What in the world is going on right now? 6,663 "free thinkers" in r/conspiracy... That is three times what I usually see on busy days. Is this sub currently being astroturfed?

300  2017-01-11 by [deleted]


Yes. There is an effort to smear Trump going on.

Wow, I watched your comment dive from almost 50 upvotes down to 17.

...today's lesson. Shills, astroturfing and propaganda.

Welcome to the 21st century information wars ladies and gents.

Where 4chan influences US intelligence reports with golden showers and Donald J. Trump is president fucking elect.

If you never thought we lived in a computer simulation, now is a good time for some reflection.

I just wish my programming would at least allow me to occasionally be awesome. Damn developer made me self aware enough to know what's going on, but too incompetent to take advantage. Fucking matrix man...

I go outside a lot. In fact, I was there today. Fucking ground glitched though and I slipped and fell.

Fucking ground glitched though and I slipped and fell.

Ground glitched.... LMAO, but I think it's the faulty programming the developer did of your current user, as such, you're the glitch my friend.

Sorry, but that's just not true. People are here because of the mod who tagged the Trump post with "unverified allegations". That was the first instance of the tag ever being used... on a conspiracy subreddit. Take that as you will. But it spawned a thread that directed everyone's attentions here, and there's no CTR horseshit or CIA effort behind it. Just people. Like you. With different views and opinions.

You got downvoted for bringing your sensical logic about "views" and "opinions".

They aren't shills, because shills obviously want you to think for yourself and use all the critical thinking. /s

Actually, dude probably got downvoted because everyone bitching about the stupid tag "never being used before in conspiracy" won't acknowledge the fact that the real reason it's never been used before is because "unverified allegations" is in the beginning of the article itself and multiple times throughout. The article also states it's unconfirmed and that the information itself has multiple errors.

But of course, the mods here would never add a tag to a post in order to make the title reflect the actual content so dipshits won't comment on an article based entirely on the title. Let's just totally ignore that the tag was directly from the article itself so we can keep calling these nutjobs delusional, Trump supporting, Russian bots. Man, feeling superior is fucking awesome isn't it?

Jesus fucking christ.

Sorry, but that's just not true. People are here because of the mod who tagged the Trump post with "unverified allegations". That was the first instance of the tag ever being used... on a conspiracy subreddit. Take that as you will.

It's never been used before as a tag because the tag itself is directly from the article. The mods have used tags plenty of times in order to make the title reflect what the article is actually saying.

How is this so hard to understand? People bitch if the title is inaccurate and also now apparently when it is.

I was just explaining what prompted people to come here.

One of (allegedly) biggest political scandals was just revealed today and you're wondering why there's a lot of activity in /r/Conspiracy? Are you serious?

no it must be shills! it couldn't be that it's on /r/all

Thanks (shill)

ur welcum

STFU you russian shill

DAE ever chan?

Yes, I was serious. My apologies, I should have checked new submissions before posting.

First Russia was alleged to have helped Trump, with no supporting evidence, and now this bullshit.

If you're fine with living in a military-police state, by all means cheer them on, because that's what you're going to get. Even if Trump were guilty of something, taking him down won't save the Democrats or the country. It will just ensure total authoritarian rule and the ugly end of Democracy on a very quick timeline.

Bingo. Burn it down seems to be the objective this week.

Just now I see the Russian has dirt on Trump story as the top post of the day. First I've seen it all day and I've been on here all day. Lots if gold on that post as well. Looks like it's been hijacked.

15,000 points... yeahhh okay. R/Conspiracy is having its own conspiracy today. What a time to be alive.

It is all so very bizarre. I have never seen anything like this play out, politically speaking. And I've been around for a good long while now aka old enough to have seen some shit.

/r/politics-/r/EnoughTrumpSpam decided to brigade in light of the good news that Trump said "I take the biggest dumps, nobody takes bigger dumps than me, believe me" in a Russian bathroom while Putin watched while being felated by Andrew Brietbart's ghost.


Can confirm. Was there as a witness.

I'm yelling this from the bathroom everytime I take a dump now.

Especially in public.

That's what I was thinking!! It's usually around 1200 a time. First time ever seeing it at 6k

Shills everywhere! Chainsaw hands activated!

I dont know that it is being astroturfed. I think it's just that a lot of people that lurk, myself included, are wondering WTF is going on with the Trump allegations and there's not really anywhere to find out information on Reddit. From the point of view of an Australian, /r/politics is a democratic cesspool and /r/the_donald is a Trump one, which leaves nowhere except for /r/conspiracy, which at least asks questions.

Well the two cesspools came with you. So now here we are. Just sitting in a big-ole-pool of Rosie O'Donnell.

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. I catch myself looking at the r/T_D less now after visiting r/c on a regular basis. It helps keep things in perspective as most people on here have a questioning mind and remain skeptical no matter what.

For what it's worth, I started reading here a few weeks ago just because I was so interested in the Assange stuff. I don't really upvote or downvote much. Some portion of the uptick is probably people like me?

Me too

Okay that's 2. Where did the other 6,798 users and 20k+ upvotes come from. Speak up.

There are dozens of us!


I love the Internet :')

Hundreds of fifties.

Yes. What a cluster. Lying garbage is doing a great job of muddying the waters and wasting our time. Feels like an experiment tbh.

Because the Trump story is on the front page.


4 post karma 189 comment karma


redditor for 8 months

in those short 8 months already has

3,682 post karma

2,578 comment karma

posts mostly on r/conspiracy



I'll just leave this here:


  • Redditor for 2 months

  • 480 comment karma

  • 48 post karma


  • Redditor for 1 month

  • 192 comment Karma

  • 4 Post Karma


  • Redditor for 4 months

  • 5919 Comment Karma

  • 1319 Post Karma

Of course, karma isn't a good indicator of anything suspicious, but I thought I would put this here because of the hypocrisy floating around. I'm not going to put anyone's common topics, though, because that's account stalking.

If they have to go through our profiles to discredit us it's working! They have no arguments to the points we made

Except you people started doing the same thing first?? 🤔 Sorry I'm not reddit-famous, but that doesn't mean my point isn't valid.

can confirm, u/sleep-apnea11 blew my goat.

[unverified allegations] Where's your proof? u/I_swim_with_Podesta ? Seems like more #fakenews

Laura Silsby trafficked it out of the country :/

I love evidence.

Those numbers aint' shit. All it takes is one or two good posts in the_donald and you'll be doing stupid numbers.

Look at my profile, for example.

Hi. I don't see the point in pointing this out. Isn't what he said a totally reasonable explanation for an influx of new voters/readers on this subreddit?

You don't see the point in making it known to paid shills how obvious they are?

Well, sure, okay yeah that's good. But you missed the main point of my post. Isn't what he said a reasonable explanation? Regardless of whether or not he's a paid shill - still lookin for where to sign up for that btw...

I wish I got paid to be on here. Is it possible to tell how often I'm here? Cause it's not much. Tbh I think your either reaching, or extremely paranoid. Thanks to the fellas here for sticking up for me... Can't you guys check like my account history or what I post on? Or subscribed to? Or how often I'm on. The last 12 hours I've been on here more then any other time since I've had the account. I'm honestly just been going through post Fore to be a shilling don't I have to pick a side? Or be biased and try to influence others?

You're so full of bullshit its ridiculous.

It's funny cause your absolutely wrong But whatever It is what it is

And I dont know what you guys do to determine a bullshit account or not, but if you looked in to mine. It would would show you whatever it is your looking for

See, if you'd just have supported trump more they'd ban this sub from r/all too and you wouldn't have to deal with days like this.

Man the harpoons!

They've already been struck with a broadside and are in the throes of death. Put one in there blowhole and finish them off folks.


A big conspiracy is breaking :P

Well, the Trump BuzzFeed thing has more uovotes than I've ever seen in here with gold being handed out like crazy. So we kinda know what's going on.

A influx of people trying to learn the truth. To me this is the obvious place to go to do proper digging and research.


95 post karma

193 comment karma

I'm not a schilling or whatever you call them. I'm here trying to ascertain for myself what the frig is going on Good try tho. 😂

With a throw-away account? Bullshit.

You sound silly dude. This account was started in the summer I think when i found MH9 It was literally the only reason i joined. But every so often i come here to get information. I originally tried posting, but i was always to late. So basically i come when i need specific information. But like many people, once you are deadset on your opinion, it's impossible to change it. So really believe what you'd like, but I'm just a simple Canadian, with alot of time on my hands.

It might just be because of the claims of Russia hacking, goldengate, and the Assange interview all happening in such a short amount of time. I wouldn't be shocked if it was an army of shills, though.

Also, on Facebook, I've been noticing a lot of people, not necessarily this sub, but people been posting links to threads. Would maybe that have anything to do with it?