What happened to the Trump buzz feed article conspiracy?

4  2017-01-12 by [deleted]



It was deleted by the mods. Their bias is starting to become obvious.

It was removed because vote manipulation is not allowed on reddit

There was no vote manipulaton. This sub was mentioned in multiple front page posts before that post itself hit the front page. It's also one of if not the biggest conspiracies in recent times.

I saw with my own eyes what happened. It got 300 upvotes in 1 hour. And it kept getting 1000 upvotes every 10 minutes. That NEVER happens for ANYTHING in this sub. And now you want us to believe that an Anti-Trump Russian thread got upvoted naturally on /r/conspiracy? Sure, Jan!

Well it is the biggest or one of the biggest conspiracies of our time, and this sub was mentioned pretty early on in the politics threads.

No it's not. It's a hoax created by 4chan. All the people saying it's the biggest conspiracy of all time are obviously CTR.

That's not true. I am not CTR. That's a bullshit deflection tactic.


Got something else to add?

Dude how are you still repeating that? Even the mod who posted about it retracted their claims when called out.

Because it's the truth. Even Buzzfeed and CNN are backtracking on it.


Got a source on this?

The DNI just came out and did damage control and said the documents arent from an intelligence agency, in order to protect the intelligence agencies from this

Even NBC is hitting CNN and Buzzfeed over this. Theyre getting thrown under the bus hard for this.

They shilled this story so hard but it just blew up in thier face lmao

Links please.

The entire story is bullshit and now the rest of the media and intelligence community are trying to keep this from blowing up in their face and ruining their reputations by throwing Buzzfeed under the bus

There's really nothing in there that states any of these claims in the dossier are bullshit. The media is pissed that buzzfeed went ahead with the dossier release before it was completely vetted. Clapper didn't deny any claims. Chuck Todd did, but so what?

So, is Clapper the good guy here all of the sudden even tho he never denied the claims. What a fucking weird 180.

Your account is three years old, has 3 years of no activity until 2 weeks ago, then its non stop anti-Trump posts on here.

lol, do you think we're stupid?

Right, do you have a source that discredits the dossier or not?

Because right now, you're basically calling me a shill.

Because you are a shill. Its blatantly obvious. Youre not fooling fucking anyone

Well, I'm not. I have nothing to gain from arguing with you.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

FYI, this guys is a legit shill.

3 year old account. 3 years of inactivity. Then he pops back up two weeks ago and has made over 100+ anti-Trump comments on here.

Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.

So, are you not gonna do anything about this guy? I'm trying to provide you evidence of manipulation going on here.

I thought the rule was to prevent people from responding to arguments with the "youre a shill line" to try and keep civility, not stop people from sharing actual evidence that there are legitimate shills.

are you not gonna do anything about this guy?

We only 'do something' about the rule breakers. He's broken no rules that I've seen.

Rule 10. Removed.

Because they aren't from an intelligence agency? Lol

Wasnt the story last night that they were from an intelligence agency?

Like I said, the entire story has fallen apart lmao.

No, retired MI6 agent.

Allegedly. They really shouldn't have made a story with pictures of someone's homework.

It's like you haven't read this thread and don't understand what we're arguing about or something, what? He said it was Intel agencies, which it wasnt. I asked for sources it's been falling apart, none given.

I've been following this since buzzfeeds brigade yesterday brainiac. I am aware that the rumor circulated around whatever the cam job of the report was about a retired mi6 agent who leaked it.

I just tossed in the allegedly because not only has nothing been verified or sourced, but also whatever gas was powering this brigade has burnt itself up so the likelihood of actually verifying it went with it.

It's just your replies don't make any sense considering the context of our discussion.

40 day old account, mostly posts anti-trump shit

You stalking me now bro? Following me around because we're in another argument so you can call me a shil?

Go away, shoo shoo

You're the one following me around lol

Your 40 day account is consisted of only conspiracy posts, your history is obvious, please, try harder to mask it, it is no fun like this.

I think it is intentionally so people call you out and you can use the "lol every1 is a shill for you" argument.

No its not, I post in overwatch and ark related subs lol

If you repeat a lie long enough...

I've seen this in every thread about it today. That's not true. It hit /r/all and a bunch of people spammed new threads into /r/conspiracy about "vote brigading" to save face because they were being ousted.

I've seen the post being artificially upvoted with my own eyes. It's literally impossible for a post to reach 300 upvotes in 1 hour on this sub.

I was there too. It was on /r/all because it was an actual conspiracy. It's happened before. Trump's people did it tonight with the front page once again.

300 upvotes in a single hour? On a site with millions of users daily? you're kidding me

and thats the endgame.

you guys hate that this sub has become pro-trump, so you do what you always do, try to oust the mods so you can get one of your own in there and control the sub.

This is bullshit. No one claimed that. More fan fiction from T_D 2.0


1 post karma

821 comment karma

You keep doing this, but your account is 8 months old, and a bunch of the deflectors in here are around the same time of 6-8 months. Hmmm.


4 link karma

112 comment karma

Rule 10. Removed.

Just start reporting for spam I guess.

Pointing out your agenda isn't spam, obviously.

That's not what you're doing, you're just spamming posts you disagree with. It's also a veiled way of calling someone a shill.

I was drawing attention to the similarities in the karma of you and your three cookie cutter comment buddies. It was very funny for me to see three guys all circle jerking with the very same talking points constantly repeated CTR-style, all with 1 post karma and a dusting of comment karma. Seriously, EVERYONE that says "I came here to learn about this amazing true conspiracy" also only came to do so in a brand new throwaway account or with some hokey story about how they've been here for years but never said anything... The consistency of the amazing alignment of talking points, why they're here, and why they have virgin accounts... It's a very entertaining pattern.

I've said multiple times that I often delete my accounts.

They're the same talking points because we're arguing against the same old unfounded statements over and over again.

sent you a pm u/Avo69

Rule 10. Removed.

Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.

Censorship. Can't criticize oligarchs.

But it was false information? Technically, there's more evidence pointing towards it being a 4chan hoax as opposed to anything else.

No, the 4chan stuff has been debunked repeatedly.

The earliest 4chan mention occurred a day AFTER a motherjones report with the same info. It was 4chan, as usual, attempting to troll.

And the actual report that everyone is concerned about was roughly 8 months older than that.

What a kick in the balls.

This has gotten so far out of hand that even seasoned posters on this sub were fooled by the 4chan garbage.

Or were/are complicit in spreading it.

Oct 26th 4chan poster claim


Oct 31st Mother Jones first to run story on the same Friday the poster claimed


Nov 1st same 4chan poster celebrating the troll


Quit the bullshit. There's no evidence it was actually 4chan but you need to look for the full information if you want to be considered credible.

These dossiers first appeared in June of 2016 and the media made note of this. October is entirely too late.

And, even if you believe your timeline, the plan Putin used was to create Plausible Deniability by planting seeds on the internet and among contacts to sow exactly this kind of disagreement.

It is plain as day and the facts are the facts. Putin spread deeper seeds (possibly the 4chan posts) so he could use them later to create this exact sort of disagreement.

It seems to have worked.

How do you have such confidence? Truly astounding that you know you're right and I'm wrong. I'm not even making any claims other than what you posted was wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that every state is using disinformation and planting stories on the internet. That doesn't mean a dossier littered with spelling errors and recently discredited by MSNBC and NBC tonight is correct.

Link to NBC and MSNBC discrediting the dossier?

Check the edit.

"President-elect Donald Trump was not told about unverified reports that Russia has compromising information on him during last week's intelligence briefing, according to a senior intelligence official with knowledge of preparations for the briefing. "

"The document, which was not prepared by the U.S. government, contains obvious errors. It was originally generated as part of opposition research by anti-Trump Republicans and then shopped by Democrats."

"According to the senior official, the two-page summary about the unsubstantiated material made available to the briefers was to provide context, should they need it, to draw the distinction for Trump between analyzed intelligence and unvetted "disinformation." "

NBC is the parent company of BuzzFeed, so this story is essentialy garbage

"Trump claims"

Dude, you just outed yourself. I said link to NBC or MSNBC saying that. You didn't.

Do you have a source?

What? The story in the article is sourcing s senior intelligence officer. Not sure why the URL is for a different story.

Do you have a source of MSNBC and NBC discrediting the dossier or not?

"Senior official" and "trump claims" are not that.

So an unsourced "intelligence" report posted by BuzzFeed has more credibility than NBC (their parent company) with a credible senior intelligence source. Alright....

Not saying you're CTR or unwilling to read, but it's one of the two.

Do you have a source? You said:

That doesn't mean a dossier littered with spelling errors and recently discredited by MSNBC and NBC tonight is correct.

Do you have that? Do you have the source? Call me a shill again. Show the world who it really is.

Posted the source above...took me less time to find it than you to repeatedly asking for sources.

That doesn't mean a dossier littered with spelling errors and recently discredited by MSNBC and NBC tonight is correct.

Do you have this source or not? What you posted above is not that.

I guess you didn't see Trump's press conference today. Trump admitted he was told.

NBC was wrong and later retracted their claim but there is still some argument about it all.

The main point, though, is that Trump himself admitted it in the press conference. It is in the video if you care to watch.

According to the senior official, the two-page summary about the unsubstantiated material made available to the briefers was to provide context, should they need it, to draw the distinction for Trump between analyzed intelligence and unvetted "disinformation.

I am not going to explain why sourcing disinformation examples as real is wrong. He was briefed on it verbally as an example, as said in the article.

Just watch the video if you care at all about the truth. He admits the intel agencies briefed him on it. And then he accuses them of undermining his presidency by releasing the dossier. Which they did not do.

It is all right there on the video. No need to take my word. Go watch Trump say so.


Point out where, because I do not believe I heard him say that.


4 post karma

113 comment karma

What's your point? My account is 3 years old. Yours is 8 months.

I lurk a lot, but lately I've started arguing with you deflection magicians here on /r/conspiracy. Got something to add to the discussion? Or what?

Rule 10. Removed.

Again, this is not the source for;

That doesn't mean a dossier littered with spelling errors and recently discredited by MSNBC and NBC tonight is correct.

You are a fast reader...reading the source I posted in less than 4 minutes and concluding it is not a source for discrediting the dossier...you seem to have a clear agenda.

From the link I posted (NBC):

"Intel and law enforcement officials agree that none of the investigations have found any conclusive or direct link between Trump and the Russian government period," the senior official said.

According to the senior official, the two-page summary about the unsubstantiated material made available to the briefers was to provide context, should they need it, to draw the distinction for Trump between analyzed intelligence and unvetted "disinformation."

Yeah. And they can't fake that Rosneft transfer that was all over the news. Doh.


17 post karma

60 comment karma

Rule 10. Removed.

There is literally no evidence of that. There were no details in that post we can use to verify it, just a vague post that says fan fiction was sent to someone (who isn't even involved in releasing this).

A mod posted that actually but edited their post when they were called out on it.

There's zero evidence of it being a 4chan hoax. If you honestly believe that, go to bed, you've got school tomorrow.

Ask Erovinkin.

It was removed because vote manipulation is not allowed on reddit

Buzzfeed itself admitted that the report "included clear errors," and the thread itself was brigaded.

I support the moderators' decision to remove it.

There was no vote manipulation. It is one of the biggest conspiracies in recent times and it was mentioned in multiple front page posts before it made it there.

Wasn't brigaded, stop spreading misinformation. If a few errors are enough to delete something then lime 80% of posts here would be deleted but they're not.

Here's the thread about the unusual activity in /r/conspiracy when the Buzzfeed thread was upvoted.

The Buzzfeed thread was also linked to in /r/politics, which caused users from that subreddit to flood in and attack /r/conspiracy (violating Rule 10).

Yeah when shit hits the top of reddit other people are going to pour in, no reason to delete it just because it doesn't fit into your little echo chamber anymore.

The vote brigading occurred before it hit /r/all and /r/politics.

It was mentioned quite early on the politics thread. And wasn't it deleted for being a hoax? The moderators have am obvious bias, they were spreading that hoax shit before they even looked into it.


one of the biggest recent conspiracies

This particular phrase is being repeated around /r/conspiracy quite a bit today.

It's almost as if was copy-and-pasted from a script.

Because it is lmao almost everything you're saying has been repeated constantly too

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

How does my post violate rule 10? They're the one making accusations of shilling, not me.

If others have also called you a shill then it's your responsibility to report those comments and then they too will be dealt with.

I think I did but I'll go back and make sure, but I'm asking because I don't think this comment made a personal attack or accusation of being called a shill.

Hi, how did this violate rule 10?

you use a lot of "a"'s, friendo.. maybe you're copy&pasting too?


90 post karma

286 comment karma

that's me

Rule 10. Removed.

For real? There is now a conspiracy that the conspiracy sub is engaged in a conspiracy to stop the spreading of a conspiracy?

Pretty sure they're just mad that for a moment this sub wasn't an echo chamber for pizzagate and the_donald posters.

Look at how they react. "CTR" is their fall back.

Rule 10. Removed.

Prove it please

It's covered in original link I posted.

That's not proof of your claim. It's proof that this hit /r/all and got a ton of attention. Attention that you didn't want.


1 post karma

267 comment karma

Rule 10. Removed.

It was obviously brigaded. It was like watching the same person constantly repeating almost the exact same argument again and again to himself.

I just don't think you get how reddit works

Been here for 7 years. I think I know reddit just fine Jr.

Did you seriously just call someone junior in an online argument?


So they should also remove all pizzagate threads as they are patently false?

Buzzfeed enough said. Didn't need to throw in unsubstantiated, that is redundant. Not to mention the proven vote brigading with that particular post.

Good thing they has a link to the actual documents, and there has been no proof of vote brigading just a bunch of people who don't understand how reddit works.

I read the article and it said the claims were unsubstantiated. I took that to mean they were unable to confirm them.

It also looks like the story had been floating around for months and without being able to substantiate the claims nobody had published it before now.

I also understand that the president and president elect had only recently been briefed on the claims. No idea if it was that briefing that triggered the publishing or not.

It is sad that there is not a post here even looking in to any of the stuff from that document. Trying to prove or disprove any of it. This sub is just a hivemind for t_d now.


1 post karma

874 comment karma

Rule 10. Removed.

This place is full of operatives and useful idiots and rubes now. I get the operatives motives, but the useful tools are just freaking sad. This place is just freaking sad now. :(

Yeah I have just cruised some of the other posts this past 12 hours...oh dear.

I don't know why I'm here. It's a losing battle. Just miss the old /r/conspiracy.

Me, too. If it's any consolation, talking about the stuff we want to talk about is probably more dangerous now than we'd realize. But man, it was fun actually talking about conspiracies and theories.

I much prefer the batshit crazy that used to hit the frontpage. A lot of it was dumb, but it wasn't pushing a narrative.

Yeah. And hell, flat earth stuff would be gold compared to the sad knob-slobbering. reality-denying sycophantism we're seeing now. And batshit crazy is actually fun a lot of the time, makes you think outside the box. I've a softspot for Vigilant Citizen-type stuff. But dare mention a certain someone's occult handsigns and prepare for psycho "kill yourself" PMs.

Yep. The 'Truth To Power' aspect is all gone with Trump coming to power.

No one is allowed to speak Truth to that particular Power.

Or even to question it.

This is a very unfortunate time. I hope it doesn't last long.

This place is just freaking sad now.

It's interesting from an observational standpoint though no? Just take a step back and watch it all unfold, the techniques being used jump out at you and are then easier to spot when you see them happening in other places or forums.

I guess, but we've seen it here for years...I think I've been backing away more because I've seen how the techniques used here have blown back so effectively into real life...so playing anti-propo warrior here is a lot less amusing and it's just made me sad more than anything.

Like, knowing what's going on, knowing the truth, to me, has always seemed like the best reward - but that feeling of being completely unable to do anything about it, completely unable to break through to those closest to you, to those that actually made you who you are - it's kind of devastating.

We can only control what we can control. I think life is too short to sit there worrying about freeing the minds of everyone you see, and you don't have the power to do that anyway. People will only see what they want to see, only discover what they want to discover. All we can do is help others along the path when we see them trying to find it. We're all going in the same direction and will make it to our destination in the end - I'm sure of that.

I also take comfort in the fact that, even if only in the back of their minds, people know. People have always known, and there isn't anything anyone can do to steal that knowledge away - all they can do is make us forget for a little while. You can try to defy the cosmos all you want, but you'll never win.

The moderators removed it because it was a blatant /r/politics /r/EnoughTrumpSpam briagde.

Half the posts in the thread were talking shit about this subreddit and its users and we're obviously not from active users here.

The other part is that article would never be upvoted here without vote manipulation. It was blatant manipulation.

This is not true, and has been explained multiple times in this very thread. You guys keep repeating it tho. Wonder why?

Yes, it was an /r/politics brigade.

I fucking watched it dude.

This subreddit has been pro-wikileaks and pro-Trump for months, and you expect me to believe that a Buzzfeed article pushing the DNC's Russia narrative is going to get upvoted to the point that it hits /r/all in minutes?

You expect me to believe this sub isnt being brigaded when the thread reads like a fucking /r/politics thread word for word?

Meanwhile your account is three years old, theres a 3 year period with no activity, until 2 weeks ago, and every post you've made since is an anti-Trump post on here.

The /r/conspiracy article was the first posted and ended up on /all where EVERYONE was looking for it.

But keep on those knees for ya boy. Don't expect him to reward you.

The fact that it got to /r/all in the first place was manipulation

The article would never have been upvoted on this subreddit.

That story getting upvoted here would be like a report of Trump bringing back a few thousand jobs getting upvoted on /r/EnoughTrumpSpam

This was an obvious brigade to any regular user here

People popped in the link to post it and it redirected to our link, which was first. If you were a "regular user" here, you'd understand how Reddit works.

So, you're saying that because it was anti-trump, and that's not welcome here, it would never be upvoted so much. Got it.

Im saying that the everday userbase of this sub would not upvote that article. Which is true.

That article being upvoted here is like a pro-Trump breitbart article getting upvoted on /r/enoughtrumpspam

It was blatant vote manipulation.

I am the everyday userbase. The only vote manipulation I see is for pushing a pro-trump narrative. That's why I'm here speaking up.


you guys are a joke

What do you mean by "you guys?" Care to explain?

Judging by your rhetoric, I'd say it's fairly obvious. CTR.

I watched it too. It was an actual conspiracy, so wow, imagine that... It hits /r/all.

3 year old account

3 years of inactivity

then 3 weeks ago you pop up and every post is an anti-Trump post on here.

lmao at you guys. just lmao

Yeah, because the sub I used to enjoy lurking is now being overrun by you guys.

hahahaha, you guys dont actually think anyone is dumb enough to fall for this, do you?

Who are you guys? What are you saying?

you are pretty sad tbh

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Then leave.


4 post karma

25 comment karma

Rule 10. Removed.

I think all conspiracy theories should be fine to post here, let the voting decide?

I saw with my own eyes what happened. It got 300 upvotes in 1 hour. And it kept getting 1000 upvotes every 10 minutes. That NEVER happens for ANYTHING in this sub. And now you want us to believe that an Anti-Trump Russian thread got upvoted naturally on /r/conspiracy? Sure, Jan!

Me, too. If it's any consolation, talking about the stuff we want to talk about is probably more dangerous now than we'd realize. But man, it was fun actually talking about conspiracies and theories.

Your account is three years old, has 3 years of no activity until 2 weeks ago, then its non stop anti-Trump posts on here.

lol, do you think we're stupid?

You keep doing this, but your account is 8 months old, and a bunch of the deflectors in here are around the same time of 6-8 months. Hmmm.


4 link karma

112 comment karma

Just start reporting for spam I guess.

Im saying that the everday userbase of this sub would not upvote that article. Which is true.

That article being upvoted here is like a pro-Trump breitbart article getting upvoted on /r/enoughtrumpspam

It was blatant vote manipulation.

Because you are a shill. Its blatantly obvious. Youre not fooling fucking anyone

Rule 10. Removed.

Rule 10. Removed.

I just don't think you get how reddit works