/r/conspiracy is being attacked. The top post is about how it's ridiculous we don't take pissgate as seriously as pizzagate. Are you fucking kidding? Pissgate is made up.. by 4chan. As for Pizzagate, its becoming common knowledge that there is a pedofile epidemic in our government/hollywood.

23  2017-01-11 by [deleted]



Holy shit... I just changed the search open by "hot" and I can't believe what is at the top of the sub. Are you fkin kidding me! We are definitely under attack

We're definitely under attack, but sorting by "hot", all I see is pro-Trump posts dismissing an actual conspiracy.

The top post with 1230 says pizzagate is crazy and pissgate is totally cool. Are they being sarcastic or a shill? Lol

You uhh.. know what sarcasm is right? Check their post history.

How the f they get so many upvoted? Do we have bots in here upvoting?

I mean, when a post is sarcastically dismissing people who question pizzagate and yet another source that Trump colluded with Russia, of course it's going to be upvoted on /r/conspiracy.

This subreddit wasn't political or pro-Trump in any way until you shills came in here saying it was

lmao oh, okay. How many anti-Trump or even neutral articles are on the front page and have been over the past few months?

I'll wait.

I post all the time to question the stuff he does and many ppl do on this sub

That's not what I asked.

The mods deleted the post from yesterday from the front page.

Shit is pro trump and an actual conspiracy.

When?, your submissions say otherwise.

It leaned liberal till the Donald people started brigading and mods allowed it. Now, it is a shit hole, the Donald 2.0.

You guys realize the lack of self-awareness when you claim pizzagate is "common knowledge" and compare it to a "4chan hoax" right?

It's obvious you have never looked into it yourself.

It's obvious you have never looked into it yourself.

Well, that was easy.

Pissgate is made up.. by 4chan.

And guess where the crux of the Pizzagate argument comes from? You know, that "pedophile code" that kicked off the whole show? a random, anonymous, unsourced /pol/ post.

I don't want to be "that guy" that calls them 12 years old, but anyone that thinks the "cheese pizza" """""""code"""""""" is common knowledge and then doesn't attribute it to "common knowledge" from 4chan has to be way too young to actually remember true /b/.

Look at my edit, the argument of Pizzagate does not in any way surround the "pedofile code". This has been going on since the 80's. Pizzagate is just a window into the world of these evil people

i love how everyone here takes anon posts to be absolute, metaphysical truth

"Our mods are censoring discussion, but guys please focus on how attention from /r/all equates to being brigaded. Please."

Sounds legit.

Looking at your history, you've spent the past 7 HOURS "arguing" with people on /r/conspiracy. Yeah thats called brigading, not "attention".

Or caring about something, but whatever.

You should care about the thousands of children who are being tortured by these people. Not spend all your time and effort trying to dismiss it. It's very obvious where your intentions and morals lie.

I'm not going to worry about imaginary children you've assumed are being raped based on a pizza restaurant. Sorry.

It's sad that you put so much energy into something so categorically untrue but refuse to even consider something so damning a republican brought it to the FBIs attention.

I'm one of the biggest skeptics I know. I have tried to prove myself wrong. I've tried proving to myself there's no way our government is being run by satantic child molesters. Everytime I did research I only came upon more information that showed it to be true. Research the things in my edit if you want to look for yourself.

God will judge you one day u/Taswelltoo.

Lol. Major skeptic who is a Christian. Lol, lol. Biggest skeptic you know, must not know many people.

He basically just told you to think of the children.

If it's made up by 4chan, where is the archive of the creation?

The majority of people left /pol/ partly because the board has been fully archived for quite some time.

There is no archive of creation because /pol/ didn't make it.

Correct the Record never died. It merely reformed under David Brock's other super PAC American Bridge.

OP, they wouldn't be coming after /r/conspiracy so hard if we weren't considered a threat. There wouldn't be this much effort to silence Pizzagate if it didn't have any merit. TPTB are scared and fighting back, but no amount of shills will stop the truth from coming out.

Shills, when Pizzagate is finally proven true, you will have to live with the guilt that you actively helped these pedophiles cover up their monstrous crimes. There's still time to redeem yourselves and jump off the sinking ship before that day of justice arrives.


The top post is ABSOLUTELY not about how it's ridiculous we don't take pissgate as seriously as pizzagate

You are crazy conspiracy theorist for pizzagate, but pissgate is totally cool

Do you not detect the sarcasm? Without even reading the body of the post anyone with a high school reading comprehension level and a rudimentary understanding of both stories can see that OP was remarking on how hypocritical the people who believe pissgate are

I can't even

This means /s in case the title wasn't obvious enough.

"you are crazy conspiracy theorist for pizzagate, but pissgate is totally cool"???

Isn't that sarcasm obvious?

Another the_donald user complaining about this sub being attacked... no, it just wasn't your safe space for a little while.


This subreddit wasn't political or pro-Trump in any way until you shills came in here saying it was