I'm calling it now....

91  2017-01-11 by dontkillmehillary

A really really big leak is inbound.

Yesterday's Buzzfeed fiasco and the flooding of r/conspiracy last night go me thinking about the objectives and I think I may have worked some of it out.

  • The Buzzfeed "leak" is so painfully obviously fake.
  • The Buzzfeed "leak" was pushed extremely hard last night, and r/conspiracy was flooded very early in order to get the thread to rise fast in order to get it onto r/all, and furthermore pushed onto r/all/top.

The purpose of these actions is twofold.

1) The article will be discredited in the next week or two, and Buzzfeed thrown to the lions for accepting such a fake document. Also, intelligence agencies will also be thrown to the lions for citing it in their intelligence reports. These actions will be used to illustrate the poor integrity of online reporting and validity of digital "leaks". Should any leaks arise with outrageous claims (see South Korea goddess worship) the MSM easily can discredit the claims citing the Buzzfeed leak as evidence. The article effectively gimps any huge WL drops that may arise in the next month or two.

2) The main discussion on the article was forced through r/conspiracy. We watched the thread artificially rise last night and saw active users jump by 4k-5k in roughly an hour. That got the thread onto r/all which then pushed it to r/all/top. When the article is finally discredited and it's 4chan fakery revealed, fingers will be pointed at r/conspiracy, and the sub will be shit on for falling for such a lark. The credibility of the sub (such as it is) will get killed.

I think we saw a death rattle last night for this sub, which is depressing because it currently remains one of the few places on reddit where you can engage in balanced (although sometimes needlessly aggressive and biased) discussion. That's going to be gone soon.


Every other sub this could be posted on and shilled for it was posted on and shilled for, r/conspiracy wont get closed because of this.

They could easily push a conspiracy that has been proven untrue if they wanted to do damage to this sub.

It can happen anywhere else. I believe it's on /r/politics too. Plus there's enough shit on the front board tolet outsiders know that something nasty is going on.

Last night was meant to make this sub look biased for Trump, therefore it will be used as a justification to change the moderation team (i.e. with CTR)

I'm suspicious that the mod putting "uncomfirmed allegation" on the article did so with the intent of making this sub look bad.

The flair was changed to hoax and now the story disappeared

I'm suspicious that the mod putting "uncomfirmed allegation"

It even says that in the "report"

All the news reports I heard on the radio today are stressing "unconfirmed".

The mod put that there because he knew what the fuck was happening. Every regular user here knows that was an explosive effort completely out of the ordinary.

If the letter agencies actually included "he told hookers to pee on Obama's bed" in their reports from a 4chan post, they should all be shut down right now. They're too busy fucking and eating kids to investigate anything properly anymore.

I agree. Why is the CIA getting a paycheck if they can't have a look to see if stuff came from some kid doing it on 4chan for lols?

I don't think a lot of them do the weird shit. They encourage the politicians to do that for blackmail.

They just lie, overthrow governments, and murder people.

That part isn't from a 4chan post. Do you have proof that it was?

Yeah, something is fucking going on, for sure.

1) WL has a 100% record on its releases none have been even argued as false or doctored - BuzzFeed are not the same. Even a regular punter knows that

2) there has been many death rattles of this sub and it's just plowed on. The only people that can kill this sub are the regular readers. If this sub starts getting flooded with posts aimed to undermine the credibility of items posted, items moderated or the legitimacy of posters THATS when you know they are coming for the sub

You don't beat this sub by comparing it to BuzzFeed or infiltrating the mods you do it by making the day to day user feel they won't find proper conspiracy talk

So I would be suspicious of posts similar to this looking for us to start looking in, to start conspiracies about ourselves that undermine how relevant we see the sub. At the end of the day we can be brigaded with posts or comments as long as the user base accepts the responsibility of vetting data and being skeptical of facts. Question destroy fake news , questions destroy conspiracies so imo I don't see how they could bring down this sub as long as we think and we question.

I'm not asking people to question the reliability of the sub, but my concern is that concerted brigaiding efforts are planting the seeds for others to question it at a later date. :/

Good questions leads to answers

Our job is to answer the questions the more combative we become with people the less they will ask questions. If the people on this sub get it into their heads that dissenters or people questioning us are the enemy then even if a legit person asking a legit question who may want to join our sub comes along he could be met with the auto hate I've seen on other subs like worldnews or politics and that would be the slow end of this sub

Fuck them if they want to brigade let them we've spent a long time fighting our corner before in the face of everyone tellings us were idiots and marched on asking questions demanding answers and accepting in people to our sub.

Do you think you won't see the B's?

Do you think you can't tear them to shreds in the comments and show how stupid there points are ?

Do we not want to dig up the truth anymore?

Fuck what other people think and fuck their brigades I'm not changing just because someone somewhere is finally taking us seriously. If anything I'm going to keep ploughing on that same course because it's obviously working if they are trying so hard to get to us

I agree with you 100%. The brigaiding and shilling is not aimed at us, the regular users. The purpose of the shilling is for the casual or new viewers. As we saw last night r/conspiracy users were flooded and our voices drowned out in support of a fallacy. We posted in the Buzzfeed thread indicating it was lies and a 4chan tomfoolery, but those doing so were downvoted hard and those supporting the Buzzfeed story upvoted to the top. A curious reader spotting the story on r/all would see the thread and immediately read dozens of posts in support of the story. A basic psy-op premise is that most people will form a decision on a subject within the first few paragraphs of reading. Herd mentality will sway many based on the opinions of what appears to be the majority.

The first thing a lady in our office asked me about last night was the Buzzfeed story and she was absolutely convinced of its validity until I explained the document contents and their origin. She is the target audience of brigaiding efforts like last night.

I find it interesting r/conspiracy got the amount of attention it actually did. It's obviously no longer being considered a blip on the information radar.

I won't change my posting habits either however the purpose of my post is to point out a tactic I see forthcoming. IF this sub is successfully discredited into the coo-coo camp then it effectively kills another venue of free discussion casual visitors of reddit lose.

Add to the reasons : the damage is already done. The lady in the office or the Snowflakes will not check sources. They belive it to be true, even after it fades away and the fake news has been debunked.

Agreed. That's the point of stories like this. It doesn't matter if it's true or false, so long as the target audience believes it to be true.

(just my opinion. sorry for grammer and spelling) I dont think so. All conspiracy are just that conspiracy. Some have more prof then others. Some are more outrageous then others. However like any thing on the internet there is half truths to most things. Though some times lies get posted here many important truths do as well. The real struggle is determining which ones are true. The funny part it some times its the most outrageous ones that are the most true of all. The best one can do is use logic to determine how much of it is true. In a era of growing fulse information r/conspiracy is important becuse it can make us questions things we take for granted as truths.

r/wikileaks and r/politics are the best ways to tell if a sub is taken over. If this sub starts to wander that path, we'll know very fast and then the rest of Reddit will know what happened to those subs and will know that Reddit can hand the steering wheel to big money and motive.

Conspiracy or truth... Web of lies. It doesn't make sense to me to create fake news about the p.e sexual life. It's believable news after all he was on record talking about grabbing women by the pussy.

This sub will probably fall. Sadly. Because conspiracies will finally become mainstream news like they have always wanted?

I don't know.. basically if I was onto conspiracy theories I'd say yeah, stupid info was released that makes p.e Trump look gross and dusgusting. A scandal to take away from real issues like who he is picking as cabinet.. Jeff Sessions? And Trump is in on the scandal that's how he knows it's blatantly fake. And then to tweet about Nazi Germany makes no sense to me, but basically puts an image of supporters and poodle new supportes to believe he's the good guy and everyone else really is being "unfair".

This is a game I know women to have played.. "I'll spread a ridiculous but almost believable rumor about myself I know to be false, then when everyone attacks and I show who ever (fake suspect)spread the rumor to not have been possible with dates not lining up or lining up, I can gain some sympathy or people will overlook that I actually did/do.... " better than throwing shade at others because people will expect me to take action against them so.. just throw fake shade at myself and end up gaining more believers in me as being the honest not fake one.


r/conspiracy isn't going anywhere. The megathread on r/politics is currently in the Top 10 r/politics posts all time.

After what we saw during the election what can you expect? People will believe anything that validates their chosen narrative.

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I think when it drop the discredit campaign may then be focused against all of Reddit, or similar sites like Voat and Steamit. These are forums of open discussion and that works against the message.

2 days Frontpage #1, desperate times means desperate measures, and reddits form of media is no different than the rest, lie or no lie sides have been chosen and a line drawn in the sand. Paybacks are a way of life for these people and unfortunately everybody is going to be effected, it's going to get ugly moving forwarded during this administration, the opposition is just to powerful.

It certainly reeks of desperation. I'm seeing more and more drastic approaches the closer we get to inauguration.

I think you're right, except that the mods had the foresight to delete the post. I dunno I still have hope for this sub.

I see that, and that is refreshing to see :)

You nailed it perfectly.

Fake News is the new buzzword for MSM. If you don't have corporate sponsors you are untrustworthy. The Countering Propaganda and Misinformation Act is a done deal. This is just a part of the War on the Internet, the War on Free Speech, the War on Dissent.

I was actually BANNED from /r/politics two days ago for pointing out the obvious shilling and MSM lies. Apparently telling the truth over there is RUDE, though I was called a Hillbilly, and asshole, etc. Apparently if you repost clearly erroneous articles from the MSM and scream at the top of your lungs they are true, then you are welcome in /r/politics, but if you questions the narrative, much less the "evidence", then you are banned (and hit with Ad Hominem attacks from all sides LOL).

Strange how /r/has fewer tinfoil hats and more critical analysis than /r/politics.

I haven't even looked at r/politics in over a year. It's pointless. I consider myself a centrist but even topics I agree with over there get flooded with shills. It's disappointing.

I don't like Trump. That said, they are attacking a man who has YET to serve a SINGLE day in office. Any mention of Hillary Clinton's ACTUAL crimes or failures is seen as a affront to decency and humanity. I have no problem with looking at any public figure, especially a politician, with critical analysis and thoughtful critique. That being said when one person is demonized for things he has yet to do, and another (by inference and ommitted comparison) is idolized, something is FRIGHTENINGLY wrong. This is more than a conspiracy FOR Hillary and AGAINST Trump, and looking more and more like a CULT. (Not using that word facetiously either).

Are these attacks being used to obfuscate the Pizzagate poop storm, Obfuscated the DNC's crimes of Fraud against it's rank and file during the campaign, or sincere insanity that has come to light in wake of the overwhelming defeat of the Left in the last election?

I agree with your stance on Trump. I really don't like the guy as a person however I'm hopeful that he isn't completely full of shit. Either way, now that he is elected lets see what he does in his first 100 days.

I was super hopeful for Obama and I gave him the same chance but he dropped the ball pathetically with his handling bailouts and lack of prosecutions.

The longer the assault on Trump continues the more I question the motives. I've never seen anything like this in any politics ever. There absolutely must be a reason certain people do not want him in power, and we are watching real time those peoples attempts to prevent his presidency.

I think that if nothing else, Trump's press conferences will be awesome (He just called Buzzfeed garbage and CNN fake news).

Was that the press conference or is there supposed to be something else later today?

The press conference was today, and CNN tried to shout down Trump with questions and he just Pie Faced them, I was TOO FUNNY. I haven't seen someone torch the media like that since Reagan.

Reagan was never that retarded.

When the article is finally discredited and it's 4chan fakery revealed, fingers will be pointed at r/conspiracy, and the sub will be shit on for falling for such a lark. The credibility of the sub (such as it is) will get killed.

lol. Wait a minute. You think this sub isn’t the laughing stock of much of Reddit already? This sub isn’t going to get “discredited” or killed. It’s already been discredited. It’s just been done by a bunch of people that knowledgeable members in here don’t really give a great deal of respect to anyway.

It’s all good, man. Don’t worry. It’s all about critical thinking and having the proper mind to sift the wheat from the chaff.

There’s always been a shit ton of chaff in this sub, and there will continue to be. Your job as a critical thinker is to be able to, again, sift through it all and find the edible portions.

What is South Korea goddess worship?

Google just took me to porn hub.

The South Korean President is accused of being involved in a goddess cult, and was apparently siphoning off government funds for the cult. It blew up last fall and there was all kinds of protests.

It certainly reeks of desperation. I'm seeing more and more drastic approaches the closer we get to inauguration.

Good questions leads to answers

Our job is to answer the questions the more combative we become with people the less they will ask questions. If the people on this sub get it into their heads that dissenters or people questioning us are the enemy then even if a legit person asking a legit question who may want to join our sub comes along he could be met with the auto hate I've seen on other subs like worldnews or politics and that would be the slow end of this sub

Fuck them if they want to brigade let them we've spent a long time fighting our corner before in the face of everyone tellings us were idiots and marched on asking questions demanding answers and accepting in people to our sub.

Do you think you won't see the B's?

Do you think you can't tear them to shreds in the comments and show how stupid there points are ?

Do we not want to dig up the truth anymore?

Fuck what other people think and fuck their brigades I'm not changing just because someone somewhere is finally taking us seriously. If anything I'm going to keep ploughing on that same course because it's obviously working if they are trying so hard to get to us

(just my opinion. sorry for grammer and spelling) I dont think so. All conspiracy are just that conspiracy. Some have more prof then others. Some are more outrageous then others. However like any thing on the internet there is half truths to most things. Though some times lies get posted here many important truths do as well. The real struggle is determining which ones are true. The funny part it some times its the most outrageous ones that are the most true of all. The best one can do is use logic to determine how much of it is true. In a era of growing fulse information r/conspiracy is important becuse it can make us questions things we take for granted as truths.

The press conference was today, and CNN tried to shout down Trump with questions and he just Pie Faced them, I was TOO FUNNY. I haven't seen someone torch the media like that since Reagan.