A message for real Conspiracy theorists who are also hopeful about a Trump presidency.

16  2017-01-13 by Flytape

This is for you people who are pro-trump yet still identify as Conspiracy theorists.

In a world where everything is a conspiracy (like /r/Conspiracy is by design) a lot of us have had a conflict of perception in relation to how we reconcile Trump's victory with our conviction that "the system is rigged".

I happen to believe it was all supposed to have been rigged for Hillary. They had the stage set, the fireworks purchased and all the polls were giving the right feedback. Nobody would question Hillary's victory because the talking heads on TV told us Trump was literally Hitler's rebellious left testicle.

Something went wrong. Someone leaked incriminating internal communications from within the DNC. Investigations were on again off again and Bernie's Supporters had become outcasts from the "Democratic process".

In my opinion the riggers, whoever they are, got spooked. Nobody really knew how stupid Hillary was or if she had emails outlining the process of how the game was supposed to be fixed. They got spooked and they pulled the plug to avoid getting taken down with her. Once the plug was pulled they had no other plan and we were left with Trump.

I'm under no illusions that Trump is a "God emperor" or some stupid shit, I don't even think he is playing 3D chess. I think whoever leaked that DNC shit was feeling guilty as fuck about the state of things. Probably an idealistic fellow like Edward Snowden or Aaron Swartz. And it was they who beat Hillary, not Trump. I don't even think Trump would have won the GOP primary without Hillary's meddling hand. God knows I would feel much better if it were Rand Paul up there, or better yet his father.

But what I do know about Trump is that he does consider conspiracy theories, which to me means that he atleast has a semi open mind. He probably isn't going to vaporize 10mg of 5meo DMT any time soon but he is willing to look into the shadows and think.

He does crash the MSM's highly irresponsible party they are having with 5 eyes (intelligence agencies) and he did kill two political dynasties (Clintons and Bushes)

There are a lot of reasons for a conspiracy theorist to also like Trump, but there are a lot of reasons for us to hate him too.

So why do I choose to like him over hating him?

Because this is the closest thing I've ever seen in my life to a political outsider getting into a position of real power. Because he seems to align with me on a handful of key issues. And it's not another Marxist socialist revolution where I'm expected to believe that 14-24 year olds know better the real issues of life than I do. Sorry socialists but that guy on your t-shirt Che Guevara, yeah he was murdered by his buddy Castro as soon as power was taken from the actual government.

Anyways, regardless of the stickied post claiming that you're not a real Conspiracy theorist if you have some hope about Trump. You're whatever you want to be. Believe whatever you want. Don't feel guilty for having hope for the first time in your life. Don't apologise for it to anyone, I'm sure as fuck not.

But the one little piece of advice I will give you... Identifying as a Trump Supporter is dumb, identifying as anything other than a free individual is dumb. Identifying as a conspiracy theorist is dumb, or as anti-conspiracy w/e is dumb.

There shouldn't be a left and a right, there should be individuals in a big circle with some of them standing left of center and some of them right of center.

If we didn't have this stupid global media monster lying to us constantly (for fucks sake they said George Zimmerman was a white dude and edited his 9-11 call to get outrage ratings) if not for them we wouldn't have criminals like Hillary running or ego driven billionaires like Trump running. We might actually have elected a Ron Paul or a Bernie Sanders.

Also #pizzagate is stupid, you're all looking for child fuckers when the real codewords are for illegal arms trafficking for huge $$$ as well as on demand organ harvesting for the richest of the rich. There probably are kids involved with the organ harvesting.

And #pissgate is also stupid. That shit was brewing on 4chan so long ago, atleast several key parts of it were. There was a little new material there I didn't recognize.

If your not hopeful for a Trump presidency then you don't need to bomb me with downvotes, you have a sticky thread right now basically saying we're all fools. Enjoy your sticky and let the others enjoy a little hope.

Kind regards,



pissgate is also stupid. That shit was brewing on 4chan so long ago, atleast several key parts of it were.

Which key parts? I've only see people link that original image where the guy claimed to have sent the fan fiction, no verifying details or anything like that.

Just wait a few days and it's all going to be out in the open.

Were the claims not preserved or something? And I sure hope so, either way I hope this is confirmed or denied soon for certain.

There are a million screenshots floating around with different levels of preservation.

Yes but only with the original claim that something was sent, no details to verify or anything like that. The chain of custody from 4chan to Rick Wilson also doesn't make much sense.

I watch 4chan because they have pulled the same shit here multiple times. It's right down their alley and I do remember seeing the plot brewing. There is almost always something brewing there.

Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see then.

You didn't see shit, you're either lying or so mentally damaged you conjured it in your head.

pizzagate: you're either lying or so mentally damaged you conjured it in your head.

pizzagate, we have pdesta emails from wikileaks confirming it.

as for pissgate, I don't see the same proof. I do see flytape saying he can debunk it from 4 chan and not giving proof of that. but that's not quite the same thing.

Podesta's email prove nothing without the code words, and the code words were invented on 4chan AFTER the emails leaked. There is no evidence that pedophiles use or have ever used "map," "walnut," "cheese," etc.


Some of the words were made up after the fact. Others were pulled from places like urban dictionary and date back to 2012.

I find the fact that some of these terms were absolutely pre-existing + the fact that these people go way out of their way to collect some of the most vile works of art that absolutely depict very specific taboos + the immediate reaction to these facts as completely dismissive without a thought to further investigation = the biggest clue that somethings fishy. I was ready to call this one a 100% hoax there for a minute before the media's violent, thoughtless, and self depreciating call of fake news. Now I think there's something to it even if a lot of the pieces are misinfo.

Anyone else would have taken down their lewd screensaver after the first few people ask but not Podesta. He intentionally created what was an uncomfortable work environment for many people with his artwork depicting cannibalism on the wall and whatever was on his pc. The emails content and blatant ignorance of modern security really should have been enough to see his security clearances revoked.

Put all of this together and you have a peek inside of the psyche of this person and it's not a pretty picture. Definitely not someone we need anywhere near public office. DJT might be the same creature but I don't yet have absolute proof of that. I will retain my suspicions and doubts and I will be watching very closely.

Even the MSM debunked it


buzzfeed did say it was fake. then again they're fake news themselves. right now to me it's like schrdingers cat. I don't know if it's real or fake. either way I have no proof of anything so best to not assume it's true, to be safe.

No they didnt, that's a blatant lie.


InB4 this is also thrust on to the front page... maybe also as an "announcement".

I don't want it stickied. I think the existing sticky is divisive and arrogant. This one would be also if it was stickied.

Cool... that was a very objective statement. I appreciate it.

I do hope it gets a little organic visibility though, Reddit has plenty of right-wing free zones where anything that doesn't dribble liberalism gets buried and ignored. I would hate for Conspiracy to become the BuzzFeed of /r/politics. Which is honestly what Reddit wants it to be.

Well.. it's not like "conspiracy theories" ever had a whole boatload of credibility to worry about losing... Anyone that comes to this sub hoping to find only one point of view will always be sorely disappointed. I know there is a lot going on right now... but once people aren't being paid to post and slide it will balance back out... trying to make /r/conspiracy/ a safe space will be about as successful as trying to swim in a sea of broken glass... no matter what it's not gonna be safe.

I am hopeful, but deep inside I think there was plan A, Hillary, and a plan B, Trump and the powers that be can control both by getting the right "advisors" on his team. Then it will be BAU.

Trump was not plan B. Even the Republican establishment went after him and still are. I hope he does half of what he says he will do and so far it looks like he is.

goldman sachs advisors.

Reverse psychology exists and it works very well. Continue to be skeptical, why put blind faith in yet another government official..?

I don't put blind faith in him,. I think identifying as a Trump supporter retardedly forces people to at least feign their faith.


Agreed purely for the sake of the earth needing the positivity. Skepticism doesn't have to come at the cost of hope.

Just my side of it though. If we're let down, it wouldn't be the first time and we'd simply have to say we were wrong about some things. Who is going to hate us for being wrong if that's how it turns out?

Nobody. Because we don't have a choice of him being there and he is still doing things that nobody has done.

We shall see and remain positive. It's not naive to hope and acknowledge evil when it comes.

Ah the notorious flytape!

No thanks

I never thought I'd live to see the day that flytape would become an establishment shill

he needs to go back into hiding

It seems best to respect the new President. Obama is going to pardon thousands of innocent people before he departs office, hopefully.

Good post man.

98% agree, just throw off a little about the pizzagate. I'm not saying it's all about CP, but black markets which include what you said and CP. Don't be so closed minded to it. It's not and wasn't uncommon in the Olde world. These things are carried on, by certain groups. All around though, 9/10 post, mate. Well said...

Well I feel like the attention is being artificially directed towards CP so that people don't look into arms trafficking (the big one) and to a lesser extent, organ harvesting.

Let's look into a c130 full of stinger missiles being delivered to Libya just before the Benghazi attack.


OK, I've looked over both post. That is this one and the one stickied. I disagree with you less. Mainly because you didn't switch to bold and all caps at anytime.

How did that one get stickied? And why is yours not?

I'm super skeptical but am hopeful. I know he's going to shake things up for sure. I loved when he called cnn fake news. So far, so good I guess. I live in Canada and our media is really anti-trump, basically parroting the msm. If anything it's been really fun watching the media narrative crumble. And I am hopeful citizen journalists are the future for news.

In a world where everything is a conspiracy

You just lost everyone's attention right there.

I'm right there with you. I'm giving it time. He might fuck us over, but he has done no wrong in my eyes yet.


I will never buy the theory that Trump's victory was planned. A smooth plan wouldn't have included WikiLeaks, Pizzagate hitting the mainstream, Hillary not even having a concession speech prepared, a hastily thrown together story about Russian hacking that even our own government can't agree on, the public losing all faith in the media,and whatever the hell is going on with Kek/Pepe. The elite normally aren't this sloppy.

I'm taking a very cautious "wait and see" approach to the Trump Presidency.

we did have assange being killed in October, then pizzagate getting released.

I'm a huge conspiracy theorist. I'm a huge trump supporter.

My current theory is that the illuminati (the true power families...the families we've never heard of) is pulling the plug on the globalists. Trump is part of their nationalist agenda. Maybe the globalists had gotten too much power and the illuminati (again the REAL powers...not the rothschilds, Windsors, Rockefellers, bushes, etc) plans require more time or maybe they don't want to completely enslave the world at all. Maybe they used the globalists for a while and now want to watch them all gang.

Sure we are still slaves and puppets. But we get to watch the masters swing!!!

Oh hi random guy, thanks for your opinion. It's so valued and important.

You always impress me, Flytape. kiu.

let me just say, in this day and age, every politician is a corrupt bastard. Everywhere, not just the states. I am not even American.

Because those who aren't, get destroyed so quickly nowadays it's hilarious. They have all your mails, texts, phone records, from 30 years ago. Nobody is clean if you own the media.

Therefore , simple conclusion, everyone still in the race, is a corrupt piece of shit.

it's simple logic, it really is, but please prove me wrong?

If he audits the FED, initiates peace with Russia, reinvestigates 9/11, reinvestigates vaccine safety and gets out of Syria, he will probably get a place at Mount Rushmore and become the most loved president since JFK. Those are some fundamental lies our society is based on and he has the chance to correct a yuge part of modern history.

I feel the exact same way. In fact I have never been more excited about a president, and I disagree with almost all of his poicies. He called CNN fake news!

Well, if he takes down Big Pharma like he hinted at in his press conference, I will have to make him my God Emperor. Next! Big Agra!

Well.. it's not like "conspiracy theories" ever had a whole boatload of credibility to worry about losing... Anyone that comes to this sub hoping to find only one point of view will always be sorely disappointed. I know there is a lot going on right now... but once people aren't being paid to post and slide it will balance back out... trying to make /r/conspiracy/ a safe space will be about as successful as trying to swim in a sea of broken glass... no matter what it's not gonna be safe.

pizzagate: you're either lying or so mentally damaged you conjured it in your head.