Pizzagate The Bigger Picture Child Sex Trafficking and Abuse Information is Enlightment

41  2017-01-12 by [deleted]



Reddit loves to support pedophiles. They even have their own subreddit "friends of".

So does V and others sadly. at least they got rid of that one sub recently.

A willingness to look into/acknowledge this stuff is so important. I think traffickers and people who are otherwise involved in child sex trafficking count on the general public not doing that.

When pizzagate surfaced I celebrated the fact that what I grew up in was being talked about among "normal" people. It's sort of being cast aside I guess now.

Thanks for looking into it and talking about it! When I was a kid, I hoped people like you were there, looking and asking questions.

Thanks and the best of wishes for your and your family. I stopped mentioning about all these things to my partner, friends and family because they do not want to hear it as most people really do not want to look into or even watch a documentary on the subject. Even "Conspiracy of Silence", "An Open Secret" they don't want to hear about. To be honest until Pizzagate broke I was the same as it is a very depressing and dark subject matter. I have had family members abused during childhood and others as young teens and they do not want to look into this subject either.

I think with anything so awful a break is needed otherwise it is too much to take onboard and remain sane. I get so angry reading it I have to stop because I cannot do anything about the old scandals let alone anything more recent.

There is a massive stigma that those reseaching these things must have some alterior motive but that is simply not the case. Pedophiles want to view graphic content or discuss and exchange stories or fantasies not look at the debris and ruined lives they leave behind. Too many people turn there back because it is all to horrendous and that is exactly why these people have gotten away with it for so, so long.

It angers me and saddens me everyday.

I understand your family and partner not wanting to hear it. I lived it and I don't want to sit with the emotions of knowing that it still happens to so many kids.

Oh yea you definitely need a break when immersing yourself in this subject matter. The anger and helplessness can be so discouraging.

Yea I know what you mean about the stigma when I comes to researching these things, or in my case, attempting to report these things. Like you may just be ruining someone's life for the hell of it or creating issues out of thin air. You obviously know that's not the case, but unless people get that spark that makes them start thinking, "Wait a minute..." they may just keep avoiding this problem. For you, I take it, that spark was pizzagate. Which was pretty much people saying something isn't right. And that's what you're doing here. It's not going to solve everything, but it can get people to maybe look around and see things they didn't see before.

If Pizzagate which I am only keeping an eye on like a lot of people, comes to nothing it at least awekened me to this overwhelming problem of child trafficking and abuse at elite levels of government and the entertainment industry. Pizzagate may drop off or it might be reborn soon after jan 20th and beyond. That is just one case and it's important to look at the whole problem still afterwards.

I followed pizzagate very closely on Reddit till it was removed. Never followed the group to Voat. Have you looked into the Hampstead Cover up and the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan? I applaud you for your research. We must keep talking about it and exposing these people. It saddens me as well.

The dancing boys of Afghanistan is real and is steeped in so much of the abuse sulture of minors over that part of the world including child brides. I was a skeptic of the Hampstead Heath case for a long time because I believe the Boyfriend and mother concocted it all to avoid social services taken the children off them but after looking into Ted Gunderson's excavations and reports of the McMartin Pre School I am no longer sure. To me the video of the Hampstead children looked emotionless and coerced and I belive they even had footage of the boyfriend abusing and forcing the kids to say those things and a lot of things didn't add up including every teacher, staff, parents all visiting parties on a week night in a small house where they abused children in a residential area. But then again I am open to the idea it may be real as nothing can be overlooked. The mother fled to her home country after losing the case leaving the kids in social services which doesn't look good. Keep the mind open though.