I'm nervous that something huge is coming and to be honest it scares me.

142  2017-01-16 by [deleted]



I have a theory on the attacks on Trump. There really isn't a lot of substance to them, in my opinion. Like the 'russian hacking' and this latest 'dossier' that buzzfeed released but basically called it total bullshit in the article describing it. Easily refuted attacks, even the MSM has reports suggesting these allegations are false. It whips the masses into a frenzy though. More calls of illegitimacy from the left, and the right rallies around Trump. Meanwhile, behind the curtain of distraction, our rights are further eroded and we draw further into war.

In my opinion, there are attacks of substance the media and government could use against trump if they were so inclined. Instead we get sensationalized bullshit being pushed by the Intelligence community, the White House, and the MSM.

Have you actually followed it since the first day there's like a respectable uk intelligence agent in hiding after he (allegedly) leaked the dossier so I mean "total bullshit" is kinda misleading. At an 8 so I might be slippin

I was paraphrasing the buzz feed article, from when they released the dossier. I dont know if its true or not, i have to admit. I think the point still stands that the issue has served to divide and distract.

Also, if I wrote that dossier, I'd be hiding now whether it was true or not.

The point doesn't stand because it's obviously not "total bullshit" just because you aren't updated with what's going doesn't make YOUR OUTDATED opinion right

The buzz feed article was total bullshit.

The article was bullshit.

That doesn't mean the dossier is.

So the only thing you're want is for Trump to be discredited at any cost?

That's sad, man.

The thing I want is for people to stop pretending Trump isn't part of the establishment and start looking for the truth instead of fanboying.

It just so happens Trump isn't the Democrat establishment or the Republican establishment, so he can trash both those narratives without offending his power base. He is capable of uniting the most extreme elements of the right and the left because he appeals to people who reject both parties... but that doesn't make him a free agent.

I absolutely believe Hillary Clinton is guilty of criminal activity and I would love to see her prosecuted to the fullest extent for the crimes she is guilty of, but I don't need to proclaim Trump a saint because I loather her.

I also voted for her because I don't want either part to have absolute control over the legislative AND the judicial AND the executive and while Trump isn't ACTUALLY a republican, he was going to have to work with them to accomplish his agenda.

Globalism already happened for the ultra - wealthy. This is a competition for market share of public opinion and while Bush is McDonald's and Clinton is Burger King, there is still room in the shitty garbage food industry for TrumpCo Bell.

Right now, Trump has undisclosed amounts of debt to foreign banks. We haven't seen his tax returns. He is appointing people who have long histories of business and he is in a war with US and UK intelligence agencies.

I may not trust the intelligence agencies on much, but I trust them to protect the US from intervention by foreign powers on domestic interests.

At 70 years old, blackmail isn't a thing I am willing to believe is happening to Trump. He could give two shits about pissing and perverted sex. Those were never issues for me.

Trump is worried about two things... his family and his legacy. He wants his name to resonate through history and he wants his children to keep building on that name. Those are the only two things you can threaten the man with.

But if you promise to help expand his legacy and protect and grow his family, you can buy him.

I'm not really sure where this is all supposed to go, but we've got to move beyond this entire subject, and start repairing the damage done by previous administrations. We will use Trump for that.

We will use Trump for that.

What leverage do you have to think you are going to use Trump for anything. Someone else is already using him. How you going to cut his strings unless you expose them.

His ego. You really think someone with such a huge who wants to go down in as a "traitor"? I don't. I think he has an unquenchable desire to be adored by everyone. Right now a lot of people hate him already. It won't take much more the majority of us supporters to flip on him. Him appointing Tillerson, Sessions and Flynn was a huge relief for me, due to the Tillerson VS Rockefeller shit I the past.

There has been a war within the elite for years. I think some of them realized that the initial plan didn't benefit them as much as they thought it would.

I do believe Trump was "playing a character" but I think that character was the loud mouthed verbal brute we've seen at rallies.

A lot of of us believe him and feel as though he is an honest person whose strings cannot, nor need to be pulled. Trying to walk in the light.

An honest man who has been sued 3500 times...

That's a lot. More than the other people listed on googles top real estate moguls combined.

Seems like a lot of his past business partners did not find him to be a man of integrity.

I don't know much about his past lawsuits, but I'd assume it comes with the territory when you're a billionaire businessman. We certainly dodged a bullet not electing Clinton though, she has a trail of blood that leads around the world which has yet to be fully investigated and exposed. Coming from an ex Bernie supporter, I feel like we got the better of two evils.

I agree that it goes with the territory, that's why I compared the number of lawsuits with other people of similar wealth and business experience...

He has more lawsuits than the other top 5 people in his category combined.

If you dodge a bullet and land on a grenade, you might still be alive, but you aren't out of harms way.

Are any of those lawsuits affecting him now? Not that I can see. Unless you count conversations like this..

Things are the way they are and all we can do is move forward together, because of we're divided everyone loses.

Sheep move forward together.

Moving forward together as a country and a human race is more what I meant, and yes it's good to stay skeptical. Just gotta focus it in productive directions. I appreciate the chat, have a good evening.

The dossier is bullshit. You know that, but like the typical liberal you will hammer on "what ifs" that you know to be false until the very end of time. Your desire is not to find answers but to spread doubt and sow seeds of discontent.

The least you people could do is tone down a bit on the phoney, but after 8 years of Obama you no longer know how. There's a big day coming for proles like you. A very big day, indeed.

If you want to pidgeonhole me as a liberal because I reject your position, so be it, but there are other belief systems than liberalism and conservatism.

The hard left hates trump, and when trump comes out left on social issues he is going to loose the bible thumper s quick.

If you'll retread my comment I was referring to what buzzfeed said about the dossier. I honestly don't know or care if it is true or not, and ill bet you we will never know either way. The point is that these issues are sensationalized and used to deepen the divides in this country. Another example, Lewis attacks trumps legitimacy and they go back and forth on MLK's birthday, further instigating emnity in the masses.

respectable uk intelligence agent


Problem is if you start critizing the puddle on the floor you can't continue to feign ignorance to the leakey roof

Remember, our elite overlords are conspiring to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry, to demean GOVERNMENT

Theres ya stinking proof that this 2016 boondoggle needs to start laying down some sedition charges, tried in texas

Bingo! You are absolutely right. From Donald Psyop Trump.. (this guy saw it all play out as early as April 2016).

The institutional media’s Trump-bashing is actually an elaborate propaganda maneuver devised to covertly promote his candidacy. The main point was that the trivial, shallow platitudes being thrown at him could only be counter-productive, and it would be surprising if that was indeed inadvertent.

For a super-hero Trump, you needed a super-villain. Clinton was the perfect super-villain, as she is a war criminal and a child trafficker, in addition to being the caricature of a House-of-Card-esque hypocrite.

What we are seeing here is second-degree propaganda, or propaganda that isn't meant to be believed. It is meant to be counter-productive for most people (and for others, to reinforce existing cognitive biaises). I wrote a thread about it

I'm not buying Trump bashing as a way to promote his candidacy. If that truly was the case then why did the bashing become even worse AFTER the election? Or why didnt the media just show a single email in the Wikileaks dump to actually show her as the horrible candidate she was? Or why was the Hillary campaign having "off the record" press dinners with much of MSM and directly contacting many reporters and entertainers including John Oliver and Steven Colbert? This idea of "second degree propaganda" just seems like another thing Hillary supporters are blaming for her lose other than you know Herself.

First it was the FBI who they all loved when they pardoned her the first time, then it was the "racist deplorables", then it was the Electorors, and now it's Russia and the media. Come on...

Note this is only speculation for the time being. It seems the most logical explanation to all the circumstances and inconsistencies, and seems to fit the plan/playbook. Soon we'll know if this is true:

why did the bashing become even worse AFTER the election?

At a minimum to reinforce cognitive biaises (Trump supporters will be supporting him even more and overlooking his flaws/cabinet while Clinton supporters will believe even more "Trump is Hitler" because "He stole the election with the support of Russia"). Thus the field continues to be polarized (divide and conquer). It could also be a way to mould the opinion ahead of something that's coming.

about the media

Most journalists/elite are probably not in on the psyop and truly despise him.

Don't forget Steve Piecenik video(s) about a "coup" being "supported by intelligence services" (supposedly the good guys). Make sure you realize who this guy is.

The truth is a candidate TPTB don't want is either killed (Coluche in France) or virtually ignored (Ron Paul in US). Trump got massive coverage, albeit "negative" one. But we've been living in the era of polling and statistical sampling for decades, it's impossible they could have ignored that trivialities such as those being thrown at Trump (e.g. the pussygate) would be counter-productive. Also remember the persuasion/manipulation techniques leveraged by Trump during the campaign and thoroughly explained by Trump supporter Scott Adams.

Also during the campaign and after there were insightful pieces about the "Trump Psyop" and powers-that-be sabotaging the Hillary campaign. Things seemed thereafter to conform to those scenarios. Examples: 1 2 3

Add to that that Trump is a ueber-Zionist, that he's cheered in Jersualem and Tel Aviv, and that he himself is surrounded with similarly unsavory people.

Also remember the plan is to have a "clash of civilisations" with Islam - Trump is perfect for that, and of course he'll never mention the "islamic" terrorist attacks are carried out under false flags. It is also to crack down on the domestic population, which he has to brand to do too. But if he's a puppet, the most tremendous impact will be that his election has basically stifled the prospect of a 2nd American revolution, that if/when he sells out most of his supporters will be in cognitive dissonance (like Michael Moore who was somewhat righteous during Bush 2 but became full-retard with Obama and never saw a single flaw in that war criminal). Those supporters who turn against Trump if he sells-out will probably become judeophobic.

Again, I'm ready to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Let's see in particular what he does about Iran, whether he conforms to his backer Sheldon Adelson who wants to nuke it.

bang on super villain, but I really think that the super hero super villain was basically business vs politics. Why would they let business win? Why do the people honestly think they have control, the american "people" all have a combined IQ of below 105, or worse, and they think they outplayed the smart ones. lmao.

business vs politics

At the summit of world power, the private sector, public sector and organized crime all converge.

I agree with everything you've said here. My comment was just about my general feelings and reaction to what I have been seeing. I had no idea how much i was missing. Thank you for taking the time to condense this and explain it all.

Do you think that we are going to see a lot of deregulation in the form of privatization? Also, what do you make of the recent trend of corporations crediting trump with inspiring their sudden patriotic interest in manufacturing jobs in America?

Do you think that we are going to see a lot of deregulation in the form of privatization?

I honestly don't know. But the Federal .gov in the US doesn't actually own much (if at all) private corporate interests directly, like in Europe. In the old continent governments are often shareholders of large corporations/cartels they used to fully own (and which used to be government monopolies, e.g. the telecom, railway, aeronautic, defense, energy industries, etc.).

In the US corporations enjoy quasi-monopoly / cartel status through regulatory capture and government contracts (and oligarchs having personal interests in those industries). That's how Europe is increasingly doing it too. That's the fascist way, different from the trotskist way whereby the government itself owns the means of production (communism and fascism being but two types of socialism).

The US fedgov however owns lots and lots of land, especially in the midwest. It'd be great IMO if it ceded it back. I don't think Trump will do that though. He's a statist, expect the span and power of the central government to increase - that's always a bad thing, whatever the current spokesperson ("president") decides to do with that power.

The recent trend of corporations crediting trump with inspiring their sudden patriotic interest in manufacturing jobs in America

I think that's part of the propaganda. At the very least, Trump is offering them bribes/subsidies or other forms of preferential treatment to help his message.

When corporations' special needs are defended by policy, it is almost always at the expense of their competition; domestic small and medium-size enterprises, companies who don't enjoy the welfare, funny money in stocks, and 0-percent borrowing rates. In other words, real producers are being cheated.

Trump was suppose to lose because he's the politically incorrect villain, i have been saying that for months, before the DNC primary debacle.

If you don't believe that why is MSM arguing against trumps ascension, feeding feel-good liberals(neoliberals) with trump is literally hitler so we should suspend democracy in order to stop trump.

Democracy did happen and thankfully it wasn't HRC who won, we are comparing a disgusting man with HRC- kin of evil

Trump was suppose to lose because he's the politically incorrect villain, i have been saying that for months, before the DNC primary debacle.

If you don't believe that why is MSM arguing against trumps ascension, feeding feel-good liberals(neoliberals) with trump is literally hitler so we should suspend democracy in order to stop trump.

Democracy did happen and thankfully it wasn't HRC who won, we are comparing a disgusting man with HRC- kin of evil

I just posted this in another thread,it seems relevant here so I will copy and paste to here.

I think Trump is on our side.

Our side being the non satanic Moloch worshipping pizza fuckers.

I know a lot of you guys think trump is one of them and I think to an extent you are right,but what I think we are seeing is an inner battle between "illumanti" factions.The old Moloch worshiping sect is being overthrown by a different ,as yet unknown faction.

I feel Its NSA vs CIA.The CIA engage in satanic mo!och worship as a from of ritulastic project monarch mind control,these are the guys that have run the show for the last century or so.

I think with the rise of the internet the NSA has outgrown the CIA in terms of power,what we are seeing is the NSA faction take over.

I'm sure we are only seeing one leval,there will be higher ups pulling the strings,but it seems like who ever it is seems to think globalization is a lost cause.

The idea that the CIA is the only rouge evil agency is wishful thinking. Lets not forget who helped found the NSA. They all fight for the same team.



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They all work for the same team or bloodlines but it is a massive complex web of interconnected agencies and secret society's,it's reasonable to assume that competing factions inside the organisation exist that have different means and idea too archive their goals.

I agree, however I don't see one faction as less evil than another just because they use different means to achieve the same goals as the others. All that means is that the same "tip of the pyramid" has muliple factions fighting against each other for a spot in their NWO. I agree that it is reasonable to pose the possibility that the CIA and NSA might an competing for the spot of top NWO Intel agency but in the global stage we can't forget agencies like MI6, Mossad, KGB etc. If they all have the same ideologies than the in fighting is more likely just a friendly game between them since the agenda is the same for all of them. The "entity" in control remains in the shadows keeping everyone divided.

It seems to me that the pedophile satanists are being thrown under the bus .This can only be a good thing.

Absolutely! If one agency is working to expose another and the one being exposed are the only ones behind child trafficking ring than that is definitely a good thing. What I am skeptical of though is that that they may only use some scapegoats and continue business as usual. I am naturally skeptical of any and all "authority" and a diehard supporter of ensuring freedom of speech and information on order to keep watch on the watchers if you will. As soon as one group tells us " don't worry we got this, we will root out evil and protect everyone as long as you don't question us" it's time to reevaltuate. Only time will tell, all I'm suggesting is that it be the responsibility of these agencies to prove to us that they truly are fighting for the greater good and not just for a selfish greedy control system.


Rest in Peace Max Spiers!

trump is part of the illumati who allowed the renaissance and the age of reason to move forward

the part that didnt kill telsa <---time for those rat fuckers to pay the price

we should confiscatie all the wealth of the kabal and jubulee the world

Controlled chaos, ordo an chao

yes chaos magick

if we are luck sacred geomoetry





huh? giggle!

Are you serious? Trump is a Moloch worshipping pedophile himself.

7 Things You Need To Know About Trump And Sex Slave Island

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Hillary Clinton when it comes to her husband's escapades. "The kitchen sink," in this case, is Jeffery Epstein's “Sex Slave Island” and President Bill Clinton’s ties to it.

Why wouldn’t Trump use this ammo? The answer is simple: Trump himself has ties to Epstein, the billionaire Democratic donor and convicted pedophile known for having under-age sex slaves on his private plane and what the media calls "Sex Slave Island."

Here are seven connections between Trump and Epstein's sex slave endeavors that you need to know about:

1.Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.”

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump once said about the convicted sex offender. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

  1. Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”

Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”

  1. Trump has allegedly flown on Epstein’s private plane — a hot spot for under-age sex orgies.

“Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once,” reports VICE News. “Meanwhile, message pads [see below] from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.”

Epstein’s private Boeing 727, according to one of his alleged victims, Virginia Roberts, was nicknamed the “Lolita Express.” Roberts recalled “unsavoury” sex orgies on the private plane when she was just 15 years of age with Epstein and his friends.

  1. Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an under-aged girl.

Radar Online reports that a woman in California, “identified” as Katie Johnson, filed a $100 million lawsuit against Trump on April 26, accusing the real estate mogul of raping her when she was just 13 years old.

Johnson “claims Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old and forced her to engage in sex acts by threatening to harm her and her family,” notes The Independent UK. “She claims the alleged abuse took place over a four-month period at underage sex parties held in New York City in 1994.” Epstein was also named for alleged sexual misconduct and threats.

Trump’s team adamantly denies the accusation, suspecting the claim is possibly a hoax since there is allegedly “no evidence” the plaintiff “actually exists.”

  1. Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and curiously pled the fifth to Trump attending sex parties with underage girls.

Back in 2010, Epstein admitted to “socializing” with Trump, but when a lawyer representing an under-aged victim of Epstein’s asked if he has “ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18,” Epstein curiously pled the Fifth. Per Vice News:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump? A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir? Q. Have you socialized with him? A. Yes, sir. Q. Yes? A. Yes, sir. Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

  1. At least one of Epstein’s underage sex victims was recruited from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago — which he frequented often.

Virginia Roberts, an alleged victim of Epstein’s, "was recruited to perform a massage for Epstein while working as a $9-per-hour locker room attendant at Mar-A-Lago.”

Roberts claims that “Epstein turned her into a ‘sex slave’ and pimped her out to various friends, including England's Prince Andrew. Over the years, the passengers on Epstein's jet, she said, included ‘a whole bunch of other girls, sometimes famous people, sometimes some politicians.'"

  1. Trump was subpoenaed in 2009 for his connection to Epstein’s under-age sex slave rings. Trump has denied ever being served.

In 2009, Trump was subpoenaed in a case against Epstein concerning victim Virginia Roberts. Trump's attorney Alan Garten said that the subpoena "never happened."

"There is no debate over what happened," said one of Roberts' attorneys. "I served Mr. Trump with a subpoena for deposition in 2009. He talked to me voluntarily, and consequently we withdrew the subpoena in light of his voluntarily providing information…. I can't imagine there being any dispute of any of this."

Additionally, Garten told VICE News in January that Mr. Trump has "no relationship" with Epstein other than the Democratic donor frequenting Trump's Mar-A-Lago. "A lot of people hung out there, including Jeffrey Epstein," said Garten. "That is the only connection."

According to the evidence, however, the connections with Epstein appear to go a lot deeper than that.

Trump was COMPLETELY exonerated by the prosecution in the Epstein shit. Just about everything you present there as "evidence" is either completely false, has been debunked. Sorry, Trump isnt the pedo scumbag you so badly want to believe he is. Now, Bill and Hillary - THAT is a very different story.

Trump = kiddie fiddler.

In the 1992 recording, a 46-year-old Trump asks a little girl if she’s going to go up an escalator. Then Trump turns to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”



Lmao you don't see the self deprecating humor in that? He's making fun of himself and his preference of 20 year olds. It's not like Biden grabbing toddlers chests.

You are a gullible fucking idiot CONFIRMED

Wait, what? Clinton was also never implicated in any wrongdoing by the Epstein prosecution. So, by your logic, Clinton was also "exonerated."

If you knew ANYTHING about the Epstein "prosecution", you would know that that was a fucking FARCE of "prosecution". PLEASE, for the love of god, look into the players, the lawyers, the people involved, the DOJ, ALL OF IT and then tell me that ANY OF IT was above-board and NOT a fucking disgusting cover-up for Epstein, the Clintons, Dershowitz, et al.

That was kind of my point, actually. I agree that it was a farce. Thus, distancing Trump from Epstein based on the prosecution's failure to go after him makes no sense.

it wasnt a "failure to go after him"; it was "HE DIDNT PARTICIPATE IN THE PEDO BULLSHIT".

But all of the circumstantial evidence suggests that he did, and you're relying the prosecution's statement to the contrary--when at the same time you say the prosecution was a farce. Anyway, have a nice day.

really, what circumstantial evidence, exactly? can you show me? i'm not a dipshit fangirl, but i AM a huge fan of evidence. heresay is NOT evidence. when i infer that the prosecution against Epstein, based on the evidence and charges levied, was a shitshow, that has absolutely NO bearing on Trump or allegations that Trump had any involvement at all. If Trump were guilty or implicated in ANY way of the crimes Epstein was SO deeply implicated in, why on EARTH would the prosecution come out and specifically say "Trump had no part of the pedo shit". Why? Wouldn't it have been a much stronger case to nail BOTH of them if the evidence supported it?

No, he was implicated by the flight records and iirc fbi reports that show he flew on there many times, including several of which when he did not allow secret service to come with.

Uhh..he did use that ammo. Many times, actually.

There's only evidence of him flying on the Lolita express twice and going to the island once. Yet, you make it sound as if he went every other weekend like Bill Clinton.

It's also convenient that you seem to have left out the fact that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago, when he found out Epstein was TRYING to recruit young girls there.

I know all of this info because several months ago I HATED Trump and was trying to prove he was a pedophile. When I dug into it the most I found were business relationships and what seemed like Trump investigated Epstein himself. Around the same time he tweeted about "Pedophiles should be executed."

There seems to be an awful lot of details omitted from this list. As well as there being a lot of half truths.. Which makes me question your intentions here.

The connections between trump and Epstein are limited compared to the Clinton's.

The story I heard is that trump banned Epstein from Mara lago

Do we know for sure moloch worship is practiced on Epstein's pizza island?

Indeed. My gut tells me that Trump is building a coalition to pull a real power move on the Deep State. Perhaps he knows enougj to pick cabinet members who rose to positions of corporate power due to their own intellect rather than their lack of moral scruples. I don't know, but I have to hope.

Taking on the Deep State will be incredibly different, and having a few true patriots on your side who also happen to be corporate leaders would be extremely helpful.


Trump is building a team of in unblackmailable people.

Are you insane? You realize that Trump was just as buddy-buddy with Epstein as the Clintons, right?

No he wasn't

Trump flew on epstiens plane once compared to Clinton's 22 times.

Clinton visited epstiens pedo island more than once where as trump banned Epstein from his resort.

I like to believe they take people there to be able to blackmail them in the future. Trump may not have played ball.

I'm sure if they had damaging pedo material on trump they would have used it before they resorted to false sex assault allegations and Russian spy bollocks.

Agreed. I'm sure if they had ANYTHING they would have released it by now.

This is why they fear him .

The day of the rope is coming.

There's a theory that Snowden is CIA. I'll admit I'm not to up to speed with everything he has revealed, but compared to wikileaks, other than confirming the government can track your every move, what has he significantly disclosed?

he's jewish.

so what

Take it easy on u/peanutwrath66 - he's also a flat earther.

whose that

the person you replied to up there

ooo i see

I do hope he is on our side, but his support for Israel raises some eyebrows. But the creepy thing is like you said, Trump may be used to blame on a false-flag attack and lure masses to big government and elite control. JFK was killed for refusing a false-flag attack against Cuba, but I don't think Trump will know anything about the false-flag if it ever happens.

This creeps me the fuck out.

The Kennedy bit does not make any sense, if JFK were killed because he wouldn't false flag Cuba then why didn't Johnson false flag Cuba ??

If that were the reason Johnson would have accomplished that goal.

I oversimplified that part. The JFK assassination is such a deep rabbit hole that it is truly impossible to know what's right or what's wrong. What I am sure about is that CIA somehow had a hand in it.

The Trump vs Hillary standoff is fake and is simply the biggest rabbit hole of American history.

They are attacking Trump because it gives all the attention he needs for becoming a false messiah.

Once he gets inaugurated, expect a violent revolution to seat in Hillary as a dictator of America or he will simply do the exact reverse of hat he promised. As an additional possibility, Obama might even make an emergency to suspend all rights and make himself a dictator.

"If it does not make sense, it's a scam"

I feel the same way you do. I don't partake in any partisan dividing, red vs. blue, dividing and conquering, etc. I feel they're all in it together, but the way the have viciously attacked Trump has my mind wondering exactly what their endgame is here. I have a deep seeded feeling that something major is going to go down soon or in the near future, and it is such an overwhelming feeling.

Trump wants to drain the swamp. If you want to know who the swamp is just look at who among the elite is the most scared, who is trying the hardest to delegitimise Trump.

The corrupt elite are openly criticising Trump so that when they are prosecuted for their corruption they can claim it is personal. Look at John Brennan, for example.

I have a deep seeded feeling that something major is going to go down soon or in the near future

I think you might be right. There may well be a number of big stories that occur this year.

That fear of a big event and the feeling like the world is going to end is the direct result of what's essentially brsinwashing. You're reading all of these articles and headlines about Trump that are manufactured by the media to have that exact feeling associated with him. Don't fall for it. Take a break, go do something else, the world isn't going to end.

It's funny, because in today's world, we see the "end of the world" as an economic crisis first. Im not rich, im actually fucked over by the elites for being young and having everything necessary being super expensive. Life is hard. I want an economic collapse to happen because it will result in dropping prices which makes the barrier into entry to the market easier for people like me.

However, I feel that established people may actually be scared since their money is invested in this overinflated market. Their way of life is being threatened. To me, Im already poor. Nothing REALLY will change much about my lifestyle. I am going into a recession proof profession, and the only way my job would be at risk is if the government collapses which is highly unlikely. Let the crash come. I want to watch greed burn.

It's a nice sentiment to want the greedy to burn, but take yourself out of your shoes for a minute, and use my situation as an example. My wife and I bought our first home last year. 3 days after we closed, we found out that we were having our first baby. We are fortunate to have decent jobs, but between the mortgage, 1 car payment, student loans, bills and trying to put money back for our son, we do our best to live paycheck to paycheck some months. It's us and the rest like us who get raped in a collapse like that. Something needs to be done with the market, but tanking the whole country isn't the way to do it.

That's why the rich are buying property and physical stockpiles (see: nestle and their water schemes) imo

as a guy who is doing reasonably well, but far from rich I agree. I have savings, and i have non-traditional savings, and i have "preps" and skills to an extent that i can survive reasonably well.

yes, i own a home, and im ok with the value dropping because its soon to be a rental unit. but i would like to get into the market and put some of my savings to use... i would like to have home prices drop so i can buy some land/second house... the only people hoping the market does not crash is current retires, and soon to retire, and the excessively wealthy.

Hmm, that's exactly what someone would say if they wanted me to let my guard down right before the end of the world...

Haha. Well if the world is ending there's probably nothing you can do about it. Enjoy the ride I guess.

uhuh i was about to say the same thing... its like forshadowing in a movie, they're simply just preping you so that if/when something does happen your not so outraged, instead you've been primed for it already... they have the majority of the population living in a sense of fear on a vast variety of different things and it works.


Link 404d =/

Sorry, but I've been predicting a big event tomorrow for months. I hope I'm wrong.

Just stock up on popcorn and watch it all go down.

PC culture is why. The intolerance of intolerance ideology that has thoroughly taken over western culture. Trump is the ultimate symbol against this edifice and their hatred is all too real.

Hide under a rock, pussy.

Check out the twitter handle @GSelevator

That is supposed to be actual conversation overheard in the Goldman Sachs elevator. And it's pretty terrible.

I feel the same way as OP. I voted for Trump and am cautiously optimistic, but these guys are snakes.

You realize there's a 99.9% chance that twitter account is bs right?

You do realize there is a 100% chance you just made up that statistic. And wtf is someone defending Goldman Sachs on this sub?

I haven't looked at them in awhile, but last time I looked through that twitter feed it didn't strike me as made up. If the person writing it IS making them up, they are extremely creative in a very specific way.

I'm not defending them and obviously the statistic is made up, I just know people that work at 200 West street and it doesn't sound right but who knows.

I just went through the feed and you gotta go pretty far back to find the stuff that I remember. He's mostly just pimping his book now. You can see he requests submissions, so really no way to verify sources.

But it's a fun read regardless, and I've known people that talk like that. Maybe not all of em, but things like that get said.


Fear mongering.

I think you're part of the first wave of people who are realizing Trump has been lying to you all this time.

Maybe all this Trump/Russia bee ess is to catapult WW3.

"like sheep, they ran toward the slaughterhouse" https://youtu.be/sQEqducB7z4?t=167

As long as you invest your energy in a insitution of lies, you will always be deceived by its mantra.

The principal I go by is that I might doubt people and motives, but I never doubt patterns. patterns of behavior always ring true for me. This institution has a pattern of corruption and it does not matter who the actors are, the patterns of corrupt behavior are still present.

But I'm also having trouble making sense of why a candidate who claims to be for the people and "draining the swamp" would be filling his cabinet with people connected to Goldman Sachs.

I consider the propaganda push to conflate "the swamp" with "the banks" a somewhat positive sign.

This does not mean Goldman Sachs is good, but they are only indirectly related to the proposed restrictions on lobbyists and amendment for congressional term limits.

Here's my theory, the Clinton War Machine would've eventually caused War with Russia. The powers that be bet didn't anticipate Trump winning and it throws wrench into their war machine plans. Now they're scrambling to figure out a way to get Trump out of office as he's not "On Board" with the whole NWO bullshit.

I think a lot of elites decided the NWO was going to fuck their bank accounts more than they anticipated.

He is such an outsider that he kinda needs people with experience in those positions so that he will look good.
I could be wrong of course but I just think he didn't know anyone better for the jobs he handed to them.

Don't be afraid. Fear is the mind killer

Remember how Obama would say one thing to appease the masses but then his actions were exact opposite?

Then people would say, "He's too inexperienced, and doesn't know how to make deals."

Very true, but unlike Obama, we know MUCH MORE about Trump, his character, his history

Trump has been one of the biggest red pills ever. You have to have faith in something. Because of so much misinformation, lying, Propaganda, CTR and the like, etc., it is almost impossible to really know what is going on. I believe that is by design.

Trump is surrounded by evidence that he is not part of the establishment. Of course we won't really know until we see what he does with the Presidency.

Just a shame he would empty the cabinet of people working for the establishment and instead fill it with the establishment itself. To me that alone is worth apprehension. Too often I see people here remarking like corruption is a partisan issue and that all apprehension towards Trump can be brushed aside because it's all just propaganda against him. Then, by his own actions, surrounds himself with corrupters.

Rest easy, he filled his cabinet with competent people who get results! We must give him the benefit of the doubt. Look how difficult it has been for him.. I don't think anyone else in the world would be strong enough to stand up to, or could destroy the NWO.

I just don't think he's doing anything he does for "us". Heretofore he's made no sign of that being his intention. Benefit of the doubt sure, but trust? No way. It would be illogical. I see a man with his own interests at heart and just maybe some of the good stuff trickles down. We can only find out, but I think a lot of people are gonna get a good whiff of how bad his shit really stinks.

I don't trust any of them either.. BUT, he does seem to be pissing off the right people which means he's hitting a nerve. If he dismantles the CIA, and puts an end to propaganda outlets (CNN etc.) he's working in the right direction for humanity. If that truly is what he's doing, which i believe is true.. He definitely needs our support. At least until he crosses us. The man is a fucking patriot for fuck sakes!


you should read that and just consider that all the elite want to put us down. then listen to the song by Living Colour🤘

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 18773

We must give him the benefit of the doubt. Look how difficult it has been for him..

That this comment is upvoted really shows where this sub has gone. This sub pushed birther nonsense for 8 years, but hey - let's give the new guy the benefit of the doubt! We don't want to hurt his feelings after all...


Not saying we should feel sorry for him. Just that we should respect the struggle and sacrifice. Half of the US wants to kill him now.. Who does that to themself? So far hes brought a bunch of jobs and money back, he's tarnished CNN's reputation for good and is going up against the CIA.. Isn't this the guy we should be rooting for? Obviously I'm still very skeptical but i want to BELIEVE!!

So far hes brought a bunch of jobs and money back

Wake me when a quarter of the jobs created under the Obama administration are created under the Trump administration.

but i want to BELIEVE!!

That's the problem. You want to believe so bad that you stop being critical. This is a bizarre sub - let's talk about Obama's birth certificate, but take it easy on thin-skinned Donny.

I definitely stay critical.. The Media hates him, Soros' hates him, CIA hates him, Hollywood's satanic actors hate him. Unless this is the show of the century he seems to be our guy. But sympathizes with Israel.. Hmmm.... Out of everything that is what bothers me. I did get banned from T_D for mentioning that.

Yeah, you can literally get banned from T_D for quoting Donny himself.

Hollywood's satanic actors lol. You might have issues.

he seems to be our guy.

He refuses to do a full financial disclosure, which he promised he would do. No tax return, which he also promised, and which every general election candidate in my life has done. We have no idea how many hundreds of millions he owes to foreign institutions. His a misogynist. He lives in a gilded tower and has brushed elbows with the world's elite for decades. His cabinet so far is full of the uber-elite - billionares, many of whom donated heavily to his campaign. One of whom is a friend of Putin. One of whom is the wife of the most powerful establishment Republican - the epitome of the swamp that he promised to drain.

And all that is non disputable. I won't even get in to the unverified reports. The play to play, the pissing, and the bribery.

If this is your guy, I feel sorry for you.

Easy now.. Someone has been hanging out in /r/politics a little too long. I wont comment on his tax returns because he is not obligated to release them. He could very well owe nothing, this is pure speculation. Just because he triggers liberal feminists doesn't mean he's misogynist.. Rosie ? Kelly? Hillary? They can dish it out but cant take it? Why would he have a female campaign manager? or have 3 or 4 females in his cabinet so far. The whole misogynist angle is bullshit. His cabinet is full of Un-bribeable individuals who get results. One of whom is in the energy sector and has done deals with Putin.. How is that even a bad thing? Why do you democrats want war so badly? Does that not go against your Social justice attitude? Does anyone have dirt on Rebekah Mercer? or her husband? "the swamp" isn't every billionaire or banker. Its the corrupt ones. I found no evidence of corruption of any kind. Please post something on her if you have it. You cant just hate someone for being a billionaire. You can however, judge a mans character by his children, and they seem to have turned out excellent.

And your right for not getting into the unverified reports AKA "Fake news"

If you're interested in real documents check out the Wikileaks on Hillary Clinton.

he is not obligated to release them.

I would suggest he is. Every general candidate in my lifetime has released them. 74 percent of the public wants it. What is he hiding?

He could very well owe nothing, this is pure speculation.

check this out

Just because he triggers liberal feminists doesn't mean he's misogynist..

I was referencing his misogyny, not random actresses.

His cabinet is full of Un-bribeable individuals

Do you mean the world's elite? Banking executives, which this sub has raged about for eight years in the Obama administration? At least one donated millions to his campaign (achem pay to play) and one is the wife of the most powerful establishment Republican - this guy isn't draining the swamp.

One of whom is in the energy sector and has done deals with Putin..

More than that, he is friends with Putin and stands to gain tremendously if he managed to lift the sanctions. His company will immediately gain to the tun of hundreds of millions.

Why do you democrats want war so badly?

The idea that we were on the path to war with Russia is ridiculous. It was invented about two months ago. Russia, as far as military goes, is a moth compared to the US. They don't want war, and for us it would be a waste of energy.

If you're interested in real documents check out the Wikileaks on Hillary Clinton.

Oh, I've checked them out thoroughly. Very disappointing in very many respects. But also overshadowed by Trump's undisclosed financial obligations to foreign institutions, by his lies about releasing his tax returns, and so much more.

I would suggest he is. Every general candidate in my lifetime has released them. 74 percent of the public wants it. What is he hiding? Your suggestion still doesn't make it an obligation. He could be hiding people who he does business with that don't want public backlash from the democrats. Who knows. again. Pure speculation. You posted articles from notorious "fake news" sites. That's like taking something from CNN as fact.

Do you mean the world's elite? Banking executives, which this sub has raged about for eight years in the Obama administration? At least one donated millions to his campaign (achem pay to play) and one is the wife of the most powerful establishment Republican - this guy isn't draining the swamp.

Maybe you should watch some Youtube videos of Rex Tillerson. Totally likable, very educated and business savy individual. I haven't check out the rest of his picks. But if the rest are like this guy, he's going to have a great cabinet.

Oh, I've checked them out thoroughly. Very disappointing in very many respects. But also overshadowed by Trump's undisclosed financial obligations to foreign institutions, by his lies about releasing his tax returns, and so much more.

You let treason be overshadowed by MSM claims and speculation. Smart.

The idea that we were on the path to war with Russia is ridiculous. It was invented about two months ago. Russia, as far as military goes, is a moth compared to the US. They don't want war, and for us it would be a waste of energy.

You do realize NATO has thousands of troops at the Russian border right: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-06/hundreds-us-tanks-arrive-europe-support-nato-anti-russian-buildup



Who knows. again. Pure speculation

r/conspiracy is dead.

You posted articles from notorious "fake news" sites

yet you provided no counter sources

Maybe you should watch some Youtube videos of Rex Tillerson. Totally likable, very educated and business savy individual.

I watched his hearing, in full.

But Mr. Tillerson dodged a series of questions about whether Exxon Mobil, under his leadership, had lobbied against the sanctions imposed on Russia, which prevented the company from fulfilling huge contracts for oil exploration on Russian territory.

“Rex Tillerson’s reluctance to acknowledge human rights abuses by Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Philippines raises serious questions about whether he can effectively serve as secretary of state,” the group said in a statement. “Numerous independent observers, U.N. investigators, media, and humanitarian and human rights groups have published extensive and detailed reporting about the Russian government’s highly problematic domestic human rights record and war crimes in Syria,” and the killing in the Philippines of “6,200 suspected drug users in the last six months.”

But just how badly Wednesday's hearing went for Tillerson can't be blamed on timing alone. The ExxonMobil CEO came off unprepared or unwilling to answer basic questions from committee members, and struggled to forge a convincing impression that he would be able to take a hardline stance against Russia, if necessary, given the close ties he forged with Putin in the past. Oh, and he appeared to perjure himself to boot.

You let treason be overshadowed by MSM claims and speculation. Smart.

Let's play a game. You can cite Clinton's treason - who is of today, a nobody - and I'll cite Trump's.

You do realize NATO has thousands of troops at the Russian border right:

Literally, what does this have to do with anything. Russia has been amping up the espionage game, and countries - not just the US - are responding. At least Putin can rest easy after this week knowing that the USA will turn a blind eye - and not even American conspiracy theorists will look into it, lol.

Trump is part of the establishment. There very well may be "sides" at war right now in the government, but Trump is clearly a part of it.

Then who isn't?

Maybe someone who hasn't been living in a gilded tower in New York, brushing elbows with the world's elite? Can we find someone like that?

That can also win the Presidency? No. No we can't.

I'm worried about what will be happening between Russia and Europe this coming year and fearful we will be pulled into it, and against Europe at that. I certainly hope this fear turns out to be completely unfounded.

I'm convinced that the left was going to take us into war with Russia if Hillary had won. It seems like the groundwork was being laid for this.. and some of that plumbing was exposed through Trump's win.

They had spun up the Russian hacking narrative prior to the election. Theres never been anything of substance behind it. We are always told - trust our intelligence - but never shown or even teased with any proof. Which Russian hacker hacked the DNC. Who phished Podesta's gmail account? Who gave it to wikileaks and when? How does our intelligence agencies know this? For the level of charges they are levying towards Russia - you'd think they would be willing to declassify something to bring a skeptical American public onboard.

If Hillary had won, i still think this narrative would have been pushed. "Russia tried to hack our election." The only difference is that they never would have had to "prove it". They would have simply agitated Russia into a conflict in Syria, then expanded it into a full blown war.

He's part of the Elite. The Elite is composed by many people who fight each other sometimes but always makes peace with a lot of money. So I don't get it why you are not posting your nonsense on The Donald. How gullible can someone be thinking that Clinton is bad -and she is- and Trump good - he's not.

I get what you are saying here, but hear this; during his presser a few days ago he said big pharma was getting away with murder and that he intends to stop them. That statement cost the 9biggest pharma corporations 25billion. He did the same with Boeing and Lockheed Martin, only with single tweets. I dont think the elites like loosing billions for fun. That, and the Steve Bannon / Andrew Breitbart connection and Trumps tweet abouth child molestation back in 2012 after AB's death, makes me believe he is the real deal. Regarding his cabinet picks; i hope they are not part of the same club as the others. We will see tho. 2017 will be the most popcorn year ever. Buy popcorn futures.

One q I would like to know is if anyone has made huge shortings on pharma and defence contractors before Trump statements and tweets. If not, hes our guy. I hope. It would be a good thing.

Man, if there is one thing that erodes the credibility of this sub-Reddit, it's the vague nervous-Nellies with the "I'm a-scared something big is coming!!111!!!" Yeah, everyone wants to be Nostradamus, or to even get one right by accident. I've never seen one of these posts even be remotely accurate.

These people 'connected to Goldman Sachs' could very well be children of the truly connected. Rich people like to have children. We'll be fine, you're doing exactly as the msm wants. Go for a walk and breathe.

The Jews?

Get your popcorn ready!

I'm sorry to sound condescending, but how could it not be obvious that Trump is anything but a narcissistic bullshit artist and fascist demagogue? All his promises are things only the dumbest people would buy into. Yes I really mean unintelligent. Supremely fucking stupid. If you want to talk about whether or not Hillary would be worse, that's different. If you really are into Trump, you're a fucking idiot and you just accelerated America's descent into fascism. Actually, I'm not sorry to sound condescending. Shame.

I'd much rather there be a president nobody trusts then one they love like a god. Trump won't get shit done because it's politically positive to oppose him and there will lots of it from both sides of the isle.

I feel this way to a point. But why would soros go after him so hard? If trump is on our side the world is about to get a red pill so hard too swallow that many will choke just thinking about taking it. If he isn't on our side then ww3 with russia is about too start. I'm pretty sure putin knows what's up with the child trafficking shit.

Learn to dance in the storm my child!

Your daily impending doom post...

What could possibly make you thinks he's on "our side"? He doesn't care about you, or us, or anyone but himself. He's hiring people from Goldman because that's what powerful politicians do. The only difference between Trump and other politicians is that he's more openly crass.

He is on his side.

That's right, r/conspiracy, listen to this guy. It's time we focused on Clinton conspiracies for another four years. Trump gets a pass.


I don't think anyone deserves a pass.

I just realized I misread your post, sorry about that. I will delete my reply after you have read this one

All good, mistakes happen. Have a nice day!

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Wait. Coming???

It's already here if you live anywhere else but the richest nations.

Syria, Venezuela, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, it's all there already. You can hear the dominoes down the line clapping down and you know it's coming here, because this is the big prize, this is what it all revolves around. Martial law in the highest countries, total control over who lives & who dies, here we go, folks.

It's important to always remember that the true enemy is the Fed. Pretty much everything else is trickle-down corruption. I have some reservations about some of his cabinet picks as well, but I'm also not arrogant to think I know everything Trump does about these people. The fact that the people I now see as enemies of humanity (corrupt establishment politicians, the mainstream media, etc) are trying everything they can to take him down gives me hope.

He wants the guys who know how the infrastructure works. Guys who can't be bought out. Not every rich man is a spirit cooker.

I wonder if Trump can be bought. Do you know how many hundreds of millions he owes to foreign institutions?



Do your own hw

Oh Ok:

The state-owned Central Bank of China has loaned Trump hundreds of millions of dollars. The New York Times has reported that American companies owned by Trump have at least $650 million in debt and the Bank of China is among the lenders. Voters need to know how much Trump and his businesses owe Chinese banks as well as Russian oligarchs.

"I know of no case where a president has come in with hundreds of millions of dollars of indebtedness, to an entity that is under investigation for these types of alleged misconduct and in the midst of a negotiating a settlement that could put the president's principal lender out of business," says Norm Eisen, a former special counsel for ethics in the Obama administration. "The conflict is so blatant."

A New York Times investigation into Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's US real-estate holdings revealed that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount that Trump's public filings, made as part of his campaign, show.

Mr. Trump’s opaque portfolio of business ties makes him potentially vulnerable to the demands of banks, and to business people in the United States and abroad, said Professor Painter, the former chief White House ethics lawyer.

Donald Trump’s business empire owes hundreds of millions of dollars to a giant German bank cast into crisis by settlement negotiations with the Justice Department, a relationship some lawyers say sheds light on the massive financial entanglements he could face as president.

Maybe that’s where all the animosity he seems to have towards China comes from – they own him.

For two decades, Trump has made numerous trips to Moscow. Russian investors have invested in Trump’s properties around the world. Trumps son, Donald Jr. told a real estate conference that a disproportionate amount of investments comes from Russia. The Trump Soho development in Manhattan, was the hit with a series of lawsuits claiming that Trump defraud investors by making false claims on the financial health of the project. In the investigation, evidence of secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan came to light, with ties to the Russian mafia, or criminal underworld.

I just went through the first page of links from a search. So do you have literally any source saying he owes nothing for foreign institutions?

Trumppence = Trumpets. Hard not to see shit hitting the fan.

Your fear controls you.

yesterday i was listening to NPR, they had a piece on a band named "slant" and the BS behind the name (the band is asian american) they mentioned something at the beginning (having a hard time finding the piece online) about "racism, narcissism, and something else"

the introduction was 3 negative words and the tag line "as much as we would all like to talk about a certain reality TV show host we are not"

In my head, i was like WTF! this is our President Elect, a successful businessman, and a TV star... and all you can say is reality TV host.

I voted obama twice (only regret it twice) I have many liberal swaying ideas... but I stopped donating to NPR when they blatantly told lies about guns and guns statistics... I have disliked much of the "human interest" since they ignore facts behind police shootings and BLM bullshit and inner city crime... but its getting to the last straw where im just gonna have to load a bunch of podcast and MP3's on my cars HD and ignore all radio

FEAR is false evidence appearing real. If the dollar collapses, then we have the military that will just go steal stuff from everyone else. Trump is not going to create a nazi force that is disinfo from a nazi (hillary...yes I can prove to you she's killed (gassed in fact) a shitload of people that we know of: >2000, Trump:0--that we know of).

Take away your guns? Not a chance.

Kill all the gays? Not a chance

Kill all black people? No. He hired a black guy that almost everyone likes on both sides because he's reasonable and a doctor.

Trump isn't a nazi, in fact all signs point to him truly being a legitimate outsider

Look how hard they've fought him. Is that all theater? Think

They've spent a shitload of money if that's the case, just to run a well-orchestrated theatrical performance with an audience the size of the US population

And generally, they don't like hemmorhaging money like that.

It's very simple really. The politics of the US government has been in the hands of the same elite group of people. They sell you two safe options and flame the fire in both directions so you get embroiled in the flamewar and choose sides.

Honestly, I don't think he is the issue or the cause or reason for fearing the future, nor is he some messiah that the establishment is "afraid" of. Truthfully, I think he's been selected and it will be clear that he will continue to be used by the 'true powers that be' in order to create dis-ease, to act as a polarizing figure among the masses of the American public to Divide and Conquer the people against one another instead of uniting. I honestly despise Clinton and glad she lost, but I also think Trump is pretty awful too. So much double-speak on either side, but just listening to that press conference he gave and he was side stepping around questions and creating this set of beliefs among anyone who listens to him, it's like multiple choice speaking, no matter who listens to him that individual may take something completely different from it than someone else. He'll speak to the white supremacists and he'll speak to the regular joe-conservatives who just wanted a "republican" and not Hillary. I do believe he, like every other president since Kennedy (and likely before that even), will be used as puppet and will rile up his close devotees into believing a stringent and emotionally/intellectually unintelligent fear-based worldview that will act to continue to unnecessarily divide the people from uniting as we should. Like that classic "The people do not know their true power" image where they are on a plank holding up the politician and thus the power structures, and slowly one or two begin to walk away from it. I think whats happening in the media is just charades and political theater. And it sometimes worries me when I come here and see users letting some really troubling things slip by as if this new president elect will be their messiah. When in actuality he could not care less for the outcome or results of anybody outside of himself and the people who will be on his "team". So whether one is left, right, center, or other leaning; we MUST have our "bullshit-detectors" tuned up and ready as we should always have for anyone at anytime in geopolitical and domestic policy and the inter-workings of the power structures and those that seek to control us by driving a wedge between fellow human beings through fear-based rhetoric. So more than anything right now, I think there's just so many unknowns. However, I do seriously believe that he has been selected for a reason by the powers that be just as the presidents before him have. And then considering how low the voter turn out this year was and how nasty people have been to each other simply because of perceived differences versus the truths of universal shared commonalities. For example, only 26% of the eligible voting population of the United States voted for him to be president and that's only 19% of the entire US population, same with Hillary, about 65 million per candidate out of the 231,556,622 total eligible voters, Just a little perspective on how much a of a turd sandwich this election was and how non-mandate it was. And with him winning the EC, we'll see as things go, but I think he has intentionally been selected, so in that case there is "nothing to fear, but fear itself."

The thought of suicide calms me.

The buzz feed article was total bullshit.

If you'll retread my comment I was referring to what buzzfeed said about the dossier. I honestly don't know or care if it is true or not, and ill bet you we will never know either way. The point is that these issues are sensationalized and used to deepen the divides in this country. Another example, Lewis attacks trumps legitimacy and they go back and forth on MLK's birthday, further instigating emnity in the masses.

so what

The article was bullshit.

That doesn't mean the dossier is.

Trump was COMPLETELY exonerated by the prosecution in the Epstein shit. Just about everything you present there as "evidence" is either completely false, has been debunked. Sorry, Trump isnt the pedo scumbag you so badly want to believe he is. Now, Bill and Hillary - THAT is a very different story.

Uhh..he did use that ammo. Many times, actually.

There's only evidence of him flying on the Lolita express twice and going to the island once. Yet, you make it sound as if he went every other weekend like Bill Clinton.

It's also convenient that you seem to have left out the fact that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago, when he found out Epstein was TRYING to recruit young girls there.

I know all of this info because several months ago I HATED Trump and was trying to prove he was a pedophile. When I dug into it the most I found were business relationships and what seemed like Trump investigated Epstein himself. Around the same time he tweeted about "Pedophiles should be executed."

There seems to be an awful lot of details omitted from this list. As well as there being a lot of half truths.. Which makes me question your intentions here.


Trump is building a team of in unblackmailable people.

The connections between trump and Epstein are limited compared to the Clinton's.

The story I heard is that trump banned Epstein from Mara lago

Do we know for sure moloch worship is practiced on Epstein's pizza island?

I oversimplified that part. The JFK assassination is such a deep rabbit hole that it is truly impossible to know what's right or what's wrong. What I am sure about is that CIA somehow had a hand in it.

So far hes brought a bunch of jobs and money back

Wake me when a quarter of the jobs created under the Obama administration are created under the Trump administration.

but i want to BELIEVE!!

That's the problem. You want to believe so bad that you stop being critical. This is a bizarre sub - let's talk about Obama's birth certificate, but take it easy on thin-skinned Donny.

really, what circumstantial evidence, exactly? can you show me? i'm not a dipshit fangirl, but i AM a huge fan of evidence. heresay is NOT evidence. when i infer that the prosecution against Epstein, based on the evidence and charges levied, was a shitshow, that has absolutely NO bearing on Trump or allegations that Trump had any involvement at all. If Trump were guilty or implicated in ANY way of the crimes Epstein was SO deeply implicated in, why on EARTH would the prosecution come out and specifically say "Trump had no part of the pedo shit". Why? Wouldn't it have been a much stronger case to nail BOTH of them if the evidence supported it?