If pizzagate is truly nothing, then this is how you make it go away.

167  2017-01-18 by Tunderbar1

Have a full and impartial investigation and report the full and detailed methodology and results.

Otherwise, it's not going away.


Investigate what? Which side of the subject are you referring to?

Investigate those damn handkerchiefs and pizza-related maps. Maybe even the 60.000$ worth of "hot dogs" that they flew in to the White House.

You didn't hear about that event? It was in celebration of 8 years of honest leadership. It was delicious.


Get in line behind 9/11.

They at least claimed there was a formal investigation.

But only after a year or more of the people demanding it

LOL.. he's got a point

We need a kid who wasn't eaten to come forward. However I hear the floor at Buck's Bait & Tackle is big enough to flush away a lot of evidence at once.

But you know, as far as investigations go, people have their comfortable lives full of televised singing competitions and they don't want to think about the suffering of others. That would require empathy, which is "hard." So the dead roll away unrevenged because meeeeh I done wannaaaaa. Mmm hmmph hmmph.

Thats an impression of an adult male father of two, by the way. In case I wasn't clear.

Cathy O'brien has come forward. Who knows if her claims are correct, but it warrants an investigation

Yeah. But once you mention her they immediately call her unreliable cause she's said some crazy things. You can't win with those folks. Skepticism is healthy but what they seem to keep doing is masturbate over how skeptic they are. Lol.

I totally agree, gullibility is a far better quality in a person than skepticism!

How dare those people ask question upon question, when there's an agenda they should just accept right in front of them. They have to be either government shills or pedophiliac supporters, why else ask those damn questions, it's not like anyone is saying anything happened, so why won't these goddamn people don't just accept PG once and for all.

I thought masturbating was supposed to feel good, having a rational discussion about PG is more akin to banging your head into a wall.

Fair point, but people didn't believe the first Bill Cosby accuser either.

Tipping points are hard to predict, but they are there. And once it tips over, it all completely changes. Completely...

If there is indeed witnesses I don't think any will come forward until there is a swell of public attention and support. If the media get behind the story they might provide an atmosphere of safety for wistleblowers and witnesses. Until then we aren't likely to hear from people who might mysteriously commit suicide.

Which of the multiple diversions do you investigate? You don't just sent out a prosecutor who can investigate anything he wants to. Specifically, what ONE item do you investigate that doesn't depend on the multiple threads to make sense?

Explain the 60,000 hot dog party. Find names of who attended who supplied food.

Find the location of the Hawaii hot dog stand.

Investigate the "farm" that mysteriously closed down. The one where the 5, 7 and 11 year old were used as "entertainment" for the hot tub. And after "the clothes came off" one was "rubbing Pedosta's nose at 5:30am"

Investigate the basement Alf lied about.

Investigate the person on cam at CPP that said they killed a baby.

Investigate the museum location and find the "kill room" (their hashtag)

Investigate the hidden bunker in Pedosta's house that has "art" to vile for public display. (Note: his brother has serial killer art proudly displayed)

The list goes on and on. There needs to be a logical explanation for each of these. And also someone needs to check that secret room behind the back bar area where a women saw children being huddled by.

That's not one item. Reputable law enforcement officials - also knowsn as non-internet investigators - can't just investigate anything they fucking like in a wide blanket like that. Pick ONE. You have to pick ONE to make the case. The problem is that you NEED all of that list just to make your case.

All right, I'll bite.

Let's just do the hot dog one. That's taxpayer money, so there should be a paper trail. And it's false on its face - you can't bring outside food into the White House. So - what exactly is being discussed?

How does food get to the White House then? On the surface, it's not as suspicious as you make it look. There are catered events held at the White House.

I'll bite. This is a specific catered event. $65k for hot dogs specific.

The specific Podesta email says flying in from Chicago. Here's your first mistake, you're not factoring in transport or refrigeration costs. Just the cost of trucking items across states is expensive, much less flying them in. You're looking at transit to the airport in a climate controlled vehicle, transport in either a climate controlled cargo plane or chartered plane. Not everything is eligible for Amazon Prime you know.

Now: * How many hot dogs are there? * How much did the purchase cost for the base supplies? * What kind of schedule are they on? * Who's handling them from the shipper to the airport and from the airport to the White House? * Are they sending someone to prepare them? Is this a party being carried out by a specific restaurant? Chicago is serious about their dogs, it's why it's a regional specialty. If yes, that just increases the cost.

As you can (hopefully) see, you're making something more sinister than it perhaps needs to be made.

Despite what was said earlier in the thread - there are NOT catered White House events.


No one is shipping hot dogs from Chicago to the White House. The food is prepared on-site from pre-approved suppliers - so it couldn't have been prepared in Chicago and shipped to the White House.

The food is prepared on-site from pre-approved suppliers - so it couldn't have been prepared in Chicago and shipped to the White House.

Because you now know who the pre-approved suppliers are now, and that none of them sent the raw ingredients, of course. You're making fucking leaps in logic again.

I don't. No one does. But I highly doubt that they have a raw hotdog supplier on call from Chicago. Even still - $65K?

There's just no way. Those suppliers would be preferential, for sure - the White House is not paying retail prices. And even taking into account shipping/etc - which should be factored in to their regular supply network - $65K is not a party-sized amount of hot dog meat.

$65K is not a party-sized amount of hot dog meat.

If he used outside kitchen staff, perhaps we can assume that they got payed? Maybe the white house kitchen pays above your usual hotdog vendor pay level, but still at that price, it must have been a pretty well staffed event, with some top of the line sausages.

But there's still a very, very long leap from overpriced hotdogs, to pedophilia partys

Even if he did - which he have zero evidence of - $65K is still an enormous amount for a single party.

And it's just one link in the chain...this, alone, is very suspicious. Throw it in with the rest, and something is going on.

How is it this hotdog party is connected to the big picture?

It's from Podesta's e-mails, and it seems to fit the pattern of a pedophilia ring operating at high government levels. The weird code words, the unlikely phrasing, the money, etc.

ahh okay, thank you for the answer

Problem is that is has to be thrown in with the rest before it even looks suspicious, and you know burden of proof and yada yada - No one has to convince anyone that PG is not a thing, the burden of proof is on the people trying to convince anyone, without doubt, that a crime has been committed.

If you had an actual crime, then maybe it would make sense to look at the conjecture, and to speculate. But you need a crime, to have a big picture, in which you can then observe the details. Otherwise how can you know that the so-called pieces are supposed to fit together?

Not really - that's not how crime are investigated.

There is a complaint. Then there is collection of evidence.

Here's a complaint. There is definitely circumstantial evidence. It's worth investigating.

You said it yourself - how crime is investigated

There is a complaint.

Of a specific crime - What is the specific crime in PG?

Then there is collection of evidence.

Collect evidence of what? From where? On suspicion of which specific crime?

I'm not trying to sound like a broken record with the "specific crime" thing, but that just doesn't change. Just consider how much circumstantial evidence you would be able to connect pretty much any person to, if anyone ever considered you creepy, that is circumstantial evidence too, but without a crime, it's not really evidence of anything other than that person perceiving you as creepy, not even evidence of any actual creepiness in your person

Further, if Obama wants to fly the kitchen staff from his favorite Chicago Dog restaurant in to make hot dogs, he's fully entitled to do that. He can request any chef he wants.

You sure? I really doubt he can just fly any Joe Schmo into the White House and give him/her access to the kitchen. That would defeat the purpose of having security clearances.

Cite your source, please.

These are vetted celebrity chefs - not someone just flown in from Chicago. The ingredients, moreover, have to come from the White House procurement system.

"Hey Bob, move those goalposts down the field some more!"

I mean, having a celebrity on the lawn to cook a special meal for a photo-op is worlds different than having a $65K catered hot dog party, don't you think?

And that number is still absurd - you really believe this?

you really believe this?

You really believe it's code for a secret pedo ring running out of a pizza place and an office in DC? I think that's equally as absurd, so we're at an impasse here.


It's not unprecedented. Pedo rings have been found at the highest levels of British government, in the Vatican, among the Republican leadership, and in Hollywood. Why would the Democratic leadership be any different?

What if Republicans were suddenly implicated, including the president-elect, who is a good friend of Jeff Epstein too? Would you be as intent on the pursuit then?

Sure. Pedophilia is pedophilia. I'd support throwing Trump/Clinton/Bernie/whomever in jail over it.

Thing is, the implication right now is that one of Hillary's top men is involved in it. I'm not sure why you're defending it so hard, to be honest. It doesn't seem bizarre to you? The puzzle pieces don't seem to be fitting together?

If you have information on Trump, definitely release it.

The puzzle pieces don't seem to be fitting together?

Only if you use that infographic from /pol/ - without it, absolutely not.

C'mon now - this hot dog thing ALONE should give you cause for consideration. The rest is icing on the cake.

Put it this way - there's definitely enough circumstantial evidence for someone to ask questions. Like, real ones. They likely aren't being asked because of the connections these people have.

If there's a chance that this IS happening and IS real...why not investigate?

How is the hot dog thing suspicious without the other information that you can't prove is related to that, though? You're still making the mistake of trying to prove it by using multiple bits of circumstantial evidence, since none of them are strong enough to stand on it's own. If you do investigate one and find nothing there, it kills the investigation of the other parts, since the house of cards starts falling in on itself.

The money. That is an insane amount of money, even for a catered white house event.

The e-mail itself doesn't really sound like they're discussing catering, does it?

Add it to the rest...and I'm surprised anyone could deny that something shady is going on.

I'm still waiting for evidence of the ribs thing. You, anonymous internet man, knowing another guy and him telling you he totally shipped ribs to the White House isn't cutting it. Bizarre, too, that here you are, defending accused pedophiles, and you ALSO happen to be a friend of the guy that runs Bill Clinton's favorite rib joint.

Note that the Clinton White House had ribs from McClard's in Arkansas flown in as well.

Show me where they were flown to the White House?

I personally know the owner Scott, he said he shipped racks to the White House when Clinton was in office. He's not the kind of person who exaggerates or makes things up.

No way we can prove this...I think Scott might have been lying to you. In the BEST CASE scenario, that was allowed before 9/11...but it is not now.

So we're still left with a weird e-mail describing a $65K hot dog party. Do we have pictures of it? Anything? You'd think something like that would be documented, with a guest list, probably a press presence, etc.

But it could also explain the unreasonably high price - if they had to pay for a bunch of extra clearances.

You picked the one that has nothing to do with Pizzagate?

It doesn't? This isn't a Podesta e-mail thing?

Fuck no. It was released in the Stratfor dump years ago.

Let's just do the hot dog one. That's taxpayer money, so there should be a paper trail. And it's false on its face - you can't bring outside food into the White House. So - what exactly is being discussed?

First of all, this is an intra-office email in Stratfor. It has nothing to do with Podesta or Clinton. Fred Burton of Stratfor said "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago." He's not claiming to have any special, inside knowledge, so he is probably referring to something in the news. The email was in May 2009. Just a few weeks earlier, there was a very minor kerfuffle about Obama flying in Pizza. Though the pizza had Chicago-themed names, it was actually from St. Louis, which made some Chicago pizzerias mad.

Some right-wing bloggers and a few in the media tried to stir up anger at Obama for extravagance or wasting taxpayers' money, but it turned out that no taxpayer money was used to fly the food out.

The pizzeria brought dough and sauce with them, but the pizzas were prepared in the White House kitchen, supervised by the White House chefs. So I guess that fits within the rules.

Some tweets about it:

More tweets: twitter search: obama pizza since:2009-03-27 until:2009-04-19

Full coverage from St. Louis:

This doesn't really solve my core problem, though - the money. That's an obscene amount of money for hot dogs - and was there any coverage of this pizza party? Photos, anyone there, press, etc?

He is also claiming inside knowledge - assuming we use the same channels, which was left off of your summary.

The guy who wrote the email was just talking off the top of his head. It's not a published report, it's not insider knowledge, it's just people in an office joking about food.

How do you know this?

Check out my reply to the user above (I link to another user/thread, BTW). They did a pretty good job putting the email writer's comments into context:


Explain the 60,000 hot dog party. Find names of who attended who supplied food.

See other reply.

Find the location of the Hawaii hot dog stand.

There is no hot dog stand. Running a hot dog stand was John Podesta's humorous idea of a low-stress job that he would get after being Chief of Staff. For example, in this July 2000 article, Tony Podesta says that John 'often says--in a voice that seems only half-joking--his biggest goal after the White House is to run a hot-dog stand in Hawaii. Even that might prove too stressful for a presidential chief of staff already getting the feel of beach sand in his toes. His true goal, Tony Podesta speculated, is to run "a crazy T-shirt store on the Big Island."'

Investigate the "farm" that mysteriously closed down. The one where the 5, 7 and 11 year old were used as "entertainment" for the hot tub. And after "the clothes came off" one was "rubbing Pedosta's nose at 5:30am"

I haven't heard about any farm "mysteriously" closing down. The farm is Tamera Luzzatto's house in the country. She does mention growing lettuce and herbs in one email. The nose getting rubbed was Tamera's. All the people mentioned as being at the farm in that email are Tamera's husband, her children (or stepchildren), their spouses, and Tamera's grandchildren. What would there be to investigate?

The other event was an annual gathering of friends, mostly married couples in their mid-50s. There's no sign of anything illegal there, either, unless you have a sick, sick imagination.

Investigate the basement Alf lied about.

You mean the basement where the canned tomatoes are kept? That's in his other restaurant, as he mentioned in this 2013 article: "Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the basement at Buck's Fishing & Camping, Alefantis' other restaurant nearby."

Investigate the person on cam at CPP that said they killed a baby.

I haven't heard about that.

Investigate the museum location and find the "kill room" (their hashtag)

Investigate what about them? One is a walk-in cooler, of which there are hundreds of in Washington, D.C. There's nothing illegal about them. The "museum" doesn't appear to be a museum, but there's also no sign of anything illegal there.

I remember when people were talking about how suspicious it was that Alefantis was digging "tunnels" in the basement of Comet Ping Pong without a permit. Of course, it turns out that the digging was somewhere else, so some other story has to be made up about how nefarious it is.

Investigate the hidden bunker in Pedosta's house that has "art" to vile for public display. (Note: his brother has serial killer art proudly displayed)

The basement has a room that can be used to display multi-screen videos. The Hirshhorn Museum in Washington has one, too. Here's an example video. Maybe not great art, bu that's hardly a crime. It's not a "hidden bunker", it was seen in The Washington Post

If, by "serial killer art", you mean Louise Bourgeois’ The Arch of Hysteria, that has nothing to do with Jeffrey Dahmer. It's a well-known work—another copy is in the National Gallery of Canada.

Explain the 60,000 hot dog party. Find names of who attended who supplied food.

In addition to what others have stated as far as Obama's criticisms for frivolous spending on pizza at the time, there is more context with regards to the author.

TL;DR, The email's writer hates Obama and is making a baseless accusations in private. He has no inside knowledge of Obama's dealings and was most likely regurgitating some bullshit/talking point he heard, exaggerating, joking, or making it up from whole cloth.


Explain the $60,000 hot dog party.

Here is the explanation: some random guy who votes Republican saw a random blog post shared on Facebook about how OBUMMER was WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY on such FRIVOLITIES as PARTIES with CATERING, and referenced that blog post in an email to coworkers. It was never based in fact. It was just a partisan talking-point that got circulated among some dude's friends and co-workers.

Here are some other instances of the same guy talking about Obama in other emails:

The only people who want it to go away are the users of this sub that are tired of seeing it, most people and law enforcement couldn't give two shits what you guys post here and on voat, they don't care if it stays forever or ends tomorrow.

most people and law enforcement couldn't give two shits

That may be true in the United States, or at least in parts of the Clinton Archipelago. That doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't give a shit. Not everyone is a member of the "club".

The rest of the world gives even less of a shit than Americans do.

Well, they may not give a shit about American kids, but I'm pretty sure that most people around the world care about their own.

Caring about your kids doesn't correlate to caring about pizzagate, most people don't believe it so they don't fear that their kids will be a part of it.

I think you might be confusing posting on reddit for caring.

There are actually a hell of a lot of people around the world fighting against human trafficking and trying to better the conditions for actual children who have been victims of crimes.

If pizzagaters are so full of sympathy towards child suffering, there are countless of posibilities for volunteer work or donations for the more lazily-inclined, that can help actual real children in trouble.

Pizzagate is about something that affects millions - maybe billions - of people. Most of the people who are getting their hopes up about pizzagate blowing wide open, are looking for the truth about the way the world operates, and the protection for the little guy from the depredations of the well-connected and the powerful.

Personally, when I think about charity, or "heroism" in the fight against [fill-in-your-injustice], it leaves me feeling weak and hollow. Why? Because I know that no matter what we do to cut down on one of the symptoms of evil in our world, it's only going to spring up somewhere else. (Have you ever fought weeds?)

It's good that some people do the necessary work of fighting particular injustices. Most of the "pizzagaters" aren't in a position in life where they can. But they're not stupid. A lot of them see the big picture.

It's good that some people do the necessary work of fighting particular injustices. Most of the "pizzagaters" aren't in a position in life where they can.

But don't you think that someone should be fighting the particular injustice of either pedophilia or satanism witch hunts.

I have and would never discourage anyone from educating themselves, or seeking their perceived truth, I think most people misunderstands my message, when i'm asking the questions that i do.

I think every question should be allowed to be asked, and every angle examined, not just the ones that confirm what is believed is the big picture.

Many pizzagaters do appear to see a big picture, yes - but is that the same thing as seeing the big picture, or asked the other way around - how can we even know that there is one unified big picture in this thing at all?

And if that was the case - wouldn't the best way to try and confirm if the thing you believe to be true, is actually true - to actually have it pass some kind of falsification? - like trying to prove that an actual crime have happened, instead of doing it the other way around, where it's the doubters that have to prove that nothing happened?

Too bad PG wasn't allowed to have their own sub, Then there would probably be a lot less of those trolling, shilling, jackasses like me come in and ruin the whole narrative by asking all our dumb questions.

I just really don't get is why PG-supporters actually want this to get investigated by the police and to get MSM attention, when they aren't prepared for anyone asking questions. Do they really just expect anyone to just accept the narrative without any further examination? - If the point is truth-seeking, it just seems kinda misguided too.

Well being as it's a worldwide investigation I can quite confidently say that the rest of the world does care. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, people are beginning to understand that.

You're delusional if you think most people believe pizza gate is true, most people don't even know what it is.

I never said anything about whether people believe it or not I'm just stating the fact that it's a worldwide investigation, therefore people do care, regardless of their beliefs.

If people don't believe pizzagate is a thing they won't care about it. People care about child trafficking, people don't care about pizzagate, most don't even know what it is.

Pizzagate is about child trafficking. Look if it's trending worldwide online or was then obviously enough people are aware of at least the basic details behind it. Just because in your reality people around you don't know about it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't know either. I'm just stating facts and you're trying to shit talk your way into believing nobody knows or cares about pizzagate.

Obviously it's about child trafficking, but they're not synonymous, regardless of how hard they try to connect every big case to the pizzagate name.

And no, it's not widely known nor has it ever been trending outside of reddit, voat, and 4chan. Most people don't know about it or don't believe it, you're delusional if you think it's a common topic.

The only people who want it to go away are the users of this sub that are tired of seeing it,

I've never seen a regular user here saying they are "tired of seeing it".

The people who are discouraging discussion, like you are now, always seem to make it obvious that they're outsiders. Like you just did by referring to us here as "you guys".

I've seen plenty say it, and I'm referring to pizzagaters as "you guys", obviously I'm not a member of that group. Then we're told we're outsiders or not true conspiracy theorists or whatever because we don't believe it.

Investigate what, exactly? An investigation requires actual evidence, otherwise you're spending money and time on something completely unsubstantiated. On top of that, you give credence to the claims in the eyes of the public, which, without proper evidence, could ruin the lives of those involved for no good reason.

Police claim they investigated. Someone FOIAs and zero files. Aka: sorry classified. National security.

That was debunked. They investigated it and found there was nothing to investigate.

Quick investigation eh, usually it takes years to build up a case i thought

Yeah cuz pedophilia is such a minor thing eg.

I don't recall claiming that, no. Mine quoting where I said that?

Maybe we ought to stop wasting resources to investigate murders. We might ruin the murderers day.

Oh look, putting more words in my mouth. How about you actually address what I said instead of being childish?

How about you not present ridiculous bs to justify the evasion of a proper investigation?

I don't remember doing that either. I think you're responding to the wrong person mate.

Now you're just trolling.

It appears that you are mistaking a proper investigation, for an illegal one

The only thing people in here are arguing against would be an illegal investigation.

Why do you consider an illegal investigation of anyone anything you would even want to argue for? - I'm actually really curious about this, why is it so important to get this guy investigated, that makes it so important that his rights, or the law don't even matter anymore? And if the law isn't important, why even care about a legal investigation anyway?

No one is advocating anything illegal here, including illegal investigations. When we call for an investigation, we are calling for an investigation by the proper and correct and legal authorities.

Where on earth are you getting this shit from?

You really are stretching your argument there buddy.

Why would you be advocating that potentially illegal activities NOT be investigated by the proper authorities?

2 month old account, 58 comment karma, all comments opposing anything having to do with pizzagate. Nothing suspicious there dude.

Since you're checking out my posting history, i encourage you to actually read the post where i address why this is - But of course, why not just assume suspicious activity when there's an answer right in front of you. I made this account especially for discussing PG-related stuff, since i don't want to risk getting doxxed from personal info on my regular account or to get that account spammed with hatemail from pizzagate-tards.
Try actually taking a critical look at what i am actually writing in the posts where i argue against this crap, and figure out why i'm doing it.

Why can't your ridiculous narrative not handle if people ask questions? What do you actually suggest is my agenda?

Why would you be advocating that potentially illegal activities NOT be investigated by the proper authorities?

Because if it was so, pretty much anything could be made out to look like potential illegal activity, a simple and perfect way to use tax-dollars for taking out your enemies, and people you just generally don't like.

Who do you even suggest is the proper authority to investigate?

Start with local police and sex crime units. Then go form there.

You're just trolling. I'm done with you.

You're just trolling. I'm done with you.

My words back to you, dumbass

And why not start a murder investigation into anyone who likes artwork depicting dead people, cause that's definitely evidence that they're involved in something with dead people, right?

Or why not just investigate anyone who seems like a murderer, and hasn't been truthful about their basement either, even though no one has been murdered, just cause otherwise how would you explain how anyone can seem like a murderer and not be? Especially if they haven't been truthful about their basement?

Add up enough circumstantial evidence like puzzagate, and add in it the possibility of serial sex abuse and murder of children, at least a due diligence investigation should be done.

Again. If There is nothing to it, the suspects should be asking to be cleared.

Why exactly? You shouldn't have to add in things to make a crime a crime, either there has to be suspicion about a concrete law that has been broken, or there is nothing to come after.

And no, the "suspects" are presumed innocent until proven otherwise, so there isn't really anything to clear them off - the burden of proof is never on the suspects, because it's impossible to prove that you didn't do anything. So the burden of proof is always on the accusing part when solving and proving crimes.

No one has to prove their innocence, but someone must at least be able prove the suspicion of a law that has been broken. It's really quite simple - what law do you suggest has been broken? and why do you think that? - If anyone can give plausible answers to these two questions, well then there isn't really any talking against it anymore, but still no one will come up with an answer that actually takes the law and the boundaries that the police work under, under consideration.

Why exactly? You shouldn't have to add in things to make a crime a crime, either there has to be suspicion about a concrete law that has been broken, or there is nothing to come after.

That is the purpose of an investigation. To determine if a law was broken.

Your arguments do not hold any water whatsoever, so I'm assuming you're just here to troll.

What law???

Any law, you jackass.

Ehh okay, if you didn't wanna talk anymore, you could just stop answering my posts, no reason to get unpleasant about it!

Exactly, and it stinks so far away of some kind of agenda-pushing!

Why the hell do people claim to care so damn much about some non-existing children, but on the other hand there's noo way anyone would imagine giving the pizza guy some benefit of doubt.

No way is anyone even gonna consider what the consequences of this witch-hunt could be if it turned out pg wasn't true. Nah, because if anything should happen, it has to be the governments fault or responsibility - i sure as hell ain't morally responsible for whatever i write online, because pedophilia!

Thank you. I've seen what rape/pedophilia accusations can do to people, even when completely unsubstantiated. Flinging accusations at people without considering consequences is just so naive and fucked up.

And it's not like society in general has any shortage of victims of child abuse and human trafficking, in case anyone really wanted to reach out and help someone that had been wronged by such a crime. So pg doesn't really seem to be about honest sympathy.

It seems be some kind of government or marketing experiment, perhaps to see how easy it would be to get people to sign away their own legal rights? Or some other nefarious stuff drawing all the flys to the honey - But apparently speculating about things like that when PG-related, it will usually be called out as nothing to see, not worth discussing, walk away - am i the only one who considers that just a little weird, especially considering this is a conspiracy sub.

Don't forget about the timing of introduction (right around Comey's letter, really took off afterwards,) which had been preceded by Eric Prince (Blackwater, Betsy DeVos's sister) going on Breitbart claiming these "new emails" had proof of all this horrible stuff, proof that everyone's Clinton fears were totally true in the worst way, mentions Epstein and alludes to pedophilia, then the emails are said to be duplicates of no relevant investigative value whatsoever. Pizzagate has been maintained, and if you are a high-level Hillary/government/scary elites basher there's a good chance you're posting about it on facebook. Did the Podesta emails present anything questionable besides this interpretive fairy tale? The notion is so nightmarish it has strong legs, and the longer it isn't taken seriously by the scary TPTB the more it feels true, etc.

Besides all that, nobody cares if the theory hurts anyone in the real world--small price to pay when the lives of innocent children are potentially at risk, I guess. Probably assume they deserve it anyway.

Besides all that, nobody cares if the theory hurts anyone in the real world

Hopefully nobody in real life has been as damaged from PG as this poor sub has.
I wouldn't never have thought i would one day come to miss all the tinfoilhat's-been-on-too-long, ancient aliens, ufo and masonry-stuff, but lately it's seems that more than 2 out of 3 posts are about pizzagate (and the ones that aren't are usually about either trump or hillary).

If someone can credibly explain the hot dog e-mail, I'm satisfied.

That's a lot of money, and outside food is not permitted in the White House. If that one thing can be explained, it would help a lot.

Crazy ridiculous overspending of tax-dollars by the political elite?

Wouldn't you think that kids flown in and prepared as meals, might cost a hell of a lot more than 65k? I don't know, but somehow i would've thought it cost more considering the size of the wallets and bank accounts of the people supposedly involved.

It's not a lot of money. Maybe to you and me, but in the world of corporate and government spending, it is chump change.

My company routinely spends $5-10K on teambuilding events that don't even include alcohol. A recent event at Top Golf cost almost $7k for a one hour team meeting, followed by two hours of golf and buffet lunch (no booze). That was for only 60 fucking people, and nobody had to fly in the goddamned help.

Our yearly Christmas party (held in a local hotel ballroom with several hundred people and an open bar) exceeds $10K by orders of magnitude. I'd say that $65K for an authentic Chicago pizza and hotdog party at the White House is a fucking steal.

Finally, there is zero evidence that taxpayer funds were used for any of this, and the copious links that the other dude provided you with above seem to make that abundantly clear.

It's a random Stratfor employee complaining about Obama "wasting taxpayers money". If you look at the leaked emails from that same person, it's clear that he's a Republican who hates Obama.

Using that email as evidence is basically like using a comment on r/the_donald as evidence that Obama's a Muslim.

Investigations are for collecting evidence, not reacting to evidence...

Again. In order to start an investigation, you have to have a real reason to do so, otherwise you waste time and money and potentially victimize an innocent party.

There's plenty reason to start an investigation. Investigations have been started for less.

What reason do they have, exactly?

Do the research yourself, it's all pretty well documented.

I've done the research. There is nothing worth investigation.

Oh, okay then. Case closed!

It was never opened, because there's not enough evidence to warrant an investigation. That's my point.

Oh, okay then. Case closed!

What should be collected, how would you determine what is evidence and what isn't without any crime to connect it too?

A knife is not suspicious, unless it might be considered a murder weapon, but it wouldn't be without a murder.

If the police knocked at your door, and asked if they could investigate your place, would you just let them in? Would you do it then if they told you they were doing it because of rumors about you of pedophilia they read online? So that would be most likely be the end of that investigation, since the pizzaguy has pretty much the same legal rights as you would have in that situation.

If the evidence circulating online were about me, there would absolutely be an investigation underway, especially if I were an influential Republican.

Ignoring the question though!

It wasn't about whether or not there would be an investigation. It was about whether or not you would let them into your home to collect evidence, on no other basis than internet rumors about your supposed pedophilia and crimes involving that?

Please just answer that question, and not some question i didn't ask

Quick question to the skeptics:

Can you name one (1) other topic in recent history (let's say since the year 2000) that has been as aggressively censored as pizzagate?

Mainstream media won't touch it. They created a whole new term (fake news) to discredit it because the old CIA Conspiracy Theoroo wasn't enough (if you think that isn't true, name the dates that a) the term fake news was first used in the media, and b) the term pizzagate was first trending on twitter). Subreddit was taken down. I believe there was something about an image hosting site removing the content (or something). CONSTANT dismissals in countless threads that all follow the same pattern: there's no evidence, no one has come forward, everyone in this sub is crazy now.

If it's really fake, they wouldn't be fighting it so hard.

Sources on the censorship? Source on MSM creating the term "fake news" specifically for Pizzagate?

Can you name one (1) other topic in recent history (let's say since the year 2000) that has been as aggressively censored as pizzagate?

I reckon most made up wild stories are by default 'censored' in the sense that they aren't covered. Aliens for example. Take any issue with basically no evidence and a fervent fanbase and they likely feel that they're being censored when really there's no legitimate news to report.

Mainstream media won't touch it.

already did, some of it even addressed the basic points of pizzagate. Not to mention heavily mainstream breitbart and infowars (which are more popular than multiple "mainstream news") reporters trying to push it to the mainstream.

The only legit news on pizzagate are the people who've been driven to breaking by it, like the comet ping pong guy who fired a round off inside but was immediately dismissed by the entire pizzagate crowd as an inside agent / false flag because he worked as an actor So there you have it, when something actually happens in MSM you just ignore and and claim you're being censored when really you don't like to see an outside perspective of this mess.

Subreddit was taken down.

Because of legal pressure and breaking the rules of reddit, pizzagate is actively attempting to ruin someone's life and business over rumor and hearsay so this should've been expected.

CONSTANT dismissals in countless threads that all follow the same pattern: there's no evidence, no one has come forward

uh yeah, that is the most responsible, most legitimate response to allegations that have no victim and no hard evidence. You try to make it sound like that's some kind of attack designed to undermine a legitimate conspiracy, but it's the only rational response.

I've seen these answered over and over by the way, so you're simply not paying attention to the rightful skepticism of pizzagate. You can go as far back to the beginning of the pizzagate threads and find critiques of pizzagate. sort by controversial sometimes.

WHOA hey hold up one second!

I reckon most made up wild stories are by default 'censored' in the sense that they aren't covered. Aliens for example.

Are you trying to say that aliens are a made up story! So what brought you to r/conspiracy today? Keep looking around, you might learn a few things..

I love when these folks say things like this that immediately make it obvious that they're an outsider coming in here to attempt to keep us from discussing certain things.

uh yeah, that is the most responsible, most legitimate response to allegations that have no victim and no hard evidence

Right, the most responsible thing to do when there are allegations of possible child abuse, torture, murder, and slavery on an international level is to ignore it.

Especially when GB had a similar pedophilia scandal come out in 2014, and the Vatican has been diddlin boys for decades if not longer.

Can you name one (1) other topic in recent history (let's say since the year 2000) that has been as aggressively censored as pizzagate?

I experienced heavy push back from shills who didn't appreciate me calling attention to the exit polls in the 2016 Democratic Presidential primaries. See, in about a dozen states, the exit poll results show OBVIOUS evidence of election fraud with the most egregious instances suggesting over 10% of votes were tampered with to Clinton's benefit. The shill mods in r/politics and r/sandersforpresident even banned me discussing these exit polls. I'd say that topic was similarly censored and corporate media outlets also went out of their way to claim it was debunked by releasing articles that lied and said exit polls being VERY off from reported results was nothing to be worried about. I mean, the corporate media wouldn't even cover the fraud that Wikileaks exposed, they were never going to cover the exit polls that showed votes being hacked.

Just a thought, but people could start in their home towns. This scandal is not only at one location. It seems that there are many people, on this site, that are wealthy, and smart. They are the ones who could stop this. As it is, child trafficking news is a broken record.

9/11 went away... Millions of people believe it was an inside job, but as long as the media never admits to it, they get away with it.

All this generation can do is teach it's children that mainstream media is owned, and censored to promote the agendas of the rich and powerful sadists.

Wow CTR is on full gear here. Hi guys!

Thank you. I've seen what rape/pedophilia accusations can do to people, even when completely unsubstantiated. Flinging accusations at people without considering consequences is just so naive and fucked up.

How does food get to the White House then? On the surface, it's not as suspicious as you make it look. There are catered events held at the White House.

You picked the one that has nothing to do with Pizzagate?

Yeah. But once you mention her they immediately call her unreliable cause she's said some crazy things. You can't win with those folks. Skepticism is healthy but what they seem to keep doing is masturbate over how skeptic they are. Lol.

These are vetted celebrity chefs - not someone just flown in from Chicago. The ingredients, moreover, have to come from the White House procurement system.

Let's just do the hot dog one. That's taxpayer money, so there should be a paper trail. And it's false on its face - you can't bring outside food into the White House. So - what exactly is being discussed?

First of all, this is an intra-office email in Stratfor. It has nothing to do with Podesta or Clinton. Fred Burton of Stratfor said "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago." He's not claiming to have any special, inside knowledge, so he is probably referring to something in the news. The email was in May 2009. Just a few weeks earlier, there was a very minor kerfuffle about Obama flying in Pizza. Though the pizza had Chicago-themed names, it was actually from St. Louis, which made some Chicago pizzerias mad.

Some right-wing bloggers and a few in the media tried to stir up anger at Obama for extravagance or wasting taxpayers' money, but it turned out that no taxpayer money was used to fly the food out.

The pizzeria brought dough and sauce with them, but the pizzas were prepared in the White House kitchen, supervised by the White House chefs. So I guess that fits within the rules.

Some tweets about it:

More tweets: twitter search: obama pizza since:2009-03-27 until:2009-04-19

Full coverage from St. Louis:

Don't forget about the timing of introduction (right around Comey's letter, really took off afterwards,) which had been preceded by Eric Prince (Blackwater, Betsy DeVos's sister) going on Breitbart claiming these "new emails" had proof of all this horrible stuff, proof that everyone's Clinton fears were totally true in the worst way, mentions Epstein and alludes to pedophilia, then the emails are said to be duplicates of no relevant investigative value whatsoever. Pizzagate has been maintained, and if you are a high-level Hillary/government/scary elites basher there's a good chance you're posting about it on facebook. Did the Podesta emails present anything questionable besides this interpretive fairy tale? The notion is so nightmarish it has strong legs, and the longer it isn't taken seriously by the scary TPTB the more it feels true, etc.

Besides all that, nobody cares if the theory hurts anyone in the real world--small price to pay when the lives of innocent children are potentially at risk, I guess. Probably assume they deserve it anyway.

Add up enough circumstantial evidence like puzzagate, and add in it the possibility of serial sex abuse and murder of children, at least a due diligence investigation should be done.

Again. If There is nothing to it, the suspects should be asking to be cleared.

Pizzagate is about child trafficking. Look if it's trending worldwide online or was then obviously enough people are aware of at least the basic details behind it. Just because in your reality people around you don't know about it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't know either. I'm just stating facts and you're trying to shit talk your way into believing nobody knows or cares about pizzagate.