Discussion: Julian Assange

9  2017-01-12 by WarSanchez

Let's have a discussion about the recent event regarding Julian Assange.

Recently he did an AMA here on Reddit. There were many questions asked but the one that sticks out to me is the one where he was asked to provide his pgp signature to prove his authenticity.

Now honestly, I would have dismissed all of this if it wasn't for the fact that people have posted videos where people have been CGIed to look as if it was them speaking. That along with the fact that Mr. Assange himself said his pgp signature and live video was the only way to prove authenticy raises alarms. Especially since the request was the second highest comment and not some obscure downvoted comment.

What also raises flags is the influx of random quotes attritubed to Julian Assange in meme form that have made the it to the top of this sub recently.

Are we being played? Is he compromised? Or am I just being irrational?

I hope we can have a civil discussion and actually adress an issue here.

What are your thoughts on this?


JA is alive.

JA may or may not be at the embassy.

JA will only talk about recent events and going forward. He went silent for a few months and since returning will not comment on what happened.

JA is a smart man he knows we are all noticing that he won't talk about the events that transpired in October.

An addition to the point above, I think what was readily apparent to a critical thinker was what he did say at the end of the Hannity interview. JA signed up to fight the big boys and will take the consequences that come with it -- but as he said, his children did not.

I think the word here is that he is being coerced.

TL;DR - he's alive but unable to speak freely for any of the multiple reasons /r conspiracy can come up with.

He can't talk cause he's under an NDA with the FBI... they saved him from an assassination... assured him that the corrupt elites would soon all be brought to justice... and in return he is staying silent so no one knows what is coming... or is in his insurance files.

I don't think it is that.

Do you think it is more likely that he has been replaced by a CIA CGI construct that still won't say Russia gave him the leaks?

I don't think the FBI saved him nor is he willfully working with them. I think the narrative is more like his family is being caught in the crosshairs and to keep them alive he has to do as he's told. Things like, censoring leaks, Not giving too much information, and changing his stance on things.

Yeah... his family is safe now, but he's still disgusted that they had to go thru something frightening.

Assange came across relaxed, and in control during the whole Twitch broadcast... Would a man who has his family in danger, really be able to pull something like this off? But the question still remains, Why cant he walk towards the Embassy Balcony and show himself. Its because he no longer exists.

His family was threatened... but are okay now. He was pissed in the hannity thing about all the "spies" around and how his family didn't "sign up for this.".

Or he's just not in the embassy... or he doesn't wanna get shot at the window... or he peeks out all the time and there is just never anyone there to see him... many more possibilities than he's a cartoon. The CGI replacement angle is just being pushed to discredit the blackmail sex tapes that will be entered into evidence against the elites.

NDA please explain TY

Non-Disclosure Agreement

TY now i understand i was thinkin NDAA i think

Non Disclosure Agreement... a promise to keep a secret.

ooo TY it helps reading comprehension

love love love keeping secrets

I think you are right on the money.

he is alive he is not at the embassy

whether or ot he is safe lets fuckin hope so

I think he is compromised. No PGP key, the questionable AmA, and the drastic change in stance. I think JA is gone. Mendax has been cracked. That's the only explanation. Hell, I don't even think wiki leaks is run by the same people anymore. But hey, i'm just paranoid.

Drastic change in stance? What is Mendax? Please enlight.

The CGI shit is bullshit... that technology doesn't exist in a fashion advanced enough to be that convincing... Assange said why he doesn't use PGP keys... cause anyone that has the key can use it to pretend they are that person. They are dangerous.


That was posted well before October... Cryptome did the same thing.

I'll accept defeat on the PGP argument.

I have no clue about the PGP keys that is why I made this discussion. To learn and inform myself.

I have decides to quit arguing and discuss. So this is my attempt to learn.

Also, computers have come a long way man. I'm not too sold that it can't happen. But that's my paranoia talking.

It is paranoia... but its good you are trying to research for yourself and ask probing questions... but the CGI tech is impossible... and even if it was real they wouldn't use it to make a fake Assange that doesn't follow orders.

No. It's not. Stop misinforming people, that technology exists at civilian level. Remember, military is 50+ years ahead

Haha... okay Military is 50 years ahead... Everyone believes that... the civilian stuff looks so fake... and if the military made a CGI assange they would make him say Russia gave him the leaks...

FWIW: I have pulled a couple horary charts on assange.

I believe he is in Florence, Colorado.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horary_astrology

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 16774

Explain please.

I'll do the best I can.

In October, when assange went MIA, I pulled a chart for him which located him in a "place near water" but at 29 degrees - which means an ending. The London Ecuadorian embassy is (obviously) on the island of Great Britain. According to the chart, his time there was at an end.

Same time period, he was being threatened by the dating site, Todd and Clare, with being taken to ADX Florence, a supermax prison in Colorado.

His second chart, which I pulled yesterday, indicates that he is there, and no longer in the embassy.

I will look into this.

I am not familiar with the charts or what is in CO.

Is that the Super Max facility?

Yes, and I answered another comment. ADX Florence is a supermax in Florence, Colorado.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADX_Florence

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 16782

Florence, Colorado.

I went to check this against my resources... ran into this awfully quickly... It makes me feel icky...

This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests—not for your personal benefit or privacy.


The ick is real. :(


Julian could be comfy there... nice and safe.

Perhaps. However, I think T&C is a CIA front, so it is worrisome, but if he were in protective custody, it could certainly affect his willingness to speak on specific topics.

In all honesty, I am not a horary expert by any means. I've found the charts are never wrong, only my ability to read them. Right now, I see him in an institution for sure with his day-to-day experience near mountains.

Time will tell, I hope.

I'd like to hope, but I wouldn't be surprised if they slipped him right back into the embassy like nothing ever happened... and then he got to walk back out to freedom "officially".

"In ten year or so... they'll leak the truth... but by then, it's only so much paper! Wheeeeeee!"

I'm certainly not ruling that out either!!

If you’re GCHQ you might come up with a badass “sounding” name (that sends the phonological loop into a frenzy) like “Nik-A-Jack”.

He is not showing at the equatorian embassy anymore so he is either dead or secretly jailed.

he is not dead

He could be scared of sniper fire or lasers (laughable I know but the Navy has some that can down planes, what can they do to a window and human?) What kind of stuff our government has we do not know.

I dont think this guy would have be scared dying as "hero" shot at the window of the equatorian embassy (he would remain a scumbag according my standards "lol" because of Bradley Maning being caught because of him/he didnt care) but I think he was scared of being caught alive / compromized. I think he is dead now. Btw I dont think Snowden who still alive is in a better situation , and I guess even alive he is totaly compromised by now.

Why wouldn't you also think Snowden is a CGI replacement? Why not Obama being CGI? Maybe I'm CGI... maybe you are CGI...

About Snowden im saying the ruskies may be treaten him big time / make puppet of him. By residing in Russia Snowden physical integrity might be / is compromized.

Nope... is obviously an android... his moles are bigger now than when he was younger... robot... infiltrating Russia as a whistleblower before he forces his atomic battery to overload and in the middle of the Federal Assembly.

Or extracted and a safe house... but then that would mean the set on Hannity was a fake embassy.

Personaly Im rather pesimistic about what might have happend to him.

I know he is alive... thats all that matters.

Sometimes its better to be dead than alive :/ 

I know he is alive... thats all that matters.

That's a very provocative statement. Can you say why you believe it?

Cause he did a live AMA on twitch the other day and I asked him a question and then he answered it... And it wasn't a realtime CGI recreation... that technology doesn't exist.

Plus he was on Hannity doing like an hour long interview.

Thank you! That's a good confirmation for me.

They lost his dripping background when they moved him.

A casual over-sized artistic scarf, and black and white stripped top. I believe Fashion is about something that comes from within you, and this jaunty ensemble, represents a man on the edge of life, not afraid to make bold decisions.

he is not dead

He could be scared of sniper fire or lasers (laughable I know but the Navy has some that can down planes, what can they do to a window and human?) What kind of stuff our government has we do not know.

The ick is real. :(

Or extracted and a safe house... but then that would mean the set on Hannity was a fake embassy.

Haha... okay Military is 50 years ahead... Everyone believes that... the civilian stuff looks so fake... and if the military made a CGI assange they would make him say Russia gave him the leaks...