming from /r/politics, but also the other meta subs, /r/all...this is potentially the biggest political scandal story in a decade and you think it require shills for people to be interested?

Biggest political scandal story in a decade, LMFAO, are you that gullible? Just like the majority of "people" who supposedly arrived here in a similar manner to yours. Laughable really

I love when people accuse me of being a bot/shill. I wish I got extra money, I spend enough time on this site.

Plus I'd probably get fired for how off topic most of my comments are.

Solid argument. My dumb reddit handle discredits my statement. Solid. I guess by that logic you're nothing more than a Donald sycophant/shill, so anything you say may be discounted as sycophantic shilling for your king.

Nahh, by that logic you are an illiterate who fails to comprehend what the word "dumped" implies. Nice one! I think trump was the lesser of two evils, not that I need to explain myself to you though. Keep Lying Bro!

Keep Trumping, bro!

Feel free to point out my lies and demonstrate why they're lies. I'll be waiting patiently :)

"Technically a conspiracy" rofl

Rainbows are "technically a spectrum of colors"

Whether or not you can post the same link to a sub or not is based on the sub rules if I'm not mistaken. Some have it where it has to be at least a month old, some never allow duplicates, others don't have restrictions.

You can test it.

The math doesn't add up.

That's the problem. Not that people might not be interested from other subs. The RATE at which their interest/upvotes are coming in is mathematically abnormal.

Well I came here because someone said there was no chance that the people who frequent this sub (which many people see as an extension of t_d) would abandon their partisanship to treat this like any other conspiracy theory. It seems from the amount of threads dedicated to slapping down the theory that their assessment was correct.

People aren't interested in 'slapping down a theory' for no reason.

People are rightly suspicious of an artificially upvoted story where there hasn't been sufficient time to examine the evidence and where what evidence we DO have suggests that this was a massive troll from 4Chan.

It's an interesting topic and occupies the highest positions on my /r/all page. That's why I came here...not too hard to figure out. I have to say all you paranoid types thinking us visitors are "hilbots" or CTR is pretty funny.

Well, it just so happens we drummed up actual evidence of botting, so, carry on with your lurking.

I'm sure there are bots for every side. I've seen some very suspicious users that just post pro-Trump or Russia posts too.

actual evidence


actual evidence

Do you not get how reddit works? Popular posts get more popular very quickly once they hit r/all etc, there's no smooth curve.

Says a guy who thinks that CNN saying something is true makes it true - see fucktarded "Russian hacking report" that contains zero evidence. BTFO.

Anyone who dares to speak ill of Daddy must be a paid shill. No one would speak ill of Daddy.

Hey just wanted to tell you I upvoted you because I'm a bot pretending to be in Asia going my past posting history.

It adds up. I've seen links to this sub everywhere in the trump postings/comments. Not to mention this sub was on /r/all. It's how I got here. Not sure what math you are trying to match up here?

Who would have thought that people would come to /r/conspiracy when a real conspiracy actually happens.

It's kind of plausible, but it's sketchy. If that /r/politics megathread has 25k upvotes and ours has 9k, those numbers alone hint that a huge percent of those upvoting the /r/politics submission also came here to upvote this one, if only because we don't even have 9k viewers.

The funny thing is, how often do you follow a link to another submission then upvote it? It links to the comments or the actual URL, generally not the /r/conspiracy front page. How often do you navigate to the very top of the comments page and then click the up arrow in the top left? If I'm already in the comments, I never take the time to upvote the actual submission.

So, something like half of the people that upvoted the /r/politics megathread went into the comments, found a link to the /r/conspiracy submission, then took the time to go to the very top of the comments page and make sure they upvoted the submission? Seems sketchy.

That's why I went to conspiracy, I saw someone mention it on the fuck fest that is the r/redacted post

IOT, /r/politics decided to brigade this sub with fucktarded ad hominem attacks, because they are trash, and fucking morons.

No surprise.

ad hominem attacks, because they are trash, and fucking morons.

That irony tho

Ask yourself if that counts as a brigade.

Or try asking an admin if it's actually bothering you. In my opinion, no, it's not 'a brigade' because no one is organizing anything, it's just general interest from a bunch of individuals not acting as a group, let alone a paid group.

I mean no ill-will in saying this, but a lot of your questions are rhetorical, and I don't know how to answer you. The admins are perhaps boogeymen from my perspective, but police from yours.

I wasn't actually asking any questions, sorry.

No, this isn't a brigade in my opinion. If you're concerned that it is, you can talk with an admin, or whoever it might actually involve.

I wasn't actually asking any questions, sorry.

You may be wasting your time here. It is a place of pure speculation, and not a place to satisfy one's confirmation bias.

I've got no bias. How about you?

A massive thread on an extremely anti trump sub you mean.

This is not a conspiracy its for conspiratards

For a sub that claims to be super thoughtful and logical...

Now hold on just a minute there, let's not strain our credulity.

I assume this is because many long-time redditors who despise Trump embarrassment if America (such as myself) are thinking, hey, this could get interesting, let's sub to /r/conspiracy. Remember, anti-Trump voters make up the majority of the US population, so it makes sense that stories like this draw a lot of subscribers.

thanks for correcting the record bruh

Remember, this sub was pretty left-leaning before the election brought the mouth-breathing, MAGA-hat-wearing crowd to reddit. And despite being a little to the left, this sub used to be equally critical/skeptical of both political parties. But lately it has been a sub-subreddit of /r/The_Donald. Just look at the "unverified allegations" tag, or any of the top posts from the past few months. You'd be hard pressed to find a popular post that is critical of President-Elect, Donald Fucking Trump. Jesus Christ, between the initial hacking reports and the fact that he might be violating the emoluments clause of the constitution on his first day in office, you'd think this sub would have one or two conspiracies about the guy. It's so partisan and ridiculous.

I completely agree with your assessment. There aren't bots or shills taking over, it's reddit's "silent majority" popping their heads in for the first time in months because a crazy story is developing. Given the nature of this Trump story, I'd bet that there are thousands of comments all over this site that are linking to this sub.

Side-note, wtf is up with /u/Bernie4Ever? This guy is constantly posting anti-Clinton conspiracy theories, and doesn't seem to have anything to say that might be critical of Donald Trump. You'd think a die-hard Bernie supporter would be slightly critical of the billionaire president who keeps appointing millionaires and billionaire to his cabinet and administration.

I'd finally had enough and started posting anti-Trump stuff a few days ago. His mob connections, corruption, etc. Standard conspiracy theory stuff - but with some substance behind it - about the president elect.

My most upvoted post got somewhere around 11 votes the last I checked.

I'd upvote it but might have never seen it cuz it never made it to front page due to well, who knows why not

Haha When I say the post about "being brigaded" was from Bernie4ever I chuckled because all he does is brigade this sub with constant anti-Hillary post, I've seen days where a majority of a page on "New" was nothing but his shit postings.......

While I'm still skeptical of this article right now, I do think it's funny how badly the people who have ruined this sub are flipping the fuck out right now, earlier today there was a circle jerk about a "leaked Clinton document" that was just a list of people posted from some random dudes twitter account and it didn't seem like people cared to much about sources or credibility in that post.....or where was the "unverified allegations" when pizzagate started taking off?

NOWWWW when a post they don't like is big enough that they aren't the loudest voices for once and can't control narrative of the sub.......

seems like everyone here complaining about vote manipulation is some type of expert? That's Weird, I wonder how they know so much about this? Past experiences with it from the other side maybe? if they couldn't understand why people hated the_d brigading during the election they should imagine what happened here tonight happening over and over multiple times every day.......

I went several months without visiting this subreddt before making a fun little post here last month. I was shocked to see the direction it has gone. It's nothing like how it used to be. It's a shame that reddit's algorithm changed because now it's really inconvenient to find popular posts from the past. Since leaving my initial comment, I've been poking around this sub and have seen some embarrassingly terrible stuff. The third-most popular post from this past month is about an online poll that says CNN is not trustworthy. How is that a conspiracy? Then the 13th most popular post is from a totally random blog which has a wildly inaccurate probably fake story about Clinton being "under fire" for fake twitter followers. There is nothing critical about Trump, in fact, the only popular posts about him are defending him from accusations that Russia was in his corner.

There are a load of accounts that just cross-post propoganda non-stop, sort by new and you'll keep seeing the same names.

Uh. This sub was definitely never "left leaning". It was more anti Hillary then anything else. /r/politics is a good example of a left leaning group. This sub favored Bernie and then favored Trump later on.

I'm talking about years ago, before this election cycle. This sub had a mix of liberal/libertarian undertones. It was anti-Hillary, but not like it's current form where Clinton is the devil and Trump doesn't exist/has never done anything wrong.

This sub was anti Bush. Then anti Hillary. It's never been about left or right leaning. It's always been focused around a single candidate that was not liked. Sometimes it alignes with the majority of reddit. Sometimes it doesn't.

It's only been "left-leaning" pro-globalism and pro-Hitlery since CTR got it's funding increase, lying and pretending otherwise doesn't change facts.

Something I guess Hitlerinas can't seem to grasp.

R/politics isn't so much left or liberal as it was (still is) Hillary-or-die.

WTF is up with /u/Bernie4Ever? He's a Russian propagandist spreading misinformation.

And you are a ballerina of the Moscow Ballet.

I pretty much dropped out of here post-election because the narrative got too crazy. I'll come in occasionally when some weird shit goes down. I took a look at the Pizzagate claims and made my own opinions based off those claims, but the entire sub became way too biased towards one side... R/Conspiracy should be untrusting of EVERY side, imo.

Ill tell you why this sub doesn't fall for Donald conspiracies. Because those conspiracies come straight out of the Horses mouth, the CIA and or government agencies or the shillary herself. Those are the entities that are responsible for 90% of the conspiracies that are discussed on this sub. Why the fuck would anyone believe what comes out of there? Especially when most conspiracies prior to the election had those entities as the source for lies, deception and coercion.

Bernie voters didn't worry about trump


  1. they were partly tricked by MSM which said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning

  2. didn't vote in general election anyway cuz they had no one leftwing to vote for

Sorry but 20% of the country isn't a majority

Or it could be, like noted by people from the brigading sub itself, that r/politics decided to make up a fucktarded ad hominem and brigade the sub in order to spread it around, because they think argument by fallacy is clever.

Hitlerinas aren't very bright, after all.

Pretty sure no voters make the majority of the population, which is pathetic.

I wonder if this is a reaction to Assange basically saying "The left and MSM are lying to you."

Did he say the left? This isn't about left or right. This is about Neolibs + Neocons trying to completely and totally trying to through anti-globalism through the mud.

Many on the left are opposed to open and unchecked globalism.

That Trump article has been shooting up faster than anything I've ever seen here, literally hundreds of points per minute.

money talks :|

theres absolutely nothing of value in this sub.

folks treat this like a zoo, they come to watch you animals throw shit at each other.

Looking at your post history, I see you can speak from the height of your incredible massive reddit experience and contribution! LOL!

Fwiw, some pro Trumpers like me are having a jolly good time upvoting the trolling of CNN, CIA and BuzzFeed. It will pass, I'd speculate.

This shit gets posted every time there is a post that reaches /r/all. I swear so many of you here are blind. When it reaches /r/all them all come in from reddit. It happened with pizzgate posts that reaches 4k+.

Yes, this exact same discussion happens every time a post reaches /r/all. I don't understand how so many forget that people don't have to actively come to or seek out this sub. This sub can make it it to the front page and be seen by everyone. Especially when the top post on all of Reddit right now is a conspiracy, it's only natural it bleeds over here.

i agree completely. once a story gets big enough swings right into r/all and basically gets flooded with blue pilled zombies. however, this story in particular got to the front page r/conspiracy faster than bullet, which leads me to believe that this was orchestrated. Seriously the story is not that big for it to explode that fast on this sub. it was at the front page withing 20 minutes and to top it off the story came from buzzfeed? really?. Not really a trump supporter or shillary for that matter but something smells here.

The story might not be true, but what about it isn't big? If even half of it is true it would be huge. And if it's not true that opens up its own can of worms.

Only one page needs to be real and Trump could get tried for treason.

None of it is true. Get real. They have program zero evidence just like with the "Russian hackers".

Use your brain.

This is evidence you shill.

You clearly don't understand what "evidence" means or what a "shill" is.

Enlighten me on why this doesn't count.

There is no evidence. Do you understand what evidence means?

You're failing to provide even a simple arguement. This is /r/conspiracy and your this adamant about the whole thing being made up by 4 Chan when it was literally British Intel that handed everything to him. Like this is cut and dry here's 35 pages of details and you're just saying "nope lies" without anything to back that up. Give me a link detailing this isn't real.

Do you understand what evidence is?

That's not what I asked you.

I am asking you the questions. Do you know what the word "evidence" means? We need to start there because I don't think you really have that part down yet.

Can you give me some for an example?

Ok, you are clearly a troll. No one can be as dumb as you are. I refuse to accept that.

Is this all you can say to me? I'm asking real questions nicely and you're literally resorting to explicitly and only ad hominem. Like I'm asking you to defend your arguments and you're not. I'm asking for proof and you're flat out refusing to post even fake proof.

You don't know what the word evidence means. How can I talk to someone that dumb or that dishonest?

That's not relevant to the actual point. You're side stepping the real conspiracy, this shit is history in the making and you're not even considering-you're not even humoring that this has any credence. Just stone wall denial. Why?


wow, you are a moron.

There's my evidence, where's yours?

Ha ok troll

where's yours?

You are the one making the claim, idiot. The burden of proof is on you.

However, this points towards the entire thing being bullshit:


So, the one bit of data that was released that could be fact checked turned out to be false.

That's as much proof as Trump's tweet tbf.

Ok troll

You're the troll.

Says the guy that doesn't know what 'evidence' means.

I never said that.

Didn't have to. Anyways, you are boring and pointless. I really don't care what you think or say or do.

Then why have you spent 16+ hours berating me on conspiracy over a literal conspiracy?

16 hours? I have answered you like 5 times or so and I have spent less than 10 seconds on each reply. Don't flatter yourself.

I mean your post history is all I really need to look at to know what you are. 9 months back, nothing but disdain for the left or zealotry for trump. gee... I wonder how much you get paid...

Ok troll

Outed and that's all you got.

Ok troll

Wow, such class. Much honor. So convincing.

Says the the_donald shill. You guys are really big on evidence over there

And you still have provided nothing of substance. Name call all you want.. you will never be able to produce evidence backing your claims.

You mean just like the_dumbass shills we're complaining when the Russian hacking stuff came to light? And then what happened? Oh right, your piss-dyed dictator even admitted there was Russian involvement.

And? The source of the hack is irrelevant. It is what the hack exposed that matters. Anyone can make it look like someone else hacked something. What really matters is what the hack shows.

There is zero evidence Trump had anything to do with the hack. So, he has no responsibility. However, the hacks show that the MSM and DNC are colluding and breaking laws.

What I'm saying is you've been proved wrong about this before, it's only a matter of time before it happens again. Saying it right now, there is no way that Trump makes it through a whole term without evidence of an impeachable offence appearing. Not if it's already been this bad and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

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I haven't been proved wrong about anything. There is no definite proof the Russians did anything. In fact, it is pretty suspicious that Russia would leave so many digital fingerprints.

However, again, the source of the "hack" never mattered to me and I can say many other Trump supporters feel the same way.

Nice attempted strawman, though, Still didn't work.

Wait hold on, this and the Russian hackers thing is literally connected.

You must be a troll. For you sake, I refuse to accept that you are this stupid.

only one page has to be false and the whole report can be disregarded, anyhow there is no proof of either. So you're witnessing the propaganda war in full effect.

That's not how intelligence works.

tell that to the guy who i replied to

Can you elaborate?

he said that if one page is true then the rest is true as well.. using the same logic i said that if one page is false then the rest is false too

That's not what I said (same poster). I said if one page is true then he could still be convicted, and to elaborate some more, The rest could be straight fabrication but if only a few things is true (less than one page even) then he could face criminal charges. Irrelevant of the rest.

true, but thats only if one page is true. If the rest of the pages are false then the one page that might be true loses all credibility. Which is a shame. Then they should of released that one page that is true instead of mixing it in with a bunch of garbage..

The perception of credence does not alter the truth.

nope but it can mask it pretty well

It was the hypocrisy of tagging a submission to /r/CONSPIRACY as "unverified allegations" that sparked the fire. The entire fucking sub is unverified allegations.

This is the biggest story of the week with the potential of being larger than Watergate, if true, and this sub doesn't understand why it hit the front page so fast?

No, because even on r/conspiracy there IS a difference between hoaxes and conspiracies.

are you serious? apparently john mccain is an unverified source while people on twitter taking meaning out of emails are.

its literally the only post ever on conspiracy to be tagged this


preach it, baby! this is some nonsense going on here

i think at least half this russia stuff is true theres too much info from too many serious sources for it not to be its not like its some shit pulled vague mentions of pizza on emails from twitter users

This isn't a conspiracy it's an anti left sub. Like most conspiracy theorists it's filled with people who take right propaganda at face value and shout about anything no matter how tenious it is negative about the left. Trumps openly corrupt but no a guy on the left likes pizza there is clearly a massive pedophile right operating out of a pizza place.

This isn't /r/conspiracy it's /r/rightpropaganda

This sub has been cucked by /r/the_retard, it's nothing but Trump spam now. They're about to control all three branches of government and this sub is completely submissive.

It's not submissive, it's actively trying to shove all his cock in their ass. They're falling all over themselves to make up every excuse in the book as to why none of this is true. They upvoted a gif of Biden for no other reason than Trump's russia problem was popular on /r/all. That's t_d level of bullshit and it's really obvious they're doing the same here.

This sub has been a pro-trump circle jerk for months (and months) now. This is the first real conspiracy regarding him (other than the Epstein stuff), so when this came out I would imagine that all of the people that lurk here that aren't pro-trump came flocking.

yep me too. I used to really enjoying reading /r/conspiracy for the thoughtful discussion about topics other people wouldn't. However, after becoming the_donald 2.0 I've been really turned off to this sub.

Nice to see something anti-trump on here. This used to be a place to question corrupt and overly powerful business men. I don't understand how any logical person could possible defend the actions of this slimy man.

Yeah, it's really sucked. I would have never guessed this place would become so biased towards a billionaire conman that has connections to a known pedophile and other shady individuals... but here we are. And as silly as it was, the more esoteric content that used to be discussed here years ago was great, as well.

As well as dealings with the mafia.

Shut your mouth you CTR shills. This sub is for people who don't do irony or hypocrisy.

Because between hoaxes and conspiracies runs a fine line of difference.

It's not a pro trump circle jerk. The number of conspiracy around Hillary don't end. Their disgusting.

There's plenty of bad dirt on trump, and you won't see it here unless you sort by controversial.

That isn't true. Maybe if you aren't an active member or you are new to this sub, but if you are a real member of this sub, than you know we need evidence and evidence from MSM and intelligence agencies isn't reliable. We all know that. I am very skeptical about trump, as EVERYONE should be. It isn't who gets elected, it's who gets selected, remember? I doubt this has changed but who knows.

Okay, then go look at the evidence that shows Trump had a close friendship with known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein(who provided underage sex-slaves to his wealthy associates), or his associations with the American mafia, or the business dealings he has had with Russian oligarchs (his son is on tape in 2008 saying Russians make up a "disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets" and "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia").

Exactly. It is the rate of upvoting and the timing which is suspect.

blue pilled zombies

So you're 'woke' and 'red-pilled,' it's not Dunning–Kruger? Chemtrails and anti-vax suggest the latter.

It's because this is so obviously a good story for r/conspiracy and people in r/news, r/worldnews, and r/politics want to see how the community here reacts. Particularly since they consider the community here entirely too pro-Trump - there was a pretty big standing assumption, for example, in r/politics that we might not even be talking about it or we'd be 100% dismissive of it. Even many Trump supporters in other subs consider this sub either A) basically r/The_Donald2.0 or B) taken over by the FSB. So curiosity compelled visitors, they noticed that the only story - apparently ever - flagged "Unverified allegations" was the Trump story and so they stuck around/upvoted. That lead to the story ending up on r/all and here we are.

There were two major hacks during the election, neither were Russian. First you had the DNC leak, which was called a leak and not a hack and was sourced by insider, who many on this sub believed was Seth Rich as he was found murdered shortly after. Secondly you had the Podesta emails, which was not a hack either but the poor fella fell for a phishing scam. What's a phishing scam? Well you've probably had one sent to you at some point. He received an e-mail from a scammer that appeared to be an official email from a trusted source, Podesta then proceeded to fall for the fake email and type his log in credentials into the fake email. It's bad op-sec 101 and surprisingly many technologically inept people fall for this stuff. And as events show, Hillarys campaign was filled with technological incompetence.

I'm well aware of what a phishing scam is and it is a form of hacking - hacking is not all about cracking encrypted passwords by brute force, or exploiting vulnerabilities in the targets OS, etc. Most successful hackers utilize combinations of social engineering and malware. It is, after all, much easier for me to trick someone into opening a compromised file than it is to attempt to worm my way through a firewall and implement changes - as an intruder - on a system myself.

As far as the murder of Seth Rich goes, it makes little sense to publicly assassinate a man so blatantly after proving your opsec is so shoddy, given the scope of the actual data lost. It also makes little sense - speaking as a Democratic insider - for a Democratic insider to leak the information he did to Wikileaks. Frankly speaking I believe the Pizzagate allegations to be fantasy and the rest I consider to be a relatively minor internal DNC matter - blown out of proportion due to the timing and manner of Wikileaks releases and the hyperbolic nature of the recent election. The DNC had their thumb on the scale in favor of HRC? As a supporter of Senator Sanders, I can attest that everyone knew that. (I wanted DWS gone before the election cycle specifically because I knew that was why she had been placed there.) Occam's Razor suggests that this was done to damage the DNC and their primary candidate - not the likely act of a DNC insider. Occam's Razor also suggests, to me, that murdering that insider for leaking this simply creates more potential for self-harm to the organization. What's more, as a cyber security contractor, I'm very familiar with the means and methods of COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR - I have no trouble accepting that the original DNC Hack was their work based off the evidence I've seen out of Crowdstrike.

As far as the murder of Seth Rich goes, it makes little sense to publicly assassinate a man so blatantly after proving your opsec is so shoddy, given the scope of the actual data lost.

Well their opsec was so shoddy so they very well might of done it. Also occams razor suggests that the best way to silence a person is to remove them from the equation, i.e kill them. Otherwise good points.

The top post on all of reddit is an Obama ama from 4 years ago.

From my experience, such a post's upvotes are massive, but the number of online users of the originating sub doesn't move...

No if you actually read the comments it's a bunch of people from /r/all shitting on your sub pointint out the hipocracy.

This sub invented a label "Unverified Allegations" and this is literally the only one with that label.

The reason why this sub is seeing a lot of anti-trump visitors is because of this explosive news (even if it is untrue you can't deny how elaborately awesome the conspiracy is).

Is /r/conspiracy not allowed to be critical of Trump? I thought it was a conspiracy subreddit.

OP is baffled why there has been an increase of traffic..... is it really that hard to understand why???

This is not a brigade/shills/CTR dude - a really big news piece just got released, this post from this sub made it to the front page - what do you expect?

Please post this as a top level comment.

I'm not subscribed here, I came here from /r/all.

Clicking on the comment section of the post counts as a +1 to the # of people here counter.

Yeah, but those people don't usually lurk on the page all day like most /r/conspiracy heads, they just check in and check out. There's been a consistent block of users all day.

That's because different people are waking up around the world at different times.

Well you believe what you want.

But this story was huge to many. And many know of /r/conspiracy. So they wanted the take that this sub takes. So it gets upvoted and people chill here to read other things also while waiting on comments.

That's how it has always been.

At least from my experience.

Exactly right.

It's just so ironic that we are in /conspiracy

I'm so confused. Who is controlling the narrative? It's a classic conspiracy post but trumpets are rejecting it because it doesn't fit the narrative of this sub. If it's not pizzagate bullshit or Hillary emails they actually don't care... just stupid. Make Reddit great again.

Maybe I misunderstood your original post.

Except this subreddit will go back to normal after this thing ends, it's not some massive conspiracy to take control of the sub rofl.

In this case, the comments are very interesting.

Dude. They just changed the algorithm. And that "people here" counter is way off. I mod some dead subs that show people there always. Even 2 minutes after I created them.

The brigading on this one started well before it was on /all

There's also a related article tab at the top that people use.

I swear so many of you here are blind.

I've seen multiple posts about this happening, multiple posts which admit that reaching r/all brings in extra people. They're not blind to this fact, they admit it... and then go on to point out that the numbers are inflated FAR beyond even what THOSE inflated numbers can reach.

Nobody complains about inflated online users when it benefits them. People have suspected shills promoting pizzagate shit before the election. Online users inflated quite a bit then too. This is a big news item which caters to the majority of reddit. I'm truly not surprised and not suspicious. Just wait it out and they will leave again like every time before.

Thanks for replying, I'm glad you could show up in my inbox so I could block you.

so I could block you

On conspiracy -> despises discussion...

7,000 people at the peak is an impossible number? Are you willfully ignorant or peddling an agenda?

For the middle of the night in North America? yes

This post went live sometime between 10 and 11 pm east coast time last night. That is between 7 pm and 8 pm west coast time. That is certainly not the middle of the night in America.

I've been coming to this sub a few years now and have never seen a post mentioning this, nor the sheer number of people in here at this moment.

r/conspiracy posts reach r/all fairly frequently and this post single-handedly just multiplied the viewer count to almost 6x normal numbers earlier.

That's quite bizarre, especially considering this whole thing seems to be about a made up 4chan fantasy story.

Wait it out. They will leave. We have had posts with more votes than today's on here. I've been here years. Search conspiracy top posts and you will see posts with higher vote counts.

Oh for sure, there's definitely been posts that scored higher. I find the number of active viewers very hard to believe, however.

We're still at over twice the normal amount

Because the r/all crowd are fucking morons who would let the government run a train on their grandmother if they were told it might stop terrorists by CNN.

15k does not make you think it is crazy?

No. No, I do not.


Ok thats good. Putting my guns away

no this is something else.

They don't call it /r/conspiracy for nothing bub.

I actually downloaded the app and joined reddit to check all these rumours out. This is my first post ever in the reddit community.

Everything they do just doesn't work anymore. SAD!

Good summary of it, man.

Are they really that stupid to be so obvious tho? Must be desperate, pissgate owns pizzagate name wise tho, good work there.

Your mods are hiding this post from their own front page. Talk about conspiracy, this sub is basically /r/The_Donald 2.0. All conspiracies are welcome as long as they don't make Trump look bad!

It's literally the top post on the front page.

But with the stamp of /r/conspiracy, which is nowadays almost more trusted on reddit than any MSM source. They are using this sub for their purpose.


I don't seem to see it.

Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/traffic/ as well, look at the uniques/pageviews by hour.

Thanks for the link!

No problem, it's honestly pretty clear what is happening here. The internet is becoming a weapon.

That just took me to the front page of Reddit

It works for me. http://imgur.com/a/4YC8r

Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/traffic/ as well, look at the uniques/pageviews by hour.

What the hell is going on.. this has Brock written all over it..

It could be that or like, you know, details of a potentially major conspiracy were published.

I dunno, this sub is named r/conspiracy, you tell me. Sorry it doesn't fit your agenda.

Donald trump being a putin puppet is too insane a theory for you, even when backed by evidence, but you'll believe that clinton talks to dead people and eats children based on 4channers making up bullshit about a code word for CP.

Also, lol at you shits getting triggered by someone daring to hit trump. Keep sucking.

Where's this evidence? I keep seeing that word, but nothing has, as yet, been produced.

Same amount of evidence as pizza gate. So why's this sub suddenly care so much about hard evidence?

Where is this evidence? Can you direct me somewhere that I might see it and judge for myself?

Why does this sub only ask for that when it's anti trump?

I'm hardly "this sub." But, generally speaking, I'm an "evidence" guy.

Let me help you:


So, you have no direct line on anything that substantiated the claims of the media and establishment. Cool.

Never claimed to. Just trying to help lazy people find what they're demanding others to do for them.

Teach a man to fish and all that 😉

If I Google "Russia hacking evidence," something will turn up?

Absolutely. Try it. Google doesn't bite.

Once you figure out the basics, I also recommend trying searching for other similar and related terms. You can also use syntax to change your search parameters. Google has tons of info on it. Just type your question in the box and discover the world of information the indexing site can show you.

I doubt you say the same about pizzagate.

What, that I would need substantial evidence to verify the claims being made? Because that's exactly what I'm waiting for.

There's more evidence of PizzaGate then this shit.

There's ZERO evidence of this Russian bullshit with Trump. Only main stream media trying to stir up a pot. The investigation was funded by Anti-Trump Republicans and Hillary Clinton donors. It's allegations with no proof being thrown out.

Who paid you to make this comment? Be honest.

I'm not being paid, can you post any evidence of this Russian Trump thing?

Enjoy your paycheck.

Again, no evidence. You can't provide any because there is ZERO evidence. I'd love to be getting paid asking for evidence.

Just so you know, this sub is being overrun with trump shills right now trying to bury the story about his Russian relations. Are you one of them?

It's one big allegation without any actual evidence and you're standing firmly behind it. It seems you're the paid opposition.

Haha. This is amazing. Thank you for this golden reply, FIRM TRUMP SUPPORTER.

Go Seahawks!

They are likely gonna lose to Atlanta. But I'm hoping for the best!

Man you are dense

Where's the evidence? Calling me dense for not agreeing with fucking a Buzzfeed article that even says "The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors."

Shill if I ever saw one

Bernie Sanders

R/liquifife is a perfect example of what type of accounts shills are purchasing. Aged, accumulated karma, supposed to "blend right in" except they stand out like a sore thumb.

So which accounts are the shill ones? The old ones with lots of karma or the new ones with no karma?

Or just whoever doesn't agree with you?

you are so bad at this.

How a response like this gets upvoted is ridiculous. What does pizzagate have to do with this? Nothing at all, and evidence should be demanded before any conclusions should be made. This reeks of partisan bias.

Have you read the leaks? If you don't find anything suspicious or or strange that's your problem. There's definetly something creepy and strange in the leaks and the further connections people were able to draw from them.

Literally not one suspicious email in there.

But the napkins!

Pizzagate has more evidence than this Russian bullshit

Verifiable evidence and people will believe that simple. Provide them big dog.

What evidence?

I wish my anti-Trump posts would skyrocket to the top...

Wait until he has destroyed the Witch and let's see what happens then.

The whole thing is going to implode, and it will take all of these scumbags down. It's long overdue.

I wish I had your optimism...

No if you actually read the comments it's a bunch of people from /r/all shitting on your sub pointint out the hipocracy.

This sub invented a label "Unverified Allegations" and this is literally the only one with that label.

The reason why this sub is seeing a lot of anti-trump visitors is because of this explosive news (even if it is untrue you can't deny how elaborately awesome the conspiracy is) and people want to talk about it.

Is /r/conspiracy not allowed to be critical of Trump? I thought it was a conspiracy subreddit.

OP is baffled why there has been an increase of traffic..... is it really that hard to understand why???

This is not a brigade/shills/CTR dude - a really big news piece just got released, this post from this sub made it to the front page - what do you expect?

It has been brigaded with pro trumpers since june or august. Trump threw out a lot of truths during his campaign to a lot of uneducated people. It's pretty easy to tell who's who if you spend any time here.

It just happens that one side is on the receiving end of the saboteurs and one side is on the giving end.

Don't blame the messenger.

If anyone is taking a "side" here, that's an immediate red flag to me that they aren't ready to understand the truth.

The truth is that there is a lot of gray. While still having distinct sides. Both.

We can be critical of Trump where the evidence warrants it.

Where the 'evidence' is just a troll made up by 4Chan, not so much though.

This isn't from 4chan and if you believe that then you've been duped. That archive post has nothing to do with this report.

There's even that printed out and highlighted bit of fake text to try and discredit it.

The only post in this subreddit to ever, EVER, be labelled as "unverified allegations" is one critical of Donald Trump.

This is a shadow arm of The Donald.

That's not because it's about The Donald.

It's because the allegations lack substantiation and because there is sufficient evidence that this whole thing was a troll drummed up on 4Chan.

False cause.

there is sufficient evidence that this whole thing was a troll drummed up on 4Chan.

What is this evidence you speak of?

Yeah. Almost as if it is a conspiracy theory. If only there were a sub for that...

maybe because the people who published it did so with the caveat that it was precisely that an "unverified allegation" is it so fucking hard to understand or did you not even read the fucking article?

Where's the evidence that 4chan came up with it?

Looking at your comment history, I'm not convinced you're all that interested in evidence either way.

Ok look at mine. I genuinely want to know both sides.

There is some (minimal) evidence that 4Chan was behind this.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-10/4chan-claims-have-fabricated-anti-trump-report-hoax

The leaks themselves show evidence of fabrication: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/818992803829137408

And there is no 'name dropping' or verification from the legacy media pushing this story, so nothing to go on from them. In other words, they are making the claims, but not backing them up. NYT literally wrote in their article "But the declassified report contained no information about how the agencies had collected their data or had come to their conclusions." https://t.co/NwSq1kME0E

This for starters...

Watching the news now specifically Kelly Anne Conway. No mention of 4chan, but she says the sources shouldn't be treated as credible as they're being treated. All I know is this is interesting.

Again, what's the evidence that 4chan made it up? It's an honest question.

Your comment history would suggest otherwise.

So you don't have evidence. Gotcha.

Also how about this person:


Can you look at their post history and answer the question for them?


Some guy on 4chan claimed he made it up. That's pretty much it.

It's pretty amazing that they can't understand this. Anyone who's had a submission hit the top 50 or so will notice a sudden influx of messages to their inbox. You can tell the moment it's hit that point. Not that hard to comprehend why there are more people in here then usual. I came from a high up comment in the /r/politics thread linking the sub. Then I'm sure some people are only clicking because they're laughing at the sight of that "unverified allegations" tag.

The unverified tag is bullshit. The number of people here and the concern of the regulars is not. There have never been this many people here, and r/conspiracy posts hit front page all the time.

So yeah, it is hard to comprehend why there where 7500 people here.

So yeah, it is hard to comprehend why there were 7500 people here.

Are you mentally ill or something ?

There are serious allegations that Russia has unprecedented dirt on Trump. Including that he was in a hotel room with prostitutes engaging in golden showers. When in our life time has anything this bizarre happened ? And days before inauguration we may have a President who is compromised ?

And yet you are confused people want to talk about it ?

These people cannot be reasoned with at all. They will be homeless on the streets still blaming it on the emails. If anyone's been MKUltra'ed it's these yahoos that think any politician gives one flying fuck about them.

Its a 4chan troll you mongs

Nope, I'm very much a sane person. What's more bizarre is these allegations are based on a 4chan troll post which the CIA ate up. However, if it's not a troll post and Russia has actual evidence (like video footage) why wouldn't they show that....why has the media held on to this story for so long. That's because nothing is really backing it up.

The buzzfeed article as well as the NYT article on this clearly states the info is unverified and holds a tentative narrative on if these allegations are even remotely true. Serious allegations is an absolute joke statement to make if you would actually read any of it.

So in knowing this the majority of the 7500 people that were here basically didn't read a fucking thing of it and were only here in the fleeting hope this thing is real.

Pizzagate is arguably much, much more bizarre. High ranking officials possibly raping children, but hey, that didn't bring in 7500 people here because that isn't a serious enough allegation apparently.

Basically what the number of people here and the massive upvoting of this article tells me that: A) people think it's funny B) there's a narrative being pushed C) people are much more interested in the entertainment value of a ridiculous story (even if true) as opposed to actual discussion of how the government doesn't give a shit about you or I or, and D) any chance possible to hang on to the notion that Clinton is any better and use any means necessary to somehow disqualify Trump.

Note: before you assume I did not vote for Trump. I'm just not irrational and care about sensationalist stories that have so many god damn holes in it that it's laughable.

What's more bizarre is these allegations are based on a 4chan troll post which the CIA ate up

Which is garbage. There is no proof of this.

The dates don't add up. Rick Wilson has denied it. Pure garbage.

Alright then, show me some proof it came from a MI6 agent....

There are tons of people here because

1) A actual huge conspiracy has hit mainstream news

2) People are coming from other parts of reddit because they've heard about the "unverified" tag

Not everything is bots and shills.

1) i guess none of the other conspiracies to rock the internet and news over the past few months come close to this one? I suppose none of the other conspiracies that regularly hit r/all from r/conspiracy should receive the same interest or even remotely the same visitor count.

2) Yeah I don't actually believe everyone is a bot and shill, that's ridiculous. Do I believe there are paid shills? yes, and that is a fact it happens as there are companies and organizations who hire these people.

You know what really grinds my gears? That people are more concerned about some pissing story (lets be honest, most of the people here are here because of the blackmail story as opposed to the meat of the story about Russia's involvement in grooming Trump) then engaging in discussion about other conspiracies.

I want to see 7500 people here discussing how the FED is actively engaging in ripping off the entire nation while we all pay for it. Lets fucking talk about that. Probably not sensationalist enough, though, and too boring for most.

It's not amazing they can't understand this. This sub is largely composed of basement dwelling teenagers who split their free time between 4chan, T_D, this sub, jerking off, and spewing their stream of consciousness online as if it has any actual merit. They're not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.

Nah man, anytime someone upvotes or downvotes something, that's brigading. You're not allowed to have opinions. /s

Or shills. Anytime someone disagrees, it's ctr or some shit.

I want everyone to sub to /r/conspiracy.

The pizzagate posts are too notch entertainment

I always upvote pizza posts because I love pizza! (and popcorn).

It's almost like this sub's are Trump supports and made a behind-the-scenes agreement to keep it generally pro-Trump. I think that's what you call a conspiracy, right?


Ok now I know it's either children or shills posting most of these deflection comments.

You caught me, a misspelling def means I'm a shill.

Only children try to spell "hypocrisy"' with "hippo"

Only children completely dismiss the main theme of a discussion due to a spelling mistake

Ok now I know it's either children or shills posting most of these deflection comments.

Doesn't "hurr it was a 4chan troll!" count as deflection too? Because that's a t_d talking point probably handed out on flyers.

And if you're a shill and don't know it then you're a patsy.

Is /r/conspiracy not allowed to be critical of Trump? I thought it was a conspiracy subreddit.

we are critical of Trump all the time here. there are straightline trump supporters here, but that doesn't make up the majority of users.

But as was seen with Reddit shutting down subs that were making unverified allegations about John Podesta and certain friends of his who run DC pizza shops- it would be a bit of a double standard to expect the mods here not to qualify a blatant and currently unsubstantiated accusation against the president elect.

We are particularly sensitive to state-generated propaganda around here, and that's what it sounds like. So you aren't flipping the script on us with this one.

Why do pizzagate posts not have the same filter then?

It depends on how the post title is worded. A definitive unsubstantiated allegation is marked with "Rule 11" and subsequently removed from frontpage. The reason they tagged this more specifically was because it had so many upvotes and they didn't want to just remove it immediately the way mods in /r/politics or /r/news would for a similar post.

If the title was something along the lines of "Intelligence agencies ALLEGE Trump was blackmailed by Russians" it would have stayed up if the post title is accurate and verifiable.

If the title was something along the lines of "Intelligence agencies ALLEGE Trump was blackmailed by Russians" it would have stayed up if the post title is accurate and verifiable.

That is exactly what it said. This was the full title:

Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia

you're right, but did the tag change? because it's currently tagged as "4chan hoax and raid". Maybe they deleted it because it was being brigaded.


They did change the tag and its a ridiculous tag. If anyone is brigading it is trump supporters trying to change the narrative that the document is the product of 4chan which is completely false. 4chan is photoshopping images to make it looks like ridiculous claims were made like dressing trump up in costumes and being put in an anime or something.

The fact that an addendum relating to a report on Trumps ties to Russia exists is not what is in question. The question is, is the document going around the internet legit and the actual document that was handed to obama, trump and 8 other high ranking officials

It is fact that A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump - the question is how true are these memos? Apparently true enough to have to have a meeting about it and it does deserve to be discussed here and is indeed a conspiracy

Apparently true enough to have to have a meeting about it and it does deserve to be discussed here and is indeed a conspiracy

some things are better off called out as propaganda. I don't think this sub owed buzzfeed page views. Let's donate those views to this excellent article by Glenn Greenwald:

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry and damaging those behaviors might be.


Is /r/conspiracy not allowed to be critical of Trump? I thought it was a conspiracy subreddit.

Since the post has since been removed by mods. No, this is a pro-trump sub now.

The shills have a valid point but the thing is they own all the other subreddit and complain about this sub being pro-trump. Make your own conspiracy sub.

No, why don't the Trump people get out. People who were against oppressive government, and oligarchy, just like Trump is going to enforce on The US, have been here long before the election, and we will be here after he has been impeached, and all his crooked elite cronies are kicked out of Washington.

We already live in an oppressive oligarchy. Neither Trump or Hillary would have changed that.

We already live in an oppressive oligarchy

You ain't seen noting yet!

Seriously, this sub is overrun by fucking russia-bots and imbeciles. I'm from R/pol and this essentially looks like T_D for the most part. BiGGLY SAD!

r/pol is trash

then go the fuck back to your ignorant little circle jerk.

I can hear the conservative tears.

which is funny since im a canadian that votes ndp.

Just because this sub has massively swung partisan doesn't mean it has to stay that way. ALL conspiracies should be posted here, regardless of your political affiliation. Why contribute to censorship?

Um, we've been brigaded

/r/conspiracy got mentioned without a link in /r/politics' megathread about this, as an example of how the right would ignore actual conspiracies, with more evidence than Pizzagate. Not a traditional brigade but I'd guess that 90% of the upvotes aren't from regular browsers.

Still, his point stands, it is a legitimate conspiracy theory, it's just against the republicans for a change, something we haven't seen since Bush did 9/11.

Yes but not within the top comments of the mega thread to explain how 7000 users flooded here unless they edited out the link after to hide their tracks.

We're all for conspiracies with evidence and time to discuss that evidence.

We're not for artificially inflating a story without discussing evidence.

I hate to be that guy...but what about pizzagate. That had less evidence than this and it's still going around.

really less evidence than some unnammed source no one is willing to support?

lets see so far ive seen half a dozen twitter/imgur accounts with a bunch of really really sketchy shit involving kids, and a pizza place owner whos threatend the life of people doing research (who is now being investigated by the FBI for those threats) who has a ton of pedophile imagery on his social media and businesses, and is directly tied to a bunch of very high up people.

most of it is very circumstantial, but that is the only reason he hasnt been arrested or questioned as of yet. the fact that as they make a break through in finding the supposed "farm" and then this stupid crap gets dumped on the sub and mass upvoted by non-subscribers is usually a pretty good indicator they are trying to derail things.

And here we have a Senator bringing up the dossier to the FBI, Obama and Trump both being briefed, and a leak from somewhere in the intelligence community, broken by the guy whi broke Watergate, perhaps the largest 'confirmed' conspiracy since WW2

right because snowden never happened, and the dnc didnt rig their own primary....

I keep seeing people post that, but as a long time lurker, theres often threads posted without any evidence or only a natural news link as the evidence. And people used to call those people out, same as there used to be a lot of people who would genuinely worry about the mental state of a poster and encourage them to get help (remember the guy who kept saying an evil AI controlled him?), and in the last few months its just become massively partisan and anything that hints that Trump isn't anything less than 100% perfect and Democrats 100% evil is automatically discarded as being posted by shills.

People are failiable, every person and organisation has skeletons in their closet to a certain degree, and conspiracy used to be very on the nose about it, but since pizzagate got shut down, this place has just become pizzagate 2.0 to the exclusion of anything else.

Also the shill accusations get really tiresome, just because someone posts something you don't agree with doesn't make them a shill, I'm sure it does happen though I don't agree it happens with the scale to which people here allege, but 63,620,704 people voted for Hilary, is it really that unbelievable that some of them post on reddit and are members of conspiracy and not shills?

the reason for the shift is the sub has been under nearly constant attack since the snowden leaks came out, something that people have berated us for believing for years.

the same groups started attacking trump and bernie during the primaries and then actual evidence of hillary and co rigging the primaries to fuck Sanders, and promote trump came out in the wikileaks releases.

the reason trump is given more of a pass is Hillary and the clinton foundation have been on our radar for nearly a decade, and the email leaks were the proof we have all been waiting for.

from what i have seen it is a very small group who actually support trump directly, and the vast majority who know the Clintons were complete moral Voids and borderline monsters. trumps gotten a pass here, because a) the dirt on him is pretty laughable b) he doesnt have 10 years of ties to really dirty shit.

for all the bullshit people peddle about the people here most of us are critical thinkers that are waiting to see what trump actually does before we bust out pitchforks knowing how much of the campaign accusations were utter horseshit.

Thats a reasonable explanation, I don't agree 100% but I also don't see you as a rabid foaming at the mouth Trump supporter either. I still think if the pizzagate sub had been kept open and they cracked down on leaking personal info instead that r/conspiracy would be in a better place than it is now.

wow a reasonable person, fuck me you are a unicorn these days. bask in your rainbow glory! :p

as for the pizzagate stuff take a peak at voat.co, theyve kept things going, and are digging in to them. its still pretty circumstantial when its all looked at individually but there is a pretty disconcerting pattern emerging that is pretty fucking unsettling. actually look at the proof they are digging up and make your own judgements.

if any of these people lived near me i would be a lot more concerned about my kids that is for fucking sure.

as an example of how the right would ignore actual conspiracies, with more evidence than Pizzagate.

report uses made up 4chan post as evidence. All articles including NYT & Buzzfeed say the info is unverified.....yet it has more evidence than pizzagate.

good lord people, get it together.

yeah its one started by the republican (aka john mccain)

So where are the comments and posts encouraging users to come here and post anything?

You really haven't.

This sub should change its name to r/paranoid.

a massive conspiracy was discovered

people went to the sub for such things


Obvious made up self-admitted lies are not a conspiracy, Thats why. No censorship there.

Alright boys I never stood for much but this place of familiarity has given me a reason. I will fight with you boys.

I see three types of users here.

1: /r/conspiracy users who are complaining about the shills and think everyone is out to get them.

2: Shills who validate the paranoia that is spread on this sub.

3: People like me who wanna get the facts and make their own assessment of the situation but are really turned off by all the shills and the paranoia.

  1. Your lizard overlords.

Ah right, it couldn't be that r/politics fucktards decided to start a brigade, which they admit to doing, nope /s

Brilliant arguments from the Hitlerina crowd.

Are you saying I'm a Nazi or something?

Because all you do is make everyone think you're a foaming at the mouth rabid infant who must be schizophrenic because the alternative is that a sane human being could somehow justify these frankly insane thoughts.

I'm saying you're a fucking retarded Hitlery supporter, which means you're trash. Government faither fucking garbage. Fuck off.

Rule 10 final warning.

i think he is calling you an authoritarian idiot, pushing an ideology that is stupid and fak, then attacking any one who disagrees or calls you on your bullshit

Sorry, what ideology am I pushing? Facts, reason and logic? If science and self-researched opinions are authoritarian, then I guess that makes me one.

Or, you're a fucking insane loser who hears voices that tell him the world is out to get him.

ahahaha you guys are getting boring your barely even trying now

And which group do I belong to? And what agenda am I pushing? Explain to me.

There is 0 brigading.

This sub is paranoid.

Whaaat? Conspiracy theorists being paranoid???

It's amazing that the rest of you guys think you're important enough for people in r/politics to coordinate an attack on us, r/politics doesn't give a shit about us and thinks this sub is a huge joke, especially after we've pretty much been taken over by r/t_d. The people that would actually be bothering with us over Trump stuff would be r/EnoughTrumpSpam, r/SubredditDrama, or r/ShitRedditSays or other similar subs. r/politics is only interested in the current topics and their own circlejerk.

Where is there evidence of Shills?

There is none.

Where is there evidence of Shills?

There have been at least two posts in the past week by Russian propaganda agents complaining about the unmitigated gall of Estonia to invite NATO troops to conduct joint military exercises.

Your biggest mistake is coming to /r/conspiracy hoping to find facts. This place is an extension of 4chan and T_D.

I find the information raw and refine it into my understanding of the situation. It takes all sides to get an even view of what's going on man.

1) people I don't like

2) people I don't like

3) me playing the victim card


Dear shills,

It's not that we don't believe conspiracies about Trump, good number of us are BernieBros... it's that when you have to use a brigade of botnets to make your point, it kinda discredits you altogether.

So if we dismiss your contribution to this sub you've never entered before, do not take it personally.

Please do take it personally, because if you're in this thread (based on comments here from non subscribers) and commenting you're just here to shit on this sub and conspiracies in general.

Not sure why you're getting down voted shills are garbage.

The related post in Politics hit like 25k comments last I checked. Seems probable that, given the allegation is of conspiracy at the highest lebels, this sub would see a spike in traffic given its hyper-relevant name.

But that's a much less exciting take on the situation than a shadowy cabal working to undermine your pure bastion of truth. Where's the good vs evil story in people looking at a topical sub? What a snoozefest that idea is.

so you're saying this isn't true about trump

but you're saying botnets are brigading here... based on?

Muh fee fees. Mommy tells me to trust my gut more than my brain so I do.

No... Donald Trump adressed the globe and says it isn't true.

Donald Trump lied the entire time... he lied about Carrier, about ford, about fiat, about chevy, about having no debt, about having no contact with his sons about his company

He refused to answer the question at the end regarding having contact with Russia during the campaign, he ran away like the pussy he is

He refused to answer a question from CNN and instead answered Breitbart

He's a fucking joke of a liar

Whoaaaa bud! I was pointing out that the user made no reference or allegation towards trumps guilt or innocence in the matter. She/He may actually agree with the accusations, but the matter in which this sub was and is being disrupted from buisness as usual is suspect as fuck.

business as usual being sucking trump's dick for the past few months?

this sub used to discuss every conspiracy, especially ones involving wealthy powerful people and those in government

suddenly a certain someone is off limits

No you're just a rude narcissit apparently. No one is sucking anyones cock. Get ahold of yourself.

you're talking about trump

It's going to be alright. You should probably got get some rest.

So I can get up at 3AM to tweet about how celebrities are overrated? Or so I can scream about the US being nazi germany?

You can do whatever you like. But I would suggest getting off of reddit and getting some rest. It will be easier that way.

Yeah it's unfathomable anyone would want to talk about what might be one of the biggest conspiracies of the past 30 years.

Everyone must be shills! At what point does this sub stop being the_donald2?

trump paying hookers to pee on a bed? the biggest conspiracy of the last 30 years? are you stupid or just a shill.

lets ignore Guantanamo and actual torture, the snowden revelations, and the collateral murder video, yeah some whores peeing on a mattress is what takes the cake for you? really?

Comments like yours are a little deceptive. That bit is a small part of it which has been released. There's more to this that they haven't about how trump is compromised the peeotus is just one part of it

okay where is the evidence? anything? oh a made up report that only fucking buzzfeed was willing to publish because it was such obvious bullshit. gotcha.

The news just broke, there's probably more on the way. Why do you jump to saying where is the proof when there's no proof for PG even though it's been discussed here forever. If that doesn't show you a bias I think you're blinded by your views

I once saw a massively upvoted post about how Hunter S. Thompsons mentions of that gland that produces DMT are an obvious link to what the pizzagate people are doing to the kids, and then related it to the garden of Eden and said that the forbidden fruit is this gland.

It was upvoted a lot and not questioned.

Just come for the entertainment dude, these guys are insane.

Fair enough, the hypocrisy pissed me off. The mods are probably paid by some group because they jumped at the first opportunity to delete the post about trump without any proof.

Lol every common sense comment was downvoted

Not the first response to the garden of eden stuff.

The trick to this sub is to never attack one side or the other, but rather bring up points in a nice manner while taking no sides.

Unfortunately, anything involving trump automatically has sides to it which is where all this comes from. And, its incredibly difficult not to be angry sometimes in this sub, which we all slip up on from time to time. Especially if /r/all chimes in.

That all said, I personally believe this sub is ridiculous and I read it for the comedic aspect. Its genuinely interesting what some people think up!

There's a lot of quality DMT posts here from before though.

Lol. . What the fuck is going on in that linked comment?

Are these people role playing as if they are crazy or what?

because ive seen it first hand on the accounts before they were deleted/set to private.

if you dig through my posts im still pretty skeptical of it being true, but there is a lot of smoke surrounding things, im holding my rage until i see some verifiable fire.

the shit i have seen isnt enough to lynch them over, but there is no way i would ever let my children any where near those people after what i have seen so far.

So you're saying you wouldn't let kids near them based on unverified claims?

Russian shill 4 sure

Totes me and Putin hang on the weekends and talk about cool shit like how to best to rig your elections, and make you leaders seem like utter fools....

or im a Canadian citizen living in toronto, who leans toward Libertarianism and economic socialism, who just happens to have a shred of critical thought mixed with realism...

That sounds like exactly what a shill would say

quick let me call putin so i know how to respond...

Knew it, shill

not "a little deceptive"

it's their entire goal and narrative to say the only thing in the leak is the pissing

They're trying to distract

the peepouts

Funny shit. I love that this sub has become full of a variety of people. There are pockets. But they often work to pull things in a general direction.

And why, suddenly, are some conspiracies off limits but even wilder ones are accepted?

Umm. The piss port is a paragraph in the 35 page report. It's hardly the focus of this conspiracy. It's just a hilarious cherry on top.

Seriously, take the piss stuff out of the report entirely and you still have the same story.

ridiculous fabricated bullshit, i know.

It makes sense they all upvoted that 15,000+ comment post on /all too. Probably using multiple VPNs and user accounts too.

It really doesnt take much effort to create that perceived impact.

search "buy reddit votes" you can out source all of that now

Considering that report was written by an American not a Brit seems fishy.

Aaaand the top voted post in this sub is this right here. Right on cue, man. smh

Don't fall for it, people.


"Weird Al" Yankovic - Party In The CIA

...wow...That was good. This should be the theme song for this sub!

Yeah... thats the kinda thing ya can slap up on facebook and open a few eyes... too funny and catchy to ignore... then at the end of a couple minutes they already know the broad strokes of what the CIA is all about.

It's almost like people come here to talk about recent allegations of conspiracy...

bro russians being in our control of our president elect is not an interesting or worthwhile conspiracy lets get back to the pizza thing lol

Not me. I'm just here to inflate the metrics and feed the paranoia.

Just look at the comments. People bragging about hijacking and brigading

Wtf. You guys are so paranoid. Constantly worrying. Shitty way to live.

yeah being aware and not buying the bullshit everyone tries to sell you, its just terrible...

Being insulting and condescending. Shitty way to live.

They appear to be burying the 4chan narrative, and boosting anti-Trump posts.

Did the media, and CIA seriously believe a 4chan Trump fanfiction was a legit intelligence report?

no but i think they thought the average idiot would buy it, and probably didn't bank on such a vicious reaction from us.

Human here. Trump is corrupt. Pizzagate is ridiculous. Just because people don't think the same doesn't mean they are robots.

Also this sub has been infiltrated by the right. It used to be very left wing or at least not super pro republican.

What happened yesterday was clearly a brigade, and the story has essentially been confirmed as a hoax. The report in question even contained Trump fanfiction from 4chan.

While you may be human, that doesn't mean the sub wasn't brigaded yesterday.

GoldenshowerGate or whatever you want to call it is mostly a hoax.

As for the Trump support here, I've noticed some cross over of content between the_donald, but the comments are usually more balanced and critical here. More and more people are waking up because of the alt right which I consider a good thing. We're all just people and mostly Americans here.

Well look at the top post right now! See the anomaly there?

"can only mean something big". Well, no. It could also mean absolutely nothing.

We must have exposed something they're not happy about.

its a planned pizzgate distraction

Very good point and well supported. Makes one think...

Also, your user name makes me wish...

"the narrative on this sub" -- sorry your hard-fought narrative is turning into hot air. The slow last days of Bernie4Ever. Sad!

The slow last days of Bernie4Ever

At least, my "last days" bring to an end a life of exciting reddit adventures! Not like some user named paulie_purr with a post karma of 14 and a comment karma of 268 that contributed so much to the reddit infosystem and provided so much information to all other reddit users... That is really sad.

You shared links, good for you. Take it easy

don't let the door hit your dumb ass on the way out.

feck off

Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the people in this sub are finding some major conspiracies going on with the president elect.

[X-Files Theme Plays] Or maybe a fucking megaton news bombshell drives more viewers? [Record Scratch...]

You're all being trolled by the elites. You'll know soon enough


The shills are attempting to change the narrative. They've lost on every front. This is a clear sign of desperation.

Isn't there a quote floating around here about getting everyone confused and then not know what sources have truth, which proceeds to cause the population to become submissive? (Probably, got this all wrong, but I remember a commenter say it was from the CIA. Just came to see the reaction on the sub. I personally, have no clue what to make of all this.

Can we get an "Unverified Allegations" tag on this one, please?

Beepboop, vote for Hillary, goyim. Boopbeep, upvoting the opposite of the typical subreddit opinion because it is a conspiracy subreddit, bot upvoter enabled.

Lol, the fucking loser that spends all day and night posting nonsense on reddit is complaining about shills. Is this your job op?

Lol, the loser that spends every waking hour for the past year posting nonsense on reddit compaining about shills. Do you get paid for this shit op or is this your only entertainment in mommy's basement?

Do you get paid for this shit op or is this your only entertainment in mommy's basement?
No, no, I do it for free from my Malibu beachfront. I'm so bored having nothing to do that I decided to do this for fun!

Damn, you think WAY too highly of your sub....

No. They just know it's been a Trump circlejerk for the last few months, with OP being one of the primary culprits.

They're just pissed something that makes Trump look bad reached the front page.

I thought the brigading of the bots and whatever else was partially due to users or bots brigading the Julian Assange AMA a few hours ago targeting it with posts trying to smear him and Wikileaks with associations with Russia.

Surely something big and ugly is going to happen. Now it's around 2300.

If you needed any proof of a propaganda campaign against trump, well here ya go.

Didn't the former CIA director say "Burn the CIA And they have 6 ways from Sunday at getting back at you." Less than a fucking week ago? Cmon people!


Nothing about this has ANYTHING to do with the CIA or the FBI.

or that Assange thanked reddit for digging in to the hillary emails (something this sub was mostly responsible for) just a few hours ago too.

Exactly! They're not our conspiracy cunts! They're normies, man!

Yeah, it's called "hitting the front page" and "r/all" you geniuses

Precisely. And isn't this catnip to conspiracy nuts? The idea that the President Elect could be controlled by a foreign power by blackmail? This is gold to them, surely?

How much do they pay you to do this?

Why, do you want to make a counter-offer? I'm open to negotiations.

If you let us drop the whole lot how does US$25,000 sound??

Probably less than Russia pays the mods of this sub

Conspiracy hardly ever hits all, this is happening on a more regular basis. They're not integrating, they're correcting opinions.

This subreddit is so fucking retarded. I come here every time a huge conspiracy makes the rounds and a post hits /r/all, and there's always a post just like this calling everybody shills.

I've seen a lot of crazy stuff on this subreddit, but this has to take the cake. It's pathetic how much you are panicking when something that goes against the narrative YOU have created reaches the top.

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.

As read by the sidebar. If you had it your way, it would read more like this:

This is a forum for free thanking and discussing issues that don't go against the narrative we have set. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind, so long as it suits the narrative we have created.


That Trump 4chan fanfic has hit the /r/all

So I would expect Clinton supporters to walk in here and simply claim, "Yeah that is true" and "Mods are hiding something".

Could also be another case of CTR.


You're saying the losing political party is still paying for people to astroturf after the election? Wat?

Bots? There's a post with 50k upvotes on the front page about Trump doing some dodgy shit, if you hadn't noticed. I got here via that thread because there was a link to the sub. Of course this sub is going to peak.

This sub has been infiltrated and brigaded by /r/all commies and /r/politics sheep. expect massive shifts of narratives for the upcomming future.

Rip. /r/conspiracy

im taking this as a declaration of war on us.

we could abandon ship and leave it to the rats, or we can fight twice as hard until they are driven from our lands.

frankly i want them to regret sticking their dicks in to this hornets nest, we are clearly on the trail of something if they feel the need to go this far to try to discredit us on the heels of the Assange interview basically thanking us for digging in to hillarys emails.


the purple people eater did not win and should just off herself and her entire franchise from the planet....[pizza]

trump stay safe and smart heal us tall order but

Obviously coordinated attack along with the front page being rigged up too

Look at all the NEW posts, it's all Trump stuff. Someone is trying to pushing their narrative, hard.

And they are allover threads in /r/news too. There's currently top posts related to politics which breaks that subreddit's rules. Not to mention the outright sycophantic asskissing of McCain by self-proclaimed liberals in this thread.

I'm officially done with reddit and the internet, I'm going to be canceling my service, the willful ignorance and constant fearmongering, hate, lies, and deception has gone too far for me.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

They are going to assassinate Trump, hopefully only his character, but you can never tell before it happens.

Lol blaming Clinton for all your problems still?


And seth rich.

Could it be that the Russian blackmail story is driving people who would not normally come to this sub?

No it HAS to be bots.

Then again look at the sub I'm on.

Or you're just a conspiracy theorist that's doing what typical conspiracy theorists do; make up crazy nonsense theories.

If that's what you think they do why are you here

So that made you click on it, read it, then type that comment. When in reality you could have just ignored it and went about your day

they thought they had something with the Trump story -- shill voted it up to 13k votes, and left

Not to mention almost ALL the comments are speaking about the "unverified allegations" and how that's ridiculous. However, part of the reason that it has that tag is the fact that buzzfeed literally stated in their own article "this is just unfounded allegations" it's kind of ironic to get upset about giving you the same information as the "article" makers.

any possibility that the mod putting "unverified allegation" was meant to intentionally make this sub look bad and pro-Trump? Almost like they want to make it seem this sub needs more "neutral" moderators

This is why this was the only place pizzagate was allowed to be discussed.

Let me guess its through .ru ips?

I came from all. As did most of the people commenting on the big true conspiracy of the day.

/r/all pays attention to you idiots for one day, and instantly regrets it. All of a sudden this sub is strict about evidence. Don't make the rest of us laugh. /r/conspiratards is gonna love this.

The post about trump for deleted even though it hit all and got so much attention. If you went in and saw people discussing it, it was obvious that the influx was from hitting all and not bots like the Donald uses. The mods of this sub put a tag on it which they don't on any post, even the most retarded of theories but now they deleted this one and made "unverified allegations" that 4chan started this theory. They're probably paid by Russia or the trump campaign to do this

So it's begun. voat.co is more transparent than reddit.com, even if the model suffers from some of the same issues. But when you can see the exact number of up and down votes, it makes a difference. voat.co
sorry mods you're great

It is a fake news overload. I am not allowed to tell you who is responsible due to the rules of this sub.

Am I going crazy or can I not find the original post. If it was deleted that's just censorship, the thing the sub advocates against the most...

It was. Anything that goes against trump isn't allowed here.

Well, this sub can go back to being t_d2.0, thanks guys!

Welcome to /r/conspiracy, shills.

There's something very bad going on. In Obama's speech he talked as if he was going to battle with Trump, not conceding his presidency.

Back to normal. Glad the mods removed that BS post.

Or, you know, an article that is different from the usual fare of r/conspiracy was posted, and people who have been part of this sub but who disagree with the general political flow of the sub upvoted it because it was something new and different and interesting, then it hit the front page for users that are subbed but don't always visit this sub, and they upvoted too, causing them to become active for the first time in a while.

Great analysis.

Nothing will stop the Centipedes or President Trump.

Just look at the top post and the comments on it. Defending Biden, arguing about topics that have been commonly accepted here for months. This seemed to have happen really quickly right after the allegations dropped last night.

Yup, they claim we're all supporters of Donald Trump and claim how we "used" to be great and now we're shills. Their formula is super basic to figure out. If they turn any discussion into a political one, they're shill bots.

Major narrative switching. Lots of 6 month old accounts with only a handful of posts. Lot of globalist aligned rhetoric and pro-hillary talking points. Not the usual for conspiracy.

This is really weird..

4,568 at 9am Chicago Time

It was on the front page. Did you not expect people to look at it?

Get over yourselves.

Care to explain [with as much diligency and effort as the OP] why you say that? or is it just another throwaway meaningless sentence that adds nothing at all to this thread?

In the scheme of things 5000 people is less than trivial. The traffic increases is from that article about trump considering it got 3 times that many upvotes its a safe assumption that it would bring in that many people

Weird how this thread would be downvoted by it's own users.


I think they are just all the people from /r/politics coming over. Not necessarily bots.

this sub is becoming more and more the_donald.

How long before people get banned over nothing?

They threatened me for disagreeing with them about Trump. Insanity.

66%.. Hmm.. what could that mean?

Definitely extremist alt-leftists doing this.

Reddit is rife with these pseudo intellectual basement dwellers. They love their echo chambers, and hate anyone who threatens them.

I welcome our CTR overlords.

Newsflash mongs if a "conspiracy theory" reaches MSM its not a conspiracy its mainstream disinfo BS

Human here. Fuck Trump.

what's up with this sub only getting like 5 k though

this is most important site on the net

reddit is top site and specifically conspiracy theories are the most important topic.

It's R/The_Donald2

tired only troll tactic

Meanwhile, admins still lie for the bot users who have been here since the Democratic convention.

I'm shocked at the comments defending Biden. Wtf is that? Who watches that gif and the defends him and get 800 upvotes?? This is a bot attack of our sub

There are a bunch of conspiracy posts on the front page. More posts on front page = more users here. Mystery solved.

Yes! Only one narrative can be accepted here!

Trump good! Russia friend!

Russia says Trump is in the clear, only pisses off Democrats not prostitutes.

As a True conspiracy theorist i welcome all conspiracies. Swallowing the Red Pill means you seek truth regardless who it benefits or hurts.

That being said this isnt really a conspiracy as much as it is made up shit with a political focus.

why would they be worried about one of their sponsored echo chambers?

Oh shit

Maybe anti-trump posts are skyrocketing because people are tired of having r/the_donald hi-jacking this sub

he anti-Trump posts are skyrocketing to the top

Its almost as if conspiracy theorists are skeptical of the elite ruling class.... like farrrr out man

Guys, check the first 10 comments and see the guys protecting the organisation by saying they came from /r/all while having too many upvotes... SO OBVIOUS.

Isn't it funny how you fucking idiots now worship Trump? You're really showing your true colors now.

Deflecting from the fact that this sub was blatantly attacked...a sub compromised of both trump supporters and criticisers.


Wow, who would've have thought that Trump would go from being known for golden towers to golden...

you fucking idiots now worship Trump

Not at all. But I can still recognize an attack when I see one, independently of who is being the target.

Tons of very young accounts on here lately as well, many of which are under a month old, shit is getting more and more peculiar.

Pretty sure trump fans overtook this sub si ling ago. Just look how childish the front page is, "wah people dont believe my theory but believe others, wah a conspiracy is popular but it goes against my narrative please delete, wah you can be a so and so buy not a something else why is everyone unfair to me." Its pretty pathetic.

i love how delusionally up your own asses everyone on this sub is, great entertainment

everyone is involved in a conspiracy except the dude you like

downvotes welcome dipshits

OP, how do you have time for this? Also, you wasted it as all of the top comments are noting. Sorry. :(

It's a shame Reddit's admins won't do anything about blatant brigading but will happily create opaque 'algorithms' to bury organic user activity.

If they can't get a grip on brigading as obvious as this... they're incompetent or.. willfully turning a blind eye.

I suspect that whoever or whatever has come here, the intention behind it seems to be to create the illusion that the completely bogus and unsubstantiated 35 page report that suddenly went public in another back-handed effort to try and smear Trump is true or that a majority of people actually believe that it's true, or more like a majority of people should believe that it's true... just like they were supposed to run with the pack on all the phoney election polls and unrelenting media hype surrounding those and constant trashing of Trump was supposed to goad them into doing that.

Of course it's already been revealed that the report was a completely made-up hoax and something of a prank that went viral and seriously awry behind the scenes among Trump's enemies in both major parties and an over-reaching CIA who tried to use it in some desperate last ditch effort to save their own sorry asses and garner more support for disrupting or preventing Trump's inauguration and as an excuse for the inexcusable fuss and foot-dragging that the Dems are trying to delay and derail the confirmation hearings with.

The same kind of swamping by creatures or creations from "the swamp" also occurred when newer discussions over the long-standing controversies over fluoride and vaccines recently picked up more steam here with some further evidence to suggest that the government conspiracies behind those seem to be growing ever more evident and believable by the day.

The fluoride discussion was prompted by fluoride finally, and "officially" being declared to be a potent neurotoxin in a well respected medical dictionary, despite that fact that's been well-established one in scientific journals for decades. It's initial and major use was as a highly successful insecticide and they're a damn sight harder to poison and kill than mere humans are.

That conversation naturally enough drifted into the toxic elements that are also in vaccines and that whole can of worms just ahead of the major and real news announcement that Trump wants Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to finally lead a full and thorough investigation into the whole vaccine controversy.

Of course this forum exists precisely because those of us here all harbour big-time suspicions and have a general distrust of any authorities trying to convince us of something they have a vested interest in getting us to believe in the face of any number of relevant and related facts and incidents that all stand in direct opposition to that.

Relevant and related facts and incidents that they go out of their way to ridicule and dismiss out of hand or else viciously attack anyone that happens to raise any quite honest and legitimate concerns about and who are only looking for a straight answer but never seem to be able to get one.

The globalist and elitist house of cards has quite literally been "Trumped" and is now collapsing with no way to stop it and it's picking up speed.

The looming audit of the Fed making it's way through Congress will be yet another major blow to them if it makes it's way all the way through and that happens.

Trump is merely the thin edge of a wedge rising from the ground up beneath it on the backs of all the ordinary people who are beginning to remember that they were and actually are free and not obliged to bow, kow-tow, or kiss ass for anyone and are tired of being told to bend over for some more abuse.

They didn't sell or give up any of their rights to be free, equal, and fairly treated, or to have themselves governed according to those principles, that's a lie that's been deliberately foisted upon them by utterly ruthless elitists who've never respected those principles or values in the first place and are motivated by nothing more than their own unadulterated greed and a perverse ambition to rule over everyone else like petty dictators and tyrants. An ambition that doesn't just affect ordinary Americans, but the vast majority of all the very ordinary people around the entire world.

Obviously Trump's enemies are seeing themselves being steadily undermined and undone by social media, forums like Reddit, and an alt media on the net that pays as much attention to that as it does to all the double-talk, misdirection, and fake news the mainstream media dishes out for those elitists and they're trying to find some way to stop or steer it as far away from of the spotlight as possible.

RemindMe! 3 years

Trump supporters get banned from /r/politics for posting pro trump stuff and wonder why the rest of reddit is becoming more pro Trump?

Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Yeah they got to all and got brigaded.

I'm more worried about conspiracy turning into the Donald

can some helpful redditor make a graphing tool for reddit.

This tool will graph and monitor activity on subreddits, kinda like social blade but for subreddits rather than youtube channels

I recommend subbing to a few other similar subs in case /r/Conspiracy goes down. /r/ShadowWar is a decent one.

So what happened?

The most fitting post for this sub ever.

Yes, this exact same discussion happens every time a post reaches /r/all. I don't understand how so many forget that people don't have to actively come to or seek out this sub. This sub can make it it to the front page and be seen by everyone. Especially when the top post on all of Reddit right now is a conspiracy, it's only natural it bleeds over here.

From my experience, such a post's upvotes are massive, but the number of online users of the originating sub doesn't move...

But with the stamp of /r/conspiracy, which is nowadays almost more trusted on reddit than any MSM source. They are using this sub for their purpose.


I don't seem to see it.

i agree completely. once a story gets big enough swings right into r/all and basically gets flooded with blue pilled zombies. however, this story in particular got to the front page r/conspiracy faster than bullet, which leads me to believe that this was orchestrated. Seriously the story is not that big for it to explode that fast on this sub. it was at the front page withing 20 minutes and to top it off the story came from buzzfeed? really?. Not really a trump supporter or shillary for that matter but something smells here.

Wait until he has destroyed the Witch and let's see what happens then.

'tis okay, thanks for your understanding.

No he doesn't

The brigading on this one started well before it was on /all

It just happens that one side is on the receiving end of the saboteurs and one side is on the giving end.

Don't blame the messenger.

I swear so many of you here are blind.

I've seen multiple posts about this happening, multiple posts which admit that reaching r/all brings in extra people. They're not blind to this fact, they admit it... and then go on to point out that the numbers are inflated FAR beyond even what THOSE inflated numbers can reach.

This isn't from 4chan and if you believe that then you've been duped. That archive post has nothing to do with this report.

Yeah but that's my point, someone raised the idea that conspiracy theorists won't legitimize this actual conspiracy, and people organically came over here, albeit with the intention to upvote anti-establishment posts. It's just a bit funny because /r/conspiracy thinks that they elected the ultimate anti-establishment candidate, when all they did was elect a washington insider, who has spent his career buying politicians.

Remember that he actually admitted to buying politicians by the way.

The only post in this subreddit to ever, EVER, be labelled as "unverified allegations" is one critical of Donald Trump.

This is a shadow arm of The Donald.

That's not because it's about The Donald.

It's because the allegations lack substantiation and because there is sufficient evidence that this whole thing was a troll drummed up on 4Chan.

False cause.

uhm our whole government are crooks. Wake up man. Ever heard of the petro dollar.

This isn't about skimming taxes. It's about HRC and company avoiding jail time by negating the judge and jury. Your hopeless if you can't see through what is going on.

I'm talking about years ago, before this election cycle. This sub had a mix of liberal/libertarian undertones. It was anti-Hillary, but not like it's current form where Clinton is the devil and Trump doesn't exist/has never done anything wrong.

Hey just wanted to tell you I upvoted you because I'm a bot pretending to be in Asia going my past posting history.

I've been coming to this sub a few years now and have never seen a post mentioning this, nor the sheer number of people in here at this moment.

r/conspiracy posts reach r/all fairly frequently and this post single-handedly just multiplied the viewer count to almost 6x normal numbers earlier.

That's quite bizarre, especially considering this whole thing seems to be about a made up 4chan fantasy story.

The top post on all of reddit is an Obama ama from 4 years ago.

Because the r/all crowd are fucking morons who would let the government run a train on their grandmother if they were told it might stop terrorists by CNN.

Where's the evidence that 4chan came up with it?

I mean no ill-will in saying this, but a lot of your questions are rhetorical, and I don't know how to answer you. The admins are perhaps boogeymen from my perspective, but police from yours.

15k does not make you think it is crazy?

You need to take a pill and take your tinfoil hat off.

I am in Britain.

I don't care less about Trump or Hillary.

Show me one piece of evidence.

You wouldn't have the slightest fucking clue about what a brigade even is.

You sound just like a paranoid school child sitting in your parents basement surrounded by foil.

yeah being aware and not buying the bullshit everyone tries to sell you, its just terrible...

r/pol is trash

then go the fuck back to your ignorant little circle jerk.

maybe because the people who published it did so with the caveat that it was precisely that an "unverified allegation" is it so fucking hard to understand or did you not even read the fucking article?

-accuses people of ad hominem attacks

-proceeds to call them "fucking retarded trash" and "inbred" and "fucktarded" and "moron piece of shit shill" and "inbred spamming retard"

This is some pretty intense stuff and your account only appears to be a few days old. Have you had previous accounts that were banned?

Turning the conspiracy around against us, classic, nice one

no this is something else.

R/politics isn't so much left or liberal as it was (still is) Hillary-or-die.

No no, see apparently, you're just a shillbot now, and you don't even realise you've been activated. /s since people here are naive enough to believe nearly anything, except that Trump could be anything except their saviour.

No worries man! :) I won't hold it against you. I'm may not have a tin cap but I try to question everything.

I think the reason a lot of people on this sub don't buy into trump working with Russia is the fact that's what the msm is pushing and I think I can speak for /r/conspiracy when I say we don't trust the msm. Cheers!

barely allowed to own ammo?

you mean a bunch of morons were certain obama would ban everything so they all bought up ammo so the prices shot up?

Yeah they're too strict where it hurts and lax where it counts

Hitlery? Top fucking kek. You should get out of your cave once in a while, I hear vitamin d is good for you. Or wait wasn't the sun an Obama-Clinton conspiracy to give Trump supporters sun cancer?

Yeah... thats the kinda thing ya can slap up on facebook and open a few eyes... too funny and catchy to ignore... then at the end of a couple minutes they already know the broad strokes of what the CIA is all about.

They don't call it /r/conspiracy for nothing bub.

Being insulting and condescending. Shitty way to live.

For the middle of the night in North America? yes

No i'm saying you can't know these things for sure because you weren't there. By definition you don't know for sure because someone else told you. Use some logic. And those are surface level facts, descriptions of what happened. You have to be more interested in why things happened so ill rephrase your "facts" for you and all of a sudden you need more facts bro. "Why did Bush invade Iraq?", "Why did Obama escalate in Afghanistan?" and "Why did Trump get help from Russia?".

i'm saying you can't know these things for sure because you weren't there.

Do you know things you didn't witness?

That sounds like exactly what a shill would say

Let me help you:


What the fuck are you talking about with regards to ammo? Have you been to a gun store ever in your life? Jesus Christ. I just bought a thousand 5.56 rounds for cheaper than I ever have. And it was stacked in a pile with probably another 100k rounds. Where you could buy any type of round from .22 to .50 cal.

Showing my ID to the cashier was the most oppressive thing in my life though!

There is no evidence. Do you understand what evidence means?

Nope. Yesterday this comment appeared almost at the top of the thread when sorted by "top", at the top of the 2nd or 3rd highest rated comment chain. Right this very second it still appears very high up, meaning it's been seen by literally 10s to 100s of thousands of individuals over the course of the thread's existence.

So you admit that previously the sub was decidedly pro-Trump?

There's my evidence, where's yours?

he said that if one page is true then the rest is true as well.. using the same logic i said that if one page is false then the rest is false too

which is funny since im a canadian that votes ndp.

right because snowden never happened, and the dnc didnt rig their own primary....


I actually downloaded the app and joined reddit to check all these rumours out. This is my first post ever in the reddit community.