Why Trump is bad for us

60  2017-01-19 by [deleted]

Trump is for the police state. He's not anti establishment. He's friends with Hillary, and Bill too. Trump is buddies with Michael Bloomberg and other establishment figures. His secretary of defense is aggressive towards Russia, and the zionist Trump is gonna increase the Israeli influence in US politics. His cabinet is filled with Goldman Sachs executives, and at least one of them (Trump's secretary of the treasury) is even a member of Skull & Bones. Trump is flip flopping; he can't be trusted. He's a NOT a working class hero on the side of the Average Joe. He's against Snowden and other whistleblowers, since he's, as mentioned already, for the police state.

Oh, and remember that criticizing him or his fans, is (supposedly) concern trolling.

The MSM used reverse psychology to get the working class to vote for this billionaire zionist, and they continue to use it now. The MSM narrative claims the CIA (and the rest of the evil intelligence community) is out to "get" Trump because he's so "anti establishment". They even claim there's a chance he'll be assassinated. He won't, because he's Israel's and Goldman Sachs' candidate. A lot of conspiracy theorists were tricked into thinking Trump is "anti establishment", thanks to clever use of reverse psychology by the MSM -- plus Trump endorsements from Alex Jones and other controlled opposition figures in the "alternative" media scene.

The inauguration will go as planned, and Trump won't be assassinated.


It's good to see some Trump conspiracies up in here. It blows my mind how people are spinning their wheels over Pizzagate, meanwhile there is a treasure trove of conspiracies concerning Trump...and yet, it barely even gets acknowledged here.

Pizzagate seems like a distraction by Trump supporters to ignore the bigger picture.

Trump is getting plenty of negative coverage from all forms of media. There's even lots of negative posts here on /r/conspiracy.

Not nearly as much as you would expect, considering the information that has come out in the last few weeks.

Go look at the thread claiming he met with a Russian business oligarch. Most of the top comments are simply dismissing it outright.

This sub is full of idiots

Most of them are Useful Idiots; victims of psychological manipulation unaware that they are being used. A few of them, however, have proven to be Wilful Idiots fully aware that they are being used but going along with it anyway because they think they know what they're being used for. They don't.

When was the last time we had a good president? JFK probably? We've had shit leaders for years, but you're acting as if Trump is somehow different from them. Of course it's no surprise that pizzagate gets so much attention here. That's a thousand times bigger than another puppet coming into office. So stop pretending like pizzagate is a non-story and that Trump is the first puppet we've had to deal with

Here comes the distractions. While we've wailed about every other President incessantly, but Trump deserves a pass because he's 'just as bad at the others'.

Should Pizzagate be ignored completely? I don't think so. Should it take uo 90% of the front page while we have a presidency ripe with an unprecedented amount of legitimate conspiracy concerns? Nope.

Unfortunately, this subreddit is not longer /r/conspiracy, it's /r/Pizzagate and /r/The_Donald.

The problem is that there's only so much we can discuss until he's actually in office and starts doing things. We already know that many of his cabinet picks are awful and that he seems to have a hard-on for Israel. Should the majority of the posts on this sub continue to talk about these issues without any new facts coming to light? The story yesterday about the Russian oligarch was new information and it got a lot of traction. So what exactly are you complaining about?

The problem is that there's only so much we can discuss until he's actually in office and starts doing things.

No there's not. He's literally had an unprecedented amount of information and 'scandals' released and discussed...and he hasn't even taken office yet.

The story yesterday about the Russian oligarch was new information and it got a lot of traction. So what exactly are you complaining about?

One thread, and interestingly, almost all the top comments are dismissing it for "not enough proof", meanwhile this sub continues to circlejerk about a single topic with little to no proof as well (Pizzagate).

Do you know what's a thousand times bigger than lurid allegations of paedophilia backed up by circumstantial evidence that appeals to specific demographics? A Saudi spy sending State Dept. emails to a personal Yahoo email address directly from Hillary's private server.

The conspiracy community is, broadly speaking, a group of investigators and "free-thinkers" that have spent decades uncovering and detailing government and corprate secrets. For decades, conspiracy theorists have been poring over government documents and reading obscure books, researching and studying, trying to gain as much knowledge on a given topic as they can so that they can properly understand what happened and reveal their truth to all who will listen. In return for their efforts they have been painted as Kazynski-looking krazies to distract from the facts. Over the years, a fairly linear narrative has emerged of US government activities involving oil, "regime change", and the arms trade that has little, if anything, to do with partisan politics. The Bush dynasty's connections to the CIA, Saudi Arabia and terrorism are relatively well-known but it isn't just one family, or even one party, it's the government itself.

Given all the things that conspiracy theorists have uncovered over the years, including but not limited to government connectiins to 9/11, and knowing the tactics used to denigrate them, what can we make of the extraordinarily sudden change of direction the investigations into the emails took right at the same time people started asking questions about Huma Abedin's "Insurance" folder? An anonymous user on 4chan, claiming to be a member of the FBI, told everyone that there was information in those documents that would bring everyone and everything down but he didn't say what that information was. Instead of further looking into a Saudi woman with alleged family ties to terrorism sending State Dept emails from Hillary's private server to her own private address (as in it was literally something like H_Abedin at yahoo), possibly during a period when Yahoo got hacked, the conspirosphere suddenly got obssessed with pizza.

Conspiracy Theory is a complex game of moves and counter-moves with few rules and the highest of stakes. What is something that could "bring everything down"? What is more likely to be a distraction narrative? A smoking gun for the biggest political scandal in American history, if not the world, involving millions of deaths, trillions of oil & arms dollars, terrorism, regime change, and both sides of politics over a period of decades? Or is it a suspiciously partisan secret paedophile network that rapes and sacrifices babies for ritual cannibalism in the name of Satan? According to the forum sliders, if it's not pizza it's a distraction because They don't want you investigating what's truly important.

PG represents cognitive dissonance, imo. I got banned yesterday for making a joke about ordering pizza. That's ridiculous.

The fact is that Trump is the most flawed candidate in modern history, and he comes with a ton of corruption and baggage. People do not want to believe that, so they cling to something else, in this case PG. It allows them to ignore reality for the moment. It won't last.

The irony of course, is that human sex trafficking is a major problem, which probably does reach deep into politics. But, sadly, the victims are not what PG is about.

We will always have a Zionist that is an Israeli lap dog as our president, you need to know that no matter how much we try, that wont change, because the narrative and agenda aren't in our control. I think most people want Trump for the simple fact that he isnt Hillary.

Honestly, I trusted Sanders - a Jew - to be tougher with Israel than Trump or Clinton.

me as well, and thats how you can tell that the agenda and narrative are still in play.

And I don't know what's scarier, the out in the open taunting by appointees that could obviously not give a fuck about America, or the outright pro Israeli rhetoric of the alt-right. At least past administrations pretended they had Israel on a tight leash.

the religious aspect is scarier to me because of whats been done in history in the name of religion

Alt-Right is certainly not pro Israel.

Your candidate is and many of his appointees are as well. Openly pro-Israel

Trump is not my candidate, and he is not Alt Right.

Sure the Alt Right were happy to see him in over Hillary. That does not make him Alt-Right.

Otherwise he would have disowned his daughter.

If you want a non pro-Israel president you need a military intervention to break their influence on the US society. Are you really that naive to not get that?

Nope, I welcome it actually.

" I think most people want Trump for the simple fact that he isnt Hillary."

That's about right. I just plan to refer to him as "president Not Hillary".

i like POTUSNH

I love it! I hope this sticks with him...it's so much more honest than the infallible wonderful "outsider" he's been portrayed to be.

President Not Hillary is something I can actually bring myself to call him without feeling like the country's turned into a giant joke

I think most people want Trump for the simple fact that he isnt Hillary.


yeah, i think most people on here are overthinking it.

i voted for him cuz i want to see it all burn to the ground, war, collapse, destruction, then rise anew phoenix from the ashes. Unhinge your mind Donnie T, tell it like it is!!!

Downvoted As this isn't a political thread. If your conspiracy is that he has status quo cabinet members, we all know, everyone knows.

Go back and read it again.

So he won't be assassinated?

u/lordrothschild wrote

Trump is being used as a wedge to increase the gap and hostilities between the politically correct multiculturalists -- and the angry working class commoners. The point of his candidacy is to instigate an "American Spring", a civil war in America. The Illuminati might fake a Trump assassination, or they might assassinate him for real (or someone else might kill him anyway (a lot of people truly hate him)). Either way, there will be a massive civil war in America this September/October, coinciding with WW3 in the Middle East, a truly immense migrant invasion of Europe -- and the biggest financial crisis in the history of mankind.

At least you stopped saying Trump was supposed to rollover for Hillary. Still posting the exact same photos a year on.

Maybe it's time for you to head over to r/nba and post pics of him with Shaq and say Trump's not really a Knicks supporter.

Yes, I've been wrong in some predictions, and I've even changed my mind about Trump.

politically correct multiculturalists -- and the angry working class commoners

False dichotomy

Whoops, guess I need to disregard all the points lordrothschild raised and justified in the submission, now.

That said, thanks for the laughs. That quote is genuinely hilarious.

Politics and politicians are bad for us, point blank period.

What about government as a whole?

Ultimately I don't think we need any system based on hierarchy

Can we all stick to our narratives please

Trump is flip flopping; he can't be trusted.

Comparing his stances as a businessman to his political stances does show differences.

He's a NOT a working class hero

Appears he's a billionaire who supports the working class hero.

He's against Snowden and other whistleblowers,

All government officials should take leaks seriously.

for the police state.

“I support legislation which allows the NSA to hold the bulk metadata. For oversight, I propose that a court, which is available any time on any day, is created to issue individual rulings on when this metadata can be accessed.”

Full Quote:

Donald Trump: The real estate magnate, who says he is seriously mulling the race, told The Daily Signal that he supports the court ruling. With an eye for “proper oversight,” Trump said, Obama and top congressional Republicans “should work together to make a program which the public can support.”

Trump added:

I support legislation which allows the NSA to hold the bulk metadata. For oversight, I propose that a court, which is available any time on any day, is created to issue individual rulings on when this metadata can be accessed.

Seeing the Freak-out at Davos this week convince me that he is the real deal!

Do we know if he is part of a secret society? Not knocking or defending him but it's interesting if he is not, first time and a long time we have had a non-secret society president.

this is actually the only valuable question raised in this thread

What society was Obama in?

Not sure, was wondering that as well.

so you have no problem making the statement that if Trump is not, then he will be the first time in a long time that the President was not a member of a secret society, and then you continue on to say that you have no idea if the current president is. So what justification are you using to make that statement about Trump, other than not knowing if Trump is and not knowing if Obama is?

It was a passing thought I had dude. I don't know if Obama was, didn't realize I didn't know until /u/ihopeitsround asked me which one he was in?

So my first question/statement might be messed up but I still wonder if he is in one.

my point was that you werent really asking, you were making the definitive statement followed up by stating that you are not even sure about the last president.

This is what others use as ammo to discredit us. People make false claims and state them as fact, and then people come in and say "look its all fake, look how stupid this one comment is!"

So instead of discussing what I was saying your picking it apart. I commented on the thread in a meeting at work half thinking about it. Seeing as how you're the 2nd person to interact with my comment all day I don't think the community will take a huge hit from it.

It should have been he's one of the only that wasn't in a secret society. But again I typed it quickly in passing so you don't need to be a fucking asshole about it.

Downvote and move on man you're really making something out of literally nothing.

the muslim one

For that matter, which one is Bill Clinton a member of?


Not familiar with that acronym

The CIA society and the nation of Islam.

Oh lawdy. Yeah, Obama sure is a vocal critic of interracial marriage, just like the Nation of Islam dictates and forbids.

In my mind it's very simple: If he doesn't do anything about Hillary starting tomorrow, then he's bad for us.

George Webb has an EXCELLENT video series that explains why it's best that Trump does NOT go after Hillary directly, but basically disassembles all of her sources of power through the F-35 program, South China Sea, and other issues.

Regarding TheGhostOfDusty's comment below, he also touches on why Betsy DeVos is the education secretary (which is to get close access to Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater)


He is your president http://i.imgur.com/tzh901f.jpg

The bootlicking is real

Just a fact of life


Very good post OP, thank you.

The MSM used reverse psychology to get the working class to vote for this billionaire zionist, and they continue to use it now.

I further develop how this was done in this post, if you're interested.

So, what's the conspiracy?

When it comes to the devil you know vs. the devil you don't know Trump is actually the better known devil whose own devilish exploits are all pretty well known and small potatoes compared to both the known and suspected deviltry the Clintons have gotten up to.

He also doesn't have a whole whack of former friends, associates, and people close to him that have all met untimely ends under very unusual circumstances, to say the least.

Trump may be bad but the Clintons are clearly far more sinister and deadly in how they go about things. They are also greedy and ambitious in way that Trump simply isn't, he's far too vainglorious so the taxpayers will still get ripped off but not nearly as badly and they'll actually get something for it instead of just some more bad news about tons of money that seems to have completely vanished into thin air that no one in government can seem to explain.

It's astonishing to me that people want to get money out of politics by electing a man who lives in a golden skyscraper. I'm completely frustrated with the entire system but Trump is FAR from an outsider. Good to see some sense in this sub.

I would like to hoard gold in a skyscraper if I knew that the economic collapse was on its way

Your candidate is and many of his appointees are as well. Openly pro-Israel

yeah, i think most people on here are overthinking it.

i voted for him cuz i want to see it all burn to the ground, war, collapse, destruction, then rise anew phoenix from the ashes. Unhinge your mind Donnie T, tell it like it is!!!

I would like to hoard gold in a skyscraper if I knew that the economic collapse was on its way