Plot twist: The globalists put Trump in power to make the people feel like they were in control but really Trump is another puppet

13  2017-01-14 by [deleted]



Could be, only time will tell

Yeah, with the huge blowback from MSM and the even bigfer effort to delegitimize Trump every day, I have hopes that he will actually do some good. But with his cabinet, and some of his public stances, I'm not super hopeful. We'll have to see what he does

It's a possibility. They lost way too much money on this election. Also with Israel and the UN hating each other and trump being there for the cabal makes me skeptical about this theory.

It sounds very like the whole bill Clinton & trump posted in this sub daily last summer. Everyone saying it's a joke but we can all agree that the clintons destroyed trumps rep with half the country and trump destroyed hers for the other half. Not to mention ALL THAT MONEY. She spent a bil and soros lost a bill.

I do think trump obviously works for the cabal or he is aligning with them to take over the oil game. Like greenwald said, trump halting the whole Syria bullshit the CIA and clinton/Obama were stirring up because of a fucking pipeline. Trump is against the globalists. If you want to get into a difference between them and the right wing of Israel we can.

And to you nihilists out there that think that it's all theater

I think you should check the word nihilism in a dictionary. I think it's all theater, but I'm definitely not a nihilist. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Ok so Killary spent over 1 bil dollarinos just to trick us? Please invent better conspiracys

Please learn how to spell conspiracies

Most of that money is donations.

  • the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.

all of you sound pretty fucking boring to me

Very interesting I did not consider your points before thank you I will do some research on them tomorrow. Do you have any articles mentioning the secret societies being at war?

Your right about the money it is hard to imagine they would blow a cool billion all for show. Thank you for replying.

I believe that much of politics is theatre. I'm not sure if that makes me a nihilist though. It's theater, but I believe it is still necessary for tptb to control the population.

but I believe it is still necessary for tptb to control the population.

Can I ask why you believe that?

Why I believe that it is necessary for tptb to control the population? Or why I believe that politics is for show? I'm not sure exactly what you are asking me.

Why do you believe it's necessary for TPTB to control the population?

My wording was kind of bad there. What I was trying to say is that politics is a necessary tool for tptb to control the population. They need to keep the population divided and distracted to prevent a popular uprising.

"Way too much money" is extremely relative you know?

Soros actually ended up in the black after profiting from Trump's victory. The entire stock market has been doing extremely well, with big banks doing the best as Trump lines his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people. Soros was able to recover a billion dollar in losses AND THEN MAKE ANOTHER +10% last year immediately after the election.

What makes this so damming to me is Soros, Hilary, and Trump are no strangers to each other. Even Ivanka and Chelsea are best friends. Trump is a complete fraud. He's said polar opposite things for years, and all "his" positons change constantly.

The tenants of democracy is the only way for the people to retain power, so ask yourself, why WOULDN'T they try to undermine that by creating a no-win scenario?

This is my general feeling as well. I happened to catch Trump's propaganda minister, Katrina Pierson, on Hannity tonight, she said the president elect is now going to focus more on Islamic terrorism and growing the military. War is a favored hobby of the elite.

President Obama, who campaigned on a peace platform, approved more military spending than any other president since world war 2. About a hundred billion more per year than George W.

I mention President Obama merely to show that although we should have seen many big differences between the last two presidents, on many key issues there was very little difference, despite their opposing ideologies.

This, to me, is evidence that presidents serve the interests of a higher, hidden power.

That power is simply the banks and old money. It's easy to follow.

But somehow people would rather imagine vast conspiracies of satanists and lizard people.

I agree that it's not satanists and lizard people. It's just people with much too much money living in a world where money is power. It is in their interests to use that power to ensure that the world does not change.

They went the world to change to enrich themselves further and increase their power ... That's why trade, open borders, low taxes, corporate consolidation are always top of the agenda.

All these distractions about satanist pizza making pedos is a gift for them.

For them? Or from them?

For them.

Any distraction is good for them. It's not like their actions are done in secret. The lobbying is done in secret. But the result is always public, like a policy change or an approval of a corporate merger or tax rate.

I agree, my point is that I suspect that the whole issue is deliberate disinformation, to achieve exactly what you described. I ment that it is a gift for them and from them.

Would't put it passed them, they are a tricky bunch

This is something i've definitely considered. It's odd to begin with that a multi-billionaire was running as the anti-establishment 'underdog' and man of the people.

If you want to think about serious mind-fucks: what if Trump & Russia are actually the ones who compromised Wikileaks, and have Julian under their control via blackmail, and that's why they only released stuff that hurt the opposition and would help Trump win the election.

And just the fact that he ran with the slogan drain the swamp and is cabinet is full of billionaires. The oil industry is the most corrupt thing The corporate world has to offer and yet Rex is the new Secretary of State.

I agree with your premise, it could be true. I am deluding myself a bit maybe by thinking that he initially needs these swamp rats close because its too hard to transition away from the old ways cold turkey. It needs to be done over time. By having bankers involved at the beginning he can avoid that fight until he has a firmer grasp on the reigns. I know this makes me sound gullible.

How could anyone not see it this way?

I personally don't think it was TPTB, I think it's more likely that a whole new conglimerate is being put in. The old TPTB are out of touch. So a new team is taking over

This is not new information.

It's almost as if it was a plan to use to polarizing figures to divide the nation, start a civil war, the have the UN step in to take care of things. It's insane, the amount of animosity between political parties right now. A sad state of affairs when people are calling for martial law because their team lost. Especially when you consider that no matter which side wins, we all ultimately lose.

Oh damn! This makes sense now. I firmly believe that the UN will take control. If they do this how they could do it.

His cabinet picks, wealth, and blind support for Israel should have made this apparent.

It seems like the name trump was dubbed in. I would love to see the original to see if it still uses the name trump

My wording was kind of bad there. What I was trying to say is that politics is a necessary tool for tptb to control the population. They need to keep the population divided and distracted to prevent a popular uprising.