Ben Swann's "Reality Check" convinced me. But he was also right with one point: There is no real evidence...BUT there has to be somewhere, right? How else could some elites "check and balance" each other?

88  2017-01-19 by [deleted]



yes but how does one distinguish clues from coincidence?

That's the thing, in this case you can't. It all could be still a massive coincidence and misunderstanding. But there has to be something going on, I get that weird Jimmy Saville vibe with this conspiracy. Especially with Podesta. Our only hope is video or photo evidence or enough victims that come forward. And that's the thing that also makes me kind of sceptical...why has no one accused Podesta yet? If this conspiracy is true there should be hundreds of victims...

they're linked to pig farms.....the victims (their DNA) will be there.

Do you have a source? Wouldn't that mean there is no evidence of bodies afterwards?

we can demand a blood test of the accused-cannibalism leaves a chemical trace......the mark of Cain.

Sorry, what? Cannibalism? Mark of Cain? See, that's the kind of shit that throws people off again. The fact that some Pizzagaters are flat out crazy with a weird flow of thought (your comment is the best example) is fucking off putting...

sorry-i'm a baby boomer. david shurter has videos about the 1970's version of this on youtube.

Many leaks have come from within the nypd and FBI that the emails on wiener's computer contain the evidence we are looking for. There have been huge pedo ring busts since the locating of those emails.

What leaks?

And did those busts have anything to do with the emails?

The leaks have popped up on social medias of various civilians and news reporters, but have quickly been stifled.

There's no way to know for sure at present, but it is known the FBI is behind the bust in Norway which was global and implicated elected officials.

Can you source those leaks?

So nothing to do with the emails...

Carlos Danger saved them under "life insurance", presumably because they're full of the worst shit on some very powerful people.

It's called a SWAT raid with a warrant, like two months ago. Short of that there's only so much we can do from behind a keyboard.

Law enforcement officials know circumstantial evidence is the hardest to forge. A smoking gun can easily be planted. When a myriad of secondary indications are found however, the suspicions are considered substantiated.

Pizzagate investigators have already collected far sufficient circumstantial evidence for raids to be ordered and a smoking gun to be sought.

that's interesting I hadn't thought of that. It's true. Kiddie porn is easily planted but one bizarre email after another combined with all the artwork, the images, everything else, impossible to plant, even though it's circumstantial.

There is no evidence cus it was never investigated.

How did it convince you with no evidence? That makes no sense whatsoever, did you Ben Swan had a career in think tank propaganda? Did you know that he covered up for Ron Paul's famous racist newsletter?

You just made this account so we have no way of checking that it changed your mind on PG. But it makes no sense at all to change your mind when he admits, more than once, than there is no evidence at all of wrongdoing in the podesta emails or elsewhere.

It didn't convince me entirely. I only think that there might be something to it now. The fact that no victim or witness (out of possibly hundred or more) came forward is suspicious, especially if it really is a large sex ring. On the other hand, cases like Jimmy Saville only surfaced many decades later, after his death. Maybe we will know in 10 or 20 years...

I didn't know that Ben Swann had that kind of history, I will definitely look into it.

This is where it starts. Like he said it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Just Google sex trafficking survivors and it'll talk about some of the emotional/social/psychological reasons why victims don't come forward, especially kids. If Pizzagate is true than you'll better understand why it's even more difficult for these people to come forward. On another note, Pizzagate is heavily intertwined with Satanic ritual abuse (though not always) which is where trauma based mind control comes in. These kids are essentially brainwashed into "forgetting" or believing their abuse was something necessary. Or they're just killed off.

"piss president" hehe...

/i have always contended that pissgate (not ilegal, even if true) was supposed to be a distraction from pizzagate (illegal and evil, and is obviously true)

1 day old account and read their comments. SHILL!!!!

Shill get out of here.

Laura Silsby, Monica Peterson, Dennis hastert, Jeffery Epstein, dyncorp

I think Wikileaks has the smoking gun tbh. I don't think they would promote something like this without it. The censorship and the questions are piling up. People are pissed.

Before that video I thought Pizzagate was utter bullshit.

Why did it take Ben Swanns "reality check" to convince you? He just laid out the very basics of the evidence. Why don't you just research the information on your own, that's the only way to make up your mind on a subject.

It doesn't take long (after researching) to see that there is major substance to the accusations. John and Tony Podesta hardly even hide the fact that that they are into children (and hurting them) if you just look into it. Their taste in artwork is a pretty big giveaway for example. So many shady people have connections that run through comet/podesta it isn't even funny.

No, there's evidence everywhere. Dyncorp, ex child traffickers, pool parties with child entertainment, code words, kill rooms, and butt fucking minors now.

what Pizzagate is

specifically / originally:

  • pizzagate was born from an online, collaborative examination/investigation of "the podesta" emails @, where john podesta discusses "pizza", "cheese" and "pasta" in truly odd and even creepy context -- that led many to suspect these words were codewords related to pedophilia -- which led to the discovery of 1000's of pedophilia related twitter (ref: twittergate, when jack dorsey's own account was accidentally shutdown in twitter's "rushed", anti-pedo sweep) and instagram accounts (including those of james alefantis, of comet ping pong, which is widely believed to be a showcasing and staging area of children for high-profile washington dc political pedophiles)


  • pizzagate has come to represent the exposure of a global child trafficking (for rape and organ harvesting) ring that is currently blackmailing and extorting a majority of "elite" political figures - worldwide.

how a seemingly innocuous triangle symbol could possibly indicate so much.

it's much more than triangle logos:

#pizzagate (aka #pedogate) is the new 9/11 rabbit hole -- i.e., yes, it's all (mostly) true -- and yes, difficult to swallow. But yes... it's very real -- i.e., there are real children who are being trafficked, raped and murdered right now through these channels., right now.

And it needs to be stopped.

Please recognize (if this is not already known to you all):

... which is recognized by Ben Swann, of CBS News:



For more details, please investigate for yourself:

NOTE: There isn't a small, handheld smoking gun, that I have seen. Much like 9/11, it's more of a smoking nuke. The mountain of circumstantial evidence is literally "unbelievable".

Special thanks to:

Hard evidence is the last thing to obtain in ANY investigation. In fact, some cases are solved just with circumstantial evidence. You know what doesn't has a single evidence? Russia hacks

Sorry, what? Cannibalism? Mark of Cain? See, that's the kind of shit that throws people off again. The fact that some Pizzagaters are flat out crazy with a weird flow of thought (your comment is the best example) is fucking off putting...