Moderators are thought police

2  2017-01-14 by dinosauralienspirits

I say we overthrow these fucking mods and have no rules because every time you fuckers delete a post you are hiding the truth. Quit working for the man


yeah grab some virtual pitchforks and mob them

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Shouldn't it just say [deleted]?

Hey, stop having a similar name to me. ;)

In the current climate, I say no. The mods here are the fairest and most genuine I've ever seen on reddit. You ready to self rule? Probably not. If you are, welcome. But, the masses are not, and the age old philosophical saying still rings true:

The masses are ignorant

Stop hating on the mods, and be the change you wish to see in the world...

You are correct. I really mean this in the wider sense of reddit. Conspiracy mods are OK

There will be a time, methinks where people will get to that point. But, imo, the time is not now. You can lead a horse to the water, but you cannot force it to drink. I'm fine if I never see it in my days, but if my nephew's kids do, that makes it worth it. Fuck, maybe I'll be their pet newt.. and see it, but not know what the fuck is happening.. Breathe in that great air, my friend... Tides are coming...

It doesn't appear that you've thought this through at all

Yeaaaaaah... that worked out awesome for /r/pizzagate didn't it... the mods are here to keep the admins off our backs... the mods don't delete anything just to "cover it up". They aren't hiding any "truth" aside from information on non-public figures.

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We are here, you know.


That's the problem because y'all actively encouraged for this place to turn into the_donald by selective rule enforcement

Agreed. It really has become just a Trump Is Great circle jerk.

And if it's not proTrump it is just links to schizophrenics on YouTube ranting about lizard people.

Agreed. It really has become just a Trump Is Great circle jerk.

If posts break the rules I do my best.

And if it's not proTrump it is just links to schizophrenics on YouTube ranting about lizard people.

Then submit and upvote better content instead of bitching in /new on a Friday night.

Meow. Quite catty. Isn't the Mod supposed to be the adult in the room?


Just calling it as I see it.

Well we all appreciate your hard work and sympathize with your dilemma.

I prefer pro trump over anti Russia.

What are Trump's people complaining about with respect to the Russia Based on the information they had he should never have been allowed to run - guilty as hell. They were VERY nice to him. He won because he got help with campaigning from the right country - so much enthusiasm!

Thanks for confirming my point. Also, how much they pay at CTR?

Removed. Rule 10.

So Shills are mods now? Gayyy!

Removed. Rule 10.

I prefer truth.

Use the report function.

I have banned more accounts and removed more comments/posts in the last 48 hours than I can ever can recall.

Don't worry. We appreciate you. Don't listen to the haters.

I think I am pretty impressed with how the sub runs and how the mods run it.

Flattery is always appreciated.

Ha, wasn't meant to. But got to admit, we are given a lot of latitude here to discuss what would be much harder to talk about elsewhere.

Almost everything is fine in moderation.

Including moderation, if you will.

Ha! Indeed, brother.

Looks like we're having a repeat of Wednesday when six threads were started within four hours trying to discredit and remove the mods. I guess they think they have a better chance now since it's a Friday night and there's less traffic.

Stay vigilant, /r/conspiracy.

I respectfully disagree.

While I'm at it...thanks to the mods! Thanks to the normie community! Welcome to the new subscribers that want to stick around and learn what this place really is about.

No. We don't always agree with one another. We don't all fall on one political, religious or conspiracy line but it's pretty damned rare for this place to become utterly unhinged at one another.

Dream great dreams, reddit! Dream well!

I've never been censored in this sub even though I post the stuff the intel agents hate:

-911 nuclear demolition by Israel -remote sensing MK ULTRA mind control -satanic pedophile elite -CIA running drug industry (think heroin from Afghanistan) -Wikileaks being a psyop -rape culture in intel agencies (especially child rape) -Holocaust being "fishy" (won't say more due to legal restrictions not mod restrictions)


In general though, mods are "thought police" and many of them are dreggs of society (they do it for free). That being said, some mods might be cool with jobs and stuff.

Thanks for confirming my point. Also, how much they pay at CTR?