Anyone have a timeline of when Russia went from irrelevant to evil empire 2.0?

53  2017-01-16 by callmebaiken

I asssume it's something like: 1) Putin fights back against Soros Orange revolution in Ukraine 2) annexed Crimea 3) Came to Assad's aid 4) Dems need excuse for wikileaks 5) Establishment needs to destroy Trump.

Anyone know of a good article breaking this down or just want to fill in the gaps feel free thanks


Simply put, Clinton lost and was facing charge so the network she represents created a narrative accusing Russia of pretty much everything they were guilty of to confuse people and muddy the waters. That's how I see it anyway.

That's how I see it anyway.


Honestly I think they lost the election purposefully with all the pizzagate attention.

1) Wikileaks

2) throw Russia under a bus, and Hillary into a van

3) pretend not to be embarrassed

4) profit. Wait. CGI closed, ??? Ok profit anyway. Youth blood transfusions, yeah. Everything is FINE.

The Russians were OK when Obama and Hillary were selling them uranium. So sometime between then and them needing an excuse for totally imploding the democratic party. Right about that time exactly.

You can go all the way back to Reagan at the Berlin Wall. Russia, and the communist ideology has never been irrelevant. It is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for. The United States so thoroughly beat and humiliated them that they never made the news. People simply deemed them irrelevant. What becomes obvious via Wikileaks and Assange is that Russia has been plotting revenge. Russia has been leveraging the internet and social media skillfully. Evil empire 2.0 hit full effect when a president elect with a communist born wife attacked the United States intelligence community, NATO, the current president, and anyone who had anything bad to say about Russia.

What becomes obvious via Wikileaks and Assange is that Russia has been plotting revenge.

I assume you mean "via Russia hacking the Dems and using wikileaks to make pubic the emails public" If only you had proof as solid as a wikileaks 100% authenticated document to back up your claims...

Oh not at all. Once catalogued, it is simple math. Wikileaks targeted NATO and the U.S. specifically. I think anyone who has put time into analyzing this can be certain. Everything else is conjecture. Is Assange a Russian intel asset, yes, did he know he was, maybe yes, maybe no. The Trump intelligence leaks? They are true or false. The MI6 agent is honest or not, got fooled or did not. These are the questions, the truth will expose itself only to those who are open to it.

What about that time wikileaks released thousands of us diplomatic cables and video of massacred civilians?

Everything else is conjecture.

Your conjecture started at the beginning of your previous sentence.

WaPo, NYT, USA Today, Tribune, MSNBC, BBC, take your pick. The AP are the only ones with that story about Clapper stating they don't have evidence to say WL's source is Russia. The rest are happy to allow the public to conflate WL with the Russian influence because WL exposed those organizations' conflicts of interest. Speaking of connecting dots, why do you suppose those other institutions haven't cleared the air about this fact?

43 minute mark.

Just for posterity, here is NPR's coverage of that discussion:

Oh and the most recent episode of On The Media (an NPR program) where the host (former NPR correspondent) states that NPR is in the habit of holding back obvious and important information to support their narrative specifically by refusing to say that Monica Lewinsky ever had a stained dress (how petty).

The funny thing for me is to see my posts upvoted, then people look at my post history and the down voting begins. Arguing politics is like arguing with Apple fanboys. You can spell it out for them, step by step, and they will still say, yeah that other stuff might be true, but it doesn't make what I said in my first post not true...LOL. Have a great night.

Russia, and the communist ideology has never been irrelevant. It is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for.

I agree. Please inform Bernie Sanders


Hahahaha holy shit dude. Well done.

It is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for

It's like people really don't understand this. It's like they look at all of those strange videos of people driving shitty fucked up cars that they have no business driving, and just think it's a thing they did for a YouTube video, without realizing it's actually that shitty there.

Russia is a shithole, and they're trying to turn our country into a shithole; level the playing field, so to speak- and people seem to be okay with that, which I find disturbing.

There are parallels to be drawn about every aspect of what Trump 'stands for' that is right in line with Russian thinking. Anti-LGBT, anti-union, anti-'establishment', discrediting anyone who disagrees with your narrative.

This should bother anyone with half a brain, but instead it's the same divisive politics we're used to while there are foreign interests trying to destabilize our country.

All they did was pull the curtain back and show us how corrupt the DNC is. That is, if you believe it was Russia who provided those emails to wikileaks.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of being worried about foreign interests laying waste to our country, you're saying 'well all they really did was show how bad DNC was'

It's divisive, and as Americans(if you are American) we should be standing in solidarity for what our country is supposed to stand for, not pointing fingers at shit that happened in the past.

Lol, lay waste to our country? This country is so fucked with corruption and propaganda that a little transparency into a rigged primary has idiots pulling their hair out screaming about Russia.

I mean, I get it that you're still very attached to your candidate, but a lot of people look unfavorably upon cheating, especially in a democratic election. WikiLeaks did us a service, and I fail to see a reason to vilify Russia for that.

You mistakenly think that A) I had any attachment to Hillary and B) that our country can't get worse than it is already.

Why don't you leave the US and see how bad the rest of the world lives instead of spouting bullshit out of your privileged little bubble, m'kay? Bye Felicia.

I think it can get worse, definitely. Anything else to assume about me? Your whole comment is just spiteful drivel.

One of these days I'm going to learn not to feed the trolls.

You must be very uncomfortable in this sub.

Why? Because it's turned into The_Shithead 2.0?

That is the thing that seems obvious to me. There are forces trying to destabilize and weaken our country. I think it really started with Fox News. Bill Clinton was the one who ignored our constitution and let a foreigner buy a media company. That started news organizations marketing to specific demographics politically. This has created an ever widening rift politically. Divide and conquer. I used to watch news on several channels but stopped because I could see how slanted they were. The reason the CIA had govbot disabled was because a soviet agent was using it to steal American secrets. Russian intelligence knows how shitty their country is.

You can go all the way back to Reagan at the Berlin Wall.

Brrrrrrr Cold War rhetoric. I'm freezin!

Makes total sense now tho - Putin getting revenge for Gorbachev on Facebook thru the hijinks of Assange's installation of Trump.

Fuck this shit. Let's nuke the whole damned planet!

Bro that shit was crazy.

Wtf Hahahaha

the narrative changed... russia didn't change

Must have started around 2009 when Putin announced he wants to sell oil ruble in the future (just found german sources / news, so google for yourself :) )

That's never good for one's health

In March of 1917 Tsar Nicholas was deposed by a bunch of commies.

These post is cancer daium!

The narrative "Russia actually does what Protocols of the Elders of Zion said Jews do" was in public papers by late 2014.

This could have been in the works for a long time before that or a reaction to the failures of US proxies and Russian support for Syria.

Right, that's what led to Timber Sycamore which failed on it's own, Obama chickened out, and then Putin came in and mopped up.

The Russian annexation of Crimea was a key moment, as you say, and the assistance provided to Assad by Russia has really damaged the Anglo-Zionist-Salafist plans to carve up Syria and further isolate Iran.

But there have been numerous other incidents that western countries have complained about before these events. The assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, probably at the direct behest of Putin, seriously pissed off the Brits. The murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya also in 2006 turned the western media against Putin. The crash of the Polish TU-154 Presidential plane at Smolensk, Russia in 2010, which resulted in the deaths of 96 people including the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and dozens of senior political and military figures was also blamed on Putin by some.

and the assistance provided to Assad by Russia has really damaged the Anglo-Zionist-Salafist plans to carve up Syria and further isolate Iran.

That's the main issue, right there.

The US was all set to attack Syria after that horribly botched false-flag Sarin gas attack on Ghouta, Syria.

Putin's intervention royally screwed up the plans. Shortly thereafter Putin was distracted for some time after the (US instigated) coup in Ukraine, the Crimea mess, etc.

Once things settled down a bit, he again focused his attention on Syria, and made Obama look like a fool (again) by actually DOING what Obama and the West claimed to be doing - slapping the shit out of the Paper Tiger called ISIS and largely running them out of the country.

Yes, this made "the West", and especially Israel, VERY angry.

That is the primary reason that Russia went from "irrelevant" to "evil empire 2.0" as portrayed by the US media.

Short but thorough answer. Nice.

They went to evil empire when they invaded Georgia and took land, invaded Ukraine, took their land, helped assad by bombing not just terrorists but civilians, purposely targeting hospitals (to the point there are zero left) and finally trying to influence US elections by stealing emails.

Yes. This us a good summary of the mainstream charge. Well done

Are you saying these events didn't happen?

The last one about the hacking, yeah I'd say that didn't happen. The Crimea annexing had conflicting sides. The Syria thing was completely instigated by the US or at least shady elements of our deep state and Russia was just retaliating. I don't think Putin is mother Theresa, but he's closer to that than the malevolent wizard behind every event detrimental right the establishment

Let me make something clear, the Syria situation had nothing to do with the US or Russia in the start.

During the Arab spring protesters were protesting Assad, the US had nothing do with that and really nothing was newsworthy, the protest were ok size but nothing to care about.

But shit hit the fan when Assad sent troops to the protest and when they got a bit out of had they just started shooting everyone, he sent more troops and it got to a point where his soldiers shot anyone going into the street. The whole thing was crap before the US or Russia ever got involved.

Russia was also not retaliating, they had nothing to retaliate about, theu simply wanted to keep a nearby pro-russian leader

So you agree with Marco Rubio that Putin is a "war criminal"? Everything you say could be true. There's no doubt the innocents of Syria have been massacred. I've seen those reports. I think very little off Assad or Putin as people. I don't put it past them.

But we all know leaders do terrible things all the time and depending on their client status they are either ignored, condoned, or painted as Hitler.

What do you think it know if Operation Timber Sycamore? What do you make of Seymour Hersch's reporting that the sarin gas was from Lybia?

So you agree with Marco Rubio that Putin is a "war criminal"?

Of course, bombing every single hospital is war criminal type action with international agreements barring such action.

To attack wounded enemy is cowardly, to attack them along with civilians and destroy all medical facilities is downright disgusting.

Fair enough. I still highly doubt he has any control over the Trump administration. But I'm not gonna stick up for him.

Georgia attacked and invaded south ossetia and abkazhia in 2008 during the olympic games. The hope was that Medvedev would be too busy at the Olympics to respond. WRONG. The Russians were watching troop movements and evacuated as many as they could from South Ossetia's border with Georgia, and alerted the Abkazhians. Georgia's military was blown out in 8 days. Russia took a lot of Georgian hardware and left the country. President Sakkashvili then became VERY unpopular with the Georgian people and left the country, and came to the USA to form a CIA funded oppsition group. Then then went to....ready for it....UKRAINE.

Hold up

Russia took a lot of Georgian hardware and left the country

You think they left the country? You know they are still there and control 20% of the country calling it Russian territory, right? That number keeps rising as they move this border they created

When Putin took charge. The jewish oligarchs anointed Putin as next president after Yeltsin, but Putin had other ideas than being a puppet. The moment he consolidated his power and authority he took all the wealthy oligarchs and gave them an for Russia, don't strongarm the government or suffer the consequences. Many didn't listen, Putin threw some in prison, many escaped to Europe and the USA. From THAT point on, Russia became the new evil empire in the eyes of the jewish oligarchs.

Honestly, I've had a discussion with a friend about this before. We both came to the conclusion that the Cold War never truly ended, just that it was kept quieter and fought via proxy on a larger scale. So, that idea would mean--never. It's the same old Russia, just a new story.


Way back in the 90s, Soros did a number on the Russian currency.

It was somewhere along the line with connection to Syria and our proxy war against Russia there. I believe there were also leaked documents from the Clinton camp saying that they intended to attack Trump over fake Russia connections long before the primaries were even over. This was also long before they could have known Trump would be their opponent too, so I can only guess that they presumed that their plan to elevate "pied piper" Republican candidates would be successful and that they'd be able to install Trump as semi-controlled opposition.

You must be very uncomfortable in this sub.

Fair enough. I still highly doubt he has any control over the Trump administration. But I'm not gonna stick up for him.