To all the people complain this sub being pro-Trump...

6  2017-01-14 by [deleted]



Maybe a lot of people here are also anti-establishment, too. I support Bernie, but it is great that Trump is shaking things up already.

How? With his new team of Goldman Sachs and seven sisters people

I am watching that, along with others. I meant the CIA, though.

Shaking it up by directly appoint banking and oil execs to office? Thats the opposite of shaking it up.

The CIA is worried, which is nice.

Well, I'm getting sick of seeing pro trump articles posted in a conspiracy sub, where they have no business being.

You should be a mod so all the right things get posted.

Because it's too much to ask to keep non conpsiracy related articles/videos/whatever out of conspiracy sub.

At least it's died down since the election, this place was basically the donald 2.0 at that point.

There is a goldmine of conspiracy related material surrounding every actor in this election.

That should be no surprise since Trump has continually been doing all the right things

Like what? He hasn't even taken office yet.

Like appointing a bunch of Exxon and Golman Sachs execs to office?

This sub shouldn't be confused for t_d or /r/politics. The MSM political BS of the day that has been posted so often should be downvoted to hell.

Spoon feeding unsourced MSM headlines in this sub is the ultimate insult or apex of cluelessness.

He is challenging the Vaccine and Pharmaceutical industries , and the deep state. There. The first president taking on 3 conspiracies this sub has been talking about for years

Bingo. If he plays us all, I'll gladly come back and say I was wrong. NO ONE has the courage to talk about vaccine safety. He gets my blessing for the time being.

But until then, you all need to stop with throwing a hissy fit every time someone says something positive about Trump. Getting sick of it tbh.

So you're saying you think /r/conspiracy should be a safe space for you? Sorry, it ain't a safe space. People will continue to have their own opinions here, and you, my darling, will have to deal with opinions that differ from yours.

No, he just wishes people around here would quit being crybabies.

But his/her post itself was a crybaby post.

I don't need a safe space. I'm a very open minded person now. I voted for Hillary Clinton but Pizzagate made me wish I hadn't. I just don't like sore losers.

I haven't seen anyone here complaining about the election or being a sore loser. People are talking about conspiracies related to US politics.

I railed against the Clinton Foundation and all the corruption - Uranium One, et al and I will rail against Trump and Rosneft. If you can't handle it, don't read or downvote?

In OPs defense, majority of what people are posting against Senor Trump are:

1) Conspiracy theories propagated by the MSM, such as the Russian collusion and pissgate, etc. 2) "OMG! Look he's just like HRC" posts regarding his selection of Goldman Sucks affiliates. This is concerning but is not a conspiracy. It's a fact. If someone wants to write a post concerning their theory Trump was a bold faced liar who baited the conspiracy crowd into voting for him, that would be more of a conspiracy. I agree that until Trump gets into office and starts dealing with the real shit we won't be able to tell how much lying he was doing. 3) a BUNCH of fucking whiny posts about why people aren't up Trumps ass as much as they are HRCs. These are just shit stirring posts that ARE annoying as fuck.

Did I miss anything?

As someone who fought hard against Hillary and am now fighting hard against Trump, I think it would be awesome if people would stop taking sides and stop calling people shills for posting facts that don't jibe with their pollyanna narrative.

I also think that people are refusing to look at the intelligence available because they're afraid of what they'll see. Ultimately, it doesn't matter - because what power do we have if he's charged or not charged with treason - but why not be informed? Why shut our eyes to the data that's out there? A lot of Trump fanatics I know won't even read his Twitter feed 'cause they can't handle it, and they're self-censoring - a real loss as they're definitely keeping themselves away from some really meaty conspiracies .

Sucking up to power never ends well, no matter who's in power.

Yup. Both annoying.

No need for non stop attacks and downvotsd evert time Trump is brought up. Just this week he called CNN fake news and is going to investigate the vaccine industry. Also take on the pharmaceutical industry when he repeals and replaces obamacare maybe as soon as the first week in office. And he's taking the deep state head on!

How can anyone shit on that? He plans to do more positive change in the first than the last two presidents combined. You want hope and change until you actually get it

How can anyone shit on a politician making bold promises? I've seen that movie before.

If Trump actually does accomplish some of what he wants, then great; I'm on board. And I'm willing to give him some time to try and do it, but I'm not going to jump on board for something that looks too good to be true, because nine times out of ten, it is.

But they are very unpopular promises, that's the difference

They're popular, just to a different subset of the population.

I think it's too early to say whether Trump will be net positive or negative. I think the left is still attacking the strawman they built up for him during the campaign, and I think many on the right, or more accurately the "conspiracy" side, are giving him a bit too much of a free pass.

Some people are super pro trump which leads me to believe they don't really understand the nature of these types of people but I am half way optimistic he could do some good. I really can't tell though,it could go either way in my opinion.

That's about where I'm at.

One step at a time. Kill the democrats, then everyone will see the republicans for what they are when they have no one to blame.

I'm starting to get a Bush-like feeling about this shit though...

I'm sick of seeing anti-Trump articles in a conspiracy sub.

Flat earthers, hollow earthers, lizard people, alien believers, and MKUltra believers, please keep up the good fight.

well you're obviously not a supporter of Trump may his name be spoken by the voices of angels until the end of time. You didn't even give him the proper honorifics. I think you should be banned for this apostasy.

Honestly all of us should stop with the posts about this being a Trump echo chamber, being overtaken with shills, etc.

It isn't productive and keeps us divided. Instead of looking into claims or discussing them we devolve into a shit fest of name calling which only hurts the community.

Trump is a conspiracy theorist

Kay but I am not a Trump supporter

You people need to deal with the fact that most conspiracy theorists are Trump supporters.

Maybe in this sub, but in general, conspiracy theorists are skeptics at heart. They don't tend to be worshipful about any celebrities, business leaders, or politicians. A lot of us were awake to the deep corruption in society before Trump stuck his name on his first hotel.

If his supporters admire him, fine. Different people look for different things in leaders. That's democracy. But get off your knees and at least hold him to some standards.

I think we're still processing those leaks. And witnessing the MSM have a collective stroke.

I, for one, don't mind this sub being a refuge for people who support our president elect.

We all know the sub that was intended to be a non-partisan place to talk about political issue is fucked.

After Bernie conceded, the only two major subreddits (over 100k subscribers) where you were still allowed to criticize Hillary were /r/conspiracy and /r/The_Donald. This naturally attracted a lot of anti-Hillary (but not necessarily pro-Trump) submissions, comments, and people to these subreddits because there were literally no other big subreddits where you have these discussions. Reddit deliberately isolated the Trump supporters into two subreddits, and now they have the gall to complain that Trump support in /r/conspiracy is too concentrated.

This is divide and conquer, folks. Corral all of pro-Trump and anti-DNC (again, not the same thing despite what CTR claims) into certain subreddits and then destroy those subreddits.

Reddit deliberately isolated the Trump supporters into two subreddits, and now they have the gall to complain that Trump support in /r/conspiracy is too concentrated.

Who is "they" in that sentence? The people complaining aren't the ones who funneled all the trumpers in here.

Who is "they" in that sentence? The people complaining aren't the ones who funneled all the trumpers in here.

"They" = Correct the Record shills, /r/EnoughTrumpSpam, and the /r/Enough_Sanders_Spam brigade. They heavily contributed to pushing everyone anti-DNC into a handful of subreddits through moderation abuse, voting brigades, pressuring Reddit admins, and site-wide bullying tactics. And now the same exact crowd is complaining that the subreddits they pushed everyone into are too concentrated with anti-DNC dissent.

Divide and conquer, indeed.

Uh... No. Trump is filling his cabinet with Goldman Sachs flunkies. I'm still willing to give him a chance. Your 100 days sounds like enough of a chance. We shall see.

Most conspiracy theorists are trump supporters? A poll of you and your buddies isn't very accurate. If you honestly think after watching one insider after another stroll into his cabinet that he's going to do anything contrary to what the deep state intelligence beauracrats (who by the way have no term limits) want him to do you're almost certainly fooling yourself.

Now I understand if you bought his campaign rhetoric and you still have hope (like those who bought into Obama's hope), but come the 20th and the following months I'm curious how you'll react to trump suddenly turning on Russia as has been the plan all along.

Believe me I want nothing more than to watch this NATO buildup in the Balkans and the Baltic states come to an immediate halt but I just don't see it. Remind me if it happens and you'll find I have some good things to say about trump but until then...

most conspiracy theorists are Trump supporters

Uhhhhhhhhh no. Most conspiracy theorists don't support the mega rich or ANYONE who runs for president, ya boob.

It seems to me that not allowing this sub to be overrun by liberals, like 99% of Reddit, is somehow pro-Trump

There is a goldmine of conspiracy related material surrounding every actor in this election.