MKUltra is what needs to be at the top of this subreddit. The Ft. Lauderdale shooting was a failed MKUltra experiment.

1030  2017-01-11 by [deleted]

Project MKUltra – sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program – is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.[1] Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army's Chemical Corps.[2]

Fort Lauderdale suspect claimed government was controlling his mind months before shooting

Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: Suspected gunman said government controlled his mind

Airport Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago Sought Help for Mental Problems: Brother

"But he said his brother later seemed to develop mental issues, and, during a visit to Alaska months ago, "he told me about these things that he [was] hearing voices, seeing people following him, the CIA and the government are, you know, writing him secret codes on the website to him and to join a group."

The operation began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and officially halted in 1973.[3] The program engaged in many illegal activities,[4][5][6] including the use of unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[4](p74)[7][8][9] MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[13] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.

Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms' destruction order.[16] In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKUltra, which led to Senate hearings later that same year.[4][17] In July 2001, some surviving information regarding MKUltra was declassified.

In another lawsuit, Wayne Ritchie, a former United States Marshal, after hearing about the project's existence in 1990, alleged the CIA laced his food or drink with LSD at a 1957 Christmas party which resulted in his attempting to commit a robbery at a bar and his subsequent arrest. While the government admitted it was, at that time, drugging people without their consent, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel found Ritchie could not prove he was one of the victims of MKUltra or that LSD caused his robbery attempt and dismissed the case in 2007.[80]

That is just ONE project they have done. There are many more. Imagine the technology they have today.

This is still going on. This is a direct violation of our rights. This is completely ludicrous. Have we really been conditioned to let these acts go on? This is an abomination. They're going to take our guns away. They are going to create the new world order if we don't come together and fight this peacefully.


Excuse me guys, but why is nothing ever posted about Trump here?

We need to have a serious discussion about his cabinet and the fact that he hasn't released his tax returns.

Is this just the_donald2?

Why don't you take a look at the top post.

Also. 2 shekels have been deposited into your account - CTR

obvious troll

Hi, shill!



Oh please don't try to turn this into another anti-Trump subreddit. He gets enough attention ffs

Oy vey

Lol you suck as a shill. So obvious...

Hella obvious troll. Try harder next time.

marked down for later blackmailing

Username checks out with comment.

Fuck off, shill.

Is MK Ultra a holdover from Operation Paperclip?

Do you know what year(s) Paperclip took place?

That was during and right after WWII, right? When the Americans rushed to grab all the German scientists/engineers etc before the Russians could?

also just helped Nazis in general escape to argentina, hitler himself being one.

Hitler himself?

shocking I know

Hitler was a Nazi?

whoa, this changes everything

not the point

Serious question though, why help Hitler escape?

The scientists/engineers/doctors - ones who could be of some practical help - I get that, but not sure how Hitler could have been of any use to them, once the war was over.

As far as I know, he was sparsely educated, and I mean, it's not like he had any 'special skills' I'm aware of. Other than being a skilled orator (which would not really help him in hiding).

If this is a stupid question, I apologise, but I am genuinely interested to know.

why help any of the Nazis, cuz they were pals

Well, yeah. The Russians would have sent them to the gulags.

1945-55/60? Total uneducated guess without google.

I heard MK Ultra was "ended" in the 70's so I was genuinely asking if MK Ultra was a byproduct of Operation Paperclip since from what I understand a lot of the Nazi scientist carried over their work with that, there was even the Braun (?) guy who like made NASA or some shit? Or at least designed the space station? I'm unsure, maybe he was just the first to say a space station was possible...

Forgive my ignorance.

Oh no man, I'm still trying to figure out things myself, don't worry. It's hard to piece together this enormous puzzle. So many operations. You're right about what Operation Paperclip, at least from my understanding of it.

Some say MK stands for Mind Kontrolle (German spelling of mind control).

Mind is not a German word. Mind control = Gedanken Kontrolle

MK stands for "Mark." It's typically used to designate different types of Navy equipment or equipment that originated with the Navy. It makes sense if you look at the history of MK Ultra and trace back to Project CHATTER, which was a Navy program.

Never connected those two dots before. I'm gonna roll with it and check out project CHATTER.

I might have misread something, but I recall it originating in the Manhattan Project.

The timing is suspicious.

A bunch of Nazis are allowed into the US to work on military projects, combined with a project designed to test the efficacy of Mengele's research.

Checks out.

Ahhh so basically X-files? Axis of Evil never really went away least their scientist and "minds" didn't.

Reality is such a trip sometimes.

And it explains "The Jews did it" rhetoric.

German Nazis, man. Not even once.

Whats crazy is how little attention Operation Paperclip is given in basic ww2 era history, it's always like "Allies finished with Germany (lol @ hitler!) and moved on to Japan, dropping "the bomb".

When we totally just snatched up some A-list scientist, maybe, maybe not "confirmed" Hitler's death and began projects that would soon lead to NASA.

We took some of the top minds (that were still alive) from what we considered to be pure "evil".

Whats crazy is how little attention Operation Paperclip is given in basic ww2 era history

This tends to be an American-centric problem due to the education reform and the lack of standards among the teachers.

We learned about Operation Paperclip in high school (Germany).

Really nothing is supressed about the Holocaust. It ultimately comes down to whether you had a good teacher or not.

When we totally just snatched up some A-list scientist, maybe, maybe not "confirmed" Hitler's death and began projects that would soon lead to NASA.

Yup. But hey, better to snatch them up than to let their smarts die in the Russian gulags.

We took some of the top minds (that were still alive) from what we considered to be pure "evil".

Japan had a Unit just as bad as Mengele's. Fun fact, everything we know about Frostbite, they discovered. The Japanese basically froze Chinese civilians and American POWs to death.

You're right our education system in regards to WW2 is totally being whitewashed, for whatever reason in my youth I was fascinated by WW2 (history channel, original call of duty) I simply soaked up information, I knew about D-Day before ever hearing it in school simply because my own birthday was in June and for this reason I know more than the basic baseline WW2 history class but am still amazed by what others tell me.

For example Japan's role in "mad science" is really played down or at least not mentioned, I had no idea about that bit on Frostbite you just told me. Good lord. Meanwhile Germany's experimentation on twins, hypothermia etc is much more widely known.

I've heard that in Germany there is strict regulation in forms of media on the Nazi symbol, like movies and games aren't allowed or shown to depict it. This is done to curtail Neo Nazism.

My questions to you as a presumed German are:

  1. Is that true?

  2. How do you feel about that if true?

  3. Is it necessary?

  4. Whats up dude greetings from California?!

  1. The law is in place mostly for association / dissemination purposes. They don't want neo-nazi meetups, or greetings, in that regard.

For art, it would have to be settled by the office handing out film permits, but for the most part, tv shows and film are moving away from historical usage and designing their own allegorical symbols (e.g. The Force Awakens speech before the Starkiller Base fires up).

  1. It's a good law, because it's meant to curtail any form of usage where the symbols would be used for greetings, or associations (in meetings).

  2. It's a symbolic (heh) practice, but it is ultimately not all-encompassing. German Nazis fled to Quebec, America (Operation Paperclip), Argentina, Northern Africa, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, etc. The Mengele archives were used in MKUltra (the two programs are way too close to say they weren't completely related).

But in terms of plausible deniability on the German Government's part (as many Nazis did join the Stasi), it works for them.

That being said, Germany does hate cults of any kind (they don't want another Third Reich), which is why Tom Cruise's movies aren't really shot there.

  1. How's the surfing culture.

That being said, Germany does hate cults of any kind (they don't want another Third Reich), which is why Tom Cruise's movies aren't really shot there.

Oh yeah, I heard he was in a little known about cult, but you never really hear about it. Science...something?


Tom Cruise is one of the greatest actors alive. What if he's merely playing the role of a Scientologist?


This is an unverified allegation.

Then get the CIA to declassify their technology.

Not MKUltra, Cointelpro 2.0. Organized stalking victim in all likelihood.

Also it wasn't a failure, they got exactly what they wanted out of him. If they cared enough about collateral damage to call the 'experiment' a failure, they would do something about it.

Failure as in their subject reported "hearing voices". It is under my assumption that the CIA wouldn't want him talking about that.

They don't care, it just gets dismissed as Schizophrenia.

Well yeah I mean I know how it usually goes. I guess I'm trying to say that they're getting sloppy...

I totally agree they either appear to be getting sloppy (allowing the shooter to live) or they are pulling the wool over our eyes somehow.

Maybe they have so much power now due to these neuro weapons they don't care if the whole population knows they have them?

Come on guys, first you're assuming they have the powers to control your mind, yet they're getting sloppy?

I know you're argument is going to be that they can be mutually exlusive, but listen to yourselves. If they can control minds they're far more advanced than we give them credit for. They're mistakes aren't going to be easily seen. I doubt he was mind controlled. Brain washed maybe.

Lol what's the difference to you

Brain washing is a term I use to refer to someone that has been manipulated into believing something based on false pretenses. They're fully aware of the control op, they just believe it to be true. When I think of MK Ultra I think of 60 years of intelligence and research going into high tech devices and other unexplainable technology that directly effects the victim without their acknowledgement.

Well in the context of what's being discussed being brain washed is a form of mind control.

Government brain washing and conspiracy theory brainwashing I'd imagine are very different. Being drugged up and saying you hear voices is probably not what they're doing. I'd think they're way passed that.

Yeah I'm sure their methods are way more advanced.

An Airforce officer bragged: "If you can put a voice in someone's head, I can talk them to death"

While they can mind control people with entrainment, subliminal messages etc. don't knock the good ol fashioned V2k. Best way to issue specific instructions which the target obeys.

Edit: thanks for the downvotes for my healthy skepticism. That's what this subs needs more of anyways

A far easier suggestion is that he simply has (un-medicated) schizophrenia.

True. There are many different possibilities. I'd like to think this wasn't a normal episodic breakdown.

There are many different possibilities.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

Orthomolecular psychiatrists order biomarkers tests for schizophrenia but they are a small percentage of psychiatrists.

[Mental Health] Schizophrenics have an over abundance of gamma waves and elevated dopamine, glutamate, epinephrine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters. TIs being attacked by EMF DEWs have a different biochemistry.

[Mental Health] [Rebuttals] TIs attacked by DEW do not have the biochemistry of paranoia. Paranoia is caused by elevated homocysteine, over methylation, low blood histamine, elevated copper and deficiency of zinc, folate and B12.

Come on guys, first you're assuming they have the powers to control your mind, yet they're getting sloppy?

Why don't you talk to the experts about it?

I don’t like the word ‘mind control’ because you don’t really control the mind. You can change it to act in a different behavior, but you do not permanently control it. You can make people do things, and that’s very easy. I could do it. I could do it to you in less than three days.

Deborah Tavares: Such as assassins?

Barrie Trower: I could turn you into an assassin in less than three days. That’s easy.

They got him into a homicidal rage, got him to kill, but any attempt to make him commit suicide must have failed.

The CIA don't care how he talks. Hes been portrayed as a terrorist, people will lap that up, then when they hear he had mental issues they'll go "course he did he's a psycho terrorist".

or still could be Schizophrenic. Just because he says the voices in his head are from the government doesn't mean they actually are.

How many Guantanamo bay inmates are "sluggish schizophrenics" who complain they heard voices once they became prisoners there?

RE: mind control

At what point do we admit that because the Government can do it, did it in the past then they're probably still doing it now?

Gladio B elements as well

Maybe MKUltra, maybe Cointelpro 2.0. Organized stalking victim in all likelihood.

Many projects have combined into one. The target is stalked, mind controlled, made into an assassin, or a mass shooter, or a terrorist, or made a cult leader, etc. It's referred to on the internet as "gangstalking"

So Zoolander was actually an Eyes Wide Shut like warning to us all?

Was watching Civil War last night, first scene is Bucky under MK Ultra

they had bucky kill tony starks dad cuz he was a rare good rich guy, wasn't a pedo, couldn't be blackmailed.

The Winter Soldier and Civil War were both pretty anti-big government films wrapped in superhero packaging.

Predictive programming/hidden in plain sight law

Or the CIA is using Voice2Skull technology.

This is terrifying

Imagine walking into your home and every surface is covered in boxes which are filled with military gear/gadgets, anyone who was residing there be it your pet or your wife already dead and bloodied

Pop pop pop gunshots immediately down the street send you scrambling the other direction

Now your the 'go to' suspect that was seen fleeing a gunshot scene, combine this with a person who uses antipsychotics with digitalized medical information from your pyschologists and counselors.

Doesn't seem impossible to me

Not to mention where he opened fire there were people carrying in their luggage. People don't fly thousands of miles to open fire where people may fire back.

It's not an open carry location but what if that's what comes next..?

I agree this is an important topic (specially with the mind control/pizzagate relevance) but let's not totally dismiss a devils advocate-like position that it could be schizophrenia?

Seems weird he went to Alaska though. Aren't a lot of high profile people heading up there or am I thinking of Antarctica?

I can only speculate why he went to Alaska, and can't be sure.

However. If my hypothesis -- that it was stalking-related -- is true, Alaska is exactly where you would want to go. To get away from as many people as possible.

It could be schizophrenia. But experts in mind control say anyone who is diagnosed as schizophrenic could also be the victim of mind control. You can induce symptoms indistinguishable from schizophrenia.

Or just plain upload a virus to the brain. Those fucks are 50 years ahead of that.

How far has the study of mememic and information warfare gone? When the Pentagon was setting up the psychic warfare unit, they recruited the worst prison inmates from around the country back in the 70’s. Why would you do this? By finding the scum of the scum, the worst subhuman creatures on the planet, they were testing a new kind of warfare. TAMI (thought amplifier and mind interface) is being used to amplify and multiply these toxic minds onto other people to see if they become violent or self destructive. Interesting weapon indeed! This is truly the definition of a mind virus. To bring it back to the movie “The Matrix”, agent Smith becomes a virus replicating his destructive personae on anyone he comes into contact with.

Think: how many people are obsessed with the Joker? How many go on to commit mass shootings?

Didn't the Orlando guy say similar things? He went to FBI?

Omar Mateen had been under FBI investigation already, but he never claimed any mind control. His apartment was also overrun by reporters, just like that of the San Bernardino shooters... in a display of what looks like mind-blowing incompetence, but is obviously anything but. Furthermore, Mateen's psych profile is at odds with every media narrative we heard. Lots of red flags on him.

You can find more info below if curious. There's a link to the spreadsheet of similar incidents from the first image in the album. Santiago's name has been added to the original sheet.

MK Ultra ended decades ago. This guy clearly had severe mental issues as do many veterans (and many who didn't serve).

Obama made literally no progress on gun control in 8 years and Trump seems to be relatively pro 2nd amendment so don't worry about your guns.

You really don't think it's still going on? Why do so many, if not all lone wolf terrorists meet with the FBI before conducting their attack?

Why did the CIA delete their records?

MK Ultra ended decades ago.

How do you know? Why would the Government start researching mind control and suddenly stop? Why are there so many insiders like Barrie Trower saying it is easy to create an assassin in the same way the shooter said he was being controlled?

Honestly look at how easy it is for an abusive man to "program" his spouse into not only staying with but supporting and accepting the abuser. I imagine the government knows some much deeper and much more advanced ways to manipulate or otherwise condition someone to do whatever they want. Mk ultra as we knew it is over but I'm sure they're 3 or 4 iterations past that already. Ten or twenty years from now we'll be reading about the programming they did in the 80s and 90s under whatever codename they have for it.

You seem to have all the answers. Tell me, does God exist?

There's no way for me to answer that. God as a higher power exists to me. But I encourage you to seek out some spiritual moments for yourself to have a deeper understanding of what God might mean to you. Or not. That's your prerogative.

It was sarcasm. Don't assume to know that MK Ultra or other secret programs have been terminated. We literally know nothing. Does God exist? We simply do not know. I too, choose to believe he does exist, however I cannot say it with absolute certainty, I simply do not know.

Ah ok. Very good points. Edited comment to reflect that.

Drugs can fuck up your brain too. Not everything is the government.

What about when the government secretly makes you ingest drugs

Maybe you are secretly Jesus?

Yeah, however it is the government when they administer drugs to people without their consent.

By definition, you are totally correct.

False flag thread please, you know what is going on right now. Try harder russia.

Seemed pretty successful to me.

Failed to execute the last instruction set to "'engage until unable''

Esteban Santiago had a history of mental health issues and, at 26, he's well within the range for onset of a psychotic disorder.

Or it's mind control drugs.

Regardless of which it is, why the fuck is someone who tells the FBI he's joining ISIS not watched and put on a no fly list ?

And allowed to check a gun onto a plane, much less own one.

This is the one that confuses me most.

Mind control drugs? Well sure, I guess that's what they were trying to find with MK Ultra, but what they did (do) is dose people with massive amounts of LSD (maybe other psychedelic hallucinogens these days) and basically torture them psychologically in an attempt to break them. This is a program in which the Unabomber, who was also psychologically I'll beforehand, unwittingly enrolled. People, strapped for cash, sign up with no inkling as to what they're in for and are purposefully given the worst trip imaginable (where the people around them really are out to get them).

That'll hurt anyone's psychological health, let alone someone who is fragile to begin with. So while it's possible that this was just a mentally unstable individual, it isn't without precedent that the situation described in the OP could happen.

Did you really spend all the time writing out that nonsense? Or is that copypasta from somewhere else?

Oh wow, whatever will I do with that 8 minutes it took me to write that paragraph?

Are you serious? Have you not heard of MK Ultra? Here's an article on the Unabomber's involvement in the experiments.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 16454

Yes but how many times have you written this nonsense?

Times 8 minutes.

Uh...once. What are you talking about?

Yes there's a solid precedent for the CIA experimenting with mind control drugs in the golden age of pre-ethics panels psychological research and failing at it it because mind control drugs are nonsense.

I never said mind control exists...clearly you didn't read my first comment let alone anything about MK Ultra. "Mind control" drugs is what's what the CIA was looking for in MKUltra, thinking they had a good candidate in LSD (I'm assuming you know what LSD is). If you'd bothered to read the first sentence of the MKUltra Wiki you'd have seen,

Project MKUltra – sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program – is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.[1] Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through MIND CONTROL

They were looking for a drug to have influence over someone (like a cult leader does), a concept they called "mind control". They did a lot of experimentation on people by dosing then with LSD and breaking them down psychologically. So it's not beyond the realm of possibility that this shooter was involved in similar trials. Being dosed and psychologically broken by your government would be enough to push anyone with a fragile psyche over the edge. This has nothing to do with "mind control" in the sense that you're thinking.

And maybe in this case, the CIA had nothing to do with it. My only point was that they've dosed and psychologically broken a fragile person, who went on to become a terrorist, before (read the Unabomber article), so the precedent is there.

This needs to be at the top of this sub cuz they're ruining people's lives covertly on an individual basis, they're called targeted individuals and I've been targeted since I was a kid, I'm 22 now and they torture me daily with directed energy weapons (in Iran). Sorry I keep repeating this but I feel it's important for people to know this is happening.

Details? What do the energy weapons do?

I posted more details here:

I've felt synthetic headaches, itches, needle pricks, hot needles, cramps, shocks. Some people get burned hasn't happened to me yet. It happens after very specific activity like while I draw, read, meditate, when people upvote me, when I get facebook notifications, for a while they set it so I get hurt when people talk to me or just look at me.

wtf lol

My friend had those same symptoms. She battled them for a couple years and was eventually diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

I'm very sorry for your friend, my tortures are caused by technology.

Hope you find a remedy for your situation. Stay strong.

Radio wave sickness demyelinates the myelin shealth. RWS may cause MS:

[WIKI] Demyelination

[WIKI] Remyelination Treatments

You should probably go to a doctor...

I haven't heard that on Reddit before...

/u/robbyarcane, see the papers on adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields in the wiki index of /r/electromagnetics. Especially the radio wave sickness biomarkers wiki. See the ultrasound weapons wiki in /r/badBIOS. See the torture reports wiki in /r/targetedenergyweapons.

/u/daryatash, two days ago, I asked you what you meant by a synthetic headache. You didn't answer. There is no such thing as as synthetic headaches, itches, etc.

/u/robbyarcane, see the papers on adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields in the wiki index of /r/electromagnetics. Especially the radio wave sickness biomarkers wiki. See the ultrasound weapons wiki in /r/badBIOS. See the torture reports wiki in /r/targetedenergyweapons.

/u/daryatash, two days ago, I asked you what you meant by a synthetic headache. You didn't answer. There is no such thing as as synthetic headaches, itches, etc. Write a meter measurement report to ascertain whether you symptoms are "synthetic" or physical. See the meter reports wikis in /r/targetedenergyweapons.

Also ask an environmental medicine physician to order biomarker tests for radio wave sickness. See the wiki in /r/electromagnetics. If you don't have RWS biomarkers, you are not being attacked by EMF weapons

Please stop harrasing me.

You neither substantiate nor debate nor retract your unsubstantiated claims. Instead you bully me.

I am not harassing you. I do not follow your submission history. I do not comment on what you say in other subs. As I said before, I have been a subscriber of /r/conspiracy for two years. For two years, I have commented and posted in this sub as well as crossposted from it to my subs.

I am correcting your disinformation.

Just a thought. I get weird stuff like tunnel vision and lightheadedness/headaches when in therapy or talking or reading about certain things. Reactions like that can be trauma related. It could be dissociation or anxiety.

I'm 100% certain it's technology thanks.

This is a little known fact but completely true Patent applications have been made years ago for Voice to Skull technology. Research started in world war 2 when it was found that some people could hear the pulse repitition frequency of the early radar systems.

The listener needs to know that at least one method of voice to skull transmission, using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new. During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls. This buzz was being caused by the train of very short pulses of microwave signal, each pulse causing a single click.

In the early 1970s, Dr. Joseph Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research used a computer to control a radar transmitter such that for each time a human voice waveform changed from a peak to a valley, the radar transmitter sent out a single pulse, causing a single click to be heard by the test subject. Because these clicks were timed according to the human voice waveform, the test subject heard a voice, rather than a string of clicks. This has not been pursued, at least publicly, due to concerns about the effect of microwave signals aimed at a person’s skull, but it does work.

In actual fact, a suitably modified amateur radio transmitter operating in either the 420 to 450 megahertz band or the 1.3 gigahertz band, with a highly directional antenna, is capable of transmitting voice to skull signals at less cost than the price of an automobile.

In addition to simply driving a target crazy, voice to skull can cause far more severe damage to a targeted person if instead of audible voice, one of several types of SUBLIMINAL voice is transmitted instead. When the subliminal voice is that of a hypnotist, and is aimed at a targeted person’s bed, voice to skull can be used over time to undetectably program the person. Because the power level required is fairly modest, being something like the output of the common heat lamp, the person being programmed could have no idea this was happening.

A person who is highly susceptible to hypnosis, and about one in five are, could be put through living Hell simply by way of subliminal voice to skull.

It is common for psycho-electronic mind control victims to report a very frequent or constant “ringing in the ears”, which is also a symptom of the “Lowery” method of subliminal voice conversion. Lowery’s method is described in U.S. patent 5,159,703 and such a converter can easily be built by someone with reasonable electronic assembly abilities. Source:

Effects of Radiation Harassment Technology (V2K) Technology - PERPS (Perpetrator or the harasser) have technology that in a nut shell can do the following:

They are a very faint sound, therefore a person interprets them as their own thoughts. Since they are a very faint sound, only those things that are know to a person can be manipulated. Put it simply they won’t be able to teach you Chinese. An example of this is that if a person says a sentence very slowly and close to your ears, then you will only understand it if you know it or parts of it, otherwise your interpretation of what’s being said would be different as compared to what was actually said. PERPS use other means to make a person dwell on things that where unknown to them. Like after listening to a news article, or even other people saying something similar that PERPS would want a target to direct there thoughts on. Affects related to this are listed below. (VOICE) They can vibrate certain muscles, affects related to that are mentioned below. (MUSCULAR) Certain parts in nervous system react to them. Affects related to this are mentioned below. (NERVOUS) They can cause power surges. (EMP) (EMP = Electromagnetic Pulses) Give throat irritation, mucus formation. (MUSCULAR) Watery mouth. (MUSCULAR) Hyperventilation, sudden shortness of breath. (MUSCULAR) Vibrate certain muscles in our body. (MUSCULAR) Give different body aches and pains. Specially back ache. (MUSCULAR) Tinnitus. (MUSCULAR OR NERVOUS) Clogged ears. (Like the way it feels when the elevation changes, like in plane or in elevators). (MUSCULAR) If a person have an existing condition, like a cut, or infection, they can make it really pain. (MUSCULAR)/(NERVOUS) Nausea, headaches. (NERVOUS) Listen to a person’s thoughts. Yes that’s what they are capable of. Lots of time, during early manipulation, that’s what a person complains of, that someone knows what they are thinking, or watching them all the time, however, not all is true, some of those thoughts are manipulated by PERPS. (NERVOUS) Manipulate a person’s thoughts, by putting specific words while a person is thinking. (VOICE) Manipulate a person’s emotions by making them angry or inducing anxiety or even make a person cry or laugh. (NERVOUS) They can cause simple sounds to occur again and again. For instance, if a pager is set to simple beep, then they make a person to think that the pager is on, yet when its not. (VOICE) They can cause surges, yes, the lights that went out recently in NY, is there doing. (EMP) They can make minor malfunctions in electronic equipment. Causing them to flicker, or even in some cases render the equipment useless. (EMP) Any sensor driven machine is prone to them. They can cause a light sensor to activate at night, causing the light to go out. (EMP) They can temper with thermostats. Causing the air conditioner to come on, or the refrigerator to malfunction, or cause the car to over heat. Yep, that’s what they can do. (EMP).

That's some terrifying shit.

The truth of how advanced capabilities are of current iterations of this technology would not be believed. Take a look at the cell phone towers in your neighborhood and imagine a world where the ability to engender a mass panic attack on a population or a trigger a lone gunman to attack can be triggered with the click of a mouse. The technology is being used in subtle ways to shape mass consciousness on a global scale tampering with entire populations with subtle commands to consume conform and be apathetically content. The power grid can serve the exact same purpose using the wiring itself to radiate pulsed RF energy. Shitty but true. Farraday cage anyone?

I wish the hell it wasn't. I lack the luxury of disbelief and must content myself with resolving to find out the truth.

There's a company in Waterloo that was in the Las Vegas Electronics show that said they could use wifi signals as security for your house because the signals can detect people in the house. That astounds me...

Wifi is like any other waveform so it does bounce off stuff.

Right.... but if a small startup can harness the signals I'm sure the government can and has used these for more nefarious purposes.

Microwave auditory effect, also known as V2K, tends to be audible messages. Not subliminal voice to skull.

Subliminal messages are modulated in ultrasound. Hearing the hum (ringing in the ears) is caused by ultrasound hearing.

[WIKI] Ultrasound Subliminals (Silent Sound)

Because the power level required is fairly modest, being something like the output of the common heat lamp, the person being programmed could have no idea this was happening.

False. The subliminal messages are masked by humming. Humming is very loud and vibrational. Very obvious and measureable. The volume, vibration and ultrasound spectrum can be measured at the ear and brain. Instructions:

[WIKI] Meter Reports: Microwave auditory effect (V2K)

[WIKI] Meter Reports: Ultrasound hearing ('The Hum')

Thanks for the links as information.There used to be a lot more on the web but little by little the pages have gone over the years. Granite Island Group used to have some useful general information but this is years ago. I have known in general about this since the early 90's

little by little the pages have gone over the years

That is a great loss. This is why I copy and paste text into self posts instead of submitting link posts. Too many broken link posts. I haven't heard of Granite Island Group. Do you have any saved articles of theirs or other websites to submit in /r/targetedenergyweapons?

This is one that has survived with some changes over the years.

Whats it feel like, describe the 'pain' your tortured with, specifically, do you remember the first time?

I ask because well i got migraines now, couple months ago it felt like a 'twang' of intense radio static hit the left side, only lasted half a second, less even.

Im describing the sound of radiostatic but it was more akin to a thousand nails scratching a chalkboard all at once

Suddenness of it made me take a mental note, had migraines since on right side

Anyways, just curious if you took a mental note down

They torture victims differently, my first time was needle pricks and cramps in my hands/feet really bad for months to try and get me institutionalized. They don't hit me with the headaches much, when they have it feels like a strong headache I think on my right side and it feels like someone is pushing a button, it'll go on and off lasting 2-3 seconds each time and like 10 seconds total. My torture is mainly with needle pricks and cramps sorry I can't be so helpful hope you'll find what you're looking for :)

When you have headaches, hold a meter next to your head. Follow the instructions in the meter reports wikis of /r/targetedenergyweapons.

Alternatively, use a body voltage meter.

[WIKI] Meters: Body Voltage Meters measures static electricity in the body as well as measures earthing products.

When you got headaches, were you using a smartphone or storing it on your body? Papers on radiofrequency and EMF causing headaches:

See earthing wikis in /r/electromagnetics.

People are always quick to say these terrorist have been brainwashed by ISIS videos but isn't it more likely they've been brainwashed by one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world? You know the people who actually have the resources to do it.

You mean the ISIS videos directed/created by the CIA?

I think you mean Rita Katz from the SITE Intelligence group

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 16332

I think it's just a distraction from 4 black kids who tortured a white kid on film.

Nah, they are already going to jail. That story is pretty cut and dry. They did something bad they are charged with a hate crime among other charges.

I didn't watch the video, is it authentic or just another fake race-baiting story? I can see either one being true.

Its a real thing

So many crisis actors and planned "drills" that dayi. it's frightening to know now that the media is all in on martial law before jan20. This is the first of many false flags over the next week

I believe in some theories but uh...."You" people who completely CHUG the kool aid have been saying martial law has been going to happen for over a decade.

Careful when you're generalising

I think you should reread what I said instead of being an edgelord. I'm specifically taking about people who believe and spew bullshit of martial law being a near or around the corner. Just like all of the "THE WORLD IS ENDING NEXT YEAR" people

Martial Law has happened in some cities over the past few years. Boston being the most obvious

it was temporary. Your post has nothing to do with what I said or who I said it to :(

Whoever said martial law scenarios are supposed to be permanent?

yes, by "you" people its the deplorables HRC mentioned. yeah its a possibility but no i don't think it will actually happen. why? Trump surrounded himself with a cabinet made of up ex-generals who could basically counter martial law from the standing potus and have a "non-peaceful" transition of power.

The whole thing was a hoax, no mkultra guy was needed, unless thats what they've done to set him up as a patsy. Noone died.

This just seems easier and it's what is done so many other times. Not saying MK Ultra isn't real or anything but it just seems a lot less trouble to fake the whole thing.

I'm with you on this bruh, agreed.

For some reason they like to fuel the MK Ultra rumours with the chat they had coming from the supposed shooter.

OR it could be that this fucker wants more attention for his crime.

That shill derailed the convo. We need to ignore them and not give them any attention so we can focus on the task at hand. Getting rid of this fucking veil.

Nope. This wasn't a false flag. There weren't crisis actors. It's time to these thinking skills to a constructive use.

  • Guy is iraq war veteran with obvious mental health issues (ptsd?)

  • he goes to the FBI for help claiming that an undisclosed/ unknown intelligence agency is trying to get him to join ISIS

  • FBI "closes the case", saying there is nothing to see here.

  • guy is allowed to fly across the country with a gun and ammunition (meanwhile how many people are on the no fly list for no reason at all?)

  • guy ends up in the most jewish city in America at the time when its already known by many of us that israel is looking for terrorist attacks to flip the current bad PR they're facing, and only days before another big terror attack in Israel.

  • Debbie Wasserman Shultz (the jewish face of the HRC administration) shows up at the airport to do press, immediately

  • it's claimed the attacker screamed "I am not jewish" for some unknown reason...

time to put those critical thinking skills to work.

That is an excellent summary. Your first point should of been sufficient to explain this "obvious mental health issues".

I'll play along though. Let's assume you're right. What would the end game be? What is the point of this?

I think that's a question you'd have to ask yourself. Who would benefit from something like this?

Another piece of info I'd missed:

A sheriff's deputy has been suspended for leaking the video.

did he do it on his own, or was he told/ coerced to do it by someone with an agenda?

I'll be honest with you I used to believe these things as well. Then I started asking myself these kinds of questions and I couldn't produce anything tangible. It just keeps taking ever growing leaps of faith to keep this view of the world viable.

Nobody would. There is allegedly this ultra powerful orginaztion with virtually infinite resources running the world and they need some guy to shoot up an airport to justify an action on the other side of the planet? It's like a crappy movie plot.

Did you actually read the article or just the headline? He was suspended for releasing a video that is part of an ongoing investigation possibly for monetary gain. That's pretty unethical behavior if that happens to be the case.

There are examples of "false flag" attacks but this isn't one. It's a guy that had mental issues that needed help and didn't get it and this was the result. If you can provide any actual evidence that he was the victim of this faceless organization and how it manipulated him to do this I'm more than willing to change my position.

It just keeps taking ever growing leaps of faith to keep this view of the world viable.

not my views. i'm consistently proven to be correct in my views (like a week and a half ago when I predicted a series of terror attacks which would benefit the israeli narrative of having to protect themselves from islamic terrorism in the face of scrutiny by the outgoing administration). And I have plenty of experience which feeds my world views. I have family members and friends who have been on both sides of covert shenanigans- so i have personal experience which has drawn me to my perspectives. Spy games are very real. And public relations will go to great lengths.

There is allegedly this ultra powerful orginaztion with virtually infinite resources running the world

whoa whoa whoa. I certainly didn't go there. This could have been pulled off by any number of small private groups or intelligence agencies who would benefit from it. It also COULD have simply been a lone wolf off his meds (but i personally doubt it).

He was suspended for releasing a video that is part of an ongoing investigation possibly for monetary gain.

again, i think it's worth following up with the entire story behind him releasing the video. someone likely coerced him to do it.

If you can provide any actual evidence that he was the victim of this faceless organization

all the evidence we have right now (and likely forever) is motive and means. HE was the one alleging a faceless organization. And luckily, he documented it as best he could, so his allegation could not be denied. So then the question becomes why his case was closed and why he was allowed to travel with a gun and ammunition as someone who was under scrutiny.

What predict in the next few months?

Had to restart my phone not sure what went through.

Make some predictions about upcoming events? Do you have anything in writing/print about your previous predictions?

I don't think anyone would dispute that spy games agent real. Or, that media is used to distort/cover things up. We have evidence that allows us to say these things. What evidence do we have in this instance

You personally doubt it was a lone wolf attack based on what?

What evidence do you have to support he was coerced?

Sure- there will be civil unrest in Turkey and Iran. This isn't organic- this is western intelligence agencies causing chaos to urge regime change and upset russian lng pipelines. You can follow other places where this will occur simply by looking at Russian pipelines. You will also see a few events happen soon in chechnya- likely orchestrated through the jamestown foundation. Greece and Italy will be targeted. Germany and france will be subjected to terror attacks blames on immigrants from Syria and the rest of the middle east. Somalia and Sudan will have their own unrest.

there will be multiple news stories pushing the putin/ trump connection, and other things to discredit trump before his taking office. this will continue if he does take office- his whitehouse will be inundated with scandalous "news" pushed by the mainstream media.

we'll be seeing a few economic bubbles pop over the next few years. digital advertising will be shown to be supported by cheats, and that will be blamed on clickbait farms and "Fake news sites". Google will aim to filter these sites (in a political manner) while trying not too take TOO much of a hit on their stream of adwords revenue. But they will be meanwhile attempting to shift advertising off of actual pages and the search engine and onto the "internet of things".

Similarly, the push to privatize schools will be pushed towards centralization by blaming small charters and online programs for the failures that are inherent in most current school systems. The democrats will take the lead in pushing a rebranded nclb initiative. When the higher education debt bubble pops, it will bring down one of the big banks- which will be sacrificed, and that debt will be consolidated among the others, with the treasury effectively buying off a ton of debt. You will watch, even prior to that- a media campaign to push a new new deal which will re-instate the draft and an alternative (as military is being more automated) civil service programs, perhaps devoted to a new transportation infrastructure program.

On that note, you will see automation transportation and manufacturing being disruptive in many economic regards over the next ten years.

Insurance and marketing will be working with technology companies developing products and the data tools which analyze your use of them in the "internet of things". You'll be incentivized to give up your data for better "customer service". Eventually that data will be used to incentivize your habits themselves- in what is effectively a mass digital socialization program.

The media will continue to push racial divisions and victim narratives aimed at political identities. Similarly, our media consumption will be filtered by that ideological identity- we will have less and less access to perspectives we disagree with, and our opinions and fears will be more and more re-enforced.

Gun control will be pushed slowly. The guns won't be "taken away", but similar to non-self driving cars, the manufacturers will be targeted with safety regulations. They will include biometrics and law enforcement will gain digital control of weapons which the public has access to- allowing them to remotely shut off a gun being used by an "active shooter" or a criminal driving a car.

I could keep going.

This was an interesting read. What do you think is the timeline for all of this? What is this all aimed at accomplishing?

What metrics are you using to determine what information available is credible versus being public relations going to great lengths to produce misinformation/disinformation?

Yours is much more well-researched, but I think the FBI identified themselves as CIA to this man, groomed him to be another "terrorist" they could use as a political boon, and expected him to either kill himself or die in the carnage.

Did anyone else notice that the mainstream media changed the narrative from "CIA feeding him ISIS propaganda" to "he was hearing ISIS in head".

Not surprising. The purpose is to conflate "gov't is harassing me" with "I'm a terrorist".

How did it fail if it happened?

Why was Cat Stevens put on the no-fly list but this guy wasn't? He should've been on the No-Fly list as soon as he left the FBI office in Anchorage. That's either nefariousness or gross negligence from the FBI which resulted in 5 civilian deaths. But hey, we need to stop letting people checking guns, because a shooter would never go into an unsecured area of an airport without having flown in first. Oh wait, there's Brussels

I dunno. The shooter was probably just schizo, in all honesty.

Aka I dunno

Aka lets just dismiss everything.

I was a direct victim of Mind Manipulation aka MK-Ultra but something I will tell you is this. Just about everyone in the populace is under some form of MK-Ultra-ish type of influence. Given triggers at a young age sometimes directly (like me), or via TV, Video Games etc. If anyone wants to know more just ask.

I would like to know more.

Go on.

Well, me being a literal victim of it and know first hand how triggers work.

Most of the populace in the US for sure is for lack of a better word MK-Ultra'ed.


An example of a trigger in the U.S. that is easily passed off as being racist but is not is how white populace look at the dark skinned populace (aka black). The moment the average white person in America heres the voice of a dark skinned male, they instantly think negative. Rather that person is a doctor, attorney doesn't matter. They think negative FIRST, and then maybe, just maybe, some positive may come later.

This is not normal, this is a trigger. It was an easy one which is the only reason I chose that one first.

Also, how do you know it's a trigger that was embedded at an early age? But looking around and seeing that many people have the carbon copied feelings. No uniqueness in thought or action, they all just feel the 'exact' same way with no difference.

Which is odd to say the least. But someone who has been through the program directly, I can tell immediately that they have triggers.

Another obvious easy trigger for the dark skinned populace (aka black) is to call them the N*** word. Most are not as triggered these days but obviously that triggered was embedded by years of hatred, fear, slavery etc. Where as if someone says that word and they are of the opposite race, that immediately well bring some to fight mode which happens in an instant. Again like they were 'triggered' to do such.

I can give many more examples that get ever more complex but I think you understand the premise.

I understand the premise, your argument however, is quite weak.

your argument however, is quite weak.

Not an argument at all. I was a victim of it and still suffer from many trauma's. Also am triggered as well. I just recognize what tend to trigger me and either avoid it all together or just be conscious enough of it not to react.

Why does a kid from NJ go to Puerto Rice then move to Alaska of all places. Just about the perfect location to hide stuff/activity on the continental US. Government is obviously up there ie FBI and National Guard facilities. It's all about Alaska.

Yeah I saw the documentary "A beautiful mind" also.

This is actually a conspiracy that I believe. I read about mk ultra years ago. Hearing the shooter talk about how he was forced to watch isis videos made me think of mk uktra. I read about how the successfully testes mk uktra in the 50s and basically hypontised ppl to carry suitcases with fake explosives into buildings. This was all in unclassified government documents.

Great post. We need more posts like these. Actual conspiracy theories instead of pointless trump/hilary drivel.

Props to Max Spiers, at this point, rest in peace,n' I hope you are fine, whereever you are!

A bunch of acid isn't going to make you rob a bank and it's especially not going to make you shoot a bunch of people. It's going to make you have to shit and then you'll contemplate life.

Posting again as the other Mkultra posts drowned after the trump news:

Because it's unlikely that the public accept the reality. There are victims of these crimes that fight for credibility, supported by psychiatrists and experts that back the testimonies. Still ignored by media and officials.

The process required for the public to accept or even doubt about these new ways of domestic terrorism by state agents isn't proportional to the truth itself:

Also adding something from my last comment:

Actually, the Voice-to-Skull device had a page on the US Army website (now deleted):

(Page saved by webarchive)

Also, in case you doubt microwave/electromagnetic weapons can and have been used to harass here's the example of US officers victims themselves (Wikileaks cables about the Russian use of microwave weapons against the US embassy):


Check this out: Reporter found evidence of psychotronic warfare going on there. Many US elites had been visiting there.

You know what's fun? Not paying attention to this story at all. I literally know 0% of this story, and I don't care to know. I already know enough to know it's yet another insult to our country. If I need to know this particular story, I'll read about it.

I can tell you guys though, that you should try this. Try aggressively not paying attention to a story. You'll be happily going about your day. This is not an ignorance is bliss thing. I know about the story. I see you guys posting. But I'm choosing to ignore this particular one, because I already know what it's about.

I've been saying for about a month now, and longer if you count a few posts before that, that Obama is going to try this scorched earth bullshit.


Here we are.

And I don't care.

And it's absolutely wonderful. It's ok to downvote. I'm like super high on not caring about this one story.

Interesting take on the situation. I think I understand what you're saying.

Those thoughts of paranoia & CIA tracking him sound more like a bad acid trip than anything.

What about when the government secretly makes you ingest drugs

Yeah, however it is the government when they administer drugs to people without their consent.

What predict in the next few months?

Had to restart my phone not sure what went through.

Make some predictions about upcoming events? Do you have anything in writing/print about your previous predictions?

I don't think anyone would dispute that spy games agent real. Or, that media is used to distort/cover things up. We have evidence that allows us to say these things. What evidence do we have in this instance

You personally doubt it was a lone wolf attack based on what?

What evidence do you have to support he was coerced?