Many thanks and Goodbye

253  2017-01-14 by mr_dong

Hi folks,

I wanted to explain why I stepped down from my position as moderator on r/conspiracy yesterday.

Ultimately moderating a sub of this size requires a lot of time and dedication, after much thought I came to the difficult decision of stepping aside, this was spurred on by a number of recent events as well my own current life commitments.

The sub continues to grow and the direction in which it takes should be as a result of user participation and subject interest, the current and future moderator teams should preserve this sentiment and act only as caretakers.

I would also hope that the sub continues with its tradition of questioning authority and elected governments, campaign trail promises are easy to make but it should be the responsibility of everyone to make sure elected officials honour them.

r/conspiracy is arguably at its best when the crowd pull together, investigate and expose political and corporate corruption & crime, these areas are of increasing importance and relevance to more and more people. It is my hope that the page continues to challenge and to question wrongdoing and crookedness for the sake of everyone.

Interest in the fringe and esoteric conspiracy subjects on r/conspiracy has become less and less over the years, whilst I find this regrettable, it is what it is. The users decide what gets attention and which subjects become the staple of the page. Such topics are still encouraged however. Subjects such as the war on consciousness, UFOs, secret space programs and forbidden archaeology were always among my personal favourites.

To answer the questions raised in this thread by /u/sudo-tleilaxu:

/u/enfrozt is a highly competent CSS hand, he was added to the moderator list for the purposes of rolling out the new sub style. We had hoped to complete this earlier in the week but /u/Sarah_Connor noticed a few issues with the nightmode. All being well the page should be spruced up imminently.

/u/enfrozt has helped us with this before, the current layout was developed by himself and me. He is not a permanent moderator - neither does he wish to be one.

This should answer any questions as to why he is currently on the moderator list.

The current team, led by /u/Sarah_Connor and /u/axolotl_peyotl is in good hands. I know the sub will continue to move forwards and to garner attention, let’s hope that any attention given to the page is for the right reasons.

I have no hard feelings towards any of the current team, they all have their own beliefs but are all equally passionate about the page, and they are all good people.

It has been an interesting sojourn but now is the time for me to move on. This decision was mine alone.

I sincerely hope that the page can be impartial, open and a free space to discuss ideas.

You can all play a part in making sure that the page stays true to these values.


Vaya con dios and thanks for your time Mr_dong.


/u/mr_dong can you confirm for the record you HAVEN'T received a gag order and/or national security letter? Or that you weren't otherwise threatened? If you can't confirm, please, a short "i can't confirm or deny" would be appreciated. Thanks and god keep!

You were a nobody Mr Dong. Loser, this sub was destroyed because you let shills take it over. LOL, give me more negative karma you down voting hoes.

/u/mr_dong can you confirm for the record you HAVEN'T received a gag order and/or national security letter? Or that you weren't otherwise threatened? If you can't confirm, please, a short "i can't confirm or deny" would be appreciated. Thanks and god keep!

I second this question. But I doubt he could answer.

Thank you Mr Dong for everything. I hope too to see a return to more self posts and fringe conspiracies. Quality over quantity.

hear here <-knight would approve

Carpe diem

Thanks for taking the time to post this and thanks for all you've done for this sub ad moderator. Good luck on your future endeavors!

I would also hope that the sub continues with its tradition of questioning authority and elected governments, campaign trail promises are easy to make but it should be the responsibility of everyone to make sure elected officials honour them.

Yes, yes and yes. Thank you!


Sorry to see you go. Hats off to you for always being fair and impartial, a good mod and contributor. Best of luck to you moving forward. Cheers.

I'll see you ovef on r/highstrangeness my man. Would like to see you post more of you occult knowledge. You're a living encyclopedia.

Likewise. And feel free to post in /r/occultconspiracy any time you wish. The quality of the content there has, unfortunately, deteriorated in the wake of my absence throughout recent months and could use some new blood.

i will miss your eyes

That's a wonderful compliment! Many thanks

sorry i was very resistant to your interior design for us here at conpsiracies but i am a fixed creature [love black] go figure

ty for being a mod and trying so hard to keep us all in line

see you round the wheel im sure ;0

I think the page looks better and more modern. Small changes but helpful ones.

I'm pleased to see the snoo come back, i honestly didn't realise it was so popular. I asked enfrozt to develop the MIB man years ago.

Pleased you like the edits now anyway and thank you for your positive words.

;0 good luck to you

Dong, your ideologies and actions as a mod were one of the first things that attracted me to /r/conspiracy many years ago.

Although I recognize that this sub has grown (and therefore evolved), I too often feel nostalgia when fringe topics actually hit the front page.

To that end, I'm going to make an effort to bring back some of these topics: ancient civilizations, exotic physics, breakaway civilizations, you name it!

Thank you for your tireless work Mr Dong. If we ever meet, I'd love to shake your hand.

This is exciting to hear.

I still think Linda Brown's AMA was the best one that the sub has had so far. There are a lot of readers who would wish to see more of the same, fascinating topics which offer a break from the political mainstay.

Help look after the sub AP, you're alternative posts were always a highlight, no reason why they can't be again.

The Linda Brown AMA marked a turning point in what I believed was possible. If you were directly involved in that I thank you. I know I have enjoyed lots of your other content over the years as well.

Although I recognize that this sub has grown (and therefore evolved), I also often feel nostalgia for when fringe topics actually hit the front page and generated discussion.

To that end, I'm going to make an effort to bring back some of these topics: ancient civilizations, exotic physics, breakaway civilizations, you name it!

I'm really glad to hear people saying this. Those topics are what brought me here and made this my favorite subreddit many usernames ago!

I always try to make sure I upvote those topics and contribute to the conversation.

Lately, there's been a lot of anger and hatred here. And not just toward the Clintons or Trump, but towards each other. I hope we can eventually get through this rough patch and realize that no matter who each of us support or voted for, we're all still here for very similar reasons, and we all have a lot of things in common.

Thank you for your service /u/mr_dong. :)

Gonna miss the fringe and esoteric so'll be missed! All the best to you moving outward and beyond!

Thanks so much for your dedicated work in here!

It's a shame that all the mainstream politics subreddits have become propagandize bubbles.

Real life has been so influenced by conspiracies that we end up simply using this place to talk about the truth in the face of widespread lies.

The fact that this almost entirely now is consumed by modern politics has pushed deeper and more important fringe searches for ancient truths to the wayside.

And this is exactly what "they" want.

We will know ou disinformation campaign is complete when nearly everything the public believes is false

I'm short on time just now so, real quick:

What if ancient aliens had all the same catastrophic political events that blew up their Baghdad Batteries? The more things change, the more they are the same kind of event! Just a few thousand years repeating into the future!

So, if the Internet is gone in a few hours, days, weeks...might the whole of the human race be wiped away we become Aliens.

It's the same thing religion did for centuries on end. Intentionally lie so the public is "dulled" and "unquestioning". Politics is the new religion.

noone cares and we don't want the new mod /u/enfrozt either

I tip my hat to you, u/mr_dong.

You were a great asset to the sub, and you will be missed as a mod.

I hope to see you continue to participate in discussions.

Thank you! I never used Reddit before this past year. It's been a litteral tsunami of conspiracies in the past 12 months. I wish you well Maybe you could post a list of the top 10 conspiracy theories of 2016 as a goodbye???

Hopefully the moderation team going forward can handle questions, observations, and feedback from the user base. We've seen what can happen to other controversial subs over time. Pizzagate, Wikileaks, etc.

How Reddit Was Destroyed.

That post should be a permanent sticky so we can continue to add to it and grow the evidence of manufactured change.

The mods would probably be open to getting this invaluable post highlighted somewhere on the sidebar.

You could maybe suggest it to them.

Too much pizzagate!

Thank you for your time and dedication. I am not too familiar with your posts but your work as a mod was much appreciated. Enjoy your free time, you have helped shape r/conspiracy into what it is today.

Another great sub infiltrated now. Fuck Reddit.

Infiltrated by who?

Really? Unless you're new here, you know who.

He who shall not be named!!! To the brooms!


We have had that forever though. I took that comment to mean something new. I was wondering what that was.

We'll certainly miss you mr_dong! Never had an issue with you and you always seemed level-headed. Don't be a stranger.

This should answer any questions as to why he is currently on the moderator list.

No, it doesn't. There is no reason that a user cannot create a personal (private) sub and implement the CSS there. once that CSS is "perfected" it can be moved over by an existing mod.

We lost Dusty and now you in a just a few weeks, and we are being given a bullshit reason why an ex-mod (the account at least, because in the end it's a user name, not a person) was put back in.

This stinks.

/u/MyFartAir says:

This stinks.

Indeed. Who tests things on the production environment, even if it is a reddit sub.

Thanks dong. Before u go... can I get my flair pleeeease

I cannot help you with that. I will maybe help the mods with a more extensive under flair option later but if you want flair now you will have to request it to the team.

Man, it's a bummer to see you go. I was always pretty aligned with your and /u/axolotl_peyotl's interest in some of the more fringey topics. (Can there ever be too much suppressed archaeology and hidden history??) You have always been a fair mod who I always knew was acting in the best interest of this sub and it's users. You and your experince are going to be missed.

I hope you did not take my questions in that post too personally or anything, it was not meant to impugn anyone personally. I guess I have to admit I am probably a bit hyper-vigilant right now when it comes to what's going on in the sub. There is a lot of shit going down when it comes to controlling of different aspects of social media and I am a bit dismayed about some of the recent resignations from the mod team. I have concerns about the balance, bias and objectivity of the mod team at the moment and seeing you leave at this particular moment in time does not do much to allay those concerns.

/r/conspiracy has had a longstanding tradition of being able to see through the illusions of politics and has striven to be politically neutral and balanced, this has always been "Rule Zero" here and I always knew you understood this. Even though that may not be completely reflected in the current state of the sub, one could at least count on the moderator team to have the necessary balance to be a consistent and fair officiator of the rules. With some of what I am hearing now about recent moderators stepping down, this is a particularly unfortunate time to see you go.

Take it easy my friend, I wish you well.

about 3 years ago when i signed up for reddit, it wouldn't let me use my moniker of mr_dong.

Now i meet who stole my moniker. small world.

Alas we cannot share dongs my friend. Mostly for hygiene purposes obviously.

So long, Mr. Dong! Thank you very much for all your efforts over the years. We know modding is hard and we appreciate it. I think this mod team here and CST are the best ones on reddit. I've been in this sub in some forms or others for 10 yrs, and I've seen you guys to be the most fair, uncensored in reddit. That's what makes this sub really good. Thanks again and best of luck to you, though I suspect you'll still visit occasionally. Because some of us, like yourself, also like the UFO / fringe topics and we know you can't totally quit us :) Good luck man.

Keep posting dude. You always seem to carry a passion about you and the page is better for your posts.

Thanks MrD. I appreciate you and the other mods allowing me to edit the wiki and for highlighting it with the new CSS. I think this will be good, esp as new people come in for sanctuary from the MSM :)

So long mr_dong. Thanks for giving a flying fuck. Balls to the wall and best o' luck. Farewell ditty for you: Diabolic - The Truth, Part 1

I didn't think that was bad. Never heard it before. Thank you stranger.

That's disconcerting to say the least. I fear open discussion has already been cut since the mods delete anti-trump posts. I see more ignorant caps locked trump-like comments scattered around. The influence is childish and beneath us.

Oh don't worry, it's about to be all anti Trump in here, just as your heart desires.

Why would you say that?

This sub is about to get taken over under the guise of removing the "Trump sycophants" on behalf of everyone else. But it won't be long until this sub is a slightly edgier /r/politics.

I highly doubt that. The more neutral mods are leaving. The remaining mods lean to Trump.

I too have to say thank you for the time and effort you've put into this sub. I also thank you for being a voice of reason in attempting to settle moderator disputes. Keep in touch.

You're a good bloke SM, if you ever manage to visit the UK please message me.

That goes for the rest of the moderators too.

I'll let you buy me a pint and some pork scratchings.

Many years ago I would have been open to traveling over there but I'm long past that now. Under no circumstances will I aver set foot in an airport again.

Tell you what, next time I drink a beer I'll toast you and you can do the same for me.

Under no circumstances will I aver set foot in an airport again.

Always the rational old man:)

Chin chin. I'll hopefully see you around.

Ty dong, you were great!

Thanks for your work!

Thank you Mr Dong, good luck and good health.

There was just a post about how we will know something is up when mods start leaving and new ones come in.

I'm highly suspicious.

This should be answered if the new one doesn't leave when the work is done.

The sub could only last so long. The shills weren't enough. They have to get rid of some of the mods.

It has happened to nearly every sub on Reddit that has any influence.

It's rather depressing.

I stepped away of my own accord people. This sub is one of the most transparent on reddit.

Any change you want to see starts with you. The moderators here are not perfect but they listen.

I'm not saying anybody forced you to step away (though we would never know), but I'm highly suspicious of any mods they put in your place.

I honestly wish you wouldn't leave, but you have to do what's right for you.

This. All of the comments in this thread also give me worry. I love the esoteric, war on consciousness, all that stuff. I would also like to see pizzagate be a top post until it is resolved. I don't think the two are separate, and most investigators into the occult would agree?

I have been a lurker since 2006 (granted I was young and for a few years I did not even lurk very much, and I didn't even realize I could create an account and control my front page until a couple years ago) . In the beginning almost every news post on r/all was conspiracy/skeptically oriented. I have seen many of the rises and falls, coups and suicides, that have led Reddit to where it is now. As sad as it is for me, r/conspiracy seems to have been going the way of the rest of Reddit. First it's the shills, long time users leave for elsewhere. Then it's the mods. The. It's. Gone.

See y'all at Voat.

For a conspiracy sub, can't believe people aren't suspicious of all these mods suddenly stepping down in politically turbulent times.

I was on VoAt for a while but stopped because it was invaded by white supremacists. It was getting to much, but I might go back.

Either way, we are (if we have not already) lost our freedom of speech. The saddest part of all is that people are still convinced that we have all these freedoms, when in reality, the Patriot Act says they can jail people at anytime for any reason without even letting their family know why.

I know what you mean about Voat. I've been slowly transitioning over there and I forget that I can't downvote yet. I try to downvote the ridiculousy racist-oriented propaganda posts/comment and don't have the criteria yet to downvote.

For a conspiracy sub, can't believe people aren't suspicious of all these mods suddenly stepping down in politically turbulent times.

Suspicion isn't allowed here. As soon as somebody mentions anything about it their comments are removed and they are banned (apparently due to Rule 10 violations).

Weird. Surprised mine hasn't gotten removed yet.

Thank you for your time and efforts. Will you still visit and take part in discussions?

Is this not how every other sub takeover we've watched from /r/conspiracy has gone? One of the real moderators leaves, there's always some new person out of nowhere that's here to help with the design. Then they usually bring some friends along or buy off an original mod and then everything gets locked down.

So long and thanks for all the fish, I guess. Unfortunate to see all of the old mods slowly disappear.

Subjects such as the war on consciousness, UFOs, secret space programs and forbidden archaeology were always among my personal favourites.

Hey, me too! Hopefully we can jail all of the vampires and the politicians soon and get our focus back on the fun stuff.

I've always set my preferences to ignore subreddit styles because 99% of the are so full of extraneous junk. Even this sub had too much.

The changes you've made makes it sooo much better and easier to read. I especially like the removal of all the black. Thank you.

Thanks for your work here. Sad to see you go.

I appreciate that dejenerate.

(never thought i would say that in a positive way;)


The fringe stuff is the best. But I hear ya this has been overrun with political opinion. But, at least at the root of this sub is questioning things and with the state of our government currently I can understand the political attention.

But underlying that is esoteric conspiracy so I'd like to see more of a balance, personally, between fringe and politics.


Cheers big tits x

who are you again?

You will sorely be missed.

You were the mod who banned me 3 years ago for getting in the middle of a shill fight and I think I called you out for censorship.

You reinstated me a day later and flaired my account with the Owl (which I brought over to /r/C_S_T) and got me to actively participate in my reality (here and IRL). Since that day I'v3 lost a bunch of weight, gotten off booze and two prescriptions, and have never felt more clear headed now than ever before in my life. Sure, it was hard work, and it didn't really have a whole lot to do with an Internet spat and pixels on a forum, but it's a day I still remember.

Your knowledge, calmness, and clarity will be sorely missed.

When I grow up, I want to be like /u/mr_dong.

And I bought you gold you bastard, so you definitely owe me a beer whenever you get out my way.

Long days & pleasant nights, old friend.

I honesly regret that i did not have more time for your /r/C_S_T/ page. Your message means a lot to me, it honestly does.

Giving people second and even third chances was always in my nature and always will be.

It means a great deal to me to know i influenced you in a positive way.

Keep doing your thing dude, keep calm and always try to see good in people, even if they sometimes make it difficult to see.

Thank you for the gilding too, i definitely owe you a beer (half) but must insist that you still buy the pork scratchings.

Love and light brother.

With all due respect blow it out your self righteous offense.

No offence taken. This post was more about transparency and an explanation for the regulars, that's all.

Thanks for all your work mr_dong. This place has been a great oasis on the internet for those interested in investigative journalism. May it be protected for many time to come! Enjoy and thanks for playing such a longstanding part. Won't be forgotten. All the best going forward. Keep this place cool!

It doesn't show up on this account but I've been coming here for a long time. I used to love the original sub. It was a never ending pool of crazy but fun and challenging things. Thanks for being a great mod. Seriously.

It's a great way to contribute to the world, help people freely discuss issues that are highly controlled by TPTB. The pay sucks but it shouldn't be thankless. So thanks for all the time and effort spent here! All the best in the future!


Ah, that sucks. You're a good mod.

Daaamn man, I take a break for IRL stuff and two of my favorite mods have quit? Who the hell will I discuss the majesty of biscuits with now? Sabre is going to have to up his biscuit game now.

Seriously though, I hope all goes well with you and yours and wish you a fruitful and peaceful future. Take care mate.

Salute, best wishes

Sorry to see you go, MrD, and not just because control of the sub passes back into colonial hands with your departure! I tend not to venture North of the Wash mself (altitude you know) but if you find yourself daan saaf I will gladly buy you a pitcher of Badger.

thanks Dong

too casual? mr Dong :D

No, thank you!

A sad day for this sub, thanks for all your hard work Mr Dong

Awe, you were one of my favorite mods here. Always dug your thoughts and posts. Some of your posts (mainly the Pineal gland explanation) changed my life for the better. You were all cool in my book. You'll be missed, mate. I truly wish you the best with whatever you got going on IRL. Cheers!

Further question, /u/mr_dong:

Does your stepping down and citing recent events imply that on a personal level you don't agree with the fact that many users of the popular subreddit /r/the_donald are flooding this sub with misdirection and blatant falsities with no factual evidence backing them up?

TL;DR - Are you stepping down because you feel like this sub is being infiltrated for the worse by members of /r/the_donald?

Cheers for everything buddy.

If it takes up too much time a mod should still remain a mod, just not spend so much time here. The Government can look at who the mods are, increase their workload by a number of ways (for example, look through their bosses internet history and if anything illegal extort him to give target more work).

Why step down? If the mod team makes a habit of this they are inviting trouble.


poor mods being forced out of their postions so they can be shizzlied controll the narrtive!@

Why has like half the mod team left in the last couple months??

I'd rather see you just fall back, then leave completely.

You did a fine job! You'll be missed.


You've got +3 overall in RES for me, so you're good in my book. :) Thanks for your time here. I enjoyed your posts. One part you said:

The sub continues to grow and the direction in which it takes should be as a result of user participation and subject interest, the current and future moderator teams should preserve this sentiment and act only as caretakers.

Could not agree more. So extremely important to operate with a very light touch and let the crowd drive the discussion

That post should be a permanent sticky so we can continue to add to it and grow the evidence of manufactured change.

I'll see you ovef on r/highstrangeness my man. Would like to see you post more of you occult knowledge. You're a living encyclopedia.

Too much pizzagate!