Was Hitler Right? [Please Read]

98  2017-01-19 by VirtualAnarchy

Hello all! This is my first time posting here, so I read the rules and tried to adhere to them as best as I could. This question has been bogging my mind, and I'm at the end of the rope when it comes to unbiased sources and reading online. Please do not think that I am an anti-semite, because I hate no one.

To begin, I first watched the very well done series by the Smithsonian Museum called "Apocalypse: World War 2" (available on Netflix). I was amazed at Hitler's rise to power and control he had over Germany, which at the time had a population of around 70 million people.

The engineering of German equipment and rapid growth of a very crippled economy left me in awe.

I wondered what sparked his hatred of the Jews, because a hatred so deep never comes out of no where. Upon reading "Mein Kampf" in the Reynal & Hitchcock translation I found on Amazon, I discovered that he blamed the Jews for their involvement both in causing World War I and also the crippling reparations placed against Germany after the war.

Upon further digging, I cannot find anything on Jewish elite involvement in World War I; although, after investigating what happened before and after the war, Hitler may have been right on that one.

I stumbled upon this bit about the history of the Rothschilds. It is 30 minutes long, but it is very well done and VERY thought provoking.


I've looked many of the most glaring claims up. The Battle of Waterloo was funded on both sides by the Rothschild's, and it is said that they love war because they were huge generators of risk free debt. Because they are guaranteed by the government of a country, they will be repaid by the efforts of the population of that country.

So whoever would have won Waterloo did not matter, this was inevitable. Nathan Rothschild, rather famously, shorted the war, and when everyone else followed suit and sold their consuls, he bought them all up at dirt cheap.

When it was revealed the British had won the war, he made an enormous return on his investment, unfortunately though I cannot find any accurate numbers. However, a New Bank of England was installed and was run by Nathan Rothschild.

The majority of the Federal Reserve is owned by the Rothschilds, and that is who the world debt is to (USA, Italy, Britain, etc). It is ever increasing, much like the worst-case-scenario pointed out by Thomas Jefferson, who actually said:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

As said in the video, the Fed is PRIVATE. The last president to stand up to them was John F. Kennedy, and he was killed.

I also began digging into the only remaining central banks on earth not owned by the Rothschilds.

The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were:

  • Sudan

  • Libya

  • Cuba

  • North Korea

  • Iran

  • Syria

As of today, the only countries left in 2016 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:

  • Cuba

  • North Korea

  • Iran

  • Syria

I'm not so convinced yet that 9/11 was a conspiracy... The sources on this seem shady at best; however, following world events there seems to be a correlation between these countries and major conflicts.

I am torn, but excited to learn more.

I support Trump because he says he will audit the Fed. Do you think he will be killed? Will auditing the Fed yield any results?

I know all of this may sound like a conspiracy, hence why I am posting it here, but I am determined to keep digging and seeing what I can find. I would love if anyone who has researched this could point me into the right direction, historically if anything.

While I do not agree with MANY of the things Hitler did, was Hitler right about the Jewish elites takeover of the world? Is the slavery to debt why the world's middle class is disappearing?


Brother-man, you just asked the multi-trillion dollar question, the one everyone needs to be asking themselves, because if we collectively agree the answer is yes, well... to quote George Herbert Walker Bush: "If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."

Please PM me, I would love to have a conversation with you.

Replace Jew Elite w/ Elite and you're on.

The Elite & the Jews have warred since Rome.

There are two key pieces to understand WW. Look into the plague. Look into the disappearances of kings & queens. Look into human sacrifice.

Rudolf, the Red Nose. All the others would laugh and call him names.

Israel was created in false pretense to paint a target on to the Jew. A pin, a tool of slander. It didn't set them free, it trapped them in.

Where did the kings go? Think about the division of Rome. The two headed state.

There are no words.

I'm here watching a video saying 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were just excuses to go to war, and then you drop this on me.

This red pill is a lot bigger than I thought. How exciting!!!

Can I PM you?

Ya , be my guest :)

Can you link me to what you're talking about "where did the Kings go" / "division of Rome"? Thank you

Rome was split into two.

One part became Turkey / Middle East, the other Europe. Both Rome.

Research the Royal guard. What would you think if our CIA & FBI were all Russian? From that logic, it becomes apparent.

There are no records of the dissappearances of the kings and queens, their gold, their historical artifacts. Think about all that wealth. It had to go somewhere. The wealth of nations would be too vast not to go unnoticed.

The Knights Templar. Gone. The collective wealth of the Middle Ages, of antiquity, hidden or destroyed?

I thought nick cage found the treasure?

Why are you so cagey? Just say it. Are you afraid? You're too small a gnat to bother the titans.

Yeah just say it man.

Personally, I wanna hear your take on the Rudolf thing. Royal guards are Russian? What?

I do agree on the convenient melting or merging behind the certain trick the royals pulled..

Royal guards are Russian? What?

I wasn't saying that, but each country did not have their own political police forces. Every political leader in Europe was surrounded by political police from a foreign country, one foreign country, at the same time.

In the song, a 'red nosed' (cold climate white) named Rudolph was teased by others and called names, until 'Santa' came down and taught them a lesson. Within the same context as I mentioned above, there is a famous case of a King's child , named Rudolph, who died in infancy, born hideously disfigured. It was claimed that the Jews teased and killed the child, as a part of their cruel nature, and put to trial. More followed after that.

You sound like a zionist apologist

Hitler did nothing wrong

No one in the world did not do 'nothing wrong'.

It's kind of just a saying... like he a good boy he did nothing wrong... hitler was right about everything tho

We don't know that for sure. Needs further impartial investigation.

I'd give him a 75% prediction rating... minimum

Yes he did. He murdered innocent people.

Fuck that. Even if some Jews are in control of civilization by dominating the banking and political institutions, you can't just do a genocide on a whole people. What is wrong with you?

Ask Israel this question in regards to Palestine.

You should really Look into the history of t away from government readings and usual (((academics)))

Hitler did not genocide a whole people you are thinking propaganda, exactly what they want you to think.

He occupied many countries. He killed many people.

The people in those countries saw him as a liberator.

Definitely not all of them. Almost definitely not even most of them.

He did one thing wrong; he lost.


"If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."

What was the context of this quote?

You need to look up the Zion connection to the nazis

You're kidding me.

He's not. There's a connection, they were just a different faction.

The kazarians right? Same as the infamous kazarian mafia? Or am i conflating different factions?

I will simply stand by my statement and let you research it from there........ people who agree are Jewish people against a zionist state

The 4 hour conspiracy film "Empire of the City" talks about how the majority of Jews killed during the Holocaust actually traced their lineage back to Khazaria and thus weren't 'real Jews'.

Alot of the Israeli/'real' jews did emigrate to Denmark. When the Nazis occupied Denmark, guess how man percentage of Jews made it safely out of the Denmark? 99 percent!

Yet Hitler was still evil and murdered 6 million jews!!!

The rabbit hole is much deeper and more twisted and surprising than you can imagine. I'm Jewish, and I think he's right about Jewish Zionists and the holocaust, though the number of people killed was almost certainly exaggerated, but I haven't looked into that aspect.

You could start by reading Miles Mathis's new paper on the genealogy of Hitler and high ranking NAZIs. He links to a paper there that I wrote on the Dreyfus affair, which was also a 'false-flag' hoax engineered by wealthy Zionist Jews such as the Rothschilds.

In fact I recommend all of Mathis's work. Go here and scroll down to his paper from 2013 on Theosophy and the Beat Generation. Work your way forward from there, because later papers often build on earlier ones.

You should probably also check out Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

So in response to your question: Hitler and the NAZIs were a Jewish creation used to discredit criticism of the Jewish power as "anti-semitism." And boy did it work. If some had to die along the way, I guess it was viewed as a worthy sacrifice.

I don't think Hitler and the Nazis were a Jewish creation. A user PMd me this speech by Hitler, translated with present-day examples of what he was talking about. He called them out directly.


I will begin my research into the Holocaust when I am finished with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. I'm currently looking into Zionist influence in Japan's attack, but haven't found much... yet. There were Jews in Japan during WW2, but currently I'm finding there was more deportation than killing.

Could you point me in the right direction?

Thank you for your comment, I look forward to your response.

Yes, he called them out directly. That's what they do. They control the opposition. Always. It was his job to call them out. Didn't matter if he was telling the truth, in whole or in part. Because due to his actions (both real and alleged), criticism of Jewish influence can now be completely dismissed as anti-Semitism and very dangerous.

As for 9/11, I recommend the documentary 'September Clues.' It's on youtube. As for Pearl Harbor, I recommend this thread at clues forum: http://www.cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=282

But beware of that forum in general, as there is a lot of misdirection and misinformation there. Lots of good stuff too, though. I have to admit. Even though they kicked me out.

Another comment here said that people would come and try to spread misdirection and misinformation to threads where things like this are discussed.

I will remain vigilant, and will read through keeping an open mind.

If what you're saying is true however, that Hitler and the Nazis were a Zionist creation, then this goes way deeper than I could have ever imagined and I don't know if I want to find out what lies beyond.

I completely understand. Here is a good paper that discusses how widespread the misinformation machine is: http://mileswmathis.com/guru.pdf

Hitler and the nazis were not a Jewish creation. Just a Zionist tool. the haavara agreement is well under played in the history. We like to think it's just a deal they brokered, but follow the money. The banks of Palestine were making the money. I think that other link to Hitler's rise to power from Wall Street starts here too.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement

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Which makes sense when you consider the Holocaust was exaggerated.

Hitler was a meth head

/u/weev found another one for you.

This is an informative and interesting speech by Benjamin Freedman.

(Runs 1:19:05)


Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman, Holocaust denier,[3][4][5] and vocal anti-Zionist.[6][7] Born in a Jewish family, he converted from Judaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Outside of political activism, Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and investor for small businesses.

Very interesting. The more I dig the more I see references to Zionism. I will watch this, could I PM you to discuss and ask questions when I finish?

Thank you.

I'm headed to bed but you can ask away and I'll answer tomorrow.

This is Ursula Haverback an educated, intelligent woman that has gone to prison recently for this very interview!

(Runs 49:00) w/English sub-titles


Oh, and 9/11? A New Pearl Harbor is really long but well worth the investment of time!

You failed to make any connection between the Rothschilds and Jews.

Google "the khazarian mafia".

Great post. Welcome to the sub.

Pertaining to you not buying 9/11 as a conspiracy yet, allow me to direct you towards the following docs;

  • 9/11: Loose Change

  • 9/11: In Plane Sight

  • From JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick.

All 3 are good, the last one is quite long but will blow your mind, it talks a lot about WWI, and WWII as well. I think there is a lot of information in those 3 docs that will keep you occupied for awhile.

I'm seeing the world in a whole different way I don't know if I can handle it.

I feel the same way. I've only been going on this journey of finding the truth for a couple months now.

It gets easier. Especially as you find more like minded individuals. A free mind is always better than one which is imprisoned. Remember that.

As terrifying as it all appears; you need to know that there are a lot of people fighting for good. It isn't a hopeless or unwinnable war, and over the last few months momentum has begun to swing. More and more people are "waking up". More and more people seek the truth and an end to corruption an darkness running this world.

You should consider yourself blessed that your consciousness has started to grow and become free. Yes, this knowledge can be scary. But it can also be very liberating.

Feel free to PM me anytime. I'd be glad to chat with you.

Thank you very much. You and the other commenters here have touched my life in a way I can't really describe. I'm very glad I am not alone.

I will shoot you a PM upon watching your recommended videos to discuss.

I will be looking forward to those conversations my friend.

This is why I came here. To reddit. To conspiracy. I've lurked for well over 2 years.. never made an account. But recently decided to make one because there's like minded people here that keep me feeling like I'm NOT alone. Thank you!! :)

You can answer the 9/11 question by yourself. All you have to do is trust what your mind is telling you when you see this: https://unitedresistance911.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/wtc7naudetxf5.gif

What do you see?

It looks like the internal structures holding the building up collapsed.

With absolute perfect timing. Dozens of columns had to be removed with absolute precision, at every single floor of that building. NIST would not admit that it free-fell for close to 3 seconds iirc for a long time until a math teacher held them to account. Wish I could remember his name, but he forced them to admit in their report that they could not explain the free fall.

Read the book "a new Pearl Harbor"

If you want the real research and story of 9/11, check out Ryan Dawson's documentary "War by Deception" .... skip "Loose Change".... There's too much trash mixed in with a few truths in that one.

It seemed like it degraded over time, didn't it? Every version of LC had something removed.

Sorry if I'm repeating what someone already recommended, but "The New Pearl Harbor" is far better than loose change. It's less conspiracy theory and more facts left for you to decide yourself. I highly recommend it. https://youtu.be/8DOnAn_PX6M

Any of these is a good introduction, as long as you don't fall into the trap of buying into Gatekeepers. There is more to 9/11 than could be put into any 1 documentary, and if you assume you have the answer (and stop asking questions), you are missing things.

Good luck, friends!

You're asking if hitler was right to murder 6 million Jews because of the wrong doings of one jewish family?

Hitler may have been right on that one.

'That one' referring to the involvement of the Jewish elite in creating WW1 and profiting from it, not killing 6 million innocent people. I said please read.

Oh I read it. Yea the rothchilds do some fucked shit and they are jewish but he wasn't right. If he was right he would of picked out the family instead of committing genocide. That's what you're not really understanding.

Being right/wrong is a matter of moral opinion, not set in stone. That is what you are not really understanding. Don't attempt to correct someone based on your own opinion. Provide source to back claim or move on. OP is trying to educate himself, don't criticize those willing to learn.

you're right. Sorry I got a little heated in this discussion and should of acted better.

Not trying to be an asshole. r/conspiracy already has so much hate and vitriol directed to us. Let us be at least kind toward one another. Not everyone is as enlightened as another, and we all have different biases as well. Well wishes to you.

Yea that's why I apologized. I was being a dick.

You didn't read a word of OP's post past the title did you?

discovered that he blamed the Jews for their involvement both in causing World War I and also the crippling reparations placed against Germany after the war. Upon further digging, I cannot find anything on Jewish elite involvement in World War I; although, after investigating what happened before and after the war, Hitler may have been right on that one.

OP then proceeds to talk about the Rothchilds. What was hitler right about? That jews did play a roll, yea sure some did but Hitler wasn't right to think that the Jews (as a whole) were conspiring.

While I do not agree with MANY of the things Hitler did, was Hitler right about the Jewish elites takeover of the world? Is the slavery to debt why the world's middle class is disappearing?

His questions are clearly laid out at the end of the post.

Yea but hitler wasn't blaming the jewish elites. He was blaming the Jews as a whole, hence why he killed 6 million.

I'm sorry I did not make it more clear that I do not think Hitler was right to kill 6 million Jews.

Except, he didn't.

Is there any thread here in r/conspiracy that I can read about this?

Why not head over to the source, whitepowerstormfront.kkk

I can't open it unfortunately. Any other site?

It wasn't six million. Modern historians can't study the subject without repercussion.

You asked if OP's question was if hitler was right to kill 6 million jews. That's not what he was asking and all I'm doing is answering that question.

I think you are trying to engage the wrong person in this conversation as I don't know enough about the subject to carry on with it.

Yea but hitler wasn't blaming the jewish elites. He was blaming the Jews as a whole, hence why he killed 6 million.

Hitler was blaming the Jews responsible for Germany's problems, and he didn't kill any Jews at all. As to the number of Jews killed in the so-called Holocaust, it was less than one million, not six million.

400,000 is probably more accurate.

Got a source on that?

Got a source on 6 million?

Give me a break.

Lenin and Trotsky were such fun fellows, were they not?

Apparently you missed all the census numbers that show that is a lie. As well as the official Red Cross report, and all the missing/fake evidence backing it up.

No source for the 6 million number. Quit using it. It's propaganda.

.While I do not agree with MANY of the things Hitler did, was Hitler right about the Jewish elites takeover of the world?


As of today, the only countries left in 2016 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:

Well, isn't that interesting. TIL. Contextually, it makes sense that those four countries are some of America's biggest enemies, and are not involved or not respected by the UN. You should also do some research into the United Nations sometime; it is heavily affected by some of the points you've mentioned here, especially the Fed and Rothschilds and HRC.

I support Trump because he says he will audit the Fed. Do you think he will be killed? Will auditing the Fed yield any results?

I think Trump is in danger. I gravely hope that nothing prevents him from presiding for the next 4-8 years. I think that Trump is highly suspicious of not only the Fed, but also other government agencies such as the CIA and FBI. Nothing may come from this suspicion, but it is a good quality to have, and something we have lacked since JFK (which you did point out). This makes him a marked man, and I hope he is taking the necessary precautions. I do think that Trump is a man of his word, and that he has the cojones to stand up against Big Government. I say this because many people doubted he would repeal or dissolve Obamacare, and now we see him doing just that (it was one of his biggest running platforms). Most importantly, he is a man of action - he gets shit done - evidenced by building a billion dollar empire.

Rumors have persisted for a year or more now, that the government itself is engaged in a sort of "shadow war" within itself, mostly the CIA vs. the FBI. This can be evident when you look at their actions and statements to the media, and also when you do some digging to see which politicos each bureau supports. Hopefully Trump can see this, and help at least one of these agencies if not more, self destruct. Remember, the president could dissolve the NSA and other agencies easily if chosen (so the law goes).

I really hope that you do some follow-up research on 9/11 and can see the truth that lies there. Welcome to r/conspiracy and welcome to enlightenment. We are glad to have you, but be very careful out there, and especially online - it is so easy to become a target.

They are men. Regardless of their religion, they shouldn't be allowed to consolidate power. What happens if they call their debts???? Who pays them? How?

Why would you do that? You make more by gathering interest over the term of a loan.

Classic /r/conspiracy post right here.

I'm not so convinced yet that 9/11 was a conspiracy...

Read this

I'm convinced.

Glad I could help.

It was thanks to this and "a new Pearl Harbor."

Many people have PMd me asking me to post more of what I research into, so I'll be referencing this.

Thanks again.

There are a MINORITY of Jewish psychopaths whose cruelty honestly needs to be seen to be believed. I've read the Protocols, and I've seen a couple of very frank statements made by JIDF people on 4chan; it's enough to cause you to curl up into a foetal position on the floor.

The point to keep in mind, however, is that there is a psychopathic MINORITY within literally EVERY SINGLE ethnic group on the planet. The Jews are no exception, but neither are they the only one. All of said psychopaths of different nationalities network with each other, and that is where the conspiracy comes from. Said conspiracy has a Jewish element, but it is not exclusively Jewish by any stretch of the imagination.

The other thing to be aware of is that, although Jewish persecutions have occurred in other places besides Germany, (Russia, for instance) the psychopathic minority are very good at making sure that it is the entirely innocent, non-psychopathic majority of ordinary Jews who suffer; they've even weaponised said persecution and manipulated it to ensure that it hits certain targets. The persecutions happen because the majority within a host country are trying to defend themselves from the psychopathic minority; but again, it's the majority of innocent Jews who end up being the victims. It's a case of Anne Frank being killed, because of the actions of people like Henry Kissinger or Paul Wolfowitz.

I do not believe that Adolf Hitler had fundamentally defensible motives. He was a complete monster in his own right, and in the end was a total slave to his ego. So I do not accept or condone any apologetics offered for him. I also do not morally condone any form of mob justice enacted towards the Jewish people or anyone else. The psychopathic minority need to be specifically identified, and then they need to be securely, but non-lethally imprisoned for the rest of their lives. We must not allow the existence of said minority to drive us to utterly inhuman forms of collective violence; if we do, we are no better ourselves. That is exactly what they want.

Read the Talmud and you will see that this man is correct. The Talmud clearly states that Jews are God's chosen people and the rest of humanity are goyim, which literally translates to "beast", or cattle, meant to be used and abused by Jews for their own gain. The ultimate goal: total subjugation of the goyim and total control of the world.

THIS. It's all about the Talmud. An important distinction to be made is that Hebrew is an ancient sacred language and the Talmud is a false holy book made by evil men in Babylon to control people.

Which part says this? I will read it. Point me to it.

I will be researching into this. If the claims are true, I'll have to take perspective from the views of the New Testament. From what I can gather, the Zionist teachings appear to be demonic from a religious stand-point... I believe Revelations discusses a new world order and the fall of society.

A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

"Less than?" Not "more than?"

goyim, which literally translates to "beast"

Do you have a source for that? Because I found:

Goy is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a nation. source

I'm sorry /u/TouchMeHerePls, I didn't mean to bring critical thinking into this. Wouldn't want silly little things like facts to get in the way of your fearmongering. Please, continue saying whatever feels right to you without supporting it.

If you're annoyed that I'm being sarcastic: I'm annoyed that you're not manning up and admitting that you made a mistake. We'll call it even.

You're going to get a lot of hate in the coming hours. Remember the top posts now. Opinions will change, the top comment(s) wont be the same.

That scenario isn't the one you're looking for. Don't forget what has been said now since im pretty sure when this post gains more traction shills and JIDF will come after it and try to shift the info a bit. You'll find lies mixed with truths since this is how they disinfo (assuming you can use that word as a verb) others.

Just wanted to say that since i can see this post getting a lot more controversial.

Also, you're not wrong in your assumptions! You're following the right path :) I will PM you some links later!

This guy lurks.

What's jidf?

Jewish Internet defense force. It's the original ctr

Wow! Thank you! I will remain vigilant. I've kept an archive of all of the comments here.

Looking forward to your PM.

This is obviously a shill post to make us look bad....god damnit

If you read it, it's not bad, makes good sense. Wouldn't necessarily mean "hitler was right" but as long as it doesn't reach r/all I think we're good.

I can see why you'd think this, I could have come up with a less radical title for the post. I promise I am not a shill, hence why I posted this on my main account.

“Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, banker (1744–1812)

It's a fascinating rabbithole to dive into, isn't it... suddenly the world starts making sense. To answer your question, yes I believe he was.

Should the world make sense?

You don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy but you believe Hitler was right? Lmao

I support Trump because he says he will audit the Fed.

Does he? Can you point me to a quote?

I hope you're aware that there are (so far) five Goldman Sachs executives in Trump's cabinet, that his whole cabinet is made up of hardcore zionists, and that Trump himself has pledged unconditional support to Israel.


Best I can find with sources to the quotes.

Warning. Clicking this will make you an anti-semite.

Holy heck

You might also want to check who is behind the LGBT, Feminism and next the Pedo agenda in the west. Pro tip: it begins with "j" ends with "ews".

He wasn't necessarily "right" because he still brutally murdered folks for nothing and wanted fascism which heavily restricts freedoms. But this gives a better reason for the war than just "butler was crazy and he didn't like Jews".

Does Russia have a central Rothschild bank? I thought they were fighting for Syria so they don't become the last non nwo country.

About the reason for the war was they wanted to take everything over. Be a colonial power. Lebensraum?

Hitler was wrong to blame an entire group for the actions of certain members.

Thank you.

Here's an interesting question though, could have risen to power without scapegoating all the Jews?

Geez, idk that I'm qualified to answer that question. Scapegoating definitely is a powerful tool to divert and control negative emotions. But past that I wouldn't be able to help much. Maybe try one of the ask historians subreddits?

I've demolition experience.


100% that this building was explosive demolition. It was flawless, actually.

The very best thing that could be said is that they knew of the attack in advance and made plans to capitalize on it. I think what really happened however was a lot worse.

Well, to throw you a lead to your question, : you can find articles from the news at the time in question (early 30s) with big front page headlines saying "Judea Declares War on Germany"

This was before Kristallnacht, etc.

Here are some breadcrumbs:

  • British Freemasonry
  • Aleister Crowley was a spy
  • Ordo ab chao -- order out of chaos -- motto of 33 degree freemasons; generally considered the the problem->reaction->solution or hegelian dialectic, a type of political alchemy that assumes the ends justify the means; assume class entitlement and damn the ethics
  • Freemasonry are nominally kabbalistic / theosophist / polytheistic / astrotheological / numerological (gematria, etc)
  • Kabbalism is esoteric, mystical judaeism, same with numerology, treating numbers as 'sacred' and 'discrete thoughtforms of the universe'
  • B'nai B'rith is a judaeic branch of freemasonry
  • "The ugly truth about the ADL" by EIR/LaRouche makes a compelling case that b'nai b'rith and british freemasons created the KKK as the knights of the golden circle, an early right wing terror group to be used as hegelian strategem to bring about various disruptions in the US; to divide and rule or conquer as an overall revanche strategy to reconquer america. So they are saying Jews created the KKK and later neonazis in america.
  • False victimhood and psychological projection used in the social and public domains would be a prevailing strategy used by particular pro-zionist spy agencies posing as 'social justice' orgs. "It's a trick, we always use it"


  • The Queen of England's family the windsors changed their name from saxe-coburg goetha (german name) to put a good british face to combat increasing anti-german sentiment
  • in 1933 Allen Dulles (US Lawyer, and head of OSS, key figure in charge of operation paperclip and JFK's botched warren commission), helped make Hitler Chancellor
  • Allen Dulles later built a "proxy funnel" with various financial shell corporations that made it easy for criminals to move assets around in an untraceable way, which he and his bro John Foster Dulles perfected with United Fruit Company
  • This proxy funnel--one of which had the name Octogon Trust Corp--was a suitcase bank that just moved paper around, a guy with a suitcase was the manager of the assets, and went around moving banknotes and such in switzerland.
  • Ultimately, the assets exfiltrated by the Nazis at the closing of WW2 ended up being proxy funnelled back to the CDU, German's only political party at the time; which is now headed by Angela Merkel
  • Queen of England in 1953 forgave Germany of their war debts for WW1 and WW2, as a 'social justice face' move, with the excues that war debts of WW1 radicalized the German people into the nazi party, and so this would inhibit that.
  • This might have been a good idea, but only the German government and the entrepreneurs, and industrialists got that money.
  • The middle class in Germany did not see that money, which is the initial problem that even started the Nazi party--the middle class was absolutely destroyed by ruthless privateer / disaster capitalist industrialists at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century
  • Industrialist manufacturers, esp in the defense industry in America, made huge profits selling to Germany initially, and in many ways some continued as international orgs. Even Prescott bush, GW's granddad was wrist-slapped for having conflicts of interest--basically getting involved in investments with German partners, violating the "trading with the enemy" act

What I'm getting at is this, its very possible that corporate oligarchs, bankers, the queen and the pope created Nazi Germany as a psyop to create the state of israel and legitimize it; and to leave behind armies in europe everywhere (see gladio) to guard against "empire building" of Russia (ie: 'containment')

I will be looking into each and everyone of your points, and if I find evidence for all of them, and what you're saying is true... I will feel so hopeless.

I am very surprised this is not mentioned anywhere. (http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/) It will change the way you view the Hitler and everything you were told in American history.

Thanks for this, I think I will touch on this next after my research into 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

I know that feel brother. The rabbit goes deep. Here's what I believe about 9/11 https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it

About 9/11

Project for a New American Century A think tank for American military policy run by a overwhelming number of American/Israelis

Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force http://www.webcitation.org/5e3est5lT Scroll to "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" p1 pg51

"... transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor" (meaning we need a cataclysmic event to change quick)

VirtualAnarchy, in answer to your question about the Jewish role in World War One . . .

I think that Hitler's annoyance with them was three-fold:

1) Contrary to conventional wisdom, Germany (in the period before World War II) was an extremely generous country to Jews. As a result, Jews were extremely pro-German. In Europe (prior to Germany) Jews couldn't own land. They weren't allowed to attend schools with the host-population. They didn't have citizenship (or most of the rights that come with being a citizen). Germany was the first European country to grant them all these rights. It's why Jewish poet Heinrich Heine was so pro-German in the 1870s. (He sided against antisemitic France with pro-Jewish Germany in the Franco-Prussian war . . . as did almost all Jews.) Even well into World War One, Jews were still siding vehemently with Germany. If you read 1920's "This Side of Paradise" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he even makes a reference to it. In an excerpt in which the main character is discussing war propaganda with his friend, he expresses distrust of the pro-German voices in the press, saying, "How do you know they aren't all pro-German . . . just a lot of weak ones with German-Jewish names." Basically, for 4/5ths of the war, the entire press in the United States was pro-German (especially those outlets run by Jews.) So then what happened?

2) If you go by Jewish whistleblower Benjamin Freedman (who was at high-level meetings at Versailles), he said that the Jews of the time-period never stopped loving Germany. They changed allegiances not because of hatred, but because of an offer made by Great Britain. The Ottoman Empire had just fallen. And the Zionists had been trying to negotiate (unsuccessfully) for Palestine. Now that Palestine fell into the hands of the Brits, a deal was struck: Bring the United States into the war (to help Great Britain, which was losing) and a deal might be struck on Palestine. Friedman explains that Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed into participating in the war (which he'd campaigned on staying out of), and, in addition, the entire media in the United States turned on a dime from being pro-German, to being virulently anti-German. The Brits, who were on the verge of losing the war (and signing a treaty with Germany) were overjoyed when American help was finally secured. With America's industrial might (and sea of new soldiers) the tide was turned on the war, and Great Britain was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. All thanks to Jewish help. Listen to Benjamin Freedman talk about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhFRGDyX48c

3) If you read Carroll Quigley's history classic "The Tragedy and the Hope," he concedes that, by 1917, Britain had lost the war. German's submarine warfare and blockade was so successfully that England (which was a vulnerable island) had all supplies cut off. It only had 3 weeks left of food when the Americans came into the war. The UK was LITERALLY preparing to sign a treaty with German as the loser in the war when the Americans were brought in. . . . Hitler knew all this. He also knew that, after the reversal (and Germany's loss) that financiers came into to pick apart Germany, like the Warburg Brothers (who were Jewish). Not only did they draft the Draconian Treaty of Versailles, they also had a hand in creating the Federal Reserve system in America. They were master-plunderers.

Hitler's anger at the Jews came from the fact that, historically, Germany had treated the Jews extremely well. So well that, when Russia and Poland killed them, they flooded into Germany. Pro-German feeling was so extreme among Jews that, even as late as the early stages of World War II, Jews in Poland were in the streets, throwing flowers at the German tanks rolling in. (They did this because, in the regions in which they lived, the territory was German prior to World War I, and the Germans treated them far more humanely than the Poles.) After World War I, the victors carved off 15% of Germany's landmass and handed it to France, Poland, the Czech Republic, etc. So many of the Jews in "Poland," were actually German-Jews, who welcomed the Germans back, because [to them] the Germans symbolized the civilized West, and the Poles were Slavic brutes with a long history of pogroms against Jews. There are actually photos of the Jews cheering the arrival of the Germans. You can find them online, though (for the most part) they're suppressed now since they don't fit in with the post-WWII narrative.

Hitler, as a young man, was very pro-Jewish. His best friends were Jews. Daniel Goldhagen relates the episode of Hitler in Vienna defending his Jewish friend from a bully and getting called a "Jew-lover".

Needless to say, Hitler didn't start out as antisemitic. He just became very bitter after what had happened in World War One.

I have chills right now because I googled your exact post title yesterday. Something is going on - some of us are waking up. The answers aren't pretty at all, they aren't what we want them to be, but the truth is here and about to smack us all in the face.

It was a long road for me to get here. I feel like I just woke up. This community is amazing.

OP (and all wishing to investigate the subject), this is a must-read.

Also, if you're interested to learn what was the consensus on the question before the 20th or 19th century, have you read Voltaire's entry "Jews" in the Dictionnaire Philosophique? It's been expunged from most modern editions, including in French. Thank you the Internet.

"can't find jewish involvement in ww1"

listen to benjamin freedman' speech at the astor, jews had a deal with britain that if their media jews in america got wilson to bring usa into war the british would grant colonies or the likes to jews in palestine

read mein kampf

Everyone watch the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"

Hitler may have been right on that one.

'That one' referring to the involvement of the Jewish elite in creating WW1 and profiting from it, not killing 6 million innocent people. I said please read.

I will be looking forward to those conversations my friend.

You didn't read a word of OP's post past the title did you?

While I do not agree with MANY of the things Hitler did, was Hitler right about the Jewish elites takeover of the world? Is the slavery to debt why the world's middle class is disappearing?

His questions are clearly laid out at the end of the post.

Lenin and Trotsky were such fun fellows, were they not?

Apparently you missed all the census numbers that show that is a lie. As well as the official Red Cross report, and all the missing/fake evidence backing it up.

No one in the world did not do 'nothing wrong'.

Yes he did. He murdered innocent people.

Fuck that. Even if some Jews are in control of civilization by dominating the banking and political institutions, you can't just do a genocide on a whole people. What is wrong with you?

It seemed like it degraded over time, didn't it? Every version of LC had something removed.

He occupied many countries. He killed many people.

No source for the 6 million number. Quit using it. It's propaganda.

He did one thing wrong; he lost.