You're either a crazy libtard or you're a stupid trump supporter

880  2017-01-11 by russian321

But actually you're not. You're just human. We're all sharing the crazy experience we call life. We're living on the same planet, and dividing ourselves will only destroy us.

Just because you're liberal doesn't make you a pedophile or a Clinton shill. And just because you support Trump doesn't make you a 12 year old.

We're all in this together, and together we can combat against those who try to divide and conquer us. We must unite against those who think they can think for us. We must unite against those who told us to fight each other.


Are Russians also human?

This is all so new to me.

You're retarded

Honay, you are going to be so excited when you learn about the Hobits.

Well said!

As I mentioned in a recent post, absolutely divided partitions are much easier to control. The wider and more pronounced the divide, the better.

And its much easier to report on and hype up, which is ideal for the lazy media.

It's all about narrative. So long as every single news story fits into their established narrative of a population split neatly up by race, class, ideology, etc., they don't have to think critically about anything and their business model of being supported by donors so long as they peddle their agenda can stay in place. They all get to keep their jobs... which is nice, because god knows they couldn't make a profit by telling the truth thanks to the internet.

I don't support Trump, but he's defied their narrative and has questioned things that were supposed to just be accepted as Truth... 9/11, Clinton corruption, climate change, media bias, Obama's birth cert, globalist trade deals, etc. We were never meant to question any of these... we were supposed to laugh at and mock people that brought them up. The people that did bring them up were supposed to be fringe anarchists that were isolated from society...

Now, the doubt is creeping heavily into the mainstream and poisoning their well. Their reaction of outright propagandist strategies (while labeling dissent as "fake news") says a lot about how afraid they are of their utter irrelevance in the modern world.

Yep no conspiracy required - unless you consider laziness and cowardice to be a conspiracy...

Must be indicative of all the use of the word "shill" around here lately. Seems to be quite a few guests and visitors to the subreddit.

i'm certain there are actually shills on this board, not in the insult way, but literally disinformation posters with a collective agenda

Anyone who doubts that whatever it may be COULD have shills might as well just go now.

If it's a position, someone's going to defend it, and if there's $ or power, there will be agenda play.

divident, et vincet

Completely disagree. The reason you think this is because the Overton window has shifted so fucking far to the right that you actually think Neoliberals like Obama are left wing.

Well, the ruling class still likes to divide people along racial lines. Or any sort of wedge they can create to suppress class consciousness.

It's really hard to be a liberal these days.

I look at the entire dirty bird rather than focus on the wings like they are independent of each other. The whole building, not the window with the arrows pointing to it. Your obnoxious assessment the mechanics of my thinking is absurd.

What does that have to do with anything or have anything to do with the post? You can call Obama a neoliberal all day long if you want (and I'm not saying I disagree) right/wrong or indifferent. You can be a liberal and have voted for the Democratic party including Hillary or Obama and not exactly line up with their ideals.

We are all just voting for our approximation of what closely relates to our belief system.

This has nothing to do with how both sides attempt to paint each other as extremists widening the gap where we may come together to actually accomplish anything.

You seem to forget that the party behind Trump is mostly a party of neoliberals. Plus, his tax policy is neoliberal (gross economic inequality). If Trump somehow manages to end global trade (first in world history), then he can prove me wrong. Until then, his cabinet choices (corporate on roids) and the people backing him don't help the perspective that Trump is against the establishment.

The real establishment in American society is the corporate 1%, and Trump is apart of it. Plus he supports the Patriot Act, so your the fight for your conspiracies isn't going to get better.

Truth! All we need is the truth and energy that is within us all. Let's move away from letting these false idols shape our existence. I am you and you are me, and we don't need a single politician to hold our hands through this journey

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together!

Majority of people don't think this way which is why you need a politician to "hold our hands." That's the blunt, harsh reality of it all.

So long as you convince yourself (and others) of that, it will be (incorrectly) true.

So you'd say the minority of people don't think this way or a very small number of people don't think this way? You will always have people who try to take advantage of others, it's human nature, we're imperfect beings.

or not american and just laugh bout this ...

You'll still get stupidly labeled as one of these eventually on the Internet, which was the point.

except there's nothing funny about it ... more like facepalm funny

"Everybody's wrong, when nobody's right."

I voted 3rd party so I could preserve my right to bitch up a storm over either "candidate"

"Go ahead, throw your vote away!" -kodos

My state was going to swing blue regardless. I threw my vote away for Bernie in the primary and 3rd party in the election, but at least my fuckin conscience is clear....

at least my fuckin conscience is clear...

Anyone remember the SNL skit with Will Ferrel as Janet Reno. I think she had joined a fight club or something... I'd love to see that again. (Yes, I've searched.) He says roughly the same thing as I quoted from your reply.

Awesome, thanks.

"But why does my conscience feel so clean?"

That's the line! I have had trouble finding a snip of that video on the tubes.

... just saw redditreditard's post... :)

My conscience is clear, I wrote bernie in. gotta feel bad for anyone that wanted to but gave into pressure to vote hillary in the end only to have her lose embarrassingly. That would f' up my conscience.

vote you're beliefs, or live your lies..

"Not voting for X is a vote for Y" "You are a Russian fool for not voting X" "But can't you see that X is the lesser of the two evils?"

Like South Carolina was going anyway except red?

Anyone voting otherwise is supporting the status quo.

2 major purpose for this Hillary vs Trump war:

  • So you can no longer criticize either as criticizing anyone of them will mark you as the other side.
  • To divide america and make the NWO easier to conquer over the masses.

Division > Revolution > Collapse > War > Purges >Dictatorship; Modus operandi of the NWO.

:thinking: hmm

Nwo? New world order?


Most obviously.

They got impatient and are just going to do it all at once to save time.

Logic. Is wasted on the mute.

Yep, and while we're at it, can we stop acting like we know everything for sure? So many people are so sure of themselves on both sides, it leads to shitty discourse. Anyone who takes a step back and says to themselves "I don't know" is a lot more valuable in my eyes.

I am so glad someone finally said this I didnt know how to say it until this thank you.

Right on. Its ok to not know everything. And also, you can believe in a core idea of the right, and maybe have a few things the left does that appeal to you. There is nothing wrong with that. The world is not black and white yet we all out ourselves in these categories and act like we can't go outside of them.

Just because you're liberal doesn't make you a pedophile or a Clinton shill.

But it does make you a pedophile shill.

Omg shut the fuck up. Stop ruining this sub

Do you even go here?

I'm just here to bring this shit down and find out what they know about zero-point energy so I dont have to live the rest of my life a slave.


What's the opposite of a Russian shill?

Kentucky Straight Bourbon?

You're probably a stupid Trump supporter if you believe OP.

I'm not. Are you code or flesh?

I think Trump supporters are more open minded about needing to unite with liberals against the NWO. I don't think liberals are very anti-NWO at all, they have been ushering it in the last 8 years while making pleasant with Obama and the current administration. All I see is leftists hating on Trump when he has a lot of the answers.

anyonebuthillary2016 yay hillary didnt won! is all I was rooting for.

fuck trump for that matter, he lied like all previous POTUS just to be elected, hillary still roaming free, no walls is being built, FED still not audit, the black budget still standing, nothing is moving like he said it would. To me looks like he has no power at all, his tweets has more power...

He's not president yet?

shows over. goldman sachs cabinet.

FED still not audit,

Randy P. introduced that but Congress still needs to vote on it.

Anyone downvoting this is either a troll or a shill who don't want people to come together. 25% trolls and shills. Yeah that seem about right to me.

Not that I do disagree but thanks redditor for 17 days.

It's just weird seeing so many accounts in this sub lately that are under a month old.

I regularly delete my account and make a new one, like every few months. I dont like having long comment histories that could someday be traced to me so I switch it up.

Maybe other people do that too?

This account is a few days old but Ive been on reddit since like 2008

That's a good idea, I think I'm gonna do that.

i do it often. godspeed, future shill

I do similar, nowhere near as frequent but whenever a reply to me that seems to call out certain specifics about me from my post history, but I don't delete the account, usually just leave it dormant with intentions of deleting my post history that never actually happens, and I have separate accounts for certain things, like this is my work account, I started it with this job that's why it's under 2 years old.

Exactly. The billionaires want it that way.

Hopefully we're on the same page with this, hopefully you mean the elite of the elite and not just the wealthy.


So there are good billionaires? Oh good please tell me who the good wealthy people are so I can believe everything they say.

Being a bit dramatic and far-reaching here, aren't we now? My point was, demonizing all billionaires as evil is harsh, foolish, and downright unreasonable. There's only a handful of evil ones that have direct control of the populations.

Why is anyone playing politics in a conspiracy forum? If you staunchly support either party to the point at which you're constanly posting about them then you immediately arouse my suspicion. 99% of our political leaders are not our friends and are not on our side. What have they done to so earn your loyalty and trust?

Amen. I'm post-progressive. I want to hear from the post-conservatives. The post-liberals. The post-libertarians. The post-communists and post-fascists (hahaha, does that even happen?).

How did you realize your favorite political ideologies are a facade for power and corruption?

What do you think out would take to show other 'true believers' the rules of the game they don't realize they're playing?

I'm current libertarian. I don't see how libertarianism can be a facade for power and corruption.

Hopefully somebody else can expand more on this, as I'm no expert, but Libertarianism seeks to eliminate government and instead place society into the hands of private entities. And we've seen how power hungry these private entities are in our world today, imagine if their was no limit to their expansion.

So no matter what our ideology, other people will be in charge and because people are naturally corruptible with power no ideology will ever work right because of the human element?

I think it's funny that the "alt-right" or whatever you want to call it likes to blame the government for being corrupt and wants them to have less power. The liberals like to blame corporations for being corrupt and want them to have less power by giving the government more power. In reality people are corrupt and whatever people run will be subject for abuse. The only real way to combat this is a system of actual working checks and balances because people can never be trusted to much power.

a system of actual working checks and balances

Like... a government with working regulatory agencies?

I seriously dont understand why Libertarians want to throw a wrench in every part of government and then claim that government never works.

Go ahead, abolish the FDA. Im sure Kraft and Pfizer only have your best interests in mind because thats how free market works, right?

I don't see why you think government isn't corruptible by the same forces that corporations are. Anywhere there is a potential for power and people are involved there will be corruption. This is what laws are for. In order for laws to work everyone must follow them including the government. Why do we need 3 letter agencies that have the power to grant themselves more power? You don't think there are other ways of keeping things in check? What about the DEA? You think we need an agency that has the power to classify what is and what isn't legal for you to put in your mouth while simultaneously making profit from civil forfeiture for these very same substances?

The original government had checks an balances. Now we have rogue agencies seeking their own power without much check. Hell just think what the CIA is capable of. You think the people in power in government positions have some sort of moral superiority or what?

The DEA never scheduled drugs, they just enforce the drugs that Congress tells them to make illegal. And congress is voted for every few years by the people.

Believe it or not but for the last ~50 or so years it has been the will of the American people to make those drugs illegal and they kept voting for representatives to keep it that way.

So right of the bat I can see that you dont even know how our government works.

The DEA can schedule drugs

So go on with the ad hominem attacks.

Actually thats not true either if you wanna be specific. The DEA can petition the department of Health and Human Services to re-examine a substance and make a recommendation to reschedule it, but thats not unique to the DEA. Companies or even citizens can submit these petitions.

If the DEA feels a substance should be reclassified, the agency can request a scientific and medical evaluation from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to determine if there are safe medical uses for the drug in question. Anyone from a drug company to a local government or even an individual citizen can also petition for review of a drug.

Whatever conclusion HHS determines "shall be binding on the attorney general as to such scientific and medical matters," according to the law. That means the DEA cannot change the classification of a drug unless HHS says there are medical uses and it’s safe for consumption.

I just know that the DEA has the power of emergency scheduling because I almost watched them do it with Kratom before there was so much outrage they retracted. They may have petitioned the department of HHS and if that is true I would say the HHS goes along with whatever the DEA petitions. Is there any instances you know of where the DEA petitioned the HHS and their recommendation was denied? It seems that is more of a formality than a check.

How is it a formality? The HHS runs safety tests through the FDA. Im not defending our drug scheduling since it is pretty arbitrary, but thats because those drugs were scheduled by act of congress in the 1970's under Nixon before testing and science was necessary.

The corporations are the force corrupting the government, though.

The problem has always been that what is good for a corporations bottom line: underpaid employees, no benefits, no taxes, no regulations, is almost unanimously BAD for the people as a whole.

Corporations have reached such monolithic status because they've successfully infiltrated and corrupted the government to their whim. A completely dismanted government won't help competition and capitalism, it'll just further enpower the oligopolies that already own the major industries.

You think the government is bad for you because it was invaded long ago by corporate interests that created bills to give themselves massive taxpayer subsidies and loopholes to avoid taxes, then the government is forced to overtax the little guy to make up the deficit.

If you look into the history of many 3 letter agencies, you'll see they're part of the Deep State. The Deep State was created by the corporate elite: Rockefeller, Bush, etc. to serve the ruling elite while operating under a quasi-governmental moniker to shield them from scrutiny.

Pretty much. There is no real winner when human error and choice comes in to play.

Human greed*

I would venture a guess that it's because the word "libertarian" has, to a great extent, been co-opted by a lot of special interest groups that really aren't and tend to be a little more-than-average vociferous about it. But that is just a guess. (Also, notwithstanding all the guidelines to the contrary, the apparently overwhelming majority of Redditors treat the downvote button as a "dislike" button. I hate it when people don't explain why, too, but don't take it too personally.)

I don't take it personally typically but in /r/conspiracy I at least expect some discussion.

Compile a blind list of policies and positions over their terms and try to guess if they're D or R. Many today would be surprised how few of their supposed ideological positions are contradicted by pols on both sides.

Guns(y) abortion(complicated) clean energy(y) bombing brown people for oil(n) universal healthcare(y) welfare(y) Public works projects(y) spying on citizens(n) financial regulations(y) isreal(2 state) immigration(stop fucking bombing every god damn country in the Middle East and maybe we won't have so many fucking people fleeing, you know, from OUR bombs) Voting rights(ID) paper ballots(y) money in politics(n) congressional term limits(y) public office salary the same as the average salary of their constituents(y)I just made that up but I think I have something there)

What does that make me?

Interesting take. I was talking about listing the politicians positions and trying to ID their party.

A human with no need of stupid partisan labels, like most people actually are?

if someone is a post libertarian they are likely ancap

Seriously, I can't believe so many self-professed conspiracy theorists are latching on to a politician like that person is their savior. Disturbing

I don't think they are latching on like he is there savior but more like hey maybe this guy will be good for us for once. Just being cynical that will probably prove to be the case but you have to agree that this election and things surrounding it are definitely out of the ordinary. It seems the right people are getting nervous. I may be wrong but this is the first time I have had a glimmer of hope as at the very least it seems some people are starting to wake up and ask questions.

I'm with you. I don't think it's justified to bash trump for being corrupt especially before he's even in office when the MSM is obviously continuously colluding to delegitimize his presidency. And are we just going to start agreeing with the MSM now? I think it's a safe bet to fight the msm and whatever they say because of how incredibly corrupt they are proven to be.

Did you bash Clinton for being corrupt?

She was not the president, did you bash her corruption while she wasn't even in office?

I don't like defending her, but come on dude.

As for the "MSM" , it's either all fake or none is, OR it's not so cut and dry after all.

I mean sorry, but I was in high school when she was in office, so I didn't pay much attention. In the last year, wikileaks grabbed my attention. I read about all of the corruption that was being revealed without any consequences. Her entire foundation is shady as hell, have you seen Clinton cash? It should be obvious to anyone how blatantly corrupt that organization is.

I don't understand your last statement

You just said it was not justified to bash the corruption of trump because he wasn't in office. You took no issues with using clintons' past in different offices as solid proof of her corruption, but will no look at trumps past the same way?

My point on the MSM is that many people nowadays have taken their skepticism TOO far, and literally only think the stories they agree with are not fake news. MSM's lines are blurred more and more in our modern era. Many people confuse FAKE CNN, etc sites, which are fairly easily run and manipulated, compared to a massive corporation, with bad reporting and call both fake news.

The truth is, the media is full of both truth, snippets of, bold lies and agenda pushing. Disinformation and misdirection abound everywhere, and alt media needs EXTRA scrunity.

That's the good thing about MSM, you can verify CNN, and they MUST use some caution with reporting, as there are laws. Fly by night website will never be brought to court like nbc would. They can say ANYTHING. CNN cannot.

The statement that Either everything MSM claims is an absolute lie, or it's all verified and fact is NOT reality. You shouldn't disregard information soley on bias against the platform. Be wary, yes, question, please. But don't put your head in the sand or only listen to one outlet.There's disinfo everywhere.

Think for yourself, question authority.

Enlighten me on how trumps "Russian ties" are anywhere near the level of corruption seen in the Clinton foundation.

I'm not making a comment on the MSMs reporting necessarily but rather their attitude and agenda. The CIA is blatantly connected to he Washington post and NYT. The CIA is what everyone on this sub knows not to trust. The CIA is in bed with many media organizations and wikileaks proved that the Clinton campaign, and likely the foundation as a whole are even further in bed with the MSM. They all have an agenda. There is no free reporting when it comes to the MSM, I don't think anyone should allow anything they say to influence their opinions.

That being said, I don't think alt right media is in any way trust worthy either. It takes critical thinking and constant skepticism to try to see the bigger picture. But it's important to recognize an agenda and see their potential motives. The establishments motives are to maintain power in order to create a one world government. That's pretty obvious. Trump's (and I'll just entertain the Russian motive too) are to challenge the current standing powers. The current powers are known to be corrupt and diabolical. If the worst theorized about them is true, it would be hard for trump and Putin to be worse.

I think there is a significant amount of evidence at this time to suggest that, at this time, trump can be considered a potential "outsider" and a challenge to the MSM based on their constant conflict.

If trump is part of it and this was all planned and it's going accordingly, cudos to them for creating this massive facade, but fortunately there's more evidence suggesting otherwise.

Did I ONCE mention Russia? I was simply speaking of his business history.

as FOR Russia, my own belief is , more or less, that someone handed off some $ and said shill for trump. Some of these parties may have been Russian. Maybe they were involved in leaks, etc, you have to admit the thing with wiki leaks going over to the Russians and never dropping their dirt on them is odd. I diverge there though.

Near the level of? I'm not the one handing out free passes here.

Trump may be an outsider, but that doesn't mean he's good.

He might hate the MSM, but will use his OWN propaganda and lies.

Okay how are his business practices even comparable to the international Clinton cabal? I'm not saying trump is good, if he was, he would denounce the Russian narrative and focus on the content of the leaks. That would be logical, but he's obviously playing his own game. His own "propaganda" is tweeting. And when he lies, we can obviously count on it being covered. He will be held accountable for whatever he does, and I'm thankful for that. Hillary would have been overly praised for her devious acts just like Obama.

"And when he lies, we can obviously count on it being covered. He will be held accountable for whatever he does, and I'm thankful for that."

By your own admission, you'd just call it fake news.

Holy fuck, if the CIA wants to provide any fucking proof of anything, I'd be happy to entertain any ideas they try to impose on the public.

I don't know man... my boyfriend is a pretty die hard Trump supporter. Almost anything that I've said to my bf, criticizing The Donald or simply stating the reasons of why I don't really like him as a figurehead, have been reciprocated with an almost 'holier than thou' attitude from my bf.

It really is as if my bf thinks Trump can do no wrong, even if he won't admit that openly.

He has even jokingly called him "Emperor Trump" and acted like he was a god, and I had to shut that shit down real quick. Trump is not someone I would want to see as an emperor and I think that jokes like these (on a massive scale) have the ability to accelerate certain types of realities.

But to be fair, I do see that the establishment is freaking the fuck out right now, which is why I can't make up my mind about Trump. I kind of think he's a shit sandwich, and that he will definitely be changing the political menu...

I just don't know if it will be a change for the better or worse.

I'm with you. I know he's a shit sandwich but he might do some good. Sure there are the people that will pretend Trump is infallible but there are people like that behind every person of power. My point was there are some people that are just hoping that Trump can mix some things up a bit and maybe get the government to stop destroying it's own country. I'm not saying he will but I am still hopeful.

The only good Donald Trump could do would be ensuring that no one like Donald Trump ever becomes the President ever again.


Curious how you'd feel if your guy was posting online how you did something and he "shut that shit down real quick."

Lol, there have been times when he has shut me down.

You have little to no actual insight on our relationship and don't know how we operate.

well trump was on alex jones and said 9/11 was fishy, maybe it's just that conspiracy theorists are drawn to that? maybe? no it was probably the russians

Seriously, I can't believe so many self-professed conspiracy theorists are latching on to a politician like that person is their savior. Disturbing

Most of us aren't. For once, we have someone who isn't an establishment elitist in office, and he might do some good, but that doesn't mean he's not fair game for criticism if he screws us over or sells out. He's no Thomas Jefferson and I was very skeptical at first, because of his ties to the Clinton family and possible Bilderburg connection. That might prove to be something; maybe he's controlled opposition, but maybe he's woke AF and legitimately trying to help us fight the globalists. We'll just have to wait and see what he does once he takes office.

Prior to running for POTUS he was a mixed bag, said some things that made him sound like he was "on our side", like questioning the official 9/11 story, but some things that made him sound like he definitely wasn't ("Bill Clinton was the best President of the past x years", Obamacare works, conflicting stances on the War in Iraq, etc.).

I think the litmus test will be to see whether or not he goes after the Federal Reserve and the UN in his first 4 years. If not, then either he's a globalist who's saying the right things to get into office or he's not quite as woke as we thought.

Trump is really focused on the economic state of the US. When family or friends have referenced Bill Clinton's presidency to me, they've talked about the economic standing of the US when his presidency was over, which I hear was pretty good.

Maybe this is what Trump is focused on when he says Bill Clinton was the best president of a certain time frame?

They came with the election wave, plain and simple.

Because /r/conspiracy is run by Trump supporters. There is no objectiveness left in this subreddit.

Nonsense, this sub has hit trump too.

Mods deleted yesterday's thread outlining the conspiracy of Russia's blackmail on Trump. This is Putin's MO and was presented by a republican to Comey. The removal of this thread shreds any last doubt. /r/conspiracy has become an ecochamber for failing to identify the obvious conpiracy against itself.

check out the profiles/post history of any user who categorically calls this fake news or 'proven fake'. their account is less than a year old, they post almost exclusively here, the donald, and in other russia/hillary/trump posts. really interesting, reddit is a battleground and r/conspiracy seems to be a weapon

i love the low standard of evidence you have for this nonsense and the ludicrous standard for shit that actually is real like pizzagate...

real like pizzagate

LOLOL love it!

lol little kids are being tortured by occult pedophiles and you are being a dumbass, honestly I hate it.

It did not get deleted. It got tagged.

just buried


Mods deleted yesterday's thread outlining the conspiracy of Russia's blackmail on Trump. This is Putin's MO and was presented by a republican to Comey.

good, 99% subreddits shit on trump constantly. also trump supported quite a few conspiracy theories, maybe that is something you should take into account as well

The inevitable outcome when the, supposedly, neutral politics subreddit turned into an echo chamber. Just after millions were announced to be spent on correcting users on social media sites.

The people that came here didn't was the other side of the echo chamber either (td). I think that most people here just don't want to give the democrats the benefit of the doubt for a while at least; Not after what they did this election. Which is why this place looks the way it does.

Where can you even go to get objective opinions? Throw trump or Clinton into the title, you're going to get brigade regardless here.

I will add the media like BuzzFeed to this list.

If conspiracy is water, politics is oil.

Why is anyone playing politics in a conspiracy forum?

Because the CIA is playing politics. They're the ones supplying information without information. They're the only thing that gives this story "credibility".

When questioning the CIA becomes "political" -- that's a red flag. It's like being in Nazi Germany.

Why is anyone playing politics in a conspiracy forum?

shills and/or idiots

While we criticize the politicians, our eyes aren't on the puppeteers.

Libtard reporting in!

the farther left the closer to truth

Not always. There is truth across ideologies. More than one truth for the same idea even.

Liberals have hijacked the original term. Modern liberals are NOT liberals per the definition. Liberalism is about FREEDOM, which goes directly against supposed liberals attempts at silencing people and removing liberties.

Any true liberal would allow full free speech, would allow consumption of drugs (at least those that are proven to be harmless), etc.

I used to consider myself a liberal and in the true meaning of the word, I still do, but I'm absolutely disgusted by the fact that the term has been stolen to now mean the almost complete opposite.

I don't know what's true or not, but it seems it's about diving people, doesn't matter what about, Republican vs Democrats, coke vs Pepsi, Apple vs Samsung, as long as the people are divided.

Everything has a duality for some reason. Even things that need no controversy, like soft drinks.

Cause everyone has their own idea of right and wrong. E.g., the right way to do it is Google; the wrong way is Apple. There's other phone/whatever technology developers, but those two are the leading, just like Democrat and Republican. But the media does egg on the dual thing because it's the easiest way to divide, right down the middle rather than 1/3, 1/4, etc.

It rises from the identification of being a separate self, this way the duality of inside and outside, self and the world appears and gives rise to the rest of duality.

Coke vs Diet Coke

Illusory choices...

I'm actually a lizard person but I appreciate the sentiment

Lizmans? Huzards?

I'm a stupid Trump supporter after he shut down that CNN, rude piece of trash, fake news creator.


I have been shocked 'many a times' when I discuss politics with a hard right or left friend/acquaintance - and see how much middle ground there is (and would greatly benefit us all, if pursued). AND than it is a single issue that undoes everything i.e. abortion, etc.

Social Media has this effect of people defending themselves to the bitter end in order to "even the score". Once you take a position it is now forever and always, even if some new information is brought to light that would normally change your mind you are more apt to defend your words rather than accept new info.

This is the post this sub is about, unlike the "NO Russia didn't do anything" post above this.

Both sides have let misinformation and propaganda destroy their objectivity. They have us in the perfect state proposed by the CIA. And while we waste time arguing amongst ourselves, they can just fuck us any way they see fit.

Not really though... cause both "sides" are asking people to back up their opinions with cold hard facts... then those people go to find those facts... and in a roundabout way everyone is starting to fact check their own personal beliefs... and only those with the most close minded cognitive biases are coming out it the same as they went in. In this batter of "sides" a lot of people are starting to learn that neither side is 100% correct... and we all move closer to the center... closer to the truth... closer to all agreeing.

It hurts a lot now... intellectual growing pains... but in this war of information there really won't be any losers... as long as people are open to change their opinions and admit they might have been wrong.

The biggest problem we have now is the conviction that certain things we have been discussing are absolutely true or absolutely false. And what we really have is no substantive information either way on any of it. But, we are arguing the points, and/or attacking one another, like there is certainty.

I agree it's painful.

It is an experience that helps us grow as people... people are literally learning to learn again... Teaching themselves how to teach themselves. This wasn't a huge problem before... the system was designed to keep everyone in the dark so they had no choice but to agree with the established narrative or labeled a nutcase...

It's the wild wild west now in people's minds... a shootout between their own beliefs... I had to apologize to plenty of people in the last few months because I had long held beliefs backed up by "science" and never realized that "science" isn't always reliable... It started when they told me there were only 8 planets after there had been 9 for so long... I'm sure people felt the same way when suddenly someone claimed there was more than just Earth out there.

You're good people man. I am drawn to conspiracy stuff because I like to explore ideas. Too often, we come across people who are trying to project ideas here. I welcome a fellow explorer.

That's what I like about this sub... it is just free thought running wild and free... unrestrained by the boundaries of what we've been taught in school. Nothing is off bounds... no one is pummeled into submission because their theory "isn't true"... One big party of people saying "What if...?" and expanding on the ideas... fact to support... facts to detract... bunking... debunking... but in the end what it boils down to is... people are thinking... actual honest to God thought! In this day and age... it is beautiful.


Honestly, I believe MSN is 90% resposible for this.

I love you man, well said, but what's up with the Russian321 name and the account being only 19 days old? I don't get how a post like this would be shilly at all since it's very "come together" which I wholeheartedly support but everything else throws me. This whole fucking mess has me distrusting and questioning everything, which isn't a bad thing but I'm a guy that likes certainty in his life.

Maybe he is a Russian "shill" that simply opposes the US shadow government's geopolitical and domestic goals to divide and enslave us.

Or maybe he's a CIA "shill" that opposes Russia's geopolitical goals to divide and dominate us, this shit works both ways depends on which narrative you're accepting.

I'd like to think there is nothing wrong with OP and this was genuinely a heartfelt attempt to unite a what has become a pretty divided sub, but I had to at least ask.

I definitely believe that op's post is genuine, and definitely needed. Despite which side of the narrative you align with, the truth is that the Parasites That Be are trying to divide and conquer this subreddit by manipulating the narrative (Which proves that we're on to something), and we need to stand united in one goal to critically analyze those who control us.

I'd like to believe we can be united but these days even in this sub we're so divided and so invested in being right or seeing our own sides win that the objectivity has been completely lost, we need to overcome that and start focusing on the content and verification of things before the shitposters show up and continue to make this sub a shitshow for the rest of us.

This!!!! We need to answet like this every time people try to divide us and label us. Deny labels, deny being forced into a box defined by others. It isn't foot ball teams where you are a Cowboys fan and must hate Redskins fans. This is life and real people and issues that effect the future happiness, well being and liberty of our children as well as ourselves.

If you label me you negate me.

No room for neutrality anymore.

Its the "if you're not with us you're against mentality".

People are so used to a broken system that they just want it to be broken in their favor rather than fixing it for everyone.

Absolutely. But how can I empathize with liberals when the basis of their platform is decrying the evils of white males, despite myself and everyone I know not basking in "privilege", but instead struggling to make ends meet.

You and I are in the same boat but on opposite sides of the aisle. I'd like to get on board with some Republican policies but I feel like I'd have to hate the poor and minorities first. I simply just don't have that in me.

The issues on both sides are so poorly framed and couched in inflammatory rhetoric that it's really hard to even hold the conversation.

Shit, I used to lean liberal before the war on whites because they shared my hatred for corporate banking oligarchy.

I hear you man. It sucks when any one group gets demonized. Now that I have family that is African and Hispanic, I hear it from all sides. Everyone is getting attacked from somewhere now.

The smartest thing I heard on Election Day was to try to shift from thinking about issues as right or left to top or bottom. As in how does policy effect those above or below the median income lines.

I'd love it if we could start identifying policies that way. Nobody can explain to me adequately why a strong middle class shouldn't be the center of all policy debate.

Economically, I'm not below the line anymore but mentally and emotionally I still identify that way and I want opportunities for people like me, who came from not much, to have the chance to progress.

I hate that this sub has become you're either a CTR shill or a Russian shill.

I hate that the mods have made this sub so political.

I hope that threads like this, the mk ultra, and other non partisan stuff start around.

Hulimilty people. Let me just quote the great u/PleiadianBigfoot

One of the key elements of research is humility. It's realizing that every piece of information you digest is second hand information. Unless you happen to be there and witness it for yourself, you never have 100% proof it went down the way you see it in the news. Every day I read dozens upon dozens of articles. And every day I try to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I read it all: mainstream, foreign press, alternative, conspiracy, fringe, govt documents, etc. and the more I learn the more questions I have. I've been researching for 30 years. And in thirty years I have never seen society so split on what truth is. Every group is in firm belief the other groups are misinformed sheep. I learned a long time ago not to share information in a declarative fashion. I share what I learn in an inquisitive fashion. Because what I'm sharing may or may not be true. And therein lies the wisdom. We don't know. We may pile up more evidence in one area or another, and start to see a consensus forming, but how much do we really know? My advice to anyone new on the path of studying current events or conspiracy or anything for that matter is to be as objective and detached and as neutral as possible. Never instantly accept what you see, and never instantly reject it either. Cross reference as much as you can. Let it float around your head. Don't turn it into a belief system. Always let the information you digest be malleable, so you can add to it and shape it and let it grow naturally. Allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole without effort. People have a tendency to cherry pick information to bend to a belief system they have already created for themselves. Then they justify their belief system with said information. It's better to just digest the info without any emotional or personal attachment. That's not easy of course. But you see the results everyday on comment sections of how reactionary people can be. Most people do not respond. They react. It's an emotional reaction. They then proceed to tell you what went on where and how such and such went down and suddenly they are all master sociologists who call you names because they don't agree with you. And now it's reached a point where we may actually have our alternative media shut off, according to this latest news of congress passing a bill to censor alternative news. We are on a very slippery slope. Not only is critical thinking and a wise approach to research not being encouraged, it is being legally threatened. We have an establishment which historically controlled what people learned, and then along comes the Internet, with peer to peer knowledge, and an entire new world sprang forth. And this world is a massive threat to the status quo. So please, whether you have researched only a few months, or are a veteran doing it for decades, always keep in mind that research means nothing without humility. Don't bother getting into pissing contests with strangers family or friends over who is right or wrong. Just plant your seeds. They will grow. The paradigm can only shift one person at a time.

Do you have a link to the original post, by any chance?

All his post are deleted but here is the rest of the thread.

Clearly, I missed a memo. Thanks.

Well said. Every Russian I've known has been smart, fun and hard working. I've had a few trust issues with one but don't let that color my perceptions as a whole.

Except elites they aren't people

I'm not subbed here and I don't really believe in conspiracy theories, but just came to check out the sub and this is the kind of message I love to hear. We need more of this.

Lol just a bunch of hippy bullshit. Humans will never ever work together like you hippies want. I'm not saying I don't want that too happen but the natural state of nature is war. You think when you look at a forest you see a nice peaceful scene of plants and animals working together. Me I see a war zone of plants competing against each other for light and nutrients. The trees at the top don't care about the shrubs at the bottom. As soon as you are nice and try to work together with those around you someone will come and take advantage of that.

This is just one way of looking at things. Scholars still disagree wildly about this kind of stuff. I am ambivalent, but look at chimpanzees vs. bonobos. Chimps are warlike murderous savage cannibals and bonobos are peaceful hippies who like to fuck constantly. They are almost genetically identical but evolved in slightly different areas. Maybe neither mode is right or inevitable. It's a complicated world.

Problem is if they shared the same resources the chimps would outcompete the bonobos every time. That's the problem with nature it favors the bully. If you are peaceful for too long then the bullies will start taking over. You're seeing that in Europe right now.

I see what you're saying and you might be right, but I still think it's a bit of an oversimplification of nature, that's all.

The argument is invalid, as the only reason the bullies win is because there are bullies. It doesn't make sense in, if there were no bullies the bullies wouldn't automatically win, as they don't exist anymore.

Even then, just because we unite as a species doesn't mean we still don't have things to fight or they to be stronger than.

Spot on

Well said. Politics has become a sporting event. It's very binary; if you're not this, you must be that. If you're not on my team, you're an idiot. This is obviously wrong. I support bringing jobs back to our country. I believe we should be cleaning up the environment. I hate wars. People can marry who they want. Weed should be legalized. Our infrastructure needs help. I think education and Healthcare are top priorities. There's no candidate that stands for all these things. The 2 choices we had only supported some of these issues. If Hillary won, I bet we'd still be having the same conversation.

I'm starting to think this was all planned and we all got trolled by the powers at the top. Give the people 2 weak candidates and let the people fight over it; ultimately creating more divide which keeps the public powerless.

I still can't tell if Hillary supporters are mad because SHE lost or because THEY found themselves on the losing side. Many of her young voters don't know what that is. They're probably still waiting for their "participation" trophy.

There's a pretty big group of people still mad that she was forced down their throats by the DNC out there too.

Ahh, the Bernie people. They're probably the maddest of all. They lost TWICE!

I'm not mad. Even if Trump only lasts a week in office, he ended the Bush and Clinton dynasties forever. For that I salute him. He also potentially ended the center right shift in the Democratic Party. That would also be a great outcome.

I'm glad to hear you're not mad. For the people on the left, it's time to get over it and get back to their lives. To the people on the right, it's time to quit "high fiving" and get back to their's too.

I'm 63, a retired teamster. As I've told many will be amazed at what little impact Donald Trump or any other president (Democrat or Republican) will have on your life.

You're still going to get up and go to work. You're still going to go out to dinner, go to the movies, watch your favorite TV shows, etc.

I saw this morning where some pissed off Hillary supporter has started a campaign to boycott L.L.Bean because the "company" donated $50,000 to Trump's super-pac campaign fund without even considering the people that work there, many of which may have even voted for Hillary. They're willing to put people out of work for their childish revenge.

The Democrats want this division to continue and the media helps them by continuing to stir the pot. I think the media is mad because they were made to look like fools. Did you see the magazines that were on the newsstands the night of the election with Hillary's picture on the cover saying, "Madam President"? They looked like idiots having to go out and pull all those magazines.

Every president ever elected is a crap shoot. What they say they're going to do and what they're actuall able to accomplish are often two different things.

Donald Trump won for two reasons. People are tired of the same old politicians and wanted to see what a business minded person could do, and it's not that they didn't want a woman president...they just didn't want THAT woman.

It is what it is, let's see what he can do for America. In the meantime, people need to relax, put it behind them, and just start enjoying their lives again.

People are easier to control when they are divided. Ever since the death of JFK the government has solidified it "divide and conquer to keep the people at bay" tactics. no one seems to realize it no one wants to realize it. The people haven't been in control of the country for the longest time. it started with Dodge v. Ford Motor Co and it still going now... GG people you're not playing the game you're playing yourselves.

It goes back much further.There have been infiltrating interests in existence since long before the North American continent was conquered. The Articles of Confederation were born of this fear. Then the powerful retaliated with the US constitution.

"All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." - John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson (25 August 1787) The Works of John Adams

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." - The Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

When questioned why Parliament had lost respect among the people of the Colonies, he answered: "To a concurrence of causes: the restraints lately laid on their trade, by which the bringing of foreign gold and silver into the Colonies was prevented; the prohibition of making paper money among themselves, and then demanding a new and heavy tax by stamps; taking away, at the same time, trials by juries, and refusing to receive and hear their humble petitions". - Benjamin Franklin, made during his examination by the British Parliament in February 1766, published in "The Examination of Benjamin Franklin" in The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803‎ (1813)

“I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” - Thomas Jefferson, a letter written to John Taylor on May 28, 1816

"I hope that we may find some means in future, of shielding ourselves from foreign influence, political, commercial, or in whatever form it may be attempted. I can scarcely withhold myself from joining in the wish of Silas Deane - that there were an ocean of fire between this and the old world." - Thomas Jefferson, quote from The Crisis! An Appeal to Our Countrymen, on the Subject of Foreign Influence in the United States! (published 1844)

“It is maintained by some that the bank is a means of executing the constitutional power "to coin money and regulate the value thereof." Congress have established a mint to coin money and passed laws to regulate the value thereof. The money so coined, with its value so regulated, and such foreign coins as Congress may adopt are the only currency known to the Constitution. But if they have other power to regulate the currency, it was conferred to be exercised by themselves, and not to be transferred to a corporation. If the bank be established for that purpose, with a charter unalterable without its consent, Congress have parted with their power for a term of years, during which the Constitution is a dead letter. It is neither necessary nor proper to transfer its legislative power to such a bank, and therefore unconstitutional.” - Andrew Jackson, veto message regarding the Bank of the United States(1832)

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” - John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832) and U.S. Senator, from a speech given on May 27, 1836

”A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.” ”We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” - Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President, The New Freedom (1913), pages 185 and 201

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President, letter to Col. Edward Mandell House (21 November 1933); as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1928-1945, edited by Elliott Roosevelt (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950), pg. 373.

“If you are awaiting a finding of ‘clear and present danger,’ then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” - John F Kennedy, 35th US President, speech delivered on April 27, 1961

"Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower's IOU." - Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Friedman, David H. (1977). I Bet You Thought.... p. 19. OCLC 5356154.

"The 12 regional reserve banks aren't government institutions, but corporations nominally 'owned' by member commercial banks." - Federal Reserve Bank of New York, I Bet You Thought... (1977), p. 27

"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton [Friedman] and Anna [Schwartz]: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again." - Ben Bernanke, "Remarks on Milton Friedman's Ninetieth Birthday" (8 November 2002).

its crazy that no one sees this!

They think human rights and taking care of people is this crazy complicated things. It isn't! it is a very straight forward thing!

This doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me! Well maybe it is actually

It's funny though because this is exactly what "they" would want. Maintaining the status quo by pitting the people against themselves. It can be depressing how divided our country really is, and that is exactly what those in power what. Blue vs. red politics is meant to do this

Red vs Blue Black vs White Left vs Right Citizens vs Illegal immigrants PC vs Not PC Young vs Old

im just a normal guy who wants to watch a trump waterworks video

We're all in this together, and together we can combat against those who try to divide and conquer us

We are too divided to agree on how to combat them.

And that's how they win... every time.

or if you are a regular on this sub and not a shill and you realize they are two sides to the same coin.

Fuck u I'm a berniebro

If we are too busy pointing the finger at one another then we can't see the real problems.

The "illuminati" are not a secret, black cloaked organization that means in a lair built under a volcano. They wear suits, smile and wave at you while they slide the knife a little deeper; then blame everyone else and ask for your vote come election season.

They do all this in broad daylight, right in front of the camera but nothing changes because everyone is too busy fighting one another.

They're trying to normalize Libtards

You can thank the MSM vendetta against Trump for the current division you're seeing. I put ALL of the blame squarely on their entitled, selfish agendas.

As for me, I'm just deplorable.

It's no longer really about liberals vs. Conservatives. It's us vs. the NWO/globalist establishment.

And that's why you removed the pissgate thread, but stickied the pizzagate threads. You people are full of it.

Beautifully said.

Everyone else in the world benefits from a divided America. Our adversaries have held hope that the empire would implode through propaganda and media bullshit.

Divide and conquer has only one goal: to distract you from the real problem.

The problem is you have two ideologys, one is a group of people who value being independent from the government. The other group values being dependent on the government. This divide and conquer strategy has worked. Those who seek to divide and conquer us have the liberals on their team. These people think the government is god.

Hey don't insult me by lumping me in with the Moderate Trump supporters who're borderline democrats.

I support deporting every illegal migrant and their descendants who've been here since the 1965 immigration act,even it it means you strip the citizenship from 3/4 of the Latinos of the US.

The democrats promised that the immigration act wouldn't change demographics & now whites are going to be a minority, and the democrats promised a secure border for Reagan amnesty & they're now kicking dirt over building a wall.

I support letting disabled children sue their mothers for causing their disabilities by smoking or drinking while they were pregnant. Something that the faces of feminist would turn pale over.

You're right. This is America!

Well there are more countries than America in the world.

Just because you're liberal doesn't make you a pedophile or a Clinton shill. And just because you support Trump doesn't make you a 12 year old.

I agree with that, but a user name "russian321" does make you a hacker.

Nah, If you're a liberal you're a fucking moron the end.

One time I was called an Hillary shill and a crazy Trump supporter in the same day like how does that even work

In with a crowd of very nervous wacky people.

Dont comment on that new vaccine saftey tsar. Dont bring up the movie vaxxed. 30 downvotes later, all negative comments, most of them just name calling.

Hey I got a question that's probably gonna be downvoted to the depths of hell, but I seriously promise that it is in good faith...

(background to question.... huge Bernie supporter, raised democratic and a lady if that matters. Also idk if this is the best avenue for this so I guess it may be deleted.

Lastly and most importantly, while I am ever skeptical, I desperately want Trump to be a good president. This isn't meant to start arguments or deal w semantics because semantics and rhetoric mean nothing without facts.)

What do you have hope for now that you haven't in last election years?

And for the record, the sexism/misogynistic/xenophobic shit is awful. Also please please please don't bring pizzagate into this. This is a completely separate issue. I would like to not make this a left vs right issue and actually get clarification.

I am a woman who believes in human equal rights for all, and who also believes that the powers that be can and will manipulate the masses to fit their (however nefarious) agendas. How can I have hope for this nation, forever futile it may be?

When the shit hits the fan and we have to band together as a people we will realize what really matters. Whose with me?

There seems to be zero interest in the truth just two sides out to defeat their opposition.

I cant remember a time where people on both sides automatically believed info that matches there belief without any research at all.

Its not just the left you T_D motherfuckers are guilty as fuck also. I want Trump to succedd and I support him but you T_D MFrs just the the libtards make each side hard to like and thus wanting that side to fail.

I disagree, I think you are a crazy libtard or a Trump supporter and I don't see any intermediary. Hahahaha downvote me Reddit I don't care. I say people gotta get with the program and learn how we're all being manipulated, learn how the media is manipulating us, how the intelligence agencies are manipulating us, how even the GOP establishment has manipulated us and how ESPECIALLY the Democrats have manipulated us. And if you don't do that then you're on "the other side". The side that does not want truth and prosperity for me or my family. So I will deem you either a Trump supporter or a "crazy libtard". Fair assessments IMO.

I think people who support Clinton really are ignorant. They accuse you of being a racist nazi and then you say something like 'which party was abraham lincoln?' they say "democrat of course". Wrong. You ask them who founded the KKK? They'll say "republicans of course" wrong it was wealthy southern democrats (dixiecrats...with connections to freemasonry). You ask them which religion has overwhelming influence over national security policy. They'll say "there's a separation of church and state....probably none, probably maybe christian? atheist. I dunno man you're asking too hard questions that are really specific". Wrong it's the Jesuits. Obama's National Security Council are overwhelmingly graduates from Jesuitical ivy league universities, which are to public schools as unlike Mormon Brigham Young University or Oxford University is.

My point is, yes I get that you say "don't divide". However I'm pointing out that through my conversations with these people and through youtube videos of them (fewer and fewer as I avoid them), I've come to realize these people really don't a) read, b) know anything, c) talk in a productive way, d) care to know anything (anti-intellectual), e) there is no way to inform them without being subjected to their unfocused social justice rage

My issue in this is that they believe--and this is really the crux of the matter--that it's OK to sacrifice criminal justice for social justice.

I would only agree with that in the cases of prostitution and drugs. There's no need to criminalize either one, for anyone involved. If you can buy alcohol and allow porn, then you ought to be able to buy pot and pay for sex. That's not an endorsement of either, and some drugs really are bad for society; but criminalizing them doesn't solve any problems at all--in fact it only creates more problems.

Try to have a conversation with a liberal over legalizing methamphetamine and theylll say that's stupid; yet they are all for legalizing pot. They don't understand how to be consistent and how not to be a hypocrite. They don't understand human liberty actually. They want to take away the rights of people to speech under the guise of 'safe spaces'; they want to be the arbiters of 'the line that separates speech from hate speech', the problem is, they'll keep moving that line You either have free speech or you don't. It's enough to say that hate speech has consequences, and nothing has ever stopped people from voluntarily muting people who say things you don't like.

Because of these obtuse and repugnant anti-liberty behaviors, the liberals don't deserve the title of 'liberal', only the libertarian who is against ending drug schedules does and wants speech--for better or worse--to be free is a true liberal.

btw in response to 'unite'. Nah. We don't need these people, they need to be quarantined like malware. Because they are malware. They think we're crazy 'right wingers' for wanting Hillary Clinton prosecuted. They have absolutely no bearing on reality.

And if you support neither and see this whole thing as having less than desirable options that keep getting worse, yet you still cast your vote and play the stupid game... it makes you part of what we all are: humans clinging to a hope that even though it is the least likely option... maybe this time...?

Wait a minute, Cern is separating us so Satan can control all the parallel universes. Where have you been?

Washington was right to fear partisanship.

Technology is a blessing but it's also a weapon, a weapon of mass destruction giving global instruction teaching us how to hate but does it in a way that we love it.

It's the bloated size and limitless scope of the federal government that puts us at each other's throats like this. 300 million people only have a small number of things in common that makes sense for a nationstate to cover. But the politicians want power so they are constantly expanding the scope of their offices. The result is that voters are like criminals who don't trust each other all fighting over the one gun in the room, more to keep others from using it against themselves then any real desire to impose their own will on others.

It's much easier to label and act like a condescending asshole than it is to look at the evidence and deduce what's happening. The biggest problem that the "left" has is that people who consider themselves to be open-minded, free-thinkers are sometimes the most dogmatic and blinded by the label. Both sides suffer from ignorance and dividing ideologies, it's just interesting that the one that's suppose to be "morally superior" and "intellectually grounded" is also the one that also plays right into the game.

We're all in this together, and together we can combat against those who try to divide and conquer us.

The key to all this is identifying who this "who" is and when we do, nuke the hell out of them.

Humans have the amazing ability to divide anything into two. It's like some sort of lazy disease kicks in and we only want to see the world in black and white.

And i learned that even if you like Trump but post a comment in T_D even remotely moderate you get banned. Nothing anti trump. Just said they might be thinking to hard on some issues. Then the mods message me saying they owe no explanation to trolls like me. Followed by a mute.

Gimme a fucking break. Still banned and will prolly stay banned.

Divide and conquer has worked for millennia and looks like it will continue to work for some time.

We're all sharing the crazy experience we call life


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together!

Not that I do disagree but thanks redditor for 17 days.

It's just weird seeing so many accounts in this sub lately that are under a month old.

Majority of people don't think this way which is why you need a politician to "hold our hands." That's the blunt, harsh reality of it all.

Do you have a link to the original post, by any chance?

i do it often. godspeed, future shill

You just said it was not justified to bash the corruption of trump because he wasn't in office. You took no issues with using clintons' past in different offices as solid proof of her corruption, but will no look at trumps past the same way?

My point on the MSM is that many people nowadays have taken their skepticism TOO far, and literally only think the stories they agree with are not fake news. MSM's lines are blurred more and more in our modern era. Many people confuse FAKE CNN, etc sites, which are fairly easily run and manipulated, compared to a massive corporation, with bad reporting and call both fake news.

The truth is, the media is full of both truth, snippets of, bold lies and agenda pushing. Disinformation and misdirection abound everywhere, and alt media needs EXTRA scrunity.

That's the good thing about MSM, you can verify CNN, and they MUST use some caution with reporting, as there are laws. Fly by night website will never be brought to court like nbc would. They can say ANYTHING. CNN cannot.

The statement that Either everything MSM claims is an absolute lie, or it's all verified and fact is NOT reality. You shouldn't disregard information soley on bias against the platform. Be wary, yes, question, please. But don't put your head in the sand or only listen to one outlet.There's disinfo everywhere.

Think for yourself, question authority.