Temperature check! JA alive?
0 2017-01-14 by robaloie
It occurred to me recently many people assume he is alive simply because he has done in interview with RT and Fox News. I ask have you actually watched them closely and in HQ?
Click on the last two links first, and than go up to the interviews and tell me if you feel the same
https://youtu.be/ApG1XdI-Dd4 Look at his collar
https://youtu.be/U4WlBie1fdo Why is he wearing such a drastic outfit? For the first time him making an appearance? And he is a hippy hipster all of a sudden?
Or is this just to believable because obviously Julian assange after every business professional appearance he strived for in legitimacy he all of a sudden is pscyeadelic? Brah
This is software citizens now have access to. https://youtu.be/ohmajJTcpNk And this https://youtu.be/I3l4XLZ59iw
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Downvoted the moment I post? Bots or are people over questioning this??
n/a redditeditard 2017-01-14
Because he just did a live webcam AMA on Tuesday?
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Did you not read my post?
n/a redditeditard 2017-01-14
Or are people tired of questioning this?
Yes, that's why people would auto downvote. It's been asked several times a day
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
I am happy to inform you there are very few who find this info useful. But i am simply informing others of this technology
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
So let's say the live webcam AMA that I watched and you obviously watched was real.
Why would they have the need to edit his interview like they did on RT?
And why is Julian assange wearing a scarf?
Have you clicked and watched the capabilities of adobes VOCo?
n/a redditeditard 2017-01-14
The eye, collar is digitized by the video creator. I don't care what UltraHD shit you buy these days, everything has a digital fart. Those emphasized bits were clearly post-edited and frankly, kinda stoopid.
The scarf? Uh, it's winter? I found the black and white stripes more symbolic, either like a vintage prison jumpsuit, or possible chessboard reference.
As for your third question, I see serious sizing issues that look unnatural and readily fake?
I totally understand that whole AMA could have been pre-recorded and the questions he responded to could have been planted. But I don't think that's what this sub should be focused on ATM. The twitter posts in the last 3 days have been baiting, erratic, surprising, etc.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Wasting time then thanks for not sharing any useful info
n/a redditeditard 2017-01-14
Because I didn't reinforce your view? Jesus, this sub has changed. Most here are already well informed of the technology.
Between Trump, Pizzagate and /where'smyprecious?!, I can't find an inspired or well analyzed post anymore. No wonder we've got subscribers and mods dropping like flies...
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Prolly doesn't mean much to you, but during the live AMA he answered one of the questions I wrote to him... the one about Wikileaks Task Force and WL's social media accounts remaining in company control and the change in tone.
n/a EricCarver 2017-01-14
He seems pretty alive. I had huge doubts after the Internet outage but now feel he was just under a gag order until the new year.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Did you click on the video editing links? And adobes voco
n/a EricCarver 2017-01-14
You could be right. We've waited this long. Let's wait and see what happens after Trump gets in office,
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
n/a EricCarver 2017-01-14
Ha, now Julian has the power to start or withhold WWIII? :)
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Not really. It's up to other humans as well
n/a plato_thyself 2017-01-14
In the AMA he says he was reluctant to provide proof of life because it would set a precedent and could then be exploited in the future. That is quite plausible imo, I recommend watching the video AMA again and focusing on that part.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Bull shit. Prior to this he was at any time taking pictures of himself and holding up dates and messages
n/a plato_thyself 2017-01-14
Listen to what he says instead of just reacting emotionally.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
I listened to the whole thing...... all of his interviews.......
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
If the CIA had super advanced realtime CGI Assange... why would they dress him like a beatnik if they wanted to fool people? Only had the trial version of the software that did the face?
Why would they make him say exactly what Assange would say instead of having him say that Putin gave him the DNC emails?
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Because they are not stupid. Exactly what the real assange would say is exactly they knew what had to be heard. The software only works in sit down interviews . A scarf stops the discrepancies that I posted in the first link that happened in the rt interview
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Nah... he got to see his wife for the first time in 4 years and is covered in hickeys.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
I work in film. The camera shots are never of him moving . Only sitting . Front on and a back side shot........ Chill out , were here to discuss and spread info. Not act like a butt hurt bitch
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Making movies in Bollywood? What experience do you have in film?
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
An imdb page
n/a RedTapedSpacePanda 2017-01-14
JA knows we want prof of life in order to trust him. If he was sitting where we are, I'm sure he would be skeptical. Quite possible that his family is in danger though.
n/a yokothespacewhale 2017-01-14
Pretty sure the verdicts already out on assange and Wikileaks, at least for those who have been following for longer than the past three months. That strange AMA pretty much settled it for everyone I know.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
The scarf...
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Anyone saying that the JA we now see on TV and live streaming is a CGI replacement is pushing that narrative to cover for when elites are exposed in sex tapes doing unspeakable acts... they will claim it was all CGI and put on the internet by Russians...
Don't fall for this... you can't do CGI like that in realtime... They all use that same George Bush youtube video as "evidence"
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
What elites have been exposed in sex tapes by JA?
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
It doesn't even have to be someone exposed by JA... It could be used to garner public support for any kiddie fucker busted redhanded... or really anyone caught doing anything ever could say "That wasn't me! It was a CIA CGI cartoon clone!"
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Wtf are you talking about?
I'm here discussing the validated of these interviews. Not wether elites are molesting kids.
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
JA is alive.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Is your only proof in the reddit AMA and Sean hannity interview?
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Yes... and the fact that he was never killed.
Have you ever pooped in the street?
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
No but he is missing
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
My own imdb page?
n/a plato_thyself 2017-01-14
Listen to what he says instead of just reacting emotionally.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Wasting time then thanks for not sharing any useful info
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Not really. It's up to other humans as well
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
If the CIA had super advanced realtime CGI Assange... why would they dress him like a beatnik if they wanted to fool people? Only had the trial version of the software that did the face?
Why would they make him say exactly what Assange would say instead of having him say that Putin gave him the DNC emails?
n/a Ninjakick666 2017-01-14
Prolly doesn't mean much to you, but during the live AMA he answered one of the questions I wrote to him... the one about Wikileaks Task Force and WL's social media accounts remaining in company control and the change in tone.
n/a robaloie 2017-01-14
Because they are not stupid. Exactly what the real assange would say is exactly they knew what had to be heard. The software only works in sit down interviews . A scarf stops the discrepancies that I posted in the first link that happened in the rt interview