Trump met with Russian oligarch Rybolovlev on Nov 3rd 2016, week before election. Why?

2825  2017-01-18 by pb2crazy



Great post, unfortunately you won't get any answers here since /r/conspiracy has become a safe space for Trump astroturf. I'll be pleasantly surprised if this get more than 30 upvotes.

It got my upvote.

This is a stupid thing to say. This subreddit is the most bipartisan subreddit on the site because its the one place outside of t_d where Trump supporters don't get shouted down.

Another small point of contention ...why does Pizzagate gets shit on for having nothing but circumstantial evidence, but this is ok when it is 100% circumstantial evidence? We at least need to be consistent.

Pizzagate is on the frontpage of this sub, what are you talking about "shit on"? And I am not deducing conclusions, I'm asking why.

Well I was responding to the other guy lambasting this sub as being T-D 2.0. I have no issue with your piece at all. Here is what I meant ... every Pizzagate thread on /r/conspiracy, there are many comments, sometimes even half of all comments, that are asking for solid "proof" and will not accept the conspiracy without that proof. Now we have a thread that asks an important question about Trump with nothing but circumstantial evidence. We need to treat either both as false until we get solid proof ..or both as conspiracies in the abscence of solid proof. My two cents.

Pizzagate is on the frontpage of this sub, what are you talking about "shit on"? And I am not deducing conclusions, I'm asking why.

There's different levels and kinds of circumstantial evidence. The "pizzagate" kind are different than the kind here.

Also this post is asking a broader question not trying to establish the existence of an underground pedophile ring.

Yes, it is asking a broader question, but it is also attempting to establish a meeting. The circumstantial evidence is strong here, similar to pizzagate i dont see the difference.

It's trying to establish that there was a meeting, but it's not jumping to the meeting actually being a satanic rape party or something ridiculous.

Now who's jumping to conclusion?

Because none of the circumstantial evidence in this case is in super secret code.

Yeah it's like you have to accept that pedophiles speak in pizza code which is something I've never seen evidence of in any other situation other than pizza gate

Is this sarcasm? Are you just assuming I would have a wealth of insider pedophile knowledge?

No sarcasm. I've never heard of pizza codes in any other pedo story.

Sorry. I've had some strange arguments in this subreddit.

That's a single piece of evidence. There's waaay more

There's waaaay more evidence of an infinite number of ridiculous untrue things if you don't immediately dismiss it.

super secret code

Totally. Pizzagate is like a real life Dan Brown novel but with dumber connections.

No, it will get upvoted. Same thing happened with the piss party a little while ago. Once it hits /r/all it will skyrocket because a lot of people hate Mango Mussolini. There issue here is y'all's mods. They're sucking Trump off so much that their shits mostly consists of orange jizz.

Actually I think the mods are pretty good, perhaps some of the best on reddit.

This is a conspiracy sub. The the post regarding the leaked Russian investigation was flaired as to discredit it and eventually removed, despite all the other conspiracies on here. That's a clear bias.

I'll agree that particular episode was very disappointing.

They were making a joke lol

That's because this isn't "baby's first conspiracy". People here recognize bullshit disinfo like that and we don't need fake news astroturf being peddled on our sub.

This is gold, so stupid shit like pizzagate is more of a "legit" conspiracy than a trusted ok intelligence officer coming up with a report that was important enough for US intelligence agencies to brief the president and president-elect? Meanwhile circumstantial bullshit gets passed around like it came from God's mouth because people talked to other people about pizza.

1 post about an obvious shit post being removed and r/all automatically assumes conspiracy is in trumps pocket. This shit is hilarious and pissgate has shown to be bullshit.

Kind of like pizzagate had been disproven multiple times over, the place didn't even have a basement but it was on the top of conspiracy for like 2 weeks? And you're saying this shit post should be removed? Lol

It's not my decision to have it removed, it was a bullshit buzz feed article which should have set off alarms in people's head. Buzz feed articles should be banned from posting on reddit.

I've been on here for a while and have seen its clearly got a Trump bias.

Well I've been on here a long time also and I really don't see a pro trump bias in here.

You must not be looking hard enough or youre looking through rose colored glasses because its all over.

Keep your crazy conspiracies to yourself. Oh wait..

You can't be serious.

he is, and don't call him shirley

One of them reversed a deleted post of mine yesterday after I calmly explained that I didn't break any rules, they just had poor reading comprehension. So, that impressed me a wee bit.

The fact mods tagged trumps piss post as "unverified" the only post ever to get that specific tag here and they stickied pizza gate for days just proves they have an agenda. They wont outright stop people from posting anti trump theories but if it's "damaging" enough they'll try to discredit it.

Didn't they end up deleting the thread too?

"Vote mainpulation"

Blows my mind since:

  1. It hit r/all

  2. Vote mainpulation is claimed here in every other thread on a daily basis. Never have I seen them take down a thread due to it, especially without evidence of brigading or bots or anything of the sort

also the past few years almost every post form here that hits /r/all and skyrockets has claims of brigading from users here, but not once have I seen those removed before.

Nope, never seen anything that wasn't spam, multi-posted, blatant trolling, or attacking this sub get removed. I've seen straight out debunked shit hit the top and it's tagged with "debunked" or something similar and left up for OP to be shamed until they delete it.

yeah ive def seen the tags before, I have seen some stuff taken off /r/new here but its more pretty blatant stuff breaking the rules.

There's literally a mod post now saying this post has been brigaded by politics.

well if the mods say so it must be true.

also what is it that the mods think brigading is? the post in the imgur photo they linked doesnt even link here, just has the same info lol.

I guess anything that brings people with a different narrative into their sub counts as a brigade.

everyday it becomes more and more obvious.

/r/conspiracy has become a conspiracy.

They removed that post, so yes they will stop people posting against their favorite politician.

I wonder what mods will tag this post with.



Can it be in Russian?

I'm leaving a small thought for you r/all and r/politics vertebrates on this thread.

May it be that you see Reddit as a sort of "Facebook for the more sophisticated", a beauty contest, something to signal identity to yourself and others?

People ingurgitate a bunch of words and factoids, learn how to regurgitate them, and are thus able to project a false image of erudition. Then they're given a degree that comforts their illusion. As time goes by they become increasingly mirred in their condition, as forming an original thought becomes increasingly risky (for their image could shatter). They'll repeat what they read in the NYT (or what other "intelligent" people say or write) because they believe it reinforces their signaled identity.

The socialization of higher education has produced hordes of people educated way beyond their intelligence. Every last moron has a vocabulary, and a degree, that grants him a pretention he formerly couldn't claim. Is it possible you belong to this configuration?

As with fashionistas wearing certain clothes/styles, or some guys with certain cars, you hold onto your opinions regardless of fact, logic or reason, for the simple reason you think they define who you are.

For example, you should know that if you still believe in aerobats throwing passports out of aircraft cabins and pulverizing 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum planes on 911, not only are you a nutter conspiracy theorist (worthy of no praise on this sub), not only do you hold the burden of proof for your crazy belief system, but you are on the wrong side of history.

Indeed you should be aware the ramblings you subject us to when you come visiting on this sub, parroting ad nauseam what the State tells you you have to say to appear intelligent, are decreasingly congruent with a signaled image of intelligence and erudition. My advice is keeping your belief system confined to Reddit, so as to avoid public embarrassment in real life.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 19629

/r/iamverysmart is a sub that exists.

I don't think we can tag in Cyrillic.

I do know the enoughtrumpspam sub has trump in Cyrillic, not sure how tags work though.

I'd ask them but they banned me.



Check now...I can't believe what they've flared this with AND stickied as a top comment. Ridiculous.

They deleted it.

Still says "r/all+r/politics brigading" for me on mobile and an imgur link to a screenshot of a user saying they came here from the politics thread. In the sticky post the mod uses that to say that people are openly admitting to coming here and brigading. The user literally only said he came to this thread because he saw it in politics. How in the hell is that admitting to brigading? This sub is a fucking joke compared to what it used to be.

Lol no it's not.

You can't disrupt discourse for shit and suck at it.

Can't wait till you CTR fucks are being executed in the street for treason. It'll be happening soon enough.

Haha, wow.

I reposted it. Is mentioning it on the very same subreddit, /r/conspiracy, also going to be considered "brigading" "artificially"?

Yo fam can you hit me with the text the mods deleted? I'm actually super interested in this.

Well now it isn't even showing up in r/all even thought it was there at the near top 10 minutes ago. It's funny how this could have already hit a downslope in trend right as it was hitting a real trend upwards. Funny.

"Mango Mussolini"

When Podesta goes to jail for child rape, will you drink your own piss?

I don't think one has to be true and the other false...

Why is it a problem is Trump met with a Russian oligarch? If he's president, what would Russia have against him that the democrats haven't already cried wolf over or accused him of?

And the demonization of Russia began before trump ever ran for president, so it's not as if the two are necessarily linked.

I meant Podesta with the pedophilia and Trump with Russians don't have to have only 1 being right and the other wrong. It's the way you phrased it that makes it sound like only 1 can be true.

Oh, sorry. Thx for patience.


this post is the reason why people will defend him instead of looking at evidence, instead of a rational discussion, you resort to petty insults and identity politics.

i think attacking the mods like that is bannable friend

"mango mussolini" rofl

Mango Mussolini.

omg thats gold

Mango Musollini? That's a new one and I like it

We're here. We've just been quiet. The silent majority, if you will.

Hijacking this comment for visibility.

Charlotte is NOT a "tiny" airport. In fact, it is the 6th busiest airport in the world:

Imagine how many other nefarious characters have inadvertently been at other airports at the same time Trump was there. OMG! LITERALLY HITLER! I'm saking so hard that I knocked the chicken tendies out of my mom's hand. I just can't take it anymore.

There have been murderers in New York the past month. Trump has been in New York. OMG! Trump is hiring these murders!!!! /s

I think murderers in New York are a lot more common than a Russian billionaire at an airport in good ol' North Carolina, yeah?

One that also has ties to Trump too.

I'm sure billionaires avoid busy airports. I would expect billionaires to use Greyhound.

Oh shut up and use your fucking shit of a brain you orange dick sucking retard:

  • Russian oligarch has past relationship with Trump

  • Russian dude at Charlotte on the same day as Trump

  • Russian dude has no recent history of flying into that airport

  • Russian dude has past dealings with Trump family in excess of 100+ million

...and you think these two wouldn't meet? How kuked are you sucking on that Trump cock. easily triggered you little snowflakes are.

I assume you think Loretta Lynch and Slick Wiliie just happened to meet in AZ to discuss the grandkids. Funny.

Let's assume they met. Does that somehow mean something evil is in the works? No.

You seem to live in a scary place if you believe that. I suggest getting some help for your mental illness before you hurt yourself or someone else.

Not to be that guy. But out of all that text, only one line was an attempt at a counter-point for his argument. The rest was you just spouting out immature fluff.

Like sucking orange dick?

Removed. Rule 4.

Read the post.

"tiny Charlotte, NC airport parking lot (tiny in comparison to Heathrow or LAX)"

The TARMAC they were on was TINY. They were ONE GATE away from each other. It doesn't really matter if this was Charlotte or Heathrow, because they were in a lot that had a low number of gates. SEE: THE MAP. Stop with the deflection and just admit that this is strange.

What do you make of all the Russia fear mongering?

Then your post should have said "a tiny parking lot at the Charlotte, NC airport" - instead you tried to sell your story by trying to convince the reader that Charlotte was a tiny airport.

That is what my post says right now, can you read?

Now it says [removed].

Exactly because it actually held some fucking weight. Why don't you question this very suspicious coincidence rather than worrying about OP's usage of the word tiny?

Read the post.

"tiny Charlotte, NC airport parking lot (tiny in comparison to Heathrow or LAX)"

The TARMAC they were on was TINY. They were ONE GATE away from each other. It doesn't really matter if this was Charlotte or Heathrow, because they were in a lot that had a low number of gates. SEE: THE MAP. Stop with the deflection and just admit that this is strange.

Not picking sides here since I have no dog in this fight (he could have been there for a majority of different reasons, coincidences happen), but you used quite a misleading source (nearly 5 years old so it's no longer relevant) to try and prove your point.

As of EoY 2015 Charlotte Douglas was down to the 8th/9th busiest in the US depending on criteria - not 6th busiest in the world as you claim. It also doesn't even rank in the US top 10 for international passengers as of EoY 2014.

What the fuck? This is 5 years old. Go back to Russia.

Change of strategy, eh? We can still see you.

Dude. The normal community is here. We take it all into consideration. Is there pro trumps on here, undeniably.

But the majority of the community is here for the conspiracy. The majority of us know Both trump and Clinton are in the back pockets of the deeps state.

Thank god there are still users like you. I agree 100%. The fact that some mods openly support Trump should be a huge red flag. I would feel the same way if a mod was blatantly pro Hillary. There is no way that their political leanings doesn't have an impact on the way they moderate this sub and the piss conspiracy is a perfect example. People who refuse to acknowledge this need to really think about this.

I'm not going to lie. I support, in the faintest meaning of the word, trump. I read the entire post and I wish we could look into this. Looks like to me trump is tied into the Russian mob.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I love this sub and I have no problems with the mods. There are very few places on Reddit that CTR shills don't touch and I think the mods do pretty well with that here

I think he was more talking about how the mods used the only Unverified tag for a report against Trump while every other Unverified report against Clinton and others is given no such flair.

I see. Isn't a lot of the Clinton stuff verified? Like where is braverman.

Yea a lot it is verified, but at the time when a lot of stuff wasn't verified it never had the tag. The tag only appeared once and it was on the dossier of Russian ties to Trump and never on unverified claims against Clinton.

That needs to be tagged then.

Yep! I hate trump, love bernie (obviously he's still flawed as fk) and despise hillary.

I hate the cold war rhetoric, wish people would accept the need to work WITH china and russia, and I can see that reddit is heavily manipulated in any sub with high use and member count.

We exist, we appreciate the real mods of this sub. And we're skeptics that know that truth is usually somewhere in the middle grey area, and that theres tons of crazy shit we dont know about.

Like the trevor moore song, it's time for guillotines. Every couple of centuries until humanity changes. The runaway growth and cultivation of power by those at the top of govt's, corps, armies, religions, etc, has caused havok and fucked over billions.

Clean the top, start over, enjoy another century of fair and just life, and when those on top run out of control again, repeat the cycle.

Obama said today Russia was reverting back to the Cold War.

Maybe, but lately a small group of nutbags sure have been drowning out the voices of reason.

If Trump was being controlled by the deep state, why is the establishment still in full attack mode against him?

My best guess is two different deep states.

Dyncorp has an in with both Hillary and trump. That's the only congruence I see.

Whoa thia convinced me trumpnis russoan spy who wants to take down america.

Whoa the room is spinning

So everyone finally got there wish and we have a Trump-Russia post.

You'd think people would be desperate to discuss it but instead around three quarters of the top comments are just some variation of "hur dur how long until this gets deleted".

They seem more concerned about pushing the "/r/conspiracy is The_Donald 2.0" and "mods are biased" narratives than they do about the actual OP.

It's suspicious.

People just don't get that "international satanic pedophile ring organised through creepy art and codewords" is more interesting than "Trump talks to Russians sometimes", regardless of credibility.

I think lots of people are more interested in "Putin installs puppet regime in US" over "Democratic insider likes pizza", regardless of credibility.

Though credibility helps, of course.

That's what the MSM is constantly going on about though, so it's more of a conspiracy to say that isn't happening.

The MSM was all about Watregate and a bunch of other verified conspiracies, I guess those were all false too.

Spin spin spin

The "international sataganic pardophile ring organised through creepy art and codewords" is nothing morethan propaganda designed to deflect attention away from the real conspiracy - that of Russia along with its puppet wikileaks and Julian Assange running interference for Trump.

TBH I'm actually more interested on the other one. Sure, pizzagate generates some sensationalist titles, but we already know there are pedo elites in Washington. Geopolitical conspiracies are always way more interesting to me

Seriously I thought I was going crazy.

It's anti-Trumpers trying to coopt one of the few remaining subs that hasn't gone full retard.

As much as I hate to say I told everyone so, everyone who denied that the Donald refugees ruined this sub can't deny it anymore.

Trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing, and with all of his cabinet appointments that's been made VERY clear to everybody.

No, before you shout CTR, I hated both of our general elects. Neither of them should have made it near the whitehouse.

People very often confuse anti-establishment with pro-Trump. Not the same thing

U so smat

I'm wicked smaht

we don't have any sacred cows

pleasantly brigaded


I'm a Trump supporter, but I hate the fact how no one has his dirty laundry laid out on the table. I highly encourage more posts like this. No more fake news crap, but actually investigative stuff like this.

Here is a repost since the mods took it down. Save this comment and repost at will.

Well, my biggest question is this. Trump team met with Russian billionaire and businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, on November 3rd. A week before the election. Why? And why is no one else talking about this?

We have pictures of this. here Trump was scheduled for a rally in Charlotte, NC and parked his private jet in a small airport. The plane right next to it arrived that day, for a few hours, belonged to Dmitry. Since real-time GPS tracking of Trump's plane is disabled, we would not have known if someone hadn't taken pictures of it. There were ALSO records of Rybolovlev's plane being there.

Why did the mainstream media not report this? He met with a Russian oligarch 5 days before the election. Why? The media went crazy over Bill Clinton & Lynch... but a Russian oligarch parks his plane next to Trump's in a small airport on the day Trump is scheduled to be there, and not a sound?

Need I also add, that this man, Dmitry Rybolovlev, has immense political power in Russia because of his wealth? Need I also add that in 2008, he bought a mansion from Trump, which Trump made $60mill in profit off of? (Bought in 2004, $40mill, Sold for $100 mill). Was this all a way of laundering money? It wouldn't be the first time a foreign businessman does that in the West - the chinese do it all the time! If it was Clinton, we would have questions being asked.

EDIT - People keep asking me for more pictures/proof (although you can find most of these in the following comment string or in the twitter link):

It's undeniable that the Trump team, Trump and Rybolovlev were all at this tiny Charlotte, NC airport on the same day the week before the election date. The important thing is WHY?

EDIT: Didn't expect this to blow up. RIP my inbox, and thank you for the reddit gold comrades!

That worked out well for ya ;)

I honestly don't know what to make of this experience. At least C_S_T is free!

Probably just talking about the grand kids. It was purely coincidental Im sure. ;)

I consider Russia a geopolitical enemy, I could be in the minority in this sub though. This is payback for the US installing a puppet government after the USSR fell, now they are installing a puppet government in the US. Why do people think that Russia is benevolent and incapable of playing dirty like this? US does it, China does it, and Russia obviously does it. I am of Russian nationality though, cynicism is in my blood and I feel like I have a firmer grasp of the geopolitical history of Russia and Russia's political system than most Americans do.

In my mind a weak America is Russia's goal to regain strength. I don't know how deep the Trump rabbit hole goes, but it does strike me as bad if he is meeting with Russian oligarchs. Does he share a similar goal to these people?

I consider Russia a geopolitical enemy, I could be in the minority in this sub though. This is payback for the US installing a puppet government after the USSR fell, now they are installing a puppet government in the US. Why do people think that Russia is benevolent and incapable of playing dirty like this? US does it, China does it, and Russia obviously does it. I am of Russian nationality though, cynicism is in my blood and I feel like I have a firmer grasp of the geopolitical history of Russia and Russia's political system than most Americans do.

In my mind a weak America is Russia's goal to regain strength. I don't know how deep the Trump rabbit hole goes, but it does strike me as bad if he is meeting with Russian oligarchs. Does he share a similar goal to these people... I wouldn't be surprised if he does.

Im cynical too. There are no benevolent players on the world stage. Just a bunch of dicks trying to fuck everyone else over for their own gain.

However, everyone also benefits from a more or less stable world. I do not think anyone wants another global war. Besides, America does not need any help making itself weak. We are doing just fine with that all on our own. We are spread too thin and are in too much debt to last a whole lot longer.

If I were Russia, Id be getting ready to replace the USA as global power because the USA is in decline.

Even if USA is in decline, it is still at the top. Russia, economically/socially is mid-tier. Without intervention an subversive information warfare there is no way Russia could gear up to be a global power - China would take that spot, or any of the countless countries above Russia economically.

all the countries above Russia depend on the USA for defense. Without the USA to defend them, they are easy pickings for a nation like Russia. China lacks natural resources and is dependent on everyone else for just about everything but raw man power.

Russia is poised to take the lead.

Maybe this is "not bad" if you are a Russian nationalist... For everyone else it is pretty bad. My family left Russia not to go back to the kind of wealth inequality & corruption it exhibits. The west isn't perfect, but if you think the West is corrupt, Russia would be like NK by those same standards. again, good place to start. Being translated as we speak!

It's crazy to me that some people still think any of what we are going through is normal or can be attributed to specific political actors. The US political (and possible economical) system is being destroyed from all sides, inside and out. It has little to do with Trump, Clinton, and any other specific actor. They are just symptoms of a failing system.

The fact that we had the two most disliked people in the USA competing for the presidency should be evidence enough, that is not normal or something a healthy system does. The establishment is finally being exposed and we are seeing that is completely corrupt. It's only going to get worse from here.

"Saudi isn't succeeding in bringing the Western world down economically/geopolitically."

Riiiiiiiiiight. So, did you awake from a coma in 2015, or...?

Remind me when they installed a Saudi puppet as president of the United States?

I just want a new space race/kickass huge icebreakers.

they dont just need to be ahead of us, they need our system to collapse catostrophically so the entire idea of human rights can be made fun of in their propoganda for a few hundred years.

The Russia love is in the conspiracy communities DNA. It's pretty well known Russia views it as a fertile ground for spreading propaganda.

However, everyone also benefits from a more or less stable world. I do not think anyone wants another global war.

This has been true for a long time, and yet our major conflicts almost always escalate into some sort war, proxy or not.

Why do you consider nations relevant? At the end of the day, it's just people with enough money to do what they want.

Nah, it is pay back for the ousting of Putin's puppet in Ukraine. Also, for U.S. interference in the recent Russian parliamentary elections.

Oooh, that's something I have never heard about - US interference in Russian parliamentary elections. Any more info? You'd think Russia would bring it up to counter the claims of their involvement in the US election

Nah, it is pay back for the ousting of Putin's puppet in Ukraine.

Payback for NATO expansion imo

Well sanctions being lifted would certainly help Russia become stronger.

I still don't think I'd call the US weak.

I think the issue people have with lifting sanctions on Russia, is they have a very poor wealth distribution model. That is, any sanctions lifted will almost certainly, only benefit Putin and those in power.

I think it's very important that people understand, opposing Russia is not a stance against it's people, but rather against those in power. It's quite sad in a lot of ways, as Russia really had the chance to be in China's position or even better when communism fell.

The cold war produced a very large and educated populist that could have easily produced world changing technology, had a more nurturing model been adopted. However, greed took precedent, which created a massive wealth gap, which basically killed innovation.

Most innovations in developed countries comes from ordinary folks that have the luxury of taking risk. That is, there is enough safety nets in place, to ensure failure does not mean death. In developing countries, this is not the case, since survival comes first.

What's going on in the US?

The American people are trying to prevent an oligarchy situation.

The Russian people are trying too lol. Not like they hate money.

I think you're spot on with most of this, though Yeltsin was not really a "puppet" i thought?

Russia is doing propaganda in Europe and empowering pro-Russia parties without a doubt. I completely agree with you that the latest efforts are Putin & Russia's attempts to keep and regain strength in the face of his country's economic decline. Currently they are economically on-par with Italy which is far smaller population wise, so I think Putin is trying to keep stability in his country by engaging in propaganda that says "things are going well", "the West is victimising us", and the like. I think it's very plausible Trump is being heavily bribed or coerced to be doing what he is doing, and stands to make an unbelievable amount of money from this, which fits with Putin's willingness to engage with oligarchs that are friendly to him.

Granted, I was scared as shit of Clinton because of her Syria stance, but this is now going to require a real, tangible response by the US left to ensure we don't get too friendly with RUS and risk security in the Baltics or other parts of the world.

I think you're spot on with most of this, though Yeltsin was not really a "puppet" i thought?

It depends on who you ask. I didn't think Yeltsin was a puppet either but that is a Russian nationalist's classic MO.

Interesting to note that Trump used to be in touch with Gorbachev's and later Yeltsin's guys too. Although I'm sure it was nothing, his ties to Russian politicians go back pretty deep.

Donald Trump Jr. put out a tweet (I believe during the campaign) that said a disproportionate amount of their debt is held by Russia, actually.

I think that his son actually said that they "do a disproportionate amount of their business in Russia"

This is meaningless fake news. Russians are our friends and allies. Soros paid commenters are spreading lies to make us war.

Sure thing 1 day old comrade.


da comrade I agree. Is waste of time investigating look pretty pageant girl instead.

I wish Soros would pay me, I could use the money.

Why do you distract from real scandals like Clinton's pedophile ring?

Where is the lie, tovarisch?

Look at this dude's one day old account. It's a hilarious caricature of a trumpeting russian troll.

You are just trying to make us war! Silence, you now!

Honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm.

This is a troll account. Pretty much every comment made on this 1-day old account reads like it comes from the worst stereotype of a Trump supporter. At first I thought they were just another shitheel from /r/T_D, but now I'm beginning to think they could be a double agent designed to discredit them through ignorant and inflammatory remarks.

What if they're a triple agent?

What a waste of time making an account to discredit trump supports. They already do that very well on their own.

It's pretty funny. Pro-trump, white supremacist, bad english... total troll.

Fake lies.

Your English is poor, low energy troll post.

Russia is a country controlled by a authoritarian oligarchic regime that doesn't give a damn about human rights or anything else other than expanding their own influence and wealth.

They're no ally of mine

Da. Why no talk of gate of pizza? Because shadow of Soros comrade.

I said Russia is not our enemy. Doesn't Russia and everyone else have a vested interest in the outcome of a US election? Would you blame them for trying to influence it? I dont.

It would all come down to how they went about trying to influence the election. Endorsing Trump is perfectly fine. Hacking the DNC is not. And to be clear, I am not convinced that the Russian government was involved, and I do believe that the transparency brought about by the leak was a good thing. But if Putin actually did authorize a cyber attack against one of our political parties in order to benefit the other, then we should be very concerned about the fact that he got what he wanted.

We shouldnt be upset that one corrupt piece of shit was elected instead of the other corrupt piece of shit. We should be mad that we only get to pick between two corrupt pieces of shit and Americans have ZERO voice in what goes on with our country and our money.

Agreed, but I still find it disconcerting that Putin, who is at the very least not a friend of the US, preferred one corrupt piece of shit over the other, and that it is Putin's preferred shit piece that will be taking over in a few days.

Hey man, just remember, in 1000 years none of this will matter.

That brings me little consolation.

Dwayne, relax my friend. Youll be dead "soon" and none of this will have mattered.


Muh false equivalence

just equivalence.

Oh, tell Soros "no mayonaise" on my war, I'm trying to lose weight!

what is this maynayse we only have borscht

Does it make you fat?

no it makes you strong and wealthy like chef boyardee

Um...I'm just gonna stick to this vodka, if it's all the same to you.

Jesus Christ I'm sick of everyone saying "this is fake news" to everything they disagree with.

It's one of the most annoying things to come of late

make us war

Sure is "English as a second language" here.

1 day old account.

Pede in the name...

Jesus christ

Jesus Vladimir christ

Yes Russia wanted Trump, it's obvious. Not bad though.

Yep. The Saudis wanted Clinton. Ill wager China did too. Lots of sweet deals between Clinton and China.

You say that like Donald Trump gives two fucks about typical "Republican" behavior. Forget the two political sides.

Who said Trump? I said Republicans, not crybaby, little-handed, nepotistic, BigOil owned, Russian fuckboi.

What other Republican is leading the country right now? The fuck are you on about?

Why not bad?

Because Clinton wanted war with Russia, Putin even said if Clinton wins, it's WW3. Please tell me why Russia being allies is a bad thing.

So your only option other then Clinton was Trump? We have more than 2 parties...

I was a Ron Paul fanatic, then I saw how the media steamrolled him. Sadly both Johnson and Stein had the only real chance and media platform and they were both outed as either morons or Clinton shills (recount).

So if you know there were other options, why do you speak as if you were forced to pick trump. I'd gladly take stein or johnson over trump. And I haven't seen stein connected to Hillary at all, only conjecture because of her recount antics.

I liked and voted for Trump because of his policies and promises. I watched his rallies and even attended a few. I did the same for the other candidates but they either spoke about how bad Trump was or parroted media matters talking points and liberal buzzwords.

This "Clinton wanted war with Russia" is the dumbest line I see parroted by Trump supporters among so many to choose from. Clinton might not like Russia, but she is not dumb enough to want war with Russia. The fact that people try to say the because she said she wanted to negotiate a no fly zone it means she wanted war with Russia is so ridiculous considering Trump said we should fire upon Iranian ships over insults.

And being allies with Russia wouldn't be bad if that didn't mean supporting their annexation of neighbors.

First of all, the divisiveness in your statement "parroted by Trump supporters" as if we aren't all Americans is why Clinton and her cronies lost in the first place. Second, you have no idea how geopolitics work. If she had won, regardless of what she wants, Putin would have aggressively started WW3. "She is not dumb enough to start war with Russia" - sure, I agree, but how sure are you that Putin, seeing this weak, corrupt woman put in charge of the military wouldn't have called for war?

First of all, the divisiveness in your statement "parroted by Trump supporters" as if we aren't all Americans is why Clinton and her cronies lost in the first place.

Cmon man, normal Americans were never worried about WW3 if Clinton got elected. Besides reddit I have never met someone who even considered the possibility, and pretty much everyone in my family voted for Trump. It is 100% a a line from the most biased of Trump supporters.

Second, you have no idea how geopolitics work. If she had won, regardless of what she wants, Putin would have aggressively started WW3. "She is not dumb enough to start war with Russia" - sure, I agree, but how sure are you that Putin, seeing this weak, corrupt woman put in charge of the military wouldn't have called for war?

I say that Clinton nor Putin would start WW3 because I do have some understanding of geopolitics. We are not at a point similar to WW1 where any little crises could spiral out of control. Everyone understands major conflict will have no real victors. But, just for what-if's sake, if Putin starts invading countries like Germany did in WW2 than I guess we're just supposed to appease him and let him do it?

with SoS Podesta, who knows? I mean infiltration, sending spies, etc. Not bombing DC. It's a long process once they sense weakness.

Exactly. Even if things get a little worse. We avoided a fucking war. But apparently we should regret not getting our WW3.

Do you realize that that is *by defenition * terrorism? Threat of violence for political gain? That saying if we elect Clinton there would be war is really really bad, and not what we want from allies?

I realize America does shady shit to get our way/narrative, and we kind of have done just that and more ourselves, including unjustifiable deaths.

Look, I don't want any fights with Russia, but I think they spent lots of effort and $ on trump and his campaign. I think trump is very bad news. I'd like to be wrong, and "get it" in a few years, but that's the future.

You keep saying "I think" as if it's truth. It's just an opinion. One that's shrinking daily.

We will see soon, I'm actually trying to keep hopeful, ok?

I'm glad you ignored everything else I said so you could be sure to defend trump.

Do you realize that that is by definition terrorism?Threat of violence for political gain? You mean like planning on gassing people during Deploraball? I realize America does shady shit to get our way/narrative, and we kind of have done just that and more ourselves, including unjustifiable deaths. Like Benghazi

but I think they spent lots of effort and $ on trump and his campaign I 100% disagree on them spending money on Trump's campaign. There is, however, evidence that Clinton spent countless dollars on foreign campaigns (read Hastings' book The Operators) and her meddling in Palestinian elections... I think trump is very bad news. I'd like to be wrong, then you will like the next few years.

Bill Clinton meets with Loretta Lynch, everyome assumes there's corruption and she's working out a deal. Trump meets with a Russian billionaire and the reaction is "eh probably grandkids". We dont know what took place on that plane but i doubt a Russian billionaire flew for so many hours just to talk about grand kids when he could've easily had that conversation over the phone. There's something fishy going on in our government and all the evidence with the russian interference and hacks is starting to make me feel like we're looking at the beginning of a coup.

They were just talking about golf

I assume he was being sarcastic.

A coup? So far we one or two meetings between billionaires (somthing that happens everyday) and now we're about see our government toppled?

"talking about the grandkids" was the excuse clinton and lynch made when people found out about the meeting. Get it?

So the American people don't deserve answers because of something Clinton did months ago? Sorry, but that is fucking bullshit.

Gee, if only it mattered.

Why doesn't it?

I lost the ability to care.

Bill Clinton meets with Loretta Lynch, everyome assumes there's corruption and she's working out a deal. Trump meets with a Russian billionaire and the reaction is "eh probably grandkids".

Except the huge difference is the Loretta Lynch could interfere with Hillary's investigation and the Russian aren't anything, since there's zero proof of Russian hacking, and tons of proof of leaked DNC emails trying to pin a Russian relation ship on Trump, as well as Assange who they verifiably tried to pin as a Russian spy and pedophile.

You have to be stupid as fuck to buy the 2016 election 'red scare.'

Personally, I think Russian influence on the election has a lot to do with raising oil prices, either through tearing apart the Iran deal or starting a war in the Persian Gulf. Both of those are definitely categorically bad.

That's just me speculating. But I'm not sure what other trade advantages Trump could deliver.

I believe there is truth to the claim that Russia preferred Trump over Clinton and likely did what they could to help him.

The propaganda efforts that they engage in Europe make me believe this.

Nice post.

Although Charlotte's airport is certainly not tiny lol. It's also one of the busiest airports in the states when combining cargo and passenger flights.

Source; I live in Charlotte.

Charlotte is a pretty shady banking town, too. I'm convinced this city has ties to TPTB.

The specific lot (see map) they were in was tiny, maybe one gate away from each other if the pictures are to be believed.

Yeah, what I'm saying is; there is no way both those planes were at Concord's airport. Trump's jet is too large to land there. Both pics of those jets were taken at Charlotte-Douglas.

In the pic of the Russian plane, "Charlotte" is clearly visible on the fuel truck. And as I said, Concord's airport couldn't handle a jet the size of Trump's. The pic of Trump's jet is most definitely on the tarmac of Charlotte-Douglas. I recognize the hangar behind the plane.

As far as both of them being here at the same time is concerned; As stated, Trump had a rally here. He had reason to be here. Charlotte is a MAJOR banking city. As a matter of fact; Charlotte is the 2nd largest banking city in the U.S besides NYC. There is a federal reserve here as well. So the billionaire Russian banker could even have had a plausible reason to be here.

FWIW; Charlotte-Douglas Airport also houses one if the largest Air National Guard Armories in the country...

yeah, I edited my post. Concord was a slip of my mind, I meant Charlotte. Concord is unimportant, just that MKATE made a pitstop there before flying to Charlotte.

The pics were taken at Charlotte and they were a gate away from each other, as per the map. As for banking? Rybolovlev did not make any other stops in NC that year, I only checked the flight records a year back. He does do a lot of trips to NYC (and two to Florida, where his property was recently put up for sale). One could deduce that he does most of his banking in NYC rather than NC simply because he does not travel to NC outside this one instance.

Isn't this /r/conspiracy? The fact that his plane was there for 12 hours on the day Trump was, a gate away, on the same tarmac, is a VERY strange coincidence to me. It would be less strange if he hadn't done previously sketchy money-laundering real estate deals with Trump, but strange nonetheless.

Oh no, it's absolutely interesting and curious as to why they were both at the airport at the SAME time. Would have been very easy to have a quick, out of sight meeting.

It is definitely something worthy of this sub IMO.

I need more about who this guy is. He seems unimportant from what I can tell and is a just a Russian billionaire. Just because he is Russian does not make him part of the Russian Oligarch or government or whatever you are shooting for.

If it was someone with direct ties to Putin then you would have my curiosity. Right now you just have my attention.

He is the 9th or 10th richest man in Russia...

120+ in the world. Not insignificant, but I am not sure he is that important. Maybe you are right and he is linked to Putin, but I need something there other than "He is Russian". That's like saying Warren Buffet or the Walton family are in cahoots with Trump because they are Americans. Maybe they are, but that link isn't enough.

Russia doesn't work the way America does, though. If you're rich, it's because Putin allowed that to happen. He's very literally a tyrant.

I was about to say this... he has taken down many 1%ers. He allowed this billionaire to remain.

Wikipedia puts this guy in the top 20, but not Michael Dell of Dell computers was in the Moscow airport would you think he was having secret meetings with Putin?

If he is a billionaire from Russia, he is a Russian oligarch. You don't become a billionaire in Russia without Putin's direct support

I'm convinced this city has ties to TPTB.

Being the headquarters of Bank of America, of course they do.

And I love the evidence the OP dug up on this. This is the type of stuff we need. I'm interested to see where it goes

Likewise. It is a very well thought out and researched post. I definitely upvoted.

Sorry, the Concord comment was a slip of the mind. MKATE landed in Concord before Charlotte, Trump was never in Concord, the pic is from Charlotte. I will edit right away

you should remove the "tiny" part while you are at it.

The lot itself was tiny, are you not looking at the map? When I wrote that I was comparing it to Heathrow, so I might be biased.

I see what you are saying. Never mind, carry on.

Doesn't even have to be shady. 2nd largest financial sector in the US.

The fact that C-D is a hub for connecting flights is irrelevant when you own your plane?

Shady banking, Russian oligarch and Trump, one week before the election? Shit man, it can't get any more interesting than this!

Also Le Pen who met with trump like a week ago and today said she would consider Crimea part of Russia

And they lied about not meeting.

French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was seen at Trump Tower on Thursday, but a spokesman for President-elect Donald Trump said she did not meet with him or his team.

"No meetings with anyone," transition spokesman Sean Spicer said. "It's a public building."

this will surely be the end of Trumps presidency.

if republicans dont begin impeachment proceedings then they are traitors to USA

What? Lol no.

It's a bit obsequious to call a Russian Oligarch a mere businessman from a foreign country. If you think money controls politics in the US you ain't seen nothing like what Russia's got going.

If Michael Dell of Dell computers was in the Moscow airport would you think he was having secret meetings with Putin?

They rank similarly as wealthiest people in their respective countries, despite Michael being worth nearly 3x what this Russian dude is worth

If he was in Putin Tower, yeah, I would think he was having a secret meeting with him.

How mischievous!


I'm trying to troll the inevitable r/all brigade for upvotes

Oh. Carry on :-)

There's no pizza so the republicans don't care

spez: /s ftfy

They live in a fact free world. Literally no one on the right holds them accountable for their incessant lying.

The same can be said for the left.

it's a public building

lmfao that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

Almost as dumb as Bill Clinton meeting the Attorney General on an airport tarmac while his wife was being investigated under her Justice Department and calling it a chance meeting


It's basically the same amount of dumb I'd say

Not even remotely close or illegal.

Okay? Not sure what that has to do with anything. For a non-political sub this place sure is hung up on the last election.

Hillary was crucified for this on certain subs. Two people being in the same area is automatically a secret meeting, but the French far-right candidate goes to the main office of the PEOTUS's business and it's nothing at all. Either being in the same area is automatically secret meetings or it isn't.

Trump will deny these things just as the previous administration would. Trump is transparent about his want to not be transparent with media.

Okay? Not sure what that has to do with anything.

Oh is that so?

Are you really not sure why a comparison about two high profile people meeting by what is claimed to be chance has something to do with another situation which involves the possibility of two high profile people meeting or not?

OP is clearly making a comparison here between the two events, drawing parallels.

Bill Clinton "accidentally" meeting with the person in charge of his Wife's investigation is about as likely as Le Pen "accidentally" meeting with Trump.

I'll be honest here, you would have to be fucking retarded to have no idea what his analogy has to do with anything.

For a non-political sub

Oh, right, /r/conspiracy, the home for all conspiracies especially political ones has nothing to do with politics.

I forgot about that.

this place sure is hung up on the last election.

You are blinded by your own, apparently liberal, bias, and don't seem to understand the concept of an analogy. I say liberal because this thread has been brigaded by /r/politics, the context of your comment, and your post history.

would upvote more if i had a click farm at my disposal, but only +1. "look at you with all your big boy/girl reasoning!"


loretta lynch and bill "rapist" clinton conspired to defraud the american electorate. they were successful however, in helping elect donald trump which was an unintended consequence of their meeting

How is this not a political sub, almost everything has to do with politics.

That is a recent development.

How recent we talking?

6 months? More? Because I've been lurking around that much .

I admit the last election was insane. And definitely contributed though.

9-12 months

Another child's answer. "But mooooom she did it toooooo!!!!"

except Bill was actually spotted going on the same plane, whereas Le Pen was never seen going up the elevators of Trump Tower despite there being cameras and reporters watching every person who went up.

So what you're saying is both Hillary and Trump need to be locked up? I totally agree with you. I'm more concerned with Trump though since he was elected president and I think he's more important to focus on locking him up first.

From the article:

George Lombardi, a Trump friend who lives in Trump Tower, told reporters that he had coffee there Thursday with Le Pen, who he said he has known for 20 years. He said Le Pen did not request a meeting with Trump.

A day earlier, Lombardi said, they attended a party with people they believe might raise money for her campaign, including business people and diplomats.

"This is a perfectly privately encounter that she had with some friends of ours," Lombardi said. "Some people had been asking to meet her a long time ago, and she just happened to be here because I happen to live here."

Perhaps someone would clarify what the scandal is here.

oh really? because those quotes dont say anything about them meeting. There are cameras there all day watching people go up and down the elevators and Le Pen never went up. She was spotted having lunch with her friend George Lombardi who lives in the tower. Nice try though.

I thought Crimea voted to be a part of Russia?

If Arizona voted to be part of Mexico do you think we would let that happen?

If it was Texas we were talking about, yes. Texas retains the right to leave the union as part of the treaty that made it a State.

I think it would be less accepted if the Mexican Army were occupying Texas at the time of the vote.

Even if the people in Texas feared US intervention and planned to leave to Mexico? I'm not so sure, more likely they asked them to be there.

Texas has no right to secede. If it did have such a right at one point, the Civil War clearly established there is no such right to unilateral secession, even if granted explicitly prior.

Yes they do, look it up. Texas joined the union by treaty, one provision was that they could leave it at any time. It was not US territory. It's on the books, the civil war has nothing to do with it.

Yes they do, look it up. Texas joined the union by treaty, one provision was that they could leave it at any time.

Stop. The US Supreme Court ruled against this claim in 1869. And even if they had seceded lawfully, they lost the Civil War and would therefore have been conquered by the United States and annexed as say, Hawaii or other land by Congress as re-iterated in 1901.

Every time this minority opinion comes up, it is laughed at — including by conservative Justices like Antonin Scalia who says that if nothing else, the outcome of the Civil War showed that there is no unilateral right so secede, even if established in treaty.

You are simply wrong.

What about California and the vote later this year to leave the union? It was the democratic south that split from the union the first time. If it is not possible then why allow a state to have it on their ballot? Also if 34 states agree to leave then they overrule national law.

What about California and the vote later this year to leave the union?

What about it?

It was the democratic south that split from the union the first time.

Not exactly. Using that term confuses the policy goals of the parties at the time, which were basically inverted.

If it is not possible then why allow a state to have it on their ballot?

There's no mechanism for the Federal Government to block a State from having something on its ballot. Whether or not the vote means anything is a totally different matter. For example, legalizing marijuana doesn't mean the DEA won't arrest people under Federal Law. I don't understand your objection here, and it appears based on a lack of understanding of US law.

Also if 34 states agree to leave then they overrule national law.

No they don't.

You need 38 state legislatures, and 2/3rds of both the House and Representatives in order to pass a Constitutional Amendment necessary to authorize a secession.

Go look at the voting on all civil rights from Jim crow to now. Only party has voted for segregation laws over and over. They weren't republicans. 38, 34 whatever close enough. Government history civics classes are easy and not my focus. Physics and chemistry. Civic professionals die with rest but scientists get jobs in the new governments. nice easy to follow time line for you with vote numbers. When did the part policy really change?

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If you care about the truth, you need to control for Representatives and Senators region of origin.

What you linked to is a manipulation and cherry picking of data to support a narrative that Republicans are more progressive and anti-Racist than they in fact are.

In reality, the Civil Rights Movement and slavery was one of several sea-change moments which shifted the positions of the parties.

I don't have the time to go through it, but people like George Wallace and Stom Thurmond left the Democrat Party in response to the anti-Slavery position.

The Democrats are not largely based in the Union, while the Republicans are not largely based in the Confederacy. General approach to policy, etc... has similarly shifted.

There's no real argument against this observation.

Chains like what you linked to on the Donald are simply lies of omission told to make Deplorables believe they aren't brain-washed morons. show me a republican that used the confederate flag on the pin.

So you are just going run away after you insult someone?

Nope. Had work to do. Just outlined why your suggestion is wrong.

It's no so much about party inversion as geography and other factors, like urban / suburban, educated / uneducated.

Hillary's mistake was not calling a large part of the country deplorable — but apologizing for it.

The percentage votes are there prove them wrong. Just bc a few people switched parties doesn't mean the party changed. Now in regards the LGBT votes republicans in office have a different voting record but for race they have been fighting that fight since Lincoln. Hell the Bush family were apart of the under ground railroad.

The percentage votes are there prove them wrong.

Did you read the numbers? That's simply not in line with the truth.

Either accept being corrected or we're done here. I'm not interested with someone who denies reality.

Then why did republiscan vote for equal right while the democrats voted against them?

Despite adopting it in their platform in 1940, the Republicans stopped support for it in 1980, consistent with the party switch on Civil Liberties and Equal Rights.

The Democrats flirted with the idea in 1944, almost splitting the party, and then fully got on board later.

It again, is largely a geographic, urban/suburban, rural agrarian vs industrial, and educational divide.

What do you not understand about this line of argumentation?

Just the stupidity of you. The people you named early switched parties before the 80's. Now you say the switched happen in the 80's. So Reagan caused republicans to become racist. So, the blame is on those pesky Reagan republicans. Dam those democrats switching party, Early you mentions names of people who switched in the 50's and 60's. How come it took 25 years for the switch to happen? How about we talk to another libral and watch them go back to the same people you mentioned earlier and their answer will be it happened in the 50's/60's. Basically you can't answer the why so you do straw-man answers and will deny the truth with it right in front of you. Democrats lost power and are not willing to give it up peacefully like the republicans do. At least this time you guys didnt divide up into two different parties parties. You know those dam dixiecrats. Yuri has some information for you.

Just the stupidity of you.

Ha. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

The people you named early switched parties before the 80's. Now you say the switched happen in the 80's

No I didn't. Use pronouns so I can understand what your saying. My only argument was that the Republicans and Democrats have switched ideologies since the era of Lincoln so its very confusing to use the term the way you did.

You're so confused you can't even track the distinctions as you make arguments about the Civil Rights Act, vs. The Equal Rights Amendment, which happened successively but at different times, and are indicative of growing shifts in the two parties.

So Reagan caused republicans to become racist. So, the blame is on those pesky Reagan republicans.

I don't know or care to get into your warped view of history.

Early you mentions names of people who switched in the 50's and 60's. How come it took 25 years for the switch to happen?

Because sometimes national parties move slowly?

I mean, its been 35 years since Reagan basically, and you have the Republicans now being Fascists, and the Democrats being Center-Right Republicans.

How and why parties evolve platforms and opinions is a totally different question than whether it happened, and whether your characterization in your original comment was meaningful.

What you're doing now is expanding the question and the discussion in a myriad of ways, distorting words, ignoring mine, and generally refusing to adhere to facts or the scope of the discussion.

You're either too stupid to understand that you've been corrected and move on, or you're maliciously against being corrected, in which case you're an anti-democratic Fascist who I don't need to bother myself with (other than to eliminate you should we need to use force to settle our ideas). Either way you can't be reasoned with.

How about we talk to another libral and watch them go back to the same people you mentioned earlier and their answer will be it happened in the 50's/60's.

How about you learn to spell, and understand that you've moved the discussion from Slavery, to the Civil Rights Act, to the Equal Rights Amendment, three very different ideas and progressions.

Basically you can't answer the why so you do straw-man answers and will deny the truth with it right in front of you.

The why was not the question. The why is complicated, but I gave you a general look at it: that it was based on geography, economic sector, educational attainment, and constituency demographics. That's a pretty good fucking why.

That you can't accept that these factors led to the switching of the Republicans with the Democrats on a lot of positions over time, largely based on regional politics means I'm bored with you.

Democrats lost power and are not willing to give it up peacefully like the republicans do.

Republicans don't give it up peacefully — thers been no evidence of the Democrats and Obama not giving up power peacefully, because he could have easily said he viewed Trump as illegitimate the night of the election. Your accusation doesn't even make sense.

Furthermore, Donald Trump normalized protest and contesting elections (as in fact did Bush) when he said he might not accept them. The moment he said he might not, he legitimized exactly the way many who disagree with him are treating him. He only has himself to blame.

Personally, I don't really care since I'm wealthy white straight New Yorker, and the flyover states are already irrelevant. This election of Trump was their last dying grasp, and they fucked up by electing someone who will give them minimum wage jobs in Foxconn factories.

You were duped along with the rest of your kin, and will likely starve to death in irrelevance.

Yuri's talking about what happened to you / what Putin did to you.

Have a nice life. I doubt it will be long.

Ivanka 2024!

Whatever man. I went to school with her.

The troll is the self center asshole that is you. " I live in New York and the rest of country is irrelevant". Then you proceed to wish me a life of poverty and unemployment. Before that you used insult after insult and brought no facts. Just talk and a trust me. I thought democrats were for acceptance and peace but you displayed hate and disdain for your fellow Americans when you said Hilary should not have apologized for insulting half the nation. I was having conversation and all you can do is attack and not give 1% of acceptance. Tomorrow you will wake and preach love and peace then spit in face of you fellow countrymen. You support riots and voilence and wish for the failure of the pilot driving this country. I didn't vote for Obama but I never wished for him to be worse than Jimmy Carter. The tolerant left being peaceful and wishing death upon the country and disgust for all but themselves is the problem. Not the Trump voters trying to have constructive conversations.

You're not an American. You're an anti-Democratic Fascist Quisling who deletes his posts, changes the conversation, ignores reality, and won't stand by his words.

I honestly couldn't care less what happens to you — and no patriotic American would give two thoughts to someone who would so easily sell out to the Russians.

Insults and more insults. Nothing but hate comes from you. You are angry and upset and do not know how to act civil. Sorry your life is so bad you have to spend hours talking down to people and hurling insults at strangers instead of trying to have a conversation. In eight years the economy will be better and the people filled with hate will continue turn to voilence. Sorry your mom didn't hug you enough. Please don't get a dog I fear you will bestow your hate onto it then it will seriously hurt someone.

Haha. Continue in your fantasy world. I was on a plane with one of Trump's inner circle the other day. Its hilarious the stuff they're getting excited about doing. Turning stores into Foxconn plants and Alibaba warehouses. I think giving you fair warning about what's coming is pretty civil, and more than a quisling deserves, but hey, thats me.

This is incorrect. Texas does not have the right to secede, but can split itself into five states without the permission of Congress.

That treaty stopped meaning anything the second Texas went to war with the United States of America.

Maybe if the US government was overthrown by a CIA coup and a Soros funded puppet leader was put in place....wait, this sounds familiar!


Seriously, is that all you people can say?“breakfast-us-ambassador-pyatt”

People who can't google shouldn't write in all caps. Or they should "shut the fuck up", as some say.

I wish I could upvote this comment more!

Removed. Rule 4.

That's not really a fair comparison. Arizona would have to have an autonomous government from the US and be 65% ethnically Mexican before leaving. Not that it makes it okay, but the situation in Crimea is more complicated.

Yes. And we should.

Did you know that Russia signed a treaty to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine? And have still not admitted that it was their soldiers that invaded in Russian military uniforms with the insignia removed?

Did you know the ukranian "revolution" was started by george soros?

If you can support that, please do so.

Yeah that's a seriously bold claim I'm intrigued

Dunno about soros

But the American tried to overthrow te Ukraine government but backing far right groups - like the American nearly always seem to do, they have their finger in the pies of other countries politics for their own good

And indirectly pushed for ww3. Which is still looking on te cards if you look at USA and allies troop build ups on Russian borders

It would be great if people would start linking to sources.

Sometime people have knowledge

A source would at least give me a time frame.

Man this is only very recent history.

I know the news is usually unbearable but sometimes it's worth paying some attention to

The very bad thing is Ukraine had the worlds third largest pile of nukes. (maybe cause they don't like the Russians)

And they 'gave them away', if America promised to protect them for invasion for russians...

Hence the USA provocations of Ukrainian democracy can have not good ramifications

The very bad thing is Ukraine had the worlds third largest pile of nukes. (maybe cause they don't like the Russians)

They had the nukes because that was where the USSR kept them, and then the USSR collapsed. Don't speculate, read. I linked to the treaty like 5 comments up.

And they 'gave them away', if America promised to protect them for invasion for russians...

Again, this was the same treaty that Russia also signed. Both the US and Russia pledged to respect Ukrainian territorial integrity.

Hence the USA provocations of Ukrainian democracy can have not good ramifications

Which provocations, specifically? Like, what year did this happen, if you're not going to give a source.

It doesn't matter why they had the nukes, the important part is they had them and they have protection from invasion regardless of ww3

Speculating isnt a crime. I suspect Russia had nukes stored their as they consider/d that part of Russia. Sorta-Like how English nukes are in Scottish locks

There is a multitude of sources proving said claim. Including the American ambassador saying it when he phone was tapped. I'm Currently unable to show you source as I'm time poor but I encourage you to have a go

It doesn't matter why they had the nukes, the important part is they had them and they have protection from invasion regardless of ww3

Yeah, and Russia broke that treaty by invading. And they're lying about it, pretended that it wasn't their soldiers.

Speculating isnt a crime.

I was suggesting you read more about the situation you're talking about. The idea that Ukraine was able to build the third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile all by itself should really not have gotten by your basic bullshit filter.

There is a multitude of sources proving said claim. Including the American ambassador saying it when he phone was tapped. I'm Currently unable to show you source as I'm time poor but I encourage you to have a go

Feel free to come back and reply when you have time, I should really be getting to bed anyway. This conversation isn't urgent, and I'd like it to be friendly.

Thank you for finding these.

I hope you understand if I don't find any of them super convincing- there's a lot of bias and extrapolation going on. Calling the invasion of Crimea a "legal annexation" is particularly outrageous.

But I do think it's clear that the US was at least advising the new government after the overthrow.

How about using google for five seconds? It's all there. nED is also culpabale. You've heard "F the EU" right? Look up Stephen Cohen. Scott Horton show (Phil giraldi, Eric margolis, the cockburns). YouTube the video of people getting burnt to death in Odessa. YouTube young women fighting in the Donbas because their father and brothers died fighting. You think they just love Putin so much?

Gee pa, I diddun figure that!

Did you know that with the reunification of Germany, America promised not to expand NATO into Eastern Europe and that policy makers used to talk about making Sevastopol a US Navy post?

Did you know that American officials with the CIA founded National endowment for democracy funded and organized Maidan protests? Did you know Ukrainian neo Nazi mercenaries admitted firing into police AND protestors to cause chaos at Maidan? Did you know that corrupt Ukrainian oligarch have seized power in Kiev and are dolling out government positions to people connected to Goldman Sachs and the Obama regime? Did you know the Kiev government burned people alive for protesting in Odessa, and that it also formed extermination squads to attack and drive out ethnic Russians in the east and Putin's support for rebels there was in direct response to this reality and democratic pressure within Russia to not leave Ukrainian Russians to the wolves?

Sources would be lovely.

Can't speak to anything else, but we did promise to not expand NATO.

Us breaking that promise has contributed immensly to Russia's sense of insecurity. A pro-American Ukraine, that came to power in a coup, was absolutely unacceptable to them.

For clarity, we're talking about an unofficial promise made to the USSR, a nation that no longer exists, correct?

Did the US technically break any rules? No.

Is the successor state to the USSR, Russia, justified in feeling a little threatened over the broken "unofficial" promise? Yes.

For clarity, we;re talking about an organization that was created to stop the spread of Communism, a threat that no longer exists, correct?

So one bugged conversation of a Ukrainian deputy secretary of state discussing political strategies with the US ambassador, and one bugged conversation where someone relays a rumor they heard about snipers being hired as a false flag.

That's not a lot of support for the claims I was asking about.

It's not support, it's rock-solid proof. You don't have a leg to stand on, and you know it.

I will say that it is proof that the new government of Ukraine was coordinating politically with the US.

The brainwashing is real with this one. Your brain is full of RT, Sputnik, and Pravda disinfo. What a mess.

That policy makers used to talk about making Sevastopol a US Navy post?

Prove it.

Did you know that American officials with the CIA founded National endowment for democracy funded and organized Maidan protests?

Zero evidence. Link it. Blogs don't count.

? Did you know Ukrainian neo Nazi mercenaries admitted firing into police AND protestors to cause chaos at Maidan?

No Ukrainian group has ever admitted being behind the Maidan sniper killings, which we're done by Russia's puppet in order to stop the Revolution of Dignity.

Did you know that corrupt Ukrainian oligarch have seized power in Kiev and are dolling out government positions to people connected to Goldman Sachs and the Obama regime?

All Ukrainian Presidents have been oligarchs. And just because they gave one or two government positions to a Ukrainian-American woman doesn't mean it's bad.

Did you know the Kiev government burned people alive for protesting in Odessa

COMPLETELY WRONG! Not the government. A fringe far-right group blockaded a group of protesters inside a building and lit a fire. They died from SMOKE/gas inhalation, not being burnt alive you liar!

that it also formed extermination squads to attack and drive out ethnic Russians in the east

What? This is complete garbage. "Extermination squads"? You must be vising Pravda again.

Putin's support for rebels there was in direct response to this reality and democratic pressure within Russia to not leave Ukrainian Russians to the wolves?

Ah, so R2P is bad when the West does it, but when your master Pootin does it, then it's OK?

Just leaving this here:

Do you know that I am not wearing any clothes right now?

No it's bad what Putin did. But there is a moral principle of aggression tied to who acted first. The West used violence first (through its proxies), and Russia reacted.

The implication is obvious, that if the Maidan coup hadn't occurred, and the putsch regime hadn't sent conscript/mercenary squads to ensure the disenfranchisement of the East, then Putin wouldn't have supported the rebels.

Use some fucking logic: The Maidan coup was unconstitutional and disenfranchised the east. Thus, the east was unlikely to recognize the authority of the new government. Thus the western funded and supported putsch regime sent squads to exterminate those who hope for Russian self-determination - I.e.: the right to participate and be enfranchised in government in Kiev despite being ethnically Russian. Thus some Russians resisted and rebelled. Thus Putin sent operators in to help the rebels organize and fight.

As for MH17, I believe it's possible to lowly that the Russian buk shot it down. But why would Putin want that? If it was the Russians, then it was a mistake. And if it was a mistake, it means that MH17 was being used to cover warplanes and/or made to look like a warplane.

Where are the ATC tapes? Why was the plane diverted and forced to fly over a war zone?

You know, the West has used false flag terror many times in conflicts having nothing to do with russia and Pravda.

No it's bad what Putin did. But there is a moral principle of aggression tied to who acted first. The West used violence first (through its proxies), and Russia reacted.

Assad crushed protests and then the CIA began arming rebels. So, using your logic, this was OK.

The implication is obvious, that if the Maidan coup hadn't occurred, and the putsch regime hadn't sent conscript/mercenary squads to ensure the disenfranchisement of the East, then Putin wouldn't have supported the rebels.

The Ukrainian government sent militia to fight rebels, just like Assad sent vicious militias to fight rebels.

Thus, the east was unlikely to recognize the authority of the new government.

This was only due to the incredible amount of propaganda on Russian news channels. People in Kiev openly speak Russian. There is no hatred between Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians and Russian speakers. The ENTIRE conflict is an artificial one, propagated by the Kremlin.

And if it was a mistake, it means that MH17 was being used to cover warplanes and/or made to look like a warplane.

So, even after admitting the E. Ukrainians shot it down, you still somehow blame the West?

Where are the ATC tapes?

ATC transcript is out in the Dutch report.

Why was the plane diverted and forced to fly over a war zone?

Did you even read the article I linked? Points 3 and 4directly debunk this:


Incorrect. Accoding to the Dutch Safety Board the aircraft was offered Flightlevel 350 by Dnipro control. The captain of MH17 prefered to stay on FL330. Likely because of the weight of the aircraft. Instead the Singapore Airlines B777 flying behind MH17 was allowed to climb to FL350.

You know, the West has used false flag terror many times in conflicts having nothing to do with russia and Pravda.

Russia pumped out no less than half a dozen different conspiracy theories about MH17. False flags, SU-25s, they were aiming for Putin's plane, paying some Ukrainian pilot to pretend to "defect" to Russia and claim he heard another pilot admit he shot down MH17, paying a Spanish dude to pretend to be a Ukrainian ATC and claim in an interview with RT Spanish that he heard a pilot say he shot down MH17, etc,. the list goes on....

I agree that Russia has been treated unfairly, especially with regard to NATO, but that doesn't mean we have to believe everything they say. Nuance is key here.

Tell me, when you call RT "disinfo" (unsubstantiated), do you also refer to its independently written and hosted programs such as Breaking The Set, Watching The Hawks, Redacted Tonight, On Contact, The Big Picture, etc?

America worked directly with fascists and neo-nazis in Ukraine as part of the coup. But please, tell me more about how the Svoboda party is our ally.

I mean their MH17 lies.

As for Svoboda, there is no proof that the U.S. government ever worked with them. Svoboda only got, what, like 2% of the vote in Ukraine?

The myth that the U.S. is using Nazis in Ukraine is a mirror of the myth that it's using Jihadis in Syria. While the latter is true, the former simply isn't.

A meeting between McCain and two people, one of which is the leader of Svoboda still isn't proof that they're an "ally" of the U.S. What does the U.S. need Svoboda for?

There is no proof that that the U.S. government worked with them. That's different than a simple photo op, taken even before EuroMaidan.

Why was the head of Svoboda meeting with the State Department then?

You're downplaying a very serious threat in Ukraine which will inevitably boil over as we've seen countless times before. Svoboda is not the only fascist organization, there's also the Azov Regiment, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and Right Sector. None of these organizations or their violence has been denounced by the US, who have instead given their leaders legitimacy.

Nice little touch at the end there.

CIA didn't arm rebels because protests were being crushed. They created and exploited the crisis, and sent foreign fighters and arms in, known terrorist extremists, with the intent of destabilizing the region and hopefully creating conditions for a western coalition to enter and replace Assad. It never had anything to do with popular sentiment in Syria and was an op from day one.

In contrast, the Ukrainian situation in maidan was a western sponsored and organized coup with the explicit intent of removing Russian influence because for better or fucking worse the east Ukrainians democratically supported Russian friendly politics. Just like in Afghanistan and Vietnam - and here with Trump for now - this is the American establishment only supporting democracy that results in governments that are friendly to its foreign policy goals.

Fuck that shit.

And fuck that shit about flight levels. 3 dimensions. Why were they diverted over the war zone? It's not debunked.

I checked out your source and was a bit surprised because it so strongly contradicts information that even mainstream western sources were reporting at the time. Well get ready for the mindfuck.

FlightRadar24 data was adjusted after the incident. You'd think this would be a big red flag, but our media and attention span in the west is shit.

And my proof? A dumb blog post like yours.

All I know for sure is "cui bono". Russia had no reason to blow up that plane except sheer incompetence. Not outnpd the question. But certainly they were busy denying their role in the crisis so why fire off a bunch of buks Willy nilly?

But the western media and diplomatic establishment jumped on this missile story like salivating hyenas.

Really tells you something.

Sad people would rather ignore the truth and not even open up google and would rather downvote and cry "Source".

Did you know that the Democratically-elected government of Ukraine was overthrown by a coup? Russia RESPONDED to the COUP perpetrated by the United States, and this has been proven beyond question.

There is a recording of a US State Department Official discussing this COUP:

The leaders of the Maidan group were caught, in another recording, discussing hiring snipers to murder people and force the peaceful protests to turn violent:

Further, George Soros' Open Society Foundation attempted to destabilize and overthrow the Russian government as well:

There is a recording of a US State Department Official discussing this COUP:

There's nothing in that conversation about a coup. Talking about political strategy does not make it a coup.

The leaders of the Maidan group were caught, in another recording, discussing hiring snipers to murder people and force the peaceful protests to turn violent:

That's a lie. In the recording they discussed rumors that one of them had heard about the snipers maybe having been hired, not discussing the actual hiring. Lying is shitty, fucking stop it.

Further, George Soros' Open Society Foundation attempted to destabilize and overthrow the Russian government as well:

This is not a very well written article, and it's your second source from a propaganda arm of the Russian state. Its claims are not supported by the quotes they included in the article.

Referendum was not recognized by Ukrainian gov and it was after they invaded

As a Canadian, I see it like Ottawa in crisis due to the maple syrup protests and then US quietly sends the army into Alberta for "protection", and then Alberta votes themselves into the US. I would be pretty mad if that happened. And I'm sure a big chunk of Alberta will love to join Trump land, but it still wouldn't be right.

Let's give them Alberta in exchange for somewhere South.

One of the coasts? West or east, either way deaaal.

A three way trade. We take the Cabo peninsula from Mexico, the States give Mexico part of Texas and we give them half the tar sands and a strip of land to build a pipeline straight into the US, whatever else they feel makes it a fair trade.

Miami, shits nasty

Trade ya Edmonton for Boston!


Please don't.

I'm tired of asking fellow Albertans exactly how Trump's MAGA is going to apply to Canada in their mind.

Wait...Can I move to the new Southern territory?

Rex Tillerson will be looking after American oil interests first. Yes you can move to Cabo.

Not the maple syrups!!!

One piece of evidence you can look at though as to whether or not the vote was 'legitimate' is there is quite literally no mass protests in Crimea nor desire to do so. Fact of the matter is Russians lived in Crimea.

as a Canadian you dont know the history of Crimea.

Well that's a dumb comment and a very large assumption.

Ohh Crimea river why don't ya

We have Crimea

No crying on our behalf

Yeah but if you look at history , much Of that land is traditional Russia.

Infact I think it was only given as a gift ceremonially to celebrate 300 years of the empire, or something

Furthermore many people in thy part d Ukraine speak Russian and consider them self Russians. Or so I've heard

Every single point you just made could be used as reasoning to give parts of Texas and New Mexico back to Mexico

Well yeah, sure. The US curbstomped Mexico into "giving" us those lands.

If Mexico is ever strong enough to take them back, they can and they probably will.

Thanks for sharing, imperialist foreign policy advisor from the 1700s.

No you misunderstand that's realpolitik. /s

All countries use military power, when available, to advance thier own sense of security.

Russia felt immensly threatened when Ukraine experienced a CIA-backed coup. Russia felt immensly threatened when we expanded NATO past central Europe, breaking our promise from the early '90s.

Go figure, Russia is going to take measures to ensure it remains in control of the Black Sea.

CIA backed coup


Yeah sorry, I forgot that the CIA doesn't do that sort of thing.

wow look at all the evidence you've provided for such a bold claim

And you look at what sub you're in, dipshit.

I'm sure you would have balked at anyone who claimed the CIA helped the Iran coup until 1997, too.

using imagination since no evidence

Rt, an opinion piece, and the "Ron Paul institute". Yikes. Funny how easy it was for Russia to get you fucks to betray the west simply by playing white identity politics.

Maybe ready a book

You will find American intervention and political skulduggery in foreign nations is fairly common.

Like countless of example the ukraine is no different. The search took me about 10 seconds. There is numerous sources as I've already stated

As a westerner quite frankly the west is a disgrace and should e ashamed.


lol you fool.

Witty reply


the moving in for protection and senate voting aspect might make it closer to Slobodan Milošević

Except those areas were only under Mexican control for what like 30 years? The history between Ukraine and Russia goes back much further and lasted much longer. They're not comparable at all.

I didn't think this much denial could be possible but here we are. Ethnic Mexican population dates back to the 1700s even in Texas and New Mexico.

Yep, and if Texas voted to be part of Mexico then they should be allowed to do that!

Doesn't mean I'm willing to give British Columbia back to the British if they vote themselves to join the mother land again.

Would you fancy nuclear war over it?

Let's see how tough you are

Would they?

Why not?

The underground bunkers are just about ready

This is so fucking stupid.

Both sides having nuclear weapons doesn't mean one side has to ignore everything the other side does.

Not from me. You said it right.

Correct. And with Russian thugs everywhere and in a country with questionable elections anyway, what did people expect?

Wait, which country are we talking about?

It's nothing like that. It was Russia for centuries, but given to Ukraine by the commies. If someone gave Nova Scotia to the USA now, you'd just stop trying to get it back?

Referendum was not recognized by Ukrainian gov and it was after they invaded

You mean the puppet government installed by foreign agents? Russia RESPONDED to the COUP perpetrated by the United States, and this has been proven beyond question.

There is a recording of a US State Department Official discussing this COUP:

The leaders of the Maidan group were caught, in another recording, discussing hiring snipers to murder people and force the peaceful protests to turn violent:

Further, George Soros' Open Society Foundation attempted to destabilize and overthrow the Russian government as well:

Uhhh no. Everything you said is completely wrong. Crimeans wanted out of Ukraine since the 1990's, NOT after Russia "invaded"...

*So in 1994, 72.9% of Crimeans ALREADY WANTED TO BE ANNEXED BY RUSSA... *

If US quietly sends the army into Alberta for "protection", I'm god damn sure as hell that people in Alberta would not be fine with this. There will be riots and victims. Not a single person were killed in Crimea. I guess people knew what was comming and they were fine with this.

Referendum might not be recognized by Ukirainian government (which was absolute clusterfuck, and I personally put a question of legitimicy of this self-proclaimed "government" in time of Maidan revolution), but people sure as hell wanted to be part of Russia.

Oh my god I would get a permachub if we joined the USA and became a state, sticking up like a proud middle finger to the eastern leeches.

Mostly though I just want some sonics without having to drive for a day.

If it was the citizens will, why did Russia need its military in the area?

To protect them from the Ukrainian government.

It wasn't. The government of Ukraine was overthrown by the US. We have a recording of a phone call where they planned it:

They also hired snipers to fire into both sides to try to turn the protests violent:

I'm sure RT is an unbiased source to go to to learn about the situation in Ukraine/Crimea...

Irrelevant, you know it's irrelevant, and you're intentionally manipulating discussion here.

The source is not RT, the source is a phone call.

That is not irrelevant whatsoever.

It's ad hominem, which is an informal fallacy of relevance.

It's also an error of scope, because RT is not being referred to for their reliability. They are conveying information about a primary source.

That first one is them discussing who they would prefer to lead the Ukraine, not trying to force them out. Also the second one is by Russia Today, probably the worst source for anything related to Russia as they're always going to try and spin it positively.

That first one is them discussing who they would prefer to lead the Ukraine

Just a pure coincidence that the government was then overthrown, and their preferred puppet installed...

Also the second one is by Russia Today, probably the worst source for anything related to Russia as they're always going to try and spin it positively.

Utterly irrelevant, and dishonest. It's a tape recording.

Illegitimate elections. Armed guards encouraging the vote they wanted, and rigging of the election on top of that. It's like if Mexico invades Texas, armed guards are at the voting locations, and said soldiers are also stuffing the boxes with votes.

Just like the South voted to be their own country. You can't just up and leave.

Comparing this situation to anything to do with the United States is completely irrelevant.

Fuck you it is. Exactly zero functioning governments would be fine with a large part of the country leaving.

Yes they did, there's this thing called "right to self determination" - and Crimeans wanted out of Ukraine and to have stronger ties to Russia since the early 1990's.

The Crimea that wanted to be annexed since the 90's? And the people of which are happy to be annexed? No we are not retarded, we actually know history and facts and not the bullshit fed to us by the media.

*So in 1994, 72.9% of Crimeans ALREADY WANTED TO BE ANNEXED BY RUSSA... *

Well to be fair she considered Crimea's annexion "not illegal" way before meeting Trump & Co ( source : or at 16:15)

this will surely be the end of Trumps presidency.

if republicans dont begin impeachment proceedings then they are traitors to USA

Couldn't have been more obvious in revealing her masters.

the crimeans consider themselves russian

Plus he campaigned with Farage. He was literally campaigning for president with a foreign politician. A foreign politician who, in 2014, appeared on RT on a nearly monthly basis. And praised Putin.

Yeah I would say its a good thing Trump is meeting with Russia. Don't need to be enemies bro.

Nice regurgitated line totally ignorant of Russian history and geopolitics.This guy is a businessman, not an MP or some shit. Just more shady dealings from our Russian bought and backed President-Elect. You're incredibly naive if you think he's meeting up with billionaire Russian businessmen (not politicians), for America's benefit.

What about the worlds benefit? Why does everything have to be about america, jeezums.

Because russia is the golden child when it comes to doing good for the rest of the world right.

Lol always trying to avoid blame, good old america!

West European countries don't like countries, East European countries are constantly afraid of Russian invasions. This affects much more than just the US. Russia also has as much of a hand as the US in the middle east.


Just let him have austria. We don't have to be enemies with Herr Hitler.

Putin's okay.

Just let him have crimea. We don't have to be enemies with MisterPutin.

Yeah he's real cool. Nevermind all his war crimes.

Eh, oppression, killing politicians and journalists, war crimes aren't ok in my book but you do you.

Even though they interfered with election, commit war crimes, and arm dictators?

Lol like america is any different.

They're not at all- but they like to think they are.

By cosying up to Russia are they just embracing the fact that they're the bad guys too?

I don't think it matters. as long as they aren't at war the world might last a little bit longer.

So you're happy for Russia to push out it's borders again?

I'm about as happy about that happening as I am about american troops being based in different countries all over the world.

Yeah but we invented rock n roll and cheeseburgers so everyone else can sit and spin.

How long before this gets an "unconfirmed" tag.

You call posts on twitter a source? And those images are clearly unverifiable.

yeah come on OP we require a single collage of pictures here! multiple links is just amateur.

They say we've become a trump safe haven?? which really cuts to the core of me... not! You guys did tell us to choose "the lesser of the evil". (bern)

I dont see any red arrows or lines showing me where to look, so im slightly confused.

by golly this rabbit hole is sooooo deep!!

1418 upvote.. jesus.. hahaha

You call 4chan a source?

you have been banned from /r/russia

Take a look - they tagged the post.

To be fair it's not for "unconfirmed" tho. Whenever threads from here hit /r/all it becomes a shit show.

About an hour it seems.

That's hilarious.

I would start a new sub (I'm pretty good at that) for conspiracies, but the blowback would be more than I want to deal with.

They went with a bit heavier arsenal this time. Trying to claim that every non-pro-trump post is a brigade. The entire normal population of this sub knows that the mods are a joke and no one takes them seriously. Many of us have been here a long time, and while this is the longest and most intense astroturfing campaign we've seen, it's not the first. There are many of us here who have been patiently collecting information over the past near-decade while trying to eliminate biases. The global story and interests web has never been more clear because TPTB have never shown their hands so thoroughly. With each disinformation attempt, they're giving up more of themselves. They're underestimate how many of us are taking advantage and patiently and methodically observing and tracking.

Watching certain users in this sub bend over backwards to excuse every little shady or suspicious thing the President elect does has certainly been entertaining.

It's really unfortunate. I appreciated a lot of what was posted here before it got so slanted towards Trump.

And it isn't unexpected in the slightest. Of course this place would be right-leaning, America has had a left wing President for 8 years and conspiracy theorists are quick to point to their government as the enemy (and who can blame them).

Watch the attitude of this place change over the next four years. Watch the right wingers file out, and the lefties file in. It'll happen. People make exception for people who share their values while they pounce on whoever they perceive to be 'the opposition' - Obama's fans have been defending him for so long now, and Trump's fans will do the same.

This is a very level headed comment. Thank you

Or maybe they were manipulated by the very psy-ops they reference constantly. It has been quite amusing to see them push this pizzagate nonsense while an actual conspiracy was happening right under their noses while they cheered the conspirators on, lol

If you're claiming "psy-ops", then post some specific examples. Astroturfing alone isn't "psy-ops", it's peanuts compared to the potential of disinfo.

Also, "globalism" isn't really a thing. There are certain crony capitalists fighting to get more lenient trade deals for their corporate overlords; and there are other crony capitalists fighting for more protectionism.

The ideal solution for the common people is really somewhere between: a large distributed supply chain that's not too dependent on any single point of failure. Extreme ideologies on either side of this are corruptible.

I just learned of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is an early 20th century book that talked about the zionist plot to rule the world. It was basically made up by some Russian guy.

yup, look at the change from before when bush was in and during 9/11 conspiracy at its height. things were a little farther from the right than they are now.

So it's almost like conspiracy theorists are the watch dogs all of society needs seeing how the media doesn't do that anymore. Got it. I agree!

To be honest, I'm a left leaning person who appreciated the criticism of Obama, and agree with a lot of it. Overall, I thought he was a decent president.

You make a great point. It's hard to see that when things have been so intense for this election. I think a lot of people are having a hard time placing themselves outside of this election because of that intensity.

Watching certain user on this site bend over backwards to excuse every little shady or suspicious thing President Obama has done has certainly been entertaining.

Nope. You know full well that there are users on this site critical of Obama and users that despise Obama. 'Every user' is too big of a generalization to be true. Hence why I said certain users on this sub - because there are plenty of people here critical of Trump and ignoring them would be an unfair characterization of the subreddit.

plenty of people here critical of Trump and ignoring them would be an unfair characterization of the subreddit.

You don't have to ignore them but I'm free to ignore whoever the fuck I want or downvote them and give my argument. When everyone on the sub does that then you get a sub with an identity. Now that the sub's identity is changing to reflect the changing views of is subscribers now so all of a sudden all these users like you come out of the woodwork trying to mold reality to your own liking and tell people how they should think. Sorry buddy doesn't work like that.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I don't excuse anything he does. So far, he is pretty clean and he has not been tied to any major conspiracies, but I'm not a blind sheep... If the guy does stupid shit or is corrupted, I will drop my support immediately.

One reason many Trump supporters are so defensive is because there have been so many attacks and false allegations against him. Trump and his supporters have been attacked a lot and called every name in the book. It's only human that they are very defensive. If all of the criticisms of Trump had been more credible, it might be a different story.

That said, Trump is not perfect and we have to consider that he could be caught up in some shit. It's very important that we all follow every lead and keep him honest. It's our job as citizens and users of this thread to stay impartial and not dismiss stuff just bc we like the guy.

Thx for bringing this up

For what it's worth I'm not going to slap a label on anybody or shun them simply because they voted Trump. Only cowards who can't take somebody having a different opinion to them do things like that.

Different opinions are very important. I like to think that opinions are simply perspectives. We have all lived different lives and have different perspectives on things. I respect opinions because they are simply their perspective based on the reality they live in.

What about people who think that one particular opinion is insane and dangerous

So far, he is pretty clean and he has not been tied to any major conspiracies, but I'm not a blind sheep...

There are several national security organizations who think his ties to Russia are credible enough to investigate. What more do you want?

I want confirmation lol. You even said "who THINK his ties to Russia are credible". Nothing has been confirmed.

Also I am having a hard time trusting intelligence these days. They are way to influenced by politics. I feel like they have let their integrity slip.

This is a god damn conspiracy sub.

It has had numerous unconfirmed shit pass by in order to look into it constantly.

Your answer is yet again letting it pass by. There are numerous conspiracies about Trump, yet you want confirmation. While this sub has basically said Sandy Hook was actors.

Grow a pair of balls and realize you are babying the President Elect and realize what sub you are in.

Wait, we're trusting those agencies now? God I've been away from this sub for a long time.

One reason many Trump supporters are so defensive is because there have been so many attacks and false allegations against him. Trump and his supporters have been attacked a lot and called every name in the book. It's only human that they are very defensive. If all of the criticisms of Trump had been more credible, it might be a different story.

Replace trump with Clinton and read that statement back ... something about pots and kettles and the word black :)

I totally agree! Lots of allegations being tossed around from and to both sides. For some reason I just trust Trump more. It would take 6 pages to describe my reasoning, I just feel that there is much more controversy surrounding Clinton. I know there are plenty of people who disagree with me and I respect that.

Trump's propaganda worked on me better than Clintons did lol

See, facts aren't important, it's just that I feel like Clinton is more corrupt!

I have zero respect for you.

Wow, harsh! Don't you think Clinton is more corrupt, based on what this sub has shown!?!?

I'm confused why you have zero respect for me? This sub was basically Clinton bashing for 6 months straight, yet we have a few, young conspiracies about Trump and all of a sudden I'm supposed to give them a huge amount of respect?

Gosh, I can't help but think this sub is losing its integrity... I have always felt that we are all on the same team...

This sub was basically Clinton bashing for 6 months straight, yet we have a few, young conspiracies about Trump and all of a sudden I'm supposed to give them a huge amount of respect?

Alone the meeting of these two planes would be nothing of importance. But like many things in this world, the chances given the latest facts does give me concern.

Most likely in scenario is that the Russians have proof of Trump helping businesses or people launder money out of Russia and into real estate or casinos. It's possible that is why he lost so much money compared to his competitors in the casino's.

Wow, that last sentence is so sad.

Sir. Clean? If you want to learn how deep the rabbit hole appears to be...

Relatively clean... I have been down a few holes. I was just reading about how his private jet and that of a Russian oligarch were at the same airport and how likely a private meeting between them occurred.

I do not dismiss that he might be corrupted or caught up in a conspiracy.

I just think he is either relatively clean, or he has done a much better job of covering his tracks than most other politicians and wealthy powerbrokers

This I think becomes relatively more interesting now for conspirators after finding out that Russian puppet Paul Manafort was fired as campaign manager but still lived inside the trump tower after his firing, he had an apartment in there. You cannot make this stuff up.

he is pretty clean

Trump University.

Yeah, that did not look good, but who knows what happened. He got bashed for that quite a bit. Although, both sides had good arguments.

Remind me, what was the silver lining in Trump University?

The silver lining was Trump settled the lawsuit so he's technically not guilty of fraud and therefore not crooked unlike Hillary

Why did he settle?

Clean...? Dude...

He is a brutal businessman, but what would you consider 'not clean'

Um, well first off.. Trump has a fuck-ton of shady shit going on. His obvious ties to Russia, his fake university, his foundation that he already got in trouble for abusing, ect.

Second, I don't mind differing opinions on most social/economic issues as there is room for disagreement. But on his anti-science issues like climate change and the EPA I absolutely take a hard-line stance against him and people like you who support him. Why? Because your ignorance to scientifically-accepted data endangers not only my future, but my childrens also. I want a healthier ecosystem, I want cleaner air, water, and land. I don't want to suffer these insane mass extinction events we see in some of the most iconic species out there. When Trump and his supporters start actively rejecting science, that's where I draw the line.

I liked your honesty.

Hey thanks!

You tried. Have an upvote.

It's the same thing every election no matter what party wins so stop acting like it's just the Republicans.

All I see is post complaining about Trump support but none of the support.

Look at the top posts for this week. Clinton, Obama, etc. dominates while Trump conspiracies are very few. How does the president elect have virtually no conspiracies? How does /r/conspiracy have a top post this week claiming as a fact that Trump isn't conspiring with Russia?

Because /r/politics is where everyone goes for their Trump conspiracies. Why would they even bother coming here?

Check the top posts for the month and get back to me about not seeing Trump support. Every post is anti Clinton and none anti Trump. Which is odd since there is a lot we could talk about regarding Trump and Russia.

That's what I'm seeing. I mean, yeah we see all the conspiracies about Clintons and Obama because they're 100% tied in deep into the gross global misconduct George Webb has pretty perfectly explained in his videos. There's not much definite evidence that trump is involved in the big cabal, and more evidence suggesting that he's been fighting them. The pissgate shit was unfounded and a rumor.

This actually has substance, so no one is complaining or writing it off. It's better than the "Putin personally hacked Hillary and gave it to Assange" narrative for sure. But there is a rather obscene amount of comments whining about the lack of trump conspiracies being exposed on a daily basis.

I think you mean 'users'.

Agree, use to like coming to this sub. Trumpets can't make it more obvious.

Then why is every post I see from this sub filled with people shitting on Trump? Honestly don't know what you're talking about.

while Trump stacks his cabinet with bankers and special interests and makes business deals with foreign leaders.

This is exactly what would have happened under Hillary, too, have no illusions.

Corruption isn't limited to Trump, as much as the Dems would love you to believe.

To quote Mike Pence when he was asked about being booed at Hamilton:

This is what freedom sounds like

Some people should take a lesson from those they idolize.

while Trump stacks his cabinet with bankers and special interests

Bankers yes, special interests no. Putting a banker in a position that deals with money and economics is a no-brainer. Who would you choose? That one accountant in that bank in the grocery store?

What about his department of education appointment?

For what it's worth, the charlotte airport is nowhere near "tiny"

It's not exactly an international destination for billionaires though, is it?

It's a pretty major hub.

27th busiest airport by passenger traffic in the world.

So it didn't make the top 20 then?


It is about the 10th or 11th busiest airport in the US depending on the year. "Tiny"

The tarmac is tiny, they were one gate away from each other - not the actual airport. If they were next to each other in Heathrow it would just be as bad..

Why would commercial travel stats be relevant to two people who own their planes.

Because the more people fly to the same airport, the more probable two specific person would end up at the same airport randomly on the same day.

Take anyone, and follow their itinerary, and then bring up anyone who was present as them in the same place, and it gets stupid real fast. "Last weekend, and for the whole week-end, person X was in New York at the same time as person Y, are X and Y having an affair? You decide."

You're missing the point - if you own your own plane, you only travel somewhere because you want to or have a reason to be there.

Conversely, C-D is a busy hub for commercial air travel (and so many people travel there) for reasons wholly unrelated to wanting to travel to Charlotte (i.e., logistical reasons beyond the control of a commercial passenger).

So when the questions are: why did the Russian oligarch need to be there, and does it having anything to do with the fact Trump was there at the same time?

The fact that C-D is a busy commercial airline hub is not relevant to those questions.

If I have more than one plane, and I send one to NY, and one to California, does only having my planes there means I'm there?

It's an important logistical airport, you are likely to be there, if you're going to be at any airport along the way.

If both were in a non-busy airport, off the beaten path, in the jungle of some shit, then it would be less probable that they would be there to refuel, but when the planes end up at logistically sound airports, then, it's kinda expected. Occam's.

Because he said it is a tiny airport maybe?

If you own your own plane, you only travel somewhere because you want to or have a reason to be there.

Conversely, C-D is a busy hub for commercial air travel (and so many people travel there) for reasons wholly unrelated to wanting to travel to Charlotte (i.e., logistical reasons beyond the control of a commercial passenger).

So when the questions are: why did the Russian oligarch need to be there, and does it having anything to do with the fact Trump was there at the same time?

The fact that C-D is a busy commercial airline hub is not relevant to those questions.

Other than both of these individuals being in the same city, is there any evidence that they met or talked?

it might be relevant since those popular airports have accommodations for large planes. smaller unpopular airports might not
at least i think so

Charlotte also happens to be one of the largest growing banking and finance sectors in the US.

There are a lot of insecure southerners in this thread... hilarious.

Actually it's relevant to the point of this thread. I don't live in Charlotte so I don't care. Just stating it's possible for someone who is very well off financially to have a reason to be there due to it being the second largest financial sector in the nation.

Oh I see, you actually want to argue... well Charlotte is the 2nd largest banking sector, but financial sector it is not:

There are a ton of other cities that beat it. But yeah, I guess I can see Russian oligarchs flying to North Carolina for important banking meetings. Probably has no connection to donny's plane being next to his right.

I didn't want to argue you dick. I found a relevant link to the topic at hand because I knew it had an extremely large banking presence but didn't know where it fell on the scale.

Second, I also never said there was no connection between THEM. Only that there may be a connection between Charlotte and the Russian.

Interesting point.

What are the chances two billionaires meet in Charlotte of all places?

#27. Still, that's a lot of traffic... I don't understand how they're busier than Miami. I've never even connected through Charlotte or gone there, and I've flown all over.

There are a lot of bank and other business headquarters here. HB2 ruined some of that, however.

we are trading one set of globalists for another

We are importing them now.

45D chess ofc, he did it to drain the swamp as he's been doing for a few weeks now with all the Goldman Sachs peeps appointed can't you see ? Fucking cuck



Trump is becoming more troubling by the day. Why does he lie about his relationship with Putin?

You've made no comments for over 3 years, then 30 days ago you started making almost exclusively anti Trump comments.

what point are you trying to make?how do you know they havent deleted their old comments out of fear of doxxing?

It's pretty common to buy old accounts for astroturfing. In fact one of the top comments in this thread is by a first name-last name account that is 4 years old yet only made it's first comment today.

its also pretty common for people to lurk and delete old comments every so few months.

Ive seen a bunch recently using a script that overwrites your old comments with a generic text.

If there's one old account with no history in a thread, meh.

If all the first commenters are multiple old accounts, with no comments, who follow naming patterns of previous AstroTurfing campaigns, then it just makes it looks like a another AstroTurfing campaign.

haha nah I just like seeing people try and call them out over this same shit over and over again simply because they disagree with their thoughts.

and im good, ill stay here like I have and keep calling people like you out. helps with the boredom sometimes.

again simply because they disagree with their thoughts. use the same pattern as other AstroTurfing campaign.
But sure, push even more with that kind of shit, someone is bound to get fed up enough, and investigate the AstroTurfing itself and post about it.

good for them, and I hope they source they research instead of just saying this person hasnt commented before and now they are. or this account is only a month old, and is saying things that dont go with the narrative.

show some credible evidence of astroturfing in said post.

Lol you're being too obvious again. Trying to hard to rationalize your and other CTR shills existence here.

The whole subreddit knows your shit and are accustomed to being brigaded.

hahaha there it is. I disagree with you so i must be CTR. A normal person couldnt possibly hold those thoughts/opinions unless they are paid to do so.

thank you for doing the inevitable.

He is just calling him a "shill" to shift the conversation away from the point OP made

oh i know, I just like the ones who wont actually say it, but infer it and try to claim they werent going that direction.

I literally said there is a good chance he is an astroturfer. I never said I was going in any other direction than that I found it suspicious that he was inactive for 3 years only to start making exclusively anti Trump comments.

you saying they may be an astroturfer is the direction I was talking about.

... Not commenting for 3 years and then popping up IS astroturfing behavior.

You trying desperately to discredit that fact doesn't change it.

Keep on with the colorful language and keep thinking anybody is reading your comments and thinking "hmm. This real person who makes valid points against trump and only attacks other users sounds like a cool guy and is definitely unbiased and doesn't sound like a paid shill"

not commenting then pooping is lurking behavior.

I honestly dont give a shit what people think about my comments, im here to share my opinion and thoughts. And by commenting im doing so, upvote downvote i dont care, im here to discuss, not change others opinions.

Is it astroturfing if I say Trump is a piece of shit with obvious ties to Russia? I held the same opinion since the 90s because it's been obvious to any New Yorker. I've posted here for the better part of a decade and have commented about the shitty things that Bush, Obama, Trump, and many others have done. It's clear that this sub has been coopted by Russian-favoring, Trump-supporting, loquacious accounts. Some are mods who will push comically bad theories like pizzagate, stories designed to be complete directional disinformation, and then will put an "unconfirmed" label on something that is factually true (like Obama and Trump being briefed on the contents of the dossier). The vast majority of astroturfing in this sub is pro trump/pro Russia and anti everything else. This is a phenomenon that only started 12ish months ago.

I got temporarily banned from r/politics so I switched over to an old lurker account. And like someone suggested I did delete a few older comments. I realize we're on r/conspiracy here but that's all there is to it.

In fairness if there was one event to bring the lurkers into active participation it would have been the 2016 election (on both sides)

"No point made by someone I call a shill can ever be valid. If I call you a shill, I don't have to actually discuss anything about trump's relation with putin".

INB4 "Dur month old account dur".

It was an extremely generic comment, the type of comment you'd see on /r/politics, made by an account that has made no comments for over 3 years, and now makes almost exclusively anti Trump posts. 52 of those posts were also in reference to Russia.

I also never said his point was not valid, though I do not believe Trump has any notable ties to Russia. also seeing as this is a conspiracy sub I do not see any use in calling out anyone who believes in a conspiracy that I otherwise disagree with, as it kinda the whole point in this sub.

Trump when asked if he met Putin, from Oct 2015: "Yes, a long time ago. We got along great, by the way."

Trump, Oct 2016: "I never met Putin. This is not my best friend."

Putin, from Jan 2017: "I don’t know Mr. Trump. I have never met him."

My other account was temporarily banned by r/politics for making a joke and forgetting to use a sarcasm tag. So I started using my old lurker account.

or.... it's all a CTR conspiracy!

I think it's a little odd that this upper) younger post has received more upvotes than the one about the fbi releasing Clinton Foundation documents today.

This Russian oligarch has a previous relationship with Trump. This man, Dmitry Rybolovlev, has immense political power in Russia

Reading about this guy, hes wanted for extradition to Russia and seems like hes banned from the country. He definitely doesn't get along with the current government of Putin, so there might be something here but not possibly connected with the present narrative of Putin's government interfered with the election.

Source? Nothing about him being wanted for extradition that I could find, just some key facts like IF he is ever wanted for extradition it might be better to keep resources in Panama...? As it stands it seems like he gets on with Putin, but as we know in Russia, people are expendable and that could always change. Wouldn't be shocked to find this guy dead a year from now.

Rybolovlev's dissatisfaction at not receiving a Monegasque passport which might afford him greater protection from extradition to his native Russia than his Cypriot passport if such a situation were to occur

IF such a situation were to occur... not that it has. As long as he keeps Vladdy P happy, I don't think it will..?

Well looking at countless Russian billionaires who are exiled from Russia or rather fear persecution and don't return. Its not that unprecedented of a situation.

exiled from Russia

He arrived in Moscow yesterday, Jan 17th. YESTERDAY.

Why are you lying and spreading disinformation?

I just read the wikipedia page. Apparently that is the disinformation, it mentions he fears extradition to Russia. I guess a false claim.

Links plz

WAIT a second. You are lying on purpose. The comprehensive flight history I posted shows that he flies in and out of MOSCOW ALL THE TIME. The fact that people upvote this garbage to try and hide the truth and create disinfo is RIDICULOUS.


Everything else you say is sourceless bullshit. Linking his wikipedia page doesn't make your sponsored lies any better.

Jesus christ, the fact that people will upvote without fact checking, pure and unadulterated lies is ASTOUNDING. Why EXACTLY are you spreading disinfo? What are you scared of?

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Equally as relevant as your link:

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 19638

lmao. says the person replying to a thread about a comment that's since been deleted...

Good job.

WAIT a second. You are lying on purpose. The comprehensive flight history I posted shows that he flies in and out of MOSCOW ALL THE TIME. The fact that people upvote this garbage to try and hide the truth and create disinfo is RIDICULOUS.


Everything else you say is sourceless bullshit. Linking his wikipedia page doesn't make your sponsored lies any better.

Jesus christ, the fact that people will upvote without fact checking, pure and unadulterated lies is ASTOUNDING. Why EXACTLY are you spreading disinfo? What are you scared of?

Interesting. The disinfo is not me then, it is the wikipedia page.

Where on his wiki page does it say he was exiled? NO WHERE!

You link a wiki page to fuel skepticism & distract, classic disinfo psyops tactics. In reality, the wiki page says nothing about exile.

The only thing that comes close, is that he has his assets in other places (monaco, cyprus) to avoid having them ceased IN CASE Russia wants to. This is normal... most oligarchs in Russia keep their assets in other places to avoid having them ceased incase a regime change happens. NO bad relationship with Putin. Just lies on your end.

Alright fine I'm a russian disinfo agent you caught me.

oh shit, getting brigaded again

Explain? This is my first time posting on this sub since that peculiar daycare incident caught my eye (off of 8chan).

Anytime something goes against the Trump circlejerk there's a dedicated userbase here ready to scream about brigading.

This. I've noticed this sub becoming disturbingly pro-Trump over the past year compared to a couple years ago when it was extremely nonpartisan.

Its just the sound of America being made Great Again, dude.

It's demographics. Kids who grew up with Obama in office.

I mean, this post hit /r/all, so curious people that don't believe the same things as you came in. I don't think that qualifies as being "brigaded".

I dont see it on /all yet. Im sure it will be up there tho with this brigade

I got here from /r/all. Or am I a part of this brigade? Who would be motivated to brigade an anti-Trump post on /r/conspiracy?

It's not on /r/all at the time I'm writing this comment.

I don't know what to tell you, homeboy. It was on page 8 or 9 of my /r/all, but I have a lot of subs blocked, so that may play a role.

But sure, I'm actually working for a secret organization dedicated to. . . Mostly commenting on /r/anime, I guess.

luckily its happening less, i'm guessing their going to lose thier funding once the godemperor take the throne.

hi cnn

Do I need to post some timestamped pictures of my face? I'm a Russo-Canadian law student who has an interest in geopolitics, nothing more or less. I'm practically a hermit and definitely do not have ties to anyone important.

Its the trump worshipper approach, parrot "CNN is fake news!" for anything they don't like.

so I said fake news? no It's just a lame talking point "the Russians" MSM killed it already, if they cant get it to stick, guess what? Like with Hillary with guys would post up a interview glitch to sugest he cant be proved alive. Jesus, is veiled well but its about 1000 characters of info put into I don't know.

Most of what you banged out on your keyboard is a lame talking point. the rest is incoherent ramblings.

Ignore the fuckboy. Anything that isn't in lockstep with Cheeto Benito is either CNN, fake news, or something else that lets them continue to stay cuddled up in their safety bubble.

No, post succinct information. It's always hilarious to watch how retarded things can get. Resembles what id imagine being best of the bottom set in math. The crazy caveman theories you come up with for something so simple is amusing.

Probably don't want to do that with the amount of death threats some anti trump people get.

Don't want polonium in my coffee, or any atomic tea!

Death threats? Lol wow

Next time try to contribute something worth reading.

54 Minutes and topping our page.

I need some popcorn...

reddit is making bank this month.

I wonder how much they paid that retard spez to do this.

A Russian conspiracy quickly shoots out of the New queue at an astonishing speed.

Within 15 minutes, the thread is filled with comments complaining about the moderators and the usual "/r/conspiracy is The_Donald 2.0" spam.

Now I'm perfectly willing to entertain the OP's theory, but whatever is going with the upvotes and the unusual speed of the anti-/r/conspiracy comments is suspicious.

Then start a new thread...?

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For the record, when I posted this thread, that linked post was about 86 upvotes, ungilded and I felt like it wasn't getting any exposure. I never linked this thread there and had no plans to because I understand other subs/politics do not get along.

So we're getting brigaded again?

what is it, that you think brigading is?

Oh come on. You're all up and down this thread trying to push your CTR propaganda.

hahaha you again with the shill accusations. I wish i got paid for this shit, id do it even more if a check was coming my way.

I have a serious question for you. I'm sure you're going to accuse me of being a shill and brigading and whatever but what exactly would CTRs motivation be here? If Trump were to be removed from office, Hillary doesn't suddenly become president.

Lol if you think irrelevant questions/red herrings will sidetrack the convo or disprove you and others being a shill, then you haven't been trained well and still suck at spreading FUD.

Well, as I haven't been trained at all, you're probably right. We're deep into this comment thread and I had a legitimate question. What would their motivation be?

Removed. Rule 10.

For the record, when I posted this thread, that linked post was about 86 upvotes, ungilded and I felt like it wasn't getting any exposure. I never linked this thread there and had no plans to because I understand other subs/politics do not get along.

For the record, when I posted this thread, that linked post was about 86 upvotes, ungilded and I felt like it wasn't getting any exposure on politics. I never linked this thread there and had no plans to because I understand other subs/politics do not get along.


People are coming from /r/all. op posted there as well.

It's not on /r/all at the time I'm writing this comment/. Stop spreading lies.

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/r/politics isn't /r/all.

I just checked /r/all again for the third time. Still not seeing it on /r/all.

I literally found this on /r/All

As of right now, it's number 40 on /r/all, /r/all is bigger than just the first 25 posts.

I came here from r/all.

Just checked /r/all for the fourth time. Still not there. Stop lying.

Not sure why you'd think I'm lying

Here what's /r/all looked like at 7:06 EST.

This thread is nowhere to be found.

you're only looking at the first page of /r/all. currently number 43 though i am blocking a few subs so it might be different for you

Here's what /r/all looks like when you use RES. Found it. I'm not subbed to /r/politics and yet here I am. Looks like it's going to be on the front page in no time.

Got here from /r/all too. Sorry no one invites you to parties.

Reporting in from /r/all. Post was at #34 when I clicked it.

I also came from r/all

Yeah, smells like a conspiracy.

The desperation for their narrative to stick is palpable.

I would certainly entertain any factual news but unless they have photos of the actual meeting then I'm calling bullshit.

The red flag for me was the "tiny" airport bullshit.

tiny airport PARKING LOT, as per the map. the airport might be big by your standards but the tarmac they met on was tiny, they were one gate away from each other in distance. nice distraction/deflection attempt though.

factual news



Like the dossier thread getting a lot of attention and then deleted?

The dossier thread was removed because Buzzfeed itself admitted the story was "full of errors" and because the thread was brigaded.

the shills are desperate right now. what did you expect. we had like 10 pizza gate threads and now their gonna dump over that with another trumpxrussia story.

This thread is completely full of shills. I think I've seen 10 so far. Literally never seen so many in a single thread.

I think we have the DOD spreading anti-Russia propaganda, and CTR spreading anti-Trump and possibly anti-Russia propaganda as well. It's a fucking dumpster fire of shills.

For those who don't understand that shilling internet forums is an official policy of the United States Government, here you go:

Or there's a lot of people interested in conspiracies that also think Trump is a Russian puppet. That's why I'm here.

Yeah, that's fine. I didn't say disagreement = shill.

Maybe it's because this is more believable than a lot of the other stuff posted on this sub.

screen shot the next couple of pages. some people's are set to have more links per page. I came in from r/all

Thank you!!!!

Something about this post bothers me, -- and it's definitely not the conspiracy itself. Almost all the comments are about bitching about this sub and the mods. WTF?

But guys, he said he has no deals with Russia.......

Do you have deal with Russia? No? Prove it?

Has any deal with Russian been proved/found?

What proof could be provide? Tax returns maybe?

Follow the money....

What does that even mean in this context? Such a lazy answer..

This is rightfully going to the top, but there are a few other issues people need to be aware of (np domains):

  • Ben Swann's video. Thought the whole thing was a joke before I watched

  • RFK Jr's piece on mercury released today. for more info check out vaccines revealed (dot) com and RFK's site world mercury project (dot) org

Do you post unrelated "updates" on every /r/conspiracy thread? Or just ones that paint Trump & Russia negatively...?

not sure what you mean by that

and yeah the issues I bring up are unrelated, but if people think they're important enough for others to see, they will upvote them; and downvote them if not.

Why not make your own thread about it, then, instead of shoehorning it in on other posts, seemingly to distract from anti-Trump news?

oh was that what OP was implying? lol I'm as anti Trump as anyone. check my post history, for real.

and I have made threads on it. I hijack his for visibility because I think these are important issues. seriously, just look at the linked material. it'll take no more than 15 mins of your time. I put a lot more stock in the RFK material than the Ben Swann material I linked, but I think both are worth viewing.

Why not make your own thread about it, then, instead of shoehorning it in on other posts...?

as I said to the two other commenters who asked exactly the same thing:

I have made threads on it. I hijack his for visibility because I think these are important issues. seriously, just look at the linked material. it'll take no more than 15 mins of your time. I put a lot more stock in the RFK material than the Ben Swann material I linked, but I think both are worth viewing.

Start your own posts.

I have made threads on it. I hijack his for visibility because I think these are important issues. seriously, just look at the linked material. it'll take no more than 15 mins of your time. I put a lot more stock in the RFK material than the Ben Swann material I linked, but I think both are worth viewing.

The Ben Swann piece is featured in three of the posts on the front page of this sub already.

but this post is going to the top of /r/all

I have made threads on it. I hijack his for visibility because I think these are important issues. seriously, just look at the linked material. it'll take no more than 15 mins of your time. I put a lot more stock in the RFK material than the Ben Swann material I linked, but I think both are worth viewing.

shills get angry when you try to use thier own tactics against them.

keep it up.

Amazing work OP. Thank you Conspiracy peeps for giving this serious thought.

They met to talk about golf and the grandkids, naturally. /s

How long before we get that spicy "unverified" tag on this from whichever mod is attached to Cheeto Benito's hind teat?

The reason that MSM hasn't said anything about it because the MSM is a liberal anti trump conspiracy. /s

Do you think the presser he did shaming CNN is generally seen as a statement to the Press that they're going to have to Kiss Ass for Access?


Could you shed some light on where you compiled this information from? How did you find this out in the first place?

Twitter, someone who retweeted the lady who posted the original pictures, Khan-something. Then I did my own research, someone on reddit got a free trial to the flight records website & obtained those for me.


Could you link to the original twitter post?


ok so their planes were both at the airports? Any pictures of them together? Like they proven Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meeting?

I don't know about any previous relationship, but your whole evidence is that they were at the same airport on the same day. The 27th busiest airport in the world. Really. That's it? I love conspiracies but this one doesn't really offer me anything. Tell me more about this history and Trump's son making trips. Give me the meat there. Don't show me this nothing of a coincidence and say it is proof.

Clearly not a good investment property.

Did you forget that late in 2008 is when the housing bubble burst? Of course he lost a shit load of value on it. And now it is almost back to $100 Million in value.

I need more than this to go on man. This is grasping at straws to the nth degree.

It was worth $40 mil in 2004. When he purchased it, the housing market already burst, so he should have paid no where near $100 mil on it - most people were underpaying by 50% at the time. I can get out a zillow history for you if you are not compelled to believe me.

Instead, in a shitty realestate market he overpaid by 50% when it was probably worth less than what Trump originally paid? Come on man. Now he can barely break even, what a great job. It was never worth 100 mill in 2008. Never ever.

I remember a family friend buying a $2 million dollar house in 2008 for 500k, then selling it in 2012 for $2 mill. My dad brokered the deal. You didn't lose if you had enough $ to buy in 2008 and weren't trying to money launder.

Please give me a zillow history on the property. I absolutely do not believe you without sources, you are a random person on the internet. Who the hell believes random people on the internet without proof.

It is literally common knowledge that this is what happened:

Market growth since the recession was very well documented:

It would take a fool to deny the numbers, compiled from millions and millions of market transactions: he bought it in 04. It then increased in value by 10%+ for 2.5 years then by a smaller amount until sometime in 2007. After that it started falling and he sold it for $30 million less than his original asking price of $125 million.

He also supposedly "flipped" this house and made massive upgrades inside. No clue how much he put into it, but it doesn't seem that crazy to me that this happened. Is it questionable? Sure. Is it anything more than a weak link where this Russian dude made a poor investment for a few years until the market turned back around? I need more. Maybe Trump sold this dude on a shitty investment and convinced him it was the deal of the century. Maybe this dude bailed Trump out in return for when Trump came to power 8 years later or a future favor tbd.

But for real, I need more.

Has this Russian guy made any shady or interesting investments lately? Is there anything that Trump has said he will do that will help this guy? Being in the same place at the same time is something to watch, but is not enough to really get me going yet. Keep going and link this to something else. This is a "hmm" story, not a "holy shit" story. It needs more meat.

But for real, I need more.

He keeps giving you more and you keep saying

"i need more". Might as well stop reading his comments and just have that copied and be ready to paste

I need more links. This meeting and the house are the only things. There is nothing obvious or shady there since the two are 8 years apart. I need more than that to go on personally. YMMV

According to this article that tries to tie the two together, the sale happened in the summer. The crash was in September if I remember correctly. He also bought his daughter an $88 million Manhattan apartment.

This sale is the only thing linking the two together. Maybe it is something, but I need more than one link and both being at the 10th busiest American airport on the same day.

I wonder how often Trump is at the same airport as anyone else he's had real estate transactions.
How many other at that same airport on that same day?

2nd largest banking center in the US. It's possible he was there for another reason and then they met but also possible it was set up. I don't have enough evidence either way.

27th. Don't change shit

Your logic is incorrect. Obviously these people went through the trouble to provide a source. And sources make arguments into true facts!

In fact there is no need to even read sources! The mere presence of a hyperlink is proof that the source actually backs up the claim. Checking facts leaves less time for real life problems and as such are not needed to be read before commenting in an intelligent fashion!


Source- fact finder extraordinary

[Source- Muh Opinion](


I can go deeper than zillow.

The fact that it's a busy airport for commercial passengers means nothing for two people who own their planes. When you own a plane, you don't land somewhere unless you want to.

OP is a CTR shill. The claims that Trump is a Russian puppet has no proof whatsoever backing it.

Good work.

We should talk about Ukraine working with Hillary to attempt the smear Trump.

Yes this is exactly what we should be talking about.

Jesus these comments are an abortion.

probably not in this thread though. Make your own post?

Too many Russian agents on this thread, can't tell who's a Conservative and who's a KGB spy. >_>

More like "it's very easy to spot a CTR shill" when they make comments like implying anyone who defends Trump or GOP is "a KGB shill"

More like "it's easy to spot Russian shill because they accuse anyone even remotely critical of Trump as being CTR". This sub was covering a long time ago.

Nyet comrade, no spies here. MAGA!

Too many EnoughTrumpSpam users here. Cant tell if this is /r/politics or /r/worldnews

I know of a bit of info regarding that property in Florida. He toured the property after purchasing it YEARS later from Trump. He apparently walked around and in less than 30 minutes asked it to be torn down. His literal reasoning for tearing down that mansion was that he didn't like the bathrooms. I know of people who dealt with this property. The US government doesn't seem so dumb after all 🤔

He tore it down & divided it into three lots to sell. He can't break even on his investment now. The biggest lot, he sold for $34 mill... he has to sell the other two smaller lots for 60 mill combined to break even and i doubt he will

Either real estate investment or money laundering. My parents are real estate brokers and my country's real estate market is torn apart by Chinese doing the same thing - either "investing" in the market or laundering money through it.

Considering he did not make money because he overpaid... i'd say moneylaundering... can't understand why a Russian businessman would make such a stupid "investment"

Eh I know more to the story but I don't want to start saying things I can regret. Catch the last line in my first post. Sorry. If this catches super traction I may say something. Just cause I'm super paranoid.

Just a few fun facts: In 1996 he was accused of murdering a fellow businessman and spent close to a year in prison. Beyonce sang at his daughter's 25th birthday party. Mr. Rybolovlev gave California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom a gilded Louis Vuitton pen causing a minor controversy.

Well at that point Hillary was supposed to win by 95% confidence forecast. Forgetting that we do have a middle America, and that pesky Electoral College, so probably no one cared.

In the end, is it not better to be friends with Russia than enemies? Innocently asked?

Source: Bernie supporter. :-)

That was cringey

I'm looking at everything you presented and I still don't see anything showing Trump was even at that airport. Other than an undated picture of his plane sitting on a tarmac somewhere.

He arrived there to get to his rally in Charlotte that day, and left the same day to the next rally somewhere else.

So unless he got to Charlotte by some other way, while his private plane flew in anyway, what you are saying is a sad deflection attempt!

Only problem is he didn't have a rally in Charlotte that day. He had one in Selma at 7 pm which is a suburb of Raleigh a 3 and a half hour drive from Charlotte. Also had one in Jacksonville FL that morning at 11am.

Like I said nothing you have shows Trump being at the Charlotte airport that day. He would have been in the Raleigh airport around 5 pm though.

Nothing in your post shows him there either. There was no reason for him to be there. If pointing out little things like facts is deflecting color me a deflector.

A 30 minute drive from Charlotte, on video, 11/3/16... why are you lyin' though?

I'm not, the web page I went to only mentioned the rally in Florida and Selma on Nov 3rd.

Why you have to be shitty to people.



I have to be shitty to people because this thread is deleted and being censored by people trying to distort facts

Can we pick up the conversation here? I don't like waiting ten minutes to prove my point.



I have to be shitty to people because this thread is deleted and being censored by people trying to distort facts

Thank you.

I completely agree pay to play is wrong. But I don't think anyone can gather that's what occurred without being there. Clearly Rybolovlev is directly linked to Trump through the Bank of Cypress and Wilbur Ross, a Trump cabinet appointee

  1. You already sent me this, and my reply was and is, there's no evidence of pay to play without being there and or seeing some sort of financial documents.

  2. I asked if there were any partisan reports about this.. since you just sent it again I'm concluding there is not.

I hope you have the body of your post copy+pasted somewhere because the pro-Trump shills that mod this sub won't leave this up for long.

It is already deleted from /r/conspiracy, as soon as it hit #20 on /r/all it got deleted after I told the mod I wouldn't do it myself. I reposted it with some addendum he asked for.

Let's remind everyone that this is r/conspiracy and NOT r/politics. Let's not give into the DIVIDE, the trolls nor the shitty propaganda trying to disrupt us. I encourage everyone to search for the answers yourself. OP seems to be onto something BIG. Read into the details. Read between the lines.

P.S. Coming from +5 years at Reddit, this thread is being brigaded.. Last week was too much and they were easily called out. This thread is different, they've learned.

Its 86% upvoted. Pretty standard doesn't seem like brigaded to me.

Brigaded by outside communities and users. Why would users that don't usually post to r/conspiracy start to commenting on such "hot" threads ? most of them are trying in some form or way disrupt, argue, divide, hurl insults, etc.vthis is r/conspiracy not r/politics. They have derailed r/politics with these tactics but it's hasn't worked here.. It's clear to most people that have been here awhile that this is another form of disruption/ distraction/ manipulation. It's not hard for anyone to see but the upvotes in this thread with tell a different story.

You do understand how r/all works right.

So why not go to the thread in r/politics.. Why come to free thinking r/conspiracy and promote division and slander? They stepping into our community and trying to push an agenda. It's pretty clear

If I'm on to something big then how can you say I am manipulating you or trying to do shitty propaganda? You are so far into your own narrative that you don't look at facts anymore.

Woah woah easy there cowboy.. I'm simply informing others to investigate FURTHER. Do you know how many smoking guns and connected dots we've (r/conspiracy) has put together over the years?. Yet most these top comments here are trying to taint, discredit, discourage users like YOU AND I from putting the dots together. Let's not try and ad more slander to the already tainted r/conspiracy subreddit.

This sub has to shift to the left now or else it completely defeats the purpose of this sub. Trump and the Republicans will hold all 3 branches of the federal government. Accepting the new government and trying to defend it is quite funny when you look at the past year and the exclusive anti-Clinton posts here. Especially since the Left only held the presidential seat and that was it. Conservatives were favored in the Supreme court and had majority in the House. Yet somehow liberals were the source of all evil on this sub for at least the past year.

Before this month, literally every single top post was either anti-clinton or anti-liberals. Seems suspicious to me.

Donald Trump goes to rally. Russian guy does some banking. Among hypotheses, the one with the least assumptions should be accepted. Upvoted for effort.

Why is Russian guy in NC, where he has never travelled to before? He goes to Budapest & NYC all the time, never Charlotte, yet you are trying to tell me he does banking there the exact same day Trump is there for only a ay? For 12 hours? He couldn't send someone else?

Nice try but its too strange of a coincidence. The guy clearly does not do his banking in Charlotte.

You have undeniable evidence that two airplanes were parked next to each other at an airport. That's something right there. As far as the rest, one could only speculate

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Why's that?

This is most likely nothing. May i suggest that if there was any undeniable proof of Trump doing political deals with Russia the intel agencies would've likely shared it with us.

Ever hear how they watch criminals from afar for months to years and get so much proof that there is no way they can worm out of it?

This is most likely nothing

I'll take "things you never expected to read on /r/conspiracy" for $400 Alex.

Because he's corrupt. He is going to be worse than slavery was.

Excellent post and research!

Dmitry Rybolovlev

He is also mentioned as an officer to some off shore shell accounts in the Panama Papers:

To be more precise he is linked to XITRANS FINANCE LTD.

Furthermore, an alias of his - Monsieur D. Rybolovlev - is also linked to same company.

Is that really an alias though?

I think it is unusual that the same person is listed as a shareholder for a company twice. In fact, it may even be illegal.

What's the difference between "beneficiary" & "shareholder"?

According to this site, it is:

If your shares of CDI stock are registered directly in your name with our transfer agent, BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, you are considered to be a “registered shareholder” of those shares. If that is the case, the proxy material has been sent directly to you by our transfer agent.

If your shares of CDI stock are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other nominee, you are considered to be the “beneficial holder” of the shares held for you in what is known as “street name”.

That just means he has a French holding company that owns his stock, on paper. Probably a common way to hide money.

I wonder if such a practice is frowned upon or if it is considered smart?

Loopholes to them, fuckery to me.

Perhaps the Rybolobleb had some evidence on PizzaGate to hand over to the Trump team for investigation.

Maybe because he himself is a businessman?

Who gives fuck if puppet trump hangs out with. Russian?

Did bush ever hang out with a Saudi billionaire? Oh wait they are the good guys

Holy shit shill brigade.

TIL anti-Trump = shills

But thanks for contextualising this with the elephant in the room Russia issue

Thanks for contributing such free thinking attitudes! Come back to r/conspiracy next round!

I have never in my life seen so many. Forum sliding to cover up pizza gate?


add #pizzagate to the bottom of your post to debunk shill'dom!

Why would the mainstream media suppress this, though? They haven't been very pro trump as far as I've seen.

Because nothing is here except that Trump's plane and this Russian dude's plane were at the airport at the same time. This post doesn't say they met at all.

Why does every standing US President meet with the Bilderberg Group? Why did Hillary meet with AIPAC? This is a non-story.

Now this is the conspiracy I like to see!

How long until this thread gets deleted?!

I can't wait for the "unverified" tag!

How long until this thread gets deleted?!

I can't wait for the "unverified" tag!

Same shit posted by many /r/politics users. This is why we can tell you are a brigade, you idiots say the same shit

You're a dweeb

I found this on /r/All

I didn't resort to personal namecalling.

well, i'll apologize for the namecalling.


Also /r/conspiracy got infiltrated and brigaded by T_D and wikileaks a long time ago. Nothing else survives in this echo chamber. Impossible to have a a conspiracy against the GOP billionaire who just became the most powerful man in the US.

Lolol. You went way too far and was too obvious.

Saying TD brigaded here? And wikileaks?

Come on you CTR shills. You are so fucking embarassingly bad it's now hilarious to watch you fucks crash and burn.

CTR shills

Still calling out CTR shills. smh

the modern day mccarthy cry is "fake news" btw.

Someone could verify it, if they don't want it to be unverified.

Assuming trump is not a puppet, which he is. If he were friendly with Russians thi would be a good thing.

Salty Americans carrying on your democracy is under attack (lol) are so hypocritical is curious they can function.

American exceptionalisn is Shyte

less chance of NUCLEAR WAR

You see, to me it's funny that you think that.

Why do you find nuclear war amusing?

I wonder if you'd talk so brave if you lived thur the Cuban mistake crisis?

Have you heard of Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov?

I wonder if stab would Laugh too?

Nuclear war isn't amusing, but fearmongering it to push a political narrative / candidate is.

Given the treaty treaty in place, in regards to invasion of the Ukraine

And the American shady influence and backin of far right wing groups in Ukrainian politics.

I'm not quite sure how you construct that as a pro trump agenda or fear mongering. Remember puppet Clinton was the one that was keener to push the button.

Syria and Ukraine are a big deal. It's nieve to think otherwise. Proxy wars can heat up fast

Pizzagate story dominating the news cycle? Better bring out a "Trump is bought and paid for by the Russians and anyone who doesn't agree is not a true conspiracy theorist and they need a safe space"--a sentence so loaded with "triggers" that even the staunchest libertarian's blood pressure will rise a few points just reading it.

Who the fuck did this research? Who is OP?

A concerned citizen that poured over all of Trump's business dealings? Then highlighted Russian names and searched for their private jets? Then searched for flight histories? Then correlated that with Trump's flight patterns? Then found a "hit" and posted this--and if we don't believe it we're shills?

And then if I'm to believe this is organic, am I also to believe that oppo research on Trump didn't begin until now? The Russian connections are just NOW coming to light? After 18 months of trying to take this man down, someone just NOW decided to give this Russian thing a quick once over and see if there's any dirt?

And the retort is: as a conspiracy theorist you should believe NOTHING. If you have faith in Trump, you're not a TRUE conspiracy theorist.

They're trying their damndest to kill this revolution before it starts. I'm sad to see so many of my comrades starting their periods and shedding blood before the bullets have even started flying.

Grow a spine you fucking cowards.

Well my qualm was this was never reported my MSM or indie journalists. No one really caught it.

Who the fuck did this research? Who is OP?

I am a 22 year old Russian-Canadian law student. I would say my political leanings are centre-right economically, socially it ranges between right/left depending on the issue.

I like reading about geopolitics in my spare time. I was reading twitter just to waste time on my day off and someone retweeted the woman who posted the original links. Khan-something, some never-trump guy. I looked into it, skyped my friend and told him about it, and then decided to look further into it because I'm autistic, slightly. People pointed out that flight patterns were online and another redditor got a free trial and hosted pics on imgur, posting them in another thread. Then I made this thread because it wasn't getting any attention on /r/politics or elsewhere.

But I mean, if you're implying I'm CNN or something... that's... cool, I guess? If I got a real job my parents would be proud!

Lol you're a boner. You spend your whole life feverishly masterbating over some bullshit conspiracies but then a bunch come along that compromise the highest elected official in the US with evidence brought forth by every intelligence agency on the earth and it's just a bunch of nothing?

You are such a scared boner and trump makes you feel all safe and warm on the inside because you are a scared boner. Just call a spade a spade dude. You are getting played by a dude that talks like a 4th grader

lol they don't get it. It's not working. Stay woke fam. No one in this community would say such things to you. Fuck them, they have lost

That's some weak-ass deflection, comrade.




ctr shills incoming.

how high will this crapper go 40k or 50k upvotes.

Yes, I am totally CTR that is why I live in Canada and have a bank balance that is two digits and immense amounts of student debt. Durrrr.

I feel like that would make you more likely to be CTR.

Right? Seeking to be involved in foreign politics combined with a low market value for his labor and need for cash outside his base income. Doesn't take much to connect the dots.

I find it very unfortunate and disappointing that the /r/Conspiracy community has hopped onto this "Trump connected to Russia" scandal. It's clearly fake news. And used to cover up the DNC leaks and draw attention away from the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation/Obama Foundation now that the election is over.

And now, of course, even more false information is going to be loosed on the public as Trump movies into the white house and is inaugurated.

The Russia scandal is fake news everyone. Move passed it and look at where the real criminals are. We can use Trump to drain the swamp, we don't need to like him, but his people are at least a little better than what is in there now.

I find it very unfortunate and disappointing that the /r/Conspiracy community has hopped onto this "Trump connected to Russia"

We didn't

These types of posts are posted by users who frequent /r/politics and /r/enoughtrumpspam

They also bring their friends and their upvotes


There will be a few posts within a day or two which unequivocally disputes the "evidence", but will receive perhaps 10% of the upvotes. This happens any time we're brigaded here. Nothing much we can do except acknowledge and wait for the smoke to clear.

Stop living and dying by upvotes on Reddit. There's good content in the cracks of this sub.

Which was my poin: usually content with a ton of upvotes around these parts is brigaded.

I certainly don't have time to investigate every poster ITT, but the nature of the Internet is that to things.

There are dozens of pizzag8 threads with thousands of upvotes in the past few weeks. This is at least deserving of equal time.

But, then again, their airplanes were parked next to each other. It's not like they posted it on Instagram, so what do I know?

Well, pizzagate shit also gets brigaded by /r/the_donald. Pizzagate and russia articles are the two things that arent particularly reflective of this community. However, pizzagate is brigaded by unpaid people so i'll give it a little more validity

Fair enough. I haven't seen it everywhere, but certainly an increase in it. It's just very one-sided. And i'm not seeing much argument. It's being reported as fact. And that's scary. There's still no evidence to support it.

Yes everything that does not agree with the 'god emperor' is fake news. Pretty soon your going to start spouting the nonsense about trump being such an advanced being that he doesnt need to poop.

Why are you resorting to the extreme? I'm not even a Trump follower, I'm Canadian and I live in South Korea. So I don't give a shit about any of the North American politics.

I'm simply saying that the rest of the world can plainly see it's fake news. And America is having their next "red scare".

You choose not to believe because you think it's fake. Because that makes sense to you. How is that even remotely conclusive? Don't tell others what to think. Provide information and let others come to their own conclusion. This is what freedom is. Also you might want to try using evidence to support your claim, sort of like OP supplied. Your feelings and bias mean jack and shit.

The fact is, a meeting with a Russian person tied to politics says nothing besides the fact that Trump is making friends with lots of leaders before he moves into his presidency. There is no proof that he is working with them or supplying them with information.

So before we take out the noose, how about we actually get some concrete proof first. Right now there's too much goddamn bullshit.

This is a conspiracy subreddit. This isn't an indictment. It's a subreddit being used for it's purpose in the right context.

So we should throw out logic simply because he are 'supposed' to be creating conspiracies?

There are many potential reasons. I cannot say which reason and nor can you. None of us know, but combining other information with this information makes it a potential conspiracy. I know you want people to think differently, but why isn't this a valid question?

Fair enough.

It is ridiculous. Trump and the reps literally have all control of the Federal government and here y'all are defending him. That seems contradictory to this sub's purpose. And its not like liberals held all the power in the last election or even for the past 6 years. All they had was the president, which was blocked constantly, yet somehow Trump cannot be criticized by y'all when he has everything in his hands?

The Russia scandal is fake news everyone. Move passed it and look at where the real criminals are. We can use Trump to drain the swamp, we don't need to like him, but his people are at least a little better than what is in there now.

Have you not been paying attention to the appointments? "Draining the Swamp" is certainly not what is happening

Just because someone is given power doesn't mean they will abuse it. We haven't even see him make any executive political decisions yet that actually have affected the country. He's appointed people, so what? It hasn't actually directly affected the country yet. You're all blaming him and he hasn't even gotten into office yet. Just sit tight and see what happens. And criticize him when he actually makes mistakes. Show me evidence his relationship with Russia is anything but friendly (and how is that bad?) and i'll submit that he's a Communist Red Russian who's out to make America the next red state!

Just because someone is given power doesn't mean they will abuse it.



You haven't provided 'proof' that they met.

You haven't even provided proof that they were in North Carolina here.

Do you think the regulars at r/conspiracy don't check the links people post?

Was the guy confirmed there, or only his plane?

From looking at the links, I could not even tell if he had made it to North Carolina.

The links all seem bogus/misleading.

Also, when did Trump leave on that date? Was he late to the rally that was there? How late was he if was? When did the MKATE leave? Was the Russian fellow even on the plane?

Those are my main questions and I'm on my way to my grandmother's to eat dinner so I can't research right now.

I can see why people would relate it to Lynch/Clinton but we also have proof they physically met in person on her plane and I may be wrong here, but Clinton wasn't there before her was he? Didn't they meet and it delayed her takeoff?

OP posted this elsewhere. His investigation started with this tweet

What's so bad about Russia again?

Nothing really, some people just dont like being murdered for having different political opinions than Putin.

his name was seth rich

peanuts compared to the clinton kill list

For one, were in the cold again, dontchaknow.
They are way worse than being controlled by the Saudis, let me tell you that!!!

They fought against the coup that Soros did in Ukraine.

Nice work OP!

Oh look... a thread seemingly brigaded straight to the top.

Anyways... hey does anyone remember some airport tarmac meeting with AG Lynch and bill clinton? And then some charges were not pursued or something? hmm... No no goyim, just a coincidence I'm sure.

But seriously though... if Trump really is a puppet he's not a "big scary Ruskie agent", he would be a globalist shill judging by the people he has kept around him...

I've been here for two hours... seems pretty authentic to me. Or are only the_donald users allowed?

Please let my parents know I am working for Clinton, they will be thrilled to learn I finally got a Real Job!

Well this is the conspiracy sub so I can't really fault you for having no more proof that they actually met other than: "I think it is VERY LIKELY he was there to meet with Trump's team/Trump".

This is something to keep half an eye on for sure though

But seriously though... if Trump really is a puppet he's not a "big scary Ruskie agent", he would be a globalist shill judging by the people he has kept around him...


would be


Tagged for being brigaded.....

I assume the mods have evidence of this? Or is this thread being treated the same as the piss thread?

It was on /r/all/rising fairly quickly... Someone linked it in /r/politics about 30 min ago because I posted there first. But when I made that post in /r/politics, it was at 86 upvotes. I thought it was being buried so I posted here... I mean the media covered this up and I thought most people there would as well because WaPo/NYT weren't reporting it. If that's considered a "brigade" then I don't know.

How does /r/all brigade something though?

I speculate that it is because reddit is largely liberal, as is often claimed in comments. I assume that this is reflected in the users on /r/all.

Which makes you wonder why T_D would be so desperate to get things seen on /r/all if they didn't want exposure to people who disagreed... :thinking:

Which makes you wonder why T_D would be so desperate to get things seen on /r/all if they didn't want exposure to people who disagreed... :thinking:

T_D instantly bans anyone who doesn't agree with their views. Most people who openly hate them are already banned and if someone new from /all disagrees it doesn't matter, a quick ban a lbs comment delete will fix that.

Yeah. It was a rhetorical question. The :thinking: is supposed to represent an emoji deep in thought, as if it was some complex issue, whereas in reality it's exactly as you described: They want to be heard but not hear. They want to speak but not be spoken to. Just like Trump.

What exactly is the media covering up? The non story of Trump's plane being at the same airport on the same day as Rybolovlev? He isn't even a Russian state employee. He's a business man. This is literally nothing. It got brigaded hard by people didn't take 5 seconds to even read what you wrote. They just saw "Trump == bad" and up voted.


How does /r/all "brigade" when there isn't any higher organizational structure? Doesn't that just mean that reddit as a majority agrees with or is interested in the content?

The real question.. Is this juicer than Bill meeting Loretta the day before Hillary's ruling?

Why are u so curious about this? It was probably related to those real estate deals or something



This thread is being hit hard by an outside brigade from /r/politics, with some users in these comments going so far as to proudly admit they are manipulating this subreddit-

As moderators, we have limtied tools to deal with this kind of manipulation; and have passed the situation along to the reddit admins.

We apologize for the recent influx of outside agigators attempting to use this sub to subvert it's own community, but as moderators we have faith in the ability of the user base of this subreddit to withstand these repeated attacks, while continuing to enshrine the maxim of free flowing information which has defined the ethos here for so long.

I don't see how that's manipulation so much as conceding that someone got a good conspiracy related lead and someone pointed them over here since it's topical?

As I said, the nature of brigading is complex and we have passed the situation over to the admins.

The admins have confirmed that last week's thread about Trump was heavily brigaded from outside subreddits, and we will ensure they are kept abreast of this situation as well.

So when people are interested in a topic and want to join in on the discussion it's called "complex brigading" instead of "what we've been hoping for"? How are we supposed to motivate the populace and educating them with this fearful crying?

This sub is a joke.

Pursuant to reddit rules, you cannot point users from one subreddit to another with the intention of artificially altering the content on the subreddit.

It's part of reddit's commitment to the "organic curation of content", and, as I said, the admins are the one's who deal with the application of that particular site wide rule.

I understand if it's outside of your hands but I still feel that the goal of producing real-world, impactful solutions to these political incidents and "a better future for everyone" is more important than whether this sub has "organic" content.

"the nature of brigading is complex"

Wow. Definitely sounds double plus good to me!

His evidence is a single user saying they came from /r/politics - at no point has there been a brigade.

Not only that, but they came from a thread that was deleted from the top of /r/all. If a pizzagate post was deleted from the top of /r/all, you bet your ass /r/conspiracy would welcome them with open arms. This is blatant suppression and double speak.

The guy literally just said "hey I came from this link"

That's not "proudly admit they are manipulating this subreddit" as you put it. Jesus Christ.

This kind of behaviour is honestly bullshit... anything to protect the_donald's narrative. Is it a default because it really shouldn't be with such a bias...

handwaving this away as being "complex" isn't going to work

I think the information on this post is strong and this should not be taken down or given another tag besides it being brigaded.

That's exactly what we've done; as I said above, the ethos of free flowing information must take precedent, even when it is weaponized by those seek to sow discord and undermine this community.

It's far more of a brave new world than most realize, and I certainly am appreciative of the fervent dedication that the userbase here demonstrates to warding off the influence of those using briagdes to manipulate the exchange of ideas on this platform.

even when it is weaponized by those seek to sow discord and undermine this community.

Like what you're doing right now?

No, what we're doing is standing up to those who use mass brigading to artificially manipulate the vote counts in this subreddit and its comment threads.

Hence why the situation has been passed to the admins.

So people outside of the_donald/infowars/pol-universe are not allowed to have opinions on conspiracies? Are you admitting to being an echochamber? Not trying to be mean/inflammatory, just don't understand why people who have reddit accounts aren't allowed to post/visit/vote in this subreddit...? Isn't there something called "free speech"? Obviously people though this had legs to stand on, judging by the amount of comments in my inbox about it, the fact that you are trying to write off it's votes as "artificial" is kind of unfair.

Oh, outside brigading is a very serious offense on reddit and is something the admins specifically prohibit due to its influence on communities; that's why we uphold the rule and report situations like this to the admin's community team (who we're working with actively right now, to stem the influx of outside briagders).

Again, as I said below, our moderation is content neutral and we have flaired this post only as a result of the rule-breaking behavior on display by other users around reddit.

A brigade is an intentional, organized effort to force something to the top (in terms of Reddit). It's not someone making a comment on /politics/ that "dude you should post this in conspiracy."

Just admit you don't like the content because it targets Trump.

Again our moderation is always content-neutral.

Also that's not how the reddit admins define a briagde, which is why we're allowing them to handle this situation.

We'll provide you with more information when they provide it to us.

Sorry man, but that is bullshit. First you quash the Trump dossier, then you sticky a pizzagate post and stay silent as it's "brigaded" by T_D and Voat.

Either you mods are disagreeing amongst yourselves and operating independently, or you have a heavy right-wing bias.

And on a personal level, you have let right wing folks absolutely run wild in the comments here. I've been called anti semitic shit, I've been harassed as a shill constantly, I've been called all kinds of names, while you do nothing. Specifically, since Sovereign left, it seems as though you have become apathetic. I don't know, maybe you're stretched thin.

You are absolutely responsible, in part, for the climate in the comments of this sub via moderation.

Also, since I have your attention, what's with the alt-right subs you mod in addition to worldnews?

they're not really alt-right subs

they're generally either conspiracy or right-wing

Shill account. Read post history, and observe tactics in this thread.

My post history is more legit than yours, redditor for 16 days who only posts praise for glorious leader!

This user has the clearest shill history I've ever seen in my whole time on reddit.

Almost 100 posts in this thread alone, then posts all over the rest of reddit pushing Trump-Russia connections.

Folks, if you want to understand how Operation Earnest Voice works, read this guy's post history. This is counterintelligence 101.

Strong opinions=shill?

Alright, you're a shill too.

Making 100s of posts all on the same topic across all of reddit =shill.

For sure the US intelligence community has a presence on Reddit. But then again so does Russian intelligence.

Where do you think folks got the idea that somehow Russia was more on their side than their own government?

But then again so does Russian intelligence.

Maybe... I've seen a bit of Mossad before, but never confirmed any Russians. Got any examples?

Where do you think folks got the idea that somehow Russia was more on their side than their own government?

They are. Putin isn't nearly as bad as the Bushes, Clintons, or Obama.

Removed. Rule 10.

Oh sure, I suppose that's why you actively censor ex-mods talking about your blatant disregard for your own posted rules and clear attempts at pushing a narrative. Because you're fighting the good fight.

So that sowing discord thing I talked about?

We really will not stand for it, and can see right through what you've attempted to do here.

That's a pretty weak attempt to deflect. Do you have nothing to say about the link I posted? It seems concerning that you guys don't actually care about your own rules.

You're not understanding that you're talking to the best mod in this sub. There has been shady shit hat have happened and I myself have been banned for nonsensical reasons but this mod is easily the most neutral mod on this sub.

Yeah I guess that's why he deflected and tried to insinuate I was up to no good instead of simply addressing the link. Because he's such a stand up guy.

easily the most neutral mod on this sub.

Until you look at what else he moderates.

It doesn't matter though as long as he doesn't bring his biases into this sub. Listen I'm as anti trump as can be, but this mod has always been the most neutral and fair while other mods have gone against me

By the very definition of discord, any Trump related post both pro and anti should be removed then, because it always ends up with disagreement.

If you want to see vote manipulation, check r/The_Donald. Threads with just 60 comments yet have 5000+ upvotes? r/Politics leans to the left for sure but I have never seen any collective effort to brigade. Anything Trump related will always be a lightning rod on Reddit. I hated both candidates and this is getting ridiculous. Subs are taking sides instead of openly discussing sub related topics.

What exactly are they doing wrong?

Look what subs he mods and it will all make sense :)

Man I would have thought there would be like.. a cap of some sort on how many subreddits an individual can moderate.

So why'd yall delete the last thread about pissgate? And why'd you lie about the same story, spreading false information? You tried to pass off a fabricated photoshop as real in order to discredit the story.

So why'd yall delete the last thread about pissgate?

Because it was proven to be a hoax, and withdrawn by the organization that published it.

It was not proven to be a hoax, two vague posts on 4chan should not be considered evidence of a hoax. And this sub doesn't delete anything proven to be a hoax anyway.

You're lying. It was retracted by the organization because it was a hoax.

This isn't a default sub, we're smart here.

Provide me with a source for your claims.

"Go do work so you'll be distracted from my forum sliding operation"

"I'm just going to make up a lie about an organisation saying something was a hoax and not provide any sources when asked"

The dossier was not proven to be anything but unconfirmed allegations. It has certainly not been deemed a hoax by anyone of any merit besides Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. You can't just say "it's been withdrawn by the organization" when that is provably false. The organization sure seems to not have withdrawn it since there is still a link to it and now a contact number for more info, if they thought it was fake they would remove it and offer an apology so they wouldn't face libel suits.

It is bull that this sub claims to be unbiased but won't let any of the incredibly sketchy thing the fucking president elect is doing or has done stay here for more than a day. It is a right wing echo chamber despite all of the "conspiracies" against the right actually meeting the burden of proof while all the conspiracies against the left are PRISONPLANET.NET, Obama and Clinton run sex rings and the like.

Please READ the posts before you respond to them. We were talking about the 4 chan hoax pissgate.

Please read the dossier before you respond so condescendingly when you clearly don't know what you are talking about. The second page of the dossier has the piss gate stuff on it, which comes from a different unconnected source from the guy 4chan claims to have given the story to. The dossier and pissgate are one in the same. You are buying into some obvious disinformation because you are letting your bias blind you.

The FSB has a history of using sexual manipulation to blackmail people. Donald Trump had a history of being sexually promiscuous, is it really so outlandish to think he fucked a prostitute in a Russian hotel? To me it is way more likely then 99% of the straight up bull posted on here that is provably false.

Then why did you guys delete the anti Trump post about the dossier?

It's not really being brigaded though. It's a cross post. It's information that the OP mentioned in a comment section of a different subreddit and was then told he should post it here because it would interest the users.

It's quite quite different to a brigade. It's literally "You should post that to x subreddit because it's their usual kind of interest".

And which sub might that be?

If it were /r/aww would you still be calling it a brigade?

It's not relevant. If someone made a great high quality comment in /r/the_donald and the next person pointed out it should be posted here, that wouldn't be brigading either, it'd be crossposting something interesting and relevant.

Brigading and crossposting a CONSPIRACY to a relevant subreddit that consumes conspiracy information are not the same thing.

You clearly don't know what the difference between an x-post and a brigade is. It's cool though keep pushing your narrative.


Yes, x-posting is not a real brigade because they're two different things, good job!

You've now backed yourself into a corner of what constitutes a REAL brigade from a real brigade.


Excellent rebuttal

There are 420k people subscribed to this sub now. It's in half a million people's front page. Pushing a "brigading" narrative is bullshit.

I am suddenly not allowed to post in multiple subreddits? When I made this post, the /r/politics post was at 86 upvotes and buried under garbage because NYT/WaPo/CNN won't cover this at all. Exactly what am I supposed to do?

Why is /pol/ allowed to link to threads from /r/conspiracy about pizzagate without getting bullshit stickies and tags? How can you claim to be unbiased and openminded and yet try to bury my honest questions and have your users call me a "CTR CNN shill" when I am just a 22 year old student living in Canada?

This subreddit is one of the farthest right-leaning on the whole website. It saddens me to say that it's not unexpected for something like this to happen.

You can always go back to EnoughTrumpSpam, they would probably like posts like this

Theyre sick of the echo chambers.. i see the Clintonites branching out into askreddit, pics, movies, and basically every non political sub that makes the front page. /r/the_donald got heavily criticized for doing he same thing

(they won't)

Uh huh. This is supposed to be a general conspiracy subreddit. Yes, I know /r/politics is far left, but that doesn't excuse this

Just goes to show how far into Bizarro world you are when you think the corporate think tank that is politics is far left.

Well they certainly aren't to the right.

And the Donald never has posted and brigaded about pizza gate /s

This is one of the least partisan subreddits on Reddit as the majority of it's users realize that there is no difference between the Republican and Democratic parties except on irrelevant social issues.

Until you start criticizing trump, then suddenly hands off Republicans the only devil's are the Dems.

Threads criticizing Trumps cabinet appointees regularly make the front page of this subreddit.

Hahaha good one. Leading up to the election this was pretty much t_d.

This subreddit was fervently pro-Bernie before he lost the rigged primaries.

Despite Bernie's cunning strategy of getting fewer votes.

Ah, yes, that must be why most of the hoaxes here target Democrats! Remember PizzaGate? Hillary's secret earpiece? Hillary's Parkinson's? Hillary's body count? CTR? Hillary's seizures? Birther saga?

How delusional.

This subreddit was fervently pro Bernie before he lost the rigged primary.

Not to mention Trump's appointments of Dyncorp and Goldman Sachs executives regularly make the front page of this subreddit.

Also, thousands of the DNC and Podesta emails were revealed through Wikileaks and there was a open source citizen investigation regarding those emails. Of course those scandals are going to take precedent over non-existent Trump emails.

Open source citizen investigation


The irony of r/conspiracy conspiring to hide anti Trump posts would be laughable if not sad

This is an outlier, the right is usually found within the_donald supporters who cross post - just like the left is from cross posters from /r/politics.

As a regular, this mods behavior is unusual - Every time others come into the sub, we are accused of being far right by the left, and shills by the right, but if they would stay past this event, they would see that we are mostly paranoids who don't trust anyone, and are truth oriented rather than something as silly as identifying oneself with a political party. All political parties are crooks, liars, and cheats.

Probably a shocker, but wait until after this dies down, you'll see the occasional thread on this event, but mostly back to trying to find truth. Just because a thread is labeled "Shocking, Something something political opinion" - doesn't mean the comments within support the threads title. It's actually mostly arguing about what seems more truthful, and some paranoia with a healthy dose of rebellion embedded in our blood.

theres an obvious bias among the mods

Would you like to pick up the phone?


Okay I'm sorry but you need to calm down. My post on shitty trump appointments was at the front page and not given any tags (there was no brigading involved). You can tell by the types of comments that occur in the thread. They are not tagging your post but the comment brigading in the post.

How can I control people in a different subreddit? How do you know that the_donald users didn't make those posts to try and discredit my own post?

Funny how no one will discuss the CONTENT of this post. Just that I posted it in multiple places - the horror! Deflect and distract, classic disinfo psyops tactics.

You're just instigating this more and more... if you don't visit this sub often you don't know how often brigading happens on certain posts. Like I said I post anti-trump things here ALL the time, my post just last week was on the front page, and I received NO tags because the post was not brigaded. Why do you care if this is tagged with r/politics brigading? Your post is still extremely valid and it's content is great. The tag is not for your info but for the comments in the thread.

Hahaha man you're a freakin G man. Really like how much truth and logic you're spewing. You're being ethinically Russian yourself just makes your work all the more enjoyable.

Noone cares about this because most people want Russia and the US to be on friendly terms. The current situation where the US has encircled Russia with military bases and overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine and installed a puppet in order to get them to join NATO will lead to WW3.

It is much preferable to have the US and Russia on friendly terms. Unless you are saying that Trump is a Russian agent or something this is immaterial.

So how much do you get paid in your little troll factory?

They just removed this. The mods here should get banned from reddit all together.

Our moderation is always content-neutral; unfortunately your thread was used by outside groups to manipulate this subreddit based on what the mods are seeing in the form of links/admissions of users in these comments.

It's not your fault, we haven't prevented you from posting here, and we will not censor this thread; we're simply pointing out to the userbase of this subreddit that, unfortunately, your post has been taken up by other users around reddit (in violation of site wide rules) in an attempt to artificially influence this subreddit.

So yes; your submission stands, your comment stands, and your posting abilities stand (on this subreddit at least), as we will not hold the behavior of others against you.

Our moderation is always content-neutral


So why do you not tag threads that are linked on /r/the_donald or Do you want me to link instances where you have failed to tag threads that have been manipulated via those two communities...? Because the proof is out there.

Why only my post...?

We tag posts when proof of outside manipulation is provided, and will continue to do so going forward; that is something, however, that we will not review ex-post facto.

weird how you guys just started implementing those.
ahhhhhh who cares
Spasibo comrade

Do you have evidence of other subs brigading? The mods provided exactly that.

can you please link a post where a brigading tag was implemented? or is this a new policy?

Please share that proof.

You should want people from outside subs to view this, make a determination of the information themselves, and join us with tinfoil hats. Grow the sub. Who gives a shit which way they lean politically. Both sides are bought.

If they discover the content organically through their feed that's not a violation of reddit rules; however specific discussions in other subreddits pointing to this subreddit (and or a thread within) is against the reddit terms of service.

Aren't threads linked here all the time from other subs? I've seen posts, not just comments, dedicated to threads from other subs. There was literally a post linked to the /r/outoftheloop thread where people discussed it.

Yea, and the admins confirmed to us that the post which /r/outoftheloop directed users to view was brigaded in violation of site wide rules.

How the admins deal with punishment for those violations is known only to them.

Can't you opt out of being on the /all listing like gonewild has if you're concerned about /all influencing/brigading posts?

In this case the /r/all designation is a flair applied to all posts which make it to the top 50 from /r/conspiracy, and not something we view negatively per se; the "/r/politics brigading" portion of the flair was what caused a majority of the problem with this submission.


Oh look, thread deleted.

If certain users call you names it isnt representative of the sub as a whole. The Mod never undermined your post just stated that it was brigaded (which it was) and that users should know what to expect in the comments. Your information is spectacular and I agree that it should be covered but its not mods fault

The difference is pizzagate is an organic open source citizen investigation while this Russian influence conspiracy is an inorganic - manufactured by elites - distraction that only gained traction on our subreddit through mass brigading and bot upvoting.

Your post just got devices


Post it tomorrow and see what happens, right now you are jumping to conclusions.

Jumping to conclusions? On /r/conspiracy? I guess that never happened before

Make a new subreddit, this place sucks - it's the_donald 2.0 just with less pepe memes

Lol the shit CTR shill is now crying his propaganda got removed.

You're such a joke. I can't wait till all Americans become aware of CTR and start executing all members of that and organizations like it due to being treasonous to the US.

Actively lying and making up false propaganda to push a narrative on the American people?

Ya. Treason. Only one punishment for terrorist treason.

Well everything we expected to happen, happened.

Having a shared userbase is not brigading.

I've seen a lot of mirror postings between here and the donald's frontpage of late, yet I have never seen them flaired as this post is. Can you explain this discrepancy?

Yeah, also direct links from Voat's pizza gate on a daily basis.

Why is it when a post that goes against your biases it's suddenly brigading? R/politics aside do you believe that that some people in this sub dont have legitimate comcerns regarding trump and his many ties to russian oligarchs? It's been pretty obvious the mods here have an agenda especially since tagging Trump's dossier as unverified.

To clarify for everyone else. Mods are being misleading. Conspiracy was mentioned in the front page post. Along the lines of "I bet conspiracy won't talk about this at all". So people went to this sub. There was no link to this thread. No one organized anything. They simply said "/r/conspiracy won't talk about this I bet".

That image you have? It says pretty much exactly what I said. Some big comment mentioned conspiracy, everyone thought to check the sub out. That's not a brigade.

This is just the mods trying to stifle any conversation about trump. They pulled this same shit with the last thread, which reached all. Now they're doing it again. In about an hour they'll probably delete the thread as well.

So people went to this sub.

That is a brigade pursuant to reddit site wide rules, just to be clear; anyone engaging in that type of behavior can, and most likely will, lose their reddit account to a permeneant, admin imposed, account suspension.

It's disgusting that you, /u/spru9, are trying to bait users into shadowbans by encouraging them to brigade from other subreddits.

Well, so far I know of /politics, /T_D (not confirmed) and /worstof that has linked this thread. The former two were probably in an attempt to brigade, the latter was to gain neutral publicity. I'll add any others I see.

Lol, look at this butthurt faggot. You're a crony fuck, go hang yourself

Wow, you mods are literally cucks. You've been brigaded by the_d for months and now you cry foul when people from other subs are brigading? Fucking pathetic cucks.

Very convenient distraction from the Clinton FBI papers released today. Well done CTR.

with some users in these comments going so far as to proudly admit they are manipulating this subreddit-

You showed a picture of someone saying that they came from /r/politics. There is absolutely no indication of them being proud of manipulating anything. The mods in this sub are ridiculously bias.

Do you do this when r/the_donald brigades posts on this sub, or are you pretending that doesn't happen?

Any time we are given evidence that other subs are manipulating threads on /r/conspiracy, we add a flair.

I'm honestly shocked that an /r/conspiracy mod isn't savvy enough about the typical behaviour of his subreddit to say something that's going to result in links being dug up to show otherwise.

TortelliniGate will soon appear on the front page.

I'm just hijacking your comment to point out that the mods censored my comment. It does not show up if I log out. I assume it doesn't show up to anyone.

Rogue mods in action.

what evidence did you show for this being brigaded? the image you linked to the post doesnt link here or even mention coming here. Its just a post with the same info, how is that brigading?

you guys could be less obvious with your narrative.

Do you have evidence T_D brigades?

Sure thing, mod me up and I'll see what I can audit.

So you don't.

How could anyone without mod powers get the exact data? I guess we just constantly notice anything that isn't a right wing wet dream gets killed and it never used to be that way. Crazy how people have memories.

I remember it differently, who's right?

It's not from politics, it's from /all.

That's not a sub

And your point? It means that it's not some brigade from politics.

The mod posted evidence specifically naming politics. What's your defense?

You guys are so full of shit, the post hit /r/all, quit acting like fucking babies because it doesn't follow the sub's usual bias

Your points here are placated with obvious bias. Subvert your community? Get the fuck out of here. It's r/conspiracy. All conspiracies should be welcomed, I guess except for ones that are playing the side of the fence you as mods don't agree with. This outlandish sticky you have posted on this thread falls in line with the piss thread from 2 weeks ago. Why is there a very blatant concerted effort on your part as mods to try and manipulate any post about a Trump conspiracy as being ridiculous and intrusive? Why is it that we have a very questionable incoming POTUS and you guys are making a mission to quell any possible scandal that could come out of his already scandalous ascension to the most powerful position in our government? I'm sure I won't get answers but hey, at least you caught Comet pizza diddling kids. We over from the real world have plenty of thoughts about what a load of shit that is, but please, let the alt right and their brigade continue to decide what is and what is not acceptable in this sub. You guys, as mods, are garbage and your justification here is a steaming pile of shit.


Why did you just remove this post AATA? Remember when this type of shit was what you accused people of doing back when /r/undelete wasn't a trump subreddit?

Glad to see your true colours at least.

Removed by another mod due to issues with the title, OP was asked to resubmit and became quite abusive.

I'm 1 mod among many, and I voiced my opinion to the full team regarding the situation.

this place is a joke

You should remove this mod then.

Issues with the title? I see things posted here accusing people of all sorts of things, yet once it's aimed at trump and his cronies it's suddenly not allowed? You might not be the one doing it, but it's fairly obvious that you're supporting it and that the mod team is biased towards him.

What does that have to do with his post? Why do your fellow mods feelings come into play here? He called you guys names so you take down his post? Talk about snowflakes. This is trending and you guys need to let it trend. Don't abuse your powers as mods to ensure your comfortability.

why are they claiming its from brigading then?

And now you have removed his post? Fuck you guys really are obvious in YOUR manipulation of this sub!

BULLCRAP! This sub is COMPLETELY pro-Trump. Trash mods too!

Censorship at it's finest.

Oh, and why are you contacting the big, bad Reddit admins? Tonald cultists told me they're in league with CTR!

mods are gods

1000 posts in 3hrs

The day this sub died


Do you realize how absurd you're sounding to the people who have been on this sub longer than you've been on Reddit? Trump is a legitimate conspiracy reactor. He is like a walking JFK/9-11/AlienSpaceship/MaritimeConspiracy all in one. People are actually making posts with evidence that are banner example of quality posts for this sub with citations and you're trying to delegitimize it? And you do so by linking a random screenshot of a single comment, with no context, and a measly 17 upvotes? It's laughable and really shows your hand.

his thread is being hit hard by an outside brigade from /r/politics, with some users in these comments going so far as to proudly admit they are manipulating this subreddit-

and yet you never gave a shit about the same thing happening with the_donald for nearly a year.

You guys are fucking cowards.

Double standarts much?

Is there a time stamp on the Trump airplane? Gracias

Is there a link from this Russian guy to Putin? Any direct link? I guess the question at this point would be if there's any importance with their meeting. If they have real estate transactions between each other perhaps it was something around that. If Rybolovlev has some sort of Putin connection then maybe there's more at play? I'd like to know more about what political influence he has other than just being a rich guy. There's plenty of billionaires in the world who don't have political power.

Are these unverified allegations? /s


Right then, so this Russian billionaire hacked the Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and several other states elections to make Trump win, but didn't bother to bring in New York and California too making the LANDSLIDE even bigger?


No, he's just paying2play...?

Paying for what if I may ask, not wanting to get his country bombed to smithereens for something it never did?

Possibly the lift of sanctions to be completely honest. Or bankrolling the campaign for those sanctions to be lifted because Trump wasn't accepting money from special interest groups and needed extra money for it.

It's possible but I do find it unlikely because at the time, pretty much everyone everywhere was banking on Clinton winning.

Trump LOST the vote by nearly three million. He won because of some very slight edges in important states. New York and California haven't voted Republican in decades, it would simply be unbelievable to flip them. However, influencing/cheating a handful of votes in the Rust Belt and traditional swing states is much easier, much more believable, and accomplishes the same thing.

I wonder of those three million votes what number wasn't a result of ballot stuffing and busing in illegal immigrants over the border to vote. The Midwest states (my home state of Michigan among them) remember what it was like to have jobs in their region, they remember what it was like to earn a livable wage independent of government assistance which only gives enough crumbs to quit them, they remember what life was like before NAFTA of which Bill Clinton signed, sealed, and delivered to the moneyed interest. The trade deal that ruined their lives and opportunity, they knew full well that Hillary Clinton would usher in the equally if not more destructive TPP and wanted nothing to do with it, and so, they went with man who said he would (and did) destroy the TPP, restructure NAFTA, and give them back their lives.

That's why I voted for him and that's why he won. Now we'll see where this goes.

Yeah this is just pathetic at this point. Hillary lost this election all on her own, no one made her ignore the rust belt and use an unsecured server and run a sketchy foundation.

What the fuck? Why isn't this news yet?! This provides tangible evidence of his involvement with Russian interests.

It's why I posted it here. No traction on CNN/WaPo/NYT/infowars. It's no where. Yet there are fucking pictures of both planes dated at the same time!

because you can't place them together. planes and owners aren't always in the same place.

Oh this thread got gold... thats because it is full of good sources from places like twitter and pictures of the planes so this is undeniable. I know no shill are around because they never give people gold... especially when this post that I am making right here... if it gets gold you know shills aren't a real thing.

When I get gold you know shilling isn't real.

pictures of the planes

Who do you believe, Donald or your own lyin' eyes?

I'll believe this is real my my post gets gold then everyone else will believe it too.

I haven't been here very long, but the only gold I've seen has been on what might be called "CTR" posts. What I've witnessed is that gold is only attached to the most pedestrian, main-stream points of view.

Just saying. I'm no fan of our PEOTUS, but I definitely agree about the Earnest Voice shenanigans going on here.


"freedom of speech"

this guy....

What does it matter if he did? Let's assume this guy knew Trump was there and went down to see what? This Ruski isn't a government official correct?

10th richest man in Russia.

again, why does it matter? A rich guy, getting involved with another rich guy. Not a government official or agent.

Lol we are winning. Truth is winning. We don't want to discuss your petty politics


Make an uncensored_conspiracy sub PLEASE! The only reason you people are escaping /r/politics is because youre tired of the echo chamber, but if you want to create another chamber please do it

You know you can do that easy... just take a push of a button and few keystrokes... it's easy... I made /r/FBI2/ no sweat.

Read the edit on this thread

I did... the sub exists... go there.

I wasnt asking for the sub. Read the OPs fucking edit man

You said "Make an uncensored_conspiracy sub PLEASE!" and someone made it!

Lol ok thx

Isn't it funny how certain Russian narratives are brought to the forefront of mainstream media while other Russian narratives remain completely buried?

Because he's the goddamn president


Guys, can someone disprove this story? It sounds interesting.

This /sub pretty much attributes that either wing is on the same bird of prey, Russia's the boggy man today, tomorrow who knows it will be, but I can guarantee you that someone will be.

An oligarch meets with another oligarch, I'm not seeing the conspiracy here.

Comedy geld?

This isn't a conspiracy lol this is straight up a fact. The only speculation to be made is what their meeting entailed.

Where is the flight tracker for Trump's plane for that day? And how come the building and air traffic control tower aren't in the background of the google maps view of where Trump's plane was parked... there is a different building there... and no control tower in the wide shot.

I'm not saying the photo wasn't taken there... but the map and plane photos certainly don't match.... and I can't find any tower around the Wilson Air Center similar to that... with a tree and a then hangar between it and the tarmac.

You did a good job placing the Russian plane there, but putting Trump plane there is the weak part of the story.

Trump has is flight tracker disabled. :)

You are correct... I wonder why more people don't do that.

This is making natural suspicion, but other than that nothing more.

"we have pictures of this", who is we?

I think a terrorist attack planned on the inauguration is more important and that got shilled hard. 4-8 yeard of Trump, him maybe going to Russia isn't a conspiracy. Im sure he has skeletons just like any billionaire elite but these same people have ignored all Hillary's dirty deeds just look at their sub. same as MSM ignored Obama's 26,000 bombs and the fake birth certificate that took a 2x Obama voter 5 years to release the findings that any lab in the country could tell were fakes.

Sick and tired of the MSM shitting on everything, no need to ruin this sub further. I wouldn't be surprised if recent revelations are from the same shills concerning CPP.

You lost cry some more and get on with life. Globalism is dying.

Globalism is well and alive, comrade. Globalism 2.0: Russia China Boogaloo?

fuck it guys, let's just whine about how this subreddit is "the_donald2.0" instead of actually discussing the conspiracy!

Pictures and assumptions with no proof at all.

Oh weird, its like were in a conspiracy subreddit that constantly peddles in speculation, coincidences and theories devoid of hard proof.

Where are the sources for the claims of the property sold? All you did is provide speculative flight patterns?

"ignored by MSM"?

The same MSM that ran with the golden shower story is choosing to ignore Trump having a clandestine meeting with a Russian billionaire businessman a few days before the election?

Come on, man.

r/conspiracy was fun sub before the nutjobs at r/politics and r/the_donald brought in their drama

It's pretty rich to complain about /r/conspiracy being brigaded when /r/the_donald has been sending people over here for months now.

The real conspiracy is always in the comments.

Probably because he's the most powerful man in the world, he can do whatever he wants lol

Could the lack of profit from the housing deal be related to the 2008 housing bubble bursting?

Also, I'm confused as to why r/politics would brigade this post when it fits their narrative nearly to the letter...?

He bought it after the burst, which is why it's suspicious.

And /r/politics "allegedly artificially upvoted it" whatever that means

Good Post OP, Trump supporter here but this line is....a bit off I feel

"It is a very small airport. Rybolovlev did not make any other trips to North Carolina in recent history, just on that day. Why?"

I've been to said airport. Nope. It's definitely fucking not. It's got to be one of the top 10 in the US FOR SURE.

They deleted my post... so yea it is a bit off!

answer: to work on their conspiracy :)

So this sub isn't interested in conspiracies if they make Trump look bad. Pizzagate stuff is fine, though.

Understood, thanks.

Yo mods what's going on? I see slew of pro-Trump stuff but this gets removed? I wanted to actually read what was said.

It was pretty well researched and convincing.

This is the first I've heard about it though. here's the archive of the post, first I've heard about it as well. Decide for yourself I guess

Thanks for that, it does sound a bit fishy. I work in real estate and while there are AML rules against many transactions, transactions of that scale is practically the wild west. I'd like to know why the two met, I'm not 100% on board if it was a money laundering scheme though. Many wealthy individuals will purchase properties as assets to hold and maintain wealth but a chance meeting in a small airport? Yeah fat chance that was coincidence.

Almost like running into the Attorney General while your out for a leisurely 747 flight.

Or you know, a Presidential Candidate away from the campaign trail.

This sub has been mod controlled for a while. They have an agenda. It's eminently obvious. The fun part is that everyone here knows their power is temporary and that in the end reality never stays suppressed.

I literally just read a comment that read...

"An Oligarch meeting another Oligarch. So what?"

The human race has reached the pinacle of stupid.


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In a 2004 auction, Trump snapped up the property from Gosman's Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Estate for $41 million, according to property records.

During the 4 year period, property prices were rising quickly. Assuming Trump made a decent deal, as he is known to do, puts some money into and flips it when the market peaks.

In such a situation, depending on how much he spent renovating it, he makes somewhere under $50m.

That represents .... 0.5% of his wealth. So 0.5% made from sales to Russia, and 99.5% made doing the exact same shit elsewhere.

Now, it is a nice deal and I'm sure he enjoyed it. But...

He bought it at an auction. He didn't pay market price. He sold it at the peak of the market.

So, we aren't talking about getting $50m out of nowhere. You compare today's market value, but he CAN'T get profit.

Neither can millions of other home owners. In fact, millions that bought at the peak had their homes foreclosed on. Others, who could keep them, CAN'T get profit either.

Trump on Nov. 3 was not a public figure, had top notch security but needed to meet this Russian in person because ....

The important thing is WHY?

Why with the media hounding him about Russia and the best privacy money can buy, a huge staff, and a very public schedule with crowds meeting his plane would he give up everything for some random Russian?

A Russian who "did not make any other trips to North Carolina in recent history". Wow, so you're a law student, eh?

Very cunning use of language. So, this Random Russian has been there before not too long ago. Gotcha.


The realtor who sold the house has stated that he never move...the Chinese do it all the time!

Again, I don't know if this is a clever play on words, such as he's been renting it, but (haha) he never moved in, or is just you providing a common example of what rich Chinese people do (I say this married to a woman from China): overpay and never move in?

This is one of my favourites:

Trump's son made 6 trips in 18 months to Russia before 2008–then a Russian oligarch showers Trump with $95M.

The opportunities for lawyerize abound. But let's go to the most striking. You go from just basic he bought it at auction for fair market price (he wouldn't), didn't renovate (he wouldn't), watch the property market increase by 55%, and then sold it for $95m, making a profit of $32m more than the worst case scenario and that becomes:

a Russian oligarch showers Trump with $95M.

Well done.

That represents .... 0.5% of his wealth

There is absolutely no concrete proof anywhere available to the public of Trumps actual wealth. There is speculation, but no hard evidence.

For you to tout this as fact shows that you do not actually care about facts at all, and are motivated entirely by feelings.

You're a blatant ballwasher, and the truth is going to drown you.

no concrete proof

Except his buildings made of...concrete.

Cool feels. Unless of course you can provide the financial records that prove that he owns them, their value, and his liabilities vs his assets.

Which you can't do, because that information is not available to the general public.


Gee, didn't see that coming at all

hey where the post went?

Trump team met with Russian billionaire and businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, on November 3rd. A week before the election. Undeniable proof ignored by MSM... but why did he meet Rybolovlev on that day?

We have pictures of this (see bottom of this post). Trump was scheduled for a rally in Charlotte, NC and parked his private jet in a small airport. The plane right next to it arrived that day, for a few hours, belonged to Dmitry. Since real-time GPS tracking of Trump's plane is disabled, we would not have known if someone hadn't taken pictures of it, that it was there on November 3rd. There were ALSO flight records of Rybolovlev's plane being there, as well as pics.

Why did the mainstream media not report this? He met with a Russian oligarch 5 days before the election. It is a very small airport. Rybolovlev did not make any other trips to North Carolina in recent history, just on that day. Why?

This Russian oligarch has a previous relationship with Trump. This man, Dmitry Rybolovlev, has immense political power in Russia because of his wealth? Need I also add that in 2008, he bought a mansion from Trump, which Trump made $60mill in profit off of? (Bought in 2004, $40mill, Sold for $100 mill). Was this all a way of laundering money? It wouldn't be the first time a foreign businessman does that in the West - the Chinese do it all the time! If it was Clinton, we would have questions being asked.

The property he bought for $95 million from Trump, in 2008, he is trying to sell in 2016 and CAN'T get profit. He divided it up into three lots and he barely broke even on the largest most expensive lot. Clearly not a good investment property.

Also interesting to note: Trump's son made 6 trips in 18 months to Russia before 2008–then a Russian oligarch showers Trump with $95M. The realtor who sold the house has stated that he never moved in.

Flight route for Dmitry's plane, MKATE: - From Concord to Charlotte, NC. Trump's Plane also landed in Charlotte NC nov 3rd (see first picture linked)

Picture of MKATE at Charlotte, NC airport Nov 3rd:

Proof of registration to Rybolovlev:

MKATE flight records:

A map:

Trump at Charlotte airport on Nov 3rd (after Dmitry had arrived):

Comprehensive flight history: It is interesting to note that his recent flight history does not contain any trips to North Carolina otherwise. I think it is VERY LIKELY he was there to meet with Trump's team/Trump.

It's undeniable that the Trump team, Trump and Rybolovlev were all at this tiny Charlotte, NC airport parking lot/TARMAC (tiny in comparison to Heathrow or LAX) on the same day the week before the election date. Their history with suspicious real estate deals is also undeniable. The important thing is WHY?

RIP inbox

EDIT at 7:12 PM EST: Got a neat tag added to this post thanks to the totes unbiased /r/conspiracy mods. You guys serious, this isn't /r/conspiracy-worthy? Need I make an /r/uncensor_conspiracy to protect my freedom of speech or something? In your side bar: "keep an open mind"? Yet I am not welcome here because it doesn't fit in with the narrative of the general sub? Pretty sad...

Thanks for the gold nonetheless.

EDIT at 7:42 PM EST: The very transparent /r/conspiracy mods sent me a private message asking me to delete and repost this... haha... stop scaring me guys, wtf? We're all trying to get to the bottom of the same thing... no need for private messages when you've already posted a sticky itt...

Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone who agrees with us.

Fixed that for you mods.


Buddy, this post of mine was deleted... had to make a new thread.

Can you link? They have "deleted" my top comment even without it saying it's deleted. I scrolled through every comment and it's just not there. It was one of the first 30 responses to the Mods sticky comment up top. Within a minute it had 3 upvotes but then immediately lost traction. I found that weird so I looked at the whole thread and funny enough, my comment was nowhere to be seen. Again, it still says it is a live and active comment on my end. I posted pics below. In addition, maybe a Mod could respond here and explain this very questionable situation. This is proof I replied to this mod. Give me proof you aren't manipulating these comments? Below is what was said in my first message to the mod.

Your points here are placated with obvious bias. Subvert your community? Get the fuck out of here. It's r/conspiracy. All conspiracies should be welcomed, I guess except for ones that are playing the side of the fence you as mods don't agree with. This outlandish sticky you have posted on this thread falls in line with the piss thread from 2 weeks ago. Why is there a very blatant concerted effort on your part as mods to try and manipulate any post about a Trump conspiracy as being ridiculous and intrusive? Why is it that we have a very questionable incoming POTUS and you guys are making a mission to quell any possible scandal that could come out of his already scandalous ascension to the most powerful position in our government? I'm sure I won't get answers but hey, at least you caught Comet pizza diddling kids. We over from the real world have plenty of thoughts about what a load of shit that is, but please, let the alt right and their brigade continue to decide what is and what is not acceptable in this sub. You guys, as mods, are garbage and your justification here is a steaming pile of shit.

Here is the OP contents, for anyone who missed it:

that archive is missing

EDIT at 7:42 PM EST: The very transparent /r/conspiracy mods sent me a private message asking me to delete and repost this... haha... stop scaring me guys, wtf? We're all trying to get to the bottom of the same thing... no need for private messages when you've already posted a sticky itt...

(EDIT some time later: post removed lol)

It was removed when it hit #20 on /r/all :)

You're gonna get banned for this. Your response to that mod was perfect though.

: /

8:11pm - I can still see the archive. Who knows when it'll actually go missing

Here's the full archive

How exactly does /r/all brigade a post? Doesn't that just mean Reddit is interested?


Yeah but according to the mods thats bad.

Welcome JIDF

please have a cup of tea and a scone

Do you not know that JIDF is pro-Trump? Go back to troll-school, damn.

Now you know

Now I know what? JIDF is pro-Trump, why are you calling people who question Trump JIDF?

Anything that hits r/all becomes brigaded. This is something with all subreddits where a single popular post in a sub becomes subjected to the vote manipulation of people whom never visit the sub due to showing up on r/all

I'm not sure we agree on the definition of being brigaded.

this would have stayed if OP posted the final piece to the puzzle... the smoking gun!


How many people from how many different countries has he met with in the past month?

This sub is so fucking corrupt now it's not even funny. This sub should just be labeled as /the_donald2


The lot itself was tiny, are you not looking at the map? When I wrote that I was comparing it to Heathrow, so I might be biased.

all the countries above Russia depend on the USA for defense. Without the USA to defend them, they are easy pickings for a nation like Russia. China lacks natural resources and is dependent on everyone else for just about everything but raw man power.

Russia is poised to take the lead.

And they lied about not meeting.

French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was seen at Trump Tower on Thursday, but a spokesman for President-elect Donald Trump said she did not meet with him or his team.

"No meetings with anyone," transition spokesman Sean Spicer said. "It's a public building."

I thought Crimea voted to be a part of Russia?

Lol like america is any different.

Then start a new thread...?

It's one of the most annoying things to come of late

exiled from Russia

He arrived in Moscow yesterday, Jan 17th. YESTERDAY.

Why are you lying and spreading disinformation?

Well to be fair she considered Crimea's annexion "not illegal" way before meeting Trump & Co ( source : or at 16:15)

For the record, when I posted this thread, that linked post was about 86 upvotes, ungilded and I felt like it wasn't getting any exposure. I never linked this thread there and had no plans to because I understand other subs/politics do not get along.

It's crazy to me that some people still think any of what we are going through is normal or can be attributed to specific political actors. The US political (and possible economical) system is being destroyed from all sides, inside and out. It has little to do with Trump, Clinton, and any other specific actor. They are just symptoms of a failing system.

The fact that we had the two most disliked people in the USA competing for the presidency should be evidence enough, that is not normal or something a healthy system does. The establishment is finally being exposed and we are seeing that is completely corrupt. It's only going to get worse from here.

People are coming from /r/all. op posted there as well.

I don't know what to tell you, homeboy. It was on page 8 or 9 of my /r/all, but I have a lot of subs blocked, so that may play a role.

But sure, I'm actually working for a secret organization dedicated to. . . Mostly commenting on /r/anime, I guess.

Yeah, smells like a conspiracy.

this will surely be the end of Trumps presidency.

if republicans dont begin impeachment proceedings then they are traitors to USA

The desperation for their narrative to stick is palpable.

I would certainly entertain any factual news but unless they have photos of the actual meeting then I'm calling bullshit.

The red flag for me was the "tiny" airport bullshit.

They seem more concerned about pushing the "/r/conspiracy is The_Donald 2.0" and "mods are biased" narratives than they do about the actual OP.

It's suspicious.

Couldn't have been more obvious in revealing her masters.

Why is Russian guy in NC, where he has never travelled to before? He goes to Budapest & NYC all the time, never Charlotte, yet you are trying to tell me he does banking there the exact same day Trump is there for only a ay? For 12 hours? He couldn't send someone else?

Nice try but its too strange of a coincidence. The guy clearly does not do his banking in Charlotte.

One of the coasts? West or east, either way deaaal.

Miami, shits nasty


Like the dossier thread getting a lot of attention and then deleted?

the crimeans consider themselves russian

the shills are desperate right now. what did you expect. we had like 10 pizza gate threads and now their gonna dump over that with another trumpxrussia story.

Trade ya Edmonton for Boston!


The same can be said for the left.

"Saudi isn't succeeding in bringing the Western world down economically/geopolitically."

Riiiiiiiiiight. So, did you awake from a coma in 2015, or...?

I just want a new space race/kickass huge icebreakers.

I wonder how often Trump is at the same airport as anyone else he's had real estate transactions.
How many other at that same airport on that same day?

Oh, outside brigading is a very serious offense on reddit and is something the admins specifically prohibit due to its influence on communities; that's why we uphold the rule and report situations like this to the admin's community team (who we're working with actively right now, to stem the influx of outside briagders).

Again, as I said below, our moderation is content neutral and we have flaired this post only as a result of the rule-breaking behavior on display by other users around reddit.

This sub is a joke.

That's a pretty weak attempt to deflect. Do you have nothing to say about the link I posted? It seems concerning that you guys don't actually care about your own rules.

Plus he campaigned with Farage. He was literally campaigning for president with a foreign politician. A foreign politician who, in 2014, appeared on RT on a nearly monthly basis. And praised Putin.

This thread is completely full of shills. I think I've seen 10 so far. Literally never seen so many in a single thread.

I think we have the DOD spreading anti-Russia propaganda, and CTR spreading anti-Trump and possibly anti-Russia propaganda as well. It's a fucking dumpster fire of shills.

For those who don't understand that shilling internet forums is an official policy of the United States Government, here you go:

Pursuant to reddit rules, you cannot point users from one subreddit to another with the intention of artificially altering the content on the subreddit.

It's part of reddit's commitment to the "organic curation of content", and, as I said, the admins are the one's who deal with the application of that particular site wide rule.

Maybe it's because this is more believable than a lot of the other stuff posted on this sub.

screen shot the next couple of pages. some people's are set to have more links per page. I came in from r/all

hahaha you again with the shill accusations. I wish i got paid for this shit, id do it even more if a check was coming my way.

Shill account. Read post history, and observe tactics in this thread.

Globalism is well and alive, comrade. Globalism 2.0: Russia China Boogaloo?

That is what my post says right now, can you read?

they dont just need to be ahead of us, they need our system to collapse catostrophically so the entire idea of human rights can be made fun of in their propoganda for a few hundred years.

The Russia love is in the conspiracy communities DNA. It's pretty well known Russia views it as a fertile ground for spreading propaganda.

By the very definition of discord, any Trump related post both pro and anti should be removed then, because it always ends up with disagreement.

Man I would have thought there would be like.. a cap of some sort on how many subreddits an individual can moderate.

I have a serious question for you. I'm sure you're going to accuse me of being a shill and brigading and whatever but what exactly would CTRs motivation be here? If Trump were to be removed from office, Hillary doesn't suddenly become president.

We will see soon, I'm actually trying to keep hopeful, ok?

I'm glad you ignored everything else I said so you could be sure to defend trump.

Do you realize that that is by definition terrorism?Threat of violence for political gain? You mean like planning on gassing people during Deploraball? I realize America does shady shit to get our way/narrative, and we kind of have done just that and more ourselves, including unjustifiable deaths. Like Benghazi

but I think they spent lots of effort and $ on trump and his campaign I 100% disagree on them spending money on Trump's campaign. There is, however, evidence that Clinton spent countless dollars on foreign campaigns (read Hastings' book The Operators) and her meddling in Palestinian elections... I think trump is very bad news. I'd like to be wrong, then you will like the next few years.

27th. Don't change shit

Thank you!!!!

Something about this post bothers me, -- and it's definitely not the conspiracy itself. Almost all the comments are about bitching about this sub and the mods. WTF?

Your logic is incorrect. Obviously these people went through the trouble to provide a source. And sources make arguments into true facts!

In fact there is no need to even read sources! The mere presence of a hyperlink is proof that the source actually backs up the claim. Checking facts leaves less time for real life problems and as such are not needed to be read before commenting in an intelligent fashion!


Source- fact finder extraordinary

[Source- Muh Opinion](


Given the treaty treaty in place, in regards to invasion of the Ukraine

And the American shady influence and backin of far right wing groups in Ukrainian politics.

I'm not quite sure how you construct that as a pro trump agenda or fear mongering. Remember puppet Clinton was the one that was keener to push the button.

Syria and Ukraine are a big deal. It's nieve to think otherwise. Proxy wars can heat up fast

What about his department of education appointment?

would upvote more if i had a click farm at my disposal, but only +1. "look at you with all your big boy/girl reasoning!"

Removed. Rule 10.

I'm just hijacking your comment to point out that the mods censored my comment. It does not show up if I log out. I assume it doesn't show up to anyone.

Well, so far I know of /politics, /T_D (not confirmed) and /worstof that has linked this thread. The former two were probably in an attempt to brigade, the latter was to gain neutral publicity. I'll add any others I see.

Please don't.

I'm tired of asking fellow Albertans exactly how Trump's MAGA is going to apply to Canada in their mind.

Wait...Can I move to the new Southern territory?