Ben Swann is already being smeared.

580  2017-01-19 by [deleted]

Ben Swanns PizzaGate video has gone viral and over 24 hours ago people on /r/conspiracy were saying "be prepared to start seeing Ben Swann slandered all over" and what do you fucking know...

Google PizzaGate and top article is smearing Ben Swann and his wiki page keeps being edited to make him look like a mad conspiracy theorist.


You can hear the smugness in the headlines alone.

Huffington Post: CBS Affiliate Reignites Debunked Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory

The Daily Beast: Meet Ben Swann, the Republican Pizzagate Truther Hosting Atlanta’s CBS Nightly News

Media Matters: CBS Atlanta Affiliate Gives Credibility To Debunked Pizzagate Conspiracy

Washington Post: CBS affiliate’s ‘big question': Why no law enforcement investigation of ‘Pizzagate’ allegations?

Gizmodo: CBS Imbecile Just Fanned the Pizzagate Flames for No Reason

Notice the lack of comment sections on Media Matters' YouTube video and The Daily Beast article, and the positive comments so far on The Washington Post article.

Totally trying to run him into the ground. Jesus Pizzagate is so weird....

I attribute this to a combination of factors: foremost, the perception to many (on the left primarily) that this is solely a partisan issue, and thus an issue they will automatically dismiss out of hand without any due consideration, and feel compelled to respond to defensively; secondly, to a handful of those in the media and elsewhere who are aware of child sex trafficking among the elite and do not wish for this information to come to light, and so rather than addressing the issue itself or examining it with objectivity they rely on ad hominen attacks and character assassination tactics directed at anyone in any position of influence who dares to address the issue objectively.

Pretty much nailed it bud.

100% agreement

I would answer to those claiming partisan issue the possibility of republicans being involved too. Uncover them all and jail them all, regardless of political affiliation. Child molesting is child molesting regardless of political affiliation.

What if thats what truly caused the partisanship lol

And when FBI investigators looked through Epstein’s private address book, they found 14 different phone numbers for Trump, including numbers for his security guard and houseman. Epstein also had numbers for Trump’s daughter Ivanka and his ex-wife Ivana.

But Epstein chose to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights when asked: “Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?” Epstein similarly pleaded the fifth when asked about his relationship to Bill Clinton.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Similarly, a 2003 Vanity Fair profile of Epstein named Trump as one of the “businessmen who dine with him at his home,” and several other articles have pegged Trump and Epstein as friends.

If true, it's far from a partisan issue.

Name drop Podesta's good buddy, republican Dennis Hastert, convicted felon accused of sexually abusing young boys when he was a teacher.

Cant blame them.



And when FBI investigators looked through Epstein’s private address book, they found 14 different phone numbers for Trump, including numbers for his security guard and houseman. Epstein also had numbers for Trump’s daughter Ivanka and his ex-wife Ivana.

But Epstein chose to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights when asked: “Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?” Epstein similarly pleaded the fifth when asked about his relationship to Bill Clinton.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Similarly, a 2003 Vanity Fair profile of Epstein named Trump as one of the “businessmen who dine with him at his home,” and several other articles have pegged Trump and Epstein as friends.

It seems like a partisan issue because any involvement besides democrats seem to be ignored. I've never seen Trump's connection with Epstein, for example.

Because its a limited one. Trump has only one logged flight on his plane and it wasn't to the island whereas Bill & Hill have over 40 combined. Trump also kicked him out of the club as soon as it was discovered while Bill & Hill have not distanced themselves to nearly the extent. Plus, there are multiple pics and claims by underage girls involving Bill and Hill whereas the Trump ones have been Gloria Allred'ed. If Trump is proven to be guilty, then so be it. He goes down with them.

Okay, and what do you think of the quotes in my original posts? It's fair to say they knew each other well, isn't it? My only real point is that it seems many of the people that I've interacted with have had an agenda. Basically that people aren't going where the evidence leads them, they're leading the evidence. I still believe Pizzagate to be an exercise in selection bias. That's not true of all of them, of course, just an observation.

That doesn't excuse the attack on Swann for his objective reporting, of course.

and many of them are on the younger side

Deniable shade ?

IIRC Trump was a democrat when he flew with Epstein

...and that matters, why?

It's not a partisan issue. If Donald Trump were involved, I'd join a crowd chanting for him to be locked up, too.

I think a lot of people are also afraid of something as heinous as child abuse so they remain willfully ignorant. Ignorance is bliss after all. I credit this sub with exposing me to things like the Dutroux affair, Presidio and others. It's not new, its not impossible or even improbable so why couldn't it happen in DC?

reality is stranger than fiction

It's almost as if they're trying to cover something up!

Uhh his own actions ran himself into the ground

You don't go on live TV making extraordinary claims that have been wildly taken out of context and not expect to deal with the blow back lol

Lol you don't know much about Ben Swann do you? He's like, the only REAL journalist around.

You don't go on live TV making extraordinary claims that have been wildly taken out of context

Well it's a good thing he didn't make any extraordinary claims. In fact, he went out of his way in the report to state numerous times that there was in fact "no tangible evidence".

As far as things being "taken out of context" - well that's just a lazy way to dismiss something. The guy(s) in question have some pretty...questionable interests, to say the least. Not to mention the pictures with children in them do at the very least seem a little bizarre.

If it's been taken out of context, then please, put it back into context. By all means I would love to see someone explain all that creepy stuff. But as it stands now, all the pizzagate nay sayers have really said is the same rhetoric - "fake news" - without actually explaining how it's fake or even bothering to provide a real explanation. It's a strange sort of cognitive dissonance where they participate but only insofar as they can deny it without a reasonable explanation.

I have a weird feeling that our friend who owns this site did what he did to the donald to hide any pizzagate discussion under pictures of Trump......


Well, that didn't work well when they attacked Trump. Sometimes fire begets fire. I'm thinking this is going to blow up in the coming weeks, especially after Trump is in. (Remember, Obama order 65,000 worth of "pizza" from Chicago, when all food must be prepared at the White House due to security reasons.)

Yeah, didn't Obama go on Bear Grylls' show at some point, and the SS still had to test his food or something like that?

You would think the president would have better things to do then go on a TV show. Wtf is going on with out politicians? They've all turned into fame whores.

Thats how marketing campaigns work.

see adam curtis's Hypernormalisation!

Ok someone brought up this pizza/hot dog thing yesterday.

How do you think Obama eats a pizza? Does the chef grow the tomatoes and make the sauce themselves? Do they harvest the milk and make the cheese themselves? No?

It's not like they sent cooked hot dogs/pizza to the white house. They were sent there, where there are cooked (prepared). This really isn't that crazy of a concept.

Try to do the simple math. How many people would be at a White House party? Ordering out does not mean ordering cans of tomatoes, they would have said that. You can't eat 65,000 worth of pizza. If you make it yourself, the problem is even greater.

Nice try though.

Explain the $60,000 hot dog party.

*I saw an explanation for this yesterday and thought it to be interesting, what do you think? credit to /u/superiority -

Here is the explanation: some random guy who votes Republican saw a random blog post shared on Facebook about how OBUMMER was WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY on such FRIVOLITIES as PARTIES with CATERING, and referenced that blog post in an email to coworkers. It was never based in fact. It was just a partisan talking-point that got circulated among some dude's friends and co-workers.

Here are some other instances of the same guy talking about Obama in other emails:

damn gizmodo marked down as a ctr fake news source now

Time to make a list and put it on the side bar of this sub!

I offered to do that if they made me a mod actually but yeah mods here are comrpomised

You can't be a mod, you have morals.

oh yeah

Go for the shills. We're powerless against a corporation, but maybe if there was some pressure placed on these 'journalists' for selling out, it wouldn't be such an easy decision for them to make.

yes but the question is how

Or you made too much of a biased Southern yokel reporters shoddy journalism. His evidence consists of similarities between symbols on buildings, "code words" about pizza and the fact that an associate was a pedophile. It's all very underwhelming.

CTR has arrived. When did journalistic integrity all of a sudden equal biased reporting? Why come to this sub with that opinion? Fuck off

It was biased because trying to pass off that weak collection of ambiguous facts as valid conspiracy is a task that would only be taken up by someone with an agenda. This is a conservative local tv reporter pandering to a very backward southern audience.

Besides just obviously CTR'ing and ignoring the fucking assload of facts...way to call Atlanta a backwards southern audience. You obviously either dont know shit, or are just saying random shit. Atlanta is the freaking capital/haven for progressives and liberals in the south.

So which is it now? Is it dumb ass kids that buy into stupid "truth searches" or is it illiterate bumbling fools drooling at the mouth?

Cause either way, CTR, the hillary-bush clan, etc, do not give a fuck about people. There is zero compassion when you use anything you can against people.

I still not understand how people keep freaking out and blaming CTR on everyone that disagrees with them. The election has been over for months. Hillary lost, and CTR was part of a PAC for her campaign. Who is finding them months after the election to shit post on reddit?

What facts have I ignored? Be specific, nobody else here wants to be specific about what prices of evidence I am ignoring. Maybe you are up to the task? There many are liberals in Atlanta but you also know there are many many right wingers too.

I think he was just dropping breadcrumbs to try and interest the people on the fence. To get them to do their own investigations, not just give them everything and scare them away.

Definitely this. He barely scratched the surface in his video, but he left enough there for people to look into it themselves, and when you do it's a deep rabbit hole that you don't come out from.

I guess you decided to completely ignore all the other really good information?

Perhaps I missed something, be specific what exactly did I miss?

You want me to list every point of evidence other than the 3 you mentioned?

Yea that's what I thought. You are struggling with specifics because you haven't done your homework. So please be specific and list a few of the most convincing and credible facts in that price that substantiate this conspiracy.

Nah, bro. I'm not struggling, I just refuse to do your work for you. Clearly you're struggling if you can't do that for yourself. Everyone else here seems to be doing fine with that.

You believe that our government officials are involved in a massive child sex trafficking ring and you can't be specific about the evidence that led you to that conclusion? You amuse me.

Do you have trouble reading?

... Don't answer that. I'm not interested anymore.

Yea you lost interest after you were unable to be specific about the evidence! I would beat a hasty retreat too.

The amusing thing here is, anyone who watches a single 5 minute Ben Swann segment will know you're full of shit.

And yet I have watched a single Ben Swann segment and it was exactly the way I said it was. His reporting may very well have been better before his obvious break with reality, I will defer that judgement to you.

You didn't even get the facts from a 5 minute segment right in your assessment, why does you opinion matter again? You came in cocked with your dismissive stance.

It's fine that you don't believe in Pizzagate, but you don't need to make shit up to not even disagree with Swann since he said, outright, twice, that there is no hard evidence and only strange coincidences that beg a further look. You are literally attacking the messenger for presenting facts and reality. What in his report didn't happen or didn't exist?

No I stated the facts correctly, which is why you couldn't be specific about my alleged errors. I would counter that posting marginalized and discredited sources won't bend reality for you.

Where has Ben Swann ever been discredited? For someone so confident you're rather quiet.

Using "codewords" is pretty obviously slanted to suggest they're not codewords is factually incorrect, because it's certainly not actual pizza.

Doesn't mean it's child-related either, but it is an absolute oddity that deserves scrutiny, especially when large amounts of money are involved for the likes of "hotdogs" imported from Chicago to D.C. for a party. Those some cold ass hotdogs man.

He was discredited for this very story. I just don't agree that using the words cheese pizza and allegedly ordering hot dogs is evidence of child trafficking. I am sorry but you're making a very weak case

You can't be discredited for reporting facts.

No I pointed exactly why the evidence was weak. Read the whole thread and learn.

And so did Swann. You have no point to make. You've shot your load.

No swann just made absurd implications such as using the phrase cheese pizza implicates you as a child trafficker. If any body shot their load it's him,

Not at all. He is reporting a story and the facts surrounding it. He didn't imply anything, only stated facts. Again, what is incorrect?

He was definitely implying that criminal activity was occurring and he was doing it by comparing symbols on buildings and attaching hypothetical meanings to the phrase "cheese pizza". This is why he is discredited.

No, he wasn't. He was pointing out facts. Again, where does he accuse them of anything?

If he wasn't implying that this was criminal activity then why was the story news worthy? Is an email about cheese pizza news worthy without the implication of a crime? I am curious what you think his motives were?

The show is called "Reality Check" and deals with all sorts of stories, true or false, where he points out the claims, facts, and lies. If you had researched him first you'd be aware of this.

His motive is being a journalist. Giving honest coverage of something that is suspicious and in the public interest. He made no accusations at any point. He repeatedly stated that there was no evidence and pointed out things that are exist and are true.

Whatever the stated purpose of this yokel's show is it's clear in that video that he's crossed over into sensationalism by promoting a far out theory based on absolutely no real evidence. You accuse me of struggling but he's the one trying to tease a child trafficking conspiracy out of symbols and emails about pizza. That's rich.

Yes I'm sure if you repeat it enough it'll become true.

What's not true?

That he has made accusations or sensationalized anything. How is he trying to tease anything when he reiterates that there is no evidence? You are seriously talking in circles and it's just rather sad now.

You simply have no idea what you're saying. Swann is a republican so sensational he pushed 9-11 and sandy hook conspiracy theories at an anti-Semitic radio station called the republic broadcasting network. You are clearly the zealot ignoring facts here. And you will continue to be disappointed because they won't issue warrants and kick in doors based on emails about cheese pizza. You have broken with reality.


9/11 is a legitimate conspiracy. The exact nature of it is what's in question. You'll find plenty of Sandy Hook theories here too. Kinda in the wrong sub if those are meant to be poisoning the well.

You just proved the point I am trying to make. This conspiracy is just as credible as the notion that bush knew about 9-11 and sandy hook was connected to a financial conspiracy. That is the company this conspiracy keeps. You can find Swann on YouTube pushing these debunked theories just as he's pushing these.

Bush probably didn't, but whoever immediately devised a seven-country invasion plan, evacuated Saudi nationals as the only planes in the air that day, shut down or limited relevant defenses, refused to listen to a credible FBI source warning of the attack directly (see Sybil Edmonds), the redacted 29 pages implicating the Saudi government, "Bandar Bush", etc.

These things don't fall out of the sky and you say they're debunked without showing anything that says as much. In fact, I don't think you've provided a single link for any of your assertions.

Yes I know many of you believe this that was my point. The 9-11 debunking has been very thorough and you posted no links to prove any of it.

And you have? If it's been debunked so thoroughly then you should have no problem pointing it out yet you've shown absolutely nothing but your own bile. Where have the Saudi evacuations been proven to not happen? Let's start simple for you.

You keep proving my point. You cite sketchy fringe sources like or irrelevant events like the gulf of Tonkin. I am beginning to wonder if you people know what a credible source or a relevant fact is. There are very thorough debunkings of the relevant facts you posted on snopes and Wikipedia. Go there, click on the sources and free yourself of these crazy conspiracies that are apparently getting the better of you.

Yeah that's right, focus on the first URL, ignore the sources contained therein, then continue to deflect, dodge and dick about.

You have only proved my points, friend. Either back yourself up, or I'm afraid you're only proving you are not worth talking to.

I'm sorry but your sources are so bad there's really nothing to respond too. Of course it was contrived but comparing the gulf of Tonkin where a military naval vessel took some superficial damage with no casualties to the 9-11 attacks where thousands of civilians were killed and significant infrastructure damage occurred is silly based on scale. It makes me think you are a troll.

The Guardian and the New York Times etc quoting government documents is bad?

You've proven you're intellectually bankrupt and completely incapable of actual debate that doesn't involve deflections and constant snide and arrogant comments intended only to poison the well. So thank you. Enjoy your day.

You've proven you know nothing about sources. No the nyt did not confirm the crazy stuff you said. You use msm sources to confirm irrelevant points like the gulf of Tonkin and then mix in right wing fringe sites to confirm your crazy conspiracy. I forced you to acknowledge that your sources are sketchy.

Hey, here's an idea CTR.

LETS CORRECT THE RECORD! You know how? Not hate and lies and spam, BUT ACTUAL TRUTH.

Tell Clinton-Bush that we BEG OF THEM to sue for libel. Hang all those who spoke against thy masters, but prove to us that it's lies. All this hard work to defend the clan, and none of it is exposing the truth. You can deny all day until the guillotine is sharpened, but eventually you need to tell the truth to clear your name.

Sue Ben Swann, sue all our sites, sue all the users and posters, PLEASEEEE. Then as you try to prove your claims, we'll have discovery, we'll know what your clan is up to.

If it's not CP and trafficking, and simply other immoral and illegal shit, i'll take myself to jail. Cause obviously SOMETHING is wrong here, but it may not be child abuse related, even if I think it is, so please, PLEASE FFS CTR, sue the shit out of all us unpatriotic twats who just wont stfu with our slanderous lies. How dare we question the integrity of historically fucked up people with fucked up friends who've done nothing for us? Teach us a lesson.

The old fallacy of negating a negative? How can we prove that someone has never molested a child? As the accuser the burden of proof is on you and you have shown me nothing but cheese pizza and symbols on buildings.

You are trying so fucking hard it's cringey

Really? They look at an email about cheese pizza, assume an international child trafficking operation and I am the one who is reaching? Lol

How do the police, or anyone really, identify a gang member. A terrorist. A drug user. Symbols and coded language. If a black man has certain clothing on, a red or blue handkerchief hanging from their back pocket, tattoos, and they're hanging out with a bunch of others with similar style in an area where gang members are known to frequent, I think it's safe to say they are a gang member.

How many pedophiles do you have in your circle of friends? Jon Podesta is good friends with several known and convicted pedophiles. Denny Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner.

Everybody needs to see this. Understand that its not farfetched for government officials to sex traffic children. Either the Russians hacked them or the emails are made up, CTR you can't use both narratives. And let's not forget the conversations about Dennis Hastert in the emails, how after Anthony Weiner's laptop got seized the FBI made the LARGEST CHILD TRAFFICKING BUST IN U.S. HISTORY, and Jimmy Saville having the BBC and NYT get caught trying to cover up his sex with children. R.I.P. Seth Rich.

Yeah a lot of us knew this would happen.

Like fucking clockwork. It's time to smash the clock.

You know what fun with this story. Is that we can make a list of all the compromise media.

All the media outlet that is pushing this Narrative have been co-opted by the Pedo!

"Swann, who previously worked at Russia Today..."

Oh so you mean a real journalist?

Debunked?! There was never even an investigation!

The only thing that is debunked is that "pizza', "hot dog" etc are not official FBI code words. They're only unofficial code words allegedly used by pedos

I read the Huffpost article this morning and it still had comments, people were split about 50/50 on whether it was real or slander

Man...The Streisand Effect sooo needs to go into overdrive gear on this issue.

There is literally a war going on right now, ladies and gentlemen - and it's beginning to rage, and rage, and rage harder - between the 99% and the 1%. It's becoming more and more stark and obvious, such that any halfway intelligent person just can't really deny it.

This is a real opportunity for the masses to push back, fight back. We are seeing right in front of our faces that these MSM media outlets are NNNNOOOT on our side and are not there for our best interest.

It's almost like this very moment right here is an opportunity for a significant portion of the population to all wake up to the Matrix and all become veritable Neos - and you can feel (or at least I can feel) the MSM collectively coming together and showing their hand big time as they hunker down and act like the collective representation of Agent Smith, trying to shut the collective consciousness down and keeping it back under the lid of ignorance. The MSM is working hard to make sure and keep the society dumbed down, ignorant, and unaware of something that is looking more and more real the more you study it.

There is a pitch battle going on between "the powers that should never be" and all the people they've been ruling over.

We need to not stop pushing back and not stop trying to educate ourselves to the reality of what's really going on on this planet, folks.


i'm in awe that God searched my heart and found a pizzacutter......

Use it wisely.

thanks....i'm destressing now....this is a lot to take on.

It is indeed a lot to take in and take on. Go through it in small to moderate chunks - piecemeal. Internalize the information slowly. One has to educate themselves about the good, the bad, and the ugly about this planet we live in...and there's a lot of bad and ugly - quite overwhelming it seems sometimes. However, the more we simply keep taking information in and refuse to turn away, the better informed we will be when it comes to making decisions about ourselves, our lives, and everyone around us.


i've been watching clouds in the morning.....

I'd say that can definitely be a good thing to do.

thanks-on account of the jet lag i've not much appetite so i have more time in the morning.

Jet lag? Traveling about?

i'm too old to be part of the take down of the i emigrated.

Oh snap. So you moved out of the country? As in permanently?

If you so, then hey. More power to you.

Realize the influence of TPTB that control this country is global, however, not just national.

All the same, hope things go all the better for you wherever you are.


i'm keeping my head down.....not knowing anything about the local talent.

Fair enough.

I'll be keeping an ongoing list of the bad apples (just like Santa) in journalism from now on. I wonder how big it will get...

It'll be endless.

Ben's next story should be about the coordinated attack on him for reporting about the 💫🏓🍕 story unless he Swann dives off a roof.

This is going to bring more attention to pizzagate

Wasn't it Orwell that coined the term "Newspeak"?

These were all pro Clinton when it counted

Gatekeepers suck!

Key holders rule!

random old Asian dudes rule

All the more reason to believe its real, this is an unprecedented level of organized pushback and censorship against a conspiracy. The left sites are also running a fake narrative claiming Pizzagate to be debunked.. leans into mic WRONG.

but dont forget Donald Trump got pissed on

And the Russians planted videos on the servers too!


You joke, but I wouldnt be surprised if that is the true endgame to all the "Russian hacking" nonsense.

What happens when "Russian hackers" put child porn on every single computer in DC? The waters are instantly muddied, and everybody becomes innocent.

Yep, I remember them putting out a statement about it. The whole Russian narrative is so flimsy...

He's the white R. Kelly.

How does pushback make it any more real? They're right across the board: there is still no evidence for Pizzagate and there never has been. The media is right to try to keep it down, as false accusations can do a huge amount of harm. Some idiot already shot up Comet.

Debunked? Last time I checked everyone everywhere was completely avoiding it

How can they get away with this

Of course he is. Archive the Wikipedia edits and updates so we can compare them to what his Wikipedia entry was before and show how they smeared him with the edits.

at least they fixed that quick, I mean if you had a wiki article I could edit it and make you look bad and it might last on there for a while but if a good wiki person protects it and fixes it then that'd be the system working

Not fixed.

It was reverted only about twenty minutes ago to mach the pizzagate wiki page.

ok yeah I didn't check for myself just saw someone here say it was fixed


I just watched his segment. Can we all support this guy in any way possible.

Whether you believe anything about pizzagate or not that was probably the most unbiased news I have ever seen. I am honestly speechless that this was aired on TV.

This is what real news should look like. Letting a fucking viewer decide for themselves. He only stated something as a fact when it was a proven fact such as an email. Anything that was up for interpretation he put a disclaimer in there.

Which is why he is such a threat to the establishment in the major news networks. He does actual journalism.

most unbiased news I have ever seen


U not from the US?

I made this video as a tribute to people like Ben Swann a tribute to the victims and investigators of Child Trafficking. They basically have risked their entire reputation for exposing the truth. We have to keep fully supporting them. Hope you all enjoy.

I'll repeat what I asked on the Wikipedia thread:

Does anyone know when Ben Swann first mentioned anything to do with reporting on Pizzagate? Like when he first mention he would look into it or began researching it?

There was absolutely no mention of him and any "Sandy Hook conspiracy" at the last edit on the 29th of November 2016:

But then suddenly editor Mvblair pushes in an entire section claiming he supports the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory on the 9th of December 2016:

This looks like a deliberate pre-planned attempt discredit him before his Pizzagate segment.

That Sandy Hook section? Created entirely on random articles that mention vaguely and in passing that he once reported there may have been a second shooter, according to original reports he read.

Which apparently required an entire section to be suddenly included on the 9th of December 2016...despite the articles it's sourced with being from 2013.

who is mvblair does he have a history of coverups on wiki

wiki is controlled by cia folks, I went down it's rabbit hole once.

you can only post stuff with "reliable sources" aka msm fake news.

So after pointing out...

Which apparently required an entire section to be suddenly included on the 9th of December 2016...despite the articles it's sourced with being from 2013.

You reply with a video uploaded on Jan 5, 2013?

Err, I was just trying to find the clip they were referencing in the edit so people could see it. Not trying to prove or disprove anything.

Give him a spot on Fox. Likely higher pay and better visibility.

I felt Ben Swann's piece mostly pointed out how PizzaGate was not fake news but actually came from peoples concerns about the wikileaks and the shady connections that followed. He States multiple times there is no direct evidence of pizzagate, and yet he still gets smeared all over the net.

Yeah, I don't understand it. I'm extremely skeptical of Pizzagate, but there was nothing wrong with his report. It was about as objective as you could get, to be honest.

The washpo article pretty much says "even though swann is a crazy theorist... Even he admits that he sees no evidence this is true"...

Like wtf is wrong with them...

it's like the titanic hitting the iceberg....some people jumping in lifeboat will most people are throwing snowballs.....

That is what I find the most damning, the lack even a remotely serious discussion (aside from Swanns) about it in the media or law enforcement. I am a healthy skeptic of pizzagate but I also feel that there is probably enough circumstantial evidence to, at the very least, warrant an investigation.

It's difficult because there's just so much Pizzagate out there. Seeing some of the claims and their absurdity makes it easy to dismiss. I often say that PG is an exercise in selection bias, but if they can trim the fat (tons of bullshit and partisanship) it will be much, much harder to dismiss it.

Tells you there's something to it.

Not necessarily. It could mean that they've no respect for actual, objective reporting and only have an interest in bashing people because they disagree with them. It's an all too common occurrence with online media. You see it every day with HuffPo, Breitbart, Drudge etc. I know I'm getting off-topic a bit, but I believe our media is feeding the divisions in this country. Ease of access with a pinch of confirmation bias kinda ensures this. I hope this hyper-partisan craze dies off.

Well, I don't see them shutting down sites saying Hillary is a shapeshifting lizard.

Yeah you have to smear a guy who believes Sandy Hook was a hoax...

The coordinated, well-funded attack campaign against anyone who discusses PizzaGate is part of the evidence of it being real. Keep digging!!!!

Do any of you people understand what libel is? Slander?

Ben Swann ran a segment where he presented no evidence whatsoever and accused multiple people of being child rapists. Just because you put a foreword telling people you have no evidence doesn't mean you can slander people on television.

Accusing people of pedophilia and child rape, aka some of the worst crimes imaginable, without any evidence is a horrible thing to do.

What if they are actuallh guilty?

Then you provide evidence and prove it. That's the whole point of justice, and that's exactly what Ben Swann isn't doing.

He never accused anyone of anything. He laid out some suspicious things and clearly said that there were no clear evidence. That it should be investigated.

Don't ever jump anyone for suggesting something like this should be investigated, you might actually be defending pedophiles as a result of your skepticism. Skepticism is healthy, attacking people who suggest investigating potential pedorings, is not.

Then you provide evidence and prove it. That's the whole point of an investigation, and that's exactly what Ben Swann, and others want.

u/LondonCallingYou wants them to be treated with Saville-ity, or just attack accusers until the accused pedo dies, then confirm the story after the fact. This way, no network can get exposed.

Do any of you people understand what libel is? Slander?

Do you?

Ben Swann ran a segment where he presented no evidence whatsoever and accused multiple people of being child rapists.

WRONG. He even stated multiple times there was no proof.

Just because you put a foreword telling people you have no evidence doesn't mean you can slander people on television.

He also stated it at the end, loser.

Accusing people of pedophilia and child rape, aka some of the worst crimes imaginable, without any evidence is a horrible thing to do.

Who exactly did he accuse? And at what point of his segment? I'll wait for the link...

I'm fairly sure that naming the owner of the restaurant and intimating he knows something and the Senator himself could count as an accusation.


FFS CTR, sue for libel, I'll lay my life down on the line just to hear the truth in discovery.

I am extremely skeptical of Pizzagate, but Swann's report was about as objective as you could get. He admits, twice, that there was no hard evidence.

You can think that many of the suppositions in the PG conspiracy are crazy, as I do, but I still think that him being slammed over an objective report is only adding fuel to the fire.

You are a fucking idiot and clearly dont understand what libel or slander means

So bizarre all he did was point out legit facts and ask why it's not being looked into. He even said there is no definitive proof and that there is just something a little strange about the whole thing

This guy used to work at a local station in my city before he was well known and to this day he is the best news reporter I've ever seen around here. I used to watch the news JUST for his reality check segments (he's been doing them for years). It genuinely pisses me off that people are going after him like that. I think this was a perfectly reasonable explanation of the pizzagate issue right now. It is way the fuck out there in terms of believability, but at the same time there are so many coincidental occurances that it is hard to see them all as just coincidence.

He didn't verify or debunk pizzagate, if anything this might (doubt it) put a little more pressure on law enforcement to do their job and investigate.

It is surprising to me the amount of backlash that this conspiracy has gotten. Its ok to talk about human reptiles, underground ufos, the cult, devil worshipping, flat earth theory, chemtrails, government assassinatioms, poedeophilia from other elites around the world, but don't you dare bring up a pedophile conspiracy of our elites cuz alot of our friends in this subreddit don't want to have the conversation.

Just to be clear I dont think pizzagate is a real thing, however Im not cocky enough to pretend I know everything and there are too many dots that connect for me to just completely dismiss the conspiracy outright. It is worthy of a conversation.

I think it is a thing. How else can you explain all that weird shit in the video?

public smearing by the media is pretty easily explained. All media outlets shape the narrative based on theirs viewer / readers preferred political narrative.

if over 60% of the population believed PG was true you would immediately see media change their tune.

According to poles at least 75% of Republicans and 40% of demo believe pizzagate is true

Id have to see the poll and then look at the sample size and who exactly was polled.

then the american empire is falling.....

What was impressive about his take on it, is that he didn't come across as being a fanatic, just a journalist who was looking at clues. He also said that this is circumstantial evidence, but it does warrant further investigation due to the connections involved. If that's what people call crazy, then I don't want to live in any of their versions of a sane world.

plus CBS took the video down. Like do people not realize the overt censorship and smear campaigns only contribute to this theory and do not in any way help to bury it?

I still don't buy into the PizzaGate theory, but all he (Swann) did was report on facts. He made it clear that there is no hard evidence, twice. Attacking him over the story will only give more fuel to those saying that there is a cover-up. Ugh, it makes no fucking sense.

It makes sense in that they're trying to besmirch those that draw public attention closer to the truth (whatever the eventual bottom line is) or conversely, people with vested interests are besmirching him to try and make the it look like a cover up, when really those involved actually ARE innocent.... that seems a little more far fetched though some how than a global pedo ring for the ruling class.

I guess. It just makes zero sense to attack him knowing that it will cause PG followers to react adversely as well as making it appear that they've something to hide. I'm assuming that they really just don't care.

To me it seems more like the actions of the MSM are simply to keep those that don't follow PG, or conspiracies at all, and perhaps even view 'truthers' as absolute nutters, thinking along those lines, It's definitely safe to assume that people like us discussing these things are no where near their demographic, fortunately our side is growing and their demographic is shrinking... unfortunately their demographic is still much larger than the amount of people that would consider themselves 'truthers' or conspiracy theorists or whatever you wanna call it.

Streisand effect in full force rn.

I've never understood why being called a "truther" is an insult.

means you've stepped outside of the tribal mind and are handing out redpills......most people take the bluepill.

I wont give any credence to rebuttals unless they specifically address the points he made in his segment.

Ok so it's a news show about mundane events like emails about cheese pizza and is not intended to incriminate anyone. Somehow I don't feel like the one struggling.

He is a conspiracy theorist and a former propagandist for Russia Today

What's rather sad is that you pretend to be a Ben swann expert and apparently know nothing about him. He is a republican who worked with the racists and anti-semites at the Republic Broadcasting Network and the American Freedom Party where he pushed 9-11 and sandy hook conspiracies. The idea that he is objective is absurd. You are clearly so desperate to hang on to this conspiracy you're ignoring these facts. The reason you won't get this investigation is because they just can't issue warrants and kick in doors based on emails about cheese pizza just to satisfy some crazy conspiracy theorists.

He just posted up on Facebook that his page will be going dark Feb. 1st.

but dont forget Donald Trump got pissed on

I offered to do that if they made me a mod actually but yeah mods here are comrpomised

You believe that our government officials are involved in a massive child sex trafficking ring and you can't be specific about the evidence that led you to that conclusion? You amuse me.

Yep, I remember them putting out a statement about it. The whole Russian narrative is so flimsy...

Everybody needs to see this. Understand that its not farfetched for government officials to sex traffic children. Either the Russians hacked them or the emails are made up, CTR you can't use both narratives. And let's not forget the conversations about Dennis Hastert in the emails, how after Anthony Weiner's laptop got seized the FBI made the LARGEST CHILD TRAFFICKING BUST IN U.S. HISTORY, and Jimmy Saville having the BBC and NYT get caught trying to cover up his sex with children. R.I.P. Seth Rich.

How does pushback make it any more real? They're right across the board: there is still no evidence for Pizzagate and there never has been. The media is right to try to keep it down, as false accusations can do a huge amount of harm. Some idiot already shot up Comet.

Not fixed.

It was reverted only about twenty minutes ago to mach the pizzagate wiki page.

Yeah, I don't understand it. I'm extremely skeptical of Pizzagate, but there was nothing wrong with his report. It was about as objective as you could get, to be honest.

ok yeah I didn't check for myself just saw someone here say it was fixed

And you have? If it's been debunked so thoroughly then you should have no problem pointing it out yet you've shown absolutely nothing but your own bile. Where have the Saudi evacuations been proven to not happen? Let's start simple for you.

It is indeed a lot to take in and take on. Go through it in small to moderate chunks - piecemeal. Internalize the information slowly. One has to educate themselves about the good, the bad, and the ugly about this planet we live in...and there's a lot of bad and ugly - quite overwhelming it seems sometimes. However, the more we simply keep taking information in and refuse to turn away, the better informed we will be when it comes to making decisions about ourselves, our lives, and everyone around us.
