CIA director Brennon personally issues "veiled" threat to President-elect Trump

45  2017-01-16 by MKULTRAserialkillers


"he needs to be very, very careful" said Brennon,mostrnsinly about Trumps relationship with Russia. This coming in the same interview where hBrennan raged about what Trump has said about them.

Lets not forget what Charles Schumer said along very similar lines.

they are practically screaming this

trump should have his inaurgaral in a basement somewhere in trump plaza and then screw them all

they are practically screaming this

They sound scared as hell.

i know this week feels like its gonna be extraordinary

Do you not know how to write a full post instead of posting something and commenting on it? If not, I can help

You still haven't provided the link I requested. Atbleast my claim is sourced

Were... Were we having a conversation?

No... A moment

Uh... for us members of the public viewing a very public and very confusing conversation... any help? Some background, please.