For all the new people and shills in r/conspiracy, here is a list of some of the evidence surrounding Pizzagate. Stop trying to dismiss it.

1387  2017-01-12 by butwhattif

They seem to not care about the substantial amount of circumstantial evidence that heavily implies there has been a massive cover-up of a satanic pedophile ring within our government.

Here are some threads shining light on the subject:

Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6)

Evidence-backed Allegations: All Pizza leads to Rome. Many witness testimonies and evidence for child rape and murder in the Catholic Church.

International Child Sex Ring: Extensively Documented Proof

Attention Newcomers, Journalists, Subverse members. (Pizzagate)

Shit is all tying together... The Case Against Highest Ranking Lt Colonel Michael Aquino — Satanic Pedophile #PIZZAGATE

Investigator researching US military pedophilia ring found dead two months after giving this lecture

These two discoveries EXPLODED with evidence, and then the next day the false flag "gunman" occurred. Is this what triggered the false flag?


Since 1983, a woman named Cathy O'brien has claimed Hillary Clinton raped her during a satanic ritual.



What is going on with this "twittergate" thing and pedophiles being all over twitter?

Anderson Cooper on CNN five years ago, going on about the massive pedophile ring involving 5,000 US Gov't officials and military personnel, some are high ranking. Swiftly swept under the rug and never spoken of again on mainstream media



Way more evidence than that Trump hired anyone to piss on anyone.

This 'pissgate' shit isn't worthy of having a place in r/conspiracy. It's hardly even a conspiracy.

Also the stupid part for CNN and Buzzfeed is that Donald Trump and his team just finished shutting down Gawker over these kinds of allegations even WITH a sex tape.

Also the stupid part for CNN and Buzzfeed is that Donald Trump and his team just finished shutting down Gawker over these kinds of allegations even WITH a sex tape.

Wasn't that Hulk Hogan? And the case against Gawker was based on the fact that he didn't consent to being recorded?

It was Peter Theil.

Are you suggesting Trump consented to being recorded paying people to piss on hotel beds?

Are you suggesting Trump consented to being recorded paying people to piss on hotel beds?

No, I was talking about the Hogan case which is about the extent of my knowledge when it comes to Gawker. Didn't know Thiel helped, good to know.

You guys are close. Thiel financed Hogan's lawsuit

This seems...inaccurate.

Look it up.

Looked it up. Fucking inaccurate. Shocking.

So would you characterize Trump as a friend of the WWE or not?

Donald Trump and his team

Being somewhat affiliated with a company someone used to work for doesn't mean that person is part of your "team"...

Do I really need to post that video of Trump shaving Vince McMahon's head? Or point out he appointed some woman who used to be an executive at the WWE? Whose side do you think he is more likely to be on? Do you think he's doing all this shit on his own without any help from his reality TV and wrestling connections? Don't be daft.

Do I really need to post that video of Trump shaving Vince McMahon's head? Or point out he appointed some woman who used to be an executive at the WWE? Whose side do you think he is more likely to be on? Do you think he's doing all this shit on his own without any help from his reality TV and wrestling connections? Don't be daft.

Do I need to point out that the WWE terminated Hogan's contract in 2015 and subsequently scrubbed his name from all their sites?

To claim Hulk Hogan is part of Trump's team is utterly laughable.

Not to mention, wasn't trump on WWE once in like early 2000s?

Trump hotel hosted Wrestlemania 4 and 5. Their relationship goes back quite a way. In 2008 or 9, Donald Trump was responsible for drawing the biggest Wrestlemania buyrate the company had seen up to that point.

.... no? He was considered for something (I don't remember what exactly) but declined.

But please, by all means, continue digging that hole deeper.

He funded the Trump Campaign and the Gawker lawsuit. Good enough for me. #FollowTheMoney

If incredibly loose ties are enough for you, then you go ahead and believe what you want sweetheart.

Money is not a loose tie.

Whatever stops you losing sleep at night, dear.

Different person. Different reasons for shutting it down. You're wrong.

Peter Theil in both cases.

Yeah but the gawker thing Thiel went after Gawker because they outed him as being gay while he was in Saudi Arabia. Could have gotten him killed

That's not what the lawsuit was about bro.

What the hell does a civil case have to do with trump...

Both were funded by Peter Theil.

venture capital investor Peter Thiel had been secretly footing Hogan’s legal bills against Gawker.

Are you saying peter thiel funded trump?

He's saying they're on the same "team" (whatever that means) because he's likely suffered from a recent head injury.

I've consistently been correct about him, people laugh at me and mock me and then turn out to be wrong.

Yeah we're not about personal attacks here in conspiracy.

Hahahahha ha. Um Op just linked to The_Donald, Voat (The Donald 2), and Conspiracy (The Donald 3). You're all so brainwash into blowing Donald that you can't see the loops you're doing to blow him this hard. Escape your circle.

This subreddit wasn't political until shills like you came here saying it is.

Pizzagate =/= Pro-Trump

Totally a coincidence that almost everyone who happens to believe in pizza gate also happens to be an active trump supporter eh?

It's not a "coincidence" it's not true. It's a lie.

OP : Believes pizzagage. Trump supporter.

You: I assume believe pizzagage. Trump supporter.

Search for pizzagate over here and press on any user who has been heavily upvoted there. I can guarantee you that 9/10 times you will be clicking on a trump supporter.

False, but more importantly... irrelevant.

Political affiliation does not affect whether a thing is true.

Why is pointing out that most pizzagate believers happen to be Trump supporters ? The entire point of this discussion is whether or not there is an agenda being pushed with pizzagate. That has got everything to do with political affiliation.

Dennis Hastert was in on it too. Are we done here?

Political affiliation affects what people believe is true though.

Voted Jill stein here

And that all the rich elite peeps belong only to one side of politics.

I am to the left of the Democrats and believe there is something to Pgate. I know many others who are also progressives. It being an "alt-right" conspiracy is a smear campaign. Hastert, Franklin Scandal etc. this involves Repubs just as much as Dems, and is probably a global operation

Dude, you are citing the_donald in your post...

At times this looks like the_donald but trust me people here will call out that BS and also they dont ban people here for any opposing Trump opinion.

No, they just delete any posts that criticize Trump.

No, they just delete any post pushing paid propaganda in the form of fake conspiracy theories and vote manipulation.

1: they claim they deleted the post because it was debunked as a 4chan hoax (see the /r/undelete thread for why that's BS) and 2: do you have any actual evidence of vote manipulation? The thread reached r/all and was linked in other major threads, as well as simply being a major conspiracy, so I'm not surprised more people came here than usual

What raised alarm at first was just how fast is was being upvoted BEFORE it reached r/all

Not here they dont

It's like a fucking fact. Holy shit.

There's pedofiles references. They have deep ties with KNOWN pedofiles. The befriend and bail out known hold traffickers. In addition to planning pedofiles parties.

How much more clear can they get?

I'd stay the fuck away from this. How many children do you think their killing? You life means nothing to them.

He said pissgate dumbass not pizzagate.

It's hardly even a conspiracy.

the conspiracy in this case is the media conspiring the make shit up to smear trump lmao

It's so weird too, because there's tons of REAL SHIT they could actually smear him with. The guy is a crappy person, you don't need to lie to make him look bad. He makes himself look bad.

Okay i understand now, thanks for clearing that up!

Haha, no. The media already exhausted every possible twisting of words and actions. The barrel is empty and has been for months.

I can see where you're coming from, but they still ignored plenty of bad shit during the primaries when they were propping him up to be Hillary's competition in the general. They could dig into some of that.

Yes, well they've been doing it for so long they have no toes left. I'd bet most of what you are referring to was just more of the same bad reporting. The recently fiasco was just the the most blatant attempt to smear him.

The media didn't make the piss story up.. according to 4chan, they did. So Trump's own supporters are alleging that they made up the piss story. The media is simply reporting that a dossier was given to the FBI with unverified allegations in it. The fact that the FBI and president have seen this report is newsworthy. If anything is "fake news" about it that fake news was created by 4chan.. not the media.

The 4chan theory doesn't hold water.

The EARLIEST date I have seen claimed for the 4chan post was mid October.

This document had been floating around for months, but since no one could confirm ANY of it as true, no one was willing to publish for fear of being sued.

While "the media" isn't a bastion of truth and integrity, attributing those values to 4chan or T_D seems like flawed reasoning.

mid October floating around for months

What month do you think it is, mate?

mid October

had been floating around for months

It's time to learn about the past perfect progressive! He's saying that the document had been floating around for months prior to the 4chan post from mid-october.

"Had been floating" still applies to when the document was mentioned on CNN

The document had been seen both the intelligence community and the media community for several months before it was mentioned by Mother Jones in October.

Is that language precise enough for you?

It was collected to attack Trump during the Republican Primary which ended in JUNE.

It was mentioned in Mother Jones in October? Link?

I'm not seeing anything about the urine aspect, mind pointing it out?

Are we really going to reduce the conversation to urine?

The most significant accusation has nothing to do with pee. That isn't criminal. You couldn't get an indictment on watersports.

Or is your contention that they aren't the same document? Because Buzzfeed linked the Mother Jones article in the article where they posted the dossier and Mother Jones hasn't refuted them.

That's what the 4chan claim was though, just the urine part.

Right. And the whole dossier has been circulating the media and the intelligence community since before the Republican Primaries and no one is saying "That part about peeing wasn't there first time I read it."

Just because they aren't saying doesn't make it true. Who knows who's reading what when it's all under the table. Why wouldn't MJ mention it? They mentioned other aspects, but just left that one out? That's too ridiculous but the rest must be true? What kind of logic is that?

Also, this was written in late October, where does it say "this document has been floating around for months?"

Don't you find it a little suspect that you don't know the answer to these questions already, but you are convinced your narrative is accurate and mine is false?

I'm not convinced either way or pushing a narrative nor do I think your narrative is false. I do think it's interesting you won't answer the questions though.

I am getting tired of answering questions you can google yourself. Seriously, it takes time and energy to go find links and post them to debunk a claim. You could spend that energy yourself or you can be lazy and ask someone to go do it for you.

You seem to think the lazy way gets you the best results. You obviously believe 4chan started this. That was why you commented on this thread in the first place... to reinforce the claim that 4chan created this story.

If you want the whole story, start googling Christopher Steele and Orbis Business intelligence limited... but since you waited until today, you are going to have to wade through millions of hits to find information.

So you don't have an answer, got it.

I have an answer. I've posted it already in another thread. It is in my post history and if you want it, you can find it there or on google. Have a nice day.

Looked and, big surprise, there is nothing that shows that this was in circulation for months before being posted by MJ in late October. Interesting that the timeline perfectly adds up for the 4chan story.

No, you didn't.

It isn't in the first page. I'm done. I won't be replying to you again.

I'm not going through your trash comments. You clearly don't have an answer.

Is there though? Not defending trump by any means, but it doesn't appear that he is doing much that any of these other politicians aren't doing - at least in regards to his money and what not. The whole serial Sex abuser thing is pretty bad, but that didn't seem to catch much traction. Yes he is a shifty person, but one shitty person can't really call out another shitty person without bringing attention to their own shittiness. I'm wondering why, if there is so much stuff out there (which I am positive there is), isn't the media digging into him more about it. Maybe they're afraid of getting called out personally?

literally nobody cares here about all the evil as fuck shit trump did because it 1) doesn't agree with their preconceived notions and 2) isn't mysterious. a bunch of non-evidence that vaguely points to sexual assaults if you assume nobody actually eats pizza and throw occam's razor to the wind is mysterious and fun. you get to feel like james bond or ed snowden or something other than an unbathed nerd at a computer when you investigate. trump bragging about sexual harrasment at parties is pretty open and shut, yep, trump sexually harassed some people at parties, story over.

Are you honestly saying that most people do not have a preconception of Trump as a womanizing sleazeball? Were you around in the 90's?

The fact is, most people who are not significantly left of center find the idea of peeing on someone profoundly non-evil or controversial. Similarly, they would agree that many men most certainly do brag about their sexual proclivities in private with other men in order to assert an alpha persona. It was locker-room talk in that sense to many, many people; the question of it was true or not was irrelevant once one can remember their buddies in the 5th grade whose balls hadn't dropped bragging about banging the substitute teacher. Was it gross and if Trump had said that to a police officer at the time would there be grounds for a sexual assault investigation? Most certainly. But since that was not the case many would feel there is no need to harp on it any more.

From the same perspective, kids do disappear, Clinton does have incredibly open and dubious dealings with various organizations through the Clinton Foundation involving tax payer and corporate money, did mediate arms deals with horrendous countries involving tax payer and corporate money, has flown on a plane with someone who was actually convicted of sexual assault, has a campaign manager/Sec. of State pick who is childhood friends with another sexual assault convict, and was extremely reckless and potentially dangerous with her communications and blatantly dishonest in her dealings with the fallout. There is more than enough character evidence to warrant extreme scrutiny of those she holds company and their incredibly questionable, publicly available, personas. And we were handed on a silver platter the means with which to do so, thanks to Wikileaks.

The sad part is, all of this is true for Trump too. His honesty, competence, business ties, relations and debts are all major alarms and should be the focus of as much vigorous investigation as Clinton's. But instead we're being fed, from those in authority rather than the people, a story of sexual perversion and then being chastised for not taking it as seriously as Hilary raping and eating kids in some ping pong arcade basement when that was never the assertion, let alone the core of the outrage the common voter had with what they read in her emails.

this is actually a pretty reasonable post for this subreddit. A few points of disagreement (or perhaps misunderstanding)

pretty much anyone left of center has essentially no problem with urine as a fetish, with the exception of some cases when it's used as an assertion of male power over females or wtv, but really the sex police are largely on the other side of the center, Ted Cruz types. trump is interesting as a republican in that he largely repudiates this. as for bragging, there is a profound difference between so-called locker room talk ("haha that substitute totes montied my python") and bragging about sexual assault or harassment. the former is maybe impolite but by no means dangerous, whereas the second one displays perhaps guilt of a felony but at the very least a profound disrespect for women as other human beings

as for the problems with Clinton, while everything you said was true, this is largely circumstantial. If we look hard enough, we can find everyone is going to have close connections with predators if we look hard enough, especially when you're rich and powerful and doing these things is largely recoverable from. but this certainly doesn't lead to the sort of conspiracy theories that we see now where podesta or clinton are directly involved at least in the coverup of ongoing rape of children. as for the general dubiousness and irresponsibility that we found with clinton via the email leaks and russia hack, this is all very apparent, we've been given an excellent pile of information, and it has been thoroughly reviewed by countless parties. The fact that the worst of what has been found publicly is small-time corruption is honestly very surprising, as for a politician (and by extension, a wealthy person) of her stature and duration in the public-eye, i would expect far more.

regarding the stories for trump, you must remember that the primary goal of news establishments is not to spread the truth, but to put out entertaining news and garner readership. in this way, "trump is an evil rapist" is a much better story than "trump is a robber baron", even if the second one is realistically much more evident and relevant to the common interest. the reason why clinton's mundane scandals saw such a greater focus in the election is that the media in aggregate generally paints a pretty even picture. if politician A has fifty scandals and politician B has fifteen scandals, they are both going to have 30 stories run about them in time t, so the depth wherein these things are covered is going to vary. it's a shame, but it's why we should be focusing as those who care enough to read the emails (that is, /not/ the common voter) on these things uninvestigated rather than the dead horses that we are currently.

Reminds me of that Office episode where Michael accidentally tells the whole office that Stanley is having an affair. He says something like, " How do you take back the truth? You spread a bunch of lies so everyone thinks the truth is a lie also"

thank you comrade 6 day old account

account age doesn't really matter. CTR bought a bunch of old accounts so they can appear credible and forgot to wipe the histories. Rememebr seeing one 7 year old account who used to post to guns. for some odd reason he decided to post a whole bunch of gun control nonsense once every minute or so

maybe he kid decide to kill himself with one of his guns and he changed his mind

gdmn.. its not ? russian president honeypotting american president for blackmail, to remove sanctions and fuck up nato, not to mention having influence in china dealings which could have life or death consequences for hundreds of millions of people iiisss HARDLY even a conspiracy, but idiots completely inventing "code" about supposed satanistic pedophila that everyone in washington & beyond engages in is a true conspiracy. you are all beyond retarded

There is no evidence for pissgate but plenty of evidence for pizzagate. That's the difference.

That and child rape is a lot worse than golden showers. The former a horrific crime. The later a waste of a good bedspread

Neither one has real evidence as of yet. I know which one is more plausible. Most of the early pizzagate "evidence" was pretty clearly fabricated but good luck trying to point any of that out. It has a mind of it's own now, generating it's own context and pre-determined endgame, continuing to shred the credibility of anyone yanked into the story. Bring up the word "smear" and you'll get waves of blowback and SHILLERY screams; bring up any of the Trump allegations and the word "smear!" will find you in seconds.

What's frustrating about the Russian and Putin stuff is that we really have no idea how things function there, while our new president is telling everyone to trust only him and the media that props him up. Is there even a law against colluding with a foreign government toward winning an election? He's a private citizen until the 20th. I'm sure his army of lawyers are on the case, even if the whole thing's just a convincing, suspicion-confirming piece of fiction.

It really is a conspiracy.

BuzzFeed's editor and chief, who has spent the past three years dedicated to trying to gain credibility for the BuzzFeed news division, despite their history, just tanked all of his work to put this story out their in the public eye.

Buzzfeed, coincidentally, just took in a $200 Million investment from NBC in October.

NBC/Comcast just sacrificed Ben Smith and Buzzfeed so they could talk about golden showers on the air while mentioning Donald Trump.

I think Trump and Comcast are having a nasty fight right in front of us.

Nice connecting. I want to read more about this

President Trump is also an executive producer of a NBC show.

Forbes estimates he is taking down about $7 mill a year between EP credits on the show and other various residuals he makes off the property, but NBC ditched Trump and his brand hard at the urging of Haim Saban... who runs Univision. Univision backed out of the contract with NBC for the Trump pageant rights after some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric during the campaign which led NBC to drop their contracts with Trump.

His repealing of net neuatrilty will help Comcast more than the merger.

He might not even block the merger, he hasn't even commented on it after that.

He didn't just threaten to block the merger. He threatened to break up comcast.

He threatened to lock up hillary too, sems like he doesn't want to do it.

Can I ask why you are trying to convince me that there isn't a problem between Comcast and Trump?

You're busy coming up with chalkboard scrawlings about Buzzfeed. Meanwhile Putin sleeps with a grin as his vast conspiracy to elect a useful idiot and blackmail him to destabilize the country is nearly complete, and you hardly hear a word about it here.

You people are still taking the Russian bait over emails, like good little patsies. Time to get past that and see the big picture.

See, this angle is nice. The original angle of the "pissgate conspiracy" was Trump colluding with Russia, which was completely unsubstantiated. At least with your take on the theory, or other theories like Pizzagate, there are connections to be made that further the case. Pissgate started and ended with that shitty dossier.

Neither does pizza gate.

Well, no the sexual acts part, other then the could be used as black mail, have no place but all the other info that get ignored because everyone is focused on that one part.

Volume =/= quality, though

Sure, but this is literally the same quality (and in the case of Bill Clinton's flight logs even better).

Hurr durr let's bring this back to being about Trump.

It kind of is. He even has connections to this shit "unsubstantiated" of course.

He's one of them. What did you expect?

Even if Trump did like piss play is that really any of our fucking business

no, but the issue is blackmail. hed be a minor hero if he out and said 'yeah im into that shit. feels good man'

and released the video.

"Yeah I'm into that shit. feels good man" i LOL'd

If it even exists...

The video doesn't exist stop reading BuzzFeed

I'd like a top 10 list from you about why the video doesn't exist, please.

Shouldn't the burden of evidence be on you? I see no proof of its existence.

we need a top ten list of burdens of proof


if you want proof of stuff, you're in the wrong sub

the title really speaks for itself

yeah, and the content speaks for?

like i just spent two hours reading that shit and i fee significantlyl less confident in the existence of a pizza conspiracy than i did before. turns out that a bunch of posters here arguing for the existence of it is FAR more convincing than any of the (helpfully compiled by people who obviously believe it and have little reason to strawman themselves) evidence

only read legit news sites like pastebin

Why do you have to instantly bring up Trump? Can we stop talking about this guy? We are supposed to be nonpartisan. I hate the fucking Clintons just as much as the rest of you, but do we have to drag Trump into every issue?

He's a Trojan horse, a false prophet. We need to unite regardless, but I urge you trump supporters to be very wary and hold him accountable when he turns his back on you...

Like it or not Trumps been advocating for solutions to a lot of topics brought up in this sub.

Yes, because he needs to give the impression of being an outsider or else the globalists "false prophet" approach does not work. He needs to get our trust, the trust of real skeptical people within the conspiracy community like ourselves.

For example. Today when he called out buzz feed and CNN as fake news. I agree wholeheartedly!

However, I realize this is just a political move in his part to add to the impression that trump is anti establishment. He is not, he is an undercover puppet. You must realize this before it's too late.

It's definitely good to be skeptical, and I think you might be pleasantly surprised as we progress into his first term!

I hope so! Im not a believer but I can see why ppl think he might. E the real deal

What panacea does Trump having that is keeping him invisible to people who sit in book depositories?

If he actually is willing and capable of changing things, he is a dead man before his second year.

I think that's why the entire establishment is mostly against him. He's the first person to begin to truly shake things up. But you're right, he needs to be very careful. Especially if he tries to implement

Trump is going to defund the current intelligence agencies and replace them with people loyal to him. He is going to replace the entire corrupt scheming architecture. Once he is in office the elites know they cannot openly oppose him or else the American people will rise up against them.

Trump has seized power from the elite conspiracy and is going to drain the swamp like he said.

what makes you think he is an undercover puppet?

Well, he is bout to be president

Against all odds and to seemingly the great consternation of everyone in power ever...

Visible power

Do you think Trump can withstand the weight of the establishment?

Probably not, but that doesn't mean they wanted him there in the first place.

Yes. He has his own structure he will put in place. He studied how Putin did it in Russian and repeat that success. This is why the elites fear him. They know it's their doom.

Really? It looks like to me he was bought out by Mercer...

This place fucking loves Trump

Hardly true. Some do some don't. Most REAL members of this sub are skeptical and analytical and have yet to make up their minds whether or not to trust him.

Just look around. It's not hard to see the narrative here.

There is no "the narrative", just competing narratives all veiling an underlying truth. Trump being a hero is one such narrative, Trump being the anti-christ is another. I err on the side that neither narrative is true, but both are useful in that they signify the truth that lies most likely somewhere in-between those extremes.

There seem to be a whole lot of content that show his 'enemies' in a bad light while anything negative related to him is quickly shot down.

Of all the people to defend it's fucking hilarious that a billionaire conman gets a pass in here.

I agree and see your point, but compared to his enemies there hadn't been much of shocking value to be talked about in regards to The Donald beyond what you stated in half a sentence: that he is a billionaire conman. Everyone alive in the 90s knew that already.

Personally, I think he's a self-righteous asshole with an infinite ego, but also someone with a soft spot for what "the American Dream" once stood for. That does not mean he is in any way the right person for the job as the fucking POTUS. Politically, he's in way over his head.

I like to think he actually would sympathize with many here and would agree that the game would be much more fun if everyone was allowed to play in a truly open and efficient market kind of scenario, but I also get the sense he has not the slightest clue as to how to go about actually achieving something of that order.

By now, it seems he has backpaddled his "ambitions" enough in exchange for being allowed (to live on, as well as) to conduct a moderately successful "mock" presidency.

That to me seems the most logical big picture view of what's going on with Trump. If anything more sinister or incompetent comes up I'm sure we'll know all about it first here, one way or another. In the meantime I just don't see the point of this daily false equivalency of "Trump is bad too, why are we only talking about Democrats?". Because there is Data, that's basically why. And that's basically the whole difference.

Can someone born into what Trump was born into ever get 'The American Dream'?

He's never shown me anything to suggest he's anything other than a selfish narcissist that refuses to take accountability for any of his actions.

How is that any different than the countless politicians that have held office over the past 30 years? They all cater to some agenda, they all have lobbyist, they all have personal bias, they've all been corrupted/compromised/bribed/compromised in some way.

None of them have experienced a life equivilant to the average American citizen's. This fact only compounds they're difficulty to empathize with the issues that we deal with daily. The fact that Trump is no different from the rest is not a controversial idea. We accept that fact because he was the lesser of two evils.

Could Trump be successful at POTUS? Maybe, I have no idea. But at least we understand the kind of person Trump is. Until recently we had no idea of the extent of crimes against Hillary and friends there were.

The main reason you don't see much of a negative narrative about Trump on here is because the guy isn't even in the oval office yet. You gotta give him a chance to actually fuck up something before you can start criticizing.

What about literally 2 days ago when the mods tagged the news about the dossier as "unverified allegations" when they have never tagged anything with that tag in the past, then tagged it as "hoax/raid" when this community called them on their bullshit, then deleted the entire thread?

The narrative here is so mind-bogglingly obvious that it can be seen by anyone with a neutral view.

Yep, that too was part of a narrative. All I am saying is that there are more than one narratives floating around, and none of them have much to back them up, other standing in opposition to another narrative. What's lost in this is reason and critical thought.

Dude has been in the headlines for forty years and you offer me "skeptical".

Dude is anti-establishment when it suits him and pro-establishment when it suits him. There is no big mystery to "The Donald".

He is the same as the rest of the people who have held the office... controllable or dead.

I really hope you're not proven wrong. Like, JFK had an inauguration.

he is getting an inauguration

Despite their best efforts. And they are still trying to delegitimise him so that they can arrest him and prevent his coronation.

He surprised them. They exist and are very powerful but relied on influence peddling.

If it is true Russia helped Trump win, this is even more evidence Trump is anti establishment because the establishment is anti Russia. This is because Putin actively works, not for our freedom but for Russia's freedom, and if Americans are completely dominated by the pedophile elites it is harder for Russia to remain free and their children safe from the Clinton Foundation mollestors.

If Russia did hack or expose or assist Trump in any way then I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Being pro-Russia isn't being anti-establishment. It is anti-American establishment, but that is closer to anti-American than anti-establishment.

Being anti Russia is being pro establishment however.

Really? Because my anarchist friends will be disappointed to hear they are part of the establishment now.

Okay I guess that could be phrased better. Certainly you can be anti Russian for other reasons, however the establishment is also anti Russian so they would be aligned on this viewpoint.

The danger is that there must be a reason the establishment is against Russia. I believe it is because of Putin's great success in putting down the establishment in Russia. The elites thought they were going to break up the federation and exploit its people and resources, and Putin played them like children. Played the entire NWO and now they are terrified of him. He is like a modern day Alexander The Great. Putin is a black swan even that they could not account for in their models. This is why they are bending the west to destroy him and Russia.

Putin is saving the Russians from the NWO. Made Russia great again.

I don't believe Trump is our Putin, he is not smart enough, but at least he might try to emulate him. Make America great again. Allied with Russia we could go to the stars.

A lion doesn't save an ewe from a wolf. It just changes who is eating that night.

I believe Putin knows of and is actively opposing the NWO. His interest is in protecting Russia as it should be, however it is much easier for him to protect Russia if he helps Trump defeat the NWO in America because then the NWO

Your missing my point. The only reason Putin has to impede the NWO is if he hopes to replace them with his own.

Hello to the new manipulator, same as the old manipulator.

The only reason Putin has to impede the NWO is if he hopes to replace them with his own.

Why couldn't Putin be opposing the NWO for the same reason every sane person would? To prevent the exploitation of his people?

I mean I could be wrong but he has consistently acted in the best interests of Russia and the majority of Russians. If he was just another NWO type the mask would slip occasionally.

Anyway if Trump successfully emulates Putin and drains the swamp as he promised to do, I will be happy. Im crossing my fingers.

If he doesn't.... well what hope is there after that. I see him as our last chance. After that might as well give up. Go join the pedo parties.

Why couldn't Putin be opposing the NWO for the same reason every sane person would? To prevent the exploitation of his people?

Are you familiar with Putin's history? How he came to power? Do you know anything about him that predates Trumps campaign?

Putin was a brilliant KGB operative who was tapped by the sell out Yeltsin. Yeltsin in case you don't remember was bending over for NATO and allowing the rape of the federation. The only good thing he did was stop the Jihadists that NATO armed funded and trained in Chechnya (with the aim of breaking up the federation into ministates ripe for exploitation.)

The NWO initially thought he would be in the same mould and gave him favourable media coverage.

Putin consolidated power and proceeded a campaign of removing the elites who had taken over Russian resources and assets. he jailed them, killed them, exiled them. Brilliant shit.

At this point the NWO turned on him and through their puppet NATO enticed Georgia to attack Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia. This was a test run to see how Russia would react to aggression. They promised Georgia NATO assistance, pushed him out in front, and waited for him to die.

Putin crushed Georgia so hard and fast that the NWO decided to pull back.

Putin began modernising the military. Around this time I believe he became fully aware of the NWO threat.

The NWO through NATO overthrew the Ukrainian government but again did not anticipate Putin's savage and forceful reaction taking Crimea and assisting Eastern Ukraine to defeat the UKR.

NWO destroyed flight MH17. There are various methods they could have used to do this. Most likely they forced the flight to fly over the killzone and low enough to be confused and had their UKR stooges perform the shootdown. This was to turn European opinion against Putin.

Do I need to continue?

I have studied Russia and Putin in depth. I have always liked Russia and admired Putin.

Do I need to continue?

Yes, because none of this in anyway contradicts my thesis that Putin is just swapping one group of elites for a different group of his choosing.

Surely you are not suggesting Putin is attempting world domination. Even the NWO is not a single individual but hundreds of thousand of very powerful people over decades perhaps longer.

Putin would be starting from scratch and well he is brilliant and powerful but he isn't a god. I don't think he could do such a thing.

He would need to be like The Mule from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. (Don't know if you've read those) Where this foundation is attempting to direct the evolution of all societies in the galaxy but a psychic mutant called The Mule temporarily prevents their plans from fruition until their own telepaths acting in concert get him back under control.

Personally I believe he is doing what he is doing for the good of Russia. Even helping Trump is for the good of Russia so the NWO is weakened and stops attacking Russia.

But as I admitted. I could be wrong. But right now I see no other hope than Putin and Trump.

I am not suggesting his goal is world domination in his lifetime. You're right. In order to achieve that he would either need the Mule's ability to emotionally manipulate people OR an externally triggered existential threat event where he can become a global hero. Neither of those seems realistic.

Somewhere I read a quote from Putin more than a decade ago where he essentially said his goal was to break the NWO and replace it with one of his creation. Of course he wasn't that explicit, and I will never be able to find the quote, but I find it is generally best to give some credence what people tell you about themselves.

Okay well I guess I hope for the best and plan for the worst. That's why i prep.

Anyway thanks for the interesting conversation. Most of the time it's just emotionally draining argument on here. See ya.

How is Bernie Sanders not a better option for you? Bonus, he breaks the establishment and doesn't get in bed with Putin. I'm trying to follow along with your logic, but saying Putin and trump are our only hope otherwise the we might as well break into complete anarchy is..... illogical, I guess?

The mods love him, such as flytape, sovereign man, etc.

i heard they even write him Christmas cards


REAL members of this sub are now greatly outnumbered and you know that's true.

Trump fucking loves this place.

Not true at all, we are ALL skeptical of DT

Go into the threads that dismiss 'pissgate' and click on the post histories of the people that post in them. Notice they seem to post in The_Donald?

Who cares, this stupid pissgate shit is a distraction anyway.

Isn't this r/conspiracy? Isn't this the exact thing this sub should be discussing? It has a lot more legs than some of the other shit that gets posted here.

Perhaps demand better of your mods then. Whether you believe pissgate or not, that thread should have never been deleted. Let your downvotes do the talking rather than outright ban anti-Trump conspiracies. For those who understand this, there needs to be a greater pushback against blatant partisan censorship. Perhaps even clean house of the current moderators that allowed this to happen. Perhaps I'm just a libtard shill cuck sheeple. But last I checked this is /r/conspiracy, not /r/The_Donald.

Late to the party here. But my take on the deletion of threads against DT lately is that its more so the squashing of "conspiracy theories" pedaled by those in power, those who the more popularly accepted theories usually target like the Intelligence Community and Mainstream Media, rather than because of specific political alliances.

It may just be an unfortunate byproduct that the usual visitors here have a greater disdain for the IC and MSM than they do for Trump, couple that with the fact that both of those outlets seem anti-Trump then you end up with the outward appearance of this sub being pro-Trump.

Strange bedfellows for certain, but also an inapplicable criticism to a degree.

I voted for Trump but don't like him. However he is anti establishment as proven by how hard they fought to prevent his win and now delegitimise his victory with #pissgate.

If you think there is a high level conspiracy in which Hillary Clinton molestes children then surely it's not out of the realms of possibility that Trump could be being blackmailed by Russia.

I've seen the evidence, circumstantial tangible photographic and hacked emails evidence, for pizzagate and judged it plausible. Not proven but also not busted. I believe they need investigation. Particularly the Clinton foundation.

As yet no one has presented any evidence for pissgate. There is a single source hired by the Clintons to create the report with many of the claims proven wrong and none yet proven correct.

That's the difference. Claims with real while circumstantial evidence vs claims from authority.

Can you explain that email that refers to three young children as pool entertainment?

It's not harmless if he's been manipulated by Russia because of it. His supporters might not care (let's be honest, they wouldn't care even if he was Putin's pawn) but Donald Trump certainly cares. Like any narcissist his image matters to him.

It's not just one source. As well as a very credible Mi6 agent BBC have also reported that other agents have also come across information with regards to Russia and Trump.

Do I think it's true? Nah, probably not. Do I think it's certainly something that needs investigation? Most definitely. Should it be talked about in here instead of deleted? Absolutely.

What is there to talk about when the only evidence we have is a PDF provided to the public by the MSM, and "anonymous agents" pushed forward by the MSM? There is nothing for those who could investigate to truly investigate, as is always the case with assertions from authority. This is the key difference between Pissgate and Pizzagate and a perfectly plausible, non-partisan, reason why the people here have not latched onto the former as vehemently as the later.

What would they look at, his travel record? All they would find is that he did in fact travel to Russia, as he and Russia both agree on. They wouldn't find anything publicly available to corroborate that aspect of story.

His business ties to Russia? Can't do that, he won't detail them, and there is plenty of public outcry requesting that, maybe we can revisit this one once he provides more information, I'm sure that will be soon.

The evidence asserted in the dossier of communication between Trump and "The Kremlin"? Don't have that either. Surprising.

The evidence that Russia hacks things? I'm pretty sure at this point they'd show you their scripts. They're hardly denying it.

What else is there to go on that isn't already either being demanded by the media and public or completely inaccessible and most likely already destroyed?

perfectly plausible, non-partisan, reason why the people here have not latched onto the former as vehemently as the later.

This sub has been pro Trump for a while now. If you can't see that you're being deliberately naive.

Trump has plenty of links to Russia- look at some of the people in his cabinet for fuck sake.

The fact that the thread about this got deleted tells me everything I need to know about the mods here.

How would you differentiate a sub that was anti-authority/IC/MSM from one that is pro-Trump(pre-presidency)?

And if the reason a conspiracy sub does become somewhat pro-Trump is due to the fact that the traditional bastions of authority (both in the US and abroad) seem to hate him and display clear conspiratorial efforts in order to control him, would that honestly be so surprising?

Its not as though this sub is calling for a Russian coup, I'd imagine if information and accountability was available regarding their recent efforts there would be much more mobilization on that front as well as an effort to hold Trump's feet to the fire about it. But until Wikileaks wakes up from its (completely normal and not suspicious) coma, we can't really do much there and as a result the sub appears one sided and partisan.

You know full well there have been multiple cries from both moderators and regular posters to keep blatant, non-conspiracy related topics away from here, and the "pro-Trump" topics that are discussed can easily be acknowledged as anti-authority in the same breath.

And if the reason a conspiracy sub does become somewhat pro-Trump is due to the fact that the traditional bastions of authority (both in the US and abroad) seem to hate him and display clear conspiratorial efforts in order to control him, would that honestly be so surprising?

The majority of people dislike him because he's a terrible human being. He's arrogant, hugely narcissistic, a pathological liar, shows no remorse, thin skinned, and seems to have no respect for anybody. The reason why the majority of the world (except Russia of course) don't want him anywhere near the White House is because he's entirely unsuitable for the role.

have you not seen the massive overlap of people that post here and on T_D?

The majority of people do not browse conspiracy subs, that's my point. And my contention was not that Trump isn't a repugnant character, he certainly is and many here would actually agree.

My contention was that it isn't surprising that those who see a large epidemic of authoritarian corruption as a bigger problem than Trump's faults, concern themselves with the authoritarian corruption. I am not talking about why the majority of people hate him, I am talking about why the usual targets of conspiracies seem to hate him and not finding it mysterious that a conspiracy sub concerns itself with them instead of him.

Again, I am not saying that once he becomes a part of that authority the sub will not turn on him, I fully expect it unless he makes a very explicit effort to dismantle corrupt entities with diligence, in a legal and transparent way. Which is to say, the sub is going to turn on him.

But still, there is going to be a time between then and now, as the IC and MSM wage a propaganda war against him, that this sub focuses its attention on his enemies and in turn finds itself with strange bedfellows. Including a lot of transplants from T_D.

I know what you're saying and I agree to a point but when the mods are deleting threads about 'pissgate' then I think you have to accept that there is a bias here.

I will certainly give you that it is an issue to be scrutinized extensively, in keeping with the main aim of the sub.

I guess I just find it concerning, seeing how T_D and altright and other subs that align with Trump have been systemically silenced across reddit, and feel there needs to be pushback here on the idea that we're in the same vein. If it goes to far this sub will be sidelined in one way or another by the admins and one more place for honest and alternative criticism of TPTB will be gone.

This place fucking loves worships Trump.

How did this even happen? Are the mod team big Trump supporters?

These are shills responding in every single thread about the DNC with "WHAT ABOUT TRUMP??" "WOW STOP SUCKING TRUMP'S DICK".

These shills are using the divide and conquer tactics, can't you see?And they are doing it in a coordinated manner, trying to make it into a DNC vs RNC thing, don't fall into the rabbit hole.

So where is the police report of a child that was abused on the pizza block?

It's just enough info to get you angry and unreasonable, but never enough to go anywhere.

Sure, but they are alleging the police are systemically protecting high ranking pedophiles.

Those guys are are not current, nor in DC, and are not anything related the US Dem machine.. By that logic, I can show you 100s of porn videos with men being peed on as evidence that Trump has a similar video from Russia.

Nobody ever suggested pizza was democrat specific. Stop being partisan; only 20% of Americans voted for a candidate who identified with a particular party last season.

Oh so "pizza" means whatever anyone says it is? I am not a Dem/Rep sheep voter. You think I'm going to let you fuckers have the word "pizza" without a fight? You want to help kids, then start taking shit seriously and calling it what it is. Go find you yourself a real raped and murdered baby and go comfort it's family with your talk about how it's all related to pizzagate and you're helping to stop it.

I've been attending conferences for satanic ritual abuse victims for decades. Please go fuck yourself.

Well maybe you should start talking about the topic like an adult and ditch the "pizza" mind games. Oh, you've been to conferences. I've been on the ground talking and living with victims and prosecutors. Way to many raped and abused kids, and not one involved Satan.

True, none of them involved Satan. They involved intelligence agencies pretending to be satanists so no one would believe them.

This has been a story longer than Pizza gate. That's just a meme to draw attention to it. Similar to the way Pepe has nothing to do with trump.

But it was published on buzzfeed how can it be fake???

It literally just leaked. Pizzagate fanatics have had months to dig in to secret logos and opinions turned to fact videos.

Give the Russian hack more than 2 days and let's see what comes out of it.

Pizzagate actually traces its origins to an /r/conspiracy post from years ago. I was looking for someone informed on the matter but thanks for your time.

And this sub shows its bias.

4chan created that story to troll the MSM

all this and no footage or evidence of kid raping

Technically, anyone in possession of such evidence would be committing a federal crime. Making it pretty difficult for the good guys to out the baddies.

maybe but doesn't change that there is no such evidence

How do you know? That's right, you don't.

well everyone else doesn't either, so i guess its normal.

You're saying there is none, people investigating this are looking for the evidence, yet you brush it off and tell them not to bother. How is evidence ever supposed to be found with that rationale/train of thought.

The question is, why are you saying the things you are saying? What's your agenda, because it surely does not sound like truth and justice is...

obviously because im a shill, i protect pedos! it's certainly not because the evidence is ambiguous. i never said not to bother or that there is none, but the evidence here is circumstantial at best.

maybe but doesn't change that there is no such evidence

or that there is none

..umm, what do you call that?

nothing circumstencial about podesta being sorry his convicted pedo friend dennis hastert is in jail

Well, to be fair, I've never seen any child porn at all but that doesn't mean it isn't out there. If I can borrow from Carl Sagan, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

Damn. Using an idol of the left against them.

Left vs. Right keeps us perfectly divided so that a small minority can make themselves into tie-breakers for a huge number of people they wouldn't otherwise control.

You're fucking us all when you divide us. Quit it.

Maybe once the left realizes they aren't morally superior like they pretend to be we can move on.

Whoever moves on first is the winner. Ready set go!

"Hey everybody, stop all investigations!! we don't have any evidence yet so we can't start looking."

see that? thats what you just did you shill. go ask you boss what the narrative is again because you obviously were in the bathroom during the morning meeting.

Seriously this new wave of people are killing the vibe of this sub.

Ive been here for years and think this is completely bunk, a 4chan fan fiction assualt, to try and persuade a narrtive on this sub, a narrative which is slowly collaping.

You think it's more plausible that the Saudi royal family doesn't own any child sex slaves?

We already know that the Vatican has been running a global child sex ring for years. We also already know that the vastly rich Saudi royal family trades in child sex slaves. Thirdly, we all know that blackmail creates political leverage- blackmailers become powerful.

So whether the pizza code is real or not is irrelevant. We're hunting confirmed baby rapists, which side are you on?

Name one confirmed baby rapist that you are currently "hunting".

And by hunting, you mean posting anonymously online while actually doing nothing?

Name one confirmed baby rapist that you are currently "hunting".

Jeffrey Epstein, convicted pedophile billionaire (Bill Clinton's friend)

Denny Hastert, convicted pedophile congressman (Podesta's friend)

Hansjorg Wyss, billionaire human medical experimenter (Podesta's former boss)

Vladimir Plahotniuc, billionaire Moldovan pedophile blackmailer (Podesta's lobbying client)

Jeffrey Epstein, convicted pedophile billionaire (Bill Clinton's friend)

"I've known Jeff (Epstein) for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


Shh, that isn't evidence, that is fake news

Cool, let's bust Trump too if he's a sadistic pedophile! I don't fall for that left vs. right bullshit narrative that keeps us divided.

Amen brother.

Yes, it literally does change that fact. It would be a crime to do so.

it changes that we still don't have such footage?

ask alefantis maybe he can hook you up

Ansence of evidence is not evidence of absence..

Circumstantial evidence friendo

yes but speculating on maybes is gonna take a long time.

Great post. And there is much much more.

They found the kill room at Pegasus museum

Really? Any links?

literally google "kill room pegasus museum"


nothing there but then again google likely censors it if it exists

strange, for me the entire first page is full of links

fake news links but again it could be google keeping the legit stuff out

literally google "kill room pegasus museum"

No proof. Just kids labeling things.

The whole concept of the kill room came from a comment on an Instagram post. That's the only time I've seen it mentioned and it could have been a totally innocuous/facetious comment taken out of context. 'Investigators' took the ball and ran with it.

Here's the post:

The commenter is someone who runs a rather bizarre soap company in the Pyjama Factory building.

The rest of the comments are pretty bizarre when looked at through the Pizzagate lens.

The commenter is someone who runs a rather bizarre soap company in the Pyjama Factory building.

Adipocere Soap.

Definition of adipocere: known as corpse, grave or mortuary wax, is a wax-like organic substance formed by the anaerobic bacterial hydrolysis of fat in tissue, such as body fat in corpses. In its formation, putrefaction is replaced by a permanent firm cast of fatty tissues, internal organs, and the face.

Hmmmmm how interesting.. I seem to remember sodium hydroxide being a pretty good way to dispose of a body... certainly a soapmaking would have plenty on hand. Someone could even be making baby fat soap.

Youre wrong apparently this other dude on instagram werkinonmanighcheese who was posting the baby coffins. Was referencing the kill rooms more. Let me see if I can find the thread so they thought it was at his sketchy pajama factory, but I think it was actually the kill room was actaully found to be at pegasus

No they didn't. They believe it's in Pegasus. There is no link between the "hole-digging pictures" and the killroom picture.

Linked by timeline. Weak, yes, but it's not true that there is "no link".

I don't think it's at the Museum though. I think JA owns a lot more properties than we are aware of yet, and it's another restaurant, or ex-restaurant location. It's definitely not a walk in at the pizza place. At least not on the main floor, since we now have a walk through video.

Weak, yes, but it's not true that there is "no link".

Pizzagate, basically.

You mean the refrigerator room? You know that space that restaurants have for cold storage.

The Boys Town scandal!!

And for the record, this shit has NOT been debunked. Hey msm, just because you say it has, doesn't make it so.

We should get CNN and buzzfeed on this😏

This was the top post on r/pizzagate when it got banned. Archived for posterity.

Just finished reading that and I didn't even know about all the connections amongst the us attorney. Thanks for helping spread the word.

you know what is sad If the cnn and buzzfeed started trying to report on pizzagate investigations people would all start to think it was fake news.

Is it unverified?

What is there to debunk? A made up code language used to explain emails? A bunch of pictures with red arrows that provides no evidence of anything? Linking to other well known pedophilia cases as if actually has any bearing on this pizzagate bs? 1 unreliable witness? This stuff is so bullshit, can't believe it gets stickied. There is a reason no one takes this seriously and it has nothing to do with the regular excuses, it's because it's bullshit.

Just like every other conspiracy theory? Don't know why you're even here.

Not just like every other conspiracy theory. And I'm here to discuss conspiracies, not blindly believe them.

Sure sounds like it to me. You aren't interested in conspiracies, fine, but who come here then?

Because I am interested in conspiracy theories, just not blindly accepting them, like I just told you...

Just curious, which ones?

Mkultra being continued and its related projects is the one I believe the most in. I think a full list of them and to what degree would take forever though.

And how much proof is there that MKUltra still being used today?

There is only speculation, and I don't mind admitting that.

How is that different than PG then?

It's different because I'm not acting like it's backed up by evidence or anything like that.

You don't want to discuss conspiracies. You're not interested in conspiracies. Why are you even here?

Just messing. I'm on the same side as you here with regard to the incredible leaps made by conspiracy theorists. Just messing again. I'll admit one of the sentences regarding 'having pizza for an hour' initially stood out to me before I read the rest of the at best circumstantial evidence to warrant further investigation on my behalf. When you consider that these people schedule every hour of their day and rarely have free time it makes sense. That doesn't mean I'm not checking in here and at voat every couple of weeks to see if a real smoking gun has appeared.

What is there to debunk? A made up code language used to explain emails? A bunch of pictures with red arrows that provides no evidence of anything? Linking to other well known pedophilia cases as if actually has any bearing on this pizzagate bs? 1 unreliable witness? This stuff is so bullshit, can't believe it gets stickied. There is a reason no one takes this seriously and it has nothing to do with the regular excuses, it's because it's bullshit.

Just like every other conspiracy theory?

Not just like every other conspiracy theory. And I'm here to discuss conspiracies, not blindly believe them.

Thanks for proving my point. Took a while, but glad we got here.

That doesn't make them the same and even if it did it doesn't make it the same as every conspiracy theory. The only thing we've proven is pizzagaters don't know the difference between evidence and speculation.

You don't think people could make that exact same post altered slightly but about MKUltra? You understand theories aren't FACTS right? If there was proof, real solid proof, of any of this, it would be in a courtroom.

But they dont, and if it did it wouldn't be stickied with people claiming it's all true and that none of it has been debunked.

I don't see what you are, I guess

he's here because he's a shill. I see him all over Reddit doing this shit.

The code was not made up. Much of the slang used in the comet instagram and the emails was verified by urban dictionary and Wikipedia posts created before the leaks. And before you say shitty sources do you have any other source for modern slang. What sites do you visit to look up such.

Even the pizzagate wiki sighted in the post doesnt claim that there was a pizza shop pedo ring operating.

Pizzagate is Real! This is clear to anyone who doesn't read/believe MSM aka "FAKE NEWS"!

Sorry, shills, Get Woke!!!

What the fuck is wrong with you? While no one is denying the existence of child sex rings. Pizzagate is a bullshit disinformation campaign. You people have ruined this sub. Go back to the_Donald.


No trump supporter here, pizzagate needs an investigation, an untainted one. Nothing has been debunked.

Speaking of which, the daily show and the young turks outted themselves as media shills when they came out early and announced "DEBUNKED, NOTHING2SEE, FAKE NEWS"

Pizzagate is a bullshit disinformation campaign.

You're wrong. And I suspect you'll be banned in the near future. Bye!

Do you comment on anything other than pizzagate? Very odd new account here!

Honestly, referencing other instances of institutional abuse or trafficking doesn't help any. I am aware of other instances and even sometimes believe they are true, but it doesn't prove anything about this one. Look at The Franklin Scandal...we had victims, court cases, Hell, people involved died under very questionable circumstances!

Cathy O'Brian is a questionable source, as is anything regarding Project Monarch (Is it possible? Sure, but the proof is tenuous at best) in my opinion. Why is she alive let alone doing speaking engagements if this is all true? I am weird and read about "normal" person is going to take you seriously if you bring up an alleged CIA mind control subproject.

I am open to all this being correct, but I need more proof. I am not trying to be dismissive so much as explaining why people think this whole thing is balls out nuts...

There's the recent discovery of a tunnel system under buildings owned by Alefantis, let me find the link.

How very McMartin preschool: it's not evidence anyone has used them in the way suggested though...or that they are even operable.

Stop and think about what you're doing. I don't care how much you're being paid. Do you realize that you're a pedophile apologist? Is this what you thought you would be doing when you enlisted?

Yes, anyone who can form a cogent argument against this particular conspiracy MUST be a paid shill...

I've spotted 4 in this thread so far...

you are doing good work!

Says the 9 day old account. How much are you being paid, comrade?

How much are you being paid, comrade?


I assume that's some paedophile codeword, sorry comrade but I'm not interested.

Oh. I actually kind of thought you were in the military. It was a joke, I'm not being paid anything. They don't pay very many people to be critical of the US government...

Actually, if you find anyone that pays people to spend all day on reddit being critical of the US government, let me know.

Russia does, as you well know. And I'm not British.

That's really odd given your post history... Where are you from?

So you think before you type?

Do you really believe that literally nobody can look at the pizzagate claims and come to a different conclusion than you and that anyone expressing such an opinion is therefore being paid to do so or is part of the "conspiracy"? Because that's what you're implying by labelling anyone who disagrees with you a shill.

If you're referring to that one YouTube video, nope, zero evidence that what was shown in the video is even a tunnel, let alone connected to the pizza place. The video was carefully edited and footage of random locations was spliced together.

The video in question went like this:

  • Showed them in front of the pizza place

  • Jump cut

  • In a random parking lot

  • Jump cut

  • In the woods

  • Jump cut

  • Entering a door behind a random building

  • Jump cut

  • In what appears to be a drainage tunnel

  • Jump cut

  • In front of a hospital.

i have no idea why people are so focused on these tunnels, when theres a million other red flags to discuss when it comes to pizzagate

Like that "pedophile code" some random person on /pol/ made up?

I mean I hate to break it to you like this but ok. Ice cream=male prostiture

nice assertion, but completely false.

Provide sources for these paedophile codewords then. They first appeared when a poster on 4chan told people to search wikileaks for a list of possible "codewords". There is no independent corroboration for these "codewords", and they don't even make sense in the context for which they were invented (the Podesta emails). For example, how do you get orgies delivered in a box?

i don't think secret code words are like math or something testable, it's a code that offers plausible deniability, and it's obvious what pizza means or what hotdog means, use your imagination. also the emails make perfect sense in context, so i don't really know what you are talking about. he says instead of pasta(boys) he got a lovely assortment of cheeses (girls), i doubt it was in a box, he probably just worded it like that cause it goes better with the codes?

for example

"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

translates to

"ps. do you think i'll do better dominating a girl than a boy?"

use your imagination.

That's the problem right there. A poster in 4chan supplied a list of "codewords" and told people to search wikileaks for them. So, people did and used their imagination. To me, playing dominos on cheese is just a dumb drugs allusion, like me asking if I'll play chess better on Vanilla Coke or Red Bull. No need to ascribe hidden meanings to it, and in fact, asking if you'll do better playing domination on little girls than little boys (using the 4hcna translations) makes no sense. Likewise, Herb Sandler saying he expected cheese and sauces in the delivered box makes no sense using the "translations" (little boys and orgies in a box). You're just discarding things that don't fit your preconceived theory which is a ridiculous methodology. Similarly, someone suggested that "realtor" must mean a specialised evidence clean-up agent (they've been watching too much Tarantino). Of course, it couldn't just be that Kathryn Tate is a realtor (that is, a real estate agent, not a forensic cleanup expert).

i'm not discarding anything, it's possible some of the emails are innocent, if i were to trust anyone about pedo code speak it would be 4chan. people have suggested many things and have been wrong, I don't see you point. i can imagine a pedophile saying that to another pedophile, so again not sure what you are on about.

also you can find videos on youtube talking about pizza and hotdogs and how they connect with sex going years back, i also saw a ted talk about this code a long time ago but i can't find it anymore, maybe you will have better luck.

how do you explain obama flying in 65000$ worth of hotdogs in from chichago, when the whitehouse doesn't even allow outside food?

i also saw a ted talk about this code a long time ago

No you didn't. Memory is a funny thing, very fallible.

i can't find it anymore

No shit.

how do you explain obama flying in 65000$ worth of hotdogs in from chichago

He didn't. Is there any evidence that he did, aside from a single Stratfor email?

Yes i did, I'm sure I could find it if i searched a while, and "no he didn't" isn't really the kind of discussion i want to be stuck in. might have been ted x tho

What am I supposed to do with that email? There's nothing about the 4chan code, no ted talk, nothing about hot dogs.

Just tell me. Reading that email. Does it sound suspicious or weird to you?

Doesn't sound suspicious to me. Adults do find children entertaining, you know – you don't have to be a paedophile or abusing them to get enjoyment out of interacting with them or simply watching them play. And it's also possible the "entertainment" reference was to Bonnie, the driver, not the children. Note also that they're clearly referring to a swimming pool, not a hot pool, though pizzagaters often call it a hot pool, presumably because that sounds more salacious to them.

if i were to trust anyone about pedo code speak it would be 4chan

I wouldn't trust an anonymous poster on 4chan with no corroborating evidence or citations to be telling the truth about anything. And when it comes to accusing people of serious and terrible crimes, you should have more than a post on 4chan.

i can imagine a pedophile saying that to another pedophile,

People can imagine all sorts of things, but that's not evidence, particularly when the alleged coded messages can easily be understood without reference to a supposed code.

i'm not sure where you are getting orgies in a box

Herb Sandler wrote that he had received a "square shaped box" and "instead of pasta and wonderful sauces", it contained "a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses". Using 4chan's codewords, then, Sandler was expecting there to be little boys (pasta) and orgies (sauces) in the box.

you can find videos on youtube talking about pizza and hotdogs and how they connect with sex going years back

So, provide citations, then.

how do you explain obama flying in 65000$ worth of hotdogs in from chicago

This is another common pizzagate misrepresentation. There is no evidence that Obama ever flew in any hotdogs. There is an email from Fred Burton of Stratfor in which he wrote "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago". One person thinking something may have happened is not proof that anything did happen.

well i doubt we will find a secret pedo code in the dictionary... but there is at least one word that we corroborate, that instagram pic of alefantis with a young boy, with the hashtag "#chickenlover", the term dates back to an 80 doc which i'm too lazy to look up, and chickenhawk is also an established term.

you claim that it can all be understood, but some things still raise eyebrows like the get pizza for an hour one, or the email with the pizza pac attatchemnt (where does this busy politican find the time to make a pizza pac, and what are the legal ramifications of such a thing),

yeah i've seen someone explain that email, apperently they were talking about playing dominos in a previous email. i bet podesta wishes he worded that one differently rofl

he thinks obama spent 65k$ on hotdogs and he thinks they are using the same channels, he seems very exited about the "waitresses" too. i know the white house only takes food from secret and secure channels, i guess these guys use these same secret hotdog channels. also obviously if there was some sketchy shit going down there would be no public record of it

also sorry far too lazy to go through pages and pages of history to find some obscure video

they really should have clarified some things instead of screaming fuck you fake news FAKE NEWS, i guess thats not really an option for some reason tho

It's funny that you are accusing him of prescribing his own meaning when you are doing the same thing. You do know that pedophiles actually use cheese and pizza as codewords right? So when you see those words used out of context and several times it isn't unlogical for someone to be skeptical and formulate what think it is, especially when there has been dozens of cases of pediphilia in high ranking members of the political establishment?

playing dominos on cheese is just a dumb drugs allusion

I never heard anyone said this in my life. And if it is, why not just say the words drugs instead of saying this?

What do you think this is?


"With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . ."

There's something more sinister here, just in case you didn't know if you don't believe it and think its stupid that's fine, but there's nothing wrong in people wanting to search for the truth, throwing away and adding constantly recycling possible theories.

It's funny that you are accusing him of prescribing his own meaning when you are doing the same thing.

No, I'm applying the standard meanings of these words and finding nothing that cannot be explained using those accepted meanings. I am not applying non-standard usages with no independent verification or corroboration.

I never heard anyone said this in my life. And if it is, why not just say the words drugs instead of saying this?

You clearly didn't understand what I meant by drugs allusion. I meant that Sandler was referring to cheese and pasta as though they were performance-enhancing drugs. The cheese and pasta were relevant in the context and replacing them with "drugs" would not have made any sense.

What do you think of this message?

I think it's a Beltway in-joke referencing the well-known Bohemian Grove frat-boy "rituals".

If you don't believe it and think its stupid that's fine

Well, that's a refreshing comment. Most pizzagaters immediately jump to accusing people who disagree with their "findings" of being shills or paedophiles themselves.

there's nothing wrong in people wanting to search for the truth, throwing away and adding possible theories to form connections

But that's not what is going on here. Some people are deliberately misrepresenting the situation or just lying (like saying that Clinton and Silsby were friends and Clinton got Silsby off; that Alefantis said there was a basement at Comet Ping Pong; that Obama flew in $65,000 of hot dogs; that the McCann identikits are of the Podesta brothers; that the Podestas were staying at Clement Freud's house in Portugal when McCann was abducted, etc, etc), and others are accepting these inaccurate assertions at face value and perpetuating them. And they are then accusing named individuals of committing heinous crimes on the basis of this shonky research. I've seen people commenting that these individuals should be killed and we've already had people snooping on them and even one person going into Comet Ping Pong with a gun. These "investigators" are putting real lives and livelihoods at risk and they don't even have a single criminal complaint to back up their claims. This is not how research is done.

Cheese pizza and cp have been slang for child porn on 4chan for years. Years! Anons would post links to it and get dumb asses to click on it or download it for the lulz.

Ok, what about walnut, hotdog and map?

Walnut is a small child's arsehole

I'm asking for the source for these code words.

We call that a cashew.

"Cheese pizza" was NOT ithe list of /pol/ code words.

It was one a list that I saw here in conspiracy. /shrug

Even if it wasn't isn't an unheard of strategy online to nest the truth among lies. You put 1 or 2 legitimate 'codewords' among a list of bullshit, and 'TPTB' and a herd of useful idiots have a field day shooting all the bullshit down and making the legit stuff look ridiculous just by association.

I don't need some list I'm an old fag and I've been of 4chan for months.

Yes, "cheese pizza" has been used as slang for "child pornography", but that term does not appear in the Podesta emails. The rest of the "codewords" were simply posted on 4chan as possible codewords and, as far as I know, no one has been able to show that they were used by paedophiles before that. And, just because "cheese pizza" was used on 4chan does not mean that paedophiles use it. In fact, it seems ridiculous to me to suggest that a group of high profile people would pick their codewords from a public forum like 4chan.

Chicken lovers and Hoetard wasn't made up by 4chan. Your right, perfectly normal people post pics of babies with hashtags hoetard with money in its mouth.

They aren't talking about those symbols. They are talking about the code words created to "translate" the Podesta e-mails into something nefarious.

It really was just some anon on /pol/.

A lot of the codes like "walnut" were debunked, and rightfully so. A lot of people like myself that believe the theory has substance have not even attempted to assign meaning to the codes. I think most people could look at the several emails in question and understand that they are very obviously speaking in some form of code, and that them speaking in a code could have implications of wrongdoing.

As for the basics, such as "pizza," they have obvious potential to mean something. I mean, hell, they have been used extensively in pedophile communities across the globe.

You're absolutely right, though. Some people have lost sight and just automatically see these numerous coincidences as fact, when in reality, it's not credible evidence.

Circumstantial evidence is useless without a crime. If there was an actual crime documented, I would not be so skeptical of Pizzagate.

That said, I am not shy about saying I think Pizzagate is complete bullshit and you are all way, way off base.

If there was an elite pedophile ring that involved Hillary and Bill Clinton and dozens of other politicians and this ring was trafficking hundreds, maybe thousands of children around the world prior to ritual Satanic and sxual abuse...

Why the fuck would they use their professional e-mails? Why the fuck would they flaunt it on Instagram?

I find Pizzagate offensive not because of who it incriminates, but the basis of it and the requirement that you must throw logic and reason out of the window into a fucking black hole.

Don't think he's on about that BS video. He's talking about the tunnel system speculation from the other day:

The guys who made that video admitted they were trolls trying to make pizzagaters look dumb.

21 hours ago

Oh fuck he's been silenced! KILLary did it again!

/s in case it's needed.

Pizzagate isn't an investigation into a pizza shop. It's an investigation of a broader and insidious infestation of pedophilia into the very institutions intended to stop them. The other cases are instances were they had to prune a branch to save the tree. Almost universally, these cases find a scapegoat and the immediately shut the case down despite testimony from people involved in the case saying there was evidence of more people being implicated.

This is what Pizzagate is about. And it's utterly horrifying, and absolutely true. We do not own this world. The criminals do. That is changing though.

Sounds like "someone" is trying to reframe the issue.

Pizzagate started because of podesta email code words and James Alefantis running a pizza place.

Resolve those questions before trying to sew distrust in the countries institutions... Hmm who could possibly want Americans to have even less trust in their institutions?

Always ask in pizzagate threads, who benefits from me believing this?

No, I was there on 4chan while it was breaking, it was never about a pizza shop. The pizza shop came about week later after the investigation started. You are the one refraining it. The media is trying to reframe it to make it easier to dismiss.

IICR it was about the code words first and then the pizza shop.

You're just wrong, or lying.

I haven't the patience to search for the 0day thread but this early thread on the Donald provided a link to all the "evidence"

Originally posted by /u/DumbScribblyUnctious in

A simple reddit search for "pizzagate" will show you all the old posts and they all refer to podesta and comet ping pong.

It didn't start on reddit. It started on 4chan. Also the term "pizzagate" came later. That didn't gain traction until it hit twitter, which was after it hit reddit.

Hawaii actually got more attention early on, along with Haiti and Epsteins Island. The David Brock connection came later, which lead to alefantis and comet ping pong.

Hawaii? Haven't heard that, unless you're talking about podestas hot dog stand...Which was a hotdog stand.

"But he conceded that his brother often says--in a voice that seems only half-joking--his biggest goal after the White House is to run a hot-dog stand in Hawaii. Even that might prove too stressful for a presidential chief of staff already getting the feel of beach sand in his toes. His true goal, Tony Podesta speculated, is to run "a crazy T-shirt store on the Big Island."

Every post from the early days on reddit and the 4chins was about podesta and comet ping pong. There are archive links of this, I just haven't got the patience to find them at the moment. Search for threads 2 months old and you'll find them.

No I'm talking about the underground bunker/broken hard drive cp ring.

Some guy in Hawaii found a site on some property linked to someone, I forget who, it had a ton of power boxes with cables leading underground. General concensus was a weed farm. But the same guy was linked to an eBay store that sold "broken" hard drives for exorbant prices with absolutely glowing reviews. People figured that was cp related.

There was also a bunch of other property around the country linked to someone they were investigating that according to Google Street view were all fenced off house in suburban neighborhoods with bars on the windows. Only houses in the areas that looked like that. Never did figure out what that was about.

The investigation is much larger than a single pizza shop. And that is not even talking about Pegasus, the mysterious school owned in Hawaii or the DynCorp tail numbers on Epstein's chopper. And in Haiti there is the dead trafficking researcher and the lady convicted of trafficking that Hillary personally interviened with the government to get released. Or the dead trafficking researcher in Germany. There are several other leads I can't recall at the moment.

You don't even try to present one link.

Just forget it. Enjoy the water.

A lot of the info is over on voat if you care. I wouldn't even begin to know how to find the 4chan threads or if they even still exist. I'm not trying to prove anything to you. Just telling you want I saw as it went down.

If Pizzagate didn't have any merit, then there wouldn't be a major assault from the media and David Brock's shill team to discredit it.

Are you familiar with game theory?

What's your angle?

what do you think of the opposition to pissgate on here? why is it so vehement, attempting to shut down discussion, from people who should be open to investigating it?

Because the way it's playing out, it just seems like it's most likely a tactic being employed by TBTB in order to accomplish some goal. It could be true, but the only evidence presented is all "he said , she said" stuff instead of actual evidence presented in this post.

Then why don't mods label this post "hoax" and censor it? Double standards born from political bias is the obvious answer.

It's been confirmed fake. Even multiple other MSM (fake news) outlets called them out. CNN and Buzzfeed backtracked on it

1) It wasn't confirmed fake.

2) CNN and Buzzfeed didn't backtrack on it.

They did. Maybe you should stop reading fake news

[citation needed]

No they didn't also John McCain said that same document passed through his hands.

Everyone has called "Pizzagate" fake too. Why the double standard?

We are not an organization created to fight online battles for information. David Brock's organization is. They get to choose what battles to fight. The are choosing to fight Pizzagate very very hard. The reason they were created was to keep control of the new. If you don't see a difference between the two I don't think any of us will be able to help you.

I think what he's asking is, how do you know Russia and Trump don't have their own CTR like organisations that are trying to bury the BuzzFeed story and push pizzagate? The reaction to the Trump/Russia story on this subreddit yesterday was an almost textbook example of how these groups work. The front page was immediately flooded with posts claiming hoaxes and brigades in an obvious attempt to forum slide the BuzzFeed article. When it failed, mods censored the discussion by deleting the post, and are now sticking pizzagate post in a very transparent attempt to direct this subreddit back to an anti-Democrat pro-Trump narrative.

I think there are groups infiltrating and influencing this sub, but it's not Brock or CTR. The majority of the shills here are all being paid in Roubles.

Are you not aware that the story yesterday was a fabrication? It was obviously a fake story which is why you saw the backlash.

Obvious fabrications make it to the front page all the time. Search this subreddit for submissions that have been give the MISLEADING tag. They never caused such an immediate and violent reaction here before. There must be some kernel of truth to the story because it clearly caused some group to go into overtime trying to get it off the front page.

Because pissgate was obviously inorganic and contrived

The idea that Russian intelligence would want to gather blackmail info on influential foreign figures is preposterous?

inorganic and contrived

You mean like making up secret code words so that every email happens to "prove" your preconceived notion?

Shit they started borrowing ideas from 4chan...

Oh the irony...

Yeah the difference is, this is a conspiracy forum, not a global intelligence agency

Not as much irony as you might suppose

There is no proof that 4chan's claim of originating the #GoldenShower story is valid. Doubly ironic...

Oh just like the golden shower story itself has no proof?


Maybe we think a grown man paying strippers to piss everywhere is not a serious offense. Not like...o i don't know.. the rape and murder of innocent children. Do you see the distinction?

The sex stuff itself wouldn't be the issue. The issue would be blackmail, which could lead to treasonous acts.

Rape and child murder is also serious. Are you only capable of reading about one thing at a time, for months at a time?

The sex stuff and the alleged related recordings of which would of course be troubling if it were proven real, but the evidence presented is bogus from the ground up. Even buzzfeed admits it can't verify the contents of the dossier. Even the dossier itself admits not having any way to prove its allegations.

We follow where the evidence leads. Sometimes it leads somewhere, often it leads nowhere, and often the evidence itself is quickly revealed as fraudulent and fake. It was obvious very quickly in this case to be a manufactured controversy, seeded to spread further division and it worked splendidly.

Now you have Nevertrumpers crying about why we're not all up in arms against Trump after this manufactured scandal and Trumpeteers losing their heads over this attack on their emperor, while truth is nowhere to be found as this story is a ghost not worth chasing after.

I think there is a good chance you are right, but the reason ive been so active on here is that I perceive a ton of hypocrisy in here, either intentional or confirmation bias. People are dismissing this when it is less than 48 hours old, and using the same sources they claim to distrust as evidence that the conspiracy is fake, while editing mainstream headlines into more narrative fitting thread titles

I'm almost 100% certain that pizzagate is a Russian disinfo operation to discredit American institutions. Notice how pizzagate investigators try and move beyond comet ping pong and John Podesta to allegations relating to the pentagon, pedophiles in the police, pedophiles in the house.

Some of those may be true, pedophiles exist everywhere, however the aggressive astro turfing in the direction we're seeing is indicative to me of an external influence.

Yeahhhh, no. As someone who is researching pizzagate at this lie that it's russians only makes sense when you haven't been paying attention to it all

Why don't you investigate /v/YoungLadies, voater.

What a manipulative wall of text lol. nice try tho

Oy vay!

What age are you?

admits to having dozens of accounts

Clearly tries to mislead people with a manipulative wall of text

asks your age


I only ask because you have the discussion skills of a 13 year old.

At least the other voaters have an idea of how to hold a discussion.

Oooh personal attacks now. Classy.

I'm not so much trying to discuss with you rather than point out your blatant bullshit. There's nothing to discuss with people like you.

pretty weird that you're aware of pedo subs. I didn't even know that was a thing

It was top of the Google results and a post was made here about them.

uh huh


You didn't answer my question. Do you see the distinction?


Traffic violations are illegal. Burglaries are illegal. Paying someone to piss is not illegal.

Great question.


Because the truth resonates and there was no truth to pissgate. It was fan fiction. I encourage you to investigate though.

So every attack against something proves credibility?

Nice work. This will serve me well the next time someone needs a Pizzagate education... I cant believe how many people are still clueless about this...

Yes. Send them links to The Donald, Voat, and /r/Conspiracy and see how stunned they are not at the revelations, but at the caliber of dumbass shit you look up and think is real.

There are multiple accounts saying almost verbatim the exact same thing in this thread. Extremely suspicious.

A wise observer note every single account saying some variation of "voat, reddit, the Donald are not reliable, REEEEE!" Go through their post histories, and you now know the narratives the regime is pushing.

There are multiple accounts saying almost verbatim the exact same thing in this thread. Extremely suspicious.

And there are multiple accounts repeating almost verbatim the same lies and misrepresentations as supposed "evidence" for pizzagate. Do you find this also suspicious?

Of course not, that would be unbiased.

I'm gonna add to that. Pizzagate is stupid and the evidence is crap.

How many child sex slaves do you think the Saudi royal family owns? Give us your estimate.

Probably half a dozen. Dont really care about child sex slaves, any sex slave is wrong but just because the word "child" is being used isnt going to make me give up reasons. The people who go on a crusade because of "child" this or "child" that are just as bad as lawmakerd who try to curb the internet because of "children."

Sorry im not gonna give up freedoms(internet) or overthrow society(walking into a busy pizza shop brandishing a gun) because of children.

Dont really care about child sex slaves

Then why are you here?

Sorry im not gonna give up freedoms(internet) or overthrow society

Who suggested you do that?

pointing out past child sex slave rings does not mean that pizzagate is real

It does if they're part of the same ring. And we won't know that until an impartial investigation happens. Who is impartial, in your mind? The FBI? A special prosecutor? A non-American?

the best pizzagaters have

No one here gives a shit about pizza. We all care about child sex slaves. Except you, apparently.

Dont really care about child sex slaves

I'm here for conspiracy theories, not so people can cry "they are child molesters arrest them without a trial! Guilty with no evidence!"

Sorry just because a bunch of you are Russian shills or anti DNC fans who are using any excuse to attack your enemies doesn't make it a conspiracy. That's what this sub became after r/pizzagate shut down, it used to be about real conspiracies. Now its just another partisan battle ground.

a bunch of you are Russian shills or anti DNC fans


not so people can cry "they are child molesters arrest them without a trial!

So just to clarify, you don't care about child sex slaves, but you do care that DC powerbrokers get a fair trial.

You've got some interesting ethical priorities there bud!

You have proof of these child sex slaves? I said I was against sex slaves, adding "child" to it is just a way to hype up a fake cause and create a narrative.

Great, so we agree that sex slavery is unacceptable. And you already estimated that the Saudi royal family has roughly 6 child sex slaves (an estimate I think most people would find laughably small).

So you're okay with us trying to bust these Saudi royals, right? You won't try to stop us, right? You won't whip up controversy with concern trolling about how poorly the investigation is going when you could be helping instead? Can I get your agreement on that?

No I don't agree on any of that. Do it right or don't do it. Sorry but none of that is an excuse of being uncivil. Pizzagate investigation has been crap, crying that media is covering up because they don't answer to obvious trolls, shills and hard core alt righters, accusing everyone left and right. Sorry that's wrong and just adds to the misinformation. I'm not gonna help people like that at all.

Do it right or don't do it.

Couldn't agree more. What are your best leads? I can't wait to get started on helping your "better" investigation!

excuse of being uncivil.

I don't care about civility, I care about those kids.

investigation has been crap

Luckily you're here to show us how to do it right!

I'm not gonna help people like that

You'd rather pedophiles walk free, than work with someone you disagree with. It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

Yea and comparing Saudi Arabia to pizzagate is disingenuous. "Hey look at these two things! They are almost alike so that means they are alike." Just like this thread on the front page which compares past examples to the pizzagate thing and tries to present those as proof of pizza gate.

But hey you want to forego civility? Sure, go to Saudi Arabia and go stop them, I won't stop you. Of course we both know you won't do that, the whole "I care about the kids" is just another attempt to take some sort of moral high ground and decry anyone who doesn't rally to your anti-DNC banner.

I'm not talking about pizzagate at all. I'm talking about the Saudis. I already told you, if you think pizza code is a bad lead, give me the better ones you've been working on.

...Since you want so badly to catch these guys! You're not concern trolling. Or trying to divide us with politics.

Do you think a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the possibility of pedophiles in government being blackmailed?

First you're gonna need to find some evidence there are pedophiles in government.

Like the pentagon employees that got caught with child pornography... And got jailed.

Do we need a special prosecutor when it seems like ICE and current law enforcement is working on it?

find some evidence there are pedophiles in government.

Denny Hastert. Mark Foley. Blackwater providing dancing boys for sale in Afghanistan. Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein flying the Clintons to his private island. The Finders cult investigation being halted as a "CIA internal matter". The thousands of Pentagon employees not jailed for buying child porn.

Like the pentagon employees that got caught with child pornography... And got jailed.

How many out of the ~5000 suspected were investigated? How many were jailed? How many had no punishment? How many were not even investigated?

Do we need a special prosecutor when it seems like ICE and current law enforcement is working on it?

What evidence do you have to support your claim that they're working on it effectively? The Saudis had 28 pages of the 9/11 report classified. That doesn't sound like effective government oversight to me.

Special prosecutors exist to remove the appearance of a conflict of interest. We've shown that such an appearance exists. Therefore we need a special prosecutor.

You wouldn't oppose one being appointed, right? Just to be safe?

you haven't read very far have you.

Sorry im not gonna give up freedoms(internet) or overthrow society(walking into a busy pizza shop brandishing a gun) because of children

Why are you even suggesting shit like this?

You missed the shooting incident this hysteria caused?

Do you ever get tired of trolling here? Or is it your job or something

Not trolling at all. Usually I just lay out facts, contradictions, gaping holes in ideas, or skepticism. It is good sport, but a little easy. I never say anything patently false. Try doing what I said there, and see how it is received.

To be fair, NO ONE wants to think about/admit that something this horrific is actually happening. I know I didn't.

But now that I know the truth, I know this evil needs to be brought to the light.

Does anyone have a link to a video explaining all of this? I'm a little out of the loop on it and I have a long car ride ahead of me tonight

but but but trump is evil guys.

can't we just let all the pedophiles keep murdering and raping young children so we can focus on evil trump?

also trump is hitler, russia is bad and pedophilia is a myth. amirite

hitler accused the intelligence community of being nazis today?
russia is bad
pedophilia is not a myth but you all's obession with it, despite no facts... i'm starting wondering why you like thinking about pedophilia so much?

Why is Russia bad?

That's the thing, it's not

I see he's deleted the comment I was answering..

Russia isn't good either. Neither is any major nation state. But the USA has to be the worst, if we're measuring in nations and lives destroyed. Closely followed by the UK..

They are nazis. I have personally observed members of the intelligence community holding up a doll of a black person with a noose around their neck at a political rally.

Russia is not nearly as bad as the CIA.

pedophilia is not a myth but you all's obession with it, despite no facts

Dennis Hastert. Jimmy Savile. Stop lying.

I find it suspicious when commenters on Pizzagate threads keep trying to turn the topic to Trump and steer away from pedophiles. Why even bother coming here and commenting if you think it is all b.s.? Why waste your time? I usually spend time reading about and researching topics I'm interested in learning more about not stuff I've totally closed my mind to and adamantly oppose.

Maybe because the mods have decided to delete any reference to the Trump conspiracy and stickied this post at the top. I wonder what might inspire them to do such a thing...

I used to work at comet. The owner's a sociopath. He got his business partners son all drunk and hugh on coke, had sex with him and his business partner left. I think he did it to someone else too. But I just can't see him trafficking kids, tbh.

I want to believe but with no proof that you worked there, I can't believe it just on your word

I never brought it up to the cops, theres probably some paper trail w/the previous owner leaving. I'm going to be deleting this comment soon, don't like having people be able to figure out who I am on here.

Man, I bet there are a lot of people on this sub who would be pissed if they knew that they missed that post. LOL.

Out of respect for the poster's privacy, I'm not going to repeat it... but I will say that Greenwood's kid would have been just about 20 at the time of the alleged incident, so not pedophilia.

Creepy, though? HELL YES.

What was it?!

Someone claiming to have worked at Comet Ping Pong. He said James Alefantis got his ex-business partner's son high on coke and had sex with him.

Probably bullshit, but he deleted his account shortly after.

Fuck I'm pissed.

Get outta here with that nonsense! Snopes did an excellent job debunking your ridiculous fake news!

Now can we please get back to discussing Pissgate, an actual scoop discovered by the brave and dedicated investigators at Buzzfeed!

Careful, there's a good amount of people who won't pick up on that sarcasm.

I almost didn't, until buzzfeed.

Snopes is fake news

Could you link to anything outside of this subreddit, t_d, and the voat?

That depends. Can you point to any other communities that haven't been censored for discussing this information. Why hasn't MSM picked through all of this in their "debunking"?

Yea, lots of them. Abovetopsecret, beforeitsnews, zerohedge, RT, etc.

Shills and downvote bots: incoming!

More like "CUNTCOM", am I right?

More like "CUNTCOM", am I right?

That says that US-based networked aren't targeted.

It's like a 2 paragraph article, did you really not bother to read it?

Oh yeah, they TOTALLY just spy on the bad guys...

Let me like a source and then discredit my own source by saying it's withholding information.

You guys are the true top minds of reddit.

'Based outside of the US.'

At least read your shit.

But mate, the sources are all coat Reddit and paste bin, not actual concrete sources, you could've linked some Wiki leaks at least. Sorry but I ain't trusting this conspiracy theory at all

The truth remains the truth whether or not one believes in it.

Sry mate this isn't r/philosophy. There's facts and there's lies. You not presenting an actually argument shows that it's more of the latter.

Nono. Dude was being mystical. He must be speaking the truth.

its bullshit, but its nicely and meticulously arranged pile of bullshit, with quotations and links and shit. so, its evidence to pizzagaters


I'm sorry, the correct quote was "the truth is out there" but as a consolation you get to bring home...a NEW tinfoil hat!

whats a concrete source for you?


what kind of proof tho? do you want hair samples, a blood splatter analasys? a body? sorry to tell you but im pretty sure the bodies are resting in a cement wall somewhere. we have emails where hes obviously talking in code, a code associated with pedophiles, but that isn't enough for you, we know he has painints of tied up kids in his house, but you claim this is irrelephant somehow, we know from the wikileaks he is still friends with convicted pedophile dennis hastart, but thats perfectly normal right? we know in 2011, andrew breitbart accused podesta of being an world class underage sex slave cover-upper in 2011, from a completely different dataset that we have now in 2017. video proof would be illegal to posses, but i think even if it wasn't and we had it, when shown to you, you would do some mental backflip and say it's cgi and that it proves nothing...

No if you had video evidence of anything I'd support the conspiracy, but right now all the evidence is very flimsy and involves too many mental gymnastics to seem likely. Code words in emails is all anybody actually has and it's a guess at this point. The problem is this sub has turned into such a pro-trump safe space that I find it difficult to believe much coming from it without an actually solid lead of some kind. It seems like people here want it to be true so bad that they let there imaginations run a little too wild imo.

"No if you had video evidence of anything I'd support the conspiracy" I don't believe you. "but right now all the evidence is very flimsy and involves too many mental gymnastics to seem likely." such assertions wow, nobody is claiming this is 100% proof and they should be sent to the execution chamber, in the past investigations into alligations like this have started with way less evidence than we have here. "Code words in emails is all anybody actually has and it's a guess at this point." that code is hardly a guess (play dominos on cheese or on pasta, get pizza for an hour, expected pasta but got a lovely assortment of cheeses instead, pizza related maps, sacrificing a chicken(term coined by nambla in a 80s documentary) to moloch(god of child sacrifice), or emails like this " We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." we also have an efit from maddie mccans dissapearance, i know it's supposed to be of one person, yet they pictures look completely different and one of them has a depression where podesta wears glasses, the other one a mole above his eye the same as tony. no we also know he is friends with convicted pedophile dennis hastert, and if you did some research into the occult aspect of what podesta believes you would eventually see spirit cooking, crowley, and child abuse are all connected. "The problem is this sub has turned into such a pro-trump safe space..." WRONG, if this was true, not every single thread would have one of the top comments complaining about exacly this, you guys are the ones being partisan cause it was your candidate that had a pedo running her campaign. "It seems like people here want it to be true" I assure you, people that think pizzagate is real, don't want it to be.

I'm not a fan of Hillary's she never should have won the primary so don't call her my candidate lol I don't care about her. She's too much a part of the system for my liking. Denying this sub hasn't turned into r/the_donald_part2 is just kinda sad at this point. The mods have helped make it clear that pro-trump is the narrative here. I've actually seen posts on r/the_donald tell people to come over here to brigade it and downvote anything anti-trump. Countless posts about how anything anti-trump is bogus and fake news which goes against the very fucking point of this sub. You don't have to believe it but let others look into like I have with pizzagate. Personally I don't buy it but if proof surfaces I'll have no choice but to admit being wrong.

i like your tunnel vision mate, how about you actually address the stuff i have pointed out to you? also have you ever considered, that maybe the people on conspiracy like trump cause he has also supported conspiracy theories in the past, such as 9/11 and appearing on alex jones? almost every sub out there is shitting on trump, subs like r/jokes go against their own policy of no politics every few minutes to shit on trump, and they are not the only ones.

Wait so your argument is that because r/jokes has some jokes making fun of Trump that means it doesn't matter if this sub changes its agenda to pro-trump? How stupid are you? 2 wrongs don't make a right. Let's not stoop to their level then. This sub needs to stay bipartisan and any conspiracy theory regardless of who it affects should get a fair shake. If you disagree then head on back over to T_D

lol no my argument is people here are organically pro trump, maybe you are the one that needs to return to their safe space.

Naw I stay away from safe spaces like T_D that's why I don't want this sub to become one but it looks like it already has. This sub compromising of "organic" Trump supporters doesn't mean that all conspiracy theories shouldn't be looked at regardless of what "side" they're on. A real conspiracy theorist wouldn't give a fuck who it affects lol

you stay away from places like T_D cause you can't stand to hear stuff you disagree with, while most of t_d goes outside. i agree all conspiracies should be looked at and if the mods are really censoring anti trump stuff they should stop, but to be honest, a lot of anti trump stuff is complete nonsense and should be buried, not by the mods but by the people.

No I stay away from T_D because it's a safe space echo chamber that spews bullshit non-stop, similarly to r/politics for ppl on the left but T_D is a lot more extreme and full of crazies and at least you don't get banned on r/politics for simply saying you support trump. I like to lurk r/conservative personally to see the other sides point of view and r/politicaldiscussions for interesting debate at times. Ppl on T_D stay in their little bubble and only leave to call someone a cuck and then run back and hide.

nah I disagree with that assesment, I think the_donald is way closer to reality than r/politics. also you might not get banned, you just get burried in downvotes. also i haven't called you a cuck once, which reminds me. CUCK! YOU ARE A CUCK SIR!

You're a fucking moron if you think anything said on T_D has even an ounce of truth to it. It's actually the saddest thing I've seen that ppl fall for that garbage. It's why an informed public is so important, so that ppl can't be so easily manipulated by obvious lies. At least r/politics, as incredibly biased and liberal as it is, is based in reality. Trump could literally kill someone in the middle of the street in NYC and ppl ok T_D would either not care or completely deny it. Thats how bad it is on that cancer of a subreddit.

you say informed, i say misinformed, and were not gonna come to an agreement about this in the reddit comment section so it's pointless to talk about it.

And back to your safe space you ride. So long shill!

nah i'm actually going to bed, tired of talking to people who are unable to connect basic dots. so long cuck

One day you will realize how stupid you were. Goodnight shill

just like i realised on election night i hope

You realized believing Trump's lies were making you stupid, but you still believe them?

nah, basically everyone was saying trump will lose, democrats will win house and senate, and everyone who thinks otherwise is stupid. then on election night reality came calling.

No one called anyone who said trump would win stupid. People called trump stupid because he is. And so far he's done nothing but go back on what he said he was gonna do.

well i'll call bs on that cause someone called me stupid when i said trump would win. also I don't think calling trump stupid makes sense, clearly he knows what hes doing. Don't really think hes gonne back on anything either, he isn't even president yet, but I guess we will see. he has already started bringing jobs back so thats something...

He has no clue what he's doing and shows it every day. He said he'd drain the swamp and didn't do that, now he's saying taxpayers are gonna have to pick up the tab for the wall. And the "jobs" he's bringing back are a small fraction of what is being added monthly currently under "Obama". He's complete lost when it comes to foreign policy and being Putin's puppet is flat out embarrassing for the country. I'll never know what ppl saw in him. He's a moron who can't even speak in coherent sentences.

honestly i'm not even american. well he says temporarily so again we will see, i don't think obama really has a rep for bringing jobs, more of moving the goalpost of who is unemployed and who isnt. i disagree with the foreign policy, peace with russia sounds better to me, as does not bringing down assad and allowing isis to grow more. he speaks like a sales person, fast and repeating himself a lot, it's actually a tehnique of speaking. also with how often he was under attack(yeah sometimes deserved, infact if he was only attacked for legit reasons, I think he would have lost), I think people saw him as being extremely anti establishment...

Talks like a salesperson? Wtf is that defense for the way he speaks? Actually listen to what he's saying. Read transcripts of his debates. He doesn't speak in coherent sentences, it sounds like he's trying to figure out what to say as he's saying it, and keeps going until you forget what you even asked. He's a menace to society and you will soon realize this. Moving the goalposts? Where are you getting this shit from? Obama has been consistently getting jobs back every month for years now. This is a FACT. Plz do some actual digging instead of trusting whatever T_D spoon feeds you.

also "Obama has been consistently getting jobs back every month for years now. This is a FACT. Plz do some actual digging instead of trusting whatever T_D spoon feeds you. " how about Obama hasn't gotten a single job back for years now. This is a FACT. Plz do some actual digging instead of trusting whatever msm spoon feeds you.

Looks like you have no argument lmao so you send me a fake news video and a weird video of Biden. How old are you, 12? This is seriously middle school level argument skills. Get help dude.

what are you babbling about? fake news video? the guy teaches charisma and explains trumps appeal, how about you actually watch the video instead of spazzing out like a retard. also weird video of biden? he literally says hes horny standing behind a 13 year old girl. i'm not the one that needs help bro, you are the one denying reality.

You have no fucking clue what Biden says you fucking dumbass. Get a grip on reality you sound like a retard dude. It's a creepy video I've seen it before but you have ZERO clue what he said. And no I'm not gonna watch some video cause you told me to. You're a fucking moron I should do the literal opposite of what you do. Go fuck yourself you shill

No actually I have ears and I can hear it quite clearly on this video and on others. You need to calm your triggered ass down sheeple. you believe trump is a russian puppet with 0 evidence. quite frankly you should take a pic of your stupid face and have it framed. hang it on the wall and yourself next to it.

You can't hear shit cause you're fucking full of it lmao. Quit lying to yourself. You're a shitstain on the world, congratulations. 3rd graders have more critical thinking skills than you do. Think about that.

oh boy, im not the one lying to myself, watch the fucking video and listen to what he says, then find a different video of this same event, and listen to it again, then look at all the other videos of biden being a creepy fuck. you are literally lying to yourself for the benefit of a bunch of occult elite pedophiles. WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO. WHAT DOES HE SAY?

It's impossible to decipher what he says you fucking braindead moron. The audio can't pick up what he's saying. TBH I can't believe we're actually having this conversation right now. To think someone out there actually thinks this video is proof of Biden being a pedophile when you can't make out what he's saying completely astounds me. You're like the new breed of stupid. Plz for the sake of humanity, never have children, never come to America, and kill yourself. better audio. i'll ignore your insults cause it's not your fault you live in an alternate reality.

This is just sad. Get a life, or a hobby of some kind. I'm worried about you. Maybe you're schitaphrenic idk.

your insult game is really weak, did you watch the new video i linked to you, or are you still being a partisan fuck? this is r/conspiracy, this is a pizzagate thread, heres a video of joe biden whispering creepy shit with really clear audio. watch it and let talk about that or stfu and gtfo.

I did, and it's once again apparent you can't make out what he's saying. Quit being a dumbass

Not sure if deaf, or literally a westworld drone saying "this doesn't look like anything to me". turn the audio to the max if you haven't. QUIT BEING DEAF, GEEZ.

Blasting this shit and it's impossible to tell what he's saying. You're so full of shit it's laughable. FOH you dumb cuck

westworld drone confirmed

Russian shill confirmed

what can i do when the audio is clear as day and you are so partisan you refuse to hear it lol. it actually is sad. i hope one day you snap out of it, but i doubt that day will come any time soon.

You're the reason people have abortions

you are a failed abortion, that probably why your hearing and your brain is so fucked up.

If you're hearing things that aren't there it might be the sign of serious mental illness. There are people who can help diagnose and treat you. Don't feel scared and trapped. Get the help you need.

i'm sure you have plenty of experience with that, being a failed abortion and all, but my mental health is fine, i also have plenty of hobbies ranging from 3d modeling, programming, to juggling up to 6 items. you on the other hand are unable to percieve reality as it is, but that because you have been demoralized through brainwashing, break the conditioning you fucking cuck. i'm almost tempted to cut the audio for you word for word, maybe then you will be able to hear it, who knows.

Congrats on being able to juggle you fucking clown. I would recommend seeking a professionals opinion though. Morons tend to not like do to well out in the real world. If you ever decide to leave your basement sell the nearest hospital and see a doctor of some kind.

thanks, i can juggle really amazingly. I would recommend you eat a bullet.

No one gives a fuck dude. You're a disappointment to your parents. Kill yourself.

"No one gives a fuck dude. You're a disappointment to your parents. Kill yourself." take your own advice rofl

has nothing to say

repeats back what I said


you are so dumb it's hardly worth the time to think of a reply, you probably just won't understand it, like you don't understand creepy bidens words. you should stop playing in your own excrement and get one of those jobs obama has brought to america.

I'm a Civil Engineer you fucking dumbass. Why don't you quit lying to yourself, leave the basement, and work on yourself.

yeah and i'm the president of mars. stop being a retard before you hurt yourself.

Hahaha suck my cock bitch being a CE is what happens when you work your ass off for 4 years. You'd be wise to follow suit.

sorry can't, i choke on small objects, you should go design a brick to bash your head in with, you know do something productive for society with your time.

You choke on your own dick? Weird. You're an idiot.

see this is what i mean, you aren't even capable of reading, how will you design anything. i'm gonna stop wasting my time with you now and be the better person. good luck in your life, retarded cuck. also hillary and podesta have more ties with russia than trump ever will.

You spent way too long on this ****

i know >_<

One day you will burn in hell.

How about a single complainant? How about some direct evidence of a crime? How about people being honest about the "evidence" they are presenting, instead of continually misrepresenting it? For example, there is no "code"in the emails – the emails are perfectly understandable without recourse to codes, and the supposed codewords make little sense (how do you mail an orgy in a box?) Yes, Podesta mentions Hastert in an email, but it was written before he was convicted and admitted his abuse, so where is the evidence Podesta is "still" friends with him? Please provide proof of paintings of "tied up children" in Podesta's house. And how do you know the Breitbart accusation (which he provided no proof for) was not the reason that 4chan made up the codewords in the first place?

"How about a single complainant?" theres a ton of them if you look, however they all for some reason appear completely crazy, almost as if they were abused by sadistic pedophiles. "How about some direct evidence of a crime?" yeah it's probably resting in a concrete wall somewhere "How about people being honest about the "evidence" they are presenting, instead of continually misrepresenting it?" that's what happens when a giant disinfo campagin is launched to discredit, I don't have proof of this but i have personally seen it as it was happening. "For example, there is no "code"in the emails – the emails are perfectly understandable without recourse to codes," i've literally addressed this 10 times now, playing dominos on cheese isn't code, okay well done, you don't have a brain capable of connecting basic dots, thats your problem. "Yes, Podesta mentions Hastert in an email, but it was written before he was convicted and admitted his abuse, so where is the evidence Podesta is "still" friends with him?" "This traffic is really warm and really weird in light of Hastert. Boy that's sad." also "Please provide proof of paintings of "tied up children" in Podesta's house. " I believe you can find this one on your own, i believe it was posted on one of your "real" news sites. "And how do you know the Breitbart accusation (which he provided no proof for) was not the reason that 4chan made up the codewords in the first place?" shit man so many assertions.

honestly arguing with you is like playing chess with a pidgeon, I play c4 and you knock the figures over and shit yourself.

Supply a single complainant backing up the pizzagate conspiracy theory, not just a person claiming to have been a victim of satanic ritual abuse.

You again try to avoid the lack of any evidence of a crime by saying it's buried somewhere. So, lack of evidence = evidence in your world then?

No, the misrepresentation and lying is not part of a disinformation campaign; you can easily check the claims being made for pizzagate and see that many are not true (for example, the McCann identikits are of two people and the artwork in Podesta's house is based on a victim of Dahmer's).

"You don't have a brain capable of connecting basic dots": typical pizzagater response – won't debate the issues and resorts to insults instead. In fact, I can connect basic dots; I don't need some ridiculous code to make sense of fairly banal email conversations. But tell me how you put orgies in a box and deliver them?

The emails you referred to were both written before Hastert was convicted, so again, where is your proof that he has remained friends with him after he was convicted and confessed to abuse?

No, I cannot find any evidence of a picture in Jphn Podesta's house showing tied up children. You made the claim, you provide the evidence. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

Instead of throwing more insults around (playing chess with a pigeon), why don't you just discuss the issues with me? Start by answering my questions and providing the proof I asked for. Why is it that pizzagaters shy away from intelligent discussions and simply resort to ad hominem attacks?

eh pizzagate is occult ritual abuse, i'm not gonna go through pages of yt history to give you something you will just dismiss as soon as you see it. how exacly do you propose we get this evidence from these powerful and influental people? no, the emails which use obvious code, the artwork he is interested in, the friends he has, thats the part that raises suspicion.

lol that part only works for people that are sure everything is as it appears, sure it says it's of one person, yet the efit of podesta has a depression where his glasses rest, and the efit of tony has a mole above the eye, not to mention that the efits don't look like the same person. well sorry, you just don't. you literally keep reseting to orgy in a box after you have been corrected 2 times... i only resort to insults to add color to this very boring looping conversation. the fact they were written before hardly makes it better, the one where a goldmansach guy is saying it might be time for danny to dissapear to an undisclosed location in asia is still telling tho... you are correct, it's just his brothers house also the "it's just based on a victim of dahmer's" oh okay then rofl you know the reason people get frustrated with you is probably cause they have to explain the exact same thing 5 different times to you and you refuse to understand very simple things.

"Dominoes on cheese rather than pasta." He plays dominoes with his family and is wondering if he will perform as well after eating cheese as he did after eating pasta.

You really should follow your own advice and use your brain man. If you weren't already thinking MURDER-RAPE! when you look at the "evidence" it's all pretty innocuous. Are they weird sometimes? Yeah but... you can't prosecute people for being weirdos.

You can prosecute people for being weirdos. Ask a female.

The efits look different because they're based on two different witness accounts. Witnesses have given contradictory reports before, that's not uncommon.

Besides, the suspect was described as "aged between 20 and 40" by witnesses. The Podesta brothers are 68 and 73, which would have made them 59 and 65 at the time of McCann's disappearance.

Tony Podesta has a nude teenager painting in his bedroom, and a dismembered corpse stature in his foyer. He's also got and underground art exhibition space.

John Podesta has a painting of a little girl with legs apart in his kitchen. In July he got a $600K lobbying contract from Vladimir Plahotniuc, a Moldovan billionaire who came to power by blackmailing politicians using child prostitutes.

well, you could call the Venus de Milo a dismembered corpse statue too. The Arch of Hysteria is a well-respected artwork by a well-respected artist and has even appeared at the Tate. So what if Podesta created a basement exhibition space? Is everyone who has dug out a basement or built a "man cave" a paedophile?

Please provide proof of this painting in John Podesta's kitchen. And please provide proof of Vladimir Plahotniuc blackmailing politicians using child prostitutes. Though even if he did, how does that implicate Podesta in anything? Or are we saying that people who are friends with child abusers are always child abusers themselves? If so, what does that say about the people that voted for Trump, given that he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

The Venus de Milo originally had arms. The arch of hysteria was designed without a head (because Jeffrey Dahmer chopped it off his victim.

well-respected artwork by a well-respected artist and has even appeared at the Tate.

Everybody involved here is "well-respected", that's how they hide. Catholic priests are well-respected too.

Please provide proof of this painting in John Podesta's kitchen.

Sure, no problem.

Tony Podesta also has a nude teen painting in his bedroom, according to the same article that described his interest in statues of murder victims.

And please provide proof of Vladimir Plahotniuc blackmailing politicians using child prostitutes.

Sure, no problem.;tl=en&amp;js=y&amp;prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;;edit-text=

Always polite and very courteous with customers, pimp understand the benefits that can profit in this position. He began to film with hidden cameras guests with outstanding reputation in the company of prostitutes minor. Judges and prosecutors became manipulatable after fierce pimp show video clips.

Sounds eerily familiar to what Pizzagaters have been pointing out all along- that blackmailers and pedophiles are too common in elite circles.

how does that implicate Podesta in anything?

Well, Podesta took $600k in July to lobby for this scumbag. If you took half a million bucks from Osama Bin Laden, I guess that doesn't technically make you a terrorist. But it's FISHY AS FUCK.

Trump, given that he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein?

You think I give a flying fuck if Trump gets taken down along with all the other pedophile sadists? Good riddance to all of them.

The Venus de Milo originally had arms. Fair enough, though it's certainly arguable that its current fame is due at least in part, to the loss of those arms. But, in any case, substitute the bust of Nefertiti. You could just as easily claim that is the decapitated head of a corpse.

The arch of hysteria was designed without a head (because Jeffrey Dahmer chopped it off his victim). There's no evidence for that and plenty against it. Bourgeois's Arch of Hysteria as seen in Podesta's house dates from 1993, but she was working on the form from at least 1992. She has been creating variations of this artwork for many years, and some iterations have heads and are clearly of women. In a discussion of the artwork here, you can see the influence of an 1824 engraving by Charles Bell (obviously not based on Dahmer's work), and Paul Regnard's Arch of Hysteria from 1877 is also a clear antecedent.

By contrast, [the image of Dahmer's victim( that everyone links to apparently was first published in 1996 in Vernon Geberth's Practical Homicide Investigation (that is, after Bourgeois had already been using the pose). It's not even clear from that photo that the head has been removed. Even if the work had been based on one of Dahmer's victims, what does that have to do with child abuse? Dahmer killed adult men. He wasn't a child abuser.

So, on the one hand, you have clear precedents predating Dahmer by more than 100 years. On the other hand, you have a photo that probably wasn't even in the public domain when Bourgeois was first utilising the form.

Sure, no problem. So, tell me, why did you describe that image as being of a "little girl with legs apart"? Clearly, you wanted to imply some salacious content to the image and imply that it was akin to a porno shot, but all I see is a painting by Biljana Djurdjevic of a young woman of indeterminate age sitting on a bar stool. Her legs are not touching but there is nothing indecent about their position. If you see that image as being sexual I would say that says more about you than it does about Tony (not John) Podesta.

Tony Podesta also has a nude teen painting in his bedroom, according to the same article that described his interest in statues of murder victims.

Are you talking about the Washington Post article? If so, it does not say he has a "nude teen painting in his bedroom", nor does it describe his "interest in statues of murder victims". If not, please link to the article.

Sure, no problem.

That's hardly proof. That's an uncorroborated assertion, and apparently Komsomolskaya Pravda was the source of some of these assertions. (Pravda has also claimed the US was behind the Charlie Hebdo shootings.) To say this is proof is like citing a voat pizzagate post and saying that's proof the Podestas are child abusers.

Sounds eerily familiar to what Pizzagaters have been pointing out all along- that blackmailers and pedophiles are too common in elite circles

No, it doesn't say anything about paedophiles, and it's hardly surprising that criminals seek to entrap powerful people, just as some security services do.


You can't even supply proof this guy has done anything and then you're using that to imply guilt by association.

You think I give a flying fuck if Trump gets taken down along with all the other pedophile sadists?

Well, at least you seem to believe that Trump is involved. Most pizzagaters I've read think Trump is going to be the one to confirm the truth of the conspiracy and throw everyone in jail.

So your evidence that the headless statue isn't a murder victim, is that it's a victim of Strychnine poisoning? Oh wow, how comforting!

"Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

Plahotniuc is the richest man in Moldova, and there was not even a photo of him available until a few years ago. Very kind of you to stand up for his innocence though. I'm sure he's squeaky clean.

So your evidence that the headless statue isn't a murder victim, is that it's a victim of Strychnine poisoning?

No, it takes its inspiration from depictions of hysterical patients. But even if it was inspired by a murder victim, how does that mean the owner is a child abuser? If I owned Guernica, would I be guilty of indiscriminate killing?

a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.

Yes, a photographer known for those pictures. That doesn't mean Podesta has one of those pictures. It's like me saying that an art collector owns a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, the painter known for the Mona Lisa. That doesn't mean the art collector owns the Mona Lisa. This lack of concern for the truth is typical of pizzagaters.

Plahotniuc is the richest man in Moldova, and there was not even a photo of him available until a few years ago. Very kind of you to stand up for his innocence though. I'm sure he's squeaky clean.

Plahotniuc may be a criminal and Podesta may not have any ethics and may work for anyone who offers him a contract, but an article that did not offer any sources, quotations, or backup documentation is still not proof of that.

Plahotniuc may be a criminal and Podesta may not have any ethics and may work for anyone who offers him a contract

I agree, let's investigate further!

There is no need to put bodies into walls where they can be discovered later. They have a pig farm and they run a pizza restaurant. Pigs will eat anything and you can put any kind of meat into sausages.

These people joke about cannibalism. I would not eat at any of their establishments. Why should they buy meat when they can just butcher it? I'd be very afraid of what might be in their sausage. Hillary said we don't want to know how the sausage is made, I disagree. I want to know exactly what is in it before I eat it.

Really you could have ended after your first sentence. There are no parents or relatives of abused children stepping forward.

True. I really don't know why I bother – pizzagaters never want to discuss things reasonably; they just start yelling "shill" when anyone disagrees with them. But I'm looking forward to them turning on Donald Trump when they finally realise that he's not going to "reveal the truth" or order investigations of pizzagate!

No parents or relatives coming forward? Most of them are the ones selling their fucking kids out to pedophiles, or abusing them directly. Watch these documentaries. PLENTY of victims. Not-so-plentiful coverage in the news.

Here's 4 full exposes on Satanic abuse. It is not a new conspiracy. It is large, powerful, global, and ancient. People are not making this shit up.

You honestly believe Satanists are orchestrating a child sex slave ring underneath a pizza shop?

I posted those links 20 minutes ago. The videos total up to over 4 hours. How about you tell me what you think after watching them.

I'm not watching your videos, I wanted to ask you personally if that is what you believe.

Is it?

"I don't want to see your evidence, I just want to condemn your opinion". Do the courtesy to these victims to hear their stories. Watch the videos.

As for what I believe: I don't have the hubris to claim I know how the world works, but my best estimation at this time is there are secret societies controlling the levers of power all over our world. Many of these secret societies are deeply rooted in royal bloodlines, and occult rituals for initiation which coerce participants to engage in extreme taboos, such as child abuse. Satanism is an undeniably large part of this. They reward members for this, and use these activities for blackmail to guarantee permanent loyalty to the cause. You are given easy access to any form of sexual gratification you desire, any drug you want, any earthly pleasure you wish to satisfy no matter how twisted or depraved. They are made completely above the law in every aspect of life, in exchange for becoming a complete puppet for the will of this cabal, who we affectionately call "The Powers That Be."

Given the fact that our leaders regularly manufacture excuses for war and genocide to feed their agendas, I don't think child rape and murder is that far outside their demonstrated moral boundaries. So yes- I tend to think it's highly plausible these freaks are dressing up in silly robes and fucking kids behind closed doors. The evidence for Pizzagate certainly seems to suggest that's what they're up to. If it's all fake news, believe me, everyone researching this would love to go back to thinking this isn't happening...but the coverup and backlash we're getting is not helping to ease any suspicions.

I am open to all counter-evidence that disproves any specific part of this theory, one portion at a time. But it's going to take a lot more than saying "he doesn't have a basement!" to satisfy my questions about Mr. Alefantis here.

I said I don't have the time, not that I don't want to see any evidence. Thanks for your viewpoints.

Fair enough then, sorry for the hostility. Most people are making any excuse not to see what's staring them right in the face. I hope you get the time to look and decide for yourself. Good day.

Satanisms only been in existence for 100 years, if that.

the emails are perfectly understandable without recourse to codes

"Would I do better playing Dominoes on Pizza or Pasta"?

Obama getting 60,000$ in Hot Dogs and something about "Waitresses" (In quotes lol)

Yea nothing weird going on here guys MOVE ALONG PLEASE.

But guess what? There are DOZENS more like that. Has anyone actually thought of the chance that its all a coincidence... It's quite funny anyone even doubts it still.

"Would I do better playing Dominoes on Pizza or Pasta"?

It's a really really dumb dad-joke about drugs. "On" = under the influence of.

That's how I read it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Perhaps I'm wrong but it's a plausible explanation. Point is: it's not so 100% nonsensical that it absolutely requires a some sort of secret code to be present for that line to make sense.

Except you forget the dozens of other code. Drugs don't explain most of them.

And ya didn't even address my other point lel.

Except you forget the dozens of other code. Drugs don't explain most of them.

I don't know why that one being a dad joke about drugs therefore means all the rest of the emails have to be dad jokes about drugs.

And ya didn't even address my other point lel.

Yeah I only vaguely remember the hotdogs thing so didn't bother lel.

First point your just straight up lieing.

Second point doesn't need you to remember when I said it now does it?

Your too obvious.

First point your just straight up lieing.

News to me.

Second point doesn't need you to remember when I said it now does it?

Obama got 60k in hotdogs and "something about waitresses". Yeah, you totally explained every single detail of that part champ.

I gave you a perfectly reasonable explanation for the dominoes thing. I didn't realize that providing a singular counterpoint for one thing made me dutybound to disprove your whole post.

When you act like all the code=drugs and only explain one part and not the other (Which I provided) then yea, I fucking expect you to do both.

When you act like all the code=drugs

No I didn't?

The first is just a dumb drugs allusion, just like me saying I play chess better on Coke than Earl Grey tea.

And Obama never bought in $65,000 of hotdogs; Fred Burton at Stratfor wrote that he thought Obama had done this, but there's no evidence that any hotdogs, much less thousands of dollars worth were bought.This is just another pizzagate misrepresentation. Why, if you're so sure that pizzagate is true, do you have to misrepresent things like this? Why not just stick to telling the truth?

You act like your 100% sure it's about drugs.. Even though it is established pedo related code... By the FBI...

I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?

Why would someone say something like this? How would they get confused and mix something like this up? Literally doesn't make any sense. And how am I misrepresenting? Blatant manipulation tactic there.

Oh and strangely you completely ignored this

If we get the same "waitresses," I'm all for it!!!

Which is in the link you provided funnily enough.. (If ya can't see it it's around the top).

Pretty obvious why someone would quote waitresses like that... Lol.

You act like your 100% sure it's about drugs.. Even though it is established pedo related code... By the FBI...

No, the codewords were not established by the FBI or any law enforcement agency. This is another pizzagate lie. The FBI did release a document depicting two symbols that they had found being used by a few paedophiles (the heart in heart and the triangle spiral). But the FBI did not verify the "codewords". They were posted by a 4channer, who said they may be possible codewords and said to search wikileaks for them. Pizzagaters just ran with it from there.

And I don't mean it's literally about drugs. As I said, it's a joke; Sandler was just joking that maybe the cheese would make him play dominoes better. The point is that this statement is perfectly explicable without having recourse to codewords. In fact, using the codewords makes no sense, because then you have Sandler asking if he'll play domination better on little girl than little boy, which is nonsense. And he had earlier said he was expecting there to be a little boy and orgies in the box, which is also ridiculous.

Why would someone say something like this?

Why don't you email Burton and ask him? Obama did fly in a Chicago chef to help make hot dogs, though this particular incident happened after a year the email was written. Possibly, he'd done it a previous year too, and the cost of the whole event was $65,000.

As for misrepresentation, it is indeed misrepresentation to present as established fact that Obama spent $65,000 on hot dogs. All that can be said is that Burton thought Obama did this. There's a big difference between saying "Obama got $65,000 in hot dogs" and "it was claimed that Obama may have spent $65,000 on hot dogs".

Oh and strangely you completely ignored this

Nothing strange about it at all; you didn't provide a link to it and I overlooked the quotation in the email I linked to. So, to address it, it's not clear whether Eisenstein is replying to Burton or Kuykendall and thus whether the "waitresses" were at a previous Sratfor hot dog event or at the Whitehouse party, but I assume he's implying they were promiscuous, prostitutes, or maybe just models. Or maybe there was a rumour floating around Stratfor that Obama spent $65,000 on prostitutes and that was what the exchange is about. Notably, Eisenstein uses scare quotes to draw attention to the non-standard use. He's not trying to hide anything there. Again, there's no evidence that anything illegal occurred, and if something illegal did occur, why jump to the conclusion that it was child abuse? Why not simple prostitution?

Jee there CTR... What a waste of a probably hour of your life. You realize pretty much no one is going to see your comment right? Threads pretty old now.

Yes I may of messed up with the FBI confirming it's pedo code, BUT it IS pedo related code. Anyone who says other wise is simply lieing.

And ALL of your other argument are hilariously desperate.

Nothing strange about it at all

Yea nothing strange about saying "Waitresses" at all mhm.. This proved you were CTR.

Oh and btw to anyone that HAS read these comments i'l tell ya what's going on. Mass denial. That's it. Anyone that has done even a bit of research in Pizza gate and hasn't realized the chance of it being real is over 99% is simply in denial. There is a MOUNTAIN of "coincidences".

Oh also, (and i'm not 100% sure on this one) all the people involved in Pizza gate are actually just fucking dumb. They literally don't know what they are doing. There's not going to be any wars either because they are also cowards. So yea we basically can't lose.

What a weird fucking time to live in.

Jee there CTR ... BUT it IS pedo related code. Anyone who says other wise is simply lieing.

No, people who disagree are not simply lying. And people who disagree are not all CTR. For the record, I'm not American, I don't live in the States, I don't support Hillary Clinon, and I'm not being paid or otherwise induced to post.

Yea nothing strange about saying "Waitresses" at all mhm..

I did not say there was nothing strange about writing "waitresses" in scare quotes; I said there was nothing strange about me omitting to comment on it in my previous post. You said "strangely [I] completely ignored this", and I was merely saying it wasn't strange, it was just that I had overlooked the comment was in that email I linked to. It's clear from my comments that I do think Eisenstein was implying something about the waitresses, but I don't see any evidence that it relates to child abuse and it may not even refer to the supposed White House party. But I have found that this sort of misrepresentation is typical of many pizzagaters – they don't worry about the facts, twist other people's words, call people who disagree shills or CTR, and then other pizzagaters just repeat this rubbish without checking for themselves.

... i'l tell ya what's going on. Mass denial. That's it. ... There is a MOUNTAIN of "coincidences".

No, it's not mass denial. It's just that people who have looked into the pizzagate claims with open minds have found that there is no evidence to back them up. The "mountain" of coincidences you claim does not exist – a lot of them are simply wrong (for example, that the "codewords" were validated by the FBI, that the Madeline McCann identikits were of the Podesta brothers, that the Podestas were staying at Clement Freud's house when McCann was abducted, that the emails make no sense unless a code is being used, that "James Alefantis" is a homophone for "I love children" in French, that "L'Enfant" in the t-shirts refers to a child, that Clinton was being informed about Silbsy for years and got her off, that Elefantis has previously said that Comet Ping Pong does have a basement, etc, etc), some are misrepresentations, and others are just guilt by association. And the claims are very selective too: for example, pizzagaters make much out of the fact of Tony Podesta writing that he had stayed in touch with Dennis Hastert, but they never point out that he wrote that before Hastert was convicted or that Podesta wrote that he "in shock" on hearing the news about Hastert. And they also never mention the letters written by Republicans Tom DeLay, John T Doolittle, David Dreier, Thomas Ewing, and Porter Goss asking the judge to show leniency in sentencing. Pizzagaters also make much out of Bill Clinton being a friend of Jeffrey Epstein's but never talk about how Trump as also a friend or that a woman filed court papers alleging Trump raped her at Epstein's house when she was 13. (I'm not saying that was a legitimate claim, just noting that, if such a claim had been made about Bill Clinton, it would have formed a part of the pizzagate narrative for sure.)

Also, some of us are old enough to remember the international satanic child abuse claims of the 1980s, so we've already seen the harm that these sorts of bogus claims can cause.

In short, it's not mass denial by those who disbelive pizzagate – it's extreme gullibility and naivety on the part of those who do.

all the people involved in Pizza gate are actually just fucking dumb.

Like most conspiracy theories, pizzagate relies on people being incredibly stupid but smart evil geniuses. Supposedly, they're clever enough to set up an international child trafficking ring catering to the rich and powerful, leaving no physical trace, no witnesses, and no identified victims, yet they're dumb enough to broadcast their involvement on Instagram and openly advertise their services in their businesses' marketing. As well, they're so open that GQ names James Alefantis in its top 50 powerful Washington people for his crimes. And anyone who calls bullshit on this is labelled CTR or a shill, because pizzagaters just can't comprehend that anyone could genuinely find this ridiculous.

So yea we basically can't lose.

If you mean, you're going to hurt the lives and livelihoods of people on the basis of unsupported accusations and no evidence of even one case of child abuse, then, yes, you've done this. But being part of a despicable campaign of cyber-bullying and harassment is nothing to be proud of. But, if you mean that you're going to see actual proof of the pizzagate claims, prosecutions, and convictions, then you're dreaming. I guarantee you that, in 10 years' time, there will have been no prosecutions (let alone convictions) based on the pizzagate claims, and most of those people who were pushing pizzagate will be looking back on it with some degree of embarrassment and shame at how gullible they were, while a small number will still be posting comments about the great coverup and how it really was all true.

Mmm Yea ok your probably not CTR.. Unless your off work and your just venting or something... But so much effort for so few people to see it... I'm wondering if you are perhaps involved? :)

If you can go through all this effort why don't you debunk this and get 25,000$?

Oh and that doesn't even have all the evidence.. Plenty more from where that comes from.

If you can go through all this effort why don't you debunk this and get 25,000$?

Because a site that lies about its own material (it repeats the lie that the "codewords" are corroborated by the FBI and that the Arch of Hysteria is based on a Dahmer victim) and that rules out any sources it decides are "fake news" is never going to accept that its claims have been debunked. Pizzagaters don't want to know the truth; they just want to believe that they've uncovered some great crime.

Oh and that doesn't even have all the evidence.

It isn't evidence. If you gave me access to all your emails and social media posts, I could invent "codewords" and make links to other things to paint you in a bad light (to the gullible, that is). It is much easier if I'm allowed to lie about things, as pizzagaters do. Why don't you list the three or four strongest pieces of "evidence" that you think prove pizzagate and we'll see how they really stack up?

It's funny you guys still think Pizza and shit aren't code words.

Like for fuck sake shits been on 4chan since like 2004 and it probably older than even that.

And most people don't realize this, But the best evidence actually IS the code words. They provide the highest chance of it being real. EVEN MORE than the John and Tony podesta police sketch while being a mile away from child kidnapping in Portugal.

(Although I suppose it's still pretty high up there perhaps around 4th place).

  1. One email saying they would have to eat leftover MONTH OLD Pizza. Leftover pizza expires in about 5 days (From Google) They are fucking Washington elites.

This one seems to of been scrubbed or something since I can't find it, not surprising considering how damning it is.

  1. The "Waitress" and 65,000$ hotdog and pizza one. Even though you seem to think you debunked it. (lol).

3.>Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. Who the fuck says "transport" when talking about children. "Further entertainment" Yeap. She's actually saying the kids are entertainment. Wow. Why is them being in the pool so important?

And there's dozens more like that. And ya know what? I would've actually believed it was all fabricated by the Russians since it's so goddamn blatant... Except the emails are confirmed verified through DKIM, So even if the Russians stole it they didn't tamper with it.

But I guess none of this counts since it's not "Real" evidence, Right?

It's funny you guys still think Pizza and shit aren't code words.

No, it's sad that there are people so gullible that they're ready to accept ridiculous claims like pizzagate.

Like for fuck sake shits been on 4chan since like 2004 and it probably older than even that.

So, you can provide proof of that then?

But the best evidence actually IS the code words.

Its sad, too, that you think replacing perfectly innocuous words in perfectly innocuous sentences in perfectly innocuous emails with "little boy" and "little girl" and the like somehow implicates the original author in anything. That you think this is the "best evidence" for pizzagate simply shows how uncritical you are. No police officer would ever make an arrest based on this "evidence", and no prosecutor would ever file a case based on it. Hell, a university student would get a fail if they submitted an essay that relied on this level of reasoning.

EVEN MORE than the John and Tony podesta police sketch while being a mile away from child kidnapping in Portugal.

Please provide evidence that the Podestas were anywhere in Portugal at the time. You won't be able to, because there is none. None at all. What's more, the efit images are not of two people; they are two images of the same man and were based on the different recollections of members of the Smith family. The efits were generated by private images investigators hired by the McCanns. Here are the McCanns talking about the the man (not men) the images show, and here's DCI Andy Redwood and here, the head of Operation Grange, making it equally clear that the images are of one man, in his thirties.

One email saying they would have to eat leftover MONTH OLD Pizza

Do you really believe that this was "scrubbed"? Really? It couldn't just be that you've conflated two pizzagate claims, namely an email referring to eating three-month old pasta (not pizza) and a post allegedly from Comet Ping Pong's message board that refers to last month's pizza? The first is nothing suspicious, since pasta has a shelf life of up to two years, and the second one is completely uncorroborated: no links were given to the message or even to the claimed message board. I have been unable to find any Comet Ping Pong message board, and in any case other pizzagaters claim that it wasn't a message board but a secret page that was hacked by 4chan. So, no evidence that this post is genuine, but people believe it presumably because they can easily believe in satanic child abuse rings among the rich and powerful but they can't believe that someone might lie on the internet.

The "Waitress" and 65,000$ hotdog and pizza one.

So, if I email someone saying that I think that builder1117 kidnapped, raped, and murdered a young child, that means you really did that? It's not about me debunking anything, it's about you not providing evidence for anything in the first place. The burden of proof is on the people making the accusations. Reporting what someone thought may have happened is not evidence that anything did happen.

Who the fuck says "transport" when talking about children.

Hmmm. Maybe these people. Or this school: "Nimon Bus Service are our providers to transport the children to and from school." Or how about this childcare service: "Selwyn Kids uses two modern vehicles to transport the children." Or this person: "in Bolivia, a horse-drawn wagon is used to transport the kids each day." I could go on, but they're all paedophiles, right? I have no idea why you think "transport" is an inappropriate word to use in connection with children, but I guess you see child abuse everywhere.

She's actually saying the kids are entertainment.

And children can never be entertaining unless they're being abused, is that what you're saying? No adult can ever find amusement and joy in the playing of children without having a sexual motive?

Why is them being in the pool so important?

It's not. But in the context of the email, the author had already noted that swimming was a possibility, despite it being autumn, because they were planning to heat the pool, and they were just further emphasising that swimming was an option by saying the kids would be swimming. Why do you keep seeing child abuse in everyday conversations? That says far more about you than the email writer.

But I guess none of this counts since it's not "Real" evidence, Right?

So, you have unremarkable emails that you think prove something if you replace some words with terms like"little boy" and "little girl". You say you have an email about eating month-old pizza, but no link to that email. And you presumably think that children can't be transported or be entertaining unless they're being abused. No, that doesn't count as real evidence. Not even close.

So, you can provide proof of that then? I've heard multiple people from 4chan say that over the years, So unless they somehow predicted Pizza gate would happen I think they are telling the truth...

No one is fucking saying that this evidence is enough to indict for fuck sake we are asking for a INVESTIGATION.

FBI anon revealed it. He was also right about MANY things months before they happend... Oh and he put in false shit on purpose before you use that to discredit him.

And the investigators behind the case were just retarded, plain and simple. Those are CLEARLY two different people. And the parents simply did see two people, But they thought it was one.

Do you really believe that this was "scrubbed"? Really? It couldn't just be that you've conflated two pizzagate claims, namely an email referring to eating three-month old pasta (not pizza) and a post allegedly from Comet Ping Pong's message board that refers to last month's pizza? The first is nothing suspicious, since pasta has a shelf life of up to two years, and the second one is completely uncorroborated: no links were given to the message or even to the claimed message board. I have been unable to find any Comet Ping Pong message board, and in any case other pizzagaters claim that it wasn't a message board but a secret page that was hacked by 4chan. So, no evidence that this post is genuine, but people believe it presumably because they can easily believe in satanic child abuse rings among the rich and powerful but they can't believe that someone might lie on the internet.

Nope I specifically remember someone mentioning it and providing a direct link to the email and it was DEFINITELY pizza. Don't know bout that other stuff your talking about.

So, if I email someone saying that I think that builder1117 kidnapped, raped, and murdered a young child, that means you really did that? It's not about me debunking anything, it's about you not providing evidence for anything in the first place. The burden of proof is on the people making the accusations. Reporting what someone thought may have happened is not evidence that anything did happen.

Yea I'm sure they would make up something like that... Actually makes no sense if you give it a little thought.

Hmmm. Maybe these people. Or this school: "Nimon Bus Service are our providers to transport the children to and from school." Or how about this childcare service: "Selwyn Kids uses two modern vehicles to transport the children." Or this person: "in Bolivia, a horse-drawn wagon is used to transport the kids each day." I could go on, but they're all paedophiles, right? I have no idea why you think "transport" is an inappropriate word to use in connection with children, but I guess you see child abuse everywhere.

All the links you provided are of FORMAL things, Of course people are going to say transport then. Go ahead and try to find some parents talking about "transporting" their kids to school or something. (AKA Informal).

And children can never be entertaining unless they're being abused, is that what you're saying? No adult can ever find amusement and joy in the playing of children without having a sexual motive?

She's implying the kids would be entertainment in the pool, So explain to me how someone would get enjoyment from watching kids in the pool. And unless your the parent of that child then yes your not going to be entertained in any situation. This is pretty common knowledge, So I guess your never around children since ya don't know that.

It's not. But in the context of the email, the author had already noted that swimming was a possibility, despite it being autumn, because they were planning to heat the pool, and they were just further emphasising that swimming was an option by saying the kids would be swimming. Why do you keep seeing child abuse in everyday conversations? That says far more about you than the email writer.

The weird word here is "Definitely" which you didn't include in your argument. Which makes it more important than it should be... Why do you keep defending child abuse so eagerly? Says a lot about you.

Oh and even if all your points were true, there would still be a HIGH chance of something going on, Because of the sheer amount of that shit. Don't know why you don't want a investigation...

I've heard multiple people from 4chan say that over the years,

So, no links, no proof then?

FBI anon revealed it. He was also right about MANY things months before they happend... Oh and he put in false shit on purpose before you use that to discredit him.

Please provide links to all these many things he was right about. But why would he put in "false shit on purpose"? That makes no sense. You're just trying to explain anyway the fact that he is clearly wrong about things. And he didn't "reveal" anything. All he has done is make uncorrobated and unverified allegations, some of which are clearly wrong. First, there is no evidence the Podestas knew Clement Freud. The house in Praia da Luz wasn't even Freud’s when Madeleine McCann was abducted, having been sold years before to Andy Wright. Wright did still rent it to Freud from time to time, but there is no evidence that Freud was in Portugal when the abduction occurred, and his family who don't deny his abuse – say that he wasn’t. And the Suffolk police have not confirmed that Freud was out of the UK at the relevant time.

And the investigators behind the case were just retarded, plain and simple. Those are CLEARLY two different people. And the parents simply did see two people, But they thought it was one.

Oh, now you know the case better than the police investigating it, the parents, and the witnesses who clearly said they saw one persons. This alone shows me that you are not interested ion the truth at all; you are just so invested in this crap that you'll believe anything anyone supporting pizzagate says, no matter what the evidence against it. This is why there's no point having an investigation, because you guys would never believe it anyway unless it confirmed every ridiculous idea you have. Which it never would.

Nope I specifically remember someone mentioning it and providing a direct link to the email and it was DEFINITELY pizza.

In that case, the evil illuminati must have "scrubbed" it then! You guys have an excuse for everything. Get something wrong or misremember something – no, I'm right, it's just been "scrubbed". Sure.

All the links you provided are of FORMAL things, Of course people are going to say transport then.

What difference does it make? Why are you allowed to use "transport" formally but not informally? What is your reasoning here?

Go ahead and try to find some parents talking about "transporting" their kids to school or something. What about this: "very Friday for two years I transported the kids and the dog to his home". Or this: "my husband and I transported the kids to the paintball venue." Or this: "I transported the kids over here and having a good time with them ... I like watching them have a good time and enjoy themselves." Or this: "Year-after-year, I transported the kids back to Tennessee". Again, what is your strange objection to people using "transport"? Oh, that's right – it's just a made-up reason to try to imply something wrong with the original email.

She's implying the kids would be entertainment in the pool

No, she's not. That's why she uses a comma and the word "and" between the two clauses: "so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure". But, given your made-up objection to "transport", English grammar is clearly not your strong suit.

And unless your the parent of that child then yes your not going to be entertained in any situation. This is pretty common knowledge, So I guess your never around children since ya don't know that.

"Common knowledge"?! You're really grasping at straws and showing your ignorance here. Plenty of people get non-sexual enjoyment from children. In fact, one of the links I gave on the use of "transport" demonstrates this: "Officer Jaime Madrid was happy to join the party. 'I transported the kids over here and having a good time with them,' he said. 'I like watching them have a good time and enjoy themselves.' But I guess you think he's just another paedophile, don't you?

The weird word here is "Definitely" which you didn't include in your argument. Which makes it more important than it should be

What "definitely"? That word is not used in the email you linked to. Making up stuff again? Or maybe it's been "scrubbed"!

Why do you keep defending child abuse so eagerly

I'm not defending child abuse because you haven't established anything untoward in the first place, much less child abuse.

there would still be a HIGH chance of something going on, Because of the sheer amount of that shit

No, that's a logical fallacy. Huge amounts of made-up rubbish, misrepresenatations, and unsourced and uncorroborated allegations is not proof of anything. The thing is, pizzagaters can make up shit all day long but the sheer amount of stuff they make up doesn't mean anything. Here's an example where we have a voat poster making up new meanings for your "codewords". Check out his stupid reasoning "it [pizza] describes a warm, wet experience, as does orifice penetration". And people take this shit seriously!

Don't know why you don't want a investigation

I woould have no objection to pizzagaters funding their own investigation by a reputable private investigation firm, but I am opposed to police resources being diverted from real crimes and real victims into investigations of imagined crimes based on the sort of pitiful "evidence" offered by you and others. I am similarly opposed to police (or the FBI or any crime enforcement agency) investigating such things as alleged alien abductions. I am concerned about real victims, not imaginary ones. Why aren't you?

So, no links, no proof then? For fuck sake I ain't gonna go looking for that shit, But anyone who has been on 4chan for a few years can tell you the same thing.

Please provide links to all these many things he was right about. But why would he put in "false shit on purpose"? That makes no sense. You're just trying to explain anyway the fact that he is clearly wrong about things. And he didn't "reveal" anything. All he has done is make uncorrobated and unverified allegations, some of which are clearly wrong. First, there is no evidence the Podestas knew Clement Freud. The house in Praia da Luz wasn't even Freud’s when Madeleine McCann was abducted, having been sold years before to Andy Wright. Wright did still rent it to Freud from time to time, but there is no evidence that Freud was in Portugal when the abduction occurred, and his family – who don't deny his abuse – say that he wasn’t. And the Suffolk police have not confirmed that Freud was out of the UK at the relevant time.

Just look up the FBI anon pastebins. Oh and providing a bunch of links trying to look like you know what your talking about won't help you when I'm the only one looking at them.

What difference does it make? Why are you allowed to use "transport" formally but not informally? What is your reasoning here? Because that's how normal people fucking talk. And again your posting links that are FORMAL, either interviews or written in blogs.

"Common knowledge"?! You're really grasping at straws and showing your ignorance here. Plenty of people get non-sexual enjoyment from children. In fact, one of the links I gave on the use of "transport" demonstrates this: "Officer Jaime Madrid was happy to join the party. 'I transported the kids over here and having a good time with them,' he said. 'I like watching them have a good time and enjoy themselves.' But I guess you think he's just another paedophile, don't you?

Seems like he's getting to get off the job and eat food, So I doubt he's getting entertainment from the kids. Also he said transport because he's used to saying he transports criminal and cops are extremely formal and careful when they talk.

What "definitely"? That word is not used in the email you linked to. Making up stuff again? Or maybe it's been "scrubbed"!

Oops mis remembered since she said "for sure" (Pretty similar)... Eh, ya know what that is actually worse than definitely, So thanks for pointing that out.

No, that's a logical fallacy. Huge amounts of made-up rubbish, misrepresenatations, and unsourced and uncorroborated allegations is not proof of anything. The thing is, pizzagaters can make up shit all day long but the sheer amount of stuff they make up doesn't mean anything. Here's an example where we have a voat poster making up new meanings for your "codewords". Check out his stupid reasoning "it [pizza] describes a warm, wet experience, as does orifice penetration". And people take this shit seriously!

Yea I didn't think you would understand, The reason I said it would be a high chance is because even a FEW of the emails in which the only argument is it COULD mean something else... (The only other possibility people have come up with is drugs), But that is pretty doubtful since it IS pedo related code... (Even if you desperately say otherwise.

Oh shit that reminds me. There was one email where some guy said he was on a plane with kids and he was getting "Excited" (Actually I don't remember if that was the exact word, But I DO remember it being EXTREMELY weird, So it's at the very least something similar.

Oh and the example you provided is actually pretty decent speculation except for that part you quoted, that was pretty dumb yea, But I don't think 14 commentators = people take it seriously.

I woould have no objection to pizzagaters funding their own investigation by a reputable private investigation firm, but I am opposed to police resources being diverted from real crimes and real victims into investigations of imagined crimes based on the sort of pitiful "evidence" offered by you and others. I am similarly opposed to police (or the FBI or any crime enforcement agency) investigating such things as alleged alien abductions. I am concerned about real victims, not imaginary ones. Why aren't you?

I'm gonna guess a private investigation firm wouldn't be able to get warrants, So it's pretty much worthless.

Look dude your just in denial cause you can't emotionally accept something this bad exist in the world.

But I still expect a apology when it blows open. ;)

Just look up the FBI anon pastebins.

So, no links then? No proof. Usual story from you – make grandiose claims but fail to back them up with anything.

Oh and providing a bunch of links trying to look like you know what your talking about won't help you when I'm the only one looking at them.

Why don't you provide any evidence that the Smith family saw two people then? Or anything that backs up these claims about the Podestas and McCann? Anything? But you won't because there is nothing.

Also he said transport because he's used to saying he transports criminal

Grasping at straws again. And that was just one example. Face it, people do use "transport" in relation to children and there's no earthly reason for them not to.

Oops mis remembered since she said "for sure"

Are you absolutely sure it wasn't "scrubbed"? And your lack of grammar comprehension is showing again. The "for sure" is not "weird" or implying anything criminal. She's just saying the kids will be going swimming. But that's tantamount to child abuse in your worldview, right?

Yea I didn't think you would understand

Then you should have expressed yourself clearly then.

even a FEW of the emails in which the only argument is it COULD mean something else... (The only other possibility people have come up with is drugs)

No, there are no emails which require "code" to understand them.

But that is pretty doubtful since it IS pedo related code

No, it is not, and you claiming it is doesn't make it so. It's 4chan trolling.

There was one email where some guy said he was on a plane with kids and he was getting "Excited"

Wrong gain. He just says he's seated with the kids so little wired. To most people, "wired" just means "nervous, tense, or edgy". To pizzagaters, it means "sexually excited". You guys see child abuse everywhere. (And for anyone who's had to sit by children on a flight (or even a long bus ride) it's not hard to see why someone might be "wired".)

I'm gonna guess a private investigation firm wouldn't be able to get warrants, So it's pretty much worthless.

More excuses. What happened to "we are asking for a INVESTIGATION"? A private investigator can turn over anything indictable to the police. But you guys won't put up the money for that because you know it won't produce anything.

Look dude your just in denial cause you can't emotionally accept something this bad exist in the world.

Not that old line! Every pizzagater eventually falls back on the denial argument. If I have no problem believing in the Holocaust, the slaughter in Rwanda, Pol Pot's Year Zero, the Belgian Congo outrages, then why would I have trouble believing that people abuse children? The problem is that there's no evidence for pizzagate. You are clearly gullible and believe anything that fits your worldview without question but I require evidence.

But I still expect a apology when it blows open.

You'll be waiting a long time then. I remember when pizzagaters were saying Trump was going to move on pizzagate as soon as he got into office. Not only is he not interested, he called for a standing ovation for the Clintons the other day. I could say I'll expect an apology from you when nothing happens, but I suspect you'll be one of the ones that 10 years from now will still be trying to convince people it really was real. Meanwhile, others will have moved on and will be looking back on their promotion of this myth as embarrassing and shameful.

Jee jimmy you seem quite angry.

And Trump made a fucking Haiti joke to Hillary at the red dinner in front of a bunch of elites... So I think he has the interest and balls to do it.

Not angry, just tired of the same old non-arguments being trotted out by pizzagaters. And amazed at the gullibility of people. As for Trump doing anything, I've watched as pizzagaters said "If Trump's elected, he'll sort it out." Then he got elected and nothing happened, and they said "He can't say anything yet, because Obama will just pardon them. Wait till he's inaugurated." (Even though Obama didn't need Trump to say anything if he wanted to pardon anyone.) Then he got inaugurated and still nothing happened. So, now the line is "Wait till Sessions is confirmed. Then we'll see some action." I'll tell you what. I'll look you up in a year if you're still on Reddit and I bet you Trump will not have done anything on pizzagate and no one will have been prosecuted.

Here is a crime, a friend of Hillary was caught trying to take a bunch of kids out of Haiti (child trafficking). They were claimed to be orphaned, but their parents said otherwise.

How about that one? Does that work for you?

It's funny how the tale about Silsby get taller all the time?

Silsby was a US citizen arrested overseas, it's standard for the State Department to be involved when this occurs, especially when the situation is political/sensitive as this was, Hilary was head of the State Department..., Silsby was convicted in Haiti.

a friend of Hillary

Citation for that?

No, that doesn't work for me. There is no evidence that Clinton even knew Silsby, let alone was a friend of hers. The claim that she was being forwarded emails for years about the New Life Children's Refuge was based on a typo in the date on the wikileaks formatted version. We know this because the date was not on the original, the document references the 2010 earthquake, and the refuge was set up in 2009 (it didn't exist in 2001). The claims that the Clintons helped get Silsby off are based on a Sunday Times article by Tony Allen-Mills in which he said that "The intervention of Bill Clinton, the former president, who is co-ordinating relief efforts in Haiti, may accelerate the resolution of an affair that has embarrassed the US government". [My emphasis.]

In fact, Silsby wasn't "got off"; she was found guilty and served three and a half months (the prosecution had wanted six months).

Furthermore, the State Department had been asked to keep an eye on the detainees by an Idaho congressional delegation; one of the lawyers had written to Clinton personally asking her to get involved; and Haiti's prime minister had said that its government was open to the possibility of the case being transferred to the US, all good reasons for Clinton, as secretary of state, to be kept in the loop about the progress of the case.

In addition, there is no evidence that the group were intending to traffic the children to abusers or that they were anything more than misguided Christian do-gooders. And some of the parents were reported as saying they wanted their children to go with the group in hopes of a better life.

That doesn't make any sense.

What's confusing about needing actual proof over words that might but unlikely are code

The code words are 1% of it. But, c'mon, we both know you know that already. You are disgusting. If feels very good to know your days are almost up.

So uh where on the autistic spectrum are you exactly?


That far huh?


Oh no! It's retarded!

You wouldn't be making fun a mentally challenged person would you? I don't think CNN is going to like this.

Don't get all PC on my now you shill.

There has been a lot of criminal cases where the suspect was convicted on circumstantial evidence only. So why can't you at least humor these guys and look through this circumstantial evidence and come to your own conclusion? And no, it doesn't count when you click on a link and are already thinking "this is all crazy nonsense" before you read through their evidence.

Just think, if enough circumstantial evidence can be called proof that a person killed, robbed, raped etc. someone, then can't this circumstantial evidence also be called proof if enough if found?

I come here with an open mind cause that's sort of the point of this sub. Seems like too many mental jumps to me. Idk just my opinion feel free to disagree. Maybe you'll prove me wrong.

I think most people that can't believe stuff like this is going on is because imagining our politicians, celebrities, presidents etc doing things like kidnapping, raping, and killing kids is just too much, it would destroy our whole belief in our political system and the people we elect to office.

Well I personally don't buy pizzagate because I don't believe it's good evidence.

I KNOW for a fact there are many many pedos in powerful places, hollywood, washington, etc. Powerful people politicians blahblahblah, but when I look at pizzagate I honestly see Charlie Day going crazy about the mail in It's Always Sunny. It's just not good evidence.

GW Bush had a favorite male prostitute placed in the press corps who would give him the softball 9/11 questions he wanted. When that guy is investigated, it looks like he could be a grown up Johnny Gosch.

If the Sr President Bush is a pedophile and the Jr President Bush is a pedophile, then don't we have to assume that our government is, in fact, run by pedophiles? I think the evidence is overwhelming.

Wait, the best evidence you have of the country being run by pedophiles is that W supposedly had a guy who was supposedly a male prostitute put into his press corps and that person bore a resemblance to Johnny Gosch?

As I said in my post, I truly believe there are many pedos in very high places. I just don't like the shaky evidence in pizzagate. So I'm not buying it. In fact, everytime I revisit the "evidence", the more the whole thing seems like an autist's fever dream.

I think another reason why people might refuse to believe it is because they know or suspect it is true and they are just plain terrified of what it means.

Denial is a nearly automatic reaction to being really frightened. In order to break through that denial reaction we need to take some of the terror out of the topic. And no, I don't know how to do that except for making it a big group effort.

Yes, enough circumstantial evidence can form the basis of a conviction. But simple coincidences, uncorroborated accusations, misrepresentations, and outright lies are not circumstantial evidence. I have looked through the pizzagate "evidence" and have not found anything that would justify a prosecution, let alone a conviction.

Something more than text in pastebin. That could have been written by anyone, mate.

It's not who wrote it, it's the fact that the users are independently checking the sources. Go back to CNN where it's safe.

The pastebin text comes from this post 3 years ago from right here in this sub.

He cites numerous news articles and connects the dots between them. You can check his sources yourself. #Pizzagate is very real, friend.

How does European child abuse in the 80s relate to James Alefantis?

Uh, maybe because this kind of shit has happened before, happens a LOT, and that people aren't crazy for suspecting this kind of thing could be going on in the capital city of the most powerful country in the world? Maybe because what's going in with Podesta and James Alefantis looks like there is much more to their relationship than a simple political fundraising gig? I'm not going to do your research for you. If you aren't curious or concerned about the 6 million "coincidences" that you'd have to believe exist to exonerate these guys, then you probably aren't going to believe anything brought up by yet another person like me trying to explain in a reddit comment.

6 million pieces of evidence?

I've been following pizzagate since the beginning. The most basic questions still go unanswered.

Where does the walnut, hotdog, map etc code come from?

How does modern art indicate someone's proclivity for child abuse?

What is wrong with hipster bands and weird music videos and how does that connect to John podesta and child abuse?

What is wrong with dexter (kill room) references on a once public instagram?

How does a picture of a child, smiling, playing with her arms taped to a table indicate a pedophile ring operating from CPP?

These are the basic questions.

I'm sure children are being abused in every city in the world.

That isn't a surprise unfortunately but it doesn't mean you can call people pedos without any evidence.

I mean, people are murdered in every city of the world, is there a global murder ring operating?

Firstly, I did not say "6 million pieces of evidence", I said "coincidences"- Which is the only other explanation you have for these things that clearly warrant major suspicion.

And if you've really looked into this, and seen nothing wrong, then what exactly would someone have to do for you to suspect they're involved in pedophilia? How exactly would you go about identifying a person engaged in child-trafficking, if not for clues like these? The logos of surrounding businesses are EXACT MATCHES to the FBI's chart for pedophile symbology.

From an investigative standpoint- Please tell me where your threshold for concern lies, and why, if this much circumstantial evidence existed for any other person, it would not be enough to tip the police?

The people who do this stuff aren't liquor-store bandits with scruffy jackets and head lice- they are very often people who put themselves in high-profile positions of status in their communities- coaches of their football team, priests at their local church, or I don't know- Speaker of the House of Representatives- like Dennis Hastert? Or Billionaires with private islands like Jeff Epstein? Just to name two, who are both well connected with the Podestas!

One more little thing before I go for the day- you're still only talking about instagram photos when the research has gone WELL beyond that point by now.

Have you ever heard of Laura Silsby? No? Well most people haven't until they actually do some research beyond the funky code words. She ran a fake charity in Haiti with help from the Clintons. They stepped in to protect her after she was convicted of child trafficking for kidnapping 33 haitian kids and attempting to smuggle them out of the country. They wouldn't have had to intervene, but unfortunately her previous lawyer- Jorge Puello Torres, was also charged with child trafficking in a separate case, and had to step down. Oopsie!

That's a remarkable coincidence if you ask me. Personally, I don't make habits of finding excuses for CONVICTED KIDNAPPERS. But it seems like you might like to give it a try? Should be pretty easy to debunk that one, right? Free upvotes await your reply!


I've discussed all this before so I'll just paste my response again.

The Haiti stuff is so tangential, how does she relate to a pizza place in DC anyway?

I saw a great comment about Silsby before:

I assume you're talking about this email.

First off, we need some context.

Pizzagate investigators cite this document as proof that "One of the first things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get Laura off the hook."

But it's not true according to their own link. The linked document says:

Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries, except for the group leader, Laura Silsby.

Interesting non-essential side note, if you look at this shameful, monumentally embarrassing tweet from Wikileaks where they link to an early pizzagate thread on the_youknowwho, you can see the original formulation was that "One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was get Laura Silsby off the hook..." This has been edited to say "the Clintons" instead of "Hillary" because the linked 46-page document doesn't even mention Hillary's name. And besides, "the Clintons took over the scene?" The outcome for Silsby was determined by a trial with a judge and lawyers and testimony from the parents of the "orphans" and all kinds of neat non-Clinton-y stuff.

So what happened to Silby?

Despite Silsby’s stated intent to take the children over the border to an unauthorized orphanage and her connections to human traffickers such as Torres-Puello, the courts eventually dropped the kidnapping and criminal association charges against her. Silsby was instead convicted under the additional charge of organizing illegal travel, sentenced to time served (3 months and 8 days), and released on May 17, 2010. In the end, her sentence was based on the least polemic charge against her. The pressing issue—whether Silsby intended to deliver the children into trafficking rings or grey adoption markets—was not addressed or resolved.

Rather than turning on Silsby’s actions, the decision in her case appeared to turn on the actions of the parents. Judge Bernard Saint-Vil explained that his decision was based on the Haitian parents’ testimony that they had “[given] their kids away voluntarily.” Similarly, defense lawyer Jorge Puello stated that the missionaries “willingly accepted kids they knew were not orphans because the parents said they would starve otherwise.” Another trial attorney for the missionaries, Aviol Fleurant, argued that “[t]he parents’ testimony means no law was broken and ‘we can’t talk any more about trafficking of human beings.’”

More bombshells about the people who were "trafficking in Haitian orphans," from the same document. Pizzagate investigators will never highlight or mention this:

The Americans denied any wrongdoing and said they had been trying to help children left orphaned and destitute by the Haitian earthquake. They said Puello had approached their relatives and church, offering his help. It turned out that the children who were with the U.S. missionaries had living parents, many of whom testified they had voluntarily handed their offspring to the Americans in the hope they would be given an education and a better life.

Pizzagate theorists will point to a lawyer Torres to try to make Silsby and crew look worse, but just read this excerpt from an ICE News Release to put it all into context:

In early 2010, Torres surfaced in the Dominican Republic posing as a lawyer representing American church workers detained in Haiti in the wake of the earthquake in that country. Torres convinced a church that he was Jorge Torres Puello, an international lawyer and president of "Puello Consulting" in the Dominican Republic.

Torres obtained a monetary retainer from the families of the detained missionaries and began representing himself to the Haitian court and international media as the attorney/spokesman for them. However, U.S. authorities recognized him as Jorge Torres when media reports showed images of the "alleged" lawyer wearing a suit and carrying a brief case.

An extradition package was prepared and sent to representatives in the Dominican Republic. Torres was arrested, detained and extradited to the United States to face the 2003 alien smuggling charges in Vermont. He pleaded guilty to the charges.

To sum up this Torres business, the dude faked his identity, offered his services (as in HE approached THEM), bamboozled the missionaries, pretended to be their lawyer until he got extradited.

So Bill Clinton was asked to go in and straighten this business out. Hillary Clinton emailed someone for details about the situation. There are so many leaps that have to be made here to get to satanic-pedo-ritual-sex-slavery ring it's not even funny.

And so, after all this, Pizzagate investigators go berserk over this this email "where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children" but it's just a synopsis of a fucking charity organization. Nothing more, nothing less.


I've discussed all this before so I'll just paste my response again.

The Haiti stuff is so tangential, how does she relate to a pizza place in DC anyway?

I saw a great comment about Silsby before:

I assume you're talking about this email.

First off, we need some context.

Pizzagate investigators cite this document as proof that "One of the first things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get Laura off the hook."

But it's not true according to their own link. The linked document says:

Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries, except for the group leader, Laura Silsby.

Interesting non-essential side note, if you look at this shameful, monumentally embarrassing tweet from Wikileaks where they link to an early pizzagate thread on the_youknowwho, you can see the original formulation was that "One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was get Laura Silsby off the hook..." This has been edited to say "the Clintons" instead of "Hillary" because the linked 46-page document doesn't even mention Hillary's name. And besides, "the Clintons took over the scene?" The outcome for Silsby was determined by a trial with a judge and lawyers and testimony from the parents of the "orphans" and all kinds of neat non-Clinton-y stuff.

So what happened to Silby?

Despite Silsby’s stated intent to take the children over the border to an unauthorized orphanage and her connections to human traffickers such as Torres-Puello, the courts eventually dropped the kidnapping and criminal association charges against her. Silsby was instead convicted under the additional charge of organizing illegal travel, sentenced to time served (3 months and 8 days), and released on May 17, 2010. In the end, her sentence was based on the least polemic charge against her. The pressing issue—whether Silsby intended to deliver the children into trafficking rings or grey adoption markets—was not addressed or resolved.

Rather than turning on Silsby’s actions, the decision in her case appeared to turn on the actions of the parents. Judge Bernard Saint-Vil explained that his decision was based on the Haitian parents’ testimony that they had “[given] their kids away voluntarily.” Similarly, defense lawyer Jorge Puello stated that the missionaries “willingly accepted kids they knew were not orphans because the parents said they would starve otherwise.” Another trial attorney for the missionaries, Aviol Fleurant, argued that “[t]he parents’ testimony means no law was broken and ‘we can’t talk any more about trafficking of human beings.’”

More bombshells about the people who were "trafficking in Haitian orphans," from the same document. Pizzagate investigators will never highlight or mention this:

The Americans denied any wrongdoing and said they had been trying to help children left orphaned and destitute by the Haitian earthquake. They said Puello had approached their relatives and church, offering his help. It turned out that the children who were with the U.S. missionaries had living parents, many of whom testified they had voluntarily handed their offspring to the Americans in the hope they would be given an education and a better life.

Pizzagate theorists will point to a lawyer Torres to try to make Silsby and crew look worse, but just read this excerpt from an ICE News Release to put it all into context:

In early 2010, Torres surfaced in the Dominican Republic posing as a lawyer representing American church workers detained in Haiti in the wake of the earthquake in that country. Torres convinced a church that he was Jorge Torres Puello, an international lawyer and president of "Puello Consulting" in the Dominican Republic.

Torres obtained a monetary retainer from the families of the detained missionaries and began representing himself to the Haitian court and international media as the attorney/spokesman for them. However, U.S. authorities recognized him as Jorge Torres when media reports showed images of the "alleged" lawyer wearing a suit and carrying a brief case.

An extradition package was prepared and sent to representatives in the Dominican Republic. Torres was arrested, detained and extradited to the United States to face the 2003 alien smuggling charges in Vermont. He pleaded guilty to the charges.

To sum up this Torres business, the dude faked his identity, offered his services (as in HE approached THEM), bamboozled the missionaries, pretended to be their lawyer until he got extradited.

So Bill Clinton was asked to go in and straighten this business out. Hillary Clinton emailed someone for details about the situation. There are so many leaps that have to be made here to get to satanic-pedo-ritual-sex-slavery ring it's not even funny.

And so, after all this, Pizzagate investigators go berserk over this this email "where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children" but it's just a synopsis of a fucking charity organization. Nothing more, nothing less.


I've discussed all this before so I'll just paste my response again.

The Haiti stuff is so tangential, how does she relate to a pizza place in DC anyway?

I saw a great comment about Silsby before:

I assume you're talking about this email.

First off, we need some context.

Pizzagate investigators cite this document as proof that "One of the first things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get Laura off the hook."

But it's not true according to their own link. The linked document says:

Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries, except for the group leader, Laura Silsby.

Interesting non-essential side note, if you look at this shameful, monumentally embarrassing tweet from Wikileaks where they link to an early pizzagate thread on the_youknowwho, you can see the original formulation was that "One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was get Laura Silsby off the hook..." This has been edited to say "the Clintons" instead of "Hillary" because the linked 46-page document doesn't even mention Hillary's name. And besides, "the Clintons took over the scene?" The outcome for Silsby was determined by a trial with a judge and lawyers and testimony from the parents of the "orphans" and all kinds of neat non-Clinton-y stuff.

So what happened to Silby?

Despite Silsby’s stated intent to take the children over the border to an unauthorized orphanage and her connections to human traffickers such as Torres-Puello, the courts eventually dropped the kidnapping and criminal association charges against her. Silsby was instead convicted under the additional charge of organizing illegal travel, sentenced to time served (3 months and 8 days), and released on May 17, 2010. In the end, her sentence was based on the least polemic charge against her. The pressing issue—whether Silsby intended to deliver the children into trafficking rings or grey adoption markets—was not addressed or resolved.

Rather than turning on Silsby’s actions, the decision in her case appeared to turn on the actions of the parents. Judge Bernard Saint-Vil explained that his decision was based on the Haitian parents’ testimony that they had “[given] their kids away voluntarily.” Similarly, defense lawyer Jorge Puello stated that the missionaries “willingly accepted kids they knew were not orphans because the parents said they would starve otherwise.” Another trial attorney for the missionaries, Aviol Fleurant, argued that “[t]he parents’ testimony means no law was broken and ‘we can’t talk any more about trafficking of human beings.’”

More bombshells about the people who were "trafficking in Haitian orphans," from the same document. Pizzagate investigators will never highlight or mention this:

The Americans denied any wrongdoing and said they had been trying to help children left orphaned and destitute by the Haitian earthquake. They said Puello had approached their relatives and church, offering his help. It turned out that the children who were with the U.S. missionaries had living parents, many of whom testified they had voluntarily handed their offspring to the Americans in the hope they would be given an education and a better life.

Pizzagate theorists will point to a lawyer Torres to try to make Silsby and crew look worse, but just read this excerpt from an ICE News Release to put it all into context:

In early 2010, Torres surfaced in the Dominican Republic posing as a lawyer representing American church workers detained in Haiti in the wake of the earthquake in that country. Torres convinced a church that he was Jorge Torres Puello, an international lawyer and president of "Puello Consulting" in the Dominican Republic.

Torres obtained a monetary retainer from the families of the detained missionaries and began representing himself to the Haitian court and international media as the attorney/spokesman for them. However, U.S. authorities recognized him as Jorge Torres when media reports showed images of the "alleged" lawyer wearing a suit and carrying a brief case.

An extradition package was prepared and sent to representatives in the Dominican Republic. Torres was arrested, detained and extradited to the United States to face the 2003 alien smuggling charges in Vermont. He pleaded guilty to the charges.

To sum up this Torres business, the dude faked his identity, offered his services (as in HE approached THEM), bamboozled the missionaries, pretended to be their lawyer until he got extradited.

So Bill Clinton was asked to go in and straighten this business out. Hillary Clinton emailed someone for details about the situation. There are so many leaps that have to be made here to get to satanic-pedo-ritual-sex-slavery ring it's not even funny.

And so, after all this, Pizzagate investigators go berserk over this this email "where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children" but it's just a synopsis of a fucking charity organization. Nothing more, nothing less.

Too many words in this post to respond to /u/FraKctured?

Nope. It would just take a long time to debate that I don't have today. I have a day job. The leaps are only far-and-wide if you refuse to look at the history of secret societies, and the occult practices we know the elites engage in, a la "spirit cooking."

I will cede some minor points on Silsby, to a degree, but I'm very skeptical of any government articles "debunking" any conspiracy theory. We need dissenting opinions in the investigation process to sift through material. If you think you've got a mind to help, go to Voat and start adding your thoughts there. Help refine the arguments. I care about the truth, everybody does. If anything's going to be done about the crimes, we need our information to be as solid as possible, but poking one hole here or there in specifics does not destroy the whole case that there is code being used in the emails, and Alefantis is one disgusting, well-protected motherfucker. Peace.

I choose... The blue pill.

How is the besta pizza logo related to comet ping pong? Where are the victims?

Do you know how common those shapes are in signs, clothes, packaging? And... An exact match for a simple geometric pattern, well shit every instance of that shape is obviously a sign that pedos should congregate at that place.

How many people are "connected" to hastert and epstein?

Are Stephen Hawking and Courtney love demonic pedophiles too? They've been to his island. Hell he hosts a big science conference on the island... Hundreds of names attend it. Are they all now pedophiles by association?

Your reasoning behind that argument effectively equates to this: You live in your house, and have friends and family over at your house sometimes, who have never seen you masturbate. Now, I'm supposed to take that as proof enough that you have NEVER masturbated in your house. Now, I'm all for innocent until proven guilty- but I've got times of day when you were home alone, uncleared browser history from your laptop, strange jokes from your friends about spanking it on social media, and several 29.99 charges from private websites during the same month as the alleged spankery.

The fact that Epstein holds regular "normal" events on his private property, is NOT evidence that he does nothing else there. He's a billionaire, he owns the whole damn island. His private jet is called the Lolita Express, and he's a convicted pedophile for god's sake. His mansion isn't some big complex totally dedicated to year-round scientific conferences. He can, and does, and will do whatever the hell he wants there, at any time in total seclusion. A few staged press events do not change that at all. But we do know Bill Clinton has flown there 20+ times without his Secret Service. And Bill is definitely a man with a reputation regarding sexual misconduct. What better place to avoid prying eyes than the house of your trusted billionaire friend who donates to all your political operations? Who better to keep that info quiet than your Chief of Staff, John Podesta? It's not any SINGLE thing that makes this conspiracy theory a fact. It's ALL of these things together, that form a distinctly suspicious pattern, that have us concerned. When there's this much going on, the possibility of everything just being a coincidence becomes the LEAST likely scenario, not the MOST likely, and it's time to look at alternative explanations.

Bill Clinton likes a shag, doesn't mean he's a pedophile.

Trump flew with epstein, is the peotus a pedophile too?

Your wank analogy doesn't work either James Alefantis wasn't hiding anything, all the instagram stuff was public until the autists started harassing him and his staff.

Not exactly what one would expect from a leader in a child abuse ring centred on the upper echelons of power is it?

If you had evidence of a missing child you can link to JA or Podesta that would be a start. Oh, but they're so powerful victims are "dealt with" - yet JA is so inept he talks openly about the abuse on his instagram?

A super pedo ring that can murder and silence anyone but leaves oblique references to taunt us?

It is beyond belief quite frankly and it's why there is no investigation, by anyone, into any of this.

Reality doesn't care what we think is possible. If it's happening, it's happening. People HAVE died trying expose these crimes. It's no different than any other large conspiracy, except for how big and essential to the cabal this operation appears to be.

Whistleblowers are constantly attacked in the press, and by the government. The people engaging in these acts have ENORMOUS egos. They are literally the Untouchables. You think you'll be afraid to show off your latest scores on instagram to your friends in-the-know, when you have the entire MSM ready to attack anyone who bats an eye? Not to mention having the darkest form of dirt on hundreds of the most powerful politicians in the country? What makes you think he'd feel any threat by posting these creepy things to his own social media?

Look up the Boystown scandal of the 80s. Look up the Hampstead case. Look up all the abuse that still goes on by the Catholic Church. Look at how hard the media is rallying to the defense of Alefantis, why was he listed as the 49th most powerful person in DC by GQ magazine? This man does LOTS of slimy favors for the elites and the political class. You're telling me you don't see this as a program of protection? Get real. The ladies doth protest too much.

As for so called "modern" art? Tony Podesta's favorite artist regularly depicts forms of child abused. Comet Pizza featured the works of artist Kim Noble, a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is a psychological trait commonly diagnosed in victims of child abuse. She paints pictures of adults having sex with kids, and kids being killed by adults. But hey, nothing wrong with that, it's just art right? Same as taking your children to play in a bar where they feature "all-ages" acts like Heavy Breathing, where a freak in a ski mask jokes about "special pizza" and murdering infants. That's totally normal too, right? It's nobody's fault you can't connect these very obvious dots to see something is going on here that, at the very least, betrays the innocence of a so-called Family-friendly restaurant. A very well-connected, well-protected man goes on a media blast where they all denounce all this as a conspiracy theory the moment it started to raise some eyebrows. None of the interviews or stories about Pizzagate ever address these things.

You are off the deep end mate.

Enjoy your downvotes.

See, Pizzagate asks me to believe that people with knowledge of these crimes, over several decades, which undoubtedly numbers in the hundreds if not thousands, would keep it to themselves.

I know you are saying that whistleblowers always receive blowback and sometimes meet violent ends, but the idea that so many people could be involved in such immoral activity and remain mum jumps the shark for me.

See, Pizzagate asks me to believe that people with knowledge of these crimes, over several decades, who undoubtedly number in the hundreds if not thousands, would keep it to themselves.

I know you are saying that whistleblowers always receive blowback and sometimes meet violent ends, but the idea that so many people could be involved in such immoral activity and remain mum jumps the shark for me.

Unfortunately that's exactly why Jimmy Savile raped children for decades. Many many people knew, no one spoke.

I think the number of people who knew about Savile wouldn't be the same, and the whistleblower culture between when he was doing it and now is drastically different, considering how many people are willing to talk about it now.

Savile was supplying kids to an upscale pedo ring according to BBC documentary. Multiple documentaries interview people that knew or had great suspicion but didn't want to say anything because of the amount of money he raised for charity. Think of all the people that knew about Epstein as well. And all the people involved in the Franklin cover-up.

But when we start talking about high profile government officials, you're also implicating their security details and law enforcement officials at all levels, many of whom I like to believe are of higher integrity than the entertainment industry folks that Savile rolled with.

If there are so many victims and so many compromised officials and so many collaborators, where are the whistleblowers that we got with the less high-profile cases of Aavile or the Coaches scandal? Are they ALL dead?

Time will tell if anyone comes forward, I'm just saying to not write it completely off the possibility based on fact that no one has yet.

I definitely wouldn't eliminate it from the universe of possibilities, but it's just an example of a currently-missing smoking gun that would force people to take the allegations seriously.

We found out this year that Bill Cosby is a rapist. The universe has already imploded. I remember the cognitive dissonance and public resistance with that scandal too.

so, because children were molested in 80`s, it means pizzagate is real. seems legit.

That post has nothing to do with pizza restaurants.

Don't know about OP, but I have about a few basic requirements, regardless of source:

  • Forensic evidence of the crime (e.g. crime scene, blood, photographs/video/audio, paper trail, etc)

  • An accuser who is a victim of the crime (or a parent of a victim) or an accuser who witnessed the crime.

  • Evidence linking a person directly to a victim or potential victim (e.g. being the last person to have seen or been around someone missing, previous threats, strange/volatile relationship with the victim, etc)

  • A confession

Can you imagine being accused of molesting your relatives by a bunch of strangers who don't even have any of the above evidence?

well if i was talking about playing dominos on cheese rather than pasta or having kids in a pool for entertainment, i think it would feel deserved. I don't exacly know how you expect people on the internet to provide you any of that, we just want the people to be investigated by actual law enforcement, any civilian would be investigated and has been investigated with less.

well if i was talking about playing dominos on cheese rather than pasta

This isn't any of the things I mentioned above. Did you read the whole email? What about the previous emails about them playing dominoes that don't reference cheese, pizza, or pasta? He's obviously asking if he will play dominoes better after having consumed the gift of pasta vs the traditional gift of cheeses. "Do you think I'd lift more on whey protein?" It makes perfect sense unless you have some kind of sick mind.

having kids in a pool for entertainment

The email also clearly puts it into context. Even if it meant what you are saying it meant, Podesta, Alefantis, or any of the other accused weren't even attending the party. So why would you implicate them? You'd have to build a whole new conspiracy revolving some old lady pimping out her grandchildren to support your original conspiracy. Do you have kids? Do you always think about kids in a sexual way when they are brought up by adults?

I don't exacly know how you expect people on the internet to provide you any of that, we just want the people to be investigated by actual law enforcement, any civilian would be investigated and has been investigated with less.

Bullshit. Why would anyone even investigate if you don't have any of the things I previously mentioned. If I knew you personally, I could easily accuse you of being a pedophile based on the exact same accusations that these "people on the internet" are providing. No evidence of a crime being committed. Only accusations. An investigation isn't even warranted. An inquiry at best. At least women who accuse a man of rape know the accused. You don't even have an accuser who knows them.

i didn't think eating cheese or pasta has an effect on your domino playing ability, i guess this would also make sense if it was drugs. oh good hes not a pedo he is just on drugs same group of people, also what context is that okay in? gotta call bullshit on your bullshit call, if a normal person posted a photo of a baby with foreign currecy in their mouth or a girl tied up, i'm pretty sure they would be investigated, as far as i know alefantis is a single gay man, i don't know where those kids are coming from and I haven't seen proof that the girl is his god daughter or what did he claim. i can't find other emails of him playing dominos, so if you could share that it would be great.

i didn't think eating cheese or pasta has an effect on your domino playing ability,

It's called speaking with a tongue-in-cheek. Don't you have any friends, make jokes, or have any kind of fun whatsoever?

if a normal person posted a photo of a baby with foreign currecy in their mouth

Triple bullshit. Babies put shit in their mouths all the time. Again, do you have any kids? If you saw them put a small stack of crisp Euros you just brought back from vacation in their mouth, would your main thought be a sexual one about the baby? That's sick. No one would investigate someone based on a picture like that.

a girl tied up

Lie. The picture is of a smiling little girl with some tape taping her to a table. Again, if you had kids, it's common to imagine ways to restrain their rambunctiousness. Here's some other examples of the same joke/playfullness:

Again, is your main thought when you see these pictures about sexual assault? Why don't you have a seat right over there?

i don't know where those kids are coming from and I haven't seen proof that the girl is his god daughter or what did he claim.

You need to brush up on your research skills before accusing someone of diddling little kids? This took me all of a few minutes to find:

I'm not going tell you her name, but her name is on that post and on a bunch of other posts that not even pizzagaters have been able to twist into some kind of obscure sexual reference. There's absolutely no reason to believe that's anyone but the girl who's mentioned (his god-daughter).

Additionally, accusing a gay man of pedophilia just plays into the bigoted old narrative/myth that homosexual = pedophile.

i can't find other emails of him playing dominos, so if you could share that it would be great.

It's actually just one other email, but it provides context for the second one.

I know it's hard to imagine, but it's possible they get together to play and don't always email each other about it.

like i said, it's perfectly possible some of the emails are innocent. also alefantis connected pizza with kids on his own with his instagram post

ids on his own with his instagram post

That post is made by someone named named Joshua Ryan or something, not Alefantis. He/She's some kind of performer. You were probably mislead by a pizzagate investigator proponent.

also i don't really care what alefantis has to say, he is the one being investigated, obviously he will deny it, and in this video he has had plenty of time to prepare.

I told you, just look up the girl's name. I'm not interested in making it easy for you or other readers to invade these innocent family's privacy. She's a real person.

can't believe i have to say this but, it's not one image or one thing thats making this what it is

Every single piece of evidence you've presented to me I've been able to debunk or easily explain. Easily. And not with any preconceived notions. I'd engage with you all night going one by one, but I have to get to bed.

Additionally, you're taking, what?, less than 100 emails out of tens of thousands of emails leaked. You're right. We shouldn't just look at one. We should look at all of them. All of them. And when these emails constitute a sliver of a percentage of the body of evidence that is the lives/careers of the Clinton, Podesta, and company that were released in the leaks, they don't point to these people being pedophiles. The evidence, as a whole, just doesn't. At least that's my conclusion based on everything I've examined objectively as I can.

Go back to my original post. Get back to me when you can meet one of those requirements. I have to get to bed.

yeah i saw it's not his post, was still posted to comet ping pong tho. well you didn't debunk 65000$ of hotdogs being flown in from chicago for obama. i already have engaged with you all night long pretty much.

Also, those don't look like kids to me.

The $65000 thing, is honestly hard to explain. It's not surprising that not everything's easily explainable. These emails weren't meant to go public. The senders/recipients are the only ones who know. However, child sexual assault is not the first thing I would think of, especially considering there's no evidence that "hot dog" was used to refer to molesting kids. Other than that 4chan post.

Personally, it seems like a joke. Read the whole email chain:

Take this article written just a few months before, for example. The criticism is that the president wastes money on his whims.

In context, it looks like they're playing along to wasting taxpayer money indiscriminately. I've also played along to being a "shill" when I'm accused of it. It's a form of mockery. Of course, I can't be sure this is the explanation, but seems the most likely. You'd really have to stretch to link that to child-molestation.

well it could be adult prostitues, not sure why they would cost so much tho, also as far as i know outside food isn't allowed in the whitehouse. it might be a joke, but thats speculation.

one more thing tho, whats your take on this video? i can clearly make out horny and 13 year old, and I can't really imagine a context in which that is acceptable.

It's funny you bring up speculation. But anyway...

There's no way you can honestly tell me what Biden said in that video. It's intelligible. I think that video's essentially unrelated to Pizzagate. A little creepy, possibly, but it's essentially weak stand-alone evidence of a separate conspiracy. I don't really know of any other "evidence" tying Biden to pizzagate, so it doesn't look like much more than an old guy not recognizing (or stepping back) when someone's uncomfortable. No one who was present there has made any kind of accusation.

Miss Coons's father, Senator Christopher Coons of Delaware, said of his daughter: 'No, she doesn't think the vice president is creepy.

'He's known my kids their whole lives. Joe was just being thoughtful.'

He told Fox News Sunday that Mr Biden was simply leaning forward to offer her support for what would be a busy day in the public eye.

'He was whispering some encouragement to her about how when he was sworn in and his own daughter Ashley was 13 and she felt awkward and uncomfortable and he was encouraging her about how to get through a day with lots of cameras and lots of folks watching.

'He was being Joe. He was being thoughtful and he was being sweet.'

Well I don't think you are being entirely honest here, if you turn the volume to the max you can mostly hear what he says, and obviously the father denies it, whats he gonna say, yea im pimping out my 13 year old daughter for political capital. when i think of rich powerful elites, i know theres more psychopaths in that group, i also know being immoral is an advantage in that setting. so it would make sense over time a group using pedophiles as puppets as some kind of machivelian control mechanism seems plausible, since they would have such heavy dirt on them. if that makes sense. man i'm getting really sleepy.

You keep using videos where people have altered the audio. That's not evidence. That's someone altering evidence to make you hear what they want you to hear.

when i think of rich powerful elites, i know theres more psychopaths in that group, i also know being immoral is an advantage in that setting. so it would make sense over time a group would come to power, using pedophiles as puppets, as some kind of machivelian control mechanism seems plausible, since they would have such heavy dirt on them. if that makes sense. man i'm getting really sleepy.

I know it's exciting to think you know something others don't. It's fun entertaining these theories, but this kind of reasoning just doesn't stand up to the evidence. You just jump from one conclusion to another based on what you want to believe.

lol see this is what i mean you guys would not believe this if he we had video, I give you a clip of biden being a perv and you says it edited, we not the second one, and if it is edited(it's not) its been reposted in many different forms

lol see this is what i mean you guys would not believe this if he we had video, I give you a clip of biden being a perv and you says it edited, we not the second one, and if it is edited(it's not)

We've reached an impasse here. We'll just have to agree to disagree. There's just no way I can make out what he said from the video. I've tried, but I can't.

Play the unaltered audio from the original source to 10 friends who don't know what you're talking about. Don't lead them, and ask them what he said. If they corroborate what you hear, then you might have a case. I highly doubt they would, though.

its been reposted in many different forms

This is called a bandwagon fallacy:

The Bandwagon Fallacy is committed whenever one argues for an idea based upon an irrelevant appeal to its popularity.

I didn't commit any fallacy, I just said it's been cut and reposted from the original source by many different people, and not all of them have edited the audio, just the first vid i linked to you.

I don't know why you and the other guy have such trouble hearing it, try closing your eyes and really focusing on his words as he talks, It's not really as unintelligible as you guys claim, some words can be heard clearly.

Again, we reached an impasse. You've already decided you heard what you want to hear. I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

  • Play just the whispering portion of the audio to ten friends

  • Give no context, video, hint, or indication to what the audio contains.

  • Ask them to tell you what was said

Then you can get back to me. Until then, I'll check out of this conversation.

I thought the NYPD announcement regarding the Podesta emails found on Weiner's laptop was compelling evidence of a pedophile ring. For this to be a big hoax would mean that then NYPD were in on it and lied to the public about it.

Are you ready to accuse them of that? I'm not.

Could you link me to what you're referring to? Don't think I've heard of this.


I'm not sure what announcement you're talking about. If you're describing what I believe you're describing, then the NYPD did not lie. The report about their announcement was the lie.

So for this to be a hoax, the NYPD do not have to be in on it. Only some fabricated news reports need to have written.

Are you referencing something else? Or do you have evidence that an NYPD announcement implicated Podesta, Clinton, and company in a pedophile sex ring?

a pizzagate investigator proponent.

I've been using "Heroic Pizzagate Sleuths"

Don't you have any friends, make jokes, or have any kind of fun whatsoever?


Look at all those pedo's taping up there kids! Jesus! I bet they play dominos on pizza, ugh the fucking nerve!

lol i'm being nice to you and you are trying to shame me, maybe i should start using colorful language towards you again

hate to sound cliche but think of the children damn it. i'd rather be wrong about alefantis and podesta than the alternative.

I apologize for my rudeness, but how can you type this out and not see why I might start getting frustrated or using "colorful" language? You're essentially accusing me of protecting pedophiles.

That's not how proper investigations work. Follow the evidence. An investigator doesn't protect or attack an accused. The evidence does that. I'm trying to defend proper research so innocent lives aren't ruined. I'm trying to defend a world in which I could post pictures of my relatives without fear that if some sicko is going to accuse me of pedophilia, my 4th amendment rights will be violated. And of course, you know, the whole "innocent until proven guilty thing". I want The Crucible to be nothing more than a play or container.

well i apologize to you aswell and apology accepted, i understand your frustration.

look i've been following this thing since it was first posted on the donald, since then i've looked into other examples in the past, like the franklin coverup or that shit on 60 min, the death off nancy schaefer, i listened to ted gunderson and his critics too. i also saw the post on facebook where monica peterson was investigating the clinton foundation in haiti and i remember how my heart dropped when i heard she is dead and afterwards how everyone denied she was doing that. sure innocent till proven guilty, but public faith in law enforcement is kinda low i think...

since it was first posted on the donald

That right there is the problem. A sub created to spread misinformation and outright lies.

well no, it was the daily wikileaks threads with everyone on an easter egg hunt to find something damaging

and when they couldn't find anything, they made shit up.

you are 100% correct and accurate. congratulations, I would also like to admit I'm a russian shill, posting straight from the kremlin while drinking vodka. dober dan še naprej.

You're essentially accusing me of protecting pedophiles.

I have guys following me around reddit calling me a pedophile defender simply because I've asked for that hard evidence pizzagate promoters don't have.

Some of these guys are seriously creepy.

oh good hes not a pedo he is just on drugs.

He's 83 years old when he wrote that e-mail, Einstein. The only drugs he's on are Lipitor and glucosamine.

Anyone who has a tag like that who is busy explaining away the evidence, is probably a perp trying to defend their own circle of friends.

What else would motivate them posting?

So you don't think Cathy O'Brian is a victim? You don't think "sacrificing a chicken to moloch" is a confession? You don't think they all work as a team. You don't think they start wars in order to grab resources?

I accused my brother-in-law's boyfriend of fondling my six year old son. He did it right in front of me. Do you know what happened? He and my brother-in-law destroyed my credibility with the rest of the family. All of a sudden I was the one who was being viciously attacked as the bad guy. They were horrible to me about it and they kept demanding "proof."

Apparently he was some well connected old money lawyer from the deep South. I thought it was stunning that anyone would assume fondling a six year old boy in front of his mother was even remotely normal. I sure did start wondering about him. What would have happened to me if I had proof? I was just an eye witness, I thought that was proof enough, but what would they have done to me if I had a picture of it?

So you don't think Cathy O'Brian is a victim?

No, I don't. She's a pathological liar and was proved to be a pathological liar decades ago. She also never said anything about "cheese", "pasta", "walnut sauce", etc. Here's some of her more colorful fabrications:

"Bush apparently activated a hologram of the lizard-like "alien" which provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes. In retrospect, I understand that Bush had been painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized."

She could also offer corroborating evidence of PG. You know, since she's still alive.

You don't think "sacrificing a chicken to moloch" is a confession?

Do you think, "Break a leg!", is a command to hurt yourself? Do you think, "Let's hit the road", is a suggestion to punch a road? Do you think "Cut the cheese" is instructions to cut children? It's called a figure of speech. This is notthing more than SRA scare-tactics. It's a figure of speech.

I accused my brother-in-law's boyfriend of fondling my six year old son. He did it right in front of me. Do you know what happened? He and my brother-in-law destroyed my credibility with the rest of the family. All of a sudden I was the one who was being viciously attacked as the bad guy. They were horrible to me about it and they kept demanding "proof."

Yes, you were a witness to a crime. I would fully believe you or at least demand an investigation. Your testimony is direct evidence of a crime having been committed. We lack that in Pizzagate. Here's a list I've made before as to what I would expect before accusing someone of pedophilia:

  • Forensic evidence of the crime (e.g. crime scene, blood, photographs/video/audio, paper trail, etc)

  • An accuser who is a victim of the crime (or a parent of a victim) or an accuser who witnessed the crime.

  • Evidence linking a person directly to a victim or potential victim (e.g. being the last person to have seen or been around someone missing, previous threats, strange/volatile relationship with the victim, etc)

  • A confession

Apparently he was some well connected old money lawyer from the deep South. I thought it was stunning that anyone would assume fondling a six year old boy in front of his mother was even remotely normal. I sure did start wondering about him. What would have happened to me if I had proof? I was just an eye witness, I thought that was proof enough, but what would they have done to me if I had a picture of it?

This is very unfortunate, but PG doesn't even have witnesses. You're using your experience and projecting them onto PG. Imagine if you were accused of pedophilia. And not by a relative. Or a friend. or a child. Or anyone who even knows you. The only ones making the accusation or complete strangers. That's where PG is at.

I want to reiterate that I fully understand and empathize with your position regarding what you witnessed. I have my own similar experience in my family. Not exactly the same, but similar. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about some of my family's reactions.

However, we have to keep a level head and remember that a false accusation of child molestation can be extremely damaging. And you shouldn't take your past experiences and apply them to someone else under completely different circumstances. I've tried to look at PG as objectively as I can, and I just don't see the evidence we have pointing to them running some kind of pedophile ring.

Those places have the raw data. Sources don't get better than that. You have to do the critical analysis of that data though. Only bias in that data is the one you bring while reading it.

The pastebins give mainstream sources and reading through the content you will find more sources. You must have just scanned, Ive read it all...there are sources and some are just straight leaked emails, Also circumstantial evidence through association.

But, it's pastebin legit anyone could put what ever they want, it's like getting your sources off of a troll 4chan post

Right but read the pastebin, it gives nytimes, cnn, gaurdian, etc. Actually read through it.

not actual concrete sources.

I love the sheer assholeness of this comment. Let's ignore the case for now and forensically examine the name brand tied to the information. God knows most human beings are children and can't critically examine evidence for themselves. I need a panel of experts to approve every piece of information that passes before my eyeballs lest I commit an act of sin before the holy state. WTF is wikipedia?

This is in relation to the last link with Anderson Cooper and Chuck Grassley on the Pentagon Investigation:

Long time senator Chuck Grassley was championing the investigation. I think he was pretty bored as for a long time he had only served on senate committees for things like aging and finance. Not exactly the most exciting or acknowledged work in the Senate.

Senator Grassley came out with his support for reopening the investigation in 2011.

This is his campaign donor list for 2004.;type=I&amp;cid=N00001758&amp;newMem=N&amp;recs=20 His top donor is DC "fixer" group DCI Group

Here they are again in 2006, not a presidential year but they were still his 2nd top donor;amp;amp;amp;type=I&amp;amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;amp;newMem=N&amp;amp;amp;amp;recs=20

And 2008;amp;amp;amp;type=I&amp;amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;amp;newMem=N&amp;amp;amp;amp;recs=20

So 2010-2011 Grassley begins his work on the Pentagon investigation. Let's look at his finances after 2008

In 2010 much of his core donor ship has changed. DCI Group is gone as well as several other top donors.;amp;amp;amp;type=I&amp;amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;amp;newMem=N&amp;amp;amp;amp;recs=20

They would remain gone for the 2012 presidential cycle. Also very interesting is looking at his opponents funding. In 2004 his opponent received a couple hundred thousand in funding and Grassley several million. But in 2010 you'll see his opponent was given over 3 million in donations;amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;amp;type=I

Grassley was still vocal and pushing the investigation in 2012 (Side note many other very interesting things said in that article about the DOJ) but since 2012 Grassley hasn't said anything about this investigation.

Since he got quiet DCI Group and a few other donors have come back Grassleys donorship for the 2014-2016 cycles. Here's 2014;amp;amp;type=I&amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;newMem=N&amp;amp;amp;recs=20

And 2016;amp;amp;type=I&amp;amp;amp;cid=N00001758&amp;amp;amp;newMem=N&amp;amp;amp;recs=20

Since dropping his push into the Pentagon investigation Grassley has also been promoted from the aging and finance committee to Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, a highly sought after position, and Chairman of the Senate Narcotics Caucus.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 16495

Lots of money and corruption in narcotics.

What are you talking about, did you even click the first link?

It's a Voat thread full of fully sourced information (websites, archives, emails etc).

The movie made about the Franklin conspiracy ... ? You just lost all credibility. I bet people call you a shill.

No. This is god damn bullshit. Pizzagate = podesta e-mails. Pizzagate does not = every case of child abuse by an authority figure. Stop putting all these other, PROVEN, cases under some umbrella term right next to unproven bullshit like podesta e-mails and pizza resteraunts!! You are grouping unproven 4chan bullshit with completely unrelated but legitimate cases to make your 4chan bullshit look more legitimate, and people are right to call you out on it.

Nobody has ever said that child abuse of this nature does not happen by authority figures. The argument is that podesta e-mails are not proof of anything and that pizza resteraunts are a red herring meant to keep stupid people distracted from more important issues.

If you've researched Pizzagate you would see that it goes way beyond a pizza place in D.C.

lol downvoted for telling the truth

But no one knows the truth

nobody knows for sure, but if you actually look at all the red flags and evidence, it sure seems plausible if not likely.

'Truth' does not mean what you think it means.

No by definition it doesn't. Pizzagate describes the allegations against comet ping pong, all of the other horrible shit that has happened or is happening to kids (Dutroux x-dossier, the finders, Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Saville, McMartin preschool, boystown, etc...) is just called child trafficking or ritualistic child abuse. Using the term "pizza" to refer to child pornography or child abuse frankly just comes off as unnecessarily goofy (or paranoid and clueless if you think you're avoiding being tracked by the NSA) aand since the term has already been plastered everywhere it's best to retire it so people don't immediately tune you out. I mean this honestly as someone who would like to see all these creeps in a courtroom.

On this blessed day we are all pizzagate.


speak for yourself

PIZZAGATE is by definition absolutely nothing. It's not a real word! It's terminology that has been created to spread information regarding child sex abuse in a pizza parlor. When we researched the information, we found out that the pizza was just a "slice" of the big picture. Thus PIZZAGATE became the broader terminology. Don't tell me it's been defined, debunked, destroyed whatever the fuck. Who cares what your opinion might be? I'm here for the facts.

JFC none of you have good proof. I've been called a lazy researcher, ignorant, paid shill and God knows what else in a matter of hours by people too lazy themselves to come up with a single piece of legit evidence. Call names and act superior all you want, but it doesn't give you guys a cornerstone on this one, let alone a real argument.

The "intelligence community" of the US is an organized crime syndicate. US intelligence agencies have been busted smuggling drugs and guns (Iran Contra), assassinating democratically-elected leaders (Allende/MLK), killing civilians (Operation Northwoods/Gladio), collaborating with Nazi regime officials (Operation Paperclip), and....

Providing children for sex (Franklin case, Blackwater in Afghanistan).

The fallacy you just attempted is an appeal to ignorance. No matter how many times the proven facts are presented to you, you'll repeat "I've never seen any solid proof!"

Let me know if you have any questions about the cases I cited above, but you've lost your right to claim that no one has shown you any good proof.

This has never been about a silly pizza code. This is about all the blackmailed pedophiles being politically controlled by the CIA. This can't continue.

How does the besta pizza logo indicate John podesta kidnapped Madeline McCann?

How many Pentagon employees need to be busted but not punished for buying child porn before we appoint a special prosecutor?

Tell me how blackmail works.

What have pentagon employees got to do with James Alefantis and comet ping pong?

Child abuse is committed by people from all walks of life. And in general children are abused by people they know eg family and family friends.

Cool, so let's bust them all!

Those thousands of Pentagon employees who purchased child pornography were not punished for it. And the Pentagon is "too big to audit", so they may even have purchased CP with taxpayer money!

Child sex trafficking is not a problem that the government is prepared to address (likely because many of them have been blackmailed). So you tell me why pedophiles were protected by the Pentagon.

If you think Alefantis is innocent, great. Find better leads for us to investigate. Quit bitching and help.

No need to get antsy.

According to my quick reading of the pentagon scandal, people were prosecuted.

The point remains though that this is irrelevant to pizzagate because pizzagate is about comet ping pong and John Podesta's emails.

Do you mean to say there is no link between the pentagon cases and comet ping pong?

Where did you get the figure of "thousands" of employees, this article suggests dozens not thousands.

From your article:

Operation Flicker in 2006 identified 5,000 people who had paid for access to overseas pornography websites.

So how many of those 5000 went to jail? Dozens? Out of 5000?

How many of those 5000 were seeking out child porn?

Registering with an overseas porn site isn't a crime itself.

I already showed you the news clip that lays out the numbers.

So, how many of the 5000 were not even investigated?

what of my other points regarding CPP and voat pedophiles?

Your point that we should leave powerful pedophiles alone and target lower class pedophiles instead?

Nah, I'm good.

No, if you have evidence of child abuse by people in positions of power report them.

But don't tell me you care about children when the main hub for pizzagate investigators is also a hub for pedophiles to share images of children and discuss them in a sexual manner.

Damn that was cold blooded

if you have evidence of child abuse by people in positions of power report them.

That's the plan! Glad you figured it out.

main hub for pizzagate investigators is also a hub for pedophiles to share images of children and discuss them in a sexual manner.

Lol you're pathetic.

Ok buddy.

Well there was a few subreddits here but those all got banned. It had to be moved somewhere. I wasn't involved with all that but I doubt voat was picked for being a pedo haven.

The point remains though that these self appointed citizen journalists are by proxy supporting pedophiles (voat ad money keeping the subs open) yet they don't even try and rout out the deviants there?

But will happily sit for hours on google maps trying to CSI themselves to a preconceived notion of guilt. I can't wrap my head around it.

Worry about some pervs sharing stuff online or what would be a worldwide organized child trafficking/sex ring? It's clear you really don't understand the scope of what these people are investigating. And complaining about the sight they are using is like complaining about whatever ISP they have because they have pedo customers and profit from them. Those providers could actively hunt for pedos but they don't.

Dude, this article is from 2010 and talking about the dozens of Pentagon employees who we're found to have cp on their computers. The article then goes on to say that some of those dozens of employees came to light as a result of a 2006 investigation (Operation Flicker), which identified 5000 people who had paid for overseas pornography sites. Not 5000 pentagon employees, 5000 names of people in the US.

Not trying to be a jerk, just wanted to clarify in case you misunderstood.

5000 names of people in the US.

How many of those people used .mil addresses? How many were investigated? How many were punished?

Try using other articles, the Guardian one is deliberately vague.

YouTube just doesn't "do it" for me. Hope you understand why.

How many of those people used .mil addresses? How many were investigated? How many were punished?

I don't care what articles you use to find the numbers. Stop implying that everyone was properly investigated when they weren't. The investigation was halted.

What? Dude, I was just critically reading the article.

I'm glad you've taken an interest in this subject! And critical thinking is a wonderful skill to hone. So, continuing to read critically, do you think there might be a better news article or CNN clip on YouTube that would explicitly state the number?

How many of those people used .mil addresses? How many were investigated? How many were punished?

As far as the original article goes?

Regarding Operation Flicker. Fuck the Guardian article, it doesn't even have the complete breakdown.

How many of those people used .mil addresses? How many were investigated? How many were punished?

Every single one of the 5,200 was checked for DOD connections (some later than the first lot), those with DOD connections were all investigated, those who DCIS had jurisdiction to charge were, and ditto on convictions.

those with DOD connections were all investigated

Got a news source that supports this claim? How many people was that?

those who DCIS had jurisdiction to charge were

Got a news source that supports this claim? How many people was that?

those who could be convicted were.

Got a news source that supports this claim? How many people was that?

Why would I need a news source? You must've read the DCIS report yourself surely...? I have.

Then you should have no problem giving exact numbers, and citing your source!

Too difficult?

We need a special prosecutor. The possibility of blackmail is too severe.

Nobody says that.

The pizza places are laundering schemes and "Tupperware" parties for rich people to meet and greet about their kids.

...if it had nothing to do with the Podesta emails, you guys could've been working on this for literally decades! All the cases you listed are old hat man.

We have been working on this for as long as the CIA has been smuggling kids in order to blackmail other government officials. Decades.

How old are you?

And all you have is a VOAT sub that is completely messy? lists exhaustive lists....

Read the headline of this newspaper article for me. What does it say?

Dude...I've known about this for years. There is no special secret knowledge floating on the www.

Read the headline of this newspaper article for me. What does it say?

Sanctimonious Reddit User Is Upset Someone Doesn't Agree With His Entire Narrative

Well, looks like we found your Kryptonite! You can't repeat that headline. A simple task, and yet you can't. Why?

Normal people have no problem repeating a simple headline. But you can't. What's so scary about that headline?

Interesting that you're aware of narratives being promoted. I'm here to bust some pedophiles, but you're apparently concerned about a narrative. What narrative are you promoting?

...that I won't follow your directions? Amazing that I don't immediately respond to you as my elder and superior based on a few exchanges. You've shown me.

Lol sure. You're just stubborn. You're not afraid to talk about what the headline says! I believe you.

Well, like 99.2% of the proof here, it has nothing to do with the current PG allegations.

Does this actually work on the idiots you normally argue with? You boss them around, and if they don't comply, you not so subtly imply they are working some nefarious narrative? Silly...

So then let's talk about how blackmailers become powerful. Do you know how it's done?

No one is playing with you. Get a hint.

Right, you were never interested in exposing powerful blackmailers. But we both already knew that.

Get back to your list! It's a wreck for the decades of "investigation."

Do you have a crush on me??

Haha it's clear they don't want to discuss the information, keep pushing though anything helps.

Clearly none of you understand the difference between similar events and a substantial connection​. Discussing a myriad of legitimate instances of pederasty with you is pointless for you, pointless for me.

I am going to let you all work towards achievements in cyber harassing and/or slandering a pizza shop owner.

It's all connected.

Sure, and there aren't different factions or levels in the mafia. They literally all are friends!!! You have no idea how simple this sounds.

You have no reason to believe me and that's fine.

Good luck convincing law enforcement or the general public. Your "evidence" only appeals to die hard Trump fans. You are concerned Bill Clinton knew Epstein who is married to HRC who works with Podesta who...yeah getting lost now but have very conveniently ignored the Donald was also Epstein's friend and named in lawsuit for rape.

No respect for for anything but your paradigm. None.

Lol I'm not even a Trump fan.

ignored the Donald was also Epstein's friend and named in a lawsuit with him for rape. Wow.

Awesome! Let's investigate that! We'll bust Epstein and everybody he knows. This has never been a partisan effort.

Your mom's basement.

Is she having a canasta or euchre meetup this weekend? I clean up immaculately.

Oh, is it only OK for you guys to use derision? Maybe I should focus on associative relationships and division fallacy, as that seems a more comfortable technique for everyone here.

the general public

The general public decided not to elect HRC so they must have thought there was something to it. No one trusts these guys or their institutions so it must be effective.

I realise CTR trolls like you are paid to spew a specific line but don't you balk at protecting child rapists and murderers? Just for a few dollars?

Ummm. Actually, the general public did, the electoral college did not. One person disagreeing with you on a thread isn't going to make or break anything. Sounds like an excuse for when your goals fail on the merit of your claims?

That's not how our system works re the national popular vote is meaningless. The people elected Trump in most states of America. In California they elected HRC but almost everywhere else they elected Trump. This means that most people in most states except California believe there is something to the accusations against Hillary.

A plurality.


What the hell does HRC losing the electoral decision have to do with people believe pizza gate outside of your echo chamber? They were both awful options for a lot of reasons other than this"scandal."

There are millions of Trump supporters, who elected Trump through democratic voting, who believe there is something to pizzagate.

If you had read the emails yourself you would think there was something to it just based on that.

If I am the shill, why are you blatantly using forms of invalid argument techniques? Either you are a paid shill, or you suck at forming an intelligent argument. Seem fair??

Either you are bad or really bad another way, even though one doesn't prove the other! Headdesk

Not reading something doesn't make you bad. Everyone is very ignorant of lots of shit.

I initially assumed Pizzagate was utterly false. But then one day I was bored and had nothing else to do but investigate this 'myth' for laughs.

What I saw in the emails the references to children as entertainment and the drawn images of child abuse being traded was a brain explosion. a paradigm shift.

If you saw the same evidence I saw you would be convinced that there could be child abuse going on. That's not a, bad thing, but I advise researching stuff before posting about it.

If however you have seen the evidence yet are claiming you don't believe anything could be wrong, well you are clearly trying to cover it up and prevent others from finding out. It was people like you who initially stopped me from bothering with a personal investigation of the evidence. Your tactic works which is why CTR uses it. If you are doing this for CTR, well protecting child abusers is a bad thing.

Why when anyone disagree with you guys do you you accuse them of not reading the emails or your VOAT or other links? It's called coming to a different conclusion. You can't prove a thing, so you attack any person that darrrreeees question how you have assembled your argument for pizza gate...shill, ignorant, wanker, pedophile apologist...real mature and intelligent.

You are the ones claiming to have a case, evidence or proofs. If you were to have to go to court for making these statements, the burden of proof wouldn't be on Alefantis but the "investigators."

Seeing as people on the PG voat sub and The Donald sub are one hive mind, maybe you should be getting concerned you can't convince someone who has voted not only Dem, but Rep., Libertarian, and Green in various elections and capacities...on a conspiracy forum...who happens to be OPEN to the existence of elite trafficking.

Then again, maybe no one is suing any of you because the dent you think you are making is small, like Trump's hands.

It's called coming to a different conclusion

If you deny the sky is blue well don't be surprised when people around you call you delusional.

You can't prove a thing

Never said it was proven. I said it was sus.

Now either you haven't seen the evidence, which has been all conveniently collated for your consumption, or else you are a CTR shill doing damage control for pedophiles. Which is it?

You can't prove millions of ppl voted for Trump based on pizza gate. I mean a source, not your word it's fact.

I never said that. I said that obviously a large number of people ie the general public ie trump supporters thought there was something to the accusations.

Go on The Donald and ask them whether they think there could be something to it. Or a survey of any Trump supporter. Not believe it 100% but are suspicious of it. I expect most of them will say yes there could be something there.

All Im saying is that the shit is sus and a lot of other people, millions even, think its sus. Some believe it. Some think it needs investigating.

That's all Im saying.

Now as for law enforcement. It doesn't matter if they believe it or not. They are controlled by the elites and cannot act against them. So they don't matter any more than any other individual does.

I am not going to find supporting evidence of your claims for you.

What are you even talking about? The evidence has already been collated. Its up to you to either look at it or remain ignorant.

You don't seem to understand the meaning of convenient or collation.

Collation is based on an order (pages? time? etc.) or a synthesis of multiple sources with emphasis on critical examination of the similarities AND the differences. It doesn't take a genius to see this definition hasn't been attempted.

Polling The Donald or various people I know to support YOUR argument. I can only imagine the bias swing on a poll in The Donald. Right, great idea.

"There are millions of Trump supporters(...)who think there is something to pizzagate." Two replies up.

Anyone with any god damned interest in CIA history knows about the LSD/brothel MKULTRA trials and can extrapolate from there...This doesn't make you special. Maybe specia.

Weird how you keep mentioning a narrative, and trying to damage one party.

....And not, you know, all the kids being raped.

Yes, when you can't convince anyone this isn't ridiculous and an alt-right disinformation campaign, pretend you want to collaborate with people and appeal to their emotions. Adorable!

Weird how you guys are obsessed with Podesta and Alefantis based on spurious feeeeelings. It's so transparent it hurts.

I am capable of reading and don't feel the need to play little games?

What narrative are you promoting that would be undermined by reading the headline of that article?

I have a backup with 2.15 GB plus organized archive.Is links of everything relevant until about a month ago.

You've been hard at work on this?

K. Does that include doing something other than linking articles on Reddit or voat? Just curious.

You've been hard at work on your english project?

K. Does that include doing something other than reading letters in a book or computer screen? Just curious.

Guess that answers my question.

How do you think a collaborative research project works, ya dummy?

Allende didn't win a majority vote and he was a dirty communist.

[citation needed]


Where did you get that name? Are you referring to Project Stargate?

Yes the reversal was taken I believe.

You might like this then:

Thomas Drake [former executive at NSA and whisleblower] speaking to George Knapp on Coast2Coast Radio, Sep 19th 2012. He discussed his official involvement with a psychic while at NSA conducting an investigation of pre-9/11 intelligence. This was after the closure of Stargate in 1995. Suggesting Stargate was moved to NSA and reclassified after it had been outed by Ted Koppel and congress demanded the project be closed.

Audio clip of the interview is available at the link.

Thank ya.

You mean Kevin Annett and his blog?

Who made you the God of definitions?

THANK YOU. There are so many stupid people swarming around this pizzagate thing. Or maybe they are shills... dun dun dun

They are swarming around it because it's a way to bash Hillary and the democrats in general. Nobody talks about Trump's long standing friendship with Epstein, his public acknowledgement(pretty much) of knowing Epstein liked kids, and the extreme likelihood of him joining in(lawsuit about him raping a 13 year old). It's specifically targeted towards one political side.

My sentiments exactly. Well said.

It goes well beyond podesta emails. Have you paid any attention, or do you simply have a learning disability?

What do you call a mountain of circumstantial stuff without concrete connection? A pile of garbage.

It's what critically thinking people without the benefit of insider access, search warrants, etc., are able to compile. I'm sorry this is so hard for you to understand, try r/aww

Actually it is all related. Podesta is a key, yes, but this is much bigger than him

I agree with you, and have been saying so for a while. But the museum and subsequent conversation between JA and the guy who posted that video really raised some red flags for me.

Organized crime is real, and there is crossover with people in high levels of government.

I haven't looked into the relationship between these guys and art dealing, but pizza shops and art dealing have both notoriously been used to launder money (sell illicit goods/ services). Compromising sexual tastes have also been used for a long time by intelligence operatives. And these guys seems to be very overtly sexualized- something which is valued by certain intelligence agencies.

I think there is probably something here. But the "investigation" has relied on huge leaps which are misleading.

That guy from pizzagategear could also be fake. He got a message history but unfortunately he didn't record the phonecall of alefantis, which could be real evidence. That's a damn shame.

Pizzagate is going to be pushed in this sub regardless. Flat earthers have more evidence to support them than people have of Podesta being involved in a Satanic cannabalistic pedophilia ring(I'm sorry, did I leave any scary accusations out that have been added on to make it seem even worse?), but PG gets stickies and the Trump dossier gets removed as a 4chan hoax. It's pretty easy to see who bought the mods.

Well, then call a press conference in public and using your real name, tell the world! What are you waiting for?

Yeah all of these believers should just shut their mouths and file police reports if they're so goddamned certain of themselves. If I really believed that I'd discovered verifiable facts of a place and an organization that was performing child abuse I'd have to be the biggest shittiest coward in the world to only post about it online and not do anything.

I bet you also think Snowden should have kept his mouth shut and "gone through the proper channels".

Would you prefer us to think you naive, or a liar? We all know the police won't investigate their bosses. Stop suggesting things you know are bullshit.

I bet you also think Snowden should have kept his mouth shut and "gone through the proper channels".

There is no link between these two topics. Snowden was leaking things because he wasn't allowed to go through the proper channels. One of you calling a public press conference on the information that you've discovered isn't even comparable.

calling a public press conference on the information that you've discovered isn't even comparable.

You're right! That's why I didn't compare a press conference with Snowden. What I did compare to Snowden was:

all of these believers should just shut their mouths and file police reports

A for effort, but your reading comprehension needs improvement.

The comment you responded to was agreeing with the comment I was talking about. He was adding more on to it.

Still, my point stands. Snowden isn't in any way comparable with you filing police reports. Have you filed one? Have you actually done anything besides post online?

Snowden isn't in any way comparable with you filing police reports.

Should Snowden have gone through the proper channels?

Snowden actually did go through proper channels. He was sitting on information that he knew would be swept under the rug. So, he took that information to a legitimate news agency that was able to verify it and edit it to release it in a responsible manner.

That's how proper investigations happen. You do the hard work before you go public.

Snowden actually did go through proper channels.

TIL fleeing the country and going public with your info is "the proper channel".

He was sitting on information that he knew would be swept under the rug.

Kinda like DC madam Heidi Fleiss before she "committed suicide"? Do you think she would agree with you that it's better to stay silent when you have dirt on powerful people?

That's how proper investigations happen. You do the hard work before you go public.

Because you said so? And who the fuck are you to be telling anybody how to conduct a "proper" investigation? We're crowdsourcing this, because the elites are being controlled by blackmailers. Clinton's buddy Epstein got a slap on the wrist for his pedophilia conviction.

It's this, or stay quiet and get killed ourselves when we find anything incriminating. So we're going public, just like Snowden did for his safety. And just like Heidi Fleiss should have.

And who the fuck are you to be telling anybody how to conduct a "proper" investigation?

I'm a nobody. However, I also don't delude myself into thinking that I'm performing an "investigation."

We're crowdsourcing this, because the elites are being controlled by blackmailers.

If you believe that the "elite" has all of the power you say they do, do you really think it's a brilliant idea to be performing your "investigation" in public, for all of them to see? That's foolish.

That is my point about why you do the hard work first, before going public with something. Snowden didn't get his documents and then just immediately dump them on voat like a fool. He specifically sought out respected news outlets, provided them with the material, and they helped him present them in a way that was appropriate.

I don't personally think he should have had to flee the country but that is a risk that whistleblowers face and he knew it well in advance. But he had real evidence, not just a pile of ridiculous, circumstantial rubbish.

If you believe that the "elite" has all of the power you say they do, do you really think it's a brilliant idea to be performing your "investigation" in public, for all of them to see?

Yes. Did you not read my reply at all?

It's this, or stay quiet and get the Seth Rich/Michael Hastings treatment ourselves when we find anything incriminating. So we're going public, just like Snowden did for his safety. And just like Heidi Fleiss should have.

The guy in Texas who was threatened by Alefantis did file a police report.

The guy the "forgot" to get proof?

You mean like George Webb is doing?

BTW, he stated he has been getting help from retired and active FBI agents. He does several daily updates. Once you start watching him you might get hooked. I did. He dumps a lot of information that people can research and responds to input. It is really very interesting once you get caught up to speed.

Day 80 - Where is Eric Braverman? Part 1. Who Killed Monica Petersen?



Mark my words, they will soon out american politicians as pedophiles and the #fakeNEws networks will blame it on Russian hackers sabotaging them.

Now all of a sudden Voat is r/the_donald 2 according to Pizzagate deniers. Read the wiki then. The investigation is happening there, argue against the evidence provided not where you think it comes from.


wait, you emigrated to place with real pedophiles to investigate pedophilia that is completely unrelated to those pedos that are part of same userbase as you. seems legit. i see you are all about the children there.

yeah, i know you are all about the children on Voat

And you think that is crazy. That is fine. I still respect you and wish you well as you about your day today

Keep an eye on the various twitter accounts belonging to government entities... they are gonna keep pushing this hard. I can keep the vibes they are sending... February will be a month of action.

is this verified?

What is the opposite of verified? Debunked?


Catholic Church makes sense, even ignoring the obvious scandals. As The Church, they are accepted and given special treatment in most countries, in addition to having the ultimate front for child trafficking: orphanages.

And a very vertically controlled organizational structure. The practice of confession makes collecting dirt on people really easy, I can see how useful that would be for something like a pedophile ring to control.

What about the Boys Town scandal? Literally, President George Bush was pointed out at some of their parties.


These are great resources. I've watched/listened to these expect for the Netflix one, I'll check it out. Thanks for providing links!

SHILLS is /r/conspiracy 's version of REEEEEE

yes but it's kind of suspicious if you look at the patterns. ffs this is r/conspiracy what do you expect? of course it's going to be a group effort to silence us. that's how the sub thinks.

Silly me, I shouldve bought into the stereotype that everyone in here is a paranoid schizophrenic. To be honest, you are starting to convince me.

AMEN Why the hell are shills on this subreddit anyways? Some person on this subreddit called me a pedo for thinking Joe Biden is a pedo. Some people are so blind and arrogant..

Yes. Some people are.

Ignore them. The people attacking you might be being paid to do it as a political cover up action. They will absolutely try to rattle you. Think of them as either really clueless, in which case what are they doing here? OR they want to support some very evil people. Question their motives. That way you can keep in mind who is attacking you and why.

I've not commented much just reading for the most part on these pizza gate threads and I've come to the same conclusion. Who wants to spend time looking at and commenting about something they don't believe and have no interest in? They are here to derail the conversation.

Just like real pedophiles are.

I have a certain advantage here, my child was targeted by a pedophile and I blew the whistle on the guy. In response he attacked my character and my reputation something awful. It's how they operate.

just like you attack character & reputation of people you dont have a clue about something 123123 more awfull then that guy did to you.

can you realize that ? can you comprehend what you are doing ? how can you people spread accusations about pedophilia left and right without any regard whatsoever of whom you are accusing. to the matter that they are threated by lunatics with guns. you especially cause you said you experienced a similar thing.

by your complete lack of cognisance in this issue, id be more willing to trust man you "blew whistle" on, rather then you.

Lol all us reality seekers need to stick together

I agree. Hopefully the shills will get bored and go back to wherever they came from.

Lol see how they came and disliked this comment? They need to get a life. It's so weird though because some of them appear to have been a user for a long time so maybe they are just arrogant idiots who knows

do you even realize what you just wrote ? are you retarded ? you are calling a innocent man a pedophile, and then turn around and completely sincerely ask how can those people be so blind and arrogant to call you one as well.

this must be satire..

i cant even comprehend your level of dumb

Yeah well I don't have my life broadcasted all over the country so yes correct, that was an arrogant them. I do not have videos of me on YouTube showing me touching girls so even if I was a pedo no one would know for a fact unless they knew who tf I was.

Ur dumb. Why are you even on this subreddit? Are you getting paid to spread propaganda?


Thanks for the post. I actually just pulled together a collection of #PizzaGate links:

#Pizzagate - Girl screaming for help inside of Comet Ping Pong

Proof That It's Alefantis Making Threats (Facebook Screen capture)

Pizzagate - 20 archived threads and Mega archive

Before he made his instagram, account private, here is a screenshot of James Alefanti's "#murder" and #killroom"

Child abductions are common

Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6)

Fully Sourced Excellent Summary of Pizzagate Evidence

NOTE: There isn't a small, handheld smoking gun, that I have seen. Much like 9/11, it's more of a smoking nuke. The mountain of circumstantial evidence is literally "unbelievable".

Special props to:

David Seaman

Ryan O'Niel

/knowledge is power

Thanks, im going to add this to the post.

Alafantis already had that YouTube link taken down it looks like

had that YouTube link taken down it looks like


Jimmy savile a lone paedophile? Is that a joke? Operation yewtree found hundreds of abusers and exposed a 1960s paedophile ring within the BBC

No it didn't.

Certain celebrities at the BBC committed child abuse, there is no evidence they operated as a ring eg rolf Harris and Saville didn't wander around capturing victims together.

Jimmy savile was at the top of a paedophile ring it's been well established by the BBC and the met police that him and his 'friends' did attack children together you're literally just adding your own idea of what happened to the original chain of events

The quality of that 2nd link is so poor they're literally just changing the past to fit their agenda

How about posting less shilly stuff labeled as Pizzagate? Call it what is, pedophilia.

I think it is an excellent post and "pizzagate" is what the international investigation of pedophiles is called, get over it. It may seem like a stupid name, but that is what it is. Pedogate is a close second, maybe you like that one better.

What is going on... this just showed up at the top of sort by new... It's 8 hours old... fuckin weird... I've never seen this happen on any sub ever.

Somebody is pulling some magic to get exposure

Yeah I've never seen this behaviour before... it's like this topic we are in is pinned to the top of "new"... cause it is now stuck at the freshest slot despite other topics being posted... This is the slipperiest forum slide ever.

I have no idea. That is strange..

Can you imagine, being taken and held captive, used for sex, then murdered.

Like, being that child. That's your life. If that doesn't digits people. If that not a reason to murder our oligarchy, I don't know what is.

You should prolly soften that statement a bit to lean away from the "murder" a bit...

French Revolution much?

I don't know what that is... I have a unique perspective. Is that when they changed how the deck of cards works so the 1 is now called the Ace and it beats even the King?

I think it is what CIA agitators say in order to stir people to violence. They are always looking for their next patsy to plant a bomb or start a riot.

Love the deck of cards story, thanks for sharing. ;-)

And our current deck of cards was based on the tarot... weird world we live in.

Can you imagine, being taken and held captive, used for sex, then murdered.

Like, being that child. That's your life.

Most people do not live longer than three years when being "used for sex" or prostituted.

The action of being used like that tears the body apart, most victims just do not live through it longer than three years. That is why they need a constant new supply of them. I think we can call it a conspiracy to commit murder since it is a team effort.

Oh... I just took his post as an open call to violence... and I can't advocate violence in any form.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah mods are deleting anything anti trump and everyone else is the "shills." So hilarious.

So salty.. ctr r/polit ets sanders not enough circlejerk between those subs..

You lost

The house the senate the supreme court the president..

It's over for your type..

Buckle up pussy


Seems like the Russian => English translator malfunctioned.

So your type is a pussy and he told you to buckle up. Oh also "you" lost something.

And now they've even stickied this hahaha.

Either the mods are shilling hard for Trump, which is what seems to be most obvious, or there's a certain mod reaaaaally trying to make /r/conspiracy look incredibly bad.

Meh, it's their own faults for never actually paying attention to a damn thing Trump says and does. For fucks sake people here are still claiming CTR despite the campaign being over and lost. Cambridge Analytica on the other hand sure as fuck still has jobs.

What a joke of a sub, "pizzagate" is stickied but a document that would be a real conspiracy theorists wet dream is buried.

This sub is an absolute fucking joke.

You post on r/politics, the most dishonest sub on reddit and you say r/conspiracy is a joke. Either you're blind or dumb.

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

Fair enough. Now explain why you're not outraged by r/politics dishonesty.

The moron who posted this now-stickied post has a month-old account and it's all posts in T_D and the like.
Where's the conspiracy this sub has been overtaken by the alt-right? Oh wait, it's not a conspiracy anymore it's out in the fucking open.

What the fuck.. Only finding out about all this now. Crazy.

The rabbit hole goes deeper my friend, good luck.

Yeah, so you link a bunch of fake stories as evidence. Way to go.

Haha! Everything you just said is fake! I win again!

Pizzagate is fake News

but fake news said it's fake news that means it's true.

mind explodes

Trump pisses on children

Thanks OP. Fuck the shills coming in trying to screw with us.

I was there for twittergate, I literally saw shit that I shouldn't have seen that night. I wanted to cry.. Despicable how the MSM didn't cover it at all. Thousands of accounts with CP on them and those accounts had been up for months.

I don't know who to call shills anymore the clinton shills or you r/The_Donald morons. How are reddit and voat credible sources?

i was for bernie! the one true hope

They have the same goal, so it doesn't matter.

excuse me, sir, but reddit is a nexus, a veritable "tree of knowledge" from which the intellectual freethinkers of the internet sup to their satiety. We here at reddit take pride in both our intelligence, and our superior investigative skills. If you see a story being discussed by mental giants such as us, then you can be assured that it is beyond credible!

That pretty much sums it up.

Yes, I am r/conspiracy and r/iamverysmart because I spend waaaay too much time on 4chan, voat, Reddit...

This isnt a Trump vs Hillary thread, stop diverting the conversation. The whole investigation started at podesta email leak, if you think playing dominoes on pizza or pasta, buying pizza for eachother and other coded messages arent some kind of hidden messages, you have problems.


Removed. Try and not use link shorteners.

Name one victim.

Protip: you cannot.

All this "evidence" and not a single vicctim to be found. Isn't that odd?

Cathy O'brien? Getting raped?


Cathy O'Brian speaking engagements and book. cough

K, do you have a source? Let's see it.

That was sort of my point...It's all self-reported or profitable for her. Trance Formation is on Scribd. Speaking gigs on YT.

Ahhhh, now I get it. Haha, that's my bad. Thought I was replying to OP.

Not only is it really fringe and unverifiable, it doesn't have shit all to do with the Comet Ping Pong cast of "suspects."

Colleagues at CTR do not know each others user names?


all those kids alefantis took pics taped up

Who are they and what are they victim of?

yeah with masking tape, laughing, clothed and i public place. Angelina Jolie could get out of that even in her current state of emaciation...

I have Joola ping pong tables for sale! Joola ping pong tables here!

oh my

pizza gate is fake news do you want half off joola ping pong tables or not!?

fine print: may come with fake blood stains and womens clothes

Thanks mods for sticking this at the top of the sub so I know which stories are approved to talk about here.

Lol i tried so hard and got so farrrr

Go circle jerk in ets cuckles

Removed. Rule 10.

Straight to the top I see. Won't be tagged unverified allegations either, I bet. Or, get removed for brigading.

Can't wait until these pedos get a bullet in their head.

that's sensible. I didn't really the United States still had death by firing squad?

last time they did it to the people that allegedly killed Abraham Lincoln. did it real quick with a secret trial cuz those folks were innocent but knew what really happened (seward in on it)

I was more interested in who was going to be the non-state sanctioned shooting, but I appreciate your factual reply. 😉

Just put them in general population with their 'paperwork'

IF someone funds me I will travel to any and every place listed. I just need gas, and food.

Any in texas I'll do for free lol.

Thank you for addressing the influx of shills

Why are there links to voat here? They don't really stop CP there... What exactly does that say about you, your agenda and this whole thing?

Anything to say about the actual evidence friendo?

You're joking right?

I can't wait to see what y'all do if/when Trump is found to be part of this :D

I think people just want to see them go down for this. If Trump is part of it, let him fall as well


This is not a "fake news" story to hurt the DNC. This is NOT a political issue. This needs to be exposed because it is evil beyond comprehension.

If Trump is part of it then he'll be added to the list.

Pizzagate =/= pro-Trump no matter how much you all try to say it is.

Says the guy/ girl who only posts on the_donald and conspiracy, but what do I know I'm just a shill

3:30 in the morning this topic was yanked from the frontpage and sat back in "new" instead for about a half an hour... now it is right back on the frontpage with around double the upvotes it had before.

Did I see it "decommissioned" for a bit last night so that it could have a second chance of the front page again? Is this how a topic a term limit?

For reals... what was up with that?

Hear Here

This post is laughable. Anyone who believes in Pizzagate is a grade A sucker and Trump loves you for it.

It really is some amazing bullshit. Someone's having a good old laugh.

Most of the codewords are drug references and not various flavours of children... but some of the people are pederasts as well so pizzagate has their hearts in the right spot and are doing good work...

But still... Pizza = Cocaine makes total sense... especially if you know about

The Sicilians who came to the United States during the mid-1960's early 1970's became involved in cash flow businesses, though the great majority worked in pizzerias controlled either by the American LCN or earlier Sicilian Mafia arrivals in the United States. The Pennsylvania Crime Commission did an exhaustive study of the cheese and pizza industry and concluded in 1980 that much of the industry was controlled by "organized crime"

I gave up trying to convince people. The people from /r/politics and some in here will not look one or two links and say it's all bs, they get defensive because they think its a political attack against the DNC.

Because they are not TRUE! Abovetopsecret doesn't even talk about it as a real thing anymore!

Nothing alone may be convincing. And each little thing taken alone seems coincidental. It's the entire package which makes it very eerie and quite terrifying.

In other words, not one shred of actual evidence - just a bunch of 'coincidental' items weaved together with a false narrative into something that seems to indicate something.

And you ask us not to dismiss it?

I just want some evidence before we start witch buring. "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" Also I think we need judges like from dredd because this whole free will &a authority thing isn't working out.

All pizza DOES NOT lead to Rome. Only a percentage of it does.


Could we get an unverified allegations flair on this?

You Drumpfkins have ruined this sub. You're cancer to the internet in general. Why don't you just go back to the cesspool theDonald where you all came from and stay there. You attack the Democrats while supporting the GOP and Donald Trump. I don't even know where to start.

YOur use of the word "shill" immediately invalidates anything you have to say. Not to mention your childish cut and paste job of a bunch of half-truths and no-truths.

A new location has been discovered by going through the metadata on the Comet Pizza photos.;v=TLvSkRjMNxo

Good post.

Having fun driving your completely transparent mods?

What a ridiculous post. Want me to prove pizzagate is real? Here's every other case of high level officials' involvement with pedophilia during the past 20 years!


"Stop trying to dismiss it" says the mod of a sub specifically designed to be skeptical of, and dismiss, everything that goes against the current narrative.

Sound like HRC/Haiti much?

You got it! Swap a few nouns around and you have the Silsby stuff... I don't seek out "pizzagate" information... but I share it when I connect a dot randomly in my scouring regimen... and I bump into a lot of dots here and there. This letter to Bush is one of those dots... after it was lost in a pile of paperwork for a few months the reply was something like "We'll have USAid keep an eye out for this." Ug.


Now do you have some actual proof? Because where are all the Haitian parents who are missing their children?

Or did they disappear too?

They are in Haiti... they wanted their kids back. "On January 29, 2010, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border with 33 Haitian children, most of whom were not orphans and had families."

Thats literally the second sentence in the link you posted.

I know exactly what I posted.

Those people got their kids back.

Shouldn't there be a large number of Haitian parents looking for their kids still?

There was a high level of scrutiny by several organizations involved in the Haiti disaster, including several internal movements. They are not dumb people, and they did not just lose their children.

Obviously the disaster created an opportunity for this supposed global pedophile ring to do it's work, but where is the proof?

I'm not trying to belittle or insult, just asking.

I didn't say I had proof... I just said there were parallels between the Haiti story and the letter to Bush. Real proof of such impropriety will come to light if there is any.

You really think I'd just kick back with that kind of proof and not report it to any agency? Just sit on it till some internet troublemaker asked for it?

Not really impossible to believe that parents may not be there to claim missing children, (luckily, with Silsby, they were)...the place is a mess.

Earthquake: "On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 struck Haiti. More than 220,000 people were killed and over 300,000 injured. The massive earthquake, the biggest the region had seen in 200 years, left more than 1.5 million people homeless,"

Cholera "The ongoing Haiti cholera outbreak is the worst epidemic of cholera in recent history, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[5] After the 2010 earthquake, in little over two years, as of April 2013, it has killed at least 7,000 Haitians and sickened a few hundred thousand more while spreading to neighboring countries including the Dominican Republic and Cuba.[6] Since the outbreak began in October 2010, more than 6% of Haitians have had the disease.[7] While there had been an apparent lull in cases in 2014, by August 2015, after the rainy season that year brought a spike in cases, more than 700,000 Haitians had become ill with cholera and the death toll had climbed to 9,000.[8]"

And then, HURRICANE Matthew

Over three weeks since the hurricane struck, the number of displaced stands at 141,493. Those displaced are living in 204 temporary shelters. Almost 800 schools in the affected areas are damaged or destroyed, leaving 116,000 children without education.

The U.N. estimated that 2.3 million people are living in areas impacted by the hurricane. That population includes an estimated 17,000 pregnant women expected to give birth within the next three months, said Marielle Sander, a representative of UNFPA, that deals with population health issues.

In all the cucked subs they seem to think it's debunked because pizzagate is a restaurant and they fuck kids there. Like what the fuck? Like Anderson Cooper, I ADVISE YOU TO GO CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR YOURSELF!

There are some notable political pedophile scandals and they tie together in a lot of substantial ways.

Dutroux Affair - Ritual abuse covered up by the Belgian government, Royalty of Belgium and Hillary Clinton attend Bilderberg conferences together. Additionally, the most recent Hillary emails from the FBI vault reveal another pedophilia cover up during a more recent visit.

Franklin Scandal - More ritual abuse. The guy who helped cover up, though fired from DoJ, ended up going to Raytheon, which seems highly involved with the Clinton Cartel. A lot of Republican politicians seemed to be wrapped up in it.

The Finders - The CIA buried an investigation after it had been discovered that the Finders were involving children in sacrifices. They had pictures, video, etc. Media went silent on it.

Jimmy Savile - Hundreds of victims, often in hospitals. Ritual abuse. The guy at the BBC helped cover it up then moved to the New York Times.

You can really go nuts tying these people together. I've been keeping a spreadsheet to keep track of it.

I can only invest so much time, but I should be able to use Gephi to graph it all out when I have enough data.

Thank you for this

Thats amazing! thank you. Please make a submission to this /r/ with that spreadsheet.

I just wasted almost 2 hours of my life.

Not convinced... still.

An all time great shit post though.

Any word from David seaman?

Indiana Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Engaging in a Child Exploitation Enterprise

A member of a highly sophisticated, global child exploitation enterprise dedicated to the sexual exploitation of children was sentenced to prison today.

According to admissions made in connection with the plea, Fluckiger acted as the co-administrator of a highly-sophisticated global enterprise dedicated to the sexual exploitation of children, organized via a members-only website that operated on the Tor anonymity network, through which he and more than 150,000 other members authored and viewed tens of thousands of postings relating to sexual abuse of children as young as infants and toddlers.

As a result of the ongoing investigation, at least 48 alleged hands-on abusers have been prosecuted and 49 American children who were subjected to sexual abuse have been successfully identified or rescued.

After reading all the "evidence" it just looks like the waves of satanic panic that were based on circumstancial evidence and stretching that truth reaaaaal far.

Maybe you guys should look into the history of "satanic child sex rings"

This place is pure projection. Why is every other post about pedophilia and some unsubstantiated conspiracy about child abuse rings? It's because the people in this forum can't wait to get their hands on little kids, and that's a fact. Sick people. You see child abuse everywhere just like Black Lives Matter see racism everywhere - because you love that stuff yourself. Seek help.

Provides proof in the form of TheDonald threads and some shitty article from a place called voat. Lol you all are pathetic

All the new proTrump users you mean. Btw, thanx for making a good man leave.

This stuff should not be stickied. Mods, you do a disservice to the /r/conspiracy community by promoting insinuation and defamatory claims as though it's accurate and true. You should be ashamed.

Thank you for this, maybe something can be done!

It's depressing how people are wasting so much of their lives obsessing about literally fake news. Thanks for stickied links. I actually wasted some of my life looking for supporting information for some of the claims picked at random. You guys are living in an echo chamber and no reputable news source even bothers to dignify your claims. SAD!

It's depressing how people are wasting so much of their lives obsessing about literally fake news. Thanks for stickied links. I actually wasted some of my life looking for supporting information for some of the claims picked at random. You guys are living in an echo chamber and no reputable news source even bothers to dignify your claims. SAD!

The fact is there is a world wide pedophile cult at the top of the world power structure and 90% of the people who frequent this sub on a regular basis knew about this long before pizzagate.

Wow this is some serious tinfoil hattery

Why the fuck is this sticked? This sub is shit now, nothing but Trump supporters trying to discredit anything Trump does by bringing up unproven bullshit like Pizzagate here.

Trump supporters trying to discredit anything Trump does

Let's say for a minute this is all 100% true, do you think anyone will goto prison?

Good thing we now have a known pedophile and child molester in office as President now, things should get much better

This is all a bunch of BS. It's really obviously BS.

This is all insane and I definitely believe it. However! The point is to try and disprove it. Don't just assume something is fact until it is proven as fact. That's were you lose the argument. Let people try and disprove it. If they can't. Then it feeds the truth.

I totally believe pizzagate, but are we going to dismiss that Trump is currently in a lawsuit alleging he and epstein raped a 16 year old girl. I can barely find anything on the case itself.

Wait, is part of the argument here "Pizza is Italian, Italy's capital is Rome, Rome is where the Catholic Church is headquartered, and the Catholic Church has covered up child abuse, so Pizza = child abuse"?

If Lady Gaga is involved in this, then that means her whole "I have PTSD" confession was just another PR move.

Now, anyone who accuses her of being involved in a child sex trafficking ring will be shot down (figuratively, or not) as someone who is harassing a mentally ill person.

Came here, read this, never coming back.

unpin this crap. This is just trying to make us look bad. When someone has one shred of actual evidence then go ahead and sticky that, until then stop promoting the same old bullshit list again and again.

I love how these "proofs" basically lead you to the_donald . It's like you don't have proof just make shit up


Let me stop you right there. I do believe something fishy is goin on here but satanic? wew.

To each their own i guess.

None of this evidence is linked to the Podesta emails though. That's what Pizzagate is. Also it's hard to take you seriously when you talk like you just came out of TD, which you probably did; oh, one of your posts for "evidence" is from there, because that subreddit surely has accurate information from well-read individuals who know what the fuck they're talking about.

I'm just glad the crazies are off here in their own little corner. You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work. The voices you hear laughing at you are totally in your head.

Lol, classic snowflake.

Sorry for invading your safe space.

Only SJW need safe spaces hun.

You seem a little upset. Some would say triggered.

Haha, i believe ive triggered you.

Bless your heart. It seems like you've run out of things to say.

There arent a lot of words you can understand unfortunately. I dont seem to tickle your narrative so you resort to 5 year old tactics.

You're not very good at this darling.

Thats the best you could come up with hun?

are you really still trollin on a month old post?

about pizzagate!

So ive noticed all your shitposting all over reddit and confirmed that you are a pothead living in moms basement with too much internet priviliges.

my mother passed away decades ago

hows your view?

i've served 6 years in the Army Infantry, and have been a licensed A&P aircraft mechanic 10 years

you figured out i smoke cannabis? you must be a god damned detective or something. i live on ten acres bordering a national forest... my house is paid off, is yours?

the basement is unfinished

Intelligent people will not fall for anything less than full disclosure. We know thousands of kinds are being abused by perverted government officials and elites.

Even Wikipedia says it's debunked. And they don't even say that on the moon landing conspiracy site.

It's definitely good to be skeptical, and I think you might be pleasantly surprised as we progress into his first term!

I've spotted 4 in this thread so far...

what makes you think he is an undercover puppet?

Not to mention, wasn't trump on WWE once in like early 2000s?

He's one of them. What did you expect?

you are doing good work!

Says the 9 day old account. How much are you being paid, comrade?

i don't think secret code words are like math or something testable, it's a code that offers plausible deniability, and it's obvious what pizza means or what hotdog means, use your imagination. also the emails make perfect sense in context, so i don't really know what you are talking about. he says instead of pasta(boys) he got a lovely assortment of cheeses (girls), i doubt it was in a box, he probably just worded it like that cause it goes better with the codes?

for example

"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

translates to

"ps. do you think i'll do better dominating a girl than a boy?"

Wait so your argument is that because r/jokes has some jokes making fun of Trump that means it doesn't matter if this sub changes its agenda to pro-trump? How stupid are you? 2 wrongs don't make a right. Let's not stoop to their level then. This sub needs to stay bipartisan and any conspiracy theory regardless of who it affects should get a fair shake. If you disagree then head on back over to T_D

Yeah all of these believers should just shut their mouths and file police reports if they're so goddamned certain of themselves. If I really believed that I'd discovered verifiable facts of a place and an organization that was performing child abuse I'd have to be the biggest shittiest coward in the world to only post about it online and not do anything.

Cheese pizza and cp have been slang for child porn on 4chan for years. Years! Anons would post links to it and get dumb asses to click on it or download it for the lulz.

like i said, it's perfectly possible some of the emails are innocent. also alefantis connected pizza with kids on his own with his instagram post

He has no clue what he's doing and shows it every day. He said he'd drain the swamp and didn't do that, now he's saying taxpayers are gonna have to pick up the tab for the wall. And the "jobs" he's bringing back are a small fraction of what is being added monthly currently under "Obama". He's complete lost when it comes to foreign policy and being Putin's puppet is flat out embarrassing for the country. I'll never know what ppl saw in him. He's a moron who can't even speak in coherent sentences.

You think it's more plausible that the Saudi royal family doesn't own any child sex slaves?

We already know that the Vatican has been running a global child sex ring for years. We also already know that the vastly rich Saudi royal family trades in child sex slaves. Thirdly, we all know that blackmail creates political leverage- blackmailers become powerful.

So whether the pizza code is real or not is irrelevant. We're hunting confirmed baby rapists, which side are you on?

Left vs. Right keeps us perfectly divided so that a small minority can make themselves into tie-breakers for a huge number of people they wouldn't otherwise control.

You're fucking us all when you divide us. Quit it.

i'm sure you have plenty of experience with that, being a failed abortion and all, but my mental health is fine, i also have plenty of hobbies ranging from 3d modeling, programming, to juggling up to 6 items. you on the other hand are unable to percieve reality as it is, but that because you have been demoralized through brainwashing, break the conditioning you fucking cuck. i'm almost tempted to cut the audio for you word for word, maybe then you will be able to hear it, who knows.

yeah and i'm the president of mars. stop being a retard before you hurt yourself.

I'm here for conspiracy theories, not so people can cry "they are child molesters arrest them without a trial! Guilty with no evidence!"

Sorry just because a bunch of you are Russian shills or anti DNC fans who are using any excuse to attack your enemies doesn't make it a conspiracy. That's what this sub became after r/pizzagate shut down, it used to be about real conspiracies. Now its just another partisan battle ground.

a bunch of you are Russian shills or anti DNC fans


not so people can cry "they are child molesters arrest them without a trial!

So just to clarify, you don't care about child sex slaves, but you do care that DC powerbrokers get a fair trial.

You've got some interesting ethical priorities there bud!

Dude...I've known about this for years. There is no special secret knowledge floating on the www.

Do it right or don't do it.

Couldn't agree more. What are your best leads? I can't wait to get started on helping your "better" investigation!

excuse of being uncivil.

I don't care about civility, I care about those kids.

investigation has been crap

Luckily you're here to show us how to do it right!

I'm not gonna help people like that

You'd rather pedophiles walk free, than work with someone you disagree with. It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

It's almost as if you're trying to be divisive and ineffectual on purpose....

No need to get antsy.

According to my quick reading of the pentagon scandal, people were prosecuted.

The point remains though that this is irrelevant to pizzagate because pizzagate is about comet ping pong and John Podesta's emails.

Do you mean to say there is no link between the pentagon cases and comet ping pong?

You mean like George Webb is doing?

BTW, he stated he has been getting help from retired and active FBI agents. He does several daily updates. Once you start watching him you might get hooked. I did. He dumps a lot of information that people can research and responds to input. It is really very interesting once you get caught up to speed.

Day 80 - Where is Eric Braverman? Part 1. Who Killed Monica Petersen?

GW Bush had a favorite male prostitute placed in the press corps who would give him the softball 9/11 questions he wanted. When that guy is investigated, it looks like he could be a grown up Johnny Gosch.

If the Sr President Bush is a pedophile and the Jr President Bush is a pedophile, then don't we have to assume that our government is, in fact, run by pedophiles? I think the evidence is overwhelming.

Too difficult?

Just look around. It's not hard to see the narrative here.

The sex stuff itself wouldn't be the issue. The issue would be blackmail, which could lead to treasonous acts.

Rape and child murder is also serious. Are you only capable of reading about one thing at a time, for months at a time?

So you don't think Cathy O'Brian is a victim?

No, I don't. She's a pathological liar and was proved to be a pathological liar decades ago. She also never said anything about "cheese", "pasta", "walnut sauce", etc. Here's some of her more colorful fabrications:

"Bush apparently activated a hologram of the lizard-like "alien" which provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes. In retrospect, I understand that Bush had been painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized."

She could also offer corroborating evidence of PG. You know, since she's still alive.

You don't think "sacrificing a chicken to moloch" is a confession?

Do you think, "Break a leg!", is a command to hurt yourself? Do you think, "Let's hit the road", is a suggestion to punch a road? Do you think "Cut the cheese" is instructions to cut children? It's called a figure of speech. This is notthing more than SRA scare-tactics. It's a figure of speech.

I accused my brother-in-law's boyfriend of fondling my six year old son. He did it right in front of me. Do you know what happened? He and my brother-in-law destroyed my credibility with the rest of the family. All of a sudden I was the one who was being viciously attacked as the bad guy. They were horrible to me about it and they kept demanding "proof."

Yes, you were a witness to a crime. I would fully believe you or at least demand an investigation. Your testimony is direct evidence of a crime having been committed. We lack that in Pizzagate. Here's a list I've made before as to what I would expect before accusing someone of pedophilia:

  • Forensic evidence of the crime (e.g. crime scene, blood, photographs/video/audio, paper trail, etc)

  • An accuser who is a victim of the crime (or a parent of a victim) or an accuser who witnessed the crime.

  • Evidence linking a person directly to a victim or potential victim (e.g. being the last person to have seen or been around someone missing, previous threats, strange/volatile relationship with the victim, etc)

  • A confession

Apparently he was some well connected old money lawyer from the deep South. I thought it was stunning that anyone would assume fondling a six year old boy in front of his mother was even remotely normal. I sure did start wondering about him. What would have happened to me if I had proof? I was just an eye witness, I thought that was proof enough, but what would they have done to me if I had a picture of it?

This is very unfortunate, but PG doesn't even have witnesses. You're using your experience and projecting them onto PG. Imagine if you were accused of pedophilia. And not by a relative. Or a friend. or a child. Or anyone who even knows you. The only ones making the accusation or complete strangers. That's where PG is at.

I want to reiterate that I fully understand and empathize with your position regarding what you witnessed. I have my own similar experience in my family. Not exactly the same, but similar. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about some of my family's reactions.

However, we have to keep a level head and remember that a false accusation of child molestation can be extremely damaging. And you shouldn't take your past experiences and apply them to someone else under completely different circumstances. I've tried to look at PG as objectively as I can, and I just don't see the evidence we have pointing to them running some kind of pedophile ring.

I didn't commit any fallacy, I just said it's been cut and reposted from the original source by many different people, and not all of them have edited the audio, just the first vid i linked to you.

I don't know why you and the other guy have such trouble hearing it, try closing your eyes and really focusing on his words as he talks, It's not really as unintelligible as you guys claim, some words can be heard clearly.

Dude has been in the headlines for forty years and you offer me "skeptical".

Dude is anti-establishment when it suits him and pro-establishment when it suits him. There is no big mystery to "The Donald".

He is the same as the rest of the people who have held the office... controllable or dead.

Don't you have any friends, make jokes, or have any kind of fun whatsoever?


The mods love him, such as flytape, sovereign man, etc.

Not only is it really fringe and unverifiable, it doesn't have shit all to do with the Comet Ping Pong cast of "suspects."

Lol i tried so hard and got so farrrr

Go circle jerk in ets cuckles


REAL members of this sub are now greatly outnumbered and you know that's true.

Look at all those pedo's taping up there kids! Jesus! I bet they play dominos on pizza, ugh the fucking nerve!

It really is some amazing bullshit. Someone's having a good old laugh.

No, I was there on 4chan while it was breaking, it was never about a pizza shop. The pizza shop came about week later after the investigation started. You are the one refraining it. The media is trying to reframe it to make it easier to dismiss.

IICR it was about the code words first and then the pizza shop.

Get back to your list! It's a wreck for the decades of "investigation."

Do you have a crush on me??

Haha it's clear they don't want to discuss the information, keep pushing though anything helps.

Nobody ever suggested pizza was democrat specific. Stop being partisan; only 20% of Americans voted for a candidate who identified with a particular party last season.

Is she having a canasta or euchre meetup this weekend? I clean up immaculately.

Who cares, this stupid pissgate shit is a distraction anyway.

You're just wrong, or lying.

I haven't the patience to search for the 0day thread but this early thread on the Donald provided a link to all the "evidence"

Originally posted by /u/DumbScribblyUnctious in

A simple reddit search for "pizzagate" will show you all the old posts and they all refer to podesta and comet ping pong.

I never said that. I said that obviously a large number of people ie the general public ie trump supporters thought there was something to the accusations.

Go on The Donald and ask them whether they think there could be something to it. Or a survey of any Trump supporter. Not believe it 100% but are suspicious of it. I expect most of them will say yes there could be something there.

All Im saying is that the shit is sus and a lot of other people, millions even, think its sus. Some believe it. Some think it needs investigating.

That's all Im saying.

Now as for law enforcement. It doesn't matter if they believe it or not. They are controlled by the elites and cannot act against them. So they don't matter any more than any other individual does.

Colleagues at CTR do not know each others user names?

Because I am interested in conspiracy theories, just not blindly accepting them, like I just told you...


There is only speculation, and I don't mind admitting that.

It's different because I'm not acting like it's backed up by evidence or anything like that.

What is there to talk about when the only evidence we have is a PDF provided to the public by the MSM, and "anonymous agents" pushed forward by the MSM? There is nothing for those who could investigate to truly investigate, as is always the case with assertions from authority. This is the key difference between Pissgate and Pizzagate and a perfectly plausible, non-partisan, reason why the people here have not latched onto the former as vehemently as the later.

What would they look at, his travel record? All they would find is that he did in fact travel to Russia, as he and Russia both agree on. They wouldn't find anything publicly available to corroborate that aspect of story.

His business ties to Russia? Can't do that, he won't detail them, and there is plenty of public outcry requesting that, maybe we can revisit this one once he provides more information, I'm sure that will be soon.

The evidence asserted in the dossier of communication between Trump and "The Kremlin"? Don't have that either. Surprising.

The evidence that Russia hacks things? I'm pretty sure at this point they'd show you their scripts. They're hardly denying it.

What else is there to go on that isn't already either being demanded by the media and public or completely inaccessible and most likely already destroyed?

You don't think people could make that exact same post altered slightly but about MKUltra? You understand theories aren't FACTS right? If there was proof, real solid proof, of any of this, it would be in a courtroom.

Chicken lovers and Hoetard wasn't made up by 4chan. Your right, perfectly normal people post pics of babies with hashtags hoetard with money in its mouth.

Why would I need a news source? You must've read the DCIS report yourself surely...? I have.

Bless your heart. It seems like you've run out of things to say.