CIA admitting to human experimentation
74 2017-01-18 by RebelliousSkoundrel
From today's CIA dump, here's a couple of gems already:
CIA responding to a request from the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE about MKULTRA, MKOFTEN, and MKCHIKWIT. The CIA responds by saying they didn't experiment much at all, let alone on humans:
Document released on the exact same day as the previous doc's "conversation" admitting to human experimentation using LSD and other spooky CIA facts like how they used magicians to sleight of hand the drugs:
Admission of at least one unwitting subject dying:
CIA chief on their use of brothels and unwitting test subjects:
Lying, taxpayer dollar-stealing pieces of s***. Go straight to hell, CIA
n/a modern_fears 2017-01-18
Some truly fucked up shit.
n/a quantumcipher 2017-01-18
Even more fucked up when you see the face of an actual victim, and imagine the horrors she this child was forced to endure, at the hands of a government organization routinely glorified by Hollywood and the MSM, paid for with your tax dollars:
n/a haveV8 2017-01-18
I am so glad I didn't know about this while growing up.
n/a 911bodysnatchers322 2017-01-18
They experimented on humans last year in NYC. Look up DNAtrack bacteria subway...they needlessly repeated operation big city, except with random DNA. My guess: they were trying to create new disease in the wild or discover new human mutations / chimeras
n/a RebelliousSkoundrel 2017-01-18
Right? The random DNA thing was a ridiculous experiment. They did it in an era when we could have just as easily simulated the effects and DNA.
What kind of reasonable scientific experiment might also end up making and spreading the plague in one of the most dense populations in the U.S.?
Whoever accepted that proposal was a Fascist tool.
n/a confusedashell66 2017-01-18
They were forced to disclose some details due to lawsuits about the MKUltra Projects but most was most evidence was destoyed.
Don't worry though, they promised to stop experimenting with Psychological, Biological and Radioactive experiments on hospital patients, mental patients, unsuspecting members of the public and children.
I for one believe them, I mean, why would the CIA lie to us? lol.
Anything on the Finders Cult?
n/a RebelliousSkoundrel 2017-01-18
So far no, but as you might imagine searches for "finders cult" brings up a lot of unrelated results to sift through.
You'll either have to manually comb through all those results or see if maybe they went by another, more unique name.
n/a confusedashell66 2017-01-18
I don't think they have anything like that from google site searches. I also imagine the Finders name is a media or police name for them.
It's asking a bit too much, I just wouldn't mind reading about any investigation into them from an intelligence agency.
n/a RebelliousSkoundrel 2017-01-18
I'll keep you posted. Will try member names
n/a confusedashell66 2017-01-18
No worries had a look myself couldn't find anything. Just kept searching everything I could think of for about an hour lol. The Remote viewing stuff on another thread looks interesting.
n/a confusedashell66 2017-01-18
Some interesting stuff but those were not released this year or in the new dump.
n/a RebelliousSkoundrel 2017-01-18
I'll keep you posted. Will try member names