Pizzagate video pulled from front page, 5 anti-trump articles spring up in random subs, something fishy is going on

716  2017-01-19 by [deleted]



It's pretty clear the admins here are not happy about any Pizzagate content gaining traction.

We're getting very close

I saw it on my facebook feed today. The information is circulating.

People need to keep posting. It may be the only way it gets around. Once the populace knows, it's harder to dismiss as fringe.

While I'd like to believe that too, we're really not (in my opinion). So far all that there is just ties and links to things.

It's gaining more attention (so it seems), but there isn't anything that is concrete proof of wrongdoing, just, weird, and suspicious stuff.


Shit is just being censured..nothing to worry about..

At what point will the massive censorship campaign become proof enough though?

Watch George Webb. He's got it all laid out as far as arms dealing and stuff. has all the connections. All that's needed is to find some real victims. That's the hard part because they kill all the kids when they're done. That's why we need to find the kids and the "farm"

I'm sure they will already have cleaned this up and moved on. Not like they don't have enough cash to do so.

If they did, they would launch an "investigation" and try to clear the slate. They're avoiding that at all costs.

Well they just did that international pedo ring bust. That probably took out a lot of the liability.

If there's ritual abuse going on, they're not killing all the kids. They're probably raising a few special kids to be perpetrators. It would be like their own kids or semi important peoples kids.

I think some of the kids who know that crowd probably know what's going on.

Nothing can happen until law enforcement get involved.

We don't know if or when that will happen because we're not sure how high up this goes.

We do know for sure that we've stumbled upon something huge. Something that rivals the Catholic Church covering up pedophilia.

The Elite are frightened.

No. We're not getting anywhere. We are screaming in an empty room. And they are going to keep us in this empty room until nobody gives a fuck anymore.

The connections are made. The movements for disclosure and an awakening are getting stronger and stronger.

"Not yet." ... "it's yet"

Deleted from CBS 46 website:

Massive cover-up in effect.

It's a funny sort of global conspiracy that allows an expose to be published about them on a local CBS station, and posted to the internet.

Local affiliates are able to quickly sneak stuff in without direct oversight. Affiliates were the only news agencies that showed up to sheriff Joe's birth certificate press conference

So, they have total control, but stuff like a damning expose slips through the cracks?

Not for long, notice that CBS46 took it off their website the same day

Don't you think it's better to prevent it from being posts at all. Look, it's posited that these guys are committing one of the worst crimes in human history, in one of the most important cities in the planet. There are 100s maybe thousands of them, and if they're found out, and their atrocities proven, the entire global power structure will collapse. And there's no one who knew this guy was making a documentary, no one who could stop it from being posted, and they thought the best way to deal with it was to have it removed after the fact, drawing attention to it, rather than ignoring it. And I'm the gullible one?

I didn't say you were gullible it's okay to ask questions

I just, sometimes, get the feeling that people on this sub think that pizzagate is 100% true,but the trump/Russia conspiracy is ludicrous. And I just don't see why.

Not ludicrous at all. Unsubstantiated.

You don't see why? Look harder, you will.

What's substantiated about pizzagate? That the pizza place exists? Well, Putin exists. There. besides, how many goddamn conspiracies on her are substantiated. What's so substantiated about a monolith on mars? But that got a post. Chemtrails gets a post. (jesus, there's not many conspiracy posts on this sub anymore) Oh, good old fluoride gets a post. You got me there. They add fluoride to water. Plenty of posts about Pizzagate. Oh, even the release of millions of unclassified documents is a conspiracy. Some people are never happy. Oooh, my favorite, David Icke, and the reptoid menace! I love that shit, cause it's just silly. Satanic murder cults in european royalty. Yeah, that's a thing that totally happened. But Russia conspiring to help trump get elected is unsubstantiated. Remote viewing is real, but the CIA declassifies something that totally, 100% works, because...? A picture by the Mars rover is clearly photoshopped by a guy who doesn't understand how panaramic photo stiching works. But it's clearly photoshopped. Oh, I love this one about Hitler was right, and the Jews are responsible for ww1. That's totally a real thing that really happened.

Probably because of the timing of the accusations.

You don't think it's possible that everyone thought Clinton was going to win, so they wanted to deal with it behind doors? Or that Obama said he wanted to release it, but McConnel said he'd accuse him of interfering in the election?

I don't think it's impossible, but it's not very convincing. occams razor and whatnot.

Know what else exists? Sexy bloody fun times under the Joola tables

sounds like you voted Democrat or don't care to look at the facts

Easy now, there are lots of Democrats that actually want the truth.

that's why I said OR!

In the end, does it really matter? How many people do you think saw the original air? Now the only people that will see it are people who are looking for it. I'd say mission accomplished. The accused have complete protection if only because the masses simply don't want to know if it's true.

But isn't it better to either stop it from being aired, or ignore it? It's on YouTube, its not like you have to use a tor browser to access the dark web to find it. It's still discoverable, perhaps more so than on an obscure CBS affiliate website.

Holy crap. Everyone should email the station and be forthright with their anger. This shit is ridiculous. Of course we know we are getting somewhere when no explanation is given and the source video is taken down for no reason. This is some serious shit.

Someone decided to post the story online. Might want to download it before CBS decides to do a copyright claim on it to get it taken down.

If it's anyone it's administration, I think the mods here have been awesome, way better than a lot of subs. Another administration that keeps intelligence centralized seem to be busy lately too

Contact info for the station is below. so y'all don't have to click so much.

(404) 327-3119

Good shit!

Yeah. All those pizzagate and pedo-biden threads getting stickied at the top over the past few weeks make it pretty clear they won't have any discussion of pizzagate in this forum!

Lol what?! Right this very second, 13 out of 25 threads on this sub's mainpage are pro-pizzagate related. You've got to be kidding me.

PG is a distraction or disinfo. There's too many people with no post history pushing it as fact.

Nah man sonething fishy is going on /s

creepy feels=creepy reals

because ai say so!

throws fit and leave

He's referring to them making it to /r/all, not this subreddit, please try to keep up.

Cant refute my point then?

Does asking poorly worded question and answering it for me win you a debate created by the voices in your head? Not Sure? It doesn't.

The deluded accusing others of delusion. Lol That's rich.

Was there not 3 of the same video posts at the front page today? I haven't seen any suppressing unless you speak of a different sub?

The suppression was done by the news outlet that produced the segment. TPTB don't have to worry about a few nutjobs on the internet taking about pizza, but having the video on a reputable news outlet's website is a bridge to far. Now, they would have a vested interest in removing the story whether it was true or false, so we can't say what the suppression actually means.

In case it gets deleted from youtube:

Save a copy, too.

Gone already

What are the instagram pictures he is referring to?

Comets Instagram and the owner James' IG. Both deleted/private now.

Do you have a link?

Not handy. Check over on voat. I'm sure they've linked it numerous times. There's a pgate sub.

just do a google image search for "jimmy comet instagram"

I see duplicate posts about some Pizzagate video disappearing from some site and one Trump-Russia article buried in the controversial section.

Surely we can't be talking about the same sub...

Take a look at the recent edits to his wiki page

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Not only that, but the sheer amount of pro-Biden propaganda on social media is frightening.

Yeah, what's with all the Biden stuff? I saw a story about him receiving the Medal of Freedom... what exactly has he done other than exist to warrant a special award? Very confused.

A late but big thanks for his writing of the PATRIOT act

Maybe we should start taking bets on whether they plan to try and install Biden as President.

He will most likely run in 2020 and if nominated will win.

Lol, no.

No he won't run or no he won't win if nominated?

He's never going to be closer to the office of President than he is right now. They can run him if they want, it won't matter.

I don't know, I think he would be a shoo-in against Trump in 2020. I don't think many people are going to like the moves this cabinet makes, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Waaaaaaaaay too early to be declaring a shoo-in. Trump still hasn't even been sworn in. He was already a huge name, now he's POTUS, so in 2020 he'll have more name recognition than anyone in the world. On top of that, he'll be the incumbent. If he has a successful first term, even moderately so, he will be very difficult to unseat.

Hes 74. If he was gonna run it would have been this past year.

He will be 78 then, I cannot see him or anyone that old running for POTUS.


It's sure starting to look something like that. It's so bizarre that Biden was hardly even discussed before and now I see him all over the internet.

Still waiting to collect on "Bush will declare Martial Law" and "Obama to serve a 3rd term"

I suspect it has something to do with his health.

The anti trump posts are always simply ridiculous. Any hint that Trump was sitting near or in the same building as a Russian automatically becomes a story about Trump being Putin's puppet and are instantly guilded onto the front page. It's almost like a distraction.

MD any triangle showing up in a 4 mile radius near kids is upvoted because of Pizzagate.

As someone that kind of believes both theories, but doesn't really believe either, this is wildly entertaining.

Oh fuck, this this this! Pizzagate is all codes and maybes and "hey that's a triangle! That whole restaurant is for a child sex ring!!" but if it's merely suggested that Trump was maybe in the same building as a Russian there's a sudden demand for proof and pictures and "lol dude they're both rich! They can talk if they want!"

Like, there's literally a post like that on the sun's front page.

People who think /r/conspiracy users think like /r/the_donald have not been here long.

I was in a thread yesterday where multiple people were arguing that the US government is 'on the right track' because Trump won. Not because of anything else, just because Trump won.

Something like 93% of the legislative branch won reelect, CIA/FBI/etc are stronger now than ever and we're looking at putting big business directly in charge of the government rather than just once or twice removed.

But the US is better now because Trump!

I have seeing more people saying this sub is r/the_donald than things that are actually pro trump.

Amazing how when others use the same reaching logic conspiracy theorist use, they are condemned by conspiracy theorists.

It's because they are typically people that talk down to conspiracy theorists but then all the sudden WaPo drops an article without any proof and it's automatically believed. These people aren't using logic, they are feeling how ever the latest MSM narrative wants them to feel and they are regurgitating all the same talking points. They are just carrying on as usual except the official narrative is now also a conspiracy.

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Geez, maybe if they stopped trying to brigade those posts so blatantly they would not be removed.

It's hilarious how people that are hardcore shilling for hillary or spreading anti trump propaganda are suddenly concerned about censorship. I looked at your link and it is full of people I have tagged for that.

But if we're all here, who's looking after Madeleine?

A joke making light of pedophilia. How low can you go?

There is indeed something fishy

The edits going on over on Ben Swann's wiki page is showing too. Wording it like he's a mad conspiracy theorist.

He suddenly became a supporter of several conspiracies. There is a misinformation war going on right now trying to discredit him

It's called Reddit, that's the fishy part.

This is the most odd story I've seen in a long long time.

  1. How quickly they squished it and put in place a different narrative.

  2. How quickly and promptly it was censored.

I was talking to a friend a month or so after it started and asked him what his thoughts were on it. His response was "Oh, that FAKE news story?"

Other than that fact that it was a "Fake news story" he honestly couldn't tell me shit about it. He knew absolutely nothing about it other than it was "fake".

We have 9/11 conspiracy videos, Sandy Hook conspiracy videos, etc. Yet none of them were met with the amount of resistance and organized resistance as this story was met with.

To me, that is the biggest thing.

Also, calling it "fake news" when it was never proposed as "news" it was always proposed as a conspiracy theory.

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We have 9/11 conspiracy videos, Sandy Hook conspiracy videos, etc. Yet none of them were met with the amount of resistance and organized resistance as this story was met with.

Seems clear the propagandists have learned from their previous mistakes.

Real news is fighting back! Hurrah.

The trump subreddit had at least two threads on front page about it that are now gone.

There is something massive going on.

So what! I hope Trump meets with Putin and the crappy Obama cold war he was trying to stir up is cancelled

No shit. When I tried talking to people about 9/11, some were like "So what? What difference does it make?".

Now the establishment is pushing conspiracy theories regarding Putin and Trump, and I feel like it's only fair to ask them: "So What?!" "What difference will it make?!"

I wonder if any of them could come up with a coherent response.

The anti trump thing is meaningless.

Very easy way to download small youtube videos, just put ss in front of youtube

Just keep on chugging along brother on your journey. Soon we will all move past the illusion of choice presented to us in the form of politics. We don't need politics, we don't need politicians. We need universal truths. When people live in the light of truth we simply take all the power away from these sort of entities like CTR. We can as one reject this current reality and leave nothing to be corrected because truth will be universal. Feel me?

Just spez with his daily censorship.

Oh my god, anti-Trump means you're a commie!

I don't think it's impossible, but it's not very convincing. occams razor and whatnot.

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PG is a distraction or disinfo. There's too many people with no post history pushing it as fact.

Nah man sonething fishy is going on /s

He's referring to them making it to /r/all, not this subreddit, please try to keep up.